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@pietrozavattaro2323 17 сағат бұрын
Loved this masterpiece like remake platinumed them both, separate your childhood nostalgia and you will love it 😂, glad I’m not an og merchant
@blondafro4112 20 сағат бұрын
garbage opinion is garbage .... rebirth is goty 2024
@GameMusingsWithRaziel 19 сағат бұрын
I see your argument and counter that your opinion is in fact garbage. See how nobody gives a shit about either of our opinions?
@champ215fcp Күн бұрын
Rebirth is an all time great GAME… I loved the story but yes I was left dissatisfied with the ending… That said I never played the Og but I never second guessed going back to it it is definitely gonna get completed before the last game comes out and I think anyone who plays this remake will probably love it as much as me and go back anyway rebirth has story flaws and a few extra mini games but the combat graphics music characters world and enemy design flawless
@sephondranzer Күн бұрын
I don’t understand how Nomura isn’t just let go. So weird how nobody has pulled him aside and told him to stop with the weird multi-belt emo bullshit or his career is done at SquareEnix. In any other of the top 500 companies I’ve worked at, that is a very awkward conversation they *will* have with you before they let you go. It’s so weird how he can manchild over people’s actual memories dude. Forget the angst and the spikey hair man - those memories were sincere and were what they were. Stop giving man children like Nomura “creative freedom” over those memories man it’s so consistently insulting.
@shicyn 4 күн бұрын
The good: happy you acknowledge the good of this game. Tbh, rebirth is a masterpiece, though flawed. 95% of the game is fantastic and exceptional. It's honestly better than 7 Classic (which, let's be honest, it's mostly cutscenes and very basic and easy timed based combat with some build variance) The Bad: agreed, the minigames, the amou and abundance and enforcement really harm the game. Even walling the platinum behind it is awful. It also destroys the pacing of the game. I also agreed Cid doesn't feel like Cid. However I'm going to stop you here: you appear to be a white cis man. Stay in your lane. You aren't female nor a woman (allegedly), so you dismiss the misogyny. Sorry, bro, IT MATTERS. So you can stop being a snowflake about it. Moving on.. I also agree that the worst offense was Aerith's death (however, don't speak for everyone, I don't care about aerith. I felt more over Serah and Noctis and Galuf and what happened to them. Not everyone cares about Aerith). It is one of the most important scenes and instances that happen in Final Fantasy games. The scene was butchered, clumsy, and just awful. Lunafeya's scene pays homage to Aerith, 7, and yet Rebirth pulls the crime it did. It's too hard to even make sense that Aerith dies in rebirth. There is no emotional impact. They even went so far to deny us the water burials and the characters grief. And honestly, I think Noctis' story is more impactful than Aeriths and felt the game did a better job at making the player care. The final boss content is good, though. Except the Zack part (it was just dumb... I disagree with the Remake lamentations though. Remakes ending is fine, but it feels awkward and out of place. Rebirth is an offense, but Remake is awkward. This isn't fully Nomuras fault. Kojima, Kitase, and Hamaguchi are also to blame. I actually would blame the others over Nomura
@bedrantje 9 күн бұрын
Played BFa en DF. Never finished them. As I was confused. I’m planning to dedicate myself to it now. I will delete my characters and start off fresh I think. Good idea?
@GameMusingsWithRaziel 9 күн бұрын
@xaby996 9 күн бұрын
Based tactics, enjoyer.
@cptbl4ckscreen 9 күн бұрын
what have they done to our beloved Final Fantasy? i really wish de never did it. its such a bad experience
@justinmercado1185 13 күн бұрын
It’s the fan’s fault for not appreciating the original and wanting a remake. Let’s all clap. (Dj kahled) “congratulations you played yourself”
@ViviMyoung 15 күн бұрын
After completing EW bk in 2021, I felt satisfied. I was willing to ride out one more patch cycle. I knew EW wasn't ever going to be the last expac, FF14 is so insanely popular that it will prbly run for another decade or 2. I'm was/am aware of that....Fast forward to Dawntrail, which I wasn't even remotely hyped for. (I even forgot to preload the expac on the 27th of June bc I wasn't even thinking about FF14 at all.) I completed the MSQ a week ago. It was fine. Not rly good or bad. Just fine. The zones were alright. Nothing special rly. Some new boss mechanics were kind of neat. However, now that I'm bk to the endgame cycle, I just don't care about FF14 anymore. I've played since patch 3.4 or 3.5 or so. Dawntrail was FF14s perfect chance to break away from the formula of the past 11 years but they did nothing at all that feels new or fresh. At this point, the game's gameplay is a relic of a bygone era and I guess I no longer care for MMO gameplay. Will FF14 ever die? I don't think so. Most players are more than content with what the game has offered over the past 11 years and continues to offer. It's "fast-food" entertainment at this point. It's predictable, consistent and offers it's satisfied playerbase comfort. It's just not a formula that works for me anymore.
@meka6626 16 күн бұрын
I like FF14 but I agree with how some players are too emotionally attached that'll they take a criticism of the game as an personal attack and try to Lynch someone.
@Coreisus 17 күн бұрын
If Sakaguchi bowed out of Square-Enix for FF12's issues, then Nomura should bow out for 7R
@Coreisus 17 күн бұрын
If Cid is essentially just a fast travel npc, then there's still totally room to recover his character in Part 3. I mean, he's a stranger to us, and as such he's just putting on his businessman persona with the party, being all nice and jovial, just doing his job. But maybe in Part 3, we'll stumble upon Rocket Town, and see how he actually is when he's at home. And it'll be through the party's visible disgust, that Cid will start to make genuine change and be the man he pretends he is in Rebirth. Maybe Barret or Cloud will get in his face when he's swearing at Shera. Or maybe he'll see how scared Aerith looks. Stuff like that.
@hollyshock8400 18 күн бұрын
Sephiroth is one of my favorite characters in fiction, and because of Remake, Rebirth (I dare say even Advent Children and Crisis Core), he is now a joke of a villain. Constantly butting into other characters important scenes, always rambling nonsensical flowery dialogue in an ASMR voice. He is genuinely more annoying than intimidating. OG Sephiroth was like Jaws with a tragic backstory. Each appearance was an “oh shit” moment full of tension as the stakes ramp up. OG Sephiroth was not constantly smirking or stalking Cloud with homoerotic undertones- he was *batshit insane* and used Cloud as a stepping stone to achieve his goals. In OG, the party is chasing Sephiroth. In Rebirth, Sephiroth is the one chasing the party around trying to get their attention. Let’s also not forget that Bizarro Sephiroth who needed the entire party to defeat him in OG, has been reduced to a punching bag for Cloud and Zack, so disrespected that they didn’t even remake his theme song and instead threw in yet another rendition of One Winged Angel. I don’t know where this rant was going, I’m just salty that one of my favorite characters has been ruined.
@cyagacy3706 19 күн бұрын
I think Final fantasy viii and final fantasy ix better then final fantasy vii and characters of final fantasy viii and final fantasy ix are fantastic
@Invizable99 21 күн бұрын
If I play the beta does my character carry over to game release?
@isiseungella4688 21 күн бұрын
No, all beta achievements and changes, character creations and others are NOT transferred. It is all deleted. The beta is NOT aimed for players' benefit but to help Blizzard test their product before it is released. Also anything can change between beta and the actual released game. However if you create and level characters on Remix Pandaria, they will be all transferred to the realms they were created in in a few weeks, albeit with standard gear irrelevant of how much you boosted them with bronze up - to the maximum of a total of 65 characters per account. The gear won't be Mythic+ or Raid level but good enough to play the last few weeks of DF and to level inside TWW (where new gear will be acquired that will exceed any acquired in DF anyway). There will be a few weeks in between the end of Pandaria Remix and access to TWW where you can upgrade those Remix toons or play the pre-expansion invasions eg. If you have early access, anything achieved inside TWW will be yours forever since it is the normal game just a few days ahead of those who did not purchase the epic version. Happy WoW.
@brijor6ff7 23 күн бұрын
I agree with you 100%, man. This games story is an absolute embarrassment. At times you can see what it should have been and that makes it all the more frustrating. Question, have you ever looked into the mods for the original game? They are very good these days. I would HIGHLY recommended them.
@7milesdavis 23 күн бұрын
Back when square started their golden age they did care about the customer. They had passionate, creative people working on games and wanted to make quality games over quantity. That’s why we got the golden age run from them. It was the merge with Enix (and the departure of Sakaguchi) when the decline rapidly became apparent. Now these large companies want to make games that you don’t own, you subscribe to them and pay for the “privilege” to access them. I’m not cool with that and I won’t participate. If someone makes a cool game that looks complete and I can buy a physical copy, awesome I’ll do that. It’s a rare occasion these days though. People like to think these huge corporations only have their best interests in mind, they don’t, that’s become extremely clear over the last decade or so. Criticism is important whether people like to hear it or not. The cult of positivity is always extremely positive, until you say something they don’t agree with.
@frankiej933 25 күн бұрын
Earned a sub when you called people scrubs for not being able to handle dragon riding lmfao! My guy!!
@dcb6729 25 күн бұрын
7 and 9 were the best Final Fantasy games in my book.
@GameMusingsWithRaziel 25 күн бұрын
Those and Tactics.
@tips1pxl 26 күн бұрын
I wish more people were honest with their reviews, tired of hearing fake praises just because the algorithm likes it or it gets more clicks / views etc. I had to really search for this video in a sea of 10/10 review videos.
@GameMusingsWithRaziel 26 күн бұрын
Unfortunately that is the case for most of my videos. Ill always keep it real. Thanks for the support.
@daveyjones8969 26 күн бұрын
Thanks for the review from another true lover of the original. I had pretty much every problem you mentioned, but several more, mostly to do with the open world stuff. Traversal was pretty crap (lots of Skyrim rock climbing...), the map and your sense of direction were useless, they tried to replicate the "get in your buggy and take the boat back" style of backtracking, but it's just a waste of time with fast travel. Oh, and we got TOWERS BABY! Who doesn't like a 15 year old Assassins Creed mechanic? I also would have put the mini games higher on the list because of the ridiculous fluctuations in difficulty both between them and the rest of the game. I would straight up turn on easy mode when a mini game was taking too long, then, forget to set it back half the time! I accidentally cheated through big chunks of the game. Then there's the regular difficulty...after doing all the side quests as they became available, as you do for the best gear (used to, anyway) I was overpowered for regular enemies, but bosses would come in with only specific weaknesses, or needing to perform special actions (stagger, pressure, etc) and I'd have to restart to before the fight to reequip my whole team, because you never know when you'll be stuck with Cait Sith or some crap. I actually *almost* had to turn the difficulty UP in the Temple of the Ancients, against the Ironclad. I was beating him before I could get a mandatory stagger on him to progress the story (it was in fact, on normal difficulty, made sure at the start). Anyway, just glad to hear a voice of reason instead of the CONSTANT praise from everybody. I was even surprised Critical Drinker liked it so much, but he has a bad take once in a while. Someone should tweet your video at him, I don't deal with that. *Oh, major point here: I don't read gamer news, just reviews for things I'm considering, and I try to keep it spoiler free...so I was stupidly expecting to play to the end...again. I honestly feel like not having "Part 1, 2, etc" in the title is deceptive marketing/business practices, because many casual gamers like me (even though I'm pretty good at the Soul's Borne games) don't keep following news articles about it, I've got other distractions and problems, like most adults, so I used to rely on studio names but can't anymore. I fairly recently played and liked 15, despite being half finished (could have been so much more) as well as Dragon Quest 11 (surprisingly good and emotional story). So despite being let down by Remake, I figured they must have had enough proper criticism to correct course...I'm personally boycotting them now lol. I *might* get the Dragon Quest 3 coming up, but I have no clue what a "2D, High Definition remake" is...but it sounds pretty dumb. Just going to keep it in the corner of my eye for now.
@daveyjones8969 24 күн бұрын
And now I'm basically never going to finish the game because I can't beat the stupid boxing game for dark matter, nevermind the GS quest with the Sephiroth opponent...great. Thanks Square, can't even enjoy the endgame.
@genzu1111 27 күн бұрын
Give it time, people will be more honest about the dlc and im not talking about difficulty. The dlc has serious flaws like - completely empty exploration - loot that's useless (smithing stones everywhere but I CAN JUST BUY THEM) -repeat enemies and bosses (theres like a few enemies that you fight over and over and over again. Gets old) - no way to keep track of tree fragments and theres no extra ones so good luck backtracking just to be able to fairly beat a boss!!
@grantnorthcutt8299 28 күн бұрын
Pretty fair review personally would give it like an 8 where the base game would probably be like a 9 or a 10 I think the reason they made the bosses so much more aggro is probably because the devs have most likely seen videos and clips online of people cheesing bosses from the second they walk boss arena with like comet azur or some other broken thing and really wanted to prevent that kind of stuff from happening I also agree on the amount of empty space in some of these areas like the abyssal woods or like the finger ruins with just very little actual content in them Definitely had a good time and it’s a great dlc but I prefer the base game overall
@jubei7259 29 күн бұрын
Rating anything is always extremely subjective (obv) but I think what people should be doing is, instead of comparing it to either the base game or another From title they should ask the question - is it better than pretty much any other game from anyone else made in the last 5 years? For me at least, the answer to that is yes, yes it is & this isn't even a full game let's not forget but a dlc. It's just that From raised the bar so damn high with ER that people seem to be forgetting that. At the end of the day it's still magnificent (imho of course).
@damiradoncic 29 күн бұрын
I pray from soft dont listen to you guys and nerf the bosses. Yes they are brutal but ive been losing that sense of accomplishment by beating a really hard since literally dark souls 1. Malenia was the first in a WHILE and shadow has just given me some of the most awesome and brutal fights ever it is AMAZING. Performance issues tho is true
@UmJammaLamma 29 күн бұрын
I agree with what you said, but I would add that you can apply all of these boss criticisms to the base game as well. The endless combos, ridiculous dmg scaling and aggro bosses are all present in the base game. And it's the Elden Ring circlejerk online that probably confirmed for FROM that this is the correct way to design bosses, so we get the same but worse in the DLC. People need to get over their own egos and realize that the boss design in ER was dogshit from the start and has always been artificially inflated. And criticizing the boss design in ER does not mean you're not "gud", there is a clear departure from balanced boss design in how FROM designs bosses in ER compared to DS3 or Bloodborne. And I believe it's for the worse. If FROM's next game has bosses in the same vein as ER, then I think I'm done with their souls games.
@Defeationist 29 күн бұрын
Duuuude ubwere a freshman in 97 welp u aged well I thought u were my age in 97 i was 6 so ... keep it up
@GameMusingsWithRaziel 29 күн бұрын
@YourFriendlyGymRat Ай бұрын
My guy, with all due respect this bunch of recycled shit called "DLC" is not worth none damn 40 dollars besides that ; everything you said I completely agree on, I've said this in many videos already: People are super hyped right now for this expansion , which means they will be predisposed to talk about the best aspects of this DLC without caring much about any flaws it might have and that's why I say we will only see real reviews at least a month later, once the hype has faded. Just as you said bandai and fromsoft already bought this KZbin clowns opinion giving them an early review copy of the game and possibly money as well which means their opinion doesn't mean shit. This DLC ain't bad at all but paying 40 bucks for that it's a robbery ; this is 20 dollars at best
@DarkReaperK97 Ай бұрын
Great video. I 100% agree with everything pretty much. The way I "cheesed" my way through was by using mimic tear and rotten breathing + ice breathing my way to victory. I am not ashamed at all.
@fallb0rn Ай бұрын
Great review! Many thanks man
@guiltyblade Ай бұрын
Bro you are an enigma with your reviews. I feel its a straight 50/50 with me on your thoughts. I never found someone i 100 percent agree with and disagree with at the same time lol.
@GameMusingsWithRaziel Ай бұрын
Isn't it magical? lol
@sin9479 Ай бұрын
Disappointed with the DLC but only because my expectations were very high. It's still good in general but I feel something has been lost in boss fight design and i wish From would examine some of their older titles and see it was not about being difficult but it was about being fun and the difficulty was whatever it was may it be easy or hard. But now It's like they're trying to one up themselves and they think if its not hard enough then people will leave. I beat every boss in the DLC and instead of thinking it was fun I just felt relief that it was over which i think shows how far in a directions this has gone.
@GameMusingsWithRaziel Ай бұрын
@SomeDudesPlay Ай бұрын
I appreciate a level and fair review. It's all either "THIS IS FLAWLESS! YOU ALL SUCK!" or it's "THIS IS TOO HARD IT SUCKS!" So thumbs up for giving it a fair shake. I haven't bought it, and probably won't. Unless there's a steam sale and it goes, like, 85% off. I'll just enjoy the base game, it seems much more fun. The patch with the DLC to use Torrent on Elden Beast is my favorite thing to come from the DLC. Glad it was free.
@guiltyblade Ай бұрын
If you at all will enjoy the base game. I do not understand how you wont enjoy this. This dlc is fantastic
@SomeDudesPlay Ай бұрын
@@guiltyblade I don't care for the new upgrade system. It was clearly a ploy to appeal to every player. So they can ALL 'experience the progression' again together. Evenly. Just play a new fucking game, then. I never understood the idea that everyone goes into DLC with high level characters. In every soulsborne, I always restarted and got to the DLC beginning with a fresh character at level intended level range for the DLC. So I get the 'intended' experience. Or close to it. I can see Miyazaki's reasoning; "If everyone goes into the DLC with OP builds, they'll roflstomp the bosses and people will think it's easy and sucks." Like, no, people will say they stomped it because they were OP, and ignore the boasting. tl;dr: From was worried about accessibility and tacked on a new, arbitrary, leveling system to make it feel challenging. Instead of, you know, being challenging but fair?
@brandonkruse6412 Ай бұрын
Use the level 60 boost if you’re a returning player, you will be much less confused than if you used the 70 boost and get bombarded with a thousand quests XD
@Banbro88 Ай бұрын
I 100% agree with you. Looking back, it totally is a 7/10.
@Banbro88 Ай бұрын
The narrative is a mess, the pacing, the lore, Miquella is an absolute disappointment. All the hype, the immersive trailers to enter the Land of Shadows, run around for 10 hours and then eventually kill Miquella with little to no explanation, some fucking cutscene of Miquella monologuing " boohoo I want to be a god "? Stop it. (1) Encounter Design. Some of the enemy encounter design in the DLC is reminiscent of what people railed on Lords of the Fallen for. There are several points in the DLC where FromSoft has placed enemies in nooks and around corners for the sole purpose of trying to cheese you and/or knock you off a ledge. Has this always been present in Souls as a means to encourage players to be cautious? Yes. Have they taken it to a ridiculous extreme this time around? Yes. (2) Character/World Scaling. After playing some of the DLC, I've really started to believe that FromSoft started this project without really having an idea of where/when in the game the DLC was going to exist. There are dozens of incredibly confusing points where you might reach the end of a legacy dungeon, go through several tricky enemies, open up a secret corridor, and see a shiny, only to realize that it's a Smithing Somber Stone 1. This is the earliest weapon upgrade you can get, and completely useless at this point in the game. For example, there's an Ancient Dragon Somber Stone just prior to Mohg's boss room, which is required to even access the DLC. You might enter a mine and find a mix of Smithing Stone 2/3, and enemies drop Smithing Stone 4, all of which is completely outclassed and is easily purchasable for anyone who has made it to the Altus Plateau. Basically, the rewards you get for overcoming the significant challenges the DLC poses for you are usually not relevant for your character by the time you get there. With some of the enemy design, I get the strong feeling that they created a base template that they'd just multiply by a series of modifiers later, without really doing significant testing and balancing. (For context, this is how the base game works. Enemies have a base template, and area modifiers exist to multiply their stats by certain percentages to scale the difficulty. This is one of the most criticized elements of the main game, since the scaling has a tendency to go off the rails by the time you get to the Mountaintops of the Giants) The player scaling is also confusing. FromSoft was clearly worried, especially with the DLC releasing so late after the base game launch, that players would enter with max leveled characters and steamroll it. As a result, they put in an upgrade system where you must burn discoverable key items to boost your absorption and damage in DLC zones. However, this creates a really confusing feedback loop for the player. If I'm struggling to damage enemies, is it my weapon? Should I be leveling? Or have I just not had enough DLC upgrades? If I walk into a boss arena and get 2-shot with 60 vigor (the softcap) and every defensive talisman I can equip, is there something wrong with the setup I have, or do I just not have enough DLC upgrades? The system they've put in place makes it difficult to know if you're at the expected power level for an area or boss, since there are now multiple different character upgrade systems that you have to work with. (3) Speaking of bosses, this might be my area of greatest disappointment. My earlier statement about getting 2-shot with full defensive investment and 2k+ HP is not an exaggeration. These bosses do not mess around. More than the damage, however, their design is the point of frustration. FromSoft has shifted hard into bosses that constantly run away and force you to chase them in recent years, and there's still plenty of that, but they've also dipped more heavily into bosses that rush you down and almost never stop attacking. My largest gripe here is not the "difficulty" of boss design like this, it's that it invalidates and prevents you from using all the tools that the game gives you. Find a new weapon with some really cool combos? Great, you'll never use them on a boss like Messmer. Best you can do is a single hit before you're rolling for your life again. Find a cool new spell or incantation? You're going to get slapped out of the wind up half the time, and the boss is programmed to immediately dodge the other half. Want to cast a spell or trade with a hit while the boss is attacking? Bad move because you just did 1/30th of their health bar and they just immediately killed you with a full combo. This brings things back to the Elden Ring summon system. There is a specific upgrade in the DLC for summons, as well as tools to heal your summons or buff you after they die. However, mainly what I've found is what has been true in the base game for years. The bosses cannot handle summons. If you're struggling, just bring in your favorite spirit summon and demolish the boss in a single try. This happens because the bosses are programmed to be extremely aggro and never stop attacking, but they can only deal with one enemy at a time. Because they make no attempt to actually defend themselves, as soon as they're forced to deal with more than one enemy, they collapse like a house of cards. If you want to go no summons, 1v1 only, you're going to be in for a lot of frustration. If you want to bring in summons, you'll steamroll the DLC. This is not good boss design. Oh, and don't get me started on reused bosses. I knew I was in for a treat when I found two ulcerated tree spirits (one of the most annoying base game bosses) in the first two hours. Two years and you're still reusing the most reused bosses from the base game, FromSoft? For shame. (4) Narrative and Lore The bosses lack personality. When you look at base Elden Ring I think some of the bosses definitely leave an impression at the start, during and after the fight. I vividly remember fights like Malekith, where he goes from decrepit Clergyman to death incarnate or Malenia, where she gracefully fights with her prosthesis and transforms into the terrifying rot goddess in phase 2. Hell, even if Godrick or Morgott are easy to me, I still remember their fights because of their dialogue. In those terms, I think the DLC is a bit of a let down. Take Rellana as an example. She is supposedly related to Rennala and her cousins, and is Messmer's finest swordswoman. And what does she get? Nothing. No intro cutscene, no dialogue. She doesn't even say anything to you when you die. And I get youre supposed to see that shes related to Rennala with her moon attack, and that FromSoft prefer subtle not direct storytelling, but I think some of the bosses definitely need some sort of interaction with the player. I mean, you're fighting THE MOTHER OF FINGERS, and there is no intro cutscene or anything? The only bosses that I can remember are Messmer and Mesmer comes and goes with 0 fanfare, he is a nobody that came out of nowhere who nobody cares for despite being a child of Marika. , The Lion dancer and the final boss, my third gripe with the DLC To me, this is maybe the biggest disappointment. This is your first AND LAST expansion for what is arguably the biggest game you have made. And you really put "prime" Radahn as the final boss? Im not a lore scholar, but from what Ive read, this decision does not really make much sense? Wouldnt it have been better to, for example, put Godwyn as the final boss, with how interconnected he is with literally everything in the game? Sure, you'd definitely have to pull of some mental gymnastics to make that happen, but it would have at least been an original concept, and our first glimpse into what Godwyn was capable of. But instead, we got "prime" Radahn who does not say anything to you. I think making him the final boss is a dumb decision, because his fight in the base game is already so iconic and insane. He shoots arrows of gravitiy, rains arrows down, throws meteors and literally divebombs into you like a meteor. HThis "prime" Radahn has like 3 sword combos and 3 moves where he showcases his sorcery abilities. In comparison, take a trip down memory lane and remember what characters From made as their final bosses to their DLC. Manus in DS1, Orphan of Kos in Bloodborne, Sister Friede and Gael, arguably From's best boss, in DS3. It feels very unoriginal, and totally unlike FromSoftware to reuse a boss as the last boss of your biggest and last expansion. Also, he takes zero damage but that's something a discussion for another time. The main problem is the lore. I saw all of it and it left me utterly dissatisfied. At the end I ask myself why can't I join the "villain"? He even asks us to join him. You can do the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending and destroy the world but that is too far? Overall, I just think it's not a good DLC. Also, an in-game cinematic from the gameplay trailer is just not in the game, that would have huge lore implications. It's OK to say it's a good game but has a narrative that's shoved down our throat with nothing hinting at it in the EXTENSIVE, lore driven base game. Gameplay is a 7 maybe 8/10 but what dragged it down immensely was the narrative, lore, pacing, and overall confusion, which is a solid 5/10. Combine that with the difficulty for the sake of being difficult and voila, you get the rating. For a game so hyped and praised by youtubers and streamers, with the base game having such a high rating, all the other Soulsbornes having such a high rating, such a low score CANNOT outright be summed up as " u need to git gud " . I really could go on but this fandom is insufferable.
@YourFriendlyGymRat Ай бұрын
W take for sure
@theghoulshow Ай бұрын
If anyone needs their hand held or helped I’m a Guru at FromSoft games and will be willing to save your life. On all areas of the game.
@TopTierRated Ай бұрын
Easy solution for Bosses being extra agro and super aggressive, give them a damn stamina bar….. we have one, so should the boss
@eW91dHViZSBpcyBjZW5zb3JzaGlw Ай бұрын
I didnt like it. - too linear in world design - terrible final boss thats it. i liked the characters, sidequests, weapons, armor and magic.
@wollyram6248 Ай бұрын
Well, glad I didn't buy it day one, hopefully it will get a few balance and performance patches.
@LordMalice6d9 Ай бұрын
Of all of the things that this FF7 remake series absolutely needed to get right, it was Aeriths's death. And they couldn't even manage that right.
@GoatOfWar Ай бұрын
Can't believe i'm coming full circle with WoW. I went to FF14 during Shadowlands, like many others. Got bored of the oversimplistic combat, and complete lack of long term content.. And now i'm back for WoW.
@GameMusingsWithRaziel Ай бұрын
We all have this similar journey lol. Welcome back.
@isiseungella4688 21 күн бұрын
Different games, different ways. It's nice to have a break, make new friends, have a different experience, appreciate the differences. Welcome back.
@fuckgoogle3516 Ай бұрын
Both remake and rebirth are all time greats. Dude is salty and im glad
@snappertrx Ай бұрын
I knew this was going to happen the moment they announced the game as "remake", and that it was going to be released over years instead of as a single, completed game. I played Remake, I will likely play Rebirth when it comes to PC, but I will only be doing so because its a Final Fantasy game and I have been a fanatic since 1989. This entire remake, including the unreleased third part, has replaced FF13 as my most hated FF game. Despite 65-70% of Rebirth being good it's still NOT FF7! It never will be! It will never be what long time fans were hoping for: An HD remake that expanded on the old game in a way that cleared some things up and added some deeper content, but still being true to the original. Remake was full of time wasting side quests and nonsense story. It sounds like Rebirth is the same. Aerith's death is SO entrenched in gaming culture it was referenced in an Disney film! HOW DO YOU FUNK THAT UP?!?!?! YOU LITERALLY DO THE EXACT SAME SCENE, IN HD! WITH VOICES! For the love of god. Great video. I watched all the way through, but I need to cut my comment short before I pop a neck vein...
@Sick_Pencil Ай бұрын
Just finished it today, and boy was it a chore. It's so forgettable. People may argue about the ending but I personally don't care at this point. I bought a (second-hand) PS5 just for the game and it's totally not worth it. I am by no means excited for the last game and I'll just watch the cutscenes on YT when it releases.
@ericmcmanus5179 Ай бұрын
Why are the whispers trying to stop could and crew from getting to Aeris? If the whispers are supposed to keep the normal timeline, then why are they trying to stop Cloud and crew from getting to her? That IS what happens on the original. So why are they stopping him?
@ericmcmanus5179 Ай бұрын
Kids offensiveness was obviously intentionally done to show that Shera was right all along. If he was truly misogynistic, he would have just let her burn in the oxygen hold. But he didn't. And then when he almost dies because the #8 tank does in fact blow up, he completely changes his view on Shera. That was a character arch. But now, because crazy leftist Twitter degenerates have infiltrated gaming (along with everything else) Cid can't even hint at being a rude person. God forbid he is rude to a woman. Definitely can't have that. So now he has absolutely no character. He's just another positive, happy, "go-get-em" type character like everyone else in this remake series. That cringe white knight act that he does for Aeris because he randomly knew, and was in love with Ifalna? Are you kidding me? What about Professor Ghast? The father of Aeris? The one who was in a relationship with Ifalna before Hojo had him killed? Is that just not a thing anymore? What an absolute travesty. Totally destroyed every little thing about Cid in 1 scene.
@ericperreault8889 Ай бұрын
I'm like you in the sense that ff7 is the game of my childhood, we must be around the same age. Like you I did like part of the game (visuals, locations, music, combat system, etc) but like I said in other reviews the mini games sucked, chadley sucked and they double down on this crap with the feminine version, but I could forgive all of that crap if they hadn't f*cked up the FEEL of the game. They ruined that right of the bat with remake by constantly putting sephiroth in our face. What worked so well in the og is the fact that we were only seeing the aftermath of his passage...after I got my ass handed-over by the midgar zolum in 10 seconds you manage to cross the swamp and the first thing you see is a freaking midgar zolum empalled on a tree...I was like how can I beat the guy who did that to the thing that just kicked my butt without breaking a sweat. Now I already beaten him twice, he don't even feel like a threat anymore. They also ruined the part that freak the hell out of me when you had to follow the trail of blood in the shinra building, that moment that scared the shit out of me, to have it replaced by purple slime. The only ''happy places'' in the og world were costa del sol and the gold saucer...now all cites feel like a tourist ressort without struggle. Cloud turning into gollum for the black materia for some reasons. Like you said perfectly they are only giving us a glimps of what those games could've been and that's sad as it's such a missed opportunity. While the original is legendary those games will become forgetable parts.
@ryantyler9677 Ай бұрын
I'm going to start this by saying I played FF7 when I was 10 years old. I was given the game by someone who wasn't as big a fan of turn-based fighting games as I was. Second thing, Aerith's death was spoiled for me. I had a PS1 demo disk that had a FF7 trailer and it showed Cloud laying Aerith to rest. (I was at the Temple of the Ancients Demon wall boss fight when I saw it just to give you an idea how close I was to it not being spoiled). I have a different view of the game now that I am older and I have come to appreciate the original and its themes. And now I say that I have never played the remake games. I just don't care to. But I think the biggest problem with Final Fantasy 7 is....Final Fantasy 7. I know that sounds redundant but what I mean is that the game is a victim of its own identity and success. And with the advent of social media, it has only gotten more so. Because of its success, Square knows it is a money machine (though from what I hear Rebirth has been anything but). The Compilation has done more damage as well because you have games like Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core (CC is still fun to play though) that try to explain things that don't need explaining (how Vincent became who he is), adding unnecessary elements (Genesis and Sephiroth's insanity) or try to humanize Sephiroth, which reduces his intimidation and menace. Long story short, the original is indeed a fantastic game, but it is now more a cautionary tale of how success can come back to haunt you.