@RM-xr8lq Ай бұрын
gender is a social construct lot of insecure abrahamics/conservatives posting about how their subculture/family has socially constructed 2 genders. we already know that, we have studied your rituals and beliefs... we just also study other people 😂
@Muskeljudentum Ай бұрын
People lacking in meaning fabricating nonsense concepts they can’t define to feel like they’re worthy and smart.
@vivienneb6199 2 ай бұрын
No one is afraid of gender. Old wrinkled Judy resents beautiful women. That's the reality of the situation.
@kevt31 2 ай бұрын
This is complete bullshit
@johnrichardson7280 2 ай бұрын
It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe
@kevt31 Ай бұрын
​@@johnrichardson7280suffers with psychosis its utter nonscence
@kevt31 Ай бұрын
Total word salad
@Vampyrdanceclub 3 ай бұрын
@AlexReyn888 3 ай бұрын
Dear God, I just realized - this is THE Judith Butler herself, evil incarnate, when I heard "Judith Butler", I always thought that it was some kind of radical feminist of the 19th century.
@rocksparadox 3 ай бұрын
Although she agreed that even leftist scholars “should be able to clarify how their work informs and illuminates everyday life,” Butler insisted that academic writing needed to be “difficult and demanding” (her words) in order to “question common sense”-the truths which are so self-evident that no one thinks to question them-and so to “provoke new ways of looking at a familiar world.” By speaking, Butler proves to be as ideologically ugly on the inside as she is conventionally unattractive on the outside. ;)
@epic6434 4 ай бұрын
Well they went after the vulnerable. It was a thermometer to see the subversion on scale. Measuring the effected. Corona virus. They've tried to make men feel guilty and paranoid by taking away the man's seat at the table if you deceive the woman the kids will be effected the mother calls a man a monster kids will side with her taking down the authority and replacing him with sweet mommy that biiich 😂 she can be and man must take it. So gender snuck up on me I They've made men feel like they have a problem sure we don't see what women hide from us and children avoid to mention. Men don't talk to their kids well they do but look at cool mom she's terrible.
@mmendi1114 4 ай бұрын
Thank you
@AweZumAliceReturnz 8 ай бұрын
Why would someone be afraid of something that is infact linked to natrual sex as in male and female. The deconstructed babble of her speaking needs notes for the thought make no sense in her own head. Have you notice when marxist speak it makes no sense.
@DEWwords 8 ай бұрын
Let me guess--- is it "bad" or inferior people who are "afraid" or her idea of "gender"--- ? ---- And is she using "afraid" as a synonym for "disagree" ?... Hm-mmm... ?
@cancelled_user 10 ай бұрын
Afraid? More like fed up.
@cervenypes123 10 ай бұрын
Her worldview was made by religion--time for altogether new paradigms
@castor79 10 ай бұрын
this song comes to mind - kzbin.info/www/bejne/qXPSmYJnr9dqoNk
@sanallit222 10 ай бұрын
In my thought ,the familiar thing became consios, the development of any social movement is became by the structure of familier thing
@sanallit222 10 ай бұрын
The familiarity with the gender is structure by
@Peter-ov6xh 10 ай бұрын
In this lengthy criticism of Christianity, does she ever get round to letting us know that she's Jewish?
@irmaauret7161 10 ай бұрын
I am more afraid of you...
@Wolferal 10 ай бұрын
Nothing against people who believe otherwise - express yourself anyway you wish, but Sex and Gender are the same thing. It's only very recently that people started to arbitrarily assign a separate other meaning to the word "gender" - it now means "different things to different people" - like spirituality and religion, desires and wishes, and so called psychic realities. It's taken a place under the umbrella of magical thinking.
@dirkeaton6905 10 ай бұрын
Reading the comments on here and wondering if you’re all basing you respect and adoration of Judith on selective topics or all because she has some absolutely vile and disgusting beliefs on children and adult interaction and I find it hard to believe that comments like the ones I’m reading would still be written if one knew what her beliefs on those matters were known. If they are known and these comments are your accurate views despite being aware of these views then shame on you.
@johnsmith7140 8 ай бұрын
@noor5x9 6 ай бұрын
Total bullshit. If Butler has these beliefs, quote them. Where is the evidence? You have absolutely none, because you just made it up. Or more likely: Someone who has power over you made it up and taught you lies. But feel free to prove me wrong. Show me where Judith Butler has "vile and disgusting beliefs on children and adult interaction". And when you realize you can't, please also realize that you have been lied to.
@markrussell3428 11 ай бұрын
Can someone ask Dr Butler if she is attracted to the same sex or same gender? She seems to have a difficult time acknowledging that "sex" is a thing.
@markrussell3428 11 ай бұрын
Ask yourself this question - if the expert must keep referring to a script in order to keep ideas coherent what does that mean about the ideas? Gender is an element of personality, an expression of natal sex. The expression and identity one performs may be congruent or incongruent with biological sex. It is ultimately a feeling. When one try's to layer something like gender into some broader grandiose concepts it can become easy to get lost in creating coherence - hence the notes. Think of gender as an attribute of your personality and the differences and fluidity might make some sense. The alternative is gender is nothing more than a way of confusing children putting them on a path to a lifetime of medical treatment which harms their future sex life in adulthood. This would be why there is push back on the concept. It is beyond ego when she starts her discussion around "fantasims" but her agenda is a Marxist one, so she will sacrifice anything so long as it deconstructs society and puts in place her tyrannical utopian view.
@AweZumAliceReturnz 8 ай бұрын
Well said..
@markrussell3428 8 ай бұрын
@@AweZumAliceReturnz it's sad to see an advocate for normalizing pedophilia and incest being provided a platform and a voice. She speaks in riddles but when you deconstruct the message it's disturbing. You will note she has moved on from gender and really trys to downplay her contribution. Now it's all about gender queer and queer theory. Another thesis that targets the sexualization of children and has its own unqiue propaganda, symbols and flag.
@memethingz6004 11 ай бұрын
@johnsmith7140 8 ай бұрын
@memethingz6004 11 ай бұрын
@memethingz6004 11 ай бұрын
@francescocerasuolo4064 10 ай бұрын
@user-tk1hr8nj2b 11 ай бұрын
For example in some cultures the firstborn preferred to be a boy. In some other .... usually older women prefer younger men and men older women, in other cultures prefer older men or women and others preffer same age , other preffer men with men and women with women.....well in western cultures masculine and feminine or gender its personal and that is individuals choice. Is not us to juge who one wants to "sleep" with as long as they act as all the rest of us on social metting and don't make it something important than other person. As long they socially behave and live as all of us with manners.Does that makes sense??
@user-tk1hr8nj2b 11 ай бұрын
The parents for sure;
@canisdeumnox4925 11 ай бұрын
Thru the whole video i keept hearing echos... Complete rubish
@cancelled_user 10 ай бұрын
Because it's a leftist echo chamber 🙂
@zhaoxiaoying9894 11 ай бұрын
She chooses an anecdote of the spontaneous reaction from a woman in the audience as representing all the logical and objective criticism.
@raymondkey1952 10 ай бұрын
@zhaoxiaoying9894 10 ай бұрын
@@raymondkey1952 And she is a fraud, a fool and a delusional self-styled thinker, following the footsteps of her master Gilles Deleuze, a more fanatic indoctrinator.
@kenfalloon3186 11 ай бұрын
You open by complaining about your words being taken out of context then you proceed to strawman the gender critical position by citing only extreme religious objections to gender ideology. Most campaigners against gender ideology are not doing so from a religious perspective but from that which seeks to protect women from erasure as a sex class. Gender ideology's attempts to assert that gender non conforming children have been born in the wrong body. This is a homophobic assertion for obvious reasons.
@noor5x9 6 ай бұрын
They merely point out that the "resistance against gender ideology" has religious origins, which is plainly a fact. They also point out that in it's origin, the term "gender ideology" was developed specifically for misogynistic reasons, to protect the "family" with a dominant man and a woman that knows her place. The secularized versions of this idea, including the one that appropriated the name "feminism", only came afterwards. In fact, globally, most campaigners against "gender ideology" are Christian, and most "gender critical" organizations domestic and abroad are funded by US Christian billionaires. "Gender critical" feminists are consevatives in hiding. They want to deny the social construct gender, preferring to return to a bio-essentialism, where everything is determined by sex. This is antithetical to everything feminism stands for. The "biological reality of sex" to spearhead transphobia will easily turn into "the biological reality of heterosexuality". We already see this in Italy, where Meloni has taken away Lesbian rights to motherhood on the basis of "the biological reality of heterosexuality". I expect not long from now, we will see the assertion of the "biological reality" that women have a specific place in society, inferior to men. This will be defended as Feminism, since women "knowing their place" - so will these "gender critical" feminists claim - is simply what is good for them.
@noor5x9 2 ай бұрын
Internationally, the anti-gender-ideology movement is obviously mainly a religious one. The UK is an exception to this, where a minority of leftist feminists promote the exclusion of trans women. Butler did not respond to that here, but they do in their new book on the subject quite extensively.
@sandeepvk 11 ай бұрын
Dr Timothy Mitchell has presented a very novel concept of Oil producing countries being more autocratic in nature and coal producing nations being more democratic, however I am trying to wrap my head around some peculiar cases here. Norway is a major oil producing nation yet one can hardly say it is not democratic, on the other hand China is mostly reliant on coal yet it is hardly a democracy. How do you reconcile this lacuna ?
@HS-hi6wc Жыл бұрын
Please can i get the name of the authors that Haydee mentions especially the woman to woman marriage. It doesnt show up properly in the transcript and i need it for my work 😅😢 i wish there was a biblio for this talk
@HS-hi6wc Жыл бұрын
What is the name of the author that Haydee mentions at 1:08:54
@dianakamara6486 10 ай бұрын
Ifi Amadiume: Male daughters female husbands.
@yarpenzigrin1893 Жыл бұрын
What a laughable pseudo-intellectual. The neomarxist gender theory is completely anti-scientific and as such nothing more than a politically driven ideology.
@Eereenah Жыл бұрын
This is weird, but can anyone else see the black guy popping up?
@apieceofschmitt Жыл бұрын
Do people really deny gender as a social construct? It's most know as "masculinity/femininity" which are the social behavioral norms of males/females. While prescriptive to some extent, it's largely descriptive. A male would be "abnormal" while being feminine. The SOCIAL DEMAND FOR COMPLIANCE TO A NORM, is a separate feature from that recognition. People don't "choose" or even "are" a gender, their unique expression is simply categorized within a norm of males and females, "gender". One's behavior can be feminine, but such doesn't at all dictate their identity as a "woman". What I oppose isn't "gender", it's gender IDENTITY (through the use of social labels) and that language of man/woman or he/she should be aspects of such an identity (or gender itself), versus such binary language referencing the binary of sex. I oppose the idea of self-categorization among such a social collective through a self-perception without reinforcement from society. Language inherently requires reciprocity, as such is the only way to convey meaning with one another. And any association to a group categorization should require a level of shared understanding. I support social movements of challenging norms. What I oppose it manifesting one's identity to the norm from a structure that is at the same time being fought against and doesn't at all even exist as a structure to base such upon. "Gender" is the behavioral "norms" around the condition of sex. When the minority of males not expressing masculinity become the majority, they reshape what "masculinity" IS, they don't become women. A male that expresses femininity, isn't someone expressing "woman-ness", they are only expressing a behavior currently recognized as a norm of the female populace as compared to the male populace. Many people of the religious persuasion desire a compliance to a social norm. That sex differences that do translate to influencing certain behaviors, were "crafted that way" for a purpose. And thus we must stick to such roles. These "roles" are placed on males and females, which extends to sexual orientation as heterosexuality is the "norm". A male "laying with a male" is therefore doing the "role" of a female. And this goes against God's will. But that issue doesn't come from "sex" or "gender", but the demand toward "normal" behavior. So they aren't rejecting "gender theory", they are rejecting abnormal behavior. They are rejecting that "even if you desire otherwise, you must comply". It actually acknowledges individualism, but attempts to deny it's expression. And I take a position of supporting individualism, but accept a societal framework of language and understanding through the use of categorization. Where "abnormality" is just that, not anything with an inherent negative connotation. What I'm "afraid" of is the rise in the narcissism that demands a self-perception and association to societal group labels without any aspect of shared understanding making such language lacking of any utility. I'm "afraid", that the "cisnormative" perspective (which I deny), is attempting to replace all instances of sex with gender identity which will challenge/invalidate the large majority of people's understand of society and self. When one isn't a "man" for being a male, it will cause massive societal and individual crisises. One that seems highly detrimental without reason for such adoption.
@lechenaultia5863 Жыл бұрын
This woman's destruction of society will be her legacy, inscribed on the bodies of detransitioners
@rebal1681 Жыл бұрын
What is her purpose in attempting to pronounce the names of Spanish speaking cou.tries with an accent but does not do the same when pronouncing "France " for instance ?
@Peter-ov6xh 10 ай бұрын
I've seen this before with far-left types. They'll make an effort to pronounce stuff from the languages of "persecuted" peoples (e.g. Hispanics) but you don't need to accord the same respect to "privileged" Westerners.
@person1420 Жыл бұрын
Don't read the comments. I am warning you. Trigger warning: There are a lot of transphobic comments here and also some homophobic comments.
@cancelled_user 10 ай бұрын
Also lot of pseudoscientific terms such as "transphobic" or "homophobic"
@johnsmith7140 8 ай бұрын
@PrincessGigi-69420 Жыл бұрын
If the catholic church is against you, you know you are correct.
@cancelled_user 10 ай бұрын
And the same applies to the radical left.
@spartysmile5243 Жыл бұрын
Pedantry, especially undue display of learning.
@spartysmile5243 Жыл бұрын
You could try to use words that are understood by the working people. Or at least include definitions of words so that the listener is not running into mental speed bumps every time a high academic word is used. You're in love with the word proclarity or whatever it is. Open minded people come here after listening to Camile Paglia. Just to hear who she talked about. But huge academic words send the open minded working people packing. That's me. I gave you a shot. See ya who cares.
@gazzamc1255 Жыл бұрын
Triangles and Circles share similar geometric properties they are visual different. If I were born either a triangle or circle I could self identify as a circle or triangle. Is this an actual threat to geometry and if so is it a capitalist conspiracy to create their own geometric shape to oppress I'm writing an essay about gender performaity and plumbers and electricians videos because I wish to understand the intersectionality between a circle and a triangle because even thou a circle and a triangle share similar geometric properties I can't tell the difference between a circle and a triangle because I can self identify myself as either because I'm not really stable. Why did I bother reading Plato's Republic??????????
@person1420 Жыл бұрын
This comment appears to be a nonsensical and sarcastic rant that does not contribute to any meaningful discussion. It appears to be mocking the idea of self-identification and the concept of intersectionality. While humor and satire can be effective tools for social commentary, it is important to approach these topics with respect and understanding. It is also important to recognize the difference between genuine questions and comments and those that are intended solely for ridicule or mockery. --ChatGPT
@gazzamc1255 Жыл бұрын
@@person1420 Would you like a box of tissues?
@gazzamc1255 Жыл бұрын
@@person1420 Jesus loves you.
@piquemacho Жыл бұрын
wow i learned so much but also questioned what gender is even more than ever ahha
@johnsmith7140 8 ай бұрын
It's sex
@yeahiprotest Жыл бұрын
I can’t help but wonder if this is just what happens when academia becomes too insular
@johnrichardson7280 2 ай бұрын
Bigot says what?
@kevt31 Ай бұрын
Its what happens when academia looses touch with reality
@oldtrowt Жыл бұрын
Butler enjoys deconstructing and undermining society. It's her personal power trip, and you can witness the enjoyment it affords her.
@markrussell3428 11 ай бұрын
No one ever seems to ask Dr Butler if she is attracted to someone of the "same sex" or "same gender"? I would certainly assume she wouldn't be transphobic which would the create such an awesome dilemma for a radical feminist. She seems to have a difficult time acknowledging that "sex" is a thing
@skyhawk7315 Жыл бұрын
Long live her precious soul ❤️
@jenniferthetford-kay Жыл бұрын
Gosh, she's tedious and foolish!
@Lucas.rainha Жыл бұрын
Thank you for everything, Butler. Greetings from Brasil ❤🇧🇷
@UnnTHPS Жыл бұрын
omg why do ppl keep forgetting to mute their mics