@fwily2580 2 күн бұрын
This is like listening to Milton without the IQ.
@jobobtargaryen1258 3 күн бұрын
Moby Wan Kenobi.
@ProSeDefence 4 күн бұрын
Fyi thier is a hidden 10 trillion with a T outside the US. You would have to get global permission to make this change also you would have to default as once you do this china nor mexico will not accept the us dollar as it was in 1970 when the us had to take loans in swiss franks because noone accepted the dollar
@RoninSerradaEscrimadore 6 күн бұрын
David Sinclair lobbied the USFDA to ban NMN out of greed not safety. It's time to sue him with the Sherman Act. Time to take him to court and expose his greed.
@matthewanderson490 6 күн бұрын
Just the way it is
@ivanchernenko9879 7 күн бұрын
An interview Stephanie did on Feb 8, 2024 titled “Was MMT right about inflation?” at 12:25 she says, “We are getting real GDP numbers that are eye popping”---She is ignoring the elephant in the room which is, how much debt was incurred to get those “eye popping numbers”? In 2023 the US government borrowed $3.2 Trillion, of which only $2.4 Trillion of GDP was recorded. The remaining $800 Billion generated ZERO economic activity whatsoever. She talks about the “multiplier effects” yet every 5 year period since 2006, GDP grew by much less than the increase in the debt which means that money vanished without generating any GDP activity. We would have been far better off taking the entire $3.2 Trillion borrowed and spent it entirely on battle tanks and aircraft carriers. We would have gotten at least $3.2 trillion in economic activity from such wasteful spending and that is with no economic multiplier effect, which is pretty hard to do. This consistent, horrific economic multiplier effect of less than 1, for the last 18 years goes against MMT theory. This theft from the US populace shows that government cannot, and should not manage all but the smallest amount of public money since they are evaporating money in a way that not even the Mafia could do.
@antonionalesnik4706 10 күн бұрын
What funny, adorable, inaccurate, TDS troll of a man.
@NinjaTroll137 13 күн бұрын
Liberal trash? 🥱🥱🥱🥱
@JohnVKaravitis 13 күн бұрын
When America defaults on its debt payments, which WILL HAPPEN, this woman is not going to be so popular.
@antonionalesnik4706 15 күн бұрын
Love anand and his incoherent metaphor/analogies 😊
@SirTinManRnR 15 күн бұрын
No tangibles, No vote!! ✊🏾🇺🇲👑 #B1st
@mauriceldisgreecanadahaspr9560 15 күн бұрын
@gloriatemael2510 15 күн бұрын
That wsy im poor
@gloriatemael2510 15 күн бұрын
Srx future
@markrichter2053 15 күн бұрын
@ianredfern2636 21 күн бұрын
The worst interviewer ever. A long haired Biden.
@john-lenin 22 күн бұрын
34:40 Jesus ******* Christ, Stephanie. Stop explaining it that way! That just feeds the same ******* stupid argument that it's all about printing money (and therefore drive up inflation). Talk about allocating resources.
@john-lenin 22 күн бұрын
Stop saying myth when you're talking about lies.
@uiPublic 25 күн бұрын
A Person of his Calibre only is Aware of Ten Commandments actually Make Commonality to with All fellows as Equally self?!
@uiPublic 25 күн бұрын
But then Wicked take it All also true lest we Forget do Our part ...
@kristinchong629 28 күн бұрын
Garbes is a dank. Garbes so cracked out on her tm mg kendall oral care algo gulag screen so glad things are computional for iterations of gulag via platforms instead of cracking heirarchy. Garbes its just easy to punch down instead of punching up. Dank. Read a book. As sam sanders says obsess better.
@glendarowland9396 28 күн бұрын
Is he a drug addict ?
@glendarowland9396 28 күн бұрын
I wish I had heard this before I voted , I won't let that happen again .
@TG-fr8gb Ай бұрын
NATO, BlackRock, and Blackstone are fleecing America.
@abdullahhamdan2126 Ай бұрын
من الإلحاد وسفاهة الأحلام القول بأن طوفان نوح خرافة، لأنه مذكور في نقوش عراقية قبل ذكره في التوراة. الحقيقة هذا هو الطبيعي فنوح قبل التوراة بعهود سحيقة ولا غرابة في تحريف الاسم في النقوش لتقادم العهود والنقوش ليست وحيا ولكن ذكر الحدث تأكيد لوقوعه وابعاد له عن الخرافة.
@sschutjes1462 Ай бұрын
The conversation starts at about 33 min
@alistairmackintosh9412 Ай бұрын
Interview starts at 4:40
@albwilso9 Ай бұрын
The next problem. how do we get rid of corrupt Supreme Court Justices?
@albwilso9 Ай бұрын
you are so right. We are in trouble because there is so much money and power concentrated in a small group of people, and many of them are similar to Trump, arrogant, entitled, without conscience and greedy!!
@albwilso9 Ай бұрын
There were a lot of Racist whites in NYC as far back as 1980’s. I trained at a company in NYC in 1984, and there were no blacks in my group, and the white instructors even told n----r jokes IN Class!!!! I was from California, and I was shocked!!!!
@tonykearney3806 Ай бұрын
She is not very coherent in trying to explain what is dangerous.
@SirBlackReeds Ай бұрын
Stephen Miller's connection to R.B. Spencer is pretty loose, based on what I can gather. A better dig would have been pointing out that Miller was convinced to become a conservative after reading a book by Wayne LaPierre, a supposedly pro-2A lobbyist who boasted the NRA's achievement of creating the instant (background) check system for gun purchases. Not to mention he penned articles for VDARE and Samuel Jared Taylor's Unamerican Renaissance. Funny Johnston should mention Robert Mercer because one of the guys from Bloomberg likened him to a whimsical venture capitalist. From the sound of it, Steve Bannon convinced him that it was a good idea to enact a Republican revolution that shifted the political discourse in a populist direction and what needed to happen in order to do it was Trump winning the primary and general elections. Because Trump won both, unlike Mitt Romney, he received a permanent supply of cash from the Mercer family. Hey, wait a minute. Wasn't Fire and Fury criticized by people who don't even like Trump for being more speculative than objective? Michael D'Antonio himself said, "Some of what Wolff presents is so speculative that his critics, and the President's most ardent defenders, will be able to pick his work apart. These excesses will diminish the book's impact and, ultimately, do a disservice to the historical record." Not to mention there's the Nikki Haley controversy. I'll give Wolf some credit though. Whatever was true in the book was certainly enough to cause something of a falling out between Trump and Bannon.
@elmoretingle Ай бұрын
Erica’s memoir, Quitter is excellent. I highly recommend it.
@1Skeptik1 Ай бұрын
"It is not inequality which is the real misfortune, it is dependence." ~ Voltaire
@Francesj399Maloney Ай бұрын
Rumor has it that societies featuring democracy, Christian Liberalism, and Socialist-programs based on capitalism, such as Sweden and Poland, find unplanned diversity distressing: Is this rumor true? Australia? Israel?
@Baobabaloo Ай бұрын
What exactly is Chris Hedges proposing? He says a revolution.... but how exactly? He's quite sparse on the details...
@goodpainlive Ай бұрын
The lights go out?
@betseyspencer5370 Ай бұрын
His relationship with sugar is identical to mine. My husband was like his wife.😂
@williamhiles7404 Ай бұрын
We have been sold down the river by our politicians for the oligarchs benefit. What are we going to do about it? Sit around and talk about it? Do nothing? Put up with it forever? I'm waiting. LedHed Pb 207.20 🎶 🎸 🎹
@chad9017 Ай бұрын
As they've been saying for 50 years. I know they were the exceptions.😢 Ok go for a bit.
@chad9017 Ай бұрын
What if there's an artist who just doesn't give a sh-- about trans issues except to say we're all equals?
@chad9017 Ай бұрын
Cool. Actually an actual way to participate. Send 7 times a second. Don't know how to do that yet. But willing to learn. They do it ! Psshhh.
@chad9017 Ай бұрын
What do i want from artists? How about dig into news a bit and don't ignore the obvious. You are supposed to report reality to the rest of us in your way.😊
@chad9017 Ай бұрын
The funding source is the main matter. Always. Even if the hand that feeds gets bit. It either quits or persists. If not another power takes over
@chad9017 Ай бұрын
Votes for the uniparty don't count. For instance Dems could have dont know the word. Could have "constitutionalized" abortion laws across all 50 states. They didn't bcuz they figured.they could get more votes. Politicians are pirates brought to power. Thev don't care as long as we're divided they win.
@jess8385 2 ай бұрын
It physically (pun unintented) hurts how tough this crowd is. Nevertheless, you're amazing Helen, wholly appreciate your enthusiasm and knowledge. I came to this video after reading your book!
@LowreyContractorsUK 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for your hard work
@tomharrison6607 2 ай бұрын
there is thomas sowell and then there is this idiot
@taylormaddux8433 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for this. Am reading Dr. DeMaine's book, "Facing Death," and it's really good.
@dorothywaugh4164 2 ай бұрын
This guy needs to run for President!!
@dorothywaugh4164 2 ай бұрын
This guy is exactly right!! About what's going on with the Dangerous Cult that Psycho has created!