@user-tk3xv1xh4g 7 ай бұрын
Hola amigo, impresionante el bicho. Yo tengo un 214 y ando muy tentado de subir a un 220 turbo, si me puedes comentar si hay algo en particular que pueda dar problemas y debería prestarle atención a la hora de buscar uno.
@ninomontenegro3497 2 жыл бұрын
Es una bestia !
@ninomontenegro3497 2 жыл бұрын
En 4ta no mas que bestia el tomcat !
@justinjones1015 2 жыл бұрын
Love these cars 👌🏻
@albertaco24 2 жыл бұрын
Hola saludos desde León, lamento ver el video tantos años más tarde, me gustan los clásicos aunque tengo 2 rs turbos y soy de Ford, siempre me gustaron estos rover antiguos, estoy pensando en conseguir una unidad que merezca la pena el 220 turbo no ya que se me va se precio en estos tiempos, pero jamás pensé que el 220 GSI aceleraría así.. Los amigos me recomiendan el 216 GTI con motor honda.. Pero quiero algo para no ir al Corte todo el rato y que ande y no gaste la gasolinera ya que he visto los consumos de los motores hondas .. Y tienen que ir muy altos de vueltas ya que el par lo dan muy arriba que me recomiendas? Estoy entre 216 GTI o 220 gsi o GTI o el coupe no se muy bien la diferencia, aunque el 3 puertas es precioso y el que tiene techo tipo targa tb un saludo.
@info4jon 2 жыл бұрын
Hola, pues yo prefiero el version de tres puertas, porque el coupe es menos rigido, problemas con el techo solar, maletero terrble menos piezas y tal... El motor honda consume menos que el 220Gsi. El 220 es mas relajado de verrdad y es mas rapido, pero como dices siempre te hace sntir que tienes que correr conm el al limite... pero el motor tiene menos problemas tambien. Acabo de vender mu coupe turbo que ves un el otro video en mi canal por 3900e.
@albertaco24 2 жыл бұрын
@@info4jon si la verdad que mientras menos problemas den mejor,he leído que el d16a9 en el rover 216gti que se quedaban sin aceite y también daban problemas, ando buscando una unidad para disfrutar y usar para ir al trabajo un tramo de 25-35km diario, entonces en 3p que recomiendas tu que has tenido varios un 216 con motor honda o un 220 gsi? Saludos, el rover turbo es una pasada jeje
@info4jon 2 жыл бұрын
@@albertaco24 he tenido un 214 si un 216gti DOHC (1990 sin catalizador) un 220 gsi, un 220 gti, y un coupe gsi turbo.. Si fuera posible, yo elegeria el turbo pero con 3 puertas... pero no hay en España... El motor honda es lo mas fiable y no pierde aceite como los motores de Rover... creo que yo compraria el honda si no vas a comprar el turbo
@leonardonatale9766 3 жыл бұрын
I have before that car. The engine is the best, acceleration is very impressive.
@bezelyesevenordek 8 ай бұрын
how often do you maintain or go to car service with your car? how reliable it is i want to ask
@ob4509 5 жыл бұрын
awesome price for performance car i have to say.. hard to beat!
@markfox1238 5 жыл бұрын
Had so many of these over the years, Cosworth and Subaru eaters. Next time dont go so close to red line as your power line dips loads towards red line. Try clutch slipping through each gear too have the turbo spooled right up ready before every gear change. People doing the civic B-16 conversions on them now but ive always preferred the T-16. You got a flying machine there buddy
@sksksskskks8818 8 жыл бұрын
@robbob3717 8 жыл бұрын
What was the loud squeaking near the end? Also, is it running standard PSI? im quite interested as im buying one soon.
@info4jon 8 жыл бұрын
+rob bob Hi Rob, im pretty sure this had the standard boost controller on at he time, i have a gizzmo electronic one now in the cab, but i only set it to the psi that was output by the original, when i tested it the max psi registered was 12.2psi, so i set this to the same but it has it throughout the rev range, the original limits it at low rpm to protect the gearbox, that has benn rebuilt though now with steel caged bearings so it can handle the extra torque low down. The whistling noise are the coupe windows, happens a lot, they need new seals or realigning.. Doesn't happen at normal speeds anyway so its not really an issue.
@info4jon 8 жыл бұрын
+rob bob Just checked my comments, yes that was the original boost controller, changing it to get full boost lower down does make it feel much nicer, but its harder to drive as you have to have a very very light foot.
@info4jon 8 жыл бұрын
No, no snow except if it was a freak happening, rain is extremely rare. Lots of shops and there are also major supermarkets. Nice town to visit
@maanyy007 9 жыл бұрын
200 PS maschine oder
@gokhanozek9131 10 жыл бұрын
Demijmbi vidio.isledim.bmw 3.25 cakal.kasa.4 dakkada.ciktigi ibre 220 rver 20 saniyede cikio oda araba oda araba sevgili bmw severler
@xritaly 10 жыл бұрын
Very underrated car.
@sinodeenodoursolutions4871 10 жыл бұрын
Very impressive!!! 60k hits too!!!
@info4jon 10 жыл бұрын
Yeah, need a few more, lol. Used to come up first page if u googled the car... Not anymore...
@spechtbert 11 жыл бұрын
stfu bitch
@info4jon 11 жыл бұрын
Yeah, worst bit is where the seal meets the wing mirror corner. Makes a dent in it over time as the rubber gets less flexible. Doesn't leak until about 135 kph though. Must be a fix...
@MattPorterWD 11 жыл бұрын
The rubbers perish around the doors. Mine used to do that too.
@olleberggrenwallsten8421 11 жыл бұрын
I fucking love this acceleration gonna buy myself one of these next weekend xD and tbh the marque is the best for a fellow that live in sweden xD
@vesli8 4 жыл бұрын
Olle Berggren Wallsten I owe one, but non turbo, despite the car is fast :)
@spechtbert 11 жыл бұрын
nice but will it blend?
@34REDCOW34 11 жыл бұрын
@info4jon 11 жыл бұрын
very few here too...
@jimvtecgreece 11 жыл бұрын
Shame...anyways, very nice car! Very few coupes here in Greece.
@info4jon 11 жыл бұрын
Almost stock, has scorpoin mid and backbox, and a Gizzmo IBC-R Electronic boost controller. Thats all I think. Wind noise,, yep windows where closed, all 220 coupes suffer from that at high speeds unfortunately... Worst part is where the mirror meets the rubber door seal
@jimvtecgreece 11 жыл бұрын
Very good acceleration for a stock 220! Why so much wind noise? Closed windows?
@info4jon 2 жыл бұрын
Window seals needed changing, was fine after i fitted new ones.
@iliketobathify 11 жыл бұрын
holy crap that thing rocks while getting past 5,5k
@info4jon 11 жыл бұрын
Uploaded on 26 May 2010 Rover turbo acceleration, pretty much standard except for 4th and 5th gear. Had to slow down quickly at 220 since its a short run...
@info4jon 11 жыл бұрын
so how do you explain the wind noise after 200KPH from the windows as all the rover coupe turbos suffer from?
@spale999 3 жыл бұрын
it's not from the windows, it comes from the big sunroof
@info4jon 3 жыл бұрын
@@spale999 HI, no this was the passenger window seal, I changed the rubber and it was perfect after :)
@ardarraghacc03 11 жыл бұрын
That looks mote like its on an axel stand
@info4jon Жыл бұрын
so how do you explain the wind noise after 200KPH from the windows as all the rover coupe turbos suffer from?
@mehmetbey5619 11 жыл бұрын
96 sı vardı bende.Eşi Yoktur bu arabanın...Bir çok spor araçtan daha iyi bir hızlanmaya sahip..The Best TomCat..
@info4jon 12 жыл бұрын
Saludos de España..
@loslfm 12 жыл бұрын
Buenos Aires Argentina.
@info4jon 12 жыл бұрын
Gracias. De donde eres?
@loslfm 12 жыл бұрын
Que maquina, la verdad es una belleza!
@info4jon 13 жыл бұрын
@glamfusion Que codigo lleva la caja original? Deberia estar una pegatina con el codigo, si empieza con k7, es el mismo que lo que tengo ahora (aparte de la segunda que yo cambie) La velocidad maxima no estoy cierto, llega a 240kph a 5900rpm (cuentakilometros) y pienso que siga mas pero no hay manera de probarlo. PSI, el coche lleva el contralador original y no tengo indicador de psi, pero voy a conseguir uno. De fabrica deberia estar entre 6 y 11.7psi dependiente de la temperatura del aire.
@info4jon 13 жыл бұрын
@glamfusion no debes de pasar 12psi con los pistones originales porque la temperatura del aire sube demasiado (y no ganas potencia con el turbo original, ya que esta a su maximo) y los pistones queman.
@info4jon 13 жыл бұрын
@glamfusion Es una cosa de preferencia personal, yo prefiero las velocidades mas largas de la caja original, ya que las de las 620ti son muy cortas y hay que darle mas revoluciones en la quinta para quedar en la misma velocidad. Si no lo utilzas en la autovia, supongo que la caja de la 620ti sirve.. Personalmente, yo tengo ahora una segunda un POCO mas corto del original y las demas son originales con todas las rodamientos nuevas y on torsen typo b.
@info4jon 13 жыл бұрын
@glamfusion I believe they where 4th and 5th from diesel rover, now i have put the correct gears in with a slightly shorter 2nd gear.
@info4jon 13 жыл бұрын
@testacorsa150 Sorry to hear that. How much are you looking to pay for a good tomcat? My gearbox is holding up well after I reconditioned it :)
@testacorsa150 13 жыл бұрын
@info4jon Hey champ. Soory for the late reply. The car was sadly a shitbox. The guy inherited it 4 years ago, and changed the oil once! So you camn guess the rest... The clutch was gone, oil dripping from the gearbox, and other sad stuff. I should have found it 4 years ago, when it was still a peach! I am still seaching, but have to get something as a daily runner now as my trusty old citroen zx is eating a gallon of water every week - lol
@info4jon 13 жыл бұрын
@testacorsa150 Hi! How a was the car? I had to do a LOT of searching too! A few wasted LONG journeys to be honest, there aren't many good examples about... I hope you find something nice :)
@info4jon 13 жыл бұрын
@sergiosasa Hi Sergio, its a K7BSUT so it should be from a late coupe turbo but someone must have changed the ratios for 4th and 5th. I have now put the correct ratios in for 4th and 5th and a slightly shorter 2nd so that the turbo comes in at lower Kph and gives slightly better acceleration. The 4th and 5th I think were diesel gears mixed with the coupe turbo 3.73 final drive which made them very long. now its much better and Im a lot happier :)
@info4jon 14 жыл бұрын
@testacorsa150 Cool, post me if you buy it :) Will prob do another vid one day, taking it easy at the moment while I sort some smaller bits that need doing. hope to hear about your new car soon :)
@testacorsa150 14 жыл бұрын
@info4jon Good to hear yours is back togeher with better parts, and better ratios. I hope you will up another acceleration video. I will be sure to do the same if I get my hands on the one i´m looking at. Keep it rolling, and thanks again for your answer!
@testacorsa150 14 жыл бұрын
@info4jon Wow! thanks a lot for your time to give such an extensive answer - it has really helped me a lot. The one i´m looking at is an original example, with relatively low mileage (150.000 km). I have been looking for a long time, and the ones that looked like they have been tampered with, i´ve just ignored. I will be sure to bring your check list for when i have a look at the car this weekend, if it hasn´t been sold - fingers crossed!
@info4jon 14 жыл бұрын
@testacorsa150 Look for engines that have had bleed valves fitted to boost pressures used over 11.5 psi. Dont touch them. Make sure your gearbox is quiet. Check refrigerant is clean, check for water in rear bootwell or evidence of leaks in the car. Boost should kick in at 2100rpm, if it doesn't something is wrong... Check for corroded hoses and stuff under the bonnet and check the oil is relatively clean. All levels should be between min and max, if they arent, its not been well looked after...
@info4jon 14 жыл бұрын
@testacorsa150 Engines dont break unless people have been playing with them, the only thing is the slight oil weep form the oil feed between block and head. Its not detrimental. My gearbox is back together now, new torsen, 7 steel caged bearings except for one, all new.New oil seals and completely stripped down to component level, cleaned shimmed and reassembled. 4th and 5th are now original with a slightly shorter 2nd so the turbo kicks in a little quicker and pulls better. Things to look for:
@info4jon 14 жыл бұрын
@tutepika Hi, yes its standard except for a Cat back Scorpion, 4th and 5th gear are the wrong ratios for the car at the moment so Im currently having my old gearbox repaired to put it back to how it should be. Parts are a nightmare im afraid...
@tutepika 14 жыл бұрын
soooooo nice! its all standard? i have bought one last month and i didnt test it yet.
@info4jon 2 жыл бұрын
almost standard, 4th and 5th gear are not and it had a cat back scorpion exhaust, was the only mod at the time.
@info4jon 14 жыл бұрын
@darkxiki19 Quizas hare una grabacion del otro que tengo, el coupe turbo, esta en preparacion...