Urbanmech LAM unboxing
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@rcgunner7086 8 күн бұрын
Ugly, but killy.
@horriblypink Ай бұрын
I swear I am the only person who actually wanted this thing 😂
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
No shade, you do you 🍻
@horriblypink Ай бұрын
There was a lot of people mad when Pre Painted mechs were announced, and from the Horrors of Clicky Tech mini's, the D&D and Marvel/DC Clix range, I don't blame them. But to be completely honest that Orion is not painted any worse than the mechs I see on the table.
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
It’s painted more like an old school X-wing/Armada miniature. Decal works and lines were really good
@RUINERx117 Ай бұрын
The best use of pre-painted mechs would be to sell them in a bundle with a book that they match the cover of. Bundle this Orion with "Fall From Glory" instead of a force pack
@tnh723 Ай бұрын
Colony drama But with entire space armies...
@KimKhan Ай бұрын
You can see it in his eyes. He is a lost cause.
@jagdson2701 Ай бұрын
Instead of buying the UrbanLAM set, I should find a copy of "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension." It's certainly not a thin joke that went on so long it became a waste of resources. The best thing about BT was always the customization. The comments have repeated reminders that UrbanLAM does not conform to the construction rules. Soon it will... and with a bit of cut&glue it will do so while carrying nukes.
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
Carmen Miranda’s Ghost song “Bomber” increases in volume
@kithran Ай бұрын
Noones going to buy it you say however it (along with the Star League lance with the painted Orion) sold out in about 15 minutes at UK Games Expo....
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
Something about fools and their money being parted…
@Septulum Ай бұрын
@@DrBanzai That and apparently only a handful of each box being available.
no talon, no enfield, no shootist,Lineholder,watchman, etc. Lams shouldn't take up manufacturing,production time when so many mechs remain undone.
@toawing Ай бұрын
I've heard this box was always going to be urbie, they just chose a lam version instead of 2-3 different urbie modals. I actually like lams and while I like how silly this modal is I do have to agree that canon mechs should have priority. Plenty of good mechs are unavailable or metal only.
@juanizquierdo8114 Ай бұрын
Se supone que todas las razas están en ese universo que se lo coman racistas
@juanizquierdo8114 Ай бұрын
Menos en Castellano cualquier mierda le vale de nombre
@RUINERx117 Ай бұрын
I need a wrecked Urbanmech, what pack is that in again?
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
The north wind highlanders pack, IRC; it’s an alternative option to place the jumping Highlander mech
@RUINERx117 Ай бұрын
Well I definitely don't need a jumping Highlander. That's useless in Alpha Strike if you are considering line-of-sight.
@8moebius8 Ай бұрын
Another wasted opportunity. Jokes on us.
@bruced648 Ай бұрын
this is going to be fantastic fielding a full company of these. the most unexpected defense to go up against. yes, I will be getting 12 of these plus 2 command units. (14) also, I am not a 3 day gaming tourist. I've been playing since Battledroids. playing standard battletech at battalion and regiment strength is a typical Saturday 4 to 5 hour battle. having these in addition to my battalion of urbanmech city defense forces, will be a lot of fun!
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
You do you, I just post videos on KZbin, I’m not a cop lol
@bruced648 Ай бұрын
@DrBanzai I know. I was just stirring the pot a bit. I did kit bash my own Urbie LAM - it was a kit bash challenge. I prefer my version over the CGL version. personally, I agree with your video. they would have been much better off making a set of actual LAM boxes. Stinger, Wasp and Phoenixhawk. those would have been well received.
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
@@bruced648 right on. Conversions are always good.
@135forte Ай бұрын
Not sure which is funnier, the absolue knowledge that people are spite buying this or the fact that you have one despite hating it.
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
I didn’t really have any script for this, so when I started speaking it just kind of flowed. I don’t hate it as much as I think it’s a gross misapplication of resources
@youtmeme Ай бұрын
Love it!!!!😊
@sputnik128 Ай бұрын
Did you put the garbage can in the garbage can?
@J4H3AD Ай бұрын
Atlas II looks a little derpy but also cool. Probably be picking this up when I get the chance! Pepainted? .... Meh? Ill have to get one in hand before deciding to keep it or redo it.
@J4H3AD Ай бұрын
Yeah... Urbie has gone too far. No record sheets, nothing actually useful. This is an april fools joke that took up a production slot that could've been used for literally anything else.
@R4V3-0N Ай бұрын
Yes and no. This served well as a light hearted official release of a product and one that has been rather popular and well received. Even if you absolutely dislike it there is still a positive net benefit for you: sales. Which means more products down the line and/or greater capacity of products. With literally every other force pack being serious, a single joke one in this wave or year doesn't hurt.
@J4H3AD Ай бұрын
Good place for it! 😂
@mathewkelly9968 Ай бұрын
More crying omg , go find another game . BattleTech doesnt need your right wing greivence culture
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
lol, lmao
@DarthJester Ай бұрын
As opposed to your left wing terroristic cult?
@DarthJester Ай бұрын
Did you even watch the video? He gave a positive review of it and you call it "greivence culture". Oh wait, your kind are allergic to facts and reality. BTW, it's spelt "grievance".
@thforres Ай бұрын
This wasn’t even that negative. Maybe you should go find another game if you’re going to be this toxic.
@POHLlitiker Ай бұрын
Well, aint you ray of sunshine. What happened to respecting the opinion of others, or just conducting yourself with basic decency?
@mathewkelly9968 Ай бұрын
Everyone who likes this down vote this negative nancy , a good ratioing will tell him how wrong he is 😂
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
Your engagement grows my channel ;)
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
lol he thinks I’m in this for validating my opinion lmao
@DarthJester Ай бұрын
So you can't formulate any meaningful counter argument. Looks like you just conceded.
@mathewkelly9968 Ай бұрын
Its glorious that's what it is . And do you Americans get any joy out of anything ? Because yous always be crying 😅
@POHLlitiker Ай бұрын
Calling the wreck the best version is cold...
@Badlemech Ай бұрын
Are you seriously disappointed with this? Why buy it, you knew what it was before buying it. I think it's awesome and hilarious, can't wait to get mine!
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
Reviewing things includes reviewing things I’d rather not. This is a meme product which expresses the contempt with which CGL holds the fan base.
@Badlemech Ай бұрын
@@DrBanzai dude, this thing is gonna sell out, lol
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
@@Badlemech God I hope not. But I realize there are plenty of brain rotted newcomers that don’t realize this is useless and not representative of what actual LAMs can do.
@Badlemech Ай бұрын
​@@DrBanzai Maybe lighten up a little, it's a joke product, some people like jokes. Also, newcomers are great, why denigrate them?
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
@@Badlemech as far as “it’s just a joke” this is Urbanmech “joke” product #5. The joke is old at this point. The tributary problem with this is if this does draw in new players, they will just think the game is a joke instead of a great game.
@Krefey Ай бұрын
I want the flying trash can!
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
Model a normal Urbanmech jumping…
@gambitraven Ай бұрын
And the Dodo battalion flys again Them ideas Team rocket Starfox
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
Could better be achieved with Wasps/Stinger/Phoenix Hawk LAMs, which exist and have rules.
@JustinKase1969 Ай бұрын
It is silly - but it is enjoyable. Though I wish they kept Bishop Steiner's LAM Urbie cockpit orientation. Personally, I find this more palatable and believable than some of the eras. But, different people enjoy different things - and I am sure there are people who are thrilled to see various era 'mechs, while there are others who will never use them. This may not be everyone's cup of tea, but they aren't forced to buy it. Just hoping to see some sheets for them (even if 100% unofficial). The thing I take from this, is that maybe, just maybe, we will see other LAM box sets.
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
They could have done an existing LAM, and I don’t think anyone would have raised an eyebrow, but they did this, and decided to give us something no one will use consistently
@JustinKase1969 Ай бұрын
I am hoping that they provide a color list for the 'mech to paint up a whole unit. If they had some forethought, they will have used Army Painter (since they are selling BT Paints).
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
I would hope that’s something in the work
@user-dn6oi6dt7U Ай бұрын
Love the helmets
@xyonblade Ай бұрын
the urbanmech meme has gone too far, I would have bought a phoenix hawk LAM, I won't buy this.
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
@DarkKnightCuron Ай бұрын
@RemTV Ай бұрын
are there even any rules for this thing?
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
At the time of review, there are rules for LAMs but this mech is without a record sheet; even if it does get one, they will likely not be legal based on the total warfare construction rules
@MrClassicor Ай бұрын
This is fun. We are allowed to have fun every once in a while. I applaud our new Urbie LAM Overlords.
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
They had fun with the: Urbanmech Salvage Box, the Urbanmech Lance pack, the Urbanmech company pack, and the UrbanFest April fools book…
@MrClassicor Ай бұрын
@@DrBanzai Where there are Urbies, the fun never stops! I will get one, and I think I will call it Gary.
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
@@MrClassicor that’s certainly an opinion
@MrClassicor Ай бұрын
@@DrBanzai What can I say - none of us are entitled to get what we think is "necessary" 🤷‍♂️ If we were, I would rage at the Blackjacks. Hate those things. So, this is not for you. Fair enough. But it seems to me that there are enough people enjoying this release to make it worthwhile. And if CGL decide to have more Urbie shenanigans in the future, that is their prerogativ. Besides, this might be them dipping their toes into the LAM pool; if this goes well it just might make it more likely to get "serious" / more traditional LAMs in the future. Seriously though, there is even a Blackjack in the Dragoons lance box, what's the deal with that? Ugly fekkers.
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
The issue, as far as I understand the LAM rules, this mech is rules wise illegal. There are the alpha strike cards, but they are hilariously bad, and is someone wants to light their money on fire it’s on them. I’m just the messanger
@calebhebert2733 Ай бұрын
Catalyst needs to sell you jokes because that's what they are. Imagine being a big company and relying on constant kickstarters.
@DicePunk Ай бұрын
Social media manager: "You know what would be really funny?" *proceeds to say something unfunny* CEO: *Laughs his ass off.* Product Designer: *SIGH*
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
Pretty much
@michaeljdauben Ай бұрын
I still think painting one mech out of the box is a silly choice. If I wanted pre-painted mechs, I'm still stuck with three unpainted mechs. If I like to paint my mechs so the whole lance matches (which I do) I need to strip that one so I can paint it myself.
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
I don’t hate the idea, but it seems like a simple green bath will get it back to grey
@Blue_Dingo Ай бұрын
This thing is gonna sell out :)
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
If it does, CGL will take the wrong lesson from it, like it does with everything else
@InquisitorAstelon Ай бұрын
As someone who started with the box sold in Walden Books in the ancient times... this is awesome and I love it.
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
Could have been something actually useful, all I’m saying
@R4V3-0N Ай бұрын
It's more useful than an actual urbanmech. So I'm fine with that.
@yourseatatthetable Ай бұрын
Yep, if BT ever had a mascot, it's the Urbie. Now, what we need is an Assault version and a Quad version.
@phildicks4721 Ай бұрын
The Urbie already has an Assault Version...its called the Anhilliator.😂😂😂
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
I want off the Urbanmech ride. The joke went flat after the Urbanmech lance box, which was actually useful unlike this.
@yourseatatthetable Ай бұрын
@@DrBanzai I've always found the Urbanmech a good city fighter for defense. Its only real flaw is the lack of ammo. It's slow speed isn't a problem in confined battlescapes. But that's my opinion.
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
@yourseatatthetable as a mech, I don’t mind the Urbanmech, it’s fine. The issue is it’s become a running joke that has gone too far, as far as products/focus etc
@DarkKnightCuron Ай бұрын
No, the BattleTech mascot started as the Warhammer, and then became the Atlas. I don't see an Urbanmech head as the symbol, it's an atlas head.
@ericjohnson1289 Ай бұрын
Prepainted is not needed; half the fun is painting things as you, the fan, want them to be painted.
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
I think it’s an interesting concept, but I would have rather had it be done for the entire lance
@ericjohnson1289 Ай бұрын
@@DrBanzai That runs into more cost then, this box set already wa clsoe to $32 as it is, all four prepainted we would be paying closer to $50 a set. Not worth it.
@ZombieSexmachine Ай бұрын
I hate painting. You don't speak for me.
@Chago1701 Ай бұрын
I'm kind of wondering why they tuckerized Fred Tatasciore on the pilot card. He's a voice actor that I know from Star Trek: Lower Decks (Lt. Shaxs) but has done a ton of other shows as well
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
That’s a very odd choice
@Indianaexplorer Ай бұрын
bro its gonna be okay, you're going to be okay. Last time I had someone this beleaguered by something was a black lady literally in tears in 2016 in front of me in a lobby, crying about how Trump was going to deport her to Africa. You bought it, you gave them money for it, and are sitting here bitching about it for 9 minutes
@Blue_Dingo Ай бұрын
I have no need for a Krensky Orion, but with very little work it will make a fine Lone Wolves Orion. CSO Archer
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
It should strip just fine I think
@Blue_Dingo Ай бұрын
@@DrBanzai I will likely strip my 2nd one, but since the Lone Wolves are a conglomerate unit with no set paint job, and I have decals. I have a idea on how to start from the Kerensky paint job and work out. Worse case, it gets stripped and I start over. CSO Archer
@punishedfink Ай бұрын
I keep hearing it's never been a better time to be a battletech fan. I want off of mister Bones wild ride.
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
Me too, kid.
@sputnik128 Ай бұрын
They put the weapon like that so it would fit in the box while still facing forward. Mine is already lost on the floor - learn from my fail and glue it
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
I put mine back in its bag and tucked the dime bag between its knees then into foam. I’m good lol
@D00MerJohn Ай бұрын
They look good I'm just disappointed we didn't get a special sculpt for AK's Orion, arguably the most famous Mech outside of Solaris.
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
Yeah, Kerensky’s model would have been so unique and cool
@Blue_Dingo Ай бұрын
It is a slight repose though.
@D00MerJohn Ай бұрын
They couldn't even give us a Legendary Orion for AK... instead we get this
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
The card says it’s an Orion Kb, which the small b means it’s a royal star League variant. The wrinkle though, is that configuration does not exist. So here we sit waiting for the record sheet.
@KnightofRome01 Ай бұрын
Looks good. My one question is how easy will the pre painted mechs be to strip. I figured just put it in a container of isopropyl alcohol and it should do fine.
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
A company called VMS makes a super effective stripper that you can re-use by filtering the bits of paint out with a coffee filter. Not sure how harsh it would be on the soft CGL plastic.
@SRTifiable Ай бұрын
This is made for us autists with a completionist complex. So…you know, 99% of table top gamers 😬😅
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
Yeah… yeah…
@MOrab46019 Ай бұрын
I like it.
@DrBanzai Ай бұрын
So do I, honestly quite surprised as to the quality of the Orion paint.