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@Kacper42PL Күн бұрын
Glad to see it's not just me being overwhelmed with absolutely massive areas with close to no direction and annoyed by the intentional junk controls.
@dragonick2947 2 күн бұрын
Imagine if the "free camera" option in Sonic Adventure was only available as part of a special edition of the game. Boy, I'd hate to live in that world!
@BopSteady 3 күн бұрын
Spectacular words! It's great to see some understanding on the problems, it isn't for nothing people always talk about the Adventures, yes they are not perfect and have many MANY bugs, but they were done better than todays game, I could personally never like any of the current Sonic games as much as I did before which leads me to play over and over older ones instead otherwise I play 10 mins in a new one and I can't engage I feel bored it's long boring nothing special then you open Sonic 3 or Adventure and automatically it's fun right at the start with interesting story and visuals.
@wub9044 3 күн бұрын
One thing that always annoyed me to no end in 3D Sonic fan games is the floatiness to such ridiculous extent that once you fling yourself upwards off a platform, you can skip SO much of any level that it makes you feel like you didn't do much effort. Like, yeah, there's crazy speed, there's the momentum that most of these devs are aware of, but they often forget that weight is also an important part in Sonic games. When Sonic comes to mind, your first thought is running at high speeds. Not flinging myself in the air every time I find a ramp and skipping an entire stage with little to no effort. As for the topic on *Open World*... I sometimes feel like Sonic fans haven't played that many Super Hero Open World games, if they played any at all. To this very day, I will forever stand with my opinion that games like Sunset Overdrive and Prototype, are perfect blueprints to make an open world Sonic game that actually works. *Especially* Prototype. I can't say I quite believe it's the lack of guidance that's the issue in attempting to make an open world Sonic game, but how the fanbase is so hellbent on making *linear* more open. An open world game is supposed to be a *single map* with varied locations where missions could take place in, *not* a series of levels that just so happen to have a more open ended level design. tl;dr, 3D Sonic fan games are so floaty, they're too easy and Sonic fans themselves don't understand how open world is actually supposed to work. Either way, video gud. Sub earned. <3
@Blotling360 3 күн бұрын
Secret Rings is on my top 5.. I played it when I was 5 and did not remember much. Last year I decided to replay it and I fell in love with it. I love the music, level design, bosses, story, and the gameplay is super fun despite the weird control scheme. I get why people don’t like the game but personally I think it’s great, but not perfect.
@thelittlebluemenace8980 3 күн бұрын
I feel like it'll be a Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury situation where Generations will run at 60 frames per second whereas the Shadow side content will be at least 30.
@ImanFate 3 күн бұрын
Oh my god yes! I thought I was bugging thinking that these games were too open and free and not restricted enough.
@dragonick2947 3 күн бұрын
I have the PC version of the original Sonic Generations, and I don't think it's a preorder, but it comes with the Casino Night pinball. I believe that at a certain point they just sold it as DLC, because I believe that's how it's listed on Steam.
@Jesus_PK 3 күн бұрын
Real, some people see automatization like the devil personified when it's like a core aspect to make 3D Sonk work properly. Loops without a movement spline are a complete pain to go through, and a lot of fangames have this issue of either not having any splines attached to them or worse, the weird camera that follows you during the loop while the world goes upside down, makes everything super dizzy.
@Enthusiasmmm 4 күн бұрын
Hello! It is I, the one guy who is rampantly obsessed with Sonic and the Secret Rings! I love it so much! The controls are bad, but I found it to be a fun challenge. For every problem in the controls, you can work around them. You have to shake at the right angle for homing attacks (less forward more down), you can actually jump off the rails in 2 ways. For sideways jumping off rails, tilt the wii remote to the side you want to jump, and if that won't work, press 2 on top of that and you should jump. For jumping normally on a rail, you want to hold 2 for a while, and release when you want to jump. It should work, but it's hard to do on short rails (or in general). Backstep helps a lot when reversing too! As for if it gets better, I would say that it does get better the more you play it. Levelling up gives you some excellent unlockables. One of my favourites is splash jump, which allows you to jump over walls if you homing attack it (this ends up being really good). You also have one or two more speed and acceleration increases to unlock (especially if you have yet to finish the game). For now, doing a short jump should be enough to accelerate. In terms of level design, Night Palace, one of my favourite levels is at the end. You probably wouldn't like it, but it's very challenging which is why I like it. It has a lot of what I call 'evil level design', which is something I love about the game overall. There's also a flying carpet section which is really cool when you get used to the controls. But apart from that, Night Palace probably has the best aesthetic in the whole game. The music perfectly sets up the atmosphere, and the entire area looks absolutely gorgeous for a wii game. There's also a cool time/space segment which is just awesome. Not to mention the whole area turning around. I also think the music is absolutely fire. I see why you don't like the music, but I think it's really good! I should summarize, since I have rambled at least a little. Overall, here's what I like about the game: -Unique controls that are better once you get used to them -The aesthetic of the levels in game is amazing and more creative than nearly any other Sonic game -The Music is really good imo -I actually liked the story -Evil level design -Big appears in the game as cameos -Sonic literally has fire coming out of his chest -The 321 at the start of the levels is iconic -Make beliefs reborn Don't get me wrong, I see why you dislike the game. Even though it gets a bit better, I highly doubt you are going to like the game if you play it more.
@dominosnostradamus2415 4 күн бұрын
Boost is trash we hate sonic forces 7:08
@darealkrisofficial 4 күн бұрын
Damn I found this game easy as a kid (I grew up on sonic heavily) And I dont mean this with an intent of ego, Its just the skill rings made the game easy for me and sonic just got OP lol, i enjoy the game a lot and i respect all opinions, i just wanted to leave my piece here
@vantablackecho 4 күн бұрын
Shout out to the poor souls who got enticed to play Sonic games through Smash Bros Brawl and thought Secret Rings was a valid first option just because it was featured in Brawl and also happened to conveniently be a Wii game.
@Tokyo_inVR 4 күн бұрын
Most of these games just retake the classic/boost/adventure formula, create a random character and levels
@DartBoiE 4 күн бұрын
i can see why you dont like secret rings. its the weaker one of the two storybook games. HOWEVER! dont let this game hold back your experience with its younger brother, sonic and the black knight. it has better controls, better story, and if you thought the cutscenes and music was charming in secret rings. OH BOY YOU AINT READY FOR BLACK KNIGHT. its not a perfect game but it was a major step up before sega decided to stop doin the wii exclusive storybook games... i miss the storybook seires.
@dee7352 5 күн бұрын
6:25 to add to the comparison, it’s like watching the behind-the-scenes and only focusing on one specific extra
@sonicfan1693 5 күн бұрын
Another big issue with these Sonic inspired games is not due to the games themselfs but actually how they get treated by fans. Especially with Spark 3 which is a fantastic game. Poeple who wanted to let the game be more well known just said that Spark 3 is way better than any official game. In a pretty dismissive tone too. Which most likely turned more than just a few poeple off from even just trying it.
@Type3Diabeto 5 күн бұрын
Gameplay aside, new IP creators also need to flesh out character designs. I love Spark but he (and Randy Rambunctious) lack appealing designs in my opinion.
@meathir4921 5 күн бұрын
There's a really good video by Architect of Games where he discusses the design of Sonic games and basically stumbles onto why automation was put into them in the first place. They narrow focus, act as a catch up for players who are slowing down (so that if you slow down you aren't punished for like... the next minute of gameplay) and avoid jank, on top of the obvious spectacle. They also just give the player time to breathe, which is something that's weirdly underrated.
@jasminesidney8174 5 күн бұрын
You can get the JP collectors edition from Amiami. That’s what I did. I want that statue
@ABlob 5 күн бұрын
3:27 Holding down the 2 button, on the ground, makes Sonic slowly slide to a stop while charging the jump. If you use it in the air though, you'll immediately come to a stop because Sonic will stop all momentum mid-air when doing that first. If you don't want to slide around, hold down the 1 button for a full break first, then hold down 2 while holding down 1 to charge the jump once he stopped moving. Then you can let go of 1 and keep charging the jump with 2. The reason why there are two buttons for Sonic coming to a stop is that the sliding action with the 2 button can also be used as an attack or an EXP/soul energy farming move with the right equipped abilities. The 1 button's core function is just making Sonic stop, removing the sliding part or the jumping part if you want to (in the case where you want to slide through enemies but not jump; holding down the 2 button -> holding down the 1 button -> letting go of the 2 button). So if you don't want Sonic to slide before jumping, there you go. You also need the 1 button for proper rail grind switching (which is almost never required from you outside of the optional tutorial level), which is overly complicated. Feel free to skip this paragraph if you don't care about how to switch rails properly: - While Sonic is grinding, hold down the 1 button to break on it. - While coming to a stop, a dust cloud will appear. - If you see the dust cloud, that's when you can tilt the wii remote left or right to switch to the adjacent rail. (but if you do it too early, you'll overshoot (which is how most players try to switch from rail to rail; only really useful if the next rail is slightly more above Sonic, which I think only happens in one level); and if you do it too late, you'll fall off the rail) 3:42 The Wii Remote registers individual shakes better. Try only jolting/shaking the Wii Remote for a split second if a lock on icon appears on-screen and you'll have a better time. I usually only do one swing downwards. 4:27 There are multiple abilities that make ground/air control "smoother". You'll unlock the upgraded ones that have a more noticeable difference on higher levels. 4:56 I think the homing attack didn't work here because you kept shaking the Wii Remote there without any lock on target icon being visible, which causes Sonic to do a air dash instead. Wait a little after the barrel bounce and it will continue to fling Sonic forward for long enough for the target icon to appear (since you'll then be in the attacking range for the enemy), and then you can shake the Wii Remote again to homing attack that enemy. Yes, the mission progression is a bit confusing. The most consistent progression I've noticed is 1) do the first level, 2) do the rampage level, 3) maybe do another level with unique voice lines in it, 3) do the boss level. But there are other missions that aren't optional either.
@CrimsonSkyLine 5 күн бұрын
You got great hair and facial hair, love your style dude you look awesome Sadly your opinion is fucking wrong
@ShempOfficial 5 күн бұрын
Cool! :D
@CrimsonSkyLine 5 күн бұрын
​@@ShempOfficial Hope i wasn't being too harsh with that joke lol, the vid was great. I love secret rings but it can defo be really frustrating with its jank & its 100% not for everyone. The thing that i mostly love about it, is that it was the first Sonic game to do spectacles & cinematic scenes as well as it did in the Linear scripted sections of gameplay. Your only take that i outright disagree with was with the music, genuinely thing it has one of the best and most unique scores in the series.
@Flamefrosty 5 күн бұрын
I really hate how people try to compare these games to Sonic like Sonic didn’t come out first 🤦🏽‍♂️
@iwavrQwpX4uB39nilBlQ 5 күн бұрын
only 20 seconds in and i like this guy :)
@ShempOfficial 5 күн бұрын
@CC-ks6nm 5 күн бұрын
To me, the worst Sonic games I've played are Sonic Heroes and Sonic and the Secret Rings (and yes, I played Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic '06, and yes, I love those games and find them way more playable, and yes, '06 is objectively bad, but to me, it's unironically fun to play it). Yes, the game gets better, while you play you get points to unlock and equip """"""skills"""""", which literally makes the game playable. However, I don't find this justifiable, you kinda have to finish the game to finally make it bearable to play, but, like... you already finished the game? Why would you play everything again when the experience has been horrible up to that point? So, yeah, that's the secret but I don't think it justifies playing or recommending this game. I do think the game had a lot going for it tho, wish they could remake it.
@Haywire_HotRod 6 күн бұрын
I grew up on this game, I used to get up early in the morning ( like 6:00) just so I could play it. I did get frustrated with controls sure, but I used to play it so much. I have fond memories playing it. I recognize it’s flaws but this game holds a special place.
@ShempOfficial 5 күн бұрын
Completely valid! I'm really happy you have such a good memory with this game c:
@SlashArbiter 6 күн бұрын
"If you like Crash Bash, you'll love this game." Looks like I found my next run.
@spiderzilla7o7 6 күн бұрын
I like sonic
@ShempOfficial 5 күн бұрын
AYO ME TOO! We should hang out! :D
@andresinish 6 күн бұрын
your hair looks fake and i dont know if thats good or bad
@ShempOfficial 5 күн бұрын
@ashtimbo 6 күн бұрын
I angrily disagree. Going through a loop manually is a skill, and it's extremely satisfying to go through one in utopia, gt. Yes, you can make things more accessible for people who get motion sickness from this kind of stuff, but I would not strip manual control away from the player in the sake of it Also, you do look good in a dress But automation isnt bad, sometimes it's impossible to design the things you want without it. A cutscene is something you cannot influence and is there to do something without player input. You can mix non player input and player input lin celeste's dash. You dash, you're inactionable for a sec, then you regain action. This both limits your possible inputs pminutes, but also adds a nee challenge. There are plenty of types of inaction. The inaction you suggest is the cutscene variant, which is fine, but misguided. The problem you face is motion sickness on slopes and a major difficulty curve. However if a game is explicitly designed to have these as central mechanics, and the game is still fun, then idk. If the game interacts with slopes in a non conventional platformer way then the solutions are infinite
@ThatOnecyberRat 6 күн бұрын
Secret rings my beloved i love it sm even if it aint the best.
@ShempOfficial 6 күн бұрын
You're so real for that
@voidrocksdaplace 6 күн бұрын
This game has a fan remake called project reignition
@WaffleWizard 7 күн бұрын
Sonic and the secret rings reminds me a lot of if my gorgeous beautiful wife left and never came back
@ShempOfficial 6 күн бұрын
She's mine now. Trisha chose what's best for her.
@BBK113 7 күн бұрын
Play free riders
@ShempOfficial 5 күн бұрын
My sanity is already fractured
@hypVideo 7 күн бұрын
TL;DW - Everybody dogs on automation and handholding elements in sonic games but they would fit pretty well into an easy mode. Also, after reading your responses to comments I hope your video of Rolling Rascal won't have you branding the developers as ableist for not including auto-sections. It's noble to have freatures that catter to people with disabilities but punishing indie developers for not doing so isn't fair.
@ShempOfficial 6 күн бұрын
Nah not at all. No one's getting punished, lol. Just seems like it's easy to forget about the other benefits of these features. So I'm giving a different perspective into the benefits instead of them comments telling me "nah you just suck. Get better. Automation is garbage" etc.
@Groku200 7 күн бұрын
I gotta say this is why we don’t get good sonic games anymore. The stages in a rascal are not open zone, all of the paths lead you to the same place. The fact that a skilled player can skip parts of the level is not a problem either because the skills and abilities of experienced players do not effect the experience of somebody who is not playing the game like that. You can have fun learning stages and the fastest routes as well as playing through them in the more scripted linear way. Thats the beauty of these games, they give the player choice and have higher skill ceilings and low skill floors which is alway a good thing for a game. Why would you want to get rid of those things, that’s a step backwards, the exact thing we’ve been complaining about. I just don’t understand how you could be so misguided to think that taking away the players control is a good thing. Absolute rubbish.
@bimbiusjimothiii178 7 күн бұрын
Bro lost me at “speed needs automation” 😂😂😂
@mrbenidormuk6855 7 күн бұрын
Funny l watched the sonic movies and loved them but I've almost never played a single sonic game a few levels on sonic hero's on ps2 as a kid but never went back
@Iago.Carvalho 7 күн бұрын
me hearing bridge zone music: this MF is right ahah, but seriously this game have osme cool music yes, yes the game goes better cause you unlock better controls XD even in the end.
@Spacelozzy264 7 күн бұрын
Play sonic 3d 🎉 refresh the palate with my fave trash sonic game. Also going to teach me those sick dance moves?
@SliverSceptile 7 күн бұрын
honestly not much else changes after Levitated Ruin the final 2 worlds, Skeleton Dome and Night Palace, are really nicely designed in my opinion (that could be nostalgia bias or all the green hill saturation in recent years) but unfortunately things stay the same
@gabiwolf1439 7 күн бұрын
Would be cool to make a sonic game where the main gimmick is to use the absurd speed and launch yourself into air right to the next area of the level v:
@ShempOfficial 6 күн бұрын
Kind of like the level transitions in Sonic 3!
@hypnotic13371337 7 күн бұрын
Aight, "Does bruno mars is gay" Earned you a sub
@ShempOfficial 7 күн бұрын
@DannyBenS94 7 күн бұрын
I think I had more patience when I was a kid cause I beat it as a kid when it came out, but I could barely play it in more recent times. I really tried to be like "maybe it's not that bad", but it really is...well at the very least not good lol. This was my first Wii game, alongside Wii Sports and Wii Play. I think if this ever got a re-release, it has potential to be a decent game. The Wii controls is what makes it a bad game really.
@Robospy1 7 күн бұрын
Sometimes it's kind of nice that these games truly let you have full control over your character and they don't take that away, but I can see how automation can be useful for certain parts.
@pseudonymmcfakename7548 7 күн бұрын
As someone who actually played and liked this game when it came out, I can safely say it does not get better later on. You're doing yourself a favour by leaving Secret Rings alone.
@ShempOfficial 7 күн бұрын
That seems to be the general consensus
@lastplace3093 7 күн бұрын
Your editing is fantastic and the humour is on point, only issue I have is how little research has gone into the topic. You don't finish the game and don't follow it's progression. It leaves the viewer feeling unsatisfied overall. I love your channel but this was a miss for me personally.😢
@ShempOfficial 7 күн бұрын
That's fair. You're completely valid for thinking so! If I'm not having a good time playing, then I won't force myself for the sake of a video. Which is why I asked you guys to let me know! So far the general reaction has been pretty positive, so I hope you can still enjoy other content the channel produces.