The God Theory Lecture Part 1
@ryandaniel4571 4 күн бұрын
I love this, brother! Keep up the good work! Love the new format where you are in the video too! Praise God!
@NathanWilliams-j9n 5 күн бұрын
This is definitely one of my favourite conversations you have posted yet, thank you for sharing. I will be showing this to people as it made some very good points and Riley was very receptive to hearing the Gospel.
@Navi-Arch 7 күн бұрын
wtf i did just listen to, why did I randomly get recommended this dogshit content...ryandaniel you need to take your meds brotherrrrr
@ryandaniel4571 9 күн бұрын
Excellent job, my brother! I love this format where we can see both of you sitting and having a conversation. Your interview technique has improved tremendously since I first knew you. Shelly and Darin are doing a great job behind the scenes! I really like Riley. My heart goes out to him. Maybe because he reminds me of N***. I pray that seeds were planted! God bless and shalom!
@thegospelcallTGC 8 күн бұрын
@@ryandaniel4571 I'm glad that you enjoyed it I'll try to have this format more often
@ryandaniel4571 12 күн бұрын
Excellent job, my brother! It’s sad how there are many professing Christians who don’t know the Gospel.
@etilhcir4645 12 күн бұрын
I think reincarnation is one of two things, we stay here on earth until we find the living God lord Jesus . OR its a great big deception done to humanity . Wise woman ,,Honestly I think you can learn a few things from her.
@Josh-h6l8q 14 күн бұрын
Amen !!
@Bethos1247-Arne 15 күн бұрын
this was quite un-best. And a non-cosmologer talks about the cosmological constant. Surerightokay.
@rodzalez3549 16 күн бұрын
@BenVlodgi 16 күн бұрын
This conversation felt like it was on rails. The guest hardly said a word, he mostly stood their saying "yah" as the host preached at him and went down a script. Samuel, did you notice the sneaky thing you did. You even pointed out at 8:28 that the commandment isn't against "lying", but against "bearing false witness". To quote the Bible "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" - Exodus 20:16 KJV Right after this comment, you proceeded to dishonestly take the guest down a railroad conversation about lying. Do you know what false equivalencies, or non-sequiturs are? First you ask "have you ever lied?" then proceed to use false equivalencies, and non-sequiturs to compare lying as lying to God. But even so, you pointed out the commandment doesn't say not to lie! I'm sure you're doing this because you believe it to be the best way to do your God's bidding, but you are being disingenuous in blasphemous in this conversation. I used to try to witness to people in similar ways. Why do you think it is prudent to go down the laundry list of sins which you think the guest has committed according to your morality? Is this to try to guilt trip the guest? The guest said he thinks he is a good person, but not according to your morality. He didn't claim to be a good person in *your morality*. This reeks of emotional manipulation. At 20:40 you bring up J. Warner Wallace. If you are interested in understanding what scholars really think about the Bible, then please listen to scholars, not apologists. Samuel, if you read this. I hope you are well, and seek an understanding in epistemology.
@Diviance 16 күн бұрын
Wallace also lies about his police history and what kind of work he really did. He was barely a cold case detective (that was his title, but he dealt with almost no cases in the few years after he started that and began his "Cold Case" religious stuff) for like 3 and a half years before he started writing his claims about Jesus based entirely on _not_ cold case detective techniques. Wallace is just a flat out liar and cannot be trusted whatsoever in his claims.
@mender722 16 күн бұрын
I am a former Catholic AND a former Christian/Evangelical/Pentecostal. I am agnostic (don't know) and atheist (don't believe). I have no reason to believe there is anything after death. The concept of "eternal life" is horrendous. Life is precious because it is limited. Starting around (10:45) this "have you ever lied? then you are a liar. have you ever stolen? then you are a thief." (Ray Comfort's method) I don't like this line of questioning. Do people really know what the (so called) 10 C's really mean? They are all punishable by death. "“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land..." Deut 21:20 They shall say to the elders, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a glutton and a drunkard.” 21 Then all the men of his town are to stone him to death. You must purge the evil from among you." Anyway, it was an interesting video, but not "meaty" like some I have seen. It came up in my suggestions, so I thought I would watch.
@briannewton3535 16 күн бұрын
It appears that if you are "confused" about "atheism" and "agnosticism" You should check a little more. I'm an atheist I do not believe the claims of theists that their gods exists. A god may exist out there, though the gods that have been proposed so far, have not met their burden of proof. An agnostic atheist does not *know* that gods don't exist. a gnostic atheist *knows* that gods don't exist, and as such has the burden of proof to support this claim. I have not yet come across a gnostic atheist. Look up the etymology of these words. You appear to be an agnostic Christian, if you are always questioning.
@briannewton3535 16 күн бұрын
It was funny to hear you state the problem with scepticism today, is people think that is what you should hold to always. This demonstrates that you are getting scepticism confused with dogma. skepticism is the attitude of doubting knowledge claims set forth in various areas. Sceptics challenge the adequacy or reliability of these claims by asking what principles they are based upon or what they actually establish. Sceptics often change their position on what they accept to be true. Sceptics work with the reliability of information available, if better information becomes available a sceptic will change their viewpoint. Sceptics accept that the expansion of the universe occurred, What was before this expansion of the singularity, we don't know. Theists like yourself claim that magic is involved, yet as magic has yet to be demonstrated, we are currently do not believe you. It is equally likely that universe creating pixies created the universe, they don't desire to be worshipped, as they simply enjoy creating universes. This has also not been demonstrated, as this also requires magic for this to occur. So to date, sceptics don't know, and neither do you. Dogmatism is the tendency to lay down principles as undeniably true, without consideration of evidence or the opinions of others. With regards to Christianity, Christians for example dogmatically believe their god exists, and these *"... people think that is what you should hold to always."* despite not having any good evidence to hold these beliefs. Your assertion here is ass backwards. I am sceptical with regards to the claims that the Hindu god Brahma exists. I see no good evidence to support this. This is scepticism. Do you believe that Brahma exists?
@ArtemMustache-bs3ek 16 күн бұрын
Throwing banalities to each other is apparently "the best" encounter. This channel is overrated.
@briannewton3535 16 күн бұрын
Oh I agree. I was amused at the title also. He is not an atheist for sure, as he believes that there is "something" out there Im guessing in respect of a god. We have an agnostic theist talking with a Christian. If this is the *best* agnostic encounter, the bar has been set really low. This agnostic stated that "finality is death", yet believes there is probably an afterlife. He is flip flopping. This was not a good conversation. Same old same old regurgitated.
@kerenm2209 21 күн бұрын
I’m loving these videos so far ❤
@ryandaniel4571 23 күн бұрын
Awesome job as usual, brother!
@ryandaniel4571 26 күн бұрын
Great job, my brother! Keep up the good work that you are doing! That Lady was given a new hunger for the Lord! ❤😊
@ryandaniel4571 Ай бұрын
Excellent job, my brother! You gave this dear young man plenty to think about! I pray that God works in his heart. Keep up the good work and may God continue to bless!
@Tigerstreak2000 Ай бұрын
It sounds like your starting assumption is that there is something bigger than yourself that transcends the individual and involves the existence of a superhuman/supreme being (God). You are then arguing from that point and are bound by that assumption. Your explanations are then restricted to that view and must fit those preconceived boundaries. You actually already believe in your God and his existence and that it equals the existence of an objective truth and morality. Your guest argued that you can't 100% know any objective truth or morality because you are only able to interpret the world around you from your subjective perspective and can't see this higher plane of objectivity that this God supposedly exists on. Perhaps due to your indoctrination into Christianity from childhood, you have already assumed that God exists and thus objective morality exists, and I think it is impossible for you to admit you don't 100% know that God exists or that objective morality exists. You have already committed to a belief before you started forming your arguments. It should be logically simple for anyone to acknowledge that we are individuals with small brains that can only do limited analysis with the limited information collected from our own mind's subjective perspective and can't know 100% whether anything is objectively true. We could think things make sense from our subjective interpretations but actually be objectively wrong without knowing it, in fact. But if you can only interpret the world around you from your subjective perspective, how could you possibly know there is an objective God and that he exists on a plane of objectivity above our plane of existence? Your guest, on the other hand, says that as an atheist, he can't assume a god exists. So his starting point carries no assumptions about the existence of anything objective before he begins his analysis of the world. As a result, he is free to evaluate the world without restrictions and find an explanation that he thinks best explains what he sees and feels. I just don't think you have that freedom, because your arguments are restricted by the limits of your starting assumption that you do know God exists and that his objective plane of truth and morality exists. But you as an individual human can't know that 100%, so it isn't consistent logic to make that claim. Yet it is your starting core claim and the position you can't budge from, no matter if you can't actually know it because you aren't on God's objective plane of existence yourself.
@angelagautam9846 Ай бұрын
It’s funny because I got interviewed by them
@gempoz723 Ай бұрын
miss you brother , God/s love and strength always ,dan pozzi
@thegospelcallTGC Ай бұрын
Thank you brother. I miss you too and I pray I will see all of you soon. I will pray about starting my show up again.
@mariajosetorresjimenez7052 Ай бұрын
Sigue orando amigo eres un ángel para muchas personas Dios te usa mucho keep going friend
@jsinferno7134 Ай бұрын
Christian v Soft Christian - apparent conflict but they both basically agree and (according to me) are both wrong
@briannewton3535 16 күн бұрын
From the videos I have seen this is his m.o.
@mariajosetorresjimenez7052 Ай бұрын
Mi amigo samuel
@mariajosetorresjimenez7052 Ай бұрын
Mi amigo y angel
@mariajosetorresjimenez7052 Ай бұрын
My friend samuel
@mariajosetorresjimenez7052 Ай бұрын
My angel friend
@MichaelJohnson-kq7qg Ай бұрын
It's not sad to watch someone realize that they arrived at their beliefs in a thoughtless way. It IS sad to watch them justify it to themselves by pretending everyone was so lazy.
@briannewton3535 16 күн бұрын
I think I agree with you, though I'm not gonna commit to this, cos I'm not sure what you actually said.
@MichaelJohnson-kq7qg 16 күн бұрын
@@briannewton3535 yeah, I'm half-blind, I'm afraid, so if spellcheck doesn't catch itt, it can be a mess.
@rebeccadubois8270 Ай бұрын
Theres no credible evidence for the supernatural. NDE's are an abysmal form of evidence. So your oxygen deprived brain/ altered state of mind under the influence are hilarious forms of evidence for life after death. Why are people scared of being dead forever? I am not. Get over it
@scottguitar8168 Ай бұрын
Unfortunately an intellectual case cannot be made. I don't mean this as an insult but people who don't know much will make a case that sounds intellectual to them but it is far from intellectual and it is only in knowing more that you can identify why someone's supposed intellectual case fails. The man being interviewed is somewhat of an intellectual and understands he chose Christianity not because there is an intellectual case for it but because there are components of Christianity that he likes and can agree with. Thomas Jefferson is another famous person who liked certain truth components and wrote the Jefferson Bible to remove the supernatural bits. I have come to learn that there is such a thing as Christian atheists, again like Jefferson, like the true and "believable" parts of Christianity but reject the magical/supernatural bits. There are certainly things that lend themselves to God belief. The fine tuning argument is one of the better arguments, but even this guy being interviewed knows why it fails even though he can agree it is better than other arguments. Near death experiences are another thing, but many near death experiences are made up, leaving a person attempting to discern the real ones from the fake ones. There is also a mix of NDE's with a God, advanced beings that could be consider Gods, and those with no Gods at all, just meeting up with loved ones who have passed on. NDE's would be something that potentially is real but has no real evidence or science to back it up where you have to either rely on personal testimonies, which we know some are lies, or have an actual experience yourself. Hallucinations was the excuse science used to give, but there are too many similarities in my opinion to consider them random hallucinations. NDE's at least gets you to there is life after death and many people considering a certain source as God. While there is more room to suspect a potential God, there is less room to accept the biblical version of God. The more you learn about the bible and especially its history, the harder it is to completely take it seriously. While the bible offers plenty of truths where an atheist wants to become a Christian for those truths as well as the other benefits of social infrastructure, there are plenty of parts of the bible that inform the reader that it is not from a Higher Intelligence. It is because Christianity has problems including the problems of the bible itself that some Christians, sometimes for decades, find that they can no longer believe in Christianity and become ex-Christian. I can tell the guy you interviewed knows the many pitfalls of Christianity and even of God belief itself. My final thought is that even though there is not an intellectual case to be made for God's existence, that doesn't mean a God doesn't exist. It simply means that mankind is still too igorant to make that intellectual case and that collectively there is far more that we don't know and understand than we do. The most interesting videos are of ex-apologists who once had an ego that they had a solid case to evangelize only to realize in hind sight just how ignorant they were and appeared to some who knew better. Christianity certainly has support up to a point, but it is the most important and crucial parts that have no support and must be taken on faith.
@glenliesegang233 Ай бұрын
May i disagree? Dawkins says DNA is a form of chemical ROM which stores digital information. The information for the proper amino acid sequence needed to construct cellular proteins stored in base 64. No process exists by which digital information can be generated de novo without a cognitive process which involves imagination and a comprehension of encoding, decoding, message transmission, signal and noise, and how to achieve a specific outcome. Panspermia does not work, as Earth's unique chemistry requires an understanding of the ratios of useful metallic ions and toxic ones like Hg, As, Pb, etc. And, if alien races created life on Earth, their intelligence must match that of a God's. The empirical evidence of a Creative Superintelligence which has acted on Earth over billions of years certainly qualifies as God.
@glenliesegang233 Ай бұрын
Ask those who have experienced coincidences beyond laws of chance. I once prayed for a stroke victim incapable of intelligible speech for 6+ years, and ithin 10 minutes of that prayer, he suddenly spoke clearly. I can personally recount 5 or more other "impossible coincidences" which only an invisible spiritual reality can account for and explain. All these had multiple witnesses.
@scottguitar8168 Ай бұрын
@@glenliesegang233 Disagreements are fine, I see them as potential opportunities to learn. I am an engineer so I have a heavy background in the math and sciences to draw upon. Certainly you could look a DNA as a code or as you put it a chemical ROM. That is certainly how DNA acts. So there is a good reason that Dawkins can say DNA is a form of chemical ROM storing digital information and yet doesn't believe an intelligence is responsible for this ROM or stored information. It is his deeper understanding of the sciences that allows him to do this. This is not to say science has it all figured out, far from it. As humans, we barely know anything, including our best scientists. But it is in what we do know that at least leaves the door open to natural causes without the property of intelligence involved. If DNA truly pointed towards a required intelligence, we would be debating things like is it alien intelligence? If it is Godly intelligence, how many Gods/Goddesses are there? Scientists don't debate this because a required intelligence has not yet been established. There are scientists and mathematicians who are believers and will attempt to use their craft to prove God, but if you also understand their craft, they are not so convincing so it is usually other believers who buy into their scientific and mathematical cases for God and not their peers or others who can see their mistakes. Like I said before, humans are quite ignorant so I am not saying a God does not exist, only that a good case for even the potential possibility of God has not yet been made and that the door to natural causes is still open. While I do have my suspicions that a God may exist, I can't even come close to demonstrating that possibility and I can actually make a circumstantial case of why a God would be impossible, at least the kind of God that most people imagine.
@scottguitar8168 Ай бұрын
@@glenliesegang233 I don't disagree that there are experiences that defy explanation, I have had some myself. When I was 5 years old, I was eating breakfast when I had this strong urge to go check on my 2 year old brother's breathing who was laying on the couch in our living room. Sure enough, he had stopped breathing. I caught it in time so he is fine. I can imagine many plausible explanations for this strong urge but in the end, I have no clue if any are correct. One scenario is that there is an afterlife without a God, but loved ones on the other side helping us here on earth. Would we be able to tell the difference? Another could be the power of thought. I can certainly think of other possibilities so see it as unwise to jump to a conclusion without actually knowing. I certainly don't doubt your experiences since many others share those and I have had my own so I fully understand where you are coming from. However there are several problems I find with your conclusion. First is you assume "only" a spiritual reality can account for them. I can imagine a natural reality accounting for them as well. Should it truly be a spiritual reality involved, there are so many false assumptions one could make concerning that reality. The final problem is that I am sure you had your failures, meaning if I prayed for stroke victims and they always recovered in 10 minutes, I would be out saving the world with my prayers that work. If your prayers worked on one stroke victim, but not another, there would be the question of why? While I don't doubt a spiritual reality is a possibility, the randomness of results leaves plenty of questions. I feel that most people have had those personal experiences that defy explanation and there may truly be an explanation (natural or supernatural) that applies that isn't just about a coincidence. We also have a history of supernatural explanations being replaced by natural explanations as we learn them. While I don't completely rule out a supernatural or spiritual component, it is easy to jump to the wrong conclusion when you fail to have a natural understanding of what is happening. So far, the supernatural and spiritual seem to live in our ignorance and I would like that not to be the case. I would rather say I don't know the answers than make up answers to believe. I have learned about the natural and it is consistent and works. When it comes to the supernatural or spiritual, I would love to learn those aspects, but there is no consistency and a randomness to it working. Something we would expect if the concepts are left to the whims of individuals. I am not even saying there is nothing there, just that if it is there, our knowledge and understanding is so minuscule that it is like it doesn't exist.
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
@@glenliesegang233 Neil Degrasse Tyson put it very well: What is God? " God is an ever receding pocket of scientific ignorance that is getting smaller and smaller and smaller as time moves on".
@PhilTough-hn8qj Ай бұрын
Firstly, don't put yourself down. I don't know many, but christians can be intellectuals too. You just have to believe.
@briannewton3535 16 күн бұрын
An intellectual is a person who engages in critical thinking, research, and reflection about the reality of the environment we live in. Christians believe in magic, despite that magic has not been demonstrated to exist. Belief in a magical deity is not effectively applying critical thinking or reviewing the research undertaken to determine if magic exists. Saying that "You just have to believe." is absolutely *not* what someone who is an intellectual would do. Just believe all the gods that have been proposed exist, just believe that fairies exist, just believe that bigfoot exists. If you want magic to exist, "You just have to believe."
@PhilTough-hn8qj 16 күн бұрын
@@briannewton3535 Calm down mate it's called a joke.
@trumpbellend6717 Ай бұрын
The claim that theistic morality is somehow "objective" is ridiculous. Theists are merely substituting their own subjective moral standards with the morals standards of the god they subjectively determine represents the "correct objective" morality. 🙄🤔
@thegospelcallTGC Ай бұрын
@trumpbellend6717 Thank you very much for your comment, and I appreciate your opinion. Most of what I'm getting at in the video is that if morality is subjective, then nothing is really wrong or right but if there is something Transcendent to us there can be objective morality by definition. Thank you again for your comment, and have a great day.
@trumpbellend6717 Ай бұрын
@@thegospelcallTGC Once again you simply ignore every specific question or point I raise, why is that?? Perhaps its because you understand that addressing the subjectivity of your own position the hypocrisy would quickly become apparent 🤔 It seem that essentially all you are saying is "morality can't be only subjective because then it's..... only subjective" ...... 🤭😅
@thegospelcallTGC Ай бұрын
@@trumpbellend6717 not at all I was merely clarifying what I talked about in the video and also my own personal position it's not hypocritical for me to say my opinion is objective morals exist my opinion can still be true that objective morals exist but that doesn't mean they don't exist just because it's my opinion if something is objective it's fact it applies to all in the sense that it's grounded in reality if you were to make any truth claim you are essentially saying that that claim is grounded in reality because you think that it's fact that's what I mean by objective I believe there are things that are actually really right or wrong more than just our opinion that's what I mean by objective morality I'm merely clarifying I'm not avoiding anything thank you for your comment and have a great day
@trumpbellend6717 Ай бұрын
@@thegospelcallTGC // "that it's fact that's what i mean by objective" // Knowledge of FACTS, also called "propositional knowledge", is defined as true belief that is distinct from opinion or guesswork by virtue of justification. A "FACT" is a point of data that is objectively verifiable ( demonstrable ) Absent "Facts" one has only the opinion or guesswork and no justification to claim such knowledge. Science has all the FACTS yet claims nothing as "absolute" truth. Christianity conversely claims absolute truth in everything yet has no FACTS 😜 To assert as FACT that for which there is insufficient evidence is intellectually dishonesty and essentially no different than a *"LIE"*
@trumpbellend6717 Ай бұрын
​@@thegospelcallTGC Morality is subjective, we set the rules HOWEVER that does NOT mean we cannot set objective rules about morality. Let me give you an analogy perhaps then you will understand........ Our metric reference standards for weights, distance ( kilometers, meters, centimetres ect ) was originaly a man made concept, arbitrarily concieved with no divine dictate involved. Yet once it becomes accepted and a pre- agreed consensus reached it functions perfectly. A "meter" is not some vague "about this big" concept that varies dependant on culture or God. We can OBJECTIVELY measure things "from within our pre-agreed metric reference framework" 😜
@kevinlealMusic Ай бұрын
So this isn’t necessarily the case . In pantheism, because everything and everyone is One (god, Brahman, etc) then morality actually makes more sense here since it leads with the idea that, if you and I are the same, what reason do I have to hurt you or have any bad intentions against you if all I’m doing is hurting myself. Sure, there are no consequences in terms of hell or such things, but because we are all One, there is no need for hell, since in the material world there already exist consequences to our actions in real forms. But because not everyone lives with the notion that we are all One, and don’t have that knowledge (or if they do have the knowledge, they attach so much to their personal egos that they don’t listen to that divine, universal Self) then this creates the illusion that we are all separate, unfamiliar beings and our egos will get so strong that we end up harming each other or make bad moral choices. But the point is that pantheism doesn’t equal to having a lack of a sense of morality, this is the real illogical thinking.
@ryandaniel4571 Ай бұрын
Excellent job, brother! Keep up the good work! God bless!
@imagomonkei Ай бұрын
Your goalposts were on wheels and your guest still kept scoring.
@scottm4975 Ай бұрын
You haven’t actually read the Book of Mormon have you. You talk about it as someone who has heard about what it says, but hasn’t actually read it. Be better please. Don’t talk about what you don’t know
@thegospelcallTGC Ай бұрын
@scottm4975 Thank you for your opinion. I think you are right; I should have read it before I made this video. Although I do know what Mormoms believe based on Mormons and others who who have spoken to Mormons. I can get a much better picture of their belief set when I steal-man their ideas. I am trying to do better and will hopefully read the Book of Mormon someday. God bless you, and thank you again for your comment.
@scottm4975 Ай бұрын
Haha imagine telling someone else they aren’t reading gods word the way it was intended, then think they’re the ones who are deceived
@ShellyStevens-i3o Ай бұрын
This is such a sweet interview. Keep witnessing my friend! 👐
@ryandaniel4571 Ай бұрын
Excellent job, my brother! This young man, Ein, is amazingly knowledgeable, especially being a Catholic. He is definitely on the right track. I will be praying for him!
@seventyseven9209 Ай бұрын
Don't confuse the situation by speaking Spanish just to sound smart.
@thegospelcallTGC Ай бұрын
Oh certainly not. I only did so to help him understand my point, and it makes a good title.
@seventyseven9209 Ай бұрын
​@@thegospelcallTGCI pray that in the back of your mind your thought is that you are doing this only to glorify God, not for your own righteousness, as the Bible says all our righteousness is as filthy rags.
@ryandaniel4571 Ай бұрын
Dear brother, my heart goes out to this sweet young lady. I pray that you planted a seed in her heart and that the Lord draws her to Himself.
@ryandaniel4571 Ай бұрын
Excellent job, my dear brother! I will pray for these two dear young people. We want them to spend eternity with us!
@ryandaniel4571 2 ай бұрын
Well done, my brother! This is one of your best interviews. This man gave you quite a challenge!
@MESSI-fx1ob 2 ай бұрын
Your logic-unknown therefore theistic god, like come on man we both know you don’t buy that I’m not mad I’m just disappointed
@ryandaniel4571 2 ай бұрын
Such an excellent job, my brother! My hope and prayer is that this man will consider what you told him and turn to Jesus!
@ryandaniel4571 2 ай бұрын
Dear brother, such a great job! This young lady seems very sweet and I pray that seeds were planted in her heart.
@NathanWilliams-j9n 3 ай бұрын
Might be my favourite interview you've had so far, great job
@ryandaniel4571 3 ай бұрын
I love how the sun is setting as you talk to him. Very good lighting effect, brother!
@ryandaniel4571 3 ай бұрын
Great job, my brother. This young man, you can tell he was really thinking about what you were saying. And I love it when someone admits they are not a good person. Those rare people are most likely to be accepting of Jesus. The first thing a person needs to do is admit they are a sinner. Praise God and shalom!
@thegospelcallTGC 3 ай бұрын
@ryandaniel4571 Amen, brother. I agree wholeheartedly. God bless you too.
@philipdoddridge-d6p 3 ай бұрын
This is an attempt at indoctrination. What a religious twat.