Type 4 Stress Reactions You NEED to Know
Why PERFECTIONISM Destroys Inner Peace
Yes, Enneagram Tritypes Are Real
Enneagram And Parenting
Ай бұрын
@radbluerad 3 минут бұрын
I know I am a type 5, but I don't identify with the isolation and pushing others away. It's true that I choose my people carefully and don't let many into my inner circle, but I can be very social when I want to be. I think it would be helpful to highlight some of the healthy positive qualities of the 5 or what a 5 can look like when they've done a lot of inner work and have healthy bonds with others. You live an entire lifetime with these tendencies. If you work on it, you learn how to let people in and find meaningful relationships.
@elizabethgallo499 11 сағат бұрын
@drewonion 12 сағат бұрын
Tom, thank you for another awesome video! The camera was focusing on the bright spot behind you, on the shelves, that’s why exposure and focus were going in and out. It’s just a bit too bright, so the camera got confused and assumed that that spot was the main object.
@kirstenerman8068 12 сағат бұрын
So it was recognize and reframe? Some good tips. Awareness is the beginning. Pause, breathe, say the problem out loud (this is an amazing step to the reframe process). For me, when there is something that's rolling around up there in my head too much, I write it down or journal about it. The journaling comes from curiosity. Not to solve the problem, but to define how I feel and to step back from that identification with it, listen to the story the feeling wants to tell me. It sounds kind of crazy. But the more space I can create, the more grounded and clear I become. This kind of grew out of trying to see the problem from different perspectives and practicing that first.
@micheleleopold 13 сағат бұрын
I get so much comfort from your videos.
@charlesstokes1967 16 сағат бұрын
Thank you
@elishawomack 17 сағат бұрын
the overlap between adhd tendencies and 7
@tamastoth7719 19 сағат бұрын
I am a 7 with 6 wing. Thanks!
@optimalglacier Күн бұрын
I have a few close ppl that are fours. it's ironic sometimes they care about how they feel, their suffering, more than how other ppl feel, other people's suffering. they get trapped in their own emotions that sometimes they don't care about the emotional repercussions of others.
@planherwayto_fit Күн бұрын
Whoa!!!!!! This is so interesting. I thought I was a 2w3 but I may be a 4w3 after this!!! Jeez this is crazy it's really hard to tell the difference sometimes.
@Jiggelmeister Күн бұрын
Thank you so much for taking the time to make a video about my comment I feel honored 😂. One other thought I wanted to share is while 4’s do crave deep connection and intimacy in relationships, there is an existential fear for them entering a truly intimate relationship. They fear losing who they are in loving someone else (it is similar to a 5’s deep dreadful fear of being utterly spent by a relationship). The process of being changed by love and comingling with another soul is beautiful but also terrifies them. It may be the 4’s biggest fear. Cynically, that “love” can sneak in and destroy who you are worse than any tragedy. Pretty much what the sx9 does in a relationship is the 4’s biggest fear lol. Fusion with another and loss of the self. But again relationships are always a 2 way street and a healthy 4 accepts a fluid identity with equanimity, they go through different forms and transformations in life with grace and nonattachment. It won’t scare them
@Jiggelmeister Күн бұрын
Oh and the other thing is how unconscious this process of introjection is. They don’t realize they’re internalizing these idealized aspects of the other. Also i forgot that, oftentimes, this 4’s created identity may not even be a well thought out narrative or idea (you embody a virtue I lack, or you’re a long lost friend) often times it’s literally just a feeling the 4 is attached to. The feeling is so intense and makes them feel real and alive. You talked about this before when describing 4s and their “props”. Music or books or (when disintegrating to 2 ugh) people/relationships that evoke a familiar intense feeling to a 4. And it can be anything. Joy, happiness, love, anger, fear. But the choice feeling for most 4s is melancholy and sadness. They find a beauty and comfort in it. And strangely for the sp4, the shadow of sorrow and loss functions as a sort of compass. At the foot of the mountain I am oriented by its shadow. The very absence a shadow represents, promises the ideal if fulfilled. The shadow is an outline of happiness and fulfillment. Idk it’s hard to describe. My happiness means so much to me even its shadow is precious, because the shadow reminds me it was there. So anyway the unhealthy 4 will fight to keep people in their lives that make them feel something, anything that makes them feel alive and like a person. This is similar to an 8 who needs intensity to feel alive. And also why unhealthy 4s are likely to stay in an abusive relationship; they have created an identity as a suffering victim and would rather continue to suffer than lose that identity (their core fear)
@nurtureulifecoaching3226 Күн бұрын
This was helpful for me as an 8 w 7 married to a 9!
@JerrTheHooman 2 күн бұрын
This is pretty interesting. In my little self improvement journey, I'm working through that "darkness/other" feeling. Honestly, diving deeper into religion was a big help. Every time I'm inclined to go down that, "I'm worthless because I lack, x,y,z" i remind myself "God didn't make anything worthless. Are you really gonna critique HIS work?" 😂 and weirdly, that helps. I've also been trying to be the initiator more and come down from my "castle in the sky" and mingle with the "pleebs". And would you know it....i actually feel INCLUDED when I STOP ISOLATING myself. 😂😂😂😂
@nurtureulifecoaching3226 2 күн бұрын
I wasn’t sure what type my mom was until I listened to this. She must’ve been a 2!
@virginiasparkman7880 2 күн бұрын
I te d to disconnect and miss most of the talk about myer-briggs and enneagram. I have to keep replaying. I think i am a 9. Lol
@tomytatopom5283 2 күн бұрын
I know I'm a 9-6-?. I can't decide which heart type suits me more than the others
@PatrickAshe41 2 күн бұрын
Whew. My spouse is a 2, and our dynamic always feels like she's the Good Angelic One and I'm the Bad Demonic One. I ask on an almost daily basis, "What about me is good? I can't 'do normal', so what's special about me?" I usually get silence or changing the subject. It's been this way for 10+ years.
@twlahue 2 күн бұрын
Man, that's a rough spot to be in. Have you thought about just telling her straight up how you feel? It might help to get it all out there!
@gregoryritchie7852 2 күн бұрын
As a 4, the lens through which I view the world is like entering a haunted house - just long enough to get what you need to survive (forget thriving) and then running out as fast as possible before that fast moving tsunami overtakes you. It's basically push-pull of borderline personality disorder. Can't stay either inside or outside - I'm "homeless". It certainly appears more and more that from the Christian perspective - "this world is not your home".
@twlahue 2 күн бұрын
I totally get what you're saying! It’s like a wild ride in a funhouse, right? Just hang in there, we’re all figuring it out together!
@lassarch9209 2 күн бұрын
8:25 I'm a 4 and I'm doing this unconsciously, I'm not sure why, I thought maybe because of the sense of responsibility as a friend, now after I heard this and thinking about it, it's making sense honestly
@twlahue 2 күн бұрын
Hey, that’s totally relatable! Sometimes we don’t even realize what drives us until we stop and think about it. Keep it up!
@eclispedessence 2 күн бұрын
Wow. Just wow. Long comment ahead. I'm not sure whether I'm a 4, but this video is something else. I've been reluctant to type as a 4 for several reasons, one of which being the exclusivity and elitism surrounding this type in the community. Self-proclaimed 4s are banished to other type cabins (cough, mostly 6 and 9), and while there is absolutely nothing wrong with being either of those types, it sure does overcomplicate things. Also, the gatekeeping has sort of just... turned me off from typing as such. People put 4 on a pedestal, insisting it's some god-like figure of unparalleled distinctiveness. And I think to myself: "Wow, but I'm like... the absolute worst. So, yeah, probably not my type. I have to be the least desirable type, and clearly, that isn't 4. 4s are said to be remarkable. And I am anything but that." The bit about unstable identity was VERY interesting to listen to, not only as someone who has struggled IMMENSELY with this, but also as someone who has heard time and time again that 4s are incapable of experiencing this. Why? Because they're too sure of their identity; they would never submit or yield to others, let alone allow another person to tell them who they are. And so, I wrote off typing as 4 for... a long time. I don't understand why the typology community harbors such irascible anger toward anyone bold enough to claim this typing. But anyway, I digress... Naturally, I am very socially awkward. I lack grace. I'm clumsy. Self-conscious, shy, what have you. From a very young age (since elementary school), I've felt overwhelmingly guilt-ridden and ashamed of my introversion. I wanted to overcompensate. So people would love me. So I'd finally feel desired. Remarkable. Important. I just so happened to know typology, and so, I idolized one specific type: the 7. It felt like a hidden gem, something too good to be true. From my shallow understanding, this type was everything I yearned for. I didn't want to live in the shadows anymore. So, I embodied whatever it was I conceptualized this type to be. A total caricature. Whimsical, light, lovable, charismatic, gregarious, dynamic and inspiring. Finally. I struck gold. So, I made this my entire identity. My biggest fear was someone calling my bluff, since without this typing, I wouldn't know who I am. I would seek out people who had typed me as such. Confirmation bias. Spend more time around them. So they could validate this identity. Eventually, the mask shattered since I am (very clearly) not a 7. And I've finally come around to accept that. I not only pulled this with Type 7, but many other identities, both related and unrelated to typology. I've compromised my values, been all over the map with my identity. It's confused those around me, especially those who've been around long enough to see it all. Now, I feel invalidated by those who still believe any of my old typings. I feel ashamed of the lengths I went to. To achieve adoration. Acceptance. Love. I feel unseen by those who still type me this way since it's not truly who I am at my core. I am very reliant on external validation, which again, seemed to rule out 4 for me. But the sense of brokenness, deficiency, self-reproach, those are some of the most intense themes of my life. I have always longed to be someone else. Which seems anti-4. To epitomize everything my favorite fictional characters are, or even real people. That's what fed into the whole 7 thing. Because then, I would finally be somebody. No longer subhuman. Aside from assuming different identities and genuinely losing myself, there's the fact I cling to one specific person who has provided me love and validation in the past, so I keep coming after that. So this person can remind me I am worthy and loved. And when I don't get that, I freak out. I know it's a long comment. This is just what came to mind while watching. It hit very hard, even if I'm not a 4.
@twlahue 2 күн бұрын
I truly appreciate your honesty and vulnerability in sharing your feelings about typology and identity. It’s a complex topic, and your perspective adds so much to the conversation. Thank you for engaging with the video!
@wera5957 2 күн бұрын
lol I am a six with no father or father figure what does that mean
@twlahue 2 күн бұрын
I would guess that brings its' own kind of anxiety to a kid...
@ornameldung9893 2 күн бұрын
Very interesting to hear all that about 4. As a 4 It is true that I did go for relationship with people who are not available. I know it now. I heard from people that probably I don’t want to be in relationships Because I am not in any relationship. But it is not true.
@twlahue 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! It's always a journey to understand our relationship patterns, and recognizing them is the first step towards healthier connections.
@ornameldung9893 2 күн бұрын
Very interesting to hear all that about 4. As a 4 It is true that I did go for relationship with people who are not available. I know it now. I heard from people that probably I don’t want to be in relationships Because I am not in any relationship. But it is not true.
@twlahue 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! It's always a journey to understand our relationship patterns, and recognizing them is the first step towards healthier connections.
@davewright5908 2 күн бұрын
I'm a 4 and have spent most of my life feeling like a black hole. The piece about being attracted to someone who behaves and seems to be what I wish I could see in myself, is so spot on! Thanks for the video. And thanks to Jigglemiester!
@twlahue 2 күн бұрын
I’m glad you found the video relatable! It’s always a journey of self-discovery, and recognizing those feelings is a big step forward.
@transcendtalthorns4025 2 күн бұрын
My head nodded til it rattled through the whole video. This is painful, and its not a Two's please like me. It is the Please find me that Fours, Twos, and even though not connected by a line, I feel Nines share. The difference being with Nines, they as a gut type when unhealthy go blank to what they are saying and acquiesce mostly unknowingly and end up just keeping going. But all three of these types, especially when struggling, I feel, are saying please find me to love me.
@atypicalgeek88 2 күн бұрын
Hmm, interesting! From the video I got that 4s in a very unhealthy state might know what they wish they were/feel they've lost and are seeking it out. I'm an SP/SO 9. I've needed people to "remind me who I am" when I get stuck in the black hole of avoidance - that I enjoy being around people and am withering without interaction (extravert), have a huge capacity for joy, that doing things can actually bring a sense of accomplishment, that I'm stronger than I think, that what I have to say is encouraging, that I belong. The "real world" isn't such a bad place and it won't crush me! At my worst that was a physical coming to find me and getting me out of my room! I think I understand self-forgetting now...
@transcendtalthorns4025 2 күн бұрын
@@atypicalgeek88 Very cool take.
@atypicalgeek88 2 күн бұрын
@@transcendtalthorns4025 Thanks - it was you talking about the need to be found and loved that sparked it!
@twlahue 2 күн бұрын
I appreciate your insights! It's interesting how the different types express their need for connection and love. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
@transcendtalthorns4025 Күн бұрын
@@twlahue Welcome
@JacobandDad83199 2 күн бұрын
How does one find there ennegram instincts tom?! As well i agree with one commenter my two disintegration i can see I do not use much but I can see now Tom I definitely do!!!
@twlahue 2 күн бұрын
Totally get where you're coming from! Figuring out those instincts can feel like a maze sometimes. Beatrice Chestnut is king of the expert on instincts in my opinion. She has some great books that might help.
@RicardBiel 2 күн бұрын
In my case as a social 4 I must say everything you said is exact, true, except the point about the darkness approaching to the light. Not at all. Thank you for the video.
@twlahue 2 күн бұрын
I appreciate your perspective! It's always interesting to hear different interpretations. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
@bramblebear3121 2 күн бұрын
I'm a four and my husband is a one🙄...it's a struggle
@twlahue 2 күн бұрын
The struggle is real.
@derekmorcom9431 2 күн бұрын
Yeah this is the most accurate description I've heard of how me at my unhealthiest manifested. My inner world was on fire and I defaulted to my relationship dating an ego ideal being the sole factor of my identity, which was also a dynamic that was on fire and only got worse as we both destabilized. It took probably 2 years to rebuild self-trust and self-esteem, but I finally have an identity based from within for the first time in a decade and now I see how this is the only way for me to live. Instead of needing to ask someone else to tell me that I'm a good, smart, worthy person I now actually believe it at least a little bit telling it to myself. And I'm never selling myself off to have a quick and easy but ultimately hollow source of this validation again.
@twlahue 2 күн бұрын
It's inspiring to hear your journey towards self-discovery and rebuilding self-trust. It's amazing how understanding ourselves can lead to a more fulfilling life. Keep believing in yourself!
@Lisa-h3x 2 күн бұрын
I'm an 8w9 AND a SX dominant 8. I've heard my entire life that I'm intimidating, intense, and a lot. My mom tells me "You're like a bull in a china shop." I used to think i was a 1 because I'm a rule follower. But then i realized its only when i think the rule is reasonable. If i don't, then i kinda go rogue and do my own thing.
@archangel2117 2 күн бұрын
Yes this is true...I am drawn to people who are closed off under stress for my validation... thanks
@twlahue 2 күн бұрын
It's interesting how we often seek validation from those who seem distant. It's a complex dynamic, for sure!
@Hellana777 2 күн бұрын
This brought up some very painful memories. This was good. Keep it coming.
@twlahue 2 күн бұрын
Thank you! Will do!
@suzannehutnick3170 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for the reality check!
@chrissea7471 2 күн бұрын
Embarrassingly this seems to be very true… I would love a video about how to get out of this messy, unhealthy situation!🤓 I would really love to hear your thoughts on this theme… Thanks for the interesting topics!🩵
@kowieswart2235 3 күн бұрын
This rings true. Melancholy is one thing but when things do not work out it heads to self-destruct. I enjoy your posts.
@MsMarwa001 3 күн бұрын
As a 4 I never understood what do line for type 2 has to do with me as I never used the needs of other people to win them over ; now that it’s compromising parts of my identity to gain acceptance is the thing 👍 true and makes sense to me
@twlahue 3 күн бұрын
@jansnider9389 3 күн бұрын
If everyone would just know everything about Enneagram types… the world would be a better place!🤣🤣🙏🏼
@twlahue 3 күн бұрын
Absolutely! Understanding Enneagram types can lead to better communication and empathy among people. Imagine the possibilities!
@Jiggelmeister 3 күн бұрын
I would say a 4's disintegration to 2 remains fundamentally different from a 2's behaviors due to differing underlying motivations. The 2 is fueled by the sin of pride and a sense of false abundance. They seek to win over the outsider because it validates some feeling about how needed or valuable they are. The unhealthy 4 is spiraling into the sin of envy, and consumed by a sense of false deficiency. Opposite of 2. When disintegrating they, uncharacteristic of type 4, lose all sense of self and begin compromising their individuality and their values in an effort to please people. They are selling off parts of themselves in order to gain attention and approval. 4's crave deep intimacy, connection and understanding. In the absence of truth and purpose (integration to 1) unhealthy 4's become attention hungry to fill that void. Their sense of identity becomes dangerously amorphous and unstable (the core fear of type 4) according to their own perception; they don’t know who they are apart from others. They rely on love and reflected emotions from others to supplement these perceived gaps in their identity, hence them seeming needy at this stage. They may act either excessively nice to elicit love or "acting out" because a partner’s anger is still a form of attention and care. A middle or low level health 4 is still able to cope by withdrawing and dwelling on their own emotions. But a 4 at this low level is so consumed by self hatred and disgust they now find no peace in their inner world; they seek escape through a savior. If this last attempt to reach out is rejected or fails (often unfortunately the 4’s fault due to their own behavior…they’ve gone too far) the self reproach intensifies into self destruction. Now let’s consider what kind of person the 4 is trying to win over in this state. I don’t think 4’s necessarily pursue people solely because they’re unavailable out of pride like a 2 would (though 4’s do romanticize what they don’t have). 4’s try to keep or win over people that represent something core to the 4’s identity. They may be a key figure in the narrative a 4 tells themselves about their lives (“I am a loving mom, my kids are my world”, “I am a good boyfriend”, “you were my best friend at this point in my life”), it creates a bond of fidelity and commitment similar to a 6 in my opinion. But unlike a 6 it’s not about maintaining allies for support, but preserving a narrative about your life and identity. The figure may also represent an ideal. Something the 4 desperately wants in their own lives but finds lacking (sin of envy). They may represent success, beauty, intelligence, creativity, moral uprightness, courage, any virtue. The unhealthy 4, believing all these things exist outside of themselves, will act 2like to keep people in their lives who reinforce their sense of identity. It is as if they see themselves as only darkness, and the most they can do is stand close to the light, hoping some of it shines in. It is a dark, anxiety-ridden place for a 4 to be and the ultimate confirmation of all their negative self-beliefs. That they are never good enough as they are. Also this is all an example of the 4 defense mechanism of introjection, internalizing feelings and opinions of others, as well as traits in others they both admire and envy. Also that behavior you describe of trying to win someone over so they get off your back reminds me more of compliant 6 behavior, or a withdrawn sp5 or 9 trying to regain peace and solitude. Thank you for your videos Dr. Lahue. I hope you read this and I hope I was able to communicate clearly. Sincerely, An sp4
@twlahue 3 күн бұрын
WOW... Thanks for this info... Your thoughts just might become a video....
@tylerpayne5471 3 күн бұрын
Type 1: 4:26
@briannasommers1897 3 күн бұрын
I’m a female counter 8 married to a 1. We are actually a lot alike. I scored second highest in 1(only a few points lower than my 8). I don’t have a 7 or 9 wing. I’ve watched your videos on the wings for 8s and neither describe me at all. I’ve taken the Myers Briggs a couple times and I’m a ENTJ or ESTJ, both make sense to me. I don’t put much stock in the Myers Briggs though because it seems like it’s more for corporate America than a stay at home mom like me anyway. I’m thankful for my 8ness, it comes in handy when I’m fighting for my special needs son. I can’t imagine being anything else.
@twlahue 3 күн бұрын
It's wonderful to hear how your 8ness empowers you in advocating for your son! Each personality type brings its own unique strengths, and it sounds like you have a fantastic understanding of yours.
@sirnovaway6508 3 күн бұрын
I have an eight dad with anger issues and this is sadly very accurate :(
@twlahue 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experience! It's important to know that others can relate, and I appreciate your honesty.
@sirnovaway6508 3 күн бұрын
I think ones and threes are similar in this quirk in the way that they strive for perfection or success but only in the areas they deem important and often totally let other things go. I.e. a one or three who looks fabulous but their house is a wreck.
@twlahue 3 күн бұрын
You make an interesting point! It's fascinating how our priorities can shape our environments. Striving for excellence in certain areas can sometimes lead to neglecting others.
@bramblebear3121 4 күн бұрын
Thank you for this, my amazing enneagram 1 is struggling right now, and this is a message full of grace 🙂
@twlahue 4 күн бұрын
I'm so glad to hear that this message resonated with you! Enneagram 1s can be hard on themselves, but remember that grace is always a good companion on the journey.
@adaccardo7702 4 күн бұрын
What is the recommended enneagram test? Is it on your website?
@twlahue 4 күн бұрын
I don't have a test on my website: but here you go: Here’s a list of websites that offer free Enneagram tests: Truity - truity.com Offers a free Enneagram test with an option to purchase a more detailed report. Eclectic Energies - eclecticenergies.com Provides two free Enneagram tests: one with instinctual variants and one without. Your Enneagram Coach - yourenneagramcoach.com Free, basic Enneagram test designed to help people understand their type from a Christian perspective. 9 Types - 9types.com Offers a simple, free Enneagram test to help you find your type. Personality Path - personalitypath.com A quick, free Enneagram test with basic results. Crystal Knows - crystalknows.com Free Enneagram test that also integrates with other personality models. EnneaApp - enneaapp.com Offers a free Enneagram test through their mobile app, which provides type insights. Explore Your Type - exploreyourtype.com A free test available online through the Typology Institute. True Self Institute - trueself.io Offers a free test with an option for paid in-depth results. These free tests can give you a good introduction to discovering your Enneagram type, though paid options often provide deeper insights.
@adaccardo7702 3 күн бұрын
@@twlahue Thank you 🙏🏼💫🙏🏼
@stephanieromeocoaching 4 күн бұрын
These are Great questions indeed , Tom 👍thanks I ll always remember the powerful question you asked me during a session : « if you were to listen to you , what would you hear? » That really hit me, so much so I use it quite often in my own practice. Merci !
@twlahue 4 күн бұрын
I'm so glad that question resonated with you! It’s amazing how powerful self-reflection can be. Keep exploring those insights!
@nurtureulifecoaching3226 4 күн бұрын
Love this! Love helping myself and other people change the things we can!!
@twlahue 4 күн бұрын
I'm so glad to hear that! Helping ourselves and others is such a powerful way to create positive change. Keep spreading that love!
@ewakubasik3307 4 күн бұрын
Super! Great explanation, I'm 9w1, but I think that I was 9w8 when I was younger. I heard that wings can change during the lifetime 😊 Thank you 😊 Could you please recommend as well a good source on the internet where I can do an eneagram test for free?
@twlahue 4 күн бұрын
Here’s a list of websites that offer free Enneagram tests: Truity - truity.com Offers a free Enneagram test with an option to purchase a more detailed report. Eclectic Energies - eclecticenergies.com Provides two free Enneagram tests: one with instinctual variants and one without. Your Enneagram Coach - yourenneagramcoach.com Free, basic Enneagram test designed to help people understand their type from a Christian perspective. 9 Types - 9types.com Offers a simple, free Enneagram test to help you find your type. Personality Path - personalitypath.com A quick, free Enneagram test with basic results. Crystal Knows - crystalknows.com Free Enneagram test that also integrates with other personality models. EnneaApp - enneaapp.com Offers a free Enneagram test through their mobile app, which provides type insights. Explore Your Type - exploreyourtype.com A free test available online through the Typology Institute. True Self Institute - trueself.io Offers a free test with an option for paid in-depth results. These free tests can give you a good introduction to discovering your Enneagram type, though paid options often provide deeper insights.
@ewakubasik3307 3 күн бұрын
@twlahue thank you so much 💙 i didn't expect such a big and detailed answer, to be honest 😀 I asked because I heard that many internet tests are not really good quality and can give false results. And if you're such an expert, I thought maybe you could recommend me something really good and checked by you already 😉 It's not for me because I already know my type (maybe not sure about the wings in 100 %) All good for you and your family 😀 A specially for your daughter type 9w1 😀 Pozdrawiam, cześć 😉
@alejandrachavez4180 4 күн бұрын
Since i learned what kindness means i immediately started to apply it and i enjoy the o be kind to everyone… Thanks for the video and the reminder 😊
@twlahue 4 күн бұрын
@Andrei15193 4 күн бұрын
I'd say you are spot on with the self-preserving four, speaking from experience. "You will never know my pain" is not spoken as dramatic or as an invitation for inquiry, it's spoken as a fact.
@twlahue 4 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your perspective! It’s true that sometimes our experiences shape our understanding in ways that others may never fully grasp.
@alejandrachavez4180 4 күн бұрын
I loved the video It was hard to understand but it is worth it to apply it Thanks ❤
@twlahue 4 күн бұрын
You're welcome 😊