Kirby Copy Ability Slander
8 ай бұрын
@n1nj4l1nk 3 күн бұрын
The best place to put fib is slightly after an item box so the item box blocks the fib from view. It means the person that hit it will get an item by the time they start moving again so can also slow other people down.
@Slydaa7 5 күн бұрын
??? the fake item box is a failed design. there is a reason it's not in mk8d
@KoffeeB 9 күн бұрын
Hecc you *Unitems your box*
@treythetrusting4954 9 күн бұрын
What I really think is a nice detail is that becaause coffee bean isn't selected the night plants are grayed out!
@Togata. 10 күн бұрын
@aralndinozordunyas720 16 күн бұрын
Neon mixtape tour be like:
@FrankEShaw05 18 күн бұрын
I think people forget in a game like mario kart its ok to have bad items (bad as in not useful) in the game in order to balance the meta. The existence of the fib in mkwii encourages first place to be more aggressive by placing traps instead of being able to hold defensive items behind you the whole game and keep another defensive item in reserve, which makes front running a lot more tense and risky as you are not guaranteed to get a defensive item so you have to take a few risks. Mk8d on the other hand is a lot more defensive in first place as the double items slots and lack of a fib mean you are basically guaranteed some defensive item and even if you get a coin (closest thing to a fib) while you dont get any defence you only increase your own max speed, making the meta less about engaging with other players and more about driving the track which i personally find less fun.
@waiyon1951 16 күн бұрын
Huh so thats why i thought fake box can block shells after 64. I never knew they can’t in wii etc
@greninjamariokartpokemonfan 7 күн бұрын
​@@waiyon1951They also can't be used for defense in Double Dash or DS.
@frozenover_exe 22 күн бұрын
While I do love the points you brought up, one minor nitpick I have is that it would’ve been nice to at least name drop the two other pieces of unintentional tech you mentioned for people to look them up. While I’m very familiar with Minecraft’s quasi-connectivity (which fun fact, was actually patched out before being patched back in as an intended feature due to backlash), the Splatoon tech you mentioned went completely over my head and I have no way to look it up now
@UDUC 22 күн бұрын
that's a good point, i should've mentioned them by name. the splatoon tech i'm referring to is substrafing, where by holding the sub weapon button (r) while swimming in ink, you can turn around much faster
@pokerfaceproductions1010 22 күн бұрын
You are wrong because i say so >:(
@moth_farmer 23 күн бұрын
Mega mushroom and ice flower/or fake item box for 8 deluxe, please!
@behindthepickle 23 күн бұрын
If you wanna reduce the saliva clicking in the future, I’ve found it helpful to greatly reduce my mic sensitivity while recording, and then boost the volume in post. And of course, if you don’t have a pop filter, you should probably get a pop filter.
@UDUC 23 күн бұрын
i diy'd a pop filter a couple days ago, and it's been helping a little bit with unrelated stuff. i'll try the lower mic sensitivity though! thank you for the advice! /gen
@TheUnscathedFairy 23 күн бұрын
Fake item box > Coin item
@PandaJerk007 24 күн бұрын
Reading the comments here tells me all I need to know. Sure the fake item box is a functional hazard you can place, but that doesn't excuse how much I hate it. The whole concept feels like a wasted opportunity. It might as well be a "Jumbo Banana". A fake item box should make you feel like a trickster. It should be hard to tell apart from regular item boxes, and it should do something confusing like inverse your steering. The fake item box is the most boring and lame item ever. I thought Nintendo was supposed to be a creative company. But my 30 seconds writing this comment I was more creative.
@UDUC 24 күн бұрын
i implore you to watch the second half of the video, which goes over a more overlooked aspect of the item
@PandaJerk007 24 күн бұрын
@@UDUC hmm, thanks I may check it out!
@pokemonduck 24 күн бұрын
I would rather have a fake item box than a coin... one of the most useless and frustrating items in the game for sure
@pokemonduck 24 күн бұрын
Perfectly placing fake item boxes inside real ones never got old :D
@williamfrieden1 25 күн бұрын
Nice video, interesting for sure with the fake item box, makes total sense, anyways, keep it up!
@ObsoIeteQuality 25 күн бұрын
I wouldn't have minded the fake item box in Mario Kart Wii if placing 2nd in an online race didn't deduct over 70 VR when 1st gives me only +7.
@UDUC 25 күн бұрын
idk what was up with vr in mkwii it was crazy
@Ereaserguy 25 күн бұрын
i always placed fake item boxes behind normal item boxes
@tophatgeo 25 күн бұрын
really good and thorough analysis! what was the minecraft and splatoon bugs-turned-features that you mentioned? Only guess I have for redstone was something related to tick speed.
@UDUC 25 күн бұрын
for minecraft: quasi-connectivity, where redstone components will sometimes get powered despite not being physically connected for splatoon: substrafing, you can hold the sub weapon button (r) while swimming back and forth and it'll let you turn around much faster, letting you change direction much easier
@whispycake64 25 күн бұрын
mkwiis item system being... balanced? i love wii bc i grew up with it but like, no 😭
@whispycake64 25 күн бұрын
great video tho! never thought abt the fake item box from this perspective
@UDUC 25 күн бұрын
i'll probably make a dedicated video for mkwii's item balance but trust me, it is actually more balanced than other mario kart games (it's not perfect, not by any means, but it is more balanced than its competition)
@carrie_is_gay 25 күн бұрын
counter point: the coin item may leave you vulnerable to attack, but it does at least help you recover if you get hit.
@Радомир-ь7з 26 күн бұрын
The best
@ashleyblack7419 26 күн бұрын
Before watching the vid: my strat's always been to place the fakes as close to real item boxes as possible, preferably within some, made them much harder to spot and avoiding them sometimes made people miss out on actual items.
@MusTheFan 26 күн бұрын
The design of the fake item box is that it is bad.
@UDUC 26 күн бұрын
it's bad if you think of it as a defensive item, but it's great if you think of it as an item that prevents people from taking ideal paths
@MusTheFan 26 күн бұрын
It's worse at that role than it's peers. the design of it should be that it's bad as it's meant to be schlock which wastes an item box for first place so that they cannot further their lead, but it fails at this as 1. You can still screw someone over with it as they get close or enter a narrow road, and 2. Even in first it's weighted far below good items like peels and shells, so it's influence is rarely felt. The coin does a better job at stopping runaways as it's both really unhelpful and very highly weighted for players near the front, which means more often than not they will have to rely on driving to further their lead rather than items.
@UDUC 26 күн бұрын
i don't agree. the coin lacking a lot of utility doesn't make the game more fair, it just makes you feel helpless in 1st. meanwhile, the fake item box being able to affect the people behind you means you can still fight back while in 1st. you're still vulnerable, but you aren't a sitting duck with a fake item box, whereas you are with a coin. the coin appearing more often just means there's no mystery to what you're going to get from an item box, since even if you get something other than a coin in your first item slot, it's still extremely likely that you'll get a coin in your second item slot anyway. the fake item box could appear at any time, and that's a mind game 1st needs to play into in order to stay ahead. it having the chance that it does means its influence is felt all the time, because you're taking a gamble every time you hit an item box. 20% doesn't sound like a lot, but that's every fifth item set. and, like, what do you mean the coin forces 1st to rely more on driving? no, it doesn't. red shells don't care how good you're driving in mario kart 8, if they're going to hit you, they're going to hit you regardless. plus, the fact that the only way to guarantee protection in 1st in mario kart 8 is to already have a coin, that means it quite literally forces you to rely on an item to get a different defensive item. the fake item box allows for skill expression, which includes driving. the coin simply doesn't, because the skill ceiling for the coin is far lower than that of the fake item box.
@MusTheFan 26 күн бұрын
@@UDUC the red shells also don't care about your fake item box. I don't think the coin does make you helpless, I think it makes getting into first a more deliberate maneuver due to its high weight in first encouraging item smuggling. This again emphasises good driving as you want to avoid using items to get to first, and instead keep them while moving up places so that you can exploit a well earnt advantage later in the race. I think the coin does a really good job shifting the probability of winning away from being luck based due to poor item rolls and further towards being skill based as it promotes more careful item management and better driving (not that I think the lever should ever be fully pushed in either direction, it wouldn't be mario kart without a little tomfoolery)
@TheApoke 26 күн бұрын
4:56 what is the dplatoon glitch that became a feature? Squid rolling?
@UDUC 26 күн бұрын
sub strafing! if you hold the sub weapon button (r) while swimming back and forth in a stretch of ink, you turn much faster than usual
@apayauq 26 күн бұрын
these can be placed directly on top of or slightly behind an item box, making that item box unavailable except if you take the hit! they can also be tricky to see there
@deadinphantomile 26 күн бұрын
drink some water before recording bro
@binarycat1237 27 күн бұрын
i didn't think the item chance was that much less... noone traps in 8dx..
@adicsbtw 27 күн бұрын
wait what unintended movement mechanic is there in splatoon? I haven't played since the original, so I'm super out of the loop lol
@UDUC 27 күн бұрын
it's called substrafing! if you hold down the sub weapon button (r) and swim back and forth in a stretch of ink, you end up changing directions much faster o: afaik in splatoon 1 there are certain sub weapons that can't do this, which is because it was initially unintended, but then nintendo actually made it a real mechanic in splatoon 2 by making sure every sub weapon could do it
@shieldon530 27 күн бұрын
Item boxes are basically little gambling opportunities to ask the devs and chance to give you smth useful. Sometimes if u don’t need the extra advantage the answer you receive is just a “no” or “return to sender” and the item box basically expires/hard locks and becomes a big piece of junk that won’t spit out items, but since it’s semi tangible it can be useful if you’re creative
@nucg5040 27 күн бұрын
honestly, respect for not only having sources on this, but like actually numbering them
@UDUC 27 күн бұрын
i watched hbomberguy's plagiarism video recently and decided to make absolutely sure i cite my sources /srs
@djangel3108 27 күн бұрын
I don’t remember seeing it much but the fake item box is one of my favourite items since the whole concept of traps and creatures that mimic loot to lure people in ha salways been cool to me. I also see a lot of people pointing out how MKWii nerfed it too the ground, I honestly want to see this come back with the MKWii nerf reverted so it looks like an Item box but with an upside-down question mark, only getting a red tint when your close! I'd also like to propose a uniqe BUFF to it, so that if you pick up an item box that would give you nothing due to your inventory being full (or a double one only giving you 1 item due tk having 1 in your inventory already), BUT you have a fake item box in stock, the fake Item box places itself in place of the item box you just ran through, so people who aren't really close to you won't notice, maybe even have a doubled version or have the fake item box be able to disguise as a double item box to trip people up even more!
@Engreth564 27 күн бұрын
This was in the MKDS days, but it used to look very similar to regular item boxes, and it also had a nice little skill you could learn with it. Something I did as a kid that my friends hated me so much for, was I'd hang onto my fake item boxes and drop them right on top of one of the central real item boxes. They blend in super well, and if you did it right, it was nearly impossible to see the fake mystery box inside the real one.
@coreybananas 27 күн бұрын
At the start of the video I thought this was just cope but you're kinda right lmao, good video.
@THEEJONESY 28 күн бұрын
i love the fake item box, PLS BRING IT BACK
@fernoagent8581 28 күн бұрын
when i was younger i used to put those down in the real item box's so you couldn't see it was fake
@Cookiedragon007 28 күн бұрын
IS THIS A GAME? Because it looks cool
@UDUC 28 күн бұрын
unfortunately it is not a game, just a musical cover and some art made by my gf o:
@thecrimsoncreep6665 28 күн бұрын
It's funny because, in MKWii, on team mode, the blue team had a slight advantage as the blue fake item box is far harder to tell apart from the real one than the red.
@Adriethyl 28 күн бұрын
I'm a fan of the DS version, sans the red icon on the touch screen (making it super easy to notice) With the resolution of the DS screens you might not notice in time that it has no question mark, I personally think the upside down mark on other titles make it really easy to notice. I don't think it'd work on Mk8 tracks though
@some_goomba 28 күн бұрын
I did think that this item didn't work as well as one would've hoped before, even if it became a staple of the series, but I love the positive light that you've shone on it! I now have a new appreciation for the Fake Item Box! :D
@bismyan1019 29 күн бұрын
This is nice ASMR content. /gen
@the_banshee6708 29 күн бұрын
Next Mario Kart better get rid of the coin and bring the fib back.
@DanilegoPlays 29 күн бұрын
I fell for this ALL THE TIME in Mario Kart DS. I swear I fell for my own fake item box sometimes
@FrogInShorts 29 күн бұрын
Sorry but I have to comment on the overly salivated mouth sounds
@UDUC 29 күн бұрын
sorry ;; i didn't realize how bad it was until after i uploaded it, future videos will have better audio quality
@FrogInShorts 28 күн бұрын
@@UDUC I'll subscribe for more cause I really liked everything else