My First Year Playing WoW...
Is It Worth Trying WoW In 2024?
The Test Of A True Warrior
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Noob Plays WoW For The First Time
@Chibisenpai2 11 сағат бұрын
dang roox disappeared
@sampur2 3 күн бұрын
as a warrior you basically cant do shit against hunters or locks or priest or mages or dragons or paladins or demon hunter or shamans
@sampur2 3 күн бұрын
I forgot boomkin but nobody can do shit about them
@Stef-an 4 күн бұрын
It's so funny how much you hate goblins
@psimozdzek 4 күн бұрын
00:56 if theres anything more annoying to me who decided to play on retail after being die-hard wotlk player (except for speedrunning dungeon groups who cant even see im dead because i dont know wtf is going on sometimes lol) is that people seem to not give a fuck about social aspects of the game at all... like why would they answer you? why? dont you have google? yeah, i do... retail is like a single player game now
@gs-fp8gy 5 күн бұрын
insane video made me laugh so much keep it up!
@zommy_artzz 5 күн бұрын
I have been after the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent mount for 7 years, good luck!
@Arqade-ok4hm 6 күн бұрын
Roox why no auto loot?
@michaelwoods9669 7 күн бұрын
people still play this?.. hmm
@TheSilverWolfx 8 күн бұрын
Wait its actually not that bad. I have done some pvp but i pretty much got 2 tapped . But battlegrounds could be fun...
@Shimnjii 9 күн бұрын
wonderful video keep going
@Swift-Prospecting 11 күн бұрын
Used to play but got tired of the muggings on a non-pvp server. Decided to give a try and found that on my slow internet connection it would take 24 hours to download. No Thanks!
@cycedclone6935 14 күн бұрын
wholesome content! =)
@dandicjusz 15 күн бұрын
Yo i have a question this game is a single buy or u need to pay a monthly fee because i think i heard about needing to pay to play every month
@imumbreon3052 16 күн бұрын
outro song?
@RynerWesterhout 18 күн бұрын
inspired to redownload retail for pvp
@Altnet89 19 күн бұрын
I played so much WoW as a teenager with my school friends. Started on TBC than WoTLK came and I played a lot on that, maybe too much. Than Cataclysm came we stopped playing and never came back.
@NotAspookyboy 19 күн бұрын
Bro i finished all ur videos in 1 week . Come on man make a new one
@rukarn5065 21 күн бұрын
@Wake-up1776 21 күн бұрын
I'm going into my first ever raid today lol hope I don't fk it up
@baykedoner3965 22 күн бұрын
@TnupdegSupt 22 күн бұрын
Bwonsamdi is one of the most guys ever tbh
@SpiderByt3s 24 күн бұрын
I'm so confused. Title says should I play in 2024. Video says should I play 2023. Its clear I am too late. Off to runescape I go.
@rooxwastaken 24 күн бұрын
Old school?
@rdpillsforall6884 25 күн бұрын
After 15 years I’ll be starting over on classic
@shabirparwaz 25 күн бұрын
No one bothered to tell this guy to install DBM or something? That literally tells you what to do
@anders12114 26 күн бұрын
when ever i try pvp i get 1 shot XD
@Kingfarter 27 күн бұрын
WOAH hold up you cna solo q arena in retail?
@petro9955 28 күн бұрын
7:12 if u bind heroic jump you can use it to get back to land when your getting booped off the map
@Skbeast2246 28 күн бұрын
What addon is that for the quest and talking to the guard?
@rooxwastaken 28 күн бұрын
Immersion add-on
@Skbeast2246 28 күн бұрын
@@rooxwastaken Thank you brother.
@tomaslangerbeck6398 29 күн бұрын 😎👍
@maxerea4380 29 күн бұрын
i have 'The Explorer' title, look up how to get it ;) The best WoW expansion is still Wrath of the Lich King.
@xheapshot3325 Ай бұрын
NO way thats your first time lol. you dont keyboard turn, you know how to strafe, you dont press your buttons with your mouse... ant no way xD
@Shadow26Wolf Ай бұрын
Is this wow classic? Or retail?
@EnderGoku9001 Ай бұрын
gl on getting some rare mount drops :v
@thebard1833 Ай бұрын
playing your first expac release should be good
@nulpe4836 Ай бұрын
yes i started for a few weeks and its great
@Randomidkman123 Ай бұрын
Noob i have a lvl 41 friend and hes like a god to me
@buk1YdFpSRVrzdFy2HBE Ай бұрын
As someone who has been playing since the launch of wow two decades ago, seeing someone rediscovering it is really fun. I also really appreciate your friend comma squirting.
@mathisirondil Ай бұрын
When world PvP was more of a thing and before cross-realms, the opposite faction would and could cause you a lot of trouble. (Killing you while questing, raiding your cities, ect.) It would be the same individuals over and over, so it was a lot easier to legitimately hate the other guys. It made a bit of a resurgence when Classic came out, but was nowhere near as heated.
@cousinslim Ай бұрын
Crazy putting a year of the game into 7 minutes
@KidScratchingHisHead Ай бұрын
This game is complete dog sh*t
@travus__ Ай бұрын
ok if you say
@ICM9 Ай бұрын
You got convinced by your friend doing WHAT?!
@IsaacFNghost Ай бұрын
That Ele shaman single handedly made me want to come back to wow and pick my old ele shaman up 😂 I remember how much fun it was back in bfa to toss the lava and pop those huge earth shocks
@Meadaa Ай бұрын
wow classic is so fun
@evelinajensen3435 Ай бұрын
Doing m+ but still hasn't got details! XD. Great to see you enjoying the game and it's impressive how far you've come man. Keep it up
@samirlachapelle2730 Ай бұрын
It is worth as long as you have friends or a nice guild to play with, cause WoW BIGGEST ENEMY is not blizzard nor the bad decision of the devs, Is the FUCKING TOXIC COMMUNITY.
@tonileskinen331 Ай бұрын
Stop trying to get asmongold attention its lame
@lennyseibel4793 Ай бұрын
Guy spend 150€ for 1 game for 1 Year
@stroud5755 Ай бұрын
Awesome to see, that you try out PvP! I started back at the end of WoD and never really played PvP, maxbe 1 or 2 BGs but not more. But the Elite (1.800 raiting in Arena or RBG) Paladin and the DK Set from Shadowlands Season 3/4 looked so damn good that i said to myself, okay boy, its time to learn how to PvP and play Arena. And since then, i really enjoy PvP. I also got the 1.800 with my Shaman this Season, because i really, really wanted that Set, and tbh i really proud of it.
@HankJ666 Ай бұрын
Even if the game somehow told you anything about the story, the problem with WoW's story is that it's actually not really told in game tbh Like, the vast majority of it is actually just in the books, specially what happens between expansions and most of the story that's actually in the game is mostly optional content or you are probably gonna miss it cuz, at least before they implemented changes to leveling in BFA, there was literally no reason to finish a zone's questline cuz you would always end up overleveling it so you'd be getting way less XP that you should For example: The entire story of Garrosh becoming Hitler was pretty much an optional questline in MoP, so if you never did that, chances are you would then suddenly see that there's a raid to assault Orgrimmar The next bit of story is then AT THE END of said raid where all you really see is that, you stop him, they chose Vol'Jin as new warchief and then they take Garrosh to be judged And the next bit of story you see after that is in the cinematic for the next expansion where SOMEHOW Garrosh traveled almost 30 years back in time to the Draenor of another timeline, changed one of, if not THE most important event in the history of Warcraft and somehow connected that timeline's Draenor Dark Portal with our Dark Portal And how did he end up there? Well, you can find out by buying Christie Golden's "War Crimes" for 17,95$ on Amazon! And how did he manage to create a Dark Portal that links to a Dark Portal in ANOTHER TIMELINE but also IN THE FUTURE, even tho that sounds way harder than creating the first Dark Portal, which was just a portal between 2 planets and it was only possible because both Gul'Dan and Medivh (Literally the most powerful mage in the history of Warcraft) were working on it at the same time, each from their end of the portal? Yeah that's never explained, he just did Then there's the fact that anything past MoP sucks and even Legion which is _kinda good_ suffers because it's literally connected to WoD and the only reason Legion can happen is because [Checks notes] The Archimonde at the end of WoD is actually the Archimonde we know from our timeline, not the Archimonde from that timeline from that timeline's legion, because it turns out that there's actually only ONE legion, which is our timeline's that SOMEHOW can also just travel between timelines and bring people from said timelines into our timeline, which is literally what Archimonde does with WoD's Gul'Dan How does any of this make sense? It doesn't, but Blizzard has literally said nothing about it and are just pretending it didn't happen I guess And people literally had to come up with headcanons that just reek of copium to somehow explain why the Legion doesn't just do the same thing Wrathion pretended to do in WoD, create an army of infinite orcs from infinite timelines to invade the main timeline's Azeroth which, for some reason, is the only one the Legion gives a shit about They've done time travel stuff before, but everytime it would be: The infinite dragonflight is trying to change the past, which would affect our timeline, stop them! There weren't different timelines at all, change something in the past and you just fuck up everything, really the closest thing tothere "existing" different timelines was that the Bronze dragons could see what _would_ happen if the timeline were to be fucked and even the "End Time" dungeon is literally just a future we prevented from happening It really just worked out, but they completely fucked it up with WoD
@roguemaniac7949 Ай бұрын
I haven't played since cat. I remember the community being very helpful, and few people refused to play with a new player. If you didn't know a mechanic, people took the time to teach you, and run it with you till you got the hang of it. Idk about todays wow. Been wanting to get back into it though.