Campervan Interior Part 4
14 сағат бұрын
DIY Worktop and New Cooker.
14 күн бұрын
Campervan Interior Design Part 3
Campervan Interior Design. Part 2.
Campervan interior design. Part 1.
Deisel heater exhaust and carpet tiles.
He's pulling my van apart!
28 күн бұрын
Will it be ready in time?
Sticking my floppy bit up!
Vanlife novice knows nothing 😁
First night in my campervan.
Carnivore 28 day update...
6 ай бұрын
Terminal cancer.  The lead up...
Carnivore & Liver Cancer shock.
@michelleadams5609 7 сағат бұрын
Grass finished and more fat usually does the trick. Sadly. No dairy for awhile. Iift weights, more sleep. Earthing, that's a big one that people don't do. More salt. The carnivore diet prescribed in the 1800s was red meat and water. Today, it's less defined but people get different results because they're not doing the original diet or ancestral eating.
@carnivorecampers 7 сағат бұрын
@michelleadams5609 Oh, I'm right off dairy! Love it, but it has to be a zero carb regime for me. ❤️
@michelleadams5609 6 сағат бұрын
@@carnivorecampers We still drink raw dairy in my family from California and give it to our dogs who usually live well past 20 for big dogs. It's really expensive and is now more of a treat. *In all honesty, I have been needing to lose weight as well and with the stresses of finances have been eating less and less. I'm on eggs for lunch and burgers for dinner, but my exercise, or walking went right out the window because it's been well over 100 degrees here. I have no excuse! I've been learning about Carnivore intently in the past 4 years and I've noticed that many don't take into consideration environmental concerns: *the growth hormones in their chicken, pork or beef. *the fungal and mold in their homes (which also cause psychological as well as physical symptoms) *what they're cooking with (i.e. a steak cooked with olive oil...gross) In my simple understanding....hormones need cholesterol. Beef and eggs have loads of cholesterol but pasture-raised have the most nutrients, so I eat 6 pasture-raised eggs a day and I'm hoping that will help with my own health journey. Good luck!
@ijustagirl74 7 сағат бұрын
You answered your own question..Im same as you,eat bacon egg beef pork milk ,sometimes i eat french bread coffee i could kick myself..Give yourself a break,you are trying like me but eventually will find our comfort zone.i promise you ,you look great..i need to exercise,wish i had someone around me to push me..pork scratching ok
@carnivorecampers 7 сағат бұрын
@ijustagirl74 I know for certain that I can not deviate from strict carnivore. My body doesn't do well on anything else. No-one was giving me a kick up the bum. I have to do it all myself. Even though I've convinced my family that this is the proper human diet, they are not as on board as I am ❤️
@Camperjazz 8 сағат бұрын
I really feel for you clearlly im now post menopause but was still going through it when hubby had his stroke in 2018 and then caring for him for next 3 years dueing that time i definately comfort ate as i did when he passed away and in that time went from an overweight 10 stone to almost 15, im back to around 13.7 affter my last scottish trip with all the extra exercise, but wiith this.sllipped diac that groound to a halt, its been hard work just staying at that the last 10 weeks, im just starting to be able to do a bit longer walks again but no where near.pain free so doesnt help but i actually think that only more exercise will now shift the weight as i only have to be a little naughty for pounds to pile back on lol i think youve done amazing so far xx
@carnivorecampers 8 сағат бұрын
@Camperjazz Aw, thanks Pam. I really feel for you. Have a look at some carnivore channels. It's really not just weight-loss. There are endless other health benefits ❤️❤️❤️
@Camperjazz 7 сағат бұрын
@@carnivorecampers will do
@flutini1 Күн бұрын
You should watch some of Kelly Hogan's videos. I believe this one talks about knowing how much you should be eating on Carnivore (you may be eating too little or too much) and how to figure that out. Don't give up!
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
@@flutini1 will do, thank you! ❤️
@No_Frills_Carnivore Күн бұрын
Add a few days of lean meat, low fat. psmf. It really works. All of this "stick of butter a day" business is not for us who have lots of bodyfat to lose. Use animal fats to maintain when youve reached your goal x
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
Yes, I think you're right ❤️
@No_Frills_Carnivore 23 сағат бұрын
@carnivorecampers remember that fat is energy too. If we are eating excess fats, our body will use those before it uses the stored bodyfat 😉
@Trthsker24 Күн бұрын
Check your blood glucose before and after meals just to see if the protein is stimulating insulin in you. Nuts and sugar free products are inflammatory.
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
@Trthsker24 I am no longer having nuts or sugar free stuff ❤️
@thecreator90000 Күн бұрын
Could probably still pass for Donna (Meryl Streep) from Mammia Mia, though ❤
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
@@thecreator90000 Wow! THANK YOU!!! ❤️❤️❤️
@esther.f.g Күн бұрын
I've gained weight with the carnivore diet, but I feel so much better, carnivore helped to heal. Now I am doing a low carb/keto approach. Don't focus so much on the scale, what matters is your health
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
@@esther.f.g I'm pretty healthy, now I'm going to lose weight and become more healthy... well, that's the plan ❤️
@user-ck9mz4si3n Күн бұрын
% days fasting will break the plato. 3 days will do the same if you cannot do 5. days water fasting.
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
I'm working up to that. Sticking with OMAD for the first couple of weeks ❤
@jaroslav6109 Күн бұрын
If you aren't loosing weight you eat too much. Try to look into a fasting two to three days at the time. Dry fasting works best. Good luck, you can do it
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
@@jaroslav6109 I'm just eating the wrong things 🙃
@ChristAlmighty1814 Күн бұрын
Fasting for days = starving. No human in nature would ever want to starve. You cannot survive without eating. If you're fasting that just means you're eating yourself... which would be your fat and muscle stores. Nobody should fast. All you people who preach this are ignorant.
@GizelleQuant Күн бұрын
I’ll watch your journey. Love your sense of humour.
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
@@GizelleQuant Aw, thanks! ❤️
@mushroombird9400 Күн бұрын
Sweet lady, I am right there with you! I’ve gained 15lbs since April. I did join a gym and I now do CrossFit 2 to 3 times per week, which is absolutely ridiculous, hard and hateful. I’d do it more often but I’m just so darned sore. But my strength and balance are improving so I’m sticking with it. I enjoy escaping the reality of the world more often than I should with a margarita. One terrible vice. I like heavy cream on my coffee. Another vice. I don’t have maladies so I simply have two goals: being thin and warding off future illness. I went strict carnivore in March of 2022 and zip! 30lbs gone so quickly. I then discovered heavy cream in my coffee and my weight loss stopped. Like you, I know what I need to do and I need accountability. It’s hard to find it inside the family and local community, that’s for sure. I’ve got to want it more than I want a nice gentle buzz that makes the insanity of the world not matter. I’ve got to want it more than my morning Joe. It’s hard though when you feel like, ‘darn it, I’ve earned these small pleasures! I work hard and eat clean 98% of the time dammit!’ But at our menopausal age, apparently there is no wiggle room. We’re either fat and “happy “ or think and militaristic. Which will I choose? Hmmm. Good on you though! You rock and you’ll get back at it, I just know it!!
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
Lots to wiggle but no room to do it! Yup, we can't mess about when the Menopause Bitch has a hold of us. For me, anyway, it's strict or I'm done for. Sounds like you too. When I'm on track, and I feel like having something not on the list, I just keep telling myself... IT IS NOT A TREAT! It's a trick!!! I hope that you manage to reach your goal ❤
@andyb190 Күн бұрын
Liked and subscribed. OMAD is the way to go if weight loss is your goal. Start of with a 48-72 hr fast and then try OMAD from there. It's how I start when I have been "off piste" for a few days like last Christmas. Good luck and carry on being brave ❤
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
I really couldn't do it that way around. I would cave. I'm starting off OMAD and then working up to a 3 day fast over a period of weeks ❤
@TechnicallyLenard Күн бұрын
Carnivore doesn't work!!! If it did, I wouldn't have grown up a fat/chubby teen. If we eat fat meat, we'll put on the pounds. It took me until my 39th year of life to figure this out. Meat makes us fat. I'm just being honest.
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
Did you only eat meat for the first 39 yrs of your life?
@ChristAlmighty1814 Күн бұрын
You didn't become the slob you are today from meat. You became that way from all the seed slop you ate along with it.
@rpolee9035 Күн бұрын
My thoughts how long did it take to get sick. Take a look a you re genetics if you are a slow metaboliser like me. Going off piste and eating cheese and drinking a few beers will blow me up like a balloon. Nothing to do about that, going off piste way to much and i will end up in the hospital sick as a dog which also happened. The hospital thing is probably the micro biom going to war because of all the shit i was eating and the tolerance level being pretty low after a long time of not eating the toxins etc. Yes its true you can train you re body to tolerate all kinds off crap doesn t mean you should eat it ! Down side well big problem if you cannot control you re self. They say inflammations keeps you fat this can be stress or issues not yet resolved not even close. My issues will never be resolved all i can do is stay of the pretty harmfull meds and have a normal bmi and a good energie level which is enough for me for now. Perhaps in 10 years everthing will work like it should again who knows !
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
Hope so ❤
@QnBrunhildis Күн бұрын
You have to up your exercise. I think lots of people rely on diets alone. They're looking for ways to not have to get up and move. If you're walking a mile, up it to 2 or 3. I walk, I do yoga and I mow my lawn and my mom's lawn with a push mower. I sweat like crazy when mowing. You WILL lose weight with increasing your exercise. Best of luck
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
Yes, I was doing much better when exercising ❤
@BobbyHill187 Күн бұрын
Stall City 🌆
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
@@BobbyHill187 indeed! But even after only 2 days.. I'm feeling much better ❤️
@michaelgutman4910 Күн бұрын
You're refreshingly honest Thank you
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
No, thank you for watching and commenting ❤
@ernesthader1109 Күн бұрын
If you still eat 3x a day, I suggest that you skip the breakfast and break your fast at lunch and do intermittent fasting. I suggest that you do your exercise during your fast. I lost weight that way.
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
Yup, that's what I used to do. It's completely my own fault. Back at it now, though ❤
@cuteface88 Күн бұрын
Optimize your hormones by minimizing your exposure to EDCs. There is more to health than nutrition alone. Everyone loves to think they're experts on health. The vast majority of people are ignorant. Be wary of some of the advice that random commenters like to give out. Many of it is just bad.
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
Yup, I've spotted a few 😂
@cougmom50 Күн бұрын
Sugarfree will add weight, nut can add weight, and what's in your gravy? There are many days I don't eat but maybe one meal a day, I'm just not hungry.
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
Lol, I knew that, I just had my head well and truly in the sand 😂
@lerhondajones-bates3324 Күн бұрын
yall click bait titles really frustrate me!!!! i was like oh no!!! i finally ran across a person it doesnt work for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! today is day 1 for me
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
It's not a click bait title. Every word of it is true. Why are you searching for someone it hasn't worked for?
@jonny9finger 2 күн бұрын
Start walking 5k a day
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
I start walking 5k every day! I usually manage about 2 😂
@haroldzblweski489 2 күн бұрын
Track your calories and stick to lean meats. You can restrict your feeding window to the evening if that helps you. It would be preferable for health long term to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, tubers. nuts and seeds in your diet; but if just eating meat is easiest for you, do that to lose the weight.
@cuteface88 Күн бұрын
Bad advice. No human in nature "tracks calories". What a goofy thing to do. Lean meats? Wtf? 😆 It would be "preferable" to include plenty of man-made fruits, vegetables, nuts and SEEDS? Bro... why are you trying to harm her?
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
​@@cuteface88 😂😂😂
@haroldzblweski489 Күн бұрын
​@@cuteface88"Humans in nature" didn't struggle with obesity or try to lose weight. If you want to lose weight you have to eat at a caloric deficit. Which lean cuts of meat are better for and calorie counting ensures. Nor did "Humans in nature" artificially restrict themselves to eating only animal products or meat. But ate nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and tubers too.
@christalmighty18 9 сағат бұрын
@@haroldzblweski489 No they didn't. Humans always prioritized meat. Always. Quit spreading misinformation you heard from food industry-funded organizations. You people are ridiculous.
@critter9857 2 күн бұрын
r u exercising?
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
Am now ❤
@Godisfirst21 2 күн бұрын
Fasting Darling. Do a 3 day water fast. You'll learn so much. I'm post menopause.
@lindad6223 Күн бұрын
and shift your meals to earlier in the day. Get a CGM to see if there's any clues. It still comes down to excess insulin stores fat and prevents burning fat.
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
I'm going to build up to a 3 day fast. Let me get a couple of weeks of OMAD out the first. Then a couple of weeks on 36hr fast... then I'm all in on the three days ❤
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
​@lindad6223 I can't eat any earlier than 3:30pm. I work earlies.❤
@bettyweller1487 2 күн бұрын
I have been there too. Check out Jason Fung's video on KZbin, "Practical Fasting". When you eat your body stores what you cannot burn at that time as fat. As the day goes on your body pulls that fat out of storage to burn as energy. If you eat more meat, fat, etc. than your body can burn you will end out gaining weight. Best wishes
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
Thanks for that my lovely. I'll certainly have a look ❤
@Doomzdayxx 2 күн бұрын
Wow it sound slike you;ve had several benefits from going carnivore, that's awesome. If you plateaued, fasting and exercise are my first thoughts of course. the exercise could be just walking. Walk your ass off! I'm sure some of the better educated carnivore advocates on youtube have additional ideas,m especially the women.
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
Yes to all you said. I'm getting back at it now. I hope you'll stick around to kick my butt if I slack ❤
@Doomzdayxx Күн бұрын
@@carnivorecampers We'll need to kick eachother's butts, I slack too on occasion!
@yasmeensuri 2 күн бұрын
Too much protein turns into glucose which stores fat. I'm 6 years into menopause and lost 42 pounds. Kept it all off for 3 years. Intermittent fasting and omad as a lifestyle. You have to eat 60% fat (butter) and 40% protein(meat). Hope that helps.
@BobbyHill187 Күн бұрын
Fat makes my belly jiggle
@diffuusio4852 Күн бұрын
That is blatantly false misinformation. Do not eat 60% of your diet as butter. Meat that has 20% fat contains roughly 70% fat as energy. It has the perfect default macros that you can adjust from there on.
@78redcurl Күн бұрын
Way better is meat fat. Not too mich Butter either. What is kind of carnivore diet you eat? Which meats? Butter 4 example have to be real Butter, Not butter mixed with seed oils. What do you drink? Just plain water is best. Try to cut coffee-> cause coffee beans are plants. Dont eat too much diery products, some peps cannot stand too much diery. And at least they have to be full fat, best raw. Maybe you have too much bacon/Pork. Do not use seed oils to cook the meat, just butter better meat fat. Look carefully and try maybe just lion diet => red meats, Salt, water. Maybe you cant stand too much eggs.
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
Mainly beef. One cup of black decaf tea in the morning. Water the rest of the day. Bacon once a week with eggs and sausages (nothing but pork). Lots of omelettes. No dairy. That's what I'm doing now. As you can see from the video, I went quite off piste for a while ❤ Absolutely NO seed oils.
@No_Frills_Carnivore Күн бұрын
This is wrong actually. I've been stalled for about 3 years now and I've literally only just realised, after my son said to me "why don't you just do what you did before" that losing fat on carnivore is about your energy in. If you eat loads of energy - fat, your body will not use its own fat as energy. What we need to do is while we have some fat to shed, is stop adding extra fat. Just eat the meat with its own fat and that's it. If you want to go a step further, eat lean protein only for a few days and for a few days off, eat your regular diet with animal fat. The weight will come off. Just make sure you're getting in at least 1g per lb of protein that is equally to your ideal weight for your height. Then when you get to your ideal weight, adjust the fat levels to maintenance.
@montycora 2 күн бұрын
If you feel this way about carnivore, I think perhaps carnivore is not sustainable for you. You can reach similar results with keto alone and keto is far easier to maintain. You need to do something you can keep and are happy. Carnivore is more for those who truly enjoy it or for people that have severe allergies. What exactly are you eating on a daily basis?
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
I'm fully on board with carnivore. I cannot eat anything else without being adversely affected in some way or another. I just need to stop looking for other foods that don't affect me, stay on plan, and change my way of thinking ❤
@montycora Күн бұрын
@@carnivorecampers - Are you really, though? It doesn't seem so by your video. I am ALMOST graduating from dietetics school, I have a bunch of keto courses under my belt and I intend to follow this line low carb/keto/carnivore when I graduate. If you don't mind dealing with a almost graduated dietitian, would you like to let me help you with your weight loss? No charges, I just wanna/need to practice... if you are on board, let me know!
@colinmichael 2 күн бұрын
I'd say you must be eating too much. I'm carnivore 5 months. Basically if you ain't loosing weight, then your body must be getting what it needs from what you eat. There has to be a deficit of calories, even on carnivore. You'll loose weight well at first, but when your body adjusts, you become super efficient at using the new diet so you don't need anything like the amount of food you'd think
@carnivorecampers Күн бұрын
I think it's more likely that I slid off plan. It turns out that there's nothing off plan that I can have without stalling. Staying on plan is my only chance ❤
@dkeith-fc8hn 2 күн бұрын
I'm loosing very little weight. I'm 5 months into the Carnivore lifestyle 😢.
@carnivorecampers 2 күн бұрын
@@dkeith-fc8hn come along with me... we'll work it out together ❤️
@ollicron7397 2 күн бұрын
It could be hormones, check with your doctor to make sure your pineal and thyroid glands are functioning correctly.
@carnivorecampers 2 күн бұрын
@@ollicron7397 Aye, I've been thinking about that. I only had HRT for the first few months of menopause. I'll get on to it. Bug me if I don't 😁
@ea6051 2 күн бұрын
@@carnivorecampers and estrogen/vitamin d (vit d is actually a hormone).
@BobbyHill187 Күн бұрын
Steroids belly jiggle
@TheRamblingsofBry 2 күн бұрын
Good luck
@carnivorecampers 2 күн бұрын
@@TheRamblingsofBry thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
@adria_de 2 күн бұрын
I highly recommend doing 32h water fast once a week :) It's a game changer on carnivore, when you hitted platou. Not only it will boost your metabolism, but also it will reset your gut microbiome, and help with accelerating healing :) For me it did wonders!
@carnivorecampers 2 күн бұрын
I'm certainly going to work towards that. I'll get a couple of weeks of OMAD behind me first. Thanks for commenting ❤️❤️❤️
@adria_de 2 күн бұрын
@@carnivorecampers be cautious about OMAD, 32h fast is way easier to do. OMAD can lead to binge eating, and sometimes to under eating. Observe your body and how you react :) Lots of love! I believe you will figure out what works for you and achieve your goals!
@carnivorecampers 2 күн бұрын
@adria_de I'm OK on OMAD, I did it for 3 months without any problems. It all went tits up when we went away for a week. All meals included. We are going to the same place again in September, but I shall not be partaking of the extras. Also, I won't be 'going down for breakfast. I'll just have whatever meat is on offer in the evening and take my own cold food to keep my intake correct ❤️
@sabmeier9265 2 күн бұрын
Your metabolism adapted to carnivore, what is naturally for storing fat for hunger periods. You need to cut down your calories intake and stuck strictly on your carnivore diet. Keeping in mind to eat in moderation not eccessive. Carnivore is a Lifestyle change.
@carnivorecampers 2 күн бұрын
@sabmeier9265 it's not possible to eat excessively on carnivore. I get full very quickly ❤️
@MrAndrew2803 2 күн бұрын
Maybe you look into priming on the "steak and butter gal" channel and thair feasting and fasting method
@carnivorecampers 2 күн бұрын
Amma gonna go look right now ❤️
@kimbest9572 2 күн бұрын
Go girl, you can do it!
@carnivorecampers 2 күн бұрын
@kimbest9572 Thank you Kim ❤️
@babavee100 2 күн бұрын
Love your tongue in cheek humour. Happy to help and have subscribed. I am 78 and been on OMAD for ages. Feel 50. don't have a doctor and at 5 feet 6 inches weigh 9 stone. I used to weigh seventeen stone a long time ago. never put any weight on since i lost it. there is somethng you are doindg which you may not realise. Dairy? when you reach a plateau it is always dairy! Drinking too much of the wrong things? change your food (and still be carnivore), fish, and poultry and eggs. Give your system a jolt. h Have your one meal at mid-day..... Not so long to wait, if you are hungry in the morning, and not so long to last before you go to bed; and,... you can't eat pork scratchings if you don't have any, can you? After all, nothing tastes as good as feeling thin. look forward to seeing you next week. Vee x
@carnivorecampers 2 күн бұрын
@@babavee100 Lol, yes, I have no scratchings with me at work now. I'm terrible with dairy, so that's almost always a hard no. I'm going to stick with eating late, as I'm a dreadful late evening stacker. If I ate midday, I'd be in trouble. You have inspired me. Thank you for commenting and subscribing. I really appreciate it ❤️
@ernst3033 2 күн бұрын
You can do this! You have already achieved so much, just a step more :)
@carnivorecampers 2 күн бұрын
@@ernst3033 lol, a giant leap, more like 🤣🤣🤣 But I'm certain that I can do it with the support of you guys ❤️
@lucfeir 2 күн бұрын
Ok.... seriously: -old body weak because menopause -old fat must moove : make sports !!! -pb in thyroid ! This 3 things are big job for you, so start now. Find and listen here "Diary of ceo : lisa mosconi" June 2024
@lucfeir 2 күн бұрын
@ChrisandHeathervanlife 3 күн бұрын
Dr Jay Wrigley is the guru for keto and menopause. Look him up, there are a few supplements he recommends but it's been a while since I read his stuff.
@carnivorecampers 3 күн бұрын
@@ChrisandHeathervanlife Will do my lovely, Thanks 😊
@stevenfarnell7098 3 күн бұрын
"Oh yes, I remember it well" in a French accent. ❤
@thecreator90000 6 күн бұрын
Sorry about the missing clips. Bet they would have been interesting ❤
@thecreator90000 6 күн бұрын
Very happy hobbit ❤
@thecreator90000 6 күн бұрын
That looked difficult ❤
@thecreator90000 6 күн бұрын
Slowly but surely ❤
@thecreator90000 6 күн бұрын
Starting to look pretty❤
@stevenfarnell7098 15 күн бұрын
Darn tasty too! ❤