@jamesalvarez8733 5 күн бұрын
Manifest destiny reference during the war with Mexico 1846: The Anglo-Saxons, your British blood, have been apparently persuaded to think themselves the chosen people, the anointed race of the Lord, commissioned to drive out the heathen, and plant their religion and institutions in every Canaan they could subjugate! The idea of a “destiny," connected with this race, has gone far to justify, if not to sanctify, many an act on either side of the Atlantic; for which both England and the United States, if nations can be personified, ought to hang their heads in shame, and weep scalding tears of repentance! We had already done great discredit to our good name, by our violations of Indian treaties, our slavery, and our repudiation of State debts. But this attack on weak neighbors, to steal away their lands, is capping the climax of wrong and dishonor. See, says the monarchist, the aristocrat, your boasted government of the people can do as wicked and unjust things, as were ever perpetrated by the kings and kaisers of the old world! It is the same game of ambition, only it is played by different hands! It is the ancient spirit in a new form. The reality is the same, sugar it over with fair names as much as you please! War is war, and tyranny is tyranny, and human bondage is human bondage , - whether in the United States, or Rome, or England! Some men have attained the title and have been called great, but they have been great in crime and blood, a Peter, a Pompey, an Alexander, an Alfred, a charlamagne, a Caesar, a Louis, A Henry, a Herod, a Bonaparte, a Frederic. They have been willing to sacrifice any amount of lives and blood to be called the greatest. But how blood stained the glory, how much tears to water their garlands of victory, how much human gore to dye their purple robes of royalty? The great men in these United States, who are they ? Are they the poets who are striking the finest chords of the celestial lyre, and awakening, by strains of sublimity that will never die, the tastes and aspirations and immortal energies of men of all generations ? Are they the artists who are shaping the marble into beauty, and giving life to the canvas, and thus refining and elevating the soul of the world? Are they the orators who have plead for liberty with angelic tongue, and urged the infinite concerns of religion with a melting persuasion? Are they the princely merchants who have given their tens of thousands of dollars to the cause of education, and the welfare of a hundred ages to come? Are they the retired and humble scholars, who, poor and unnoted by the world, trim the lamp of learning, decipher the meaning of life, unroll the map of antiquity, and extract the wisdom of libraries, and the history of empires gone? No; our great men are not poets, nor philosophers, nor philanthropists, nor artists, nor judges, nor jurists, nor statesmen. Sad day is it for humanity, when the heroes are the destroyers, and hosaunas are sung over ruined cities and sinking nations, to those whose weapons are not love and truth, but fire and sword ! We want no more such great ones, we want the truly great. We want Catos , not Caesar nor syllas at the head of nations. We may deem ourselves to be a species of Israelites amongst the nations, but remember too that Israel did not escape the fiery furnace and punishment for all its transgressions and backsliding! There is a genuine Anglo Saxon destiny, A manifest destiny, of which we can conceive, that would be truly glorious in itself, and beneficial to mankind. But it is a destiny of liberty, not of license. It is a destiny of peace, not of war. It is a destiny of justice and noble ideas, not of invasions and violent annexations. It is a destiny whose emblems and implements are not the bomb and the bowie-knife, but the printing-press and the Bible. It is a destiny of raising up the fallen races, and administering wise and equal laws, wherever our dominion extends, not of trampling under the hoofs of the war-horse the prostrate red man, black man, or dark browed Mexican. If the Anglo Saxons have any other destiny than that, let them beware before they run upon the thick bosses of those bucklers of the Almighty, which have already drank up the blood of the proudest victors. It was when the Pretorian Guards of Rome bore the emperor into office by their despotic will, that the mistress of nations began to decline. And when, in any nation, the glorious gifts of Christian statesmanship, and ripe experience, and large converse among men, and a life-time of civil services to one's country and the world, are postponed and set aside for “the conquering hero," the Genius of rational, heaven-descended Liberty is already meditating her departure to some more congenial clime. But if the period ever arrives to when the second largest republic on earth , Mexico , 106 times larger than great britian, besides our own and by far the most hopeful and consistent one is blotted out of the record of nations and becomes the “Poland of the west”, we shall be condemned in the eyes of heaven and our own as authors to such tremendous a catastrophe! - war with Mexico reviewed, Abiel Livermore American peace society 1850
@joshualewis9906 8 күн бұрын
Thanks Reagan, Bush Sr., and Clinton 🖕😒
@lacherokeedecaceria1263 11 күн бұрын
My great grandfather worked on that project. My mom tells me that they would take a small amount of money every paycheck and setup a savings account but when the project was done they were laid off and never received any money from that savings account. I wonder what happened and how much interest has it accrued.
@elizabethyow1165 11 күн бұрын
Good points 🤔😌 This was an insightful conversation
@HurricaneGrims 18 күн бұрын
The official religion of America
@jaylynjohnson6391 Ай бұрын
Reparation really should be given to the indigenous people.
@ReconnectingRoots Ай бұрын
This is a super important conversation. 💙
@chrissyp7 Ай бұрын
Already has been and still is
@rayl5507 Ай бұрын
Love this quirky and fun series put together by some very talented people. I'm very much looking forward to season four. :)
@ramencurry6672 Ай бұрын
Has a cool historical vibe inside. It would be kind of funny if they opened a brand new 2nd location inside a mall in Florida with no historical vibe
@buybullhornamazon Ай бұрын
Subject Line: Corn Pop’s Word-Salad Game. This is The Infamous, The Bold & The Evolving, ‘Aliens vs Zombies Prediction’ for 2025…as in…what would a fictitiously unbiased alien from outerspace predict for WallStreet & Washington through the 2024 election and beyond through 2025? …drum roll please… Women’s voters, blacks people voters, young and ignorants, The Deplorables, confused youngsters and even the transgenderds all jump ship on Liberalism for a Gigantic Red Wave Tsunami in 2024 election OR Supreme Court contests Democracy with President Trump and begins massive Congressional Impeqchment Proceedings. Taylor Swift and Brittney Spears run through Central Park together screaming and shouting, “Birth Permits, Eugenics and Small Government.” U.S. Supreme Court contests both Presidential and Congressional Elections. Trump Builds Wall, Ends Democracy and Makes America Great, Glorious and Beautiful Again. Ukraine and Russia become good friends as the war ends. China agrees to recognize Taiwan as an Independent Nation for the foreseeable future. Trump proves himself a highly skilled negotiator and strengthens ties with NATO Allies who start paying their fair share of military expenses. U.S. Supreme Court takes countermeasures to deinstitutionalize Traditional Pelosi Butch-Woman-Feminism Bossy & Jacksonian Gender Male Pronoun, Pronunciation & Pacification Schemes. Constitutional Amendment passed to allow for Education, Free Speech and a Free Press. Remnants of Affirmative Action remain in workplaces where they belong and not entrenched into our schools through Demonic Liberal Teacher Unions or Deeply Programmed into our textbooks, computers, mass media and television screens like California-style Stalinism. Entitlement Reform and a Global Reset are enacted to pay down National Debts and Unfunded Liabilities while Biden’s Energy Plan is scrapped alongside Tesla’s Cyber Truck; because Americans are broke and America is both an insolvent nation and The Largest Debtor Nation in The History of The World making the entire Democrat/Liberal Party platform utterly useless and irrelevant as it is Communist and based on little more than ignorant whining and race-baiting nonsense. President Trump increased black pay and black wages making him the best President for black Americans, since Abraham Lincoln. Tax rates to become an afterthought under Trump while the tax code is summarily streamlined. Temporary Worker Visa Programs are Bjørn. Minnesota Vikings handily win The Super Bowl. Denmark Feminists aghast. Trump calls in National Guard to Enforce Reform on Greta Thunberg. Joe Bidenism and other Teleprompter-Demoncrat-Cyberborg Bully Party Leaders are put on trial for treason. Russia and China not happy about Cultist Coup Leader and ANTIFA Incarnate, Kamala Harris (Come Allah. Her ISIS.) as potential ANTIFA/ISIS White House Insert. Joe Bidenism publicly admits to staying in office as a safeguard measure to prevent his own Vice President, PARASITE Kamala Harris from being POTUS even for a millisecond to save his own skin from BLM Racism & DEI Persecution. Next stage of human development begins, inspiring awe, glory and coexistence around the universe. President Donald J. Trump successful in Making America Great, Beautiful & Glorious Again! Liberals coalesce as liberals do and are unanimously overjoyed at the realization, smaller government may be able to fund a nuclear energy project and have a positive impact on greenhouse gas emissions, but only in tandem with Amended Conservative Fiscal Reform to Address $35 [T]rillion in National Debt, $7.4 [T]rillion Fed Balance Sheet, a rapidly expanding Budget Deficit and $200 [T]rillion in Unfunded Liabilities. Liberals waffle over their Transgendered-Orwellian Conerns with significant questions about the insignificance of bovine future as healthy human nutrition comes into the fore and as a formal address to The American Obesity Epidemic. Wisdom and romance abound as peace, love, family and humanity create more global unity, improved cross-cultural happiness and inclusiveness while reducing stress-related illnesses. Even the mermaids jump for joy as less government amounts to more peace, prosperity and noticeably lower crime rates due to Judicial Reform, increased law enforcement and tougher sentencing for repeat offenders. Joe Biden unveiled as the greater scoundrel of Hunter Biden and Richard Nixon put together. A peaceful revolution based on Birth, godliness, family, community, a broader educational scope and improved technology make life experiences for humans greener, more beautiful, peaceful, prosperous and rewarding. Have markets already priced in this prediction as well as rate cuts? How to invest, if such an ‘Alien Prediction for 2025’ were to come true? Winston Churchill once opined, “you can always count on America doing the right thing - after they’ve tried everything else.” Will there be blood in the streets, if this prediction proves itself incorrect and The US Dollar is instead replaced by gold, copper, coal, Agricultural ETFs, Russian Rubles, a BRIC currency, Hardtack Coupons or Small Tubes of Toothpaste as The World’s Reserve Currency? Will Come Allah, Her ISIS, Kamala Harris simply waltz & sass her way into the White House with Supreme Court Confirmation? Is that how that works? Does anyone care to comment on Elon Musk’s, Kamala Harris’ Parody Videos? Will Trump expose The Come Allah. Her ISIS. Kamala Harris Coup as a Coup started by Radical Islamic Terrorists and coordinated by both ‘The Squad’ in Congress and by Saddam Hussain Barak Obamnian? Could it all be decades in the making? What will happen? One thing is certain, 2025 will be a monumental and historic year. Let us hope and pray, 2025 shall be both Peaceful and Victorious under President Donald J. Trump! The Lavender Haze of a New World Order upon all horizons may soon be upon us as Demoncrats inch the world ever closer to World War III disguising themselves from recognition as The American Communist Party and by wearing instead only Democrat Labels which few of us understand any better than their woke gender pronoun schemes. History repeats itself as in Bolivia with Communism and elsewhere. It is up to The American Voter to learn from our history and for The Supreme Court to Judge Freedom from Liberalist Joe Bidenism & Stalinism. Pathetic Joe Bidenism’s very recent proposal to impose ethics upon the first conservative Supreme Court Majority in fifty years is ludicrous and was declared, “dead on arrival” by Republican Senator, Mike Lee. President Trump has pleaded for years about rigged elections and has already promised during his debate with Joe Bidenism to contest the election, if he loses. The Supreme Court may wisely rule against The Squad & Others in Congress in retribution to Impeachment Proceedings against Supermen Supreme Court Justices, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito as well as ruling against Congressional attempts to stack the court into a Communist & Muslim Fundamentalist Coup. PARASITE & GENDER MISIDENTIFIED Kamala Harris is soundly defeated by Trump in debates proving Trump correct when he said, “Kamala will be easier to beat than Biden.” ***SPREAD THE WORD!!!!!!! ***COPY, PASTE, EMAIL, FACEBOOK, LIKE, SHARE, TWEET, SUBSCRIBE. Challenge: Try reading this while making a toast at a luncheon or dinner party to create interesting and intellectual conversation or to identify divisions within your own social networks. Triple Bonus: Americans need to eat many more healthy foods and here may be some good ideas on that note: Unflavored Psyllium Fiber, Unflavored Whey Protein, Organic Spinach Powder, Raw Red Bell Pepper, Sunflower Seeds, Oatmeal with Bananas, Milk or Soy and Pure Dark Chocolate (who knew pure dark chocolate was sugar-free and rich in nutrients?), hot jasmine green tea unsweetened and purchased in bulk, bone-in pork chops with salt and pepper, an iron skillet and BBQ sauce. Corn Soufflé has been served regularly in the White House as one of American Cuisine’s most quintessential dishes. Enjoy in balance and moderation. For some Asian, Greek or French infusion try Korean Ribeye Bulgogi and Steamed Rice, Greek Chicken Marbella or French Coq Au Vin. Now you too can be a World Class Chef! Bon appetit. Tu es ce que tu manges. Disclaimer: Obey the law. Do not bring machete to BLM/ANTIFA/ISIS riot. Consult with your physician as necessary about dietary changes and consider legal ramifications of presenting this excerpt during an employment screening or interview in lieu of Onerous American Censorship Laws put in place by Demoncrat Cyberborg Bully Demorat Teleprompter Programming ‘Community’. Hopefully readers may find these words satirical and funny to both brighten and enlighten their days. Written with hope, peace and kind regards in mind. God Bless America! MAGGBA!! Liberation Day is ever so near and may become a Global Holiday. Thank you, President Trump. Finding wisdom from chaos and tyranny is liberating, so fear not and seek only Truth Social. Seriously…have fun with this. Think of it like a board game to play with friends, various associates and family members using internet searches to look up meanings and to decipher the obvious satire, comedy and conservative bias you need to feel free and liberated from Demoncrat Stalinism, Joe Bidenism, old Bones Pelosicrat and PARASITE gender-misidentified Kamala Harris. Come Allah? Her ISIS? Kam…ala…Harr…Is…Is. Get it? Not good. Who thinks monetizing America’s debt like Argentina would be fun and livable? USA IS THE LARGEST DEBTOR NATION IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. Should we end the Fed? What does that mean?
@paddyo3841 Ай бұрын
Greatest race of people ever ☘️
@OlafVantVeer-f3d Ай бұрын
Very interesting; enjoyed this.
@teejay6063 2 ай бұрын
McSorleys! Been there many times.
@ryanchristian3977 2 ай бұрын
We are still here
@maimiehendersonmcdade3941 2 ай бұрын
My grandfather not blood loved her beauty and voice
@요미-l1b 2 ай бұрын
셰인 킴브로우 🎉🎉🎉
@warrenarthur5629 2 ай бұрын
If you could put any more cheese on this you’d break the cracker.
@iampierre86 2 ай бұрын
@iampierre86 2 ай бұрын
@iampierre86 3 ай бұрын
@NIVIYE15 3 ай бұрын
the american peninsula was never inherited to any son of man. it was up for grabs
@iampierre86 3 ай бұрын
@iampierre86 3 ай бұрын
@TomRomanofski 3 ай бұрын
No bill man interfered, much like genius 1.29... sad
@Chancey001 3 ай бұрын
how does this only have 35 views????
@captainkajubell5302 3 ай бұрын
This is fun
@RandyFinch 3 ай бұрын
Very nice song. Congrats on the Emmy. I like that you created this video at the Rosenbaum House. Nice setting.
@ReconnectingRoots 3 ай бұрын
Thanks so much! We love Rosenbaum, too 💙
@SkyhawkSteve 4 ай бұрын
Before he was part of American Pickers, Mike ran a bike shop in Eldridge, Iowa. Even then, he had a nice collection of high wheel bikes, an American Star, and a shaft drive bike. He was happy to talk about the stuff too! Nice guy.
@tenebrousjones4897 4 ай бұрын
I think we should give it another try
@supernaturalagriculture6261 4 ай бұрын
90% of the stills removed by prohibition made fuel alcohol… and forced a national switch to dependence on Rockerfellers newly introduced gasoline
@lavinabowman8489 4 ай бұрын
I love this show so much 😂
@super_manul1167 4 ай бұрын
Where do you put the waste then?
@deadliftingtubas5623 4 ай бұрын
It’s crazy because most most nuclear power plants can store the waste of about 100 years in one small room. One small object of nuclear power can give power for multiple family lifetimes it’s not like fossil fuels where the waste goes the atmosphere and dissipates, nor like solar panels which will waste landmass through entire junkyards of decayed panels, not like wind power which kills endangered or near endangered birds like eagles, lowering the balance of ecosystems. They al have their issues but nuclear power takes up the least amount of space, produces a reasonable amount of waste that is manageable for the foreseeable future (100’s of generations, and doesn’t destroy the environment, or contribute to global warming. That said, human error is the limit with how far nuclear power can go.
@michaelquinones-lx6ks 4 ай бұрын
If i had that Schwinn, I would tear it down completely and rebuild it with new up to date parts found on ATB'S and MTB'S with 'Motorcycle' type drum brakes, With multispeed gears, Plus new up to date tires found on today's beach cruisers.
@LandisPasswater 4 ай бұрын
@Sitka_Blacktail_Hunter 4 ай бұрын
Shit is annoying
@AbleAnderson 4 ай бұрын
I find the dancing very cringe personally, but to each his own
@cole388 4 ай бұрын
That's where I sit too on this issue and wish more diehard baseball fans sat, but a lot of people seem to love it, especially people who would have never watched a baseball game before, it also gives talent that didn't make the league another place to make money from this sport
@WendiGonerLH 4 ай бұрын
And then promptly began one if the largest crime epidemics in the nation’s entire history
@inonospanish536 4 ай бұрын
I love the old 1950s style
@redeyedgamerz 4 ай бұрын
Its dangerous because they’re businesses. Properly disposing of nuclear waste required tens of millions of dollars. That effects the net profits of those companies. Companies will cut costs and corners where ever they can get away with, especially if its cheaper to pay scrying wyes to look away. Nuclear waste absolutely cannot be allowed to be dumped anywhere but in secure sites tht cannot effect the ecosystem or people and making nuclear power our main source of energy opens up the market in a way tht makes it impossible for a few companies to hold a monopoly. Hate them if you want, and you should want to hate them, but monopolies are much easier to regulate and keep an eye on then an open market.
@decaf3821 4 ай бұрын
Bros forgetting the barrels of radioactive glowing green slime
@Hamburber420 4 ай бұрын
That can be turned back into rods.
@razorwolf2758 4 ай бұрын
@@Hamburber420wait actually, so it’s not made of the few impurity’s that are now radioactive from being already used in the rod?
@WendiGonerLH 4 ай бұрын
The worst reactor accident in history wasn’t caused by some inherent problem with nuclear power, it was caused by political meddling. Keep bureaucrats away from scientific fields and suddenly there are fewer problems
@oddball0399 4 ай бұрын
We don't even have to use uranium we can use thorium which is way better. And it's impossible to make a nuclear missile out of it. The reason we use uranium is specifically because the government wanted a dual purpose material. It could be used for both nuclear power and making weapons.
@davidstout4391 4 ай бұрын
Solid points . . . Now look at this pen **flash**
@awildfilingcabinet6239 4 ай бұрын
I always laugh when people freak out about the "radioactive waste!" That nuclear leaves behind. Because. Like, we already use coal. Which puts out 10x the amout of radioactive material, and they put it directly into the atmosphere.
@ottone2863 4 ай бұрын
No battery plus 2 generator 1is for the motor 1just run a bigger motor you could drop the battery on 2a starter motor
@gagebrandon6421 4 ай бұрын
We should be using it more, yes
@FatherFigure-itout 4 ай бұрын
I'm just saying radroaches, death claws, ghouls, and raiders seem more survivable than most current US cities.
@o7freedom 4 ай бұрын
and he was never seen again
@CaptainRuggels 4 ай бұрын
@Some1special 4 ай бұрын
Part of the problem with nuclear is "highly regulated" you might believe that but nuclear waste has been dumped in landfills all over America. Now, if we actually did what we said we do. Nuclear would be a very efficient form of energy. Spent uranium can be melted down and reused in new reactor rods. But more interesting is the concept of incorporating small amounts as an energy source into capacitors. We can use these capacitors to dump current into grids like a self recharging power wall. With enough of these walls, and the proper timing, theoretically you could create grid redundancy and prevent brown outs or even blackouts. The radiation would be minimal enough that you could probably bury these boxes around various poles and given enough of them, replace coal and other carbon heavy power plants. The only downside is maintenance and boxes being overly distant.
@jackavalmasovnon 4 ай бұрын
Basically the biggest problem with nuclear is human accountability
@Some1special 4 ай бұрын
@@jackavalmasovnon that but even moreso considering that a nuclear diamond battery inside of a capacitor has multiple problems. 1. A NDB would outlive the capacitor. 2. The NDB would take over a 1,000 years to lose its charge. 3. NDB's have never successfully been made on a commercial level. 4. Each box would take roughly 5 days to build up a charge large enough to be usable in the grid. 5. It's so not cost effective that it would take government subsidizing it to keep it alive. That means electricity now becomes a tax and what happens to people that don't pay taxes? Armed government employees kick your door in and take you to prison. 6. If you apply a carbon footprint structure to the taxes, you have now effectively made citizens indentured servants the moment they are born.
@zrigh8814 4 ай бұрын
Could solve out power issues creating tremendous amounts of power with low environmental impact but through fear mongering we have largely avoided it like the plague allowing archaic power producers to remain in control