@guanchu 3 күн бұрын
i dont know why, but i dont have level 5 clearance at this level, maybe i missed one in a previous level?
@NOlR_Deco 3 күн бұрын
I think you can get it later and then return. Or replay the demo, your security clearance should remain.
@FinSompi 3 күн бұрын
If you got the one from South Wing of the mall (loading point found at upstairs) already, you've missed one, because each level has one. At this point and partly in level 6, you're still able to backtrack your way to previous levels by running or using the tram system in Safe Room Extension, but I'd recommend not progressing too far into level 6, because there's a point of no-return in that level. I just checked and made a short list of all the Security Clearance cards shown in my videos: Tier I - Level 1 - Pathfinder Hospital (Time-link: 55:30) Tier II - Level 2 - Utility to Water Treatment (Time-link: 29:18) Tier III - Level 3 - Selaco Streets [Part 1] (Time-link: 53:27) Tier IV - Level 4 - Liancria Offices (Time-link: 36:55) Tier V - Level 5 - Exodus Plaza (Time-link: 1:01:55) Tier VI - Level 6 - Plant Cloning Facility (Time-link: 25:14) Should be easy to check, which one you missed. : -)
@guanchu 2 күн бұрын
@@NOlR_Deco Good! Thanks bro
@guanchu 2 күн бұрын
@@FinSompi Thank you so much brother. I appreciate it!!!
@FinSompi 2 күн бұрын
@@guanchu You're welcome : -) Which one did you actually miss then?
@Elvinsheykhani 3 күн бұрын
Super helpful, i had missed the impact grenade completely. Thank you brother.
@FinSompi 3 күн бұрын
I'm glad that you got something out of the video. You're welcome : -)
@guanchu 4 күн бұрын
Just completed this one
@FinSompi 4 күн бұрын
Nice As a little update, I just started uploading 1st part of level 7 just now, so that'll be out in few hours at earliest.
@liamthedream2027 6 күн бұрын
34:13 my game is bugged? Can’t shot the thing in wall
@FinSompi 6 күн бұрын
Hmm, have you tried just going in front of the thing and tried different weapons to see, if it reacts to your hits? I can't remember 100%, but it probably didn't react to every weapon. You can also re-do the steps in the room with other switches and get that thing visible again.
@liamthedream2027 6 күн бұрын
@@FinSompi amazed to glitch it! But the wcahievtment for entering the castle didn’t unlock:(
@FinSompi 6 күн бұрын
@@liamthedream2027 Uh oh. Graven has had its issues with achievements requiring certain number of things done to reach the required number of actions, but I don't remember of having heard of that one not working, since you just pass through a trigger of the achievement to get it, I believe. Latest patch did report of having that trigger moved inside, because previously you could've basically hugged the magic barrier at the entrance and get the achievement unlocked prematurely. But I wonder, if that has happened to you by any chance and you haven't noticed, or you just don't have it and it's not working?
@liamthedream2027 5 күн бұрын
@@FinSompi I’ll try to go in more when I get home! Thank you!!
@FinSompi 5 күн бұрын
@@liamthedream2027 Tbh, it probably won't do a difference, unless you stopped at the very 1st footstep of the entrance, tho. I would still think that it was merely moved enough towards inside that it doesn't trigger outside... but I'm also thinking that the general 'saying' of fixing one thing, might've produced a different problem, which in this case could be the achievement not triggering properly.. Or something else that had gotten fixed/touched, has impacted the achievement in a negative way. Just to be clear not to get those hopes up too much! But it's always good to make sure to try few things to make sure that it's definitely the case.
@guanchu 6 күн бұрын
@FinSompi 6 күн бұрын
: -) I'm also about to start doing the 6th one next, so that'll be uploaded probably during the next several hours.
@guanchu 5 күн бұрын
@@FinSompi Ill wait for it! Thaks for letting me know. They just released an update yesterday
@FinSompi 5 күн бұрын
@@guanchu No problem. Yeah, the update got released, but if I understood correctly, some parts of the changes and stuff won't be seen in levels that have been already visited. So, basically no point for me to go back in levels trying to look for something new at least. It certainly was a big one and I didn't delve too much in it, but at least few new things got shown during the next video and one was focused on. General gameplay has changed a bit to be more engaging. Also for another update, I just have the description to do now, so it'll be published soonish, maybe in an hour.
@guanchu 4 күн бұрын
@@FinSompi Sounds good! Thanks bro
@guanchu 10 күн бұрын
NIce video!
@FinSompi 10 күн бұрын
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it : -)
@guanchu 9 күн бұрын
@@FinSompi Are you going to upload the next levels soon?
@FinSompi 9 күн бұрын
@@guanchu I was planning to get to next one very soon, yeah.. Doing these currently slower than I have wanted to do them like. I was thinking of possibly doing test-run of 5th one today to prepare for the next recording, but I'm not sure, if I can do the actual recording today or not. It seemed more likely just an hour ago, but now it seems more unlikely, as there might be too much background noise for my liking, on top of other factors. From doing test-runs to refresh memory to do an actual run without bigger errors or forgetting something important successfully, uploading and lastly doing description always takes several hours in total, as odd as it may sound to some. Work always takes 1/4 of the day from the start, but I also had just 3 hours of sleep last night, so I probably need some naps. And I'll be also playing with few friends later this evening, so that takes its own chunk as well. It just usually seems to be that before I'm able to do even half of the stuff, what I have had in my mind for a day, the next day is usually already few hours in... : -) I'm about to finish the description for the side-content for 4th classic Doom video next, which is the last currently recorded video that I did few days ago in a succession. But I just have to see, how the day goes like. Thanks for the interest!
@ShinoSarna 10 күн бұрын
Also if you want, you can make GZDoom look more like old versions of Doom. Go to Full Options Menu, go to Display Options - Texture Options: Filter Mode - none; and in Display - Hardware Options - Postprocessing - Palette, and also in Hardware Options Sector Light Mode - Vanilla or Software . That will make it look pretty much how it was originally intended, which could be interesting on these old maps.
@FinSompi 10 күн бұрын
It could definitely be suitable to match that era of effects, lighting and other stuff, but I'm not sure, if I end up playing with the options much in Doom's case, me thinks. I usually settle down with the options, when the gameplay isn't getting hindered or troubled on a personal level. : -) Only, when the text-file specifically states something specific, like requiring jumping or such, but even that's just movement-related changes rather than graphical mostly. ...Although could always have a little look to see the differences, as it certainly doesn't really hurt. If I made some changes, at some point, no doubt, those settings would be forgotten to be changed to match the more recent wads, tho. Knowing myself, hehe.
@ShinoSarna 10 күн бұрын
Playing Origwad in GZdoom is almost poetic on how far the community has come.
@FinSompi 10 күн бұрын
One certainly wouldn't get a 5-star review by doing this sort of level in this modern day and age, hehe. It'll be interesting to see along the way, what sort of gradual or even sudden jumps of quality there were, when playing along more of the old ones towards the more recent wads. I don't even know the actual editors, that were getting used back in the day, which certainly plays a big role in making of the levels as well.
@ShinoSarna 10 күн бұрын
@@FinSompi Yeah, originally designers couldn't see the level as they were building it. Nowadays with stuff like DoomBuilder it's so much easier. Like Origwad didn't have any editor at all, it was written by hand in text mode. It is perhaps no big surprise that only one other person tried to do that until first editor (according to Doomwiki it's DEU, Doom Editing Utilities) was made.
@FinSompi 10 күн бұрын
@@ShinoSarna Yeah, Deu 4 beta and 5.0 was mentioned in level that I'll be uploading next time, which is the 4th one in line. It came with 2 separate levels in the same zip, but the other one will be uploaded after some other level(s), as the 2nd one was done a bit later. I just had finished up the 3rd one, when I noticed your messages here. : -) But yeah, I had forgotten that particular fact. I can barely even remember ages and ages ago, when I tried Wolfenstein map editor. Can't even picture, what the editor even was like anymore, but some sort of vague idea remains, although very hidden. I must've still been just a kid at that point, as I didn't have access to most of the games and things, whatever I might've been interested in at those times. Personally I tried Doombuilder as my 1st level editor for Doom. Might've been the 2nd one at that, and not the 1st one. For classic Doom, I only finally got my hands on the full versions of each, when I bought Doom Collector's Edition as a physical release as a young adult... Originally I discovered the game as a kid, when Doom 1 shareware was on a demo-cd that came up with a big book of cheats, guides and strategy tips, hehe. Played that demo through 30 times. : -p Then I played Doom 2 full version for the 1st time, because my brother's friend had it on diskettes. Not sure, if I had the opportunity to finish it back then, tho. But yeah... Ever since I had played the shareware of Doom 1, I always wanted the game since then.
@Camper_Samu 17 күн бұрын
why the fuck i need a fragile plushie for a secret that counts towards progression?
@Camper_Samu 17 күн бұрын
I love the game, but some stuff is so bs
@FinSompi 17 күн бұрын
I'm not quite sure, if I misunderstood, what you're thinking by 'progression' or if you misunderstood me at some point? Generally I'd be thinking progression as being able to move onwards and complete the campaign, but neither Wilson or the white Koala are needed for that purpose. • Wilson is needed for an achievement • Pristine-condition white Koala is needed for Mega-secret, that doesn't count towards normal secrets (...but the upgrade in it counts towards upgrades, however) So, I suppose in this case, you might mean that Nail Bomb -upgrade, that counts towards the stats? It's definitely a different type of secret and when players aren't used to certain types of secrets, those can possibly become quite hard to figure out. Then you usually end up trying to find the usual secret types and spend a ton of time on it, with no hope of success. Usually in this game-engine, or classic Doom rather, amount of different types of secrets used to be more limited, but Selaco is definitely making use of a wider range of options. One of the devs did say that the intention isn't to repeat same type of secret all the time, but rather make them to be different and even unique. Not with these exact words, of course, but the general idea of the message was such as a response to someone complaining of there being just one openable locker, which was a secret He also said that every secret has a some sort of clue to it, so you don't have to resort to constant wall-humping in hopes to find something. And here we do have the picture and the hole for a clue. And the reason? I suppose reason could be that owner of that plushie has inserted a micro chip inside Koala's head and when it rips, it falls off. Chip communicates with that locker and opens the door. Without the chip, the locker doesn't react! It's anyone's guess really! But yeah... I like the game too. Sometimes you just need quite a bit of a challenge for those, who like to explore a ton, but also one can't please everybody with something specific!
@Camper_Samu 17 күн бұрын
@@FinSompi I am just talking about a player playing the game, you (as-in the Selaco devs) expect the player to handle a hidden plushie and bring it to a not-so-visible for a secret that counts towards two very visible statistics, it's a bit insulting. I am fine with something like the scarab shot upgrade, it's labeled as a mega-secret and it doesn't count towards the statistics, but unless I missed some bold, underlined, blue text in a datapad the koala secret is just disrespectful towards the average player's time and ego (Gabe in the HL 25th anniversary documentary makes a great point on stuff like this) I really respect the creativity and how every secret is different in some aspect, I actually like this kinds of secrets, but tying an upgrade to it without a clear and very explicit objective is not it. edit: to be specific, it wouldn't be a problem if it was for just a secret, but for an upgrade it crosses the line quite a bit.
@Camper_Samu 17 күн бұрын
by the way your videos on the game are very well done! The timestamps in the description are very helpful and very well structured too!
@FinSompi 17 күн бұрын
@@Camper_Samu Yeah. I suppose there's a bit of a contradiction between it not counting towards secrets, but it counting towards upgrades. It's a bit like in Blood, where Super Secret isn't counting towards normal secrets, but it could possibly have some monsters in there, that would be counted for stats. But I suppose the devs could be open to make a little tweak for this particular secret! (Actually I think the next update is going to make the white koala much more sturdier, if I'm not mistaken.)
@mariokart6274 18 күн бұрын
Hello, I completed this level but did not get Safer than a Screwdriver - Retrieve the Demon Core achievement :(:( iplay this game on Xbox Series X.
@FinSompi 18 күн бұрын
Hmm, so another one missing the achievement then. Can you see, which version Xbox Series X displays for the game then? I wonder, if that can be part of the problem then... Either newest version giving that trouble or earlier version possibly being in place and the trouble coming from there. I can't remember, during which patch and version I got this achievement, but version would be good to know more about even, if it doesn't end up being the actual part of the problem. I don't know, which version & platform 'liamthedream' was playing on, if the person has similar version & platform compared to you or not, tho.
@mariokart6274 18 күн бұрын
@@FinSompi It is show Version on Xbox Series
@FinSompi 17 күн бұрын
@@mariokart6274 Oh, I didn't expect those sort of numbers, hehe. Are those numbers Xbox-related numbers or does it actually display game version like that in main menu of the game? You should see the current game (Phantom Fury) version at the main menu, when you launch the game, bottom-right corner. For example, it displays 'version 17384' for me. (I have the game on PC and Steam personally)
@mariokart6274 17 күн бұрын
@@FinSompi lol it's only show in Manage games and add-ons on xbox not in main menu of game nothing at all.
@FinSompi 17 күн бұрын
@@mariokart6274 Oh, I see. That's a bit tricky then. I was thinking, if the is still the game version, then it could have the 2nd patch on it, which would be seen as the '2' at the end. But that's just me guessing and trying to figure out stuff in my mind, hehe. If I were to hazard a guess, the other person might be then also playing on a similar platform. Also for the fact of the game having been released more recently on those platforms. And since no version was seen on main menu, maybe that's why there weren't any further information of it. Perhaps there's a difference, how it unlocks for players on consoles and then players on pc, and it just doesn't seem to work reliably for console atm... Might be good to see, if anyone else is experiencing the same on similar platforms, and report the issue too... After all, it should basically be just a progression achievement and not a more difficult one to achieve.
@ToPAwDDeR1846 23 күн бұрын
There something to do with the buck trophy above the chemney you cand find the missing atler behind the radio in the tower but i think there something more missing
@FinSompi 23 күн бұрын
When I initially went through the level, I had the Antler-slot showing up on the buck head. And because I had picked up the gate key without realizing it, I kept looking around the yard, barn, house and those spots quite a lot, until I just went to the gate door for the sake of it and got surprised, when it opened.... ...and then continued further into the campaign, after doing a decent exploring in the rest of the level first. But when the time came to record these videos, there had been another patch applied. After the patch, the Antler-slot was no longer something that you could look at and target, as if you were able to interact with it. And same seems to still apply for the buck head, because I just loaded and went through the level to check the cabin once again. I've never seen the missing antler, which made me think that I either managed to miss it completely before and now as well... or it was something that was cut from the game. After the patch removed the target, I started to lean towards the latter. Possibly it could've been in the metal door below the radio tower, that you don't seem to be able to open. I knew that the radio behind the big boat structure was reference to Graven, but unlike any other radios that I had come across few times and tried out, the radio in the tower at top of the hill also plays out Graven's old boatman's voice, when you choose the right-most button of the 5. It just didn't seem to do anything special, when I was trying some things after doing that.
@creationzikaz4836 10 күн бұрын
@@FinSompi I was stuck at the same place you were and managed to progress thanks to your video.
@FinSompi 10 күн бұрын
@@creationzikaz4836 I'm glad, that the video helped you there then. : -)
@liamthedream2027 23 күн бұрын
Weird I never got the achievement
@FinSompi 23 күн бұрын
I'm guessing everything went normally to the end of the level for you, but it just didn't give you the appropriate achievement? And game version is the latest, I assume? I think I noticed reading about some service/platform having an older version at some point quite recently, but which was also supposed to be looked at, to be corrected Don't know, if you're on pc or on some other platform. Hmm, I wonder, if anything unexpected can cause trouble for it, like momentary loss of internet access (Steam going offline) or anything else. I don't really have any knowledge, what could skip that reward, if it's a latest version as well. I'm pretty sure that this was the moment to get 'Safer than a Screwdriver' -achievement, but at latest it should be the cutscene at the top. I suppose you could re-do it and double-check by loading an earlier checkpoint, before you reach that spot, if you haven't progressed too far ahead already.
@liamthedream2027 23 күн бұрын
@@FinSompi yup I reloaded and even unitsilled and nothing:(
@FinSompi 23 күн бұрын
@@liamthedream2027 And just to check: You are on version 17384? (version can be seen in main menu) If so, not sure, what could cause that other than possibly... existing save file, when another patch had been implemented and some issue arising, because of that. You could potentially just keep on going forward and if that ends up being the last one to achieve, you could use the level select to go either on that level or even previous level on Easy-difficulty, blast through the level(s) and see, if that time it'll pop up. If you're currently going for all possible achievements, you would be playing on Hard atm and I wouldn't risk not getting the achievement to finish game on Hard just to try to get this one on easier difficulty. At least this achievement isn't really locked to difficulty itself, so it can be tested later, when the initial playthrough has been finished.
@olivergarcia2304 28 күн бұрын
Indeed, thank you, this video is helpful.. You're Dutch, aren't you? hehe :)
@FinSompi 28 күн бұрын
Glad, that it was of some help. : -) And actually, I'm not. The giveaway for my origin is in the name!
@olivergarcia2304 28 күн бұрын
@@FinSompi Ahh... Finish. I'm Swiss myself.
@FinSompi 27 күн бұрын
@@olivergarcia2304 I wasn't quite as close as expected at first, but in the same continent at least! Did I sound Dutch somehow to you then, for taking that guess?
@olivergarcia2304 27 күн бұрын
@@FinSompi Yes, yes... I thought you had slight Dutch accent when speaking English. But hey..., I was mistaken. :) I would really like to visit Finland. Switzerland and Finland both ordered the F 35s at the same time. I love those planes. Hope we get them soon.
@FinSompi 27 күн бұрын
@@olivergarcia2304 Hehe, as long as it's not too much of the usual Rally-English, I don't mind getting mistaken for speaking with different accents. : -p If you ever end up visiting Finland, you might catch a glimpse of a tree or two, or maybe million...! And I bet Switzerland would have some good vistas to marvel at for someone like me, who comes from landscapes, which are largely quite flat! But have to say that such news about plane invests mostly fly under my radar.
@RobertCawood-pf9nh Ай бұрын
Don’t ever throw rockets at lost souls
@FinSompi Ай бұрын
As long as there's some distance between the targets and/or reaction times are fast enough, it's most often fine! And it's fun! Rockets tend to get rid of stuff faster, but those Doom 64 lost souls certainly had the tendency of being unpredictable and fast to attack at times, so it has its risks, of course.
@tonybarnes4096 Ай бұрын
Looks like a real solid game, I’ll be playing it when it releases on consoles.
@FinSompi Ай бұрын
I've had good time in it and I've liked the variety of levels, not forgetting the nice music too. Looks like you'll be playing it in one week then, if I'm not mistaken! : -)
@tonybarnes4096 Ай бұрын
@@FinSompi I’m excited for it , I had a blast with ion fury , I just hope some of the bugs got fixed before console release.
@FinSompi Ай бұрын
@@tonybarnes4096 I'd assume that it'd be working on same version (Patch #2) like the Steam-version is, but I wouldn't know about that really. Patch #2 had 50'ish fixes on it and it was quite recent too, but the team that worked on the team, doesn't sound to be intact anymore. I think console-devs were different, tho. Nevertheless, I played the game from day 1 and personally never ran into a problem that I couldn't overcome. Naturally, since then there's been two patches polishing out the roughest edges, what it had before the patches. And while it's also different from Ion Fury, I've mostly liked its gameplay anyways. I hope it delivers a good experience for you too : -)
@Workerbee-zy5nx Ай бұрын
Doom, Made in Texas.
@FinSompi Ай бұрын
Now, I've never been to Texas myself, but I'd guess that temperatures might be something similar!
@Workerbee-zy5nx Ай бұрын
@@FinSompi 110 f summer time, ID Software was in a high rise in Dallas, couple of rich scrawny boy did these games in 92..
@FinSompi Ай бұрын
@@Workerbee-zy5nx Who knows, but they might've ended up looking like Doom 2 revenants, if they had year 2024 high-end pc's warming up their offices even more, on top of such numbers!
@Workerbee-zy5nx Ай бұрын
@@FinSompi This new one is pretty cool. 🤠
@djam7484 Ай бұрын
how did you know the combenation to the chime puzzel in act 3..?
@FinSompi Ай бұрын
It certainly an amount of brute-force to it for me, but you can also piece together an idea, which chimes are the best candidates for certain marks, when you have a look at the clues: - 2, 4 and 5 are on the same line, so that basically gives you the starting point to it. - 3 is on its own line, so that can't be lining up with the other 3. - 1st one is a mystery, so that definitely made it much harder to get it done in a correct order, which seemed like that it to had to be guessed. Many arrows were spent, but at least in that room, the arrows respawn after a little while. But in general, I wasn't a big fan of, how this puzzle ended up be like tbh. It sort of made me think, if I had missed some additional (and different sort of) clue, which I tried to look for, but didn't find any. I was thinking that maybe somewhere you could hear the tune somewhere in the level... or you had to count small rings on the chimes themselves, but it didn't seem like it, so I just ended up spending a considerable amount of time in that room, heh.
@DharricRolyat 2 ай бұрын
This game's look and mechanics are similar to Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.
@FinSompi 2 ай бұрын
I think I've heard someone mentioning that before on a Graven-topic, probably in Discord. In my case, I've bought that game to my library, because of a recommendation on my channel and my personal interest to the title in the distant past, but I still haven't gotten around to play it to see, how it compares.
@user-fb2nb7th9r 2 ай бұрын
Hi! Thanks again for the playthrough, helped me out a lot! Very well done, will definetely stick around for more content :) However, I ran into a problem with the "finery" achievement - for the life of me, can't find the 4th ring. Not the one in the Cruxfirth - the Ring of Pinion. Also got the Bramble and the Ring of Passing. I have gone through the videos like 5 or 6 times now, but can't find the 4th ring O_o Can you please help me find the episode where the 4th ring is shown? Thanks in advance!
@FinSompi 2 ай бұрын
This particular video has two rings shown, instead of just one. The one you're looking for, is Augmented Ring, at 46:00. : -) You need to do the puzzle to gain access to it as a reward.
@user-fb2nb7th9r 2 ай бұрын
@@FinSompi oh, right! Thanks a lot, sir, you have been of great help :3
@FinSompi 2 ай бұрын
@@user-fb2nb7th9r No problem : -)
@user-fb2nb7th9r 2 ай бұрын
Thanks a lot for the video and the series overall! I have a question, though: how do you kick a barrel without exploding it? O_o However hard I try it just keeps searing my face off. Is there a trick to it?
@FinSompi 2 ай бұрын
I'm glad, that you've liked the series : -) It should be as straightforward as you probably saw on the video: Grab a barrel, manually place it down on chosen spot and then kick it. Just keep in mind that the very moment it hits something, it will explode. So, if you're trying to get it to blow up on an enemy or a group, you just have to have the distance to keep yourself far enough from the explosion radius. I don't know, what sort of experiences you've had with your barrels, so it's hard to say, if there's something to fix in your approach or not. But I also double-checked kicking with the barrel, before writing this response and kicking one worked normally in my case. I think the barrel also had to hit the enemy (for the achievement), so in general you want to crouch and look slightly up, so that you get it flying more. Perhaps you're standing and thus, have to kick it towards ground too much, so it just hits the ground and blows in your face? Hmm, and I guess another possibility could be damaged barrel... but I don't know about this one. Seems more unlikely tbh. I guess I'll hear from you, whether there's something more to your problem or not.
@user-fb2nb7th9r 2 ай бұрын
@@FinSompi I'm back with an update! Having spent 30 hours in Graven I never learnt that apparantly red barrels and normal barrels have different types of responses to a kick. Red fly, grey get destroyed. I guess I was just too cautious for my own good) The achievement is in the pocket, just 10 more to go! :) Gotta go back to watching your materials, Fin, thanks a lot for your work!
@FinSompi 2 ай бұрын
@@user-fb2nb7th9r Nice! Thank you, and good luck with the remaining ones!
@Tirko_Pedalich 3 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for this series. I was constantly checking for any missed gold and stuff, so your timestamps helped me tremendously. This is by far the best playtrough of the game on youtbe. And it's kinda sad, because despite the fact that the game is not popular and all the rewiewers were pretty unpleased, I liked this game and had a great fun. P.S. Cheers from an MSC fan, perkele!
@FinSompi 3 ай бұрын
Glad you liked it that much : -) My playstyle is always very thorough, so it fits quite well for exploration-heavy games, like Graven. I definitely liked Graven a good deal as well. It kept me engaged for hours and hours, so I felt like it was an obvious game to do some content to my channel. I wouldn't mind seeing more done for Graven eventually, for both updates as well as content-wise. Every game is subjective for one's personal entertainment, so it's simply best to form your own opinion anyways. One can try to figure out, if there's good reasons to avoid a game for its bugs and glitches for the time being, but such things also can depend on the approach taken in the game and what the player did in-game to run into a bug, or even hardware itself. Obviously there are certain bugs in the game, but you can also play it through just fine, like I did, so it's not like it'll be exactly the same for everyone every time. : -) I do also generally have a slow pace for both gameplay and putting stuff to the channel, but I don't also want to just half-ass stuff, so it usually tends to take some time, before I'm satisfied with the records. (Depending on the game and targeted content) Since Graven didn't allow manual saving and stuff, it also required me to learn more about, what works and what doesn't, and then the locations for anything that'd be interesting for the player. (There's most likely few spots in 3rd Act city, that I didn't bother going after, tho!) For most of these videos, I was limited by the 5000 characters for the descriptions, hehe. Had to start cut sentences shorter or connect few time-links even at times. And since I usually do 100% in some way at the very least, for Graven it was basically playthrough and achievements, because it didn't have any stats. In the end, it did go quite well considering the lack of saves, but Graven isn't the hardest games either. (Even though this is played on 2nd hardest difficulty, heh.)
@iliasfog8857 3 ай бұрын
Bravo! Thank you so much! Yes, thats the tree what i meant... but i don't thought of jumping that far! Nice.... i will try that.
@FinSompi 3 ай бұрын
You're welcome! It's a bit of a tight jump, but with a barrel it should be easier to reach. (1st jump without one was just a tiny bit short) Of course it's a big jump, so remember to crouch, when you land as well!
@iliasfog8857 3 ай бұрын
@@FinSompi First playtrough you got 109 Livepoints not 171 but it could work with armor and healing potion afterwards, which i have and 400 gold for buying stuff. I backup the savegame before i try that acrobatic jump. I hope i can place the barrels... :o))
@FinSompi 3 ай бұрын
@@iliasfog8857 Should survive the jump with full health, but it probably doesn't leave you with much, so definitely want one healing pot at the very least
@iliasfog8857 3 ай бұрын
@@FinSompi Failed miserably! Are you sure that you have not the ring collected (Hub, Blue/purple gate - second playthrough) for wider jumps? Did'nt manage to place the last barrel, lost healing potions (have 7 which i need for the bossfight later)... i try again tommorow.
@FinSompi 3 ай бұрын
@@iliasfog8857 Uh oh. Oh, that last barrel is quite crucial, tho. (Try jumping on spot and placing it down) And nope, I didn't use that ring. I would've also needed to keep pressing the button to glide in the air to have that effect on me.
@lord_vermucs 4 ай бұрын
0:53 bro just locked the zombie in the closet 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥
@FinSompi 3 ай бұрын
Couldn't resist the chance of making my own, temporary monster closet!
@josemanuelgracia4728 4 ай бұрын
@FinSompi 3 ай бұрын
You're welcome!
@josemanuelgracia4728 4 ай бұрын
Thank you
@FinSompi 3 ай бұрын
You're welcome!
@ejtyzd7449 4 ай бұрын
1:08:49 how pick up?
@ejtyzd7449 4 ай бұрын
OK, 1:35:25 :)
@FinSompi 4 ай бұрын
@@ejtyzd7449 Yeah, it was just saved for the boss-fight, as you probably figured out by now. : -)
@kamukaracer2510 4 ай бұрын
Wine Barrel Quest: You can move the first barrel to the second spot and thats it. It worked for me. One barrel is enough to finish it.
@FinSompi 4 ай бұрын
I'd always assume that such oversights get fixed eventually, so one would have to find the other barrel in the end as well. Although it's good to be able to combat unfortunate glitches with something, so thanks for pointing that one out too! Luckily, this quest was finished at the start of the next video with both of the barrels in place. (thanks to mirat293 reminding me of, how placed objects push each other, which worked for getting the 2nd barrel out from hiding inside the counter.)
@WDC_OSA 4 ай бұрын
29:05 Amazing, they hid the skull key on the other side of town in a well that has no story significance. Probably one of the biggest "go fuck yourself" moments in the history of video games.
@FinSompi 4 ай бұрын
While it's in a bit of an unexpected place and not in direct line of sight, I definitely wouldn't go to that extreme myself. After all, it simply just required exploration. Just have to keep those eyes open and look around well enough. For that particular feeling, I bet there's going to be plenty of games that can spread that idea much better at some point.
@WDC_OSA 4 ай бұрын
@@FinSompi I respectfully disagree. I "explored" that map for three hours before I decided to look up a guide. A lot of other flaws in this game felt like afterthoughts, like an earlier puzzle that ate my previous skull key and then locked me in by accident. This key was deliberately hidden in a dark, tiny place with no clues, and by contrast that feels like an insult.
@FinSompi 4 ай бұрын
@@WDC_OSA Out of curiosity, which spot ate the Skull Key? I'd agree on the part it being a bit more hidden compared to most of the other keys, but I'd still think that the fact of going around in circles in search of something for extended period of time tends to extremify... (That a legit word? Maybe not, but you'll get the meaning nevertheless, hehe) ...the opinion in a negative way tbh. : -) Because when that sort of thing happens, we might lock into a route in our searches and may even become half-blind to options that can be even located in literal eyesight. (My personal experience of finding Orthogonal Order -note #4 for the 2nd time literally. I used 2 days on it and it was literally in sight, in open and also on the normal path.) In this 'skull key' -case, you'd only need to move to the edge of the well to peek inside. Not only that, but they did give you the sort of clue to check the well, when they placed down the coins on one side of the well. That tiny clue may have been lost in your case (or maybe you picked them up, before realizing them being at that spot), but same thing has been used before to mark other locations of interest, or even leading to secrets. Coins are just a bit hard to notice on sand, tho. But it is a bit of an interesting case, how certain stuff can feel so hidden... Especially sprawling cities can sometimes produce an entire location that you might miss, because you might lock into taking certain paths or turns most of the time. Then you'd take a narrower path at some point and come to a location, which you haven't seen before, that is in the center of your chosen paths. It kind of becomes a dark zone. I feel like this particular location of the city was a bit like that sort of dark zone tbh. I remember it taking a bit time to remember, where it actually was. (Not the well itself, but the whole location around it, where the well is within.) Still, not taking your opinion off from you. It's valid for you alone, if it feels like that. : -)
@WDC_OSA 4 ай бұрын
@@FinSompi Earlier in the desert area, I was in an underground temple or something like that. There was a room with a bottomless pit and some very small platforms in it. When I entered it, the doors behind me were open but had one of those transparent key models in them. I pressed the use key on that, and it used a skull key that I already had. As part of a trap mechanism in that room, the doors later closed behind me. I collected a new skull key from the opposite end of the room after doing some simple platforming. When I went back to open the doors, I could not open them. I had to exit, reload the game and get back to that level from the hub. I couldn't get back into that room. The puzzle logic in this game is often completely broken like this. I encountered other areas where traps that I'd turned off could be turned back on in a new session, but then couldn't be turned off again. I don't remember a specific example of that, though. I can't remember what happened with the second skull key I picked up in that trap room. I may have used it elsewhere or the game may not have kept it in my inventory when I reloaded. The trap room may have eaten the second one when I tried to use it on the door, now that I think about it. Either way, as the great 50 Cent once said, that bitch took my skull.
@FinSompi 4 ай бұрын
@@WDC_OSA Like I was thinking, you did the exact same thing, what I did with my skull key, hehe. Only I half-anticipated both that possibility as well as the danger of missing a jump and losing a ton of gold, so I saved that room, until I got to the vendor to get rid of my gold 1st. And sure enough, I did the key slot, nothing happened and that made me think "If this was for this entrance, there might be a problem ahead." Set trap off, gates close, complete room and they remained closed. I reported the issue after doing it and I believe one of the more recent patches added some fail-safe to it, but I haven't tested it since. Patch note (6th of Feb) lists "Add setup to reset the gate in the greed pit room of Gorged Dunes" to address that issue, tho. For turning off traps and them turning back on, you're thinking of the one, where you dropped down a hole in the floor after almost right after destroying 2nd purple shrine. Then you had to deal with crusher in a small room with lots of objects and received a skull key behind a big pile of boxes to escape the room. The next room after that one had 2 separate crushers, which could be disabled with two barrels placed on two pressure plates found in the same room. But actually it was a good thing, that they weren't permanently disabled, because there's some loot to find, when you slip past between the crushers to the other side of them. But in general, picking up that extra skull key after exiting Cruxfirth to Brine Muskeg for the very 1st time and not using it on the doors nearby caused you having the extra key, which you wouldn't have otherwise. You can't pick up 2x same keys at the same time, but you must've had an extra key to play with all the way from Act 1. When players think creatively or by-pass locked spots, it makes a potential case of something breaking up later, because it hasn't been thought of or caught in testing phase of the game. (Especially, when dev-team isn't big, there's limited time and also the level of testing hasn't been extremely throughout) In Graven's case, you save items in your inventory and use them from there. You have one extra? You will be bringing that with you to next acts as well. Players always want to experience the pristine products, but rarely ever that happens, because of the multitude of factors that can end up causing problems at the end of the day. There's just so many things that can ultimately go wrong. Especially, when the game is more complex and bigger overall. Just have to keep an eye out, be vigilant, keep track of the things done and then report an issue with good amount of data provided, so that there's a good chance of seeing a fix for the issue. Then, like that old guy steering the swamp boat says at the very start of the game "patience", when the dev-team is still actively working and fixing on the game. : -)
@ejtyzd7449 4 ай бұрын
This is finish part? game over?
@FinSompi 4 ай бұрын
Your comment made me wonder a bit, which made me check the ending of Act 3. A vague thought entered my mind, which was a thought of something bugging me as well. And sure enough... ...Ending cutscene didn't play for some reason, before it brought me back to hub from an area that you wouldn't be able to exit from without leaving the session. While I remember it feeling oddly fast, it managed to escape me on the moment, because I was thinking of mentioning the achievements related to the end and then next moves of continuing back to Act 1 and 2 for the necessary things to mention and play through there, possibly while reading some notes too. Would've been nice to have it on the video, tho. Naturally players will see the ending cutscene for themselves, unless it's not playing in general for some reason. I know I had the cutscene on my 1st playthrough, but I can't remember, if my testing run actually had it or not. In case it actually doesn't play, the file can be found and watched from the following path inside game's folder. ( GRAVEN -> Praest -> Content -> Movies -> ...and then the MP4-file is called ' GRAVEN_HUB3_End ' ) But yeah, once you're able to use totem to travel between the acts, you've already completed the game at that point.
@panno9764 4 ай бұрын
is that any area only accessible with the last ring? and the "new encounters" with the new update? btw great series of videos!!! keep the good work!
@FinSompi 4 ай бұрын
Thank you! I'm glad that the literal days spend on these have given some help or been useful to people! The thing one has to considered with the last ring is that even, when you drop down from higher spots and slow down with the ring, you still seem to get damaged despite the slowed fall. Also it was said a while ago that the ring was placed after the game, because how 'broken' it was. (To access places, I took it.) So, I'm a bit suspicious, if there are any special areas meant to be accessed by using the ring, instead of it being just a fun piece of gear to play with. (Which it actually is in a way) As far as I'd think of the new encounters, I believe they're related to enemy encounters mostly. For instance, not only there was increased enemy density in some areas, but I saw Act 2 enemies in Act 1. I felt like I was sort of always running into unintended areas, when I was only playing stacking objects to reach spots that felt interesting or possibly locations to have something in there. Mostly I just found out places that were not intended for the player to get into (missing walls or seeing through the world), were unintended shortcuts or otherwise were blocked. But who knows! Exploration is fun, and it's fun to get rewarded for doing it. : -)
@chechak1515 4 ай бұрын
thanks for your help
@FinSompi 4 ай бұрын
You're welcome : -)
@doggy12345678912 4 ай бұрын
can you please mark the shrine locations? I dont know if my game is bugged or i miss one
@FinSompi 4 ай бұрын
All of the videos have Shrines marked in description with appropriate time-links to each of them. (Although they're not currently numbered) Also, bonuses received from them are included. It's also possible to have bug related to achievements that track of quantities (such as shrines, notes or kill so-and-so many enemies) I mention this actually towards the end in the upcoming video as well. Personally, I got my achievement related to find every shrine as soon as I found my 1st one. Last video of the series is currently waiting to be processed by KZbin, but possibly has to be re-uploaded, because it's being troublesome at 99% for some reason. This might take additional 5-6 hours, instead of just 2-3 hours that was supposedly left on the timer.
@IVXXXltu 4 ай бұрын
Another secret at 55:14 , you can break doors which are covered by metal beam
@FinSompi 4 ай бұрын
That's definitely easier to miss, when going around with flail most of the time. I have to admit that I haven't been looking around with staff that much so far. It hasn't been utilized much in Act 2 & 3. (Assuming it requires the Resonating Stone to break it and not just usual smashing, of course.) Good to keep that in mind, tho. Hmm, I have to add that in the notes to show in next video or extra video, after I manage to locate Act 1's missing note. But I'll add time-link to this and Gold Bar one, and check them later. Thanks!
@FinSompi 4 ай бұрын
Nevermind. It just so happens that i found my missing note. Seems like I've been either blind or that thing has put on invisibility cloak on itself, whenever I passed through the area. (Although also currently bugged achievement for sure: 'The Cloth')
@FinSompi 4 ай бұрын
I just checked the double door in question and you actually simply open them, it turned out. Open inwards. No need to smash or swing staff at them. : -)
@IVXXXltu 4 ай бұрын
There is a secret(a gold bar) in unlit brazier seen in 21:59
@FinSompi 4 ай бұрын
Oops, too focused on that thought of showing the skip there. : -) Good to have it pointed out. Thanks!
@CDeez29 4 ай бұрын
Fuck this shit
@user-fq2ms9wk8r 4 ай бұрын
37:52 Unfortunately, the grate did not open for me, despite the lever in the underwater cave. Perhaps because I raised the bridge before I found the levers.
@FinSompi 4 ай бұрын
Hmm, I don't think raising the bridge should affect this secret's gate, but there might be possibility to that, if hitting the required levers has been divided to more than one game session. That's been considered being a possible reason not getting the gate open even after doing the right sequence for it. Because often some save states for world objects have become inverted between sessions. Like, if you think of putting a barrel down on a pressure plate to open a gate on session #1, the gate is open and works normally. On session #2, the gate is closed and barrel is still on the pressure plate... But if you take it off from the pressure plate, the gate opens. And on session #3, it works like in session #1. In any case, I'm guessing you've made sure that you've hit all of the required switches without missing one at this point? (I didn't number the levers, but they're all mentioned in secrets too) There's also a workaround to get to that place, which involves approaching the place from high above. Perhaps I could see to that particular route after I've finished the normal game videos. I've been wondering, if I need to do an extra video or not, because my 2nd video for Act 3 might be the last one to do already. (It'd be quick to show few achievements required for post-campaign travelling, so I might have been able to pack it all into that video otherwise.)
@user-fq2ms9wk8r 4 ай бұрын
. @FinSompi Thank you for your reply! In total I activated 4 levers. The first was the lever in the bash, the second was the lever inside the causeway between the middle house and the mausoleum. The third was a lever in a flooded cave without a grate, which opens a flooded cave with a grate where the fourth lever is located. I activated levers 2-3-4 in one gaming session, but the first one was activated before.
@FinSompi 4 ай бұрын
@@user-fq2ms9wk8r Yeah. It's likely to be the 1st one then, because I think there were at least two-three mentions of the gate not opening for players and each of them did mention of doing it in more than one game session. Well, it's still my guess and reasoning, what could cause the issue... but it still seems to make sense, why it haven't been working for all of the players. It made me actually wonder, if those levers worked like normal, when hitting them in odd session numbers #1, #3, #5, and so on... But would break, if any of them were hit in even session number, such as #2, #4 or the like, because of the inverted state. And you're welcome. Usually there aren't too many messages flying about in my channels, so it's easier to take some time to answer or at least give some thought to message(s) sent. : -)
@iliasfog8857 4 ай бұрын
Same Problem here! And yes of course with 3 game pauses and restarts in between. Order: same as yours!
@FinSompi 3 ай бұрын
@@iliasfog8857 It's definitely unfortunate to run into the issue with the main profile. Sounds like the only way to access the place, would be to attempt to get over the walls themselves. If successful, then could just quit the session and start next session to continue. (So one wouldn't have to die and lose money to escape the location) Since players can change difficulty level within same profile, one could also potentially try a new profile with the easiest difficulty to fast-forward to the same point and see, if that one gets everything working by doing certain chunks in the same session, and change it back to the desired difficulty. It'd just depend on, if it's worth the trouble for the player to do that or not. (...or even be possible to put enough time into a single session.) Another question to consider would be, if it negates the ability to get achievement for completing the game in 5th difficulty, in case the player is also aiming to get that as well. Personally I haven't tried to see, how it would behave in such a case, tho.
@IVXXXltu 4 ай бұрын
Possible solution for barrel bug: Place barrel in outlined stop near wooden beam, go to the different area/checkpoint and alt+F4 game. After restarting game move barrel from 1st to 2nd outline, 1st outline may disappear allowing you to complete quest. 35th secret in chapter 1 is near where you get fletchant. After killing tree, roots in zombie room disappear allowing you to enter secret area.
@FinSompi 4 ай бұрын
Ah, that sounds like messing more with the state of the save, which could possibly get fixed at some point too. Hmm, actually haven't checked the bar after the patch. They might've fixed that bar counter with it already.
@IVXXXltu 4 ай бұрын
33:19 part of fence is destructible using green stone... from inside atleast.
@FinSompi 4 ай бұрын
Hmm, actually now that you mention it, I might've had that green stone out, since it very vaguely rings a bell, but only after your mention of it. It must've been during my very 1st time passing through that place and had since forgotten it, so I just used my usual, alternative ways to get in and out, hehe. In any case it's a good thing that you mentioned it. Should make entry and exit a tad easier : -)
@panno9764 5 ай бұрын
first video showing the torch secret so nice! congrats
@FinSompi 5 ай бұрын
Thank you! Tbh the secret was basically known already, because it was implemented longer time ago during EA-build. The origin was most likely suggestion(s), made by the community, how someone / some people wished lighting up torches would reveal some sort of secret. : -)
@mirat293 5 ай бұрын
advice with glitch side quest try push barrel with other barrel it helped me
@FinSompi 5 ай бұрын
True that, it can often make objects move, when placed near enough, since you can often place them even through barriers. I've seen this occur dozens of times by now, heh. At that moment I was just thinking that if I can't see it to pick and an explosion doesn't get it moving, it seems quite stuck there. I definitely didn't keep thinking more solutions for it at that moment but was thinking of having to end the video without spending heaps of time trying to un-glitch it.
@mirat293 5 ай бұрын
@@FinSompi do you know by any chance what does purple doorway barrier thingy inside of house in the hub of act 1
@RDBcheckout 5 ай бұрын
@@mirat293 thats where you find the final ring. its barely useful, only really needed for the achievement. to enter barriers, you will find a ring in act 2 that allows you to do so.
@FinSompi 5 ай бұрын
@@mirat293 Yeah. In fact, by doing a close inspection through the visual gaps of the barrier, so can you! (if you look to the right side into the room) But you can't access that room, before you finish the game. Reason is, that you will receive the earliest means to get through that barrier in Act 2, so it's not possible to get through the barrier before you beat the game and then travel back to Act 1.
@RDBcheckout 5 ай бұрын
Are there any more orthogonal notes to collect, or are the 3 from your part 2 video all there is and the achievement is buggy?
@FinSompi 5 ай бұрын
I was going to investigate into this particular note with my main profile, because it keeps bugging me as well. (Reason, why I stopped 4th video, before going after Act I boss) I'm working through 3rd Act to get myself back to Act I with him and check, what else is behind the barrier (which requires ring from Act II to pass through it) than 4th ring and a gold bar. It would make a lot of sense to have some sort of readable in there, because it's a unique barrier of that sort in Act I and that sort of readable could very well have some importance, also in a form of an achievement. I actually think that it's not bugged, but that's just me and there's no guarantee of it! I'll update about it, when I know more : -) Are you keeping yourself in Act I by any chance, before moving on?
@RDBcheckout 5 ай бұрын
​@@FinSompii finished the game. Its just the act 1 and 2 notes causing trouble. Besides the 2 achievements that are not obtainable.(clerical error and the one to block projectiles with candelabra staff) Act 2 i have the 5 shivering dead notes and it doesnt unlock. Act 1 i have the notes you have. As far as i remember, in the barrier area was no extra note. I have checked peoples achievements and they managed to unlock "The Cloth" before going to act 2.
@FinSompi 5 ай бұрын
@@RDBcheckout Hmm, in that case, I'd be suspicious of the big house that I talked about earlier. It's in the 1st half of the big yard, where on the 2nd half you had the Totem-puzzle and sword in the campfire. That building was accessible in early EA-build and I think it had some sort of note in it, but not sure, if it was one of the clues for Totem-puzzle back then. It could've been repurposed as a location. But in any case, I'm going to go crazy in Act I, when I finish Act III. Whether it might be under some objects / bodies, easy to miss spot somewhere or some harder place to reach, I don't have to worry about dying that much this time. Then again, I do have to do some previous places in Act III too, because the way got blocked to 1st part, before I got everything that I saw and wanted.
@RDBcheckout 5 ай бұрын
@@FinSompi Best of luck to you then, i searched through act 1 completely without finding anything. All i know is that the undecaying cult notes had a logical order of finding them, shivering dead notes as well. Only act 1 makes no sense as clotted avenue has 1,2 and cruxfirth inn 3. So it would have to be in the archives or the bog.
@FinSompi 5 ай бұрын
@@RDBcheckout Pretty much. Progression-wise you also get the 1st one basically last. Additionally, notes are generally placed somewhere, where you can be expected to see them, which is another thing to keep in mind for consideration. Visually they're often next to a candle or a corpse outside... or when they aren't outside, they are usually on a piece of furniture I am thinking of one possibility, tho. If it's bugged, it could be possibly bugged in certain way: If you change session, before you initially collected them all. Just a thought that crossed my mind, but I feel like I stretched reading Orthogonal Order -notes to more than just one session (same goes for these videos), while Undecaying Cult -notes are relatively close together. And reason for me thinking this way is, that often breaking progression from one session into two session cause some states become different compared to, what they should be like. (Gates, pressure plates, puzzle box, Act 3 barrier) That could possibly explain, why there's 0.3% player base with that achievement, rather than just 0,0%. That being said, I've cleared most of Act 1 from monsters, but haven't come across any more notes. But I did find yet another secret (rather uninteresting one with just a single piece of gold) that I hadn't recorded or noted down. Currently I'm a bit confused, if I numbered total number of secrets wrong, while I moved information from notes to YT and cut some unnecessary information, heh.
@RDBcheckout 5 ай бұрын
Do you by chance know the locations of the orthogonal notes for the"The Cloth" achievement? I have notes 1,2 and 3, but no clue where the rest might be. I searched all areas.
@FinSompi 5 ай бұрын
It was my intention to do some additional searching today, if I got my issue sorted, but I've wasted all of my time so far. I was suspecting one of the houses possibly having one of those notes, because I also missed that achievement on my 1st playthrough. A house, that was previously accessible during EA-build, but now seems to have doors that can't seemingly be interacted with. (On the other side of the yard, where the totem-puzzle for key was at.)
@FinSompi 5 ай бұрын
Alrighty then! I just re-uploaded the start of the game, while adding few missed early achievements and things to it (also included all of those blue torches to it) (Link in description) You can probably see a clear difference in quality between the two videos, if you check that one out quickly. Not sure, if it adds anything that you've missed, tho. Had to take a bit of a power nap to energize myself for the next video, but I'll be getting to that next. : -) (Keeping an eye out for those missed notes too, while doing it)
@RDBcheckout 5 ай бұрын
At 33:42 i couldnt understand what you said about how to get that secret.
@RDBcheckout 5 ай бұрын
Nvm, figured it out. Light the braziers with BLUE flames and the door opens, and one of them requires the green staff to access.
@FinSompi 5 ай бұрын
You got it. That's, how it goes. : -) I was basically saying earlier (at around 25:32) that there's a secret related to that spot, lit the torch to show it, but then continued with saying that there's no need to do that just yet (for a new player/profile), because you need the green stone for one of the flames. But... ...as far as this sound-related problem is concerned, it actually became a bigger nuisance than just on this specific occasion @@RDBcheckout I already managed to screw-up the profile progress by making next video earlier today, while thinking that I had fixed my PTT-issue (and tweaking sound levels in general to make myself more audible vs game), but after almost another 2-hour recording and progress, my voice was cutting out way way worse on the 2nd video than it's doing in this one. I've spent most of the day trying to figure, what's causing it, so that I can actually continue doing these videos in normal fashion... but so far not much luck resolving the issue. (Anyone stopping here can treat this as an update of, what to expect and why there might be a delay, in fact.) For me to continue this video series currently, I'd either have to publish a video with way worse speech, which gets cut off at random... (which no one certainly would want) ...or stumble upon the solution to my problem, do another profile to reach the same point in game and continue from there. Most likely new pc-related problem, since I didn't have this with previous videos. In any case, this personal puzzle will continue to next day, as I've stayed up way too many hours wasting the time on the issue and not cracking it. I have to do extensive testing to make sure that a possible solution has indeed even worked.
@RDBcheckout 5 ай бұрын
@@FinSompi While audio bugging out is an annoying problem, i recently have seen another youtuber edit messages in when he said something wrong. So when it cuts off or becomes too quiet you can manually put in what you meant to say. I know that is more effort, but might help to continue.
@FinSompi 5 ай бұрын
@@RDBcheckout I was thinking captions too, but it doesn't really solve the problem in my case, because the videos will be too long and OBS seems to cut out almost every sentence currently in part and totally randomly. I would have to caption the whole video, basically. Not to mention that I'd lose the ability to do slip in some jokes, remarks or other voices for a possible extra fun factor... This issue is really aggravating... Something that should work with a click / release of a button, suddenly doesn't work at all, how it's supposed to work.
@FinSompi 5 ай бұрын
I may have finally found my solution to replace Obs and provide almost equally good video as an end product! I was able to configure my 2nd choice (Amd Radeon software) to allow push-to-talk button to be set to 'Mouse 5', which initially ended up being a problem to make me skip it as an option. Turned out that while in-game, it doesn't allow mouse-clicks to register, so I simply couldn't set 'Mouse 5' as a bind for Push-to-talk, until I tried to do the same from desktop some hours later. Only downside for the moment seems to be lower in-game volume vs. my own voice, but during the short tests there were 0 cutouts, so I'm feeling hopeful for continuing to do these videos. (and do some additional researching too) Now, I just have to do a new profile, get to the same point and then continue from, where I left off in the 1st video.
@NiIex 5 ай бұрын
Searching why I couldn't get 100% kills landed me here. The answer lies in your description so thanks for that! I too do 100% no-damage but this is the only time a green armor was involved in a trigger (along some blues and weapons before). When self-damage is involved I leave a Soul Sphere and Mega Armor to get myself back to 200%/200% and finish the level 'intact' as compromise. Only I ignored the green here and collected everything else so 200 HP is out the window and now I have to re-do the whole Walzer with the Cybies... :)
@FinSompi 5 ай бұрын
It's definitely a nice self-imposed challenge for this game, but Doom 64 certainly had some more unique twists to it at times, which you had to figure and work it out too. I really didn't intend to do any no-damage runs, but I noticed after doing some of them, how it was often happening or very close to it, so it ended up being sort of a bonus goal, hehe. Tbh I always hate taking damage for reasons that you can't avoid. Whether it's extended poison floors without rad. suit, pickups for lower tier stuff triggering something, when you have better stuff or like in Doom 2; Vile-jumps to access secrets, because those tend to be found out after you have killed vile(s) needed for it, heh. But in any case, thank you and I'm glad that it ended up being of some use to you!
@namelessnavnls8060 7 ай бұрын
Much better than the last two methods I tried. Thank you so much!
@FinSompi 7 ай бұрын
You're welcome! Glad that it helped : -)
@fulesch 8 ай бұрын
WOW, thanks man! Genious method!
@FinSompi 8 ай бұрын
You're welcome! I'm glad that this video continues to serve some good purpose to people. : -)
@FishRepair 9 ай бұрын
This game looks sick
@FinSompi 9 ай бұрын
It is. Both base game and this dlc have a high quality. And once all of the official content has been finished, there's also user-made content available as well.
@snackoman1577 9 ай бұрын
holy washed out colours
@FinSompi 9 ай бұрын
As long as gunner sees his targets and viewers find their secrets, all should be well! I haven't changed any of the options (other than keybindings), since forever. Not sure, if there's something there to be improved graphically or not, heh.
@user-ud7gv3br5d 10 ай бұрын
I used the spam jump grab strat near that ledge to beat it, I had to use two portals to go back and grab the cube but if you're good enough at it you can beat this level with zero portals
@andreasjohansson289 11 ай бұрын
I tried this and it dident work, i guess they patch it, if i take the cube and do the same it wont spawn more balls, it just stopps
@maybefaith23 Ай бұрын
Same, did you find a solution? I'm trying to do this right now
@andreasjohansson289 27 күн бұрын
@@maybefaith23 Nah i gave up
@jimmyjimsonjimjammymcbobinson 2 күн бұрын
you used the wrong energy pellet launcher