@eastafricanist9156 39 минут бұрын
In runyankore (uganda) un izoba is sun Ku-bona is to see Baana is children
@eastafricanist9156 48 минут бұрын
Amazing work. Makes a lot of sense.
@vutomirodney 3 күн бұрын
What's the link between Tonga people of Zimbabwe/Zambia and the Tsonga people of South Africa/Mozambique, Zimbabwe? Tsonga people never had a king as a whole and they were invaded by the Shangani, an offshoot of the Nxumalo/Ndwandwe.
@inyenyenzi 3 күн бұрын
It was the Tonga that were invaded by Shangani. Tsonga seems to be what was appropriated by Shangani after he invaded them, in an attempt to erase the Tonga. Tonga are not a subgroup of Tsonga. There seems to have been an attempt to erase the Tonga and place them as a subgroup of some group when they are the First-Bantu in Southern Africa. This is evident when you look at every major Nguni invasion's target - they were targeting the people who were called Tonga because they had been separated from their King after the tearing of their Kingdom at Great Zimbabwe separating the West from the East - Tonga means 'people without a King'. The Moongas were large district of this Kingdom (they are on old Maps) lived along the Lupata Mountains in the Inyanga region. The Abalombwana had a district along the Sabi River. The Manansa were the Capital district. The entire Southern Africa was their Kingdom before the Arab invasion and it was divided into districts. I am still mapping them out.
@raphael3620 4 күн бұрын
In other words Bantu are Egyptians/cushites
@siyabongalizo930 4 күн бұрын
Bantu is plural, umntu is one person and isintu is traditions. uluntu is society. Those translations are just Xhosa , I'm not sure if it this helps anyone, but if it does and there's more you want to know, ask us. To everyone in the diaspora who can afford come to Africa find a culture follow one person and learn from their family whatever the elders are willing to teach you. I for one have always refused to adopt these religions and have always believed that my culture is in itself a religious belief.
@inyenyenzi 4 күн бұрын
🙃Xhosa isn't the Proto-Bantu language so it doesn't have the authentic meanings of the expressions and also Xhosa has San and Nilo-Saharan admixture.
@beefiegrustlertv3917 5 күн бұрын
The karanga built great Zimbabwe
@beefiegrustlertv3917 5 күн бұрын
Mutapa kingdom
@dalidzucheredi2495 5 күн бұрын
We can't have Bantu history without migration
@inyenyenzi 5 күн бұрын
The people that migrated aren't True/Proto Bantu, because the Bantu were always in their Kingdom. These populations were relocated into Bantu territory by the Arabs and then the Portuguese to entrench and undermine the True Bantu so they could gain access to the resources gold and land.
@xspydazx 8 күн бұрын
imun a maha ta << << But you can also see this is easy to read Iman u Maha ( the great teacher ) Ie this hindi or punjabi or urdu also? in truth the earlest sanscrit languge and the proto bantu combined languge may be the first language ( ham and shem )(afra / Asiatic ) ( europe branched for Asia ( indo european) ----> In truth we also need to be flexable !! as this is 100 percenta combined languge ! ( sanscrit and proto bantu ) the later arab etc comes from theasiatic branches which come from the sanscrit roots , and the bantu etc obvioulsy comes from thehamatic root .... hence ( El /Al / IL ) its only speed of speech or pitch and tone of voice : hence imuna ( can be confused by arabs to be amuna ) <- and so they did not even recognise the word iman here (teacher) (iman - u - el) Maha <<---- this is a sanscrit work for the great ... ie Maha Bharat ( the great king(shem)) iman maha ( great teacher ) ... interesting that still there are simularitys (as you know there was asians in egypt too!) and Egyptians in Asia ! ( both have the Caste System )
@stephentaylor2119 8 күн бұрын
Li and Di exist as prefixes in dozens of Bantu languages. Ng ending occurs in Nguni too. Double and triple consonants represent a single sound, whereas a Latin alphabet does not supply an adequate letter for that sound. that sound. Nguni hl and dl are very close to the Welsh sound, which they render as ll, a rare sound, which also occurs in Mongol. It is why you see Gb and Kp in West African languages to distinguish these sounds from g and b
@inyenyenzi 8 күн бұрын
Those languages you point out have Nilotic Admixture and aren't Pure Bantu Languages which is why they have those sounds. The Proto-Bantu Language(which I am a native speaker) doesn't have those sounds as they are used or mean in those languages - our 'li' means 'beautiful sound' and 'di' means depth or place - the difference of meaning and use is how we know that they are Nilotic contribution. Our goal here is to show how this admixture came into being - Tswana was according to Moffat the most widely spoken language in the 1800s - this was only because there was a Nilotic influx that forcefully assimilated many Proto-Bantu in Southern Africa and this influx may have come speaking the Great Lakes Bantu derived language which is why Tswana makes use of 'r' not the standard Southern African 'l'. I will make a video
@stephentaylor2119 8 күн бұрын
@@inyenyenzi Those languages have little Nilotic admixture. Standard Swahili has 20% Arabic loans in nouns and verbs but does not affect the grammar to any meaningful degree. Those words are easily distinguished from native Bantu words. There are not a great deal of Maasai words in Kikuyu. All languages borrow from one another. Kikuyu has Di prefixx as Ri, which is Li in Swahili,.. On a previous video of yours, you are claiming proto Bantu had just 5 noun class prefixes. 21 are current in modern Bantu languages. It is though that there wee a great many more, and that noun classes merged or fell out of use and that Proto-Bantu had a great deal more. An example is 12 and 13 Ka and Tu diminutive sing and Pl have been absorbed into class 7/8 Ki Vi. Vestiges of Ka are used as in Kadogo "a small degree" Also KI as a prefix denotes something unique or distinctive of its kind. Kilimanjaro a single mountain. Mlima a hilly country, conversely we would say Kijiko for a small spoon as opposed to mwiko, a big wooden spoon used for stirring food in a pot. So classes 7/8 has absorbed 2 other noun classes. There are two dialects of Swahili that still use this noun clase, Kihadimu, spoken on the north of Zanizbar, and Congo Copperbelt Swahili There are no native speakers of Proto-Bantu, it is a reconstructed language assembled by European Scholars, who had the linguistic skill sets to do so. You are delusional to claim you speak it. The sounds of the language can only be guessed at too derived from knowledge of current Bantu languages and the pattern of sound shift and change.
@stephentaylor2119 8 күн бұрын
Mzilikazi was never in Egypt, what mushrooms are you on???
@inyenyenzi 8 күн бұрын
It went right over your head. Didn't say he was Egypt🙃, there was no Pharaoh in Egypt in 1838, so naturally this didn't take place in Egypt. D.o y.o.u n.e.e.d e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g s.p.e.l.l.e.d o.u.t for you? I don't have the patience. Rwanda means 'Our Great House' as in Palo/Paro too, just like the one in Southern Africa did so chew on that too.
@stephentaylor2119 8 күн бұрын
Bantu simply means people, not some fanciful long meaning. The root Ntu means thing put into Class 1 and 2 (sing,pl) it means living thing Something possess of higher spirit, ie Human. Kintu means a non-living thing. Banti and Ancient Egyptian are two completely different language families. Ancient Egyptian is Afro-Asiatic. It exists today in its modern form of Coptic. You have entered the realms of the black American Afro-centrism.
@inyenyenzi 8 күн бұрын
🙃Don't cheapen our language. It isn't some hollow spiritually lacking utility like the ones you are accustomed to speaking and identifying with. To offend you further, you would know it's the language of the First Guardians Ba Ila(check the Ugaritic Language for this too and get more offended - Ugaritic was a dialect of our language) who you call Gods/Elohim. I am Proto-Bantu from a village in Southern Africa, descended from the owners of the fabled gold mines NOT American. Don't attempt to explain us, this isn't about you, it isn't your story and it doesn't need your contribution. Afro-Asiatic speakers can't read the language, we can and we still use all the expressions. The Proto-Bantu Kingdom spanned Africa from the Red Sea, to Abyssinia, to the Mountains of the Moon, down to the Lupata Mountains to the Gold Mines and to Cape Town - African History gets to be told by Africans so stay out of it. HAMBA YEBO
@stephentaylor2119 8 күн бұрын
A mash-up of bits and pieces of history, with totally inaccurate dates thrown into the mix. The Narrator is more interested in countering what Historians discovered than revealing anything new. This is American Afrocentric pseudo-history. The Bantu migration dispersal point is considered West Africa between what is now Nigeria and Cameroon, others would place it in the Great Lakes Region, which I think is more plausible. Because we could read, write and do archaeology, EUROPEAN scholars studied the Bantu languages, tabulated their grammars and piece by piece, and put together a reconstructed Proto-Langauge. If anyone has studied learned a Bantu language or two, will know (as do its speakers) how similar they are. Sound shift within languages as they split is consistent more or less as one moves from north to south or other directions. It was postulated that Proto-Bantu, not only had a class prefix, but also a Preprefix. This is why the pronominal concord is sometimes different from the class prefix. It was discovered in Gishu (Lumsaba) a language that still retains the preprefix along with the class prefix. It is also noticed in The Interlauctrien bantu languages and Nguni group of languages; where it is reduced to an initial vowel. Ba-ba-ntu People in Gishu is A-Ba-ntu in Nguni (Zulu, Xhosa, Swati etc). In Swahili, B changes to a W and we get Wa-tu in Kikuyu, W is elided and a d to t transition takes place and we get Mu- ndu and A-ndu. Ntu denotes a living being, or as Louis Leaky, a white Kenyan, who spoke Kikuyu fluently and documented the people he lived with - possesses a higher level of spirit as opposed to animals or trees which are of lesser spirit. I will use Swahili as an example, The root Tu means THING Place in Class 1 we get M-tu, a living thing. place in Class 2 we get the plural W-atu, A non-living thing (a concrete object) we place in Class 7 Ki-tu, place it in Class 8 we get the plural Vi-tu, or things. Place and location in most languages use the root to so a PLACE THING, replaced in Swahili with Mahali, an Arabic Loan. Other languages use Mu an inside place, Pa and nearby place and Ku a less defined place. The concords are still used with Mahali and demonstrations of place still abide by the 3 aspects of place. Afro-essentric seem to think we tried to make up their history, something that would not have been tolerated in academic circles as separate scholars would be striving and in competition to produce accurate results. Her timeline is a few thousand years out too, little even can be related to the folklore of the Nilotic or Bantu peoples.
@inyenyenzi 8 күн бұрын
I am Proto-Bantu NOT American, you already lack critical analysis skills when you failed to discern that fact. We don't need you telling our history and explaining our language which you know nothing. You wrote a whole lot of nonsense I didn't bother to read, keep it to yourself next time.
@stephentaylor2119 9 күн бұрын
Ki prefix, is very much a Bantu prefix, originally it was pre prefixed with another Ki. It can be reconstructed to urbantu. In Lumsaba it is still Kiki as a.Class 6 prefix
@inyenyenzi 9 күн бұрын
The Proto-Bantu Language from which all the others are derived doesn't have the 'Ki' prefix. I am a native speaker. This prefix is also common in certain derivatives not all, this tells us it was brought in at some point - most likely by Muzimba and later carried on by the Jagga. Muzimba was Nilo-Saharan(**Galla)
@stephentaylor2119 8 күн бұрын
@@inyenyenzi You seem to be unaware that Bantu languages originally (and some still do) have a pre-prefix, reduced to an initial vowel in Interlaustrine and Nguni languages. What is your native langauge? My wife speaks 11 Bantu languages, so I have a good source. Speaking a language does not make you an authority on all aspects of that language. I speak a European language, but it does not make me an expert on Proto-Indo-European. Classes 6 and 8 are found in all Bantu languages and play a fundamental part in naming concrete objects. They may not by Ki dues to sound change in different languages but they are cognates with. You see woefully short of original prefixes reduced to just 5. Currently, there are 21 tabulated; some languages have them all, some maybe 18 or less. It as been suggested Proto-Bantu had many more, but through phonetic decay and assimilation, are formed in to the recognized class prefixes of today,
@former9085 9 күн бұрын
The ancient Egyptians are genetically completely different from the Bantu. Proven by the Max Planck Institute who found the DNA of Mummies to be that of the near east, not Bantu. The DNA differs markedly from that of Egyptian DNA today which has been infused with other DNA. Protagonists of The Bantu being from North Africa tend to forget a massive desert between North and Southern Africa. The First Genome Data from Ancient Egyptian Mummies Study finds that ancient Egyptians were most closely related to ancient populations from the Near East MAY 30, 2017 An international team of scientists, led by researchers from the University of Tuebingen and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, successfully recovered and analyzed ancient DNA from Egyptian mummies dating from approximately 1400 BCE to 400 CE, including the first genome-wide nuclear data from three individuals, establishing ancient Egyptian mummies as a reliable source for genetic material to study the ancient past. The study, published today in Nature Communications, found that modern Egyptians share more ancestry with Sub-Saharan Africans than ancient Egyptians did, whereas ancient Egyptians were found to be most closely related to ancient people from the Near East. How could the language have been developed when there was no interaction?
@former9085 9 күн бұрын
You have a timeline problem. The British abolished slavery in 1805. The Mfecane took place long after that. Plus, no blacks from South Africa were ever enslaved.
@inyenyenzi 9 күн бұрын
Just because the law says don't steal doesn't mean everyone will do it 🙃 This slave trade took place at the Cape Colony. If you still disagree feel free to explain why San, Bantu and Nilo-Saharan were at the Cape Colony - were often escaping and being hunted to be taken back. Read John Campbell(Travels In SouthAfrica Undertaken At the Request of the London Missionary Society) or John Philip(Researches in South Africa) or the History of the Griqua(they were the slave raiders) They weren't indentured servants either - Shosholoza the Invictus Song is about summoning the mountain gods to burn the trains that took the Wenela program labor to South Africa - so they had very strong feelings about being indentured to Europeans and that would not have happened voluntarily.
@former9085 6 күн бұрын
@@inyenyenzi "Just because the law says don't steal doesn't mean everyone will do it" Strawman argument. "This slave trade took place at the Cape Colony. " The slaves at the Cape Colony were Malay and Indonesian. No Bantu were taken as slaves in South Africa. "If you still disagree feel free to explain why San, Bantu and Nilo-Saharan were at the Cape Colony - were often escaping and being hunted to be taken back." The San are an interior tribe from Namaqualand. The original tribes at the Cape Colony were Khoikhoi and Goringhaicona. There were no Bantu and Nilo-Saharan at the Cape Colony. The first time European and Bantu settlers encountered each other was at the Great Fish River about 1000 km east of Cape Town in the early 1800's. "History of the Griqua(they were the slave raiders)" Griqua were an interior tribe as well. Their area was known as Griqualand. "They weren't indentured servants either" The only indentured labour in South Africa was Indians brought to the Natal sugarcane fields by the British as the Zulu refused to work in the fields. Agricultural labour is seen as a woman's work by the Zulu culture and is considered beneath the status of men. "Shosholoza the Invictus Song is about summoning the mountain gods to burn the trains that took the Wenela program labor to South Africa" The workers traveled voluntarily on the train to work on the mines. Nobody forced them and they were paid, got leave, shelter and meals. None were slaves nor indentured. With its origins going back to the gold mines of South Africa, Shosholoza holds a firm place in the cultural consciousness having gone through the transformation from a work song to a kind of a solidarity anthem in the African South that is commonly chanted during public actions and sporting events. The song is believed to have been originally composed by workers from Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe while traveling by steam trains to and from the mines. This certainly explains how the railway theme finds its place in the song in the form of an onomatopoeia, in this case the word 'shosholoza' which imitates the sound of a working steam train, though the word can also can be understood as 'go forward'. I suggest you read the unrevised history of South Africa. I lived a lot of it.
@tutonguni529 9 күн бұрын
We have pyramids in South Africa so what are you talking about 😊
@malibongwenkunkuma1343 10 күн бұрын
The is amazing work. I am following that a lot of youth in Africa is rediscovering 'Africa'. We have been deemed subhuman for a long stretch of human history whilst other cultures pillaged and misrepresented our history and contribution to the world!
@duzzitright3084 11 күн бұрын
There were kingdoms in the South of Africa before Christianity and Islam. That history is still missing
@KingCoolD-m9z 12 күн бұрын
Finally 😃 my people is waking up and realizing that European people are using Witchcraft to keep us down and poor till this day, 😢 see our witch doctors and African Warlocks are weak😢 they can't EVEN curse another nation to set their black people free, the only thing African witchcraft can do is hurt another fellow African, see our spiritual leaders has been reduce to fictional leaders and fairy tail by Westerners, they did this so that to lower our power in the spiritual realm and this is why on this physical plane, we black people are suffering, but our spiritual leaders are called to be leaders also in the spiritual realm, DID YOU KNOW MY BLACK PEOPLE WE OUT RANK THESE WHITE/ASIAN/ARABE AND DEMONS IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM WORLD? Its not for nothing they say we are god's, but the wyte man knew it this is why he jeep casting spells and evil projections on black people such as promoting rap music 🎵🎶, gang violence, drugs, ect. They also erase black greatness from history book 📚, because its HIS-STORY NOT OURS
@hlogilehlogonolo5438 12 күн бұрын
The Khoi was not murdered by Shaka or any other bantu tribe if anything they intermarried with them and absorbed them because they were a bigger population. Present day South Africans of bantu descent have anywhere from 12-15% Khoisan DNA that’s a lot for a group in which was bigger in population than the Khoisan’s I’m sick and tired of these narratives being spread and nothing is being done to stop it
@stephentaylor2119 8 күн бұрын
The Khoi were hunted down by both Bantu and Boers, and absorption took place too
@hlogilehlogonolo5438 8 күн бұрын
Look at Genetic data, Bantus have anywhere from 12-15% Khoi DNA like I’ve said, The royalty on Mapungubwe were Of Khoi male and female DNA, The Bantus arrived in Modern Day South Africa arrived in the 7th century if bantu’s were killing Khoisan they would have been extinct by the time the the Dutch arrived in cape colony. Xhosa incorporated the Khoi clicks into their language, why would they do that if they could simply kill them, no doubt some bantu groups had conflict with some Khoisan group but to classify like how the Boers were just mindlessly killing for sport is incorrect
@hlogilehlogonolo5438 8 күн бұрын
@@stephentaylor2119 how can I send you a link to an Article??
@hlogilehlogonolo5438 8 күн бұрын
@@stephentaylor2119 YT is deleting my comments
@hlogilehlogonolo5438 8 күн бұрын
@@stephentaylor2119 just remember Early Bantu groups were farmers they were not yet known as Pedi, Xhosa Zulu etc
@hlogilehlogonolo5438 12 күн бұрын
I have multiple articles basically explaining how Mfecane wasn’t as what A lot of people believed actually was For Example Mzilikazi was previously thought that he migrated North because of Mfecane when in actuality he migrated North because of the Boers trekking inland and there’s so many more instances if you want to read the Article I can provide a link and if you have articles about Mfecane that goes against it pls provide me some It’s our duty and responsibility as Africans to find the truth of Our forefathers and mothers history
@BwanaKabungo 12 күн бұрын
Ms Narrator, Firstly, I like your accent 😊 Secondly, are you Zambian? Thirdly, will you be my wife??😍
@NguseCivilisation3247 12 күн бұрын
@kongowea9903 12 күн бұрын
I have learned so much from one video, Thank you greatly. You have given some confirmations about indeed witchcraft. I have a question did you say Shagga or CHAGGA . If chagga is there any connections to the chagga tribe of east Africa ?
@KATKattalestv 12 күн бұрын
They are still using it. Who are the Real Savages? They are still using Humiliation Rituals...Keep telling the stories.💜😻
@IrisRainbowMagick 13 күн бұрын
This is so important and this is why magic and spirituality have become so stigmatized because they don't want us to know that that's literally how they've taken over the world and they still use it today
@jknott1509 11 күн бұрын
If you're sensitive to it, people like the Rothschilds have a very similar energy to a medicine man or shaman. They're powerful spiritual beings with a strong spiritual protection. Thats why they can walk down the street and most people just see an old man.
@user-wc1zb5fx8n 13 күн бұрын
I have spirits I found out I am Persian royalty A British officer married a Persian princess in the 1800s I come from this family I have powers Spirits tell me I come from Egypt My powers cause enemies to die
@quintinfranklin9168 13 күн бұрын
Thank you beloved! What a beautiful language & culture!
@BaseLineBillionaires888 13 күн бұрын
U speaking facts outea
@jordanburnett3773 14 күн бұрын
The Zanj rebellion african slave revolt in modern day Iraq. A product of slavery from the Oman sultanate extreme amount slavery.
@gedalyahkk3125 14 күн бұрын
Great video what are some of the books or resources to study African history?
@lk6789 14 күн бұрын
@NinjaLeeful 14 күн бұрын
The same way they appoint our presidents today
@cullberry 14 күн бұрын
So interesting! Looking forward to watching the channel grow!
@TheDecimusic 14 күн бұрын
"ve heard that during the witchhunts they stole all religious artifacts, wisdoms from shamans, witches worldwide so they can practice witchcraft themselves and we the normal people were not allowed to practice
@maphuthegommaboreramela4586 14 күн бұрын
Where would you place the Masubya? I saw the on part two the mentioning of wearing white and linens or cottons. I read & saw an illustration in an old book that indeed the people either were naked or wore white. The Masubya wore white and referred to as priests. I could be wrong but they somehow linked them to the Ncube priesthood or Bakgatla here in South Africa. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Do you think they were part of the original proto Bantu?
@Cizzlemane 15 күн бұрын
Please speak louder and more clearly… otherwise this was great!
@XhosaBibleAudios 15 күн бұрын
Great presentation🙏
@Maweh_Mysteries 15 күн бұрын
I love your content...Keep Going, You're doing great💕😊
@patrickfontaine142 15 күн бұрын
Well Aliens eng USa - languages are partly Indian as well...aka Fula Fulbe aka (Firangi) *Sanskrit OLD- English Barbarians *Balkans * Irish Sassenach - Assasinib Middle East Taking that Europe IS A MIX OF Asian and Indian! We can see where it stick as foreign people could just witness these monuments... Not maintain them 💯...
@patrickfontaine142 15 күн бұрын
Thank you for explaining the republic destruction of our Empires....
@lealbobbernstein9516 15 күн бұрын
haay sister please faga energy nyana when speaking, not saying you should change your personality or anything like that just faga more spirit cos damn this is not on
@lealbobbernstein9516 15 күн бұрын
just wish you spoke with more energy, listening to you for a long time is really hard. otherwise nice video keep the good job up
@zaanz-lp8lc 15 күн бұрын
What trace of Arab mistreatment on black people in that place
@daowonimdee 15 күн бұрын
The Akan of Ghana, the Igbo of Nigeria, the Somalians, and many other Afrikan nations, even some languages in Papua New Guinea, have hundreds of word-for-word matches with the ancient Egyptian language. None of those languages are Bantu. I study all the above languages, including Bantu languages, and the ancient Egyptian language. You are right that there are Egyptian-Bantu similarities. You are wrong in calling Egyptian a "Proto-Bantu language" just as I would be wrong to call it "Proto-Akan" or "Proto-Igbo". Stop using wight people's "Proto" terms to describe our languages. It is inadequate.
@inyenyenzi 15 күн бұрын
Unlike the languages you just compared, we don't change the consonant sequences to force a match. Mdw Ntchl(Maduwi-voice/speech Netchali-time of bliss) are expressions we still use and we have an alphabet which gives the means for all the sounds. Among many things we also have the Jackal Headed Guardian Spirit. An UShabuta(UShabiti) that was found in the Zimbabwe area ruins and also Mummified remains. They called themselves 'Abbalombwana' - 'best of men/ men who build or builders - stone masons', the Rainmakers, the Haka (Haka Manga) to name a few things - oh and the White Vulture Clan Totem
@daowonimdee 15 күн бұрын
@inyenyenzi I said nothing of "forcing a match" by changing consonant sequences. You have never studied any of the other languages I mentioned, and have only a basic understanding of the RE-NKAM (the ACTUAL name of the Egyptian language). But like many others, you simply like to project your Abantu people as the only true descendants of Kemet, and I'm telling you that you're wrong. Abantu history doesn't even start in Kemet. It starts tens of thousands of years before that on another continent. As with many other nations, you all were colonized by, and passed THRU, Kemet. That is the explanation for the language match that is shared by other nations with similar experiences.
@daowonimdee 15 күн бұрын
In what language is "Haga Maga" from? Please post your sources for the info in the video. Thanks.
@daowonimdee 15 күн бұрын
In my traditional Afrikan practice, I was taught the correct English word translation for our magick: SCIENCE, not "witchcraft". Whether you are using it to HEAL or KILL, it is still science. We do not do "witchcraft" in Afrika, we do science.
@inyenyenzi 15 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching. The creators of these sciences have very high standards - you don't sit in their company if you smell like a hyena - they won't allow it. When it is used to do harm to others, these people are called Mulozi/Muloyi - translated to 'One who gathers to create absence/lack' - that's wrong and we don't equate the two, Haka and Mulozi, they aren't the same. Witches are corrupted people who don't follow or respect the rules, therefore they are kicked out which is why they become scavengers - hyena riders. The best among us cannot be lowered and equated to the worst among us. We have a word for Witches, if it was all the same, those words wouldn't exist. Witches aren't good, they don't sit at the same table nor are they equal to the Light Revealers. That's an insult
@daowonimdee 15 күн бұрын
@inyenyenzi Science is science, and different Afrikan nations interpret it their own way. How we do things in Ghana is not necessarily the same as how it is done in South Afrika. It is what it is.
@GwazaJuse 15 күн бұрын
​@@inyenyenzi I see that you are preparing to say that Balozi people (Bakololo) are witches...
@maphuthegommaboreramela4586 14 күн бұрын
@@GwazaJuse😂.. I see that too
@chocolatesugar4434 14 күн бұрын
We call it obeah and also science in Jamaica as well ❤