@El_Diablo_12 6 күн бұрын
8:40 declining after an offer of 30 million
@El_Diablo_12 11 күн бұрын
1:30 money leads to freedom 12:20 think in decades 25:30 savings and stocks are not a way to get wealthy in a significant way 27:20 diversified stocks are a good way to maintain and grow wealth. Not to make wealth 29:00 invest in things you have an edge in. Don’t be the sucker newbie who’s getting taken advantage of 30:00 Robb when he was in hustle mode
@El_Diablo_12 21 күн бұрын
9:00 what price range they sold for 12:50 spotting the opportunity because of unique outlook as an engineer
@Gigawattt 27 күн бұрын
It’s a Trilogy, followed by a Prequel 😂
@Gigawattt 27 күн бұрын
I can’t see the Art! This is KZbin? Where’s the visuals?? Lol
@RobWalling 27 күн бұрын
LOL...I need more budget to afford visuals 🚀
@Gigawattt Ай бұрын
Maybe don’t play over a minute of ads before even starting the intro to the actual content?
@alexander_ci Ай бұрын
Valuable episode Rob! Thanks for putting it together
@RobWalling Ай бұрын
@bramburn Ай бұрын
Thanks Rob to be on it and not giving up on publishing
@RobWalling Ай бұрын
@parrampampam Ай бұрын
The titles are clipped on these. Do you use some automatic tool to publish them?
@RobWalling Ай бұрын
@cocoarecords Ай бұрын
@WillMcCartneyAI Ай бұрын
@coderlicious6565 Ай бұрын
On the subject of the benefits of keeping a day job - I used to really want to quit my day job and take a chance on some idea that I had no idea it would work or not. Im glad I'm in Generation X, and having just turned 58. I'm literally going to just spend the next four years researching forums and groups and take my time on validation... when I hit 62, goodbye job, I'm going to take social security and just devote all my free time to come up with something. Even if it's just a $500-1k/month business, that will supplement my income and the gov't lets you keep that and not penalize you. But there will no pressure to succeed ( which to me increases odds )
@Gigawattt 2 ай бұрын
“I’m 8 years old, the youngest of four kids. Everyone orders me around, I want to order something around. So learned how to speak BASIC to my Apple computer to do it” lol best programmer origin story ever. Also, same as mine (youngest of 3, tho and mine was an ATARI)
@Gigawattt 2 ай бұрын
Spoiler Alert! They are: #1 - 6:37 Selling Companies #2 - 13:28 Cryptocurrency #3 - 19:39 Running Profitale Companies / Owning Profitable Products #4 - 20:55 Angel Investing #5 - 23:44 Salaried Employment #6 - 24:53 Traditional Investing (Stocks, Bonds, REITs, etc.) #7 - 27:35 Investing in Real Estate
@Gigawattt 2 ай бұрын
Did you include your income from TinySeed in #3 “Angel Investing”? or #2 “Running Profitable Companies”? (…or has it not produced any income 😮 😂 yet)??
@RobWalling 2 ай бұрын
I would include it in "running profitable companies." I only included my personal angel investments in the angel investing category.
@Gigawattt 2 ай бұрын
Need link to hire Cory in the show notes!
@pandaculture6181 2 ай бұрын
@Gigawattt 2 ай бұрын
I’d say, since most startups fail, yeah. “Most” developers will do better financially, _on average_ by just collecting a salary. But in terms of learning, freedom and fulfillment, even wannapreneurs do better than worker bees 🐝
@demonotizedinstantly 2 ай бұрын
Can't believe of ALL places, I got hit with April fools here, did not see that coming lmao
@RobWalling 2 ай бұрын
LOL, see if I did this every year you would be expecting it 😂
@Gigawattt 2 ай бұрын
Oh thank goodness Rob finally pivoted to recommending people bootstrap low-priced b2c and 2-sided marketplace SaaS businesses! I so didn’t want to have to learn SEO and {shudders} …Marketing and ugh, Sales!
@jamesnicholls7139 2 ай бұрын
@sourabhR4ikwar 2 ай бұрын
You really got me...😂😂😂
@RobWalling 2 ай бұрын
Heh, awesome 😂
@FranzAllanSee 2 ай бұрын
The first 11 minutes is a treasure trove of wisdom! No need to listen beyond the 11th minute mark 😂
@RobWalling 2 ай бұрын
@siwakotisaurav 2 ай бұрын
I'm dumb, took me 5 mins to realize this is April fools.... I was like why is Rob of all people reconsidering B2C : |
@RobWalling 2 ай бұрын
@Gigawattt 2 ай бұрын
Totally fell for it!
@k225 2 ай бұрын
Achieving success with "hard work, luck and skill" is not an original concept. It's a sentiment that has been expressed by many different people over time, as it reflects a common understanding of the factors contributing to success. It's a common theme in motivational and self-help literature, as well as in personal anecdotes and advice. Similar sentiments can be found in writings dating back centuries. Philosophers, writers, and thinkers throughout history have emphasized the importance of diligence, opportunity, and talent in achieving success. Prior Art: 1994, Cambridge University Press, UK - Commerce and Community: Paths to Success "combination of hard work, luck and skill at building reputation and relationships" 1998, Edmonton Journal, Canada - "Scoring goals is hard work, luck and skill" 2007, Chicago Tribune, US - "[F-22 demo pilot achievement] kind of a combination of hard work, luck and skill" 2011, Sports Commentary, US - "Winning takes an even blend of hard work, luck and skill" 2014, Income & Equality, Singapore - "[Those who achieve higher income] usually have it because of hard work, luck and skill" 2014, Game Development - "requires a large amount of hard work, luck and skill to pull off"
@Ke_Mis 3 ай бұрын
Hm, Rob personally I think "Hard work, luck and skill" are to me very generic terms as well. Saying that you "invented" this "framework" is kind of off-putting. I don't want to sound like a hater. I enjoy the Philosophy you generally have with bootstrapping. So this is just a side note. You can of course ignore it if you think this is not relevant to you.
@chasely 3 ай бұрын
Yeah I agree with the overall premise of learning from history, but laying claim to the concept of working smart, hard, and getting lucky is a bit much.
@Gigawattt 3 ай бұрын
I see DotNetInvoice still exists! Any idea how well it’s doing?
@Ajay_Cheema 4 ай бұрын
Here’s to another 700!
@curtisdavis8594 4 ай бұрын
Good insight on start up..😊 the 💰
@davetube75 4 ай бұрын
Just a great episode!
@SazzadShad 4 ай бұрын
Can I have a conversation with you? If yes then where?
@thaboshikwambane5578 4 ай бұрын
What’s the difference between Noah’s book and the popular book titled “The $100 Startup”? (Disclaimer: Haven’t read either)
@RobWalling 4 ай бұрын
I haven’t read $100 Startup. But I know it’s not written by someone who has started several million-dollar companies (as Noah has). For me, that’s a vote in favor of Million Dollar Weekend.
@johanneszwilling 4 ай бұрын
😍 LOVE, love, looove this collab!! (Book just ordered,...as I finish 'Start small stay small') 😂 With these podcast book tours, was wondering about an (obviously shitty) app/piece of software that would plow through all the podcast episode descriptions, looking for guest names re-occuring within short time spans, yielding people on book or promo tours.
@real23lions 4 ай бұрын
Awesome episode. A year on and I see quite a few of the AI transcription businesses.
@real23lions 5 ай бұрын
Just looking at the topics to be discussed, I know it’s gonna be an awesome episode
@alexander_ci 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for putting this episode up- really helpful advice! Interesting to think about PMF segmented out like that
@Gigawattt 5 ай бұрын
10K copies of the book? Congratulations!! 🎉 🎊 🍾
@RobWalling 5 ай бұрын
@Fraunzi 6 ай бұрын
Keep up the good work man!
@Gigawattt 6 ай бұрын
Sounds like that AI For Podcasters SaaS you signed up for may have been a scam, Rob! There’s so much hype in the space, a lot of bad actors are trying to cash in. Was it recommended by anyone else (besides the “social proof” on their own website?) or anyone you trust, or know personally? There might have never been an app in the first place, just a sales machine…
@byteolu 6 ай бұрын
Loving this episode! Just heard MFM mention QuietLite and so im tuning in.
@svenhohlfeld3483 7 ай бұрын
Hi! Could you please add the book recommendation somewhere please? Thx. Love your work. Keep going.
@alexander_ci 7 ай бұрын
Love this episode style Rob! Was really full of a lot of great pieces of information- thanks for putting it up!
@demonotizedinstantly 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for uploading these to youtube for the youngins like me, the motivation thing really got me; the time spent and amount of stress endured will really expose your real motivations and intentions. As soon as I started focusing a little less about the money, (freedom is my goal) talking to customers became much easier for some reason, and I'm finding myself loving the process of reading reviews and talking to communities in order to figure out which problems to solve and how to solve them! Thank you again, Rob, I was way in over my head until I read start small stay small and realized that I needed to be stairstepping, especially for someone in my position.
@Gigawattt 8 ай бұрын
Alternate acronym: RITS
@Gigawattt 8 ай бұрын
Lisbon sounds like it was awesome! Videos or it didn’t happen lol… or I hope those speakers come back for microconf remote too! 😊
@Gigawattt 9 ай бұрын
Condolences on the loss of your Sunday afternoon - you should’ve autographed those books “hand-packaged and shipped by Rob Walling (whose 13-year old refused to help and played video games while his dad Did the Hard Things)” 🤣
@RobWalling 9 ай бұрын
LOL...what a missed opportunity! 😁
@Gigawattt 9 ай бұрын
Hey! Speaking for the mayonnaise lobby, we take offense at that characterization 29:10 of our beloved condiment!
@RobWalling 9 ай бұрын
LOL. To be clear: I eat mayonnaise on all of my deli sandwiches 😂 I was implying that a sandwich with just bread + mayonnaise is bland and terrible.
@Gigawattt 9 ай бұрын
+1 for slicing pie! The original book helped me stop thinking about percentages and put the focus squarely on the people, their contributions, and fairness
@mxshaal 9 ай бұрын
Good interview Rob, You gained a new follower!
@mikemoyer 9 ай бұрын
Hi Rob! Thanks for mentioning Slicing Pie! I'd love to get you a copy of the Slicing Pie Handbook. I just got your SaaS Playbook!