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Home Assistant 2024.03 - New UX!!!
La Plagne
5 ай бұрын
The Dusun Edge Computing Gateway
Biggest update for Home Assistant
ESP32 Display
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MQTT universal remote controller
Gaggiuino - making smart coffee
ComAp Ocean Race 2022
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@jansvoboda85 7 сағат бұрын
Čeština super. HA je bezva, ale člověk potřebuje nakoukat nějaká videa pro inspiraci a popravdě cizojazyčná videa s automatickými tilky není to pravé ořechové, ale pořád lepší než nic. Českého kontentu pro HA aby člověk pohledal. Přidávám odběr a doufám, že čeština si tu najde své místo. A kdyby byla možnost předabovat i starší videa do češtiny, tak by to bylo úplně super.
@TheJancas 3 күн бұрын
Já mám spíše problém sehnat rozumný mikrofon, který by slyšel alespoň v rámci jedné místnosti. Momentálně zkouším Jabra 410 za 500 z Marketplace a Add-on Assist microphone (oba). Zároveň zkouším cestu RTSP/RTP streamu přes integraci Stream Assist. Zatím se ale vždycky zaseknu na hluchém HW. Jinak Assist Jako takový se dá opravdu snadno doladit pomocí aliasů, případně dobře fungují automatizace spouštěné předdefinovanou větou. Tím se mi podařilo dobře eliminovat problémy s rozpoznáním entit. Ale k čemu to je, když HA nedokážu dát pořádné uši🤷‍♂️🙂
@What-l9d 3 күн бұрын
What is energy management? Energy management is the proactive and systematic monitoring, control, and optimization of an organization’s energy consumption to conserve use and decrease energy costs.
@SlickNickTexas 5 күн бұрын
Anyone not able to create the sensor? Here's my code: template: - sensor: - name: trash_day state: >- {{ min((state_attr('calendar.trash_day','start_time') | as_timestamp - today_at('00:00') | as_timestamp) / 86400) | int,2 }} attributes: days: >- {{ ((state_attr('calendar.trash_day','start_time') | as_timestamp - today_at('00:00') | as_timestamp) / 86400) | int }} Every time I save and reload, no sensor is being displayed in states or entities. I'm not see any errors in the logs either.
@SlickNickTexas 5 күн бұрын
I updated my HA and some other things, did a full restart, cleared cache and it started work.
@kolarikrichard8550 7 күн бұрын
Trochu bych Vás opravil ve výkonech 3f rozvodů, počítat výkon 3f rozvodu jako 3x240 x proud je poněkud zavádějící (pokud se nejedná o zapojení do trojúhelníku, ale nevím proč by se takto uměle snižoval nabíjecí příkon,) vzhledem k tomu že napětí v 3f rozvodech v Evropě je 400V na fázi vypadá příkon asi trochu jinak než uvádíte (asi takto: P=3 x Uf x I x cosφ , s tím, že cosφ je jak známo účinník tedy fázový posun mezi napětím a proudem závislý na typu zátěže, což asi lze pro zjednodušení zanedbat takže P=3 x 400 x i a z toho plyne pro 11kW proud 9,166A na fázi)
@ITtechnerd 15 күн бұрын
I’m using easee charger and with this i have full control on the api and there is a hacs for home assistant for it. So i use node red to control if i want to use sun or grid and which phase i want to use. We have 240 on each phase in Denmark. Let me know if you want to have more info on it.
@techgeek2994 16 күн бұрын
can i enter max inverter ourput so it dont overloads when car is charging and house starts also with washing machine and dryer ? can i setup limit of 11kw for overall car and house in this home assistant ? and how do i do that
@jonbraathen2232 20 күн бұрын
You got the wrong EVSE. The Go-e Gemini 11/22kW changes automatically between 1 and 3 phase and you can control all parameters easily from Home Assistant 😊
@PetrusB83 22 күн бұрын
You mentioned you have gas. If you have a water storage tank, look at something like a power diverter from myenergi. It is called Eddi. I use excess solar power to heat my hot water and so use less gas. In Germany we don't get much for pushing back into the grid so my goal is to consume as much as possible myself. The products from myenergi help a lot with that. Nice video.
@DavidTelesPortugal 23 күн бұрын
I also have a pulsar plus. I have a automation running on nodered to adjust the charging current based on the current consumption and the max power I have. I only have 6.9Kw available on my apartment and since the wallbox is on the garage a couple of floors down, I have a powerline to provide internet to the garage and then I have a Shelly EM on the main fuse box reading the consumption from the garage and the total consumption. It works well, never had the power trip due to over consumption
@_v_e_c_t_o_r_ 25 күн бұрын
Why don't you use evcc?
@phamks6109 25 күн бұрын
I already have exported the UI file same your instruction, but there isn't any .ino file; .ino file was exported by squareline or have you written it?
@PatrickFelstead 25 күн бұрын
I have a Fronius solar inverter, and the Fronius WattPilot EV charger. They communicate with each other and the WattPilot ECO mode ensures charge current (power) uses only excess solar power. Works like a charm, no Home Assistant automation or script is necessary.
@PatrickFelstead 25 күн бұрын
The WattPolit automatically switches between 1-phase and 3-phase. It's minimum is 1.4kW.
@rklauco 25 күн бұрын
Interesting exercise. My solution - inverter is symetric (Fronius), charget Go-E gemini flex charger 22kW. All I need to do is generate one MQTT message - how much solar is generating and how much do I take from/return to grid. The go-e will then calculate how much it can use and set the allowed current accordingly. On go-e you can even set the "threshold" - how much grid feed-in there needs to be before it even charges at all and how much grid feed should it keep - to make sure it does not charge the car from the grid. Works fully locally, no external API dependency, etc. Absolutely recommended.
@LittleSpot 25 күн бұрын
I'm looking for exact this solution. Is there a tutorial for this somewhere in the web or can you explain it a little bit more? How fast is the polling/switching time of the goe charger? How long does it take adapt to a new charge current?
@Klaus-macht-Bilder_de 25 күн бұрын
Interesting project - I did a similar project on an ABL-Wallbox which needed generic RS482-communication - which made the part of "talking" to the WB more complicated. I decided to uses MQTT for the WB-Communication and Node Red for the programming part. Our EV is a VW eUP that is capable for max. 2phase charging only - so so far a switch between 2 and 3 phase charging is not covered yet. On the WB I had the same situation, that the manuals offer to install the WB either for 1 or 3 phase charging (2-phase not mentioned. I implemented an standard 3x40A relais to interrupt phase 2 & 3 and a Shelly 3EM mainly for measurement. The relais of the Shelly is used to switch between 1 and 3 phase operation (via the 40A-Relais) - so no mode where I cant disconnect all phases. Thes was not documented anywhere but at least for load free switch between the modes thsi woks fine meanwhile for 3 years. I use this chance between 1 and more phases manual only by looking at the sky and the weather conditions. For my car I found, that it stopps charcing when charging is interrupted ~ more than 10 times and an day with individual clouds all trys with and automation for that switched much too often. For the balance between car and houses battery charging I calculate a reserve value of Watts depending on the house battery SOC. Further I definded a helper for a 2nd reserve power that can be modified between -3000 and + 3000 in 250W steps.This two reserve values and the house consumption were combined to determin how much PV power is available for car charging. Big advantage of that slider is e.g. if you know that the car is uses some hours during the day the power can be adjusted to use some house battery power that can betopped up after the car left. Here a link to a German description
@DethpickleDave 25 күн бұрын
Is wallbox a generic name for an EVSE? Or do you have a Wallbox brand EVSE like the Wallbox Pulsar Plus or something?
@bruxy70 25 күн бұрын
The integration is for the Wallbox brand. I have Pulsar Plus. There are other wallboxes you can manage, e.g. through OCPP. Some others by sending them 1-10V analog input. But the one I got has native HA support
@DethpickleDave 25 күн бұрын
@@bruxy70 thanks! I must have missed the details on the actual unit if you said it. I also have the Pulsar Plus and am running the HA integration. I’ve also experienced it just not working sometimes. Didn’t realize it was a polling limit.
@bruxy70 25 күн бұрын
@DethpickleDave I did not have such issue yet
@tonyjairus 25 күн бұрын
Hi, nice work, searching for similar solution myself, what inverter do u use? And wallbox?
@bruxy70 25 күн бұрын
I have Goodwe 10K ET+. And Wallbox Pulsar Plus.
@tiagomello 25 күн бұрын
Mr White? Is that you?
@yasinunlu443 26 күн бұрын
Great video and excellent profiling example. I've also installed the mod. Can you share the profiling parameters for PI, Soak, Advanced Profiling and Profiling? Thanks!
@MartinKla Ай бұрын
Zdravím Vašku, ještě k těm aliasům. Dalším zajímavým řešením je používat ChatGPT API jako conversation agent. Pak to pochopí i když má anglické aliasy. Například mám topení v akvariu a stačí říct, že rybičkam je zima:) AI pozvedává home assistant na uplně jiný level.. V každém případě pěkné video !
@WondrejBtc 8 күн бұрын
Zdravím, mohu se na něco zeptat? Mám home assitenta "green" propojený s Alexou Echo dot, myslíte že by Ai fungovalo i na to? Děkuji moc
@bruxy70 8 күн бұрын
@WondrejBtc Ne, bohužel. Na Alexa Echo ESP Home firmware nahrát nejde.
@WondrejBtc 8 күн бұрын
@@bruxy70 Škoda, děkuji. Budu muset objednat ESP.
@trentfolan529 Ай бұрын
This is brilliant and so helpful. Thanks!
@TFM-xk7wg Ай бұрын
Isnt there an easier option to purchase a kit with all parts included?
@bruxy70 Ай бұрын
Suppose you can buy a more expensive machine with everything included 😀
@TFM-xk7wg Ай бұрын
@@bruxy70 Im not trying to be smart.. Just making the point you can buy a kit for 100 euro with all parts included, as appose to a machine for a few thousand euro with everything included
@bruxy70 Ай бұрын
@@TFM-xk7wg There is a PCB version now, and I think you can buy it assembled. But frankly, my biggest struggle was to figure out what to disconnect and plug in, and you'll have to always do that. The machine was not designed for that, so it's not easy.
@TFM-xk7wg Ай бұрын
@@bruxy70 Ok thats good to know thanks
@jeffmaynard8371 Ай бұрын
I want to make something like this but i cannot seem to get my esp to communicate with home assistant. anyone willing to help
@horatiuslavescu Ай бұрын
What is the nespresso device listed in your Z2M?
@bruxy70 Ай бұрын
Just a smart plug :)
@xs_service73 Ай бұрын
Gooood ❤
@AL-gi5xj Ай бұрын
Nice! where can I source the dimmer switch to control pump speed? all the new dimmers have LED electronics and don't work, I had one working that I got from an old electrician
@bruxy70 Ай бұрын
I followed the part list. But it was a year ago.
@Smoothy0911 2 ай бұрын
Hi, well done. I appreciate the new migration tool from ZHA, but there is one point that gives me a headache! It concerns the renaming of the IEEE address from the new coordinator during this migration process. In order for the existing Zigbee network to function with the new coordinator, the IEEE address of the new coordinator must be renamed with the same address as the old coordinator... So far everything is ok and the Zigbee network seems working well. What bothers me, is that from then on the 2 Zigbee coordinators have the same IEEE address and this represents a big problem if you want to use the old one in the same Home Assistant instance. A second coordinator must have a different IEEE address and I don't know of any way to change the IEEE address again. This coordinator has actually become unusable for this installation!
@romansejkora1481 2 ай бұрын
Mám nainstalován Hass přímo na X86-64 počítači. Mohu si naistalovat AppDaemon doplněk, nebo je v tom nějaký zádrhel...docker, apod.
@bruxy70 2 ай бұрын
Zkusil bych se zeptat na Google
@janheindl5484 2 ай бұрын
Zdravím Václave! Je to prostě super, v 60 ti letech už člověk moc engliš nerozumí, němčina není problme a tak jsem uvítal video návod v češtině, člověk se pak může věnovat plně nastavování a nemusí se vracet. Snad budou do budoucna i další videa v CZ. Děkuji a přeji hezký víkend z Chodska!
@neilos2085 2 ай бұрын
For anyone following: type: custom:config-template-card entities: - sensor.smes_days variables: DAYS: states['sensor.smes_days'].attributes['days'] card: type: picture-entity entity: sensor.smes_days name: ${DAYS} show_name: true show_state: false state_image: '0': /local/kontejnery/smes_dnes.png '1': /local/kontejnery/smes_zitra.png '2': /local/kontejnery/smes_off.png
@harimax113 2 ай бұрын
hello I saw your video but mine when I flash it does not arrive at the wifi request need help thank you
@222inverter 2 ай бұрын
Hi...mine did the same...just keep flashing it and resetting your browser... eventually mine popped up with the WiFi request box!..I think there is a bug somewhere??
@DamienDavidO 2 ай бұрын
Hmm I’m very interested in getting real weather data in different origins that can control smart devices to regulate the weather in a tank to be within plus 3 or minus 3 degrees. I have a sensor to detect temps and humidity, just not sure how to create the automations.
@licanueto 2 ай бұрын
how does the server identify that the user has logged in to decide whether to serve the page or not? is it cookies? I thought a site had to at least load to get hold of that data but I guess have to be wrong
@bruxy70 2 ай бұрын
I think it first tries to authenticate you using an existing token. If it does not work, it will go to login to check your credentials and generate new token. So you does not login each time, the browser does not send your username/password/MFA. Server keeps a list of valid tokens in <HA URL>/profile/security. And when you authenticate, the browser and server exchange encrypted messages to validate the token.
@shailukov7440 Ай бұрын
Interesting to see when it will be published. Does it means that it will work for home assistant cloud only?
@bruxy70 29 күн бұрын
@@shailukov7440 No, it will work for local reverse proxy too, but you will have to configure that (YAML). It will apparently still make some time, it is rather complex, they need to make significant changes to the mobile apps.
@shailukov7440 29 күн бұрын
​@bruxy70 what is the difference between webui to the mobile app connection?
@bruxy70 29 күн бұрын
@@shailukov7440 They switch between local access and internet. This is where the issue is. When you left home, the mobile app stopped working.
@bruxy70 2 ай бұрын
Last minute change, this will not be included in 2024.5.0, it is pulled back from the beta, and will come in a later release. Sorry!
@BradleyHerbst 3 ай бұрын
I personally don't think this is that big of a deal especially since I have a randomly generated password and two factor turn on my home assistant account. However more security options is never a bad thing.
@ChristianBeltrame 3 ай бұрын
I apologize if you already talked about it, but how about Cloudflare tunnels?
@dziadeck47 3 ай бұрын
Hope it makes the bots stop trying to log in to my instance. I have the 2fa and a blacklist after 3 incorrect logins set up so I feel quite secure, but my cloudflare address to HA is nothing fancy so I can see unauthorized attempts every week 😔
@martyb3783 3 ай бұрын
Great information. Thanks!
@ronm6585 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing.
@rafazachara6357 3 ай бұрын
Hi Vaclav, Thank you for this solution. It works great (day counting), but I also would like to have an event name (from calendar). Should I add something to template ?
@bruxy70 3 ай бұрын
No need for a template. Check the message attribute in the calendar entity.
@dudefromkeene 3 ай бұрын
ok so I'm not getting it and I want it to make sense in my head. you call a service and get the response. but then you make a template to respond to the response that gets the forecast. where does the response go? where is it held while waiting? Why do we need two steps now instead of one for just getting the lowtemp for the night? what if I make a template that runs before the service. Would it grab the info from the last time you made a service call?
@bruxy70 3 ай бұрын
You do not have to make a template or call service. Just put a weather card on your dashboard and it will show everything, including daily and hourly forecast. What I was showing in the video is only if you want to make some automations.
@dudefromkeene 3 ай бұрын
I already have the card, I need to make automatons. I wanted the heat to automatically turn on when the temperature goes below zero
@bledilici 3 ай бұрын
I think the people behind gagguino are working on a new screen lvgl using esp32 chip. Not sure how open it will be for integrating to homeassistant but I would guess using webhooks some automations can be done later or even some person with good programming knowledge can write an integration. I see a bright light at the end of the tunnel 🙂 I am currently waiting for my gaggiuino modules to arrive and start making the mod to my recently bought used gaggia classic. Just finished with rebuilding it, cleaned and replaced all gaskets.
@JOZZIE52 2 ай бұрын
I've been looking into the project, if they switched to esp32 so it's capable of wifi and HA integration I'd be buying a machine tomorrow and setting it up, and writing a HA integration for it... Any idea if the esp32 version is going to happen?
@traciherman4149 3 ай бұрын
"PromoSM" 😕
@stanislavosusky 3 ай бұрын
@Vaclav Chaloupka U Whisper model zmeňte aspoň na medium-int8 je to oveľa, oveľa lepšie. A beam na 5. Ale Maliny budú mať smolu, nakoľko je to viac HW náročné, ale na NUCoch a pod. to pofičí. ;-)
@jeroenrevalk 3 ай бұрын
Thanks Vaclav! Really helpfull! Started immediately with the Labels, floor and category's... next step to convert al the automations :)
@weitanglau162 3 ай бұрын
are you able to train your own model for on device wake word using microwakeword?
@bruxy70 3 ай бұрын
@iLucaSimi 3 ай бұрын
Which AI software did you use to create the images of the rooms?
@jey7996 3 ай бұрын
@robertdalga128 3 ай бұрын
Still waiting for this update in the USA (guess you got an early release). This will be very helpful.
@bruxy70 3 ай бұрын
I was using beta. The release will be today.
@tazanelli 3 ай бұрын
Thanks to you I am now ready to get rid of my google assistants and leave without fear of being listened to. And I have also learnt that Czech would be a hard language to learn!