@00emoboy00 3 күн бұрын
Can this art course also be of help for traditional new artists as well? So, I'm not exactly starting at 0 since i use to draw hideous pieces back in art class in HS (i just have absouletly no structure,practice,or full basic knowledge of art theory) I'm now 27 but all i've seen from reviewers is this is worth the value, but what if i decide to follow along with pencil/pen until i feel satisfied in my sketches to where i'm able to buy the desired tablet/ipad to return to complete the related terms. How many terms do you think can i complete/grasp in before investing in one? or would it be wiser to just start drawing digitally without paper knowledge/EXP.
@CutterflyArts 3 күн бұрын
@@00emoboy00 Depending on what is your personal goal. If you want to become a digital artist then practicing straight on digital will help you a lot with learning software. On the other hand if your goal is to learn drawing basics then you can fully complete the challenge on paper and using pen (with exception of color). I would say go for it as soon as possible maybe swap later on the way. I wish you good luck!
@00emoboy00 3 күн бұрын
@@CutterflyArts Great advice! Thank you for your time!
@saltyfry4328 9 күн бұрын
Good stuff, the fox at 24 minutes has human style legs instead of digi legs like an actual fox. Other than that looks awesome
@th3_spartan 25 күн бұрын
Very inspiring video! You for sure improved a lot! Do you have any tips for the rendering proces of a piece? It's something I keep struggling with because I feel like after I'm done it still feels very flat
@CutterflyArts 24 күн бұрын
@@th3_spartan When your drawing feels flat it's usually caused by not wide enough value range make sure to implement 3 layers of shadow stacked on top Basic shadow - marking the area where shadow begins Core shows- area where shadow gets deeper Cast shadow - cast by other objects creates the deepest shading Then you can add your light including bounce light on the shadow side
@Bivanqw 26 күн бұрын
In conclusion no you did not improve to become a professional, but just an entry ticket to become normal as starting artist. You got a long way to go, but realistically, you are not going to reach in concept art industry since there are younger people better than you. Sad but true
@CutterflyArts 26 күн бұрын
@@Bivanqw there is always someone better, and as far as concept art goes once certain fundamental level is reached your problem solving and ideas are more important than technical skills
@Bivanqw 26 күн бұрын
@@CutterflyArts reality is harsh, art company won't choose you because of you're hardworking, they choose you because of skills, and your connection to somebody, recommended by whom
@CutterflyArts 26 күн бұрын
@@Bivanqw Skills are what I am trying to learn. When I do, there should be no problem in starting art career since I will have what they are looking for
@Bivanqw 26 күн бұрын
@@CutterflyArts I wish you good luck, I'm trying to learn too. But I was always told I'm not enough, even by artist when I visit Singapore. I'm very heartbroken too
@CutterflyArts 26 күн бұрын
@@Bivanqw Thank you, I whish good luck to you as well. Reality is harsh but we have to do a leap of faith that one day all our work will pay off otherwise we would achive nothing anyway.
@bunkersnail9531 28 күн бұрын
I would pay for something similar. I just don't need anything drawn.
@CutterflyArts 28 күн бұрын
@@bunkersnail9531Thank you for sharing your opinion on my artwork I appreciate it ^^. I heard someone say "art is not supposed to be a necessity, it's a luxury" So I don't think you have to "need it" or anything, cheers!
@just_hris Ай бұрын
This is an incredible commitment
@reddevilsunited_2060 Ай бұрын
I m going through the monthly challenge right now. Decided to learn to draw as an absolute noob after turning 27. Hopefully i can be a good character artist someday for a video game or a cool super hero comic. Is 27 too late now. I really don't know but hopefully it's not.
@CutterflyArts Ай бұрын
@@reddevilsunited_2060 Its never too late, good luck on your art adventure
@Mofie-i8e Ай бұрын
@joeschmoe3815 Ай бұрын
Your progress is very inspiring. For professional work I'd say you probably need one more year and you're good to go. You achieved a lot and can be proud of yourself! Good job!
@CutterflyArts Ай бұрын
@@joeschmoe3815 well its almost another year for me and I don't think I can reach professional level yet but it doesn't mean I did not improved. I will be sharing my results for sure, and thank you for your kind words.
@Kīīng-Skull Ай бұрын
Upload more vdos 😤😤😤
@CutterflyArts Ай бұрын
@@Kīīng-Skull I really should
@snoozyboio Ай бұрын
Tl;dr, have fun. If you aren't having fun doing it, do something else. They say you can only eat an elephant one bite at a time, and this is true for art as well. There's a mountain of information that needs to be introduced, understood, and mastered, and then turned into intuition if you want to become a master at art, but a beginner is not a master. A beginner is a beginner. They are a toddler trying to race as fast as usaine bolt because of the sheer idea (or sense of obligation) that it MUST be done before you can even call yourself an artist. In my opinion, art is a series of questions that the art piece asks you, and then you, the artist, have to answer them. How long do I draw this line, how does this curve match my reference, how do I draw a circle, how do I draw a skull, how does the light bounce off my subject are just a few of the questions you'll be asked. However, if you cannot ask yourself why you're learning to draw and say you either want to enrich your life by learning a skill of self-expression or to have fun, you should stop immediately. (This is assuming you don't want to make it a career. That requires a whole other set of skills.) Learning to draw is not something that society inherently encourages people to do. It is much better (because it is more profitable) to be able to perform basic arithmetic, draft papers, give public speeches, test taking skills, learn how to study texts to then regurgitate the information on a test later, etc. If you go into pursuing art because you feel some moralistic obligation ("I HAVE to learn it because x"), ask yourself if the relationship you have with art is healthy or if it is an extension of some grander way you perceive your relationship of how you express yourself as a whole. I say this, because I hate seeing people who constantly whine and complain over their art, talking about how horrible it is and how they perceive themselves, or how they look at art years down the line as a monster of their own creation instead of a fun little thing to do when they're bored now that they're so knee-deep in it. And if drawing doesn't work for you, don't fret. There are so many different mediums (calligraphy, pixel art, painting, iconography, etc.) and so many different forms of expression (dance, music, etc.), and unless you wish to publicly share the prowess you specifically achieved with any of them as a means to show your expertise (or lack thereof like those shitty art accounts made as a parody), it should only matter to YOU how deeply you wish to learn and master the concepts.
@RandomPerson-uw1oo Ай бұрын
To be honest, I don't consider myself talented, so in my mind I'm worried it may take me longer than 2 years (I said "longer" than 2 years, not in 2 years) to feel like I'm finally getting good enough to start earning money even if I see someone else getting there faster. And this is coming from someone who actually have the art school course too from Marc. Hack, some part of me even worry that I'll never get good even if I practice everysingle day. That being said, I still like seeing others getting there in just 1 year though, even if I don't consider myself talented, even if I'm abit concerned that it might take me triple the amount of time to get to that point, it's still encouraging to see that being possible for other people, on the plus side that does mean I won't disappoint myself it I don't get good in 2 years, though I am scared as of right now because of it. Since I'm pretty new, hopefully I can get good, in 2 years if not 1 just like how I was recommended to draw for 2 years. Hopefully, lol XD
@CutterflyArts Ай бұрын
@@RandomPerson-uw1oo It depends where is "there" for me I feel like "there" is still far away from my reach and I will probably take rest of my life tring to reach it since there is a always a room for improvement.Comparing yourself to others is not a great practise for artists. I am certain you are able to draw well but everybody has thier strengths and weakness. We are just so focused on what is wrong that we faill to see whats right. I still whish you best of luck and may you reach your goal in your time
@troodon_oneiron4973 2 ай бұрын
And if I am an animalist the process of learning will be same?
@CutterflyArts 2 ай бұрын
@@troodon_oneiron4973 I dont think so, depending on how much human anatomy will you need you can replace it with study of your favorite creature
@trashcan1536 2 ай бұрын
A lot of this stuff can be applied to more than just art. I've found myself using a lot of what you said when learning blender and Japanese, and I'm using them to great effect as I start my art journey. I hope everyone can understand the value of your advice and be able to use it for every venture in their life
@CutterflyArts 2 ай бұрын
@@trashcan1536 You are right, art is one of the many skills we can learn even tho its partcuraly hard one and takes a lot of time. I wish you best of luck on your art journey
@trashcan1536 2 ай бұрын
I would definitely hire you for commission work. I don't know anything about game studio work but your style definitely would have an appeal to the right company. Keep going 🦅🔥💥💥💥💥☢️
@CutterflyArts 2 ай бұрын
@@trashcan1536 Thank you for your words of encouragement!
@youknowrepcak 2 ай бұрын
Wow, bro! Your art progress is incredible! You should be really proud of your work. Keep it up, you're definitely on the right track!
@CutterflyArts 2 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for your words of encouragement I am still grinding my way throught art :)
@multitude1337 3 ай бұрын
what do you use to draw on?
@CutterflyArts 3 ай бұрын
Do you mean software or hardware? -Huion KAMVAS Pro 16 as drawing tablet -krita as a program
@Hatchi19008 4 ай бұрын
My biggest problem in drawing is not even a burnout or motivation or etc. but seeing other people doing a day 1 drawing better then i am after like 5 months... which really hurts :/ i draw alot and started this year since january and if i compare myself (i know its not good but everyone does...) to your video of the year I just feel bad for myself seeing someone do so much better even do i really try my best and cant even do shit no matter how hard i try.. its just annoying. still like your Videos <3
@CutterflyArts 4 ай бұрын
Hey, you should not compare your art with mine. Everybody has thier own journey If you are not seeing the improvement compare your latest work with your first drawing or redraw it a new. I am certain you are getting better as I said in the video "art is fair" more you put into it the better you can draw. Progress could be hard to notice at first glance. I wish you best luck and if you need any advice talk to me on discord I will see what I can do
@Hatchi19008 4 ай бұрын
@@CutterflyArts thank you very much i really appreciate it! I will try my best ❤️
@CutterflyArts 4 ай бұрын
Don't forget to share your tips and techniques under this comment
@pebbles714 4 ай бұрын
5:20 i am indeed drawing right now
@CutterflyArts 4 ай бұрын
@jjcandelabra6164 4 ай бұрын
a Koleen diss, u love see it
@jjcandelabra6164 4 ай бұрын
my boy really went from Noob to Teacher in a Year
@CutterflyArts 4 ай бұрын
I always like to share what I know in case I forget it, good to see you again in here
@williammclean6594 4 ай бұрын
I mean I think if you burn yourself out by drawing everyday. You're probably not cut out to be an artist. Because I can literally draw for like 10 hours and not feel tired because I love doing it. People struggle might just not be that into it
@vangoghloverforever 4 ай бұрын
Burnout is actually common in most things as even professional artists burnout sometimes. Since burnout is physical and mental exhaustion caused by excessive stress, and drawing saps your energy, it's extremely normal to feel burnt out.
@williammclean6594 4 ай бұрын
@@vangoghloverforever for me, art is the way I de-stress so like whenever I feel bad I just draw so I just can't relate to that. Maybe if art was my full-time job and I associated it with stress. I would feel burnt out. But I saw this video a while back ago where this guy was saying he's been trying to become a professional artist for like 15 years and all his friends are working in the gaming industry and he's not anywhere close to his dream. But he also said he finds it incredibly hard to sit down and draw even for an hour a day. If you have a hard time drawing, it's probably not the career for you. Because if you got into the industry you would have to like draw at least 5 hours a day most likely.
@CutterflyArts 4 ай бұрын
​@@williammclean6594 ​ You are right professional artists should be able to sit through long time of drawing but some of them may still feel burnout.I believe there is many nonprofessional artists that would like to learn drawing consistency and with correct approach they would be able to fit habit of drawing in their daily schedule and don't get overwhelmed by it.
@williammclean6594 4 ай бұрын
@@CutterflyArts yeah you definitely have to ease into drawing. It's hard to be able to do a lot at first. Eventually, once you become more comfortable and you're able to draw a lot without the feeling like a very long time. I had problems concentrating because I have ADHD but as soon as I got on medication I was able to concentrate.
@Miniflower25 4 ай бұрын
What is the app your are using to draw?
@CutterflyArts 4 ай бұрын
I am using krita its a free software i highly recommend giving it a try
@UmbrisArts 4 ай бұрын
Great video and tips keep it going! Also a tip to prevent burnout is to draw something you enjoy drawing (similar to a tip you talked about but this one goes a bit into why you should draw what you like), if you want to draw characters then don't feel like it because it isn't what it seemed at first just move to another thing, art really has a lot of things to offer and checking some of those things out won't do bad, whether it's landscape drawing, characters or portraits, there are so many things and if you draw something you don't like drawing but you want to draw because you feel the need to it (whether if it's because you want to draw the same stuff as your favorite artist or you're just afriad to draw the thing you love to draw) you'll burnout, I see lots of difference between wanting something and liking something.
@CutterflyArts 4 ай бұрын
Very smart argument. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I probably misunderstood the difference between 'like' and 'want,' as you mentioned.
@nie_znam_was9588 4 ай бұрын
Bro this is the perfect tutorial for me although I will forget all these tips anyway I still won't know how to draw I was supposed to do the annual challenge this year but I didn't want to do so much guesture 😢
@CutterflyArts 4 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear you are leaving the challange but you will know how to draw if you put the effort into learning. I know people who also quit because of gesture but keep drawing whatever they desire and are slowly progressing foward. I whish you best of luck and motivatation
@sarahm2005 4 ай бұрын
I loved seeing your progress. I'd love to see your progress after two years. I think you should also work on coloring, because good coloring also makes your work more professional.
@CutterflyArts 4 ай бұрын
Thank you, I will likely share my further progress.Right now coloring is not my priority because I have been told by professional that my eye for color is good. I am not saying that it can't be better but there is plenty of other key skills that I need to bring in line with color such as lighting, anatomy, Storytelling, perspective, line confidence etc. Once thats done I will try to level up my coloring :)
@JotaArcae 4 ай бұрын
Honestly thinking about doing it. I'm not a complete beginner but I certainly could use a little bit of finetuning, especially when it comes to proportions. Your Review looks promissing.
@CutterflyArts 4 ай бұрын
You could always give it a try, see how much you like it
@tamaspeterradvanyi1445 4 ай бұрын
"this is my last furry drawing" *also draws **6:55*
@CutterflyArts 4 ай бұрын
Is it really a furry if it has scalies? But seriously its a see monster not a fursona like the other drawing so I see it as a diffrent thing.
@tamaspeterradvanyi1445 4 ай бұрын
@@CutterflyArts I understand you and my joke is kinda forced, still furry means every anthropomorphized being, so it's not just like a category. A lot of people use this word incorrectly and think scalies aren't furries however scalies are just a subcategory of furries.
@CutterflyArts 4 ай бұрын
@@tamaspeterradvanyi1445 thank you claryfing I was not aware before Guess what are the search results after typing "scalies" into browser XD
@channjei7459 5 ай бұрын
You deserved a sub! ♥️ Keep it up bro! The only one thing that i want to you is please learn more about foreshortening because this concept was actually good! What if, you use foreshortening instead? It'll be look more "Action" vibes 😎
@CutterflyArts 5 ай бұрын
Thank you! I think that forshortnig will take my illustrations to next level but its pretty advanced method that will take time master. If I get good at it I will surely do a repaint of Sandwalker and compare the diffrence :)
@KevinBenjaminMusic 5 ай бұрын
I have no motivation anymore....im 35and i did Music and painting my whole life now with social media and AI i lost all drive and motivation 😢😢😢😢😢
@CutterflyArts 5 ай бұрын
I am really sorry to hear that.I don't know your entire situation but sounds to me like you are focused too much on the wrong part of creative process (the outcome).Try to find what brought you towards creating art in a first place was it perhaps a desire to recreate any scene form your mind or sharing your point of view on things. Maybe you lack the goal in your craft or you stopped creating things for your own enjoyment. I hope you find back your motivation and I wish you best of luck!
@GlitchmanVGM 5 ай бұрын
Great video! I just subscribed! I'm learning how to draw faces with accurate proportions. It's a lot harder than I thought it would be lol 😆 But I'm making good progress!
@CutterflyArts 5 ай бұрын
Faces are hard indeed I am still trying to improve mine, thank you for kind words and I wish you best luck with your learning ^^
@ForrestImel 6 ай бұрын
Great progress in just a year, looking forward to where you will be at by next year :)
@CutterflyArts 6 ай бұрын
Thank you! I am also looking foward to it
@Badartist888 6 ай бұрын
I always laugh when peoples before art is better than my current art in these kinds of videos. Having said that. Keep up the hard work. It's clearly paying off. Doing great.
@superrobotfish6701 6 ай бұрын
awesome improvement. I recommend focusing on stuff like shape design and values to get your art to the next level. Marc is a great artist but I find that youtubers like sinix design are much better teachers. watch every single sinix video. you will learn so many things about design you didn't even know you needed to learn.
@CutterflyArts 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for your kind words and recomendation - I do wach guides from many diffrent sources including sinix especially his anatomy guides. Do you have any suggestions where to start he has a lot of videos and I can't afford watching'em all yet
@superrobotfish6701 6 ай бұрын
@@CutterflyArts I recommend his design theory videos the most. In my opinion this stuff is just as important to understand as gesture and anatomy. I'm sure he has a playlist with all of them. Watch these videos, take notes and then look at some recent art you made and try to improve it. You will basically just be critiqueing yourself. I am doing the same myself right now and I think it's a great exercise to get better.
@PrOBOY251 6 ай бұрын
​@@CutterflyArtscheck out art prof they have the most resources and are all for free
@bakedbeings 6 ай бұрын
Can you learn to draw in a lifetime?
@CutterflyArts 6 ай бұрын
For sure ^^
@meto3850 6 ай бұрын
hello I'm a fellow artist who did something similar, and i see you have made a lot of progress. but i do still see you have a lot to improve on, i think i know i study that can help you a lottt, it has been the most helpful thing iv ever done. i cant explain it completely to you, but i can tell you whare to find it. on schoolism if you go to nathen falxes he has a course on color and light, when waching his videos he talks about a 1h daily study of making a color master copy of an illustration. if you go learn about that and put it to practice, i think you would improve a lot. but if you want me to point to a fundamental to study, go for value and color. study soft edges and hard edges. and how to better control your values. also learn how to paint in light with harder brushes, you don't need to always paint light with one but, i can see an overuse of the soft round brush. try learning how to paint with hard round brush. turn down the brushes flow and use pressure sensitivity to control opacity. having that skill in your pocket can make you a more versatile artist. you don't have to do these things, this is just what i think would help you the most, and this is coming from someone who dose not know you or know whare you want to go.
@ElvenCouncellor 6 ай бұрын
You've definitely improved alot. Im on a similiar journey and like you said to get better you gotta make some sacrifices. I tried growing my social media presence as i started drawing seriously but i find that to be bad for improving myself. Seeing how much you've drawn in a year motivates me to draw more. Im drawing everyday but not nearly enough. Though two things i can confidently say that I've improved in since last year would be drawing faces and hands. And my line quality has gotten significantly better as well. And like yourself im looking forward to learning more anatomy this year. And perspective as well. So good luck on your journey. 🙌
@CutterflyArts 6 ай бұрын
Funny to meet someone at at the same point of the art learning road. I am happy that you got inspired by my video. Thank you for your kind words. I also wish you best of luck!
@ElvenCouncellor 6 ай бұрын
@@CutterflyArts ❤️❤️
@shiggydiggy6847 6 ай бұрын
There is clear progress. Though I personally think those monthly goals are overly ambitious. Fundamentals like making a mannequin out of simple shapes is something that you can see significant improvement in even if you practice efficiently for years. And certain skills build upon others, I personally don't see much point in dabbling with colour if the understanding of values is lacking.
@CutterflyArts 6 ай бұрын
Thank you! A little bit of diversity is fine and I feel like the whole schedule was made to tackle every concept a bit and build a strong routine.
@neolordie 6 ай бұрын
Foreshortening will come with practice, use lots of references and if you can real life references
@CutterflyArts 6 ай бұрын
I would have to find a model then, but yeah swaping photo reference with real life from time to time is important
@zemptai 6 ай бұрын
Love you bringing us along on your journey. You got so much better and inspire me to continue grinding. Thanks.
@CutterflyArts 6 ай бұрын
I am happy that you got inspired by my progress, Good luck on your grind!
@dariollanos 6 ай бұрын
Great video mate, i was supossed to start this challenge 1 january last year, but im so lazy lol, gonna start now.
@CutterflyArts 6 ай бұрын
Go ahead I am cheering for you!
@TerrariaFansN1 6 ай бұрын
Great progress! and not gonna lie all of your worries will forever remain like that. Even my art teacher still feel that his art "sucks" even tho he worked for alot of triple A compagnies for concept art and illustration so yeah we just gotta find out how to cope with it and not let it give us art block ^^
@CutterflyArts 6 ай бұрын
Sad but true, thank you for your kind words. Good to know I am not alone on this boat.
@Mezurashii5 6 ай бұрын
Non artist take here, do with it what you will: There's definitely improvement, and the final illustration improved a lot as you worked on it, but I still wouldn't say it looks professional yet. Something that really impresses me about pro artists is that they have a very clear understanding of things that aren't being drawn, like the muscles under the skin, the way details would look from a diferent angle, etc. I think that's missing here - bandages look a bit like just a texture, with the torso looking mismatched to the arm and face, and the fennec fox kept having its joints bent backwards, the poor thing. So idk, maybe try thinking about what isn't visible, and even drawing the motions that would come before and after a pose to undestand it better. Anatomy is a big thing and seems like half the battle when it comes to characters. It will probably improve your stuff a ton. Looks like you struggle with depth on detail and perspective as well, which kinda ties into imagining the object instead of the drawing itself that I described earlier. I didn't see you draw the same thing from more than one angle in this video, which might explain it. The last point I'm not sure about because I can't tell what issue I see with it, but the way you colour things is very common among beginner artists who put some unflattering stuff out there. Not the colours themselves, more so the technique or something. Can't say anything more specific sadly.
@CutterflyArts 6 ай бұрын
How did non artist got here? Are you planning to pick up drawing as well? You are probably right about most of things. Right now I am trying to focus on anatomy that I breifly tackled and I hope to see more improvement in my illustrations. Also I think i drew Sandwalker and his fox in several diffrent angles but only in a sketch/thumbnail form. It's still quite a struggle for me. Lastly about the coloring could you refer me to some examples so I may understand better what you mean? Overall thank you for pointing these out I appreaciete you taking your time to help.
@Mezurashii5 6 ай бұрын
@@CutterflyArts > How did non artist got here? Well, the almighty algorithm of course, lol. I'm content making music, don't need another creative avenue to fail in right now :p
@CutterflyArts 6 ай бұрын
@@Mezurashii5 well music making is a kind of an art ^^
@DennisCNolasco 6 ай бұрын
What ai app did you use to get feedback? I haven’t seen this done before, could be very useful.
@CutterflyArts 6 ай бұрын
I used built in Bing Ai because it's free, it is basically a chatgpt-4 model available for limited use.
@DennisCNolasco 6 ай бұрын
@@CutterflyArts How does that work for critiquing art? You just upload your art and it gives feedback?
@DennisCNolasco 6 ай бұрын
Yup, I just tried that out. Thanks for the great idea!
@CutterflyArts 6 ай бұрын
@@DennisCNolasco happy to help but be catious If you want to to be sure ai doesn't steal your artwork send to it only work in progress or skeches
@hot_ice_84 6 ай бұрын
Oh! hello there ! looks like we are in the same boat. Nice to meet you.👋
@CutterflyArts 6 ай бұрын
Welcome aboard! , nice to meet you as well
@Stylix444r 6 ай бұрын
Alright my turn to grind😂
@CutterflyArts 6 ай бұрын
I wish you luck with that :)
@Stylix444r 6 ай бұрын
@@CutterflyArts Thanks bro
@sweettoxicity4980 6 ай бұрын
@CutterflyArts 6 ай бұрын
Wait what does he have to do with that?
@TheTinyTimmyTimTim 6 ай бұрын
This was awesome and super inspiring. I have creative shell shock with this. There's a ton of stuff I like to do. I love to write, read, play music, sing draw, etc... so I bounce frenetically between these things week over week. I'm alright at all of them, but I'm not particularly great at any (except writing if I can be a bit self aggrandizing, I do it for a living) and it's likely because I don't have the requisite discipline you do to sit there and commit to studying and practicing it. A lot of things have come easy for me and the downside is that I have practically no capacity for arduous grinding. Despite this, I'm always drawing. I subconsciously do it all the time. On napkins at a restaurant, deposit slips at the bank, sketchbooks in traffic, you name it. I think it's time I listened to my brain and commit to this process. Thanks for the inspiration, I'm gonna ride this ephemeral inspo as far as it'll take me and hopefully break this plateau I keep crashing into.
@CutterflyArts 6 ай бұрын
You are surely a skillful writer. I can't wait to see how good you can get with drawing. Remember, even when things come easy your way, it's only your hard work that can get you what you want. Best of luck!
@tyle_2860 16 күн бұрын
Dude you just taught me 5 new words thanks 😂
@endzsi639 6 ай бұрын
My first time on your channel and loved this video. You have improved so much, i loved the rendering in the final piece. I saved the challenge to do it back then but never started. Now im so inspired to start it.
@CutterflyArts 6 ай бұрын
I wish you best of luck on your learning journey and I am always happy to inspire :)