Channel Updates
11 ай бұрын
@jamessmithiii4129 12 күн бұрын
10:55 you had two units more expensive than my most expensive unit, so primary was 90-10 your favor I think. I also didnt have a way of dealing with your chaff which has to be corrected in future lists. 20:04 yeah, mistake in deployment. that unit should have been in my battle line. 34:05 I rolled poorly on my 5+ too, 5/26... I will admit, killing 2nd model was good for me though. end of game situation - wasn't thinking of best play. one of my hopes for the game was to test the vampire build. So this was chance to do that. Obviously he did not perform with the dice I rolled, but doing 3hp damage on "the low end" of output seems ok. btw had whispers on altar so was wounding it on 2+.
@loadedstapler1459 14 күн бұрын
Great battle report! Surprising to see a magicless list do so well, didn't realize DE had so many passive bonuses if you combo your units right.
@gaminginthekiez 12 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching! I wasn’t sure about it either when I made the list but once you get all the right buffs in place, it seemed to do fine without magic. We‘ll see how things pan out with this list in the future.
@DánielFekete-x4v 14 күн бұрын
This is wich game?
@gaminginthekiez 12 күн бұрын
This was a friendly match testing out post-hotfix changes. Next tournament I have for me is in Nov but more test games are on the way!
@jamessmithiii4129 12 күн бұрын
The 9th Age, 3rd edition
@jamessmithiii4129 16 күн бұрын
Good Win, my friend! Enjoyed the report too - Always a good amount of detail. Might add a comment later with a few bits on game situations from my pov :)
@gaminginthekiez 12 күн бұрын
Yes please do! Always curious about my opponents perspective. Thanks for the game!
@Krishtov830 17 күн бұрын
Thanks very much for the in-depth vid. It'll be interesting to see how your opponent develops his list too. I'm working on VC vid doing exactly that.
@gabrielecarbone8235 23 күн бұрын
you have: clear font to actually read the lists clear audio with easy accent good explanations humor only thing you lack is a bit of volume thanks a lot for the BR! keep it up!
@gaminginthekiez 22 күн бұрын
Thanks for the feedback and support! Definitely looking into more audio options for future batreps. Cheers!
@gabrielecarbone8235 22 күн бұрын
@@gaminginthekiez just a touch more gain, the quality is fine
@skarlocthewanderer1696 15 күн бұрын
I'm Skarloc the Wanderer and I approve this message!
@jamessmithiii4129 26 күн бұрын
1st 3.0 batrep 🙌
@gaminginthekiez 26 күн бұрын
3.0 LETS GO!!!! 🥳
@jacobforey-miller3096 26 күн бұрын
Great battle report! Kind of surprised to see how few battle reports there have been in general for 3.0. Really interesting to hear your thoughts on the changes in the edition, though :)
@gaminginthekiez 26 күн бұрын
Hey thanks for the support! And yeah, I think I’ll plan on doing a video on 3.0 thoughts/impressions atm very soon with VampsinMD.
@Brian-kp3mc 27 күн бұрын
Great report! Cheers to 3.0 and all you fantastic peeps who contributed
@gaminginthekiez 27 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching and the support! Looking forward to playing some 3.0 with you soon!
@rbf911 2 ай бұрын
FYI - Ghost step on his spider unit only means that all terrain features are treated as open terrain (including impassable). It can’t pass through or over units.
@gaminginthekiez 27 күн бұрын
Good to know! Thanks for the heads up and will note that for future games!
@jamessmithiii4129 2 ай бұрын
Dan's army was based on many themes, including Dogs of War (the WHFB mercenary faction)! Looking forward to the spoiler videos :)
@gaminginthekiez 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for clarifying! That info just flew out of my head last minute 😅
@Molfni 2 ай бұрын
Just found your channel and I loved your BR! Gonna bingewatch the hell out of your reports now ;D
@gaminginthekiez 2 ай бұрын
Wow! That’s great to hear 🥳 thanks so much for the support!
@jamessmithiii4129 2 ай бұрын
congrats on a resounding win, GITK. Good to see Tim's 3d printed KoE on the tabletop too!
@gaminginthekiez 2 ай бұрын
Thanks mate! Ravens Wing MVP 🐦‍⬛but yeah support excited to see Kerrick’s KOE coming along. I love the Knights of the Quest he printed
@whatsthebeef8682 3 ай бұрын
I stopped playing 9th age when they changed all the stats and magic system
@gaminginthekiez 27 күн бұрын
Understandable. Having massive changes like that can feel overwhelming and disheartening to relearn sometimes. Sorry to see you leave 9th but Happy Wargaming!
@DiscreteStructure-fp5xj 4 ай бұрын
Content is good but you need SEO expert to grow your channel audience
@gaminginthekiez 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the tip 👍
@DiscreteStructure-fp5xj 3 ай бұрын
@@gaminginthekiez I know a SEO expert who grow your channel
@DiscreteStructure-fp5xj 4 ай бұрын
Content is good but you need SEO expert to grow your channel audience
@gabrielecarbone8235 4 ай бұрын
i think you are missing rule clarity here, t9a is so well written it's almost impossible to get stuck, maybe only real problems come with round bases that i hope they will get rid of with 3.0
@gaminginthekiez 4 ай бұрын
You make a good point about rule clarity being a major component in playing T9A. Thanks for your input!
@jamessmithiii4129 4 ай бұрын
volume is low on this one. Another nice report though!
@gaminginthekiez 4 ай бұрын
Hmmm ok, thanks for the feedback. It sounded normal to me on my playback but I’ll look into the issue for sure.
@jamessmithiii4129 5 ай бұрын
oops on the breath of corruption! he couldve given it to a model that didnt fail a charge, but i dont see an eligible target. Well played though. you did well keeping the knights out of a big combat and was a good game to watch in person
@gaminginthekiez 5 ай бұрын
Yep, ooops indeed 🤷‍♂️ but hey, a good learning experience nonetheless. At this rate, I’m just happy I got 7pts out of this match!
@winnugami 5 ай бұрын
Stupid elves... great batrep though!
@gaminginthekiez 5 ай бұрын
Not sure I should give you a thumbs down because you play dwarves 😜 but thanks for watching regardless and glad you enjoyed it!
@davidescial 5 ай бұрын
9th age is the best tabletop war game
@Dan-ds8sf 6 ай бұрын
Normally I have to pay for this kind of quality opposition research…
@gaminginthekiez 6 ай бұрын
So I’m expecting 60 flagellants and pyro, no? 😂 glad your enjoying the free research and looking forward to April!!!
@warrusqwe 7 ай бұрын
Comment mostly for the algorythm Gotta love the 9th age, I got into it only 1 year ago, and jump in quality of rules, and balance between the armies in comparison to old wh 7-8th ed was astounding, Now after seeing the tow (unpolished as it is, which may change) I just cant get into the hype train for the old world
@gaminginthekiez 7 ай бұрын
Praise be to the algorithm 🙏 I feel you on not being able to get on the hype train for TOW. At some point I know I’ll play it, but I’ve been enjoying t9A so much that I’d rather just focus my energy here for the time being. Enjoy your T9A endeavors!
@ehakir 7 ай бұрын
Seems like you had some trouble dealing with the wraiths! I found that keeping a unit in 'reserve' behind your army specifically to set up countercharges for where the wraiths end up after their magical move works well. That way you can push harder and for example also push up your judicators turn 1-2 so you don't have to suffer 6 turns of occultism damage ;)
@gaminginthekiez 7 ай бұрын
Nice! Thanks for the tip! I think the Court of the damned made it difficult to push with the Judicators with the -2 Agility debuff but I guess I could’ve forced through one of my own Agility spells. Always a good learning experience!
@jamessmithiii4129 7 ай бұрын
hey! I like him to sit back and take damage :D
@ehakir 7 ай бұрын
@@jamessmithiii4129 haha I can imagine!
@jamessmithiii4129 7 ай бұрын
Good game :D
@gaminginthekiez 7 ай бұрын
You too mate!
@jamessmithiii4129 7 ай бұрын
VC Turn 3 - chariot was 18 away for breath of corruption range. so 11 for you. small deceptive glamor on judicators and evil eye on chariot, to give it a 12. you stopped the snipes :( lol
@gaminginthekiez 7 ай бұрын
Glad I have you around to keep my memory in check 😂
@redmondbarry6492 7 ай бұрын
Great report as always!
@gaminginthekiez 7 ай бұрын
Hey hey thanks for the support 🙌
@rbf911 7 ай бұрын
Love the reports, keep it up. At ~16:00 you mentioned fields are flammable…I believe that is in a previous version of the game? Or was that a tourney thing?
@gaminginthekiez 7 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for the support! And I think my opponent and I just played it wrong then and confused the previous version. I tried to find it in the current rule set but couldn’t, so good catch!
@rbf911 7 ай бұрын
@@gaminginthekiez I also play ID so I wouldn't have minded that being the case. lol
@wardogtabletopgaming2329 8 ай бұрын
Main reason why I left t9a and will never come back is cuz of the move away from the legacy rules that I grew up with. T9a is trying to do their own thing with the new labs but as a main Skaven player I can never accept the absolute disaster of a book the VS lab is. T9a also becomes stale and flavourless by sacrificing to much for the sake of balance. Balance is good but to much focus on balance and we get a game that looks more or less like checkers with fantasy miniatures. Ive played now two games of TOW and I have had more fun with TOW then I have had with t9a in a long time.
@gaminginthekiez 8 ай бұрын
Sad to see you go but appreciate you sharing nonetheless! Also glad to hear you‘ve had some fun with TOW! Happy Wargaming!
@Gilean80 8 ай бұрын
Would the use of different scale miniatures (i.e. 10mm Warmaster) on appropriate unit-sized bases, with wound tracking rather than removing models be frowned upon?
@jamessmithiii4129 8 ай бұрын
You can use any miniatures you want, 10mm scale included. The only challenge I see is coming up with a way to determine the unit "footprint". As the game has a model removal mechanic, unit footprints change in size and are important for measuring distances and determining who can attack in combat, etc. All in all, I reckon it's doable, you would just need to track the unit's footprint in addition to tracking the wounds
@jirga_jirga 8 ай бұрын
I love the freedom to use whatever models I feel appropriate for each army. Of course that's possible in Warhammer too but there's still strong sentiment of using official models only in Warhammer or any other game which has dedicated model line. Supplement armies are also something that I love wholeheartedly. Good video guys, love your content.
@gaminginthekiez 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for the support 🙏 and glad you’re loving the content! There will be more to come…maybe something with Dread Fleet looming in the future? 😈🏴‍☠️ (speaking of supplements)
@evanwoodham6296 8 ай бұрын
TOW Rules are so bad I came looming for something else new that is a good successor to 6th edition.
@jamessmithiii4129 8 ай бұрын
check T9A out!
@evanwoodham6296 8 ай бұрын
@@jamessmithiii4129 I'm in!
@emiliorodriguez3796 8 ай бұрын
9th age is my main game, and I play team and individual tournaments whenever I can. I love the game and its community. With that said, I have to tell that data-driven adjustments are mostly a big mistake. If you do that, you don't understand why an option is chosen (or not) over another one. More pro-players advice should be considered. Nowadays, the game feels dull sometimes, with some armies over the top, like Saurian Ancients or dual daemon prince WotDG. We need more LABs and 3.0 as soon as possible. Furthermore, the pairings system should be considered: you never babysit your team's Dwarven player, but you should babysit your Dread elf player. If Dwarven Holds and Dread elves get on average the same score in tournaments, something's wrong with Dread Elves. This point is key in a team game, so if every army is between 9 and 11 points out of 20, that's not a balanced. I hope 3.0 will bring fresh air, or this game is going to be abandoned due to ToW arrival (which I think it's a bad game, but GW has tons of fans...).
@gaminginthekiez 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I can absolutely relate to T9A feeling dull sometimes! I’m also eager to see what 3.0 brings! However, I do like how T9A combines using the data from game submissions across all categories (team, individual, casual etc.) alongside player feedback to hopefully achieve a fun and balanced game. But yes, considering team play and top player input I think should also be rather important when developing 3.0. All the best to you and your T9A endeavors!
@screwnacorn 8 ай бұрын
that minions army is great :)
@screwnacorn 8 ай бұрын
For the algorithm ;)
@gaminginthekiez 8 ай бұрын
Praise be 🙌💻
@loadedstapler1459 8 ай бұрын
Great video fellas! I'm inspired by how gamers took the reigns of their own destiny rather than letting a anyone tell them "how to have fun." I hope more people come into the hobby. I may dust off my saurian ancients and add a fancy new titanopod.
@jamessmithiii4129 8 ай бұрын
❤my guy... glad you liked the vid and great point about taking the reigns!
@lesbianmorgoth652 8 ай бұрын
As someone who didn't know what the 9th age was before this video, it looks really great! I'll be checking out those links for sure :)
@gaminginthekiez 8 ай бұрын
That’s exciting news! Hope you enjoy the experience! I also suggest looking into the 9th Age forum and searching for players within your area. It’s how I found out guest James (VampsinMD) :)
@lesbianmorgoth652 8 ай бұрын
@@gaminginthekiez i will! i doubt there will be many where i live lol, but i can hope!
@winnugami 8 ай бұрын
Look Mom, I'm on TV.
@CrusaderJJR 8 ай бұрын
I stopped to play t9a years ago when again a new years point update dropped and again I can't play my favourite things. Also the T9A community is more and more getting like GW: so you have a very strong core whichs favours some armies and you see the following like GW does: A new army is presented and everybody loses their mind how broken they are: And then it takes several months or a year to get a more balanced army like it was before Other armies need ages for a good update. Take my beloved Wood Elves: I can't play a legaly Tree only list as I am not allowed to take enough dryads for core. I can't buy magic weapon or usefull upgrages Skaven on the other hand, if you play right you get around 500 or 1000 points for free if a unit is destroyed it comes back on any skaven special entry . . . Skaven got a 25 points 5d6 strengh 5 one time item, could kill anything, wood elves got a 100 points speer trower bow, I would take the item .. . I would just play them as deamons if I ever play again Same goes for H(B)E: The favourite Charakter was the Swordmaster Standard Bearer (Master of Crainreg Tower) But instead of just remove the Option as Standard Bearer, they made the model super expensive and nerved it. So either nerve it, or make it more expensive or strike the option out if you don't like . . Same goes with Bows, Speerman and the Seaguard: The seaguard combines both with more options and special rules. So instead of making the bow man or speerman better, the just increased the price of the seagurad. . . See the newer Saurus: no General, no BSB but unit upgrades everywhere and their champions can leave the unit and used as chaff . . Warriors of Chaos: they should have after vampires courts the best warrior wizard in the world And now? Just a stupid caster . . . Oger Kingdom: a stupid 500 points character just destroyes my 670 avatar of nature because I am not allowed to buy anything usefull . . . New Orks and Goblins´. . . Orks are afraid, Goblins can rally free after a flee option? Shooting frenzied fanatics? some are asking for strengh 5 core orks and more and more are giving their thumb up . . I was so full of hopes for T9A but after years I gave up . . I will not play TOW - I am going to stick with Mordheim and travel internatial for playing it
@jamessmithiii4129 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching the vid (I was the guest!). I know that some of the issues you had being fixed (or at least better than before) might not bring you back but either way I wish you happy gaming. Mordheim is a wonderful game! I can't respond to everything and no game is perfect but just as an example of some balance adjustments since you might last have played, Sylvan elves have been doing very well with updates to their magical bows. An all tree list is definitely possible. I'm not sure what version/update that it wasn't but I'm sure you remember better than me on that one! Currently, you can buy 1170/1125 points of Dryads in core. Not to mention you can do cool things with modeling... my friend plays an all tree list with heathriders... but the heathriders are dryad-centaurs :) HBE core is now much more balanced between spearmen, archers (got accurate) and seaguard (rule changed but still very good and points decreased). Thanks again, especially for taking the time to comment!
@gaminginthekiez 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on and experiences with both systems. Happy wargaming and all the best to you in your travels!
@cjsiskcool 8 ай бұрын
i can 3d print a whole army for between 30-40 dollars but i also make my own stl files
@Galdenistal 8 ай бұрын
I'd say the main reason is that GW don't make very balanced games, also they sell you just as much paper (in the form of rules books etc.) as they do plastic.
@steppes-8917 8 ай бұрын
How is 500 points difference a 10-10 before objective? Thx for the report
@gaminginthekiez 8 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for the comment and great catch! The slide has a typo. My opponent should have -2347, making a 178pt difference.
@PrzemysławWavielKopaczewski 9 ай бұрын
Ok so about that combat prince on chariot vs dogs your opponent can't use hereditary there bcs his prince is put of 18" range only his general can have hereditary in his rooster and this model is in Sea Guards unit on board center there is no way he has 18" range to his prince.
@gaminginthekiez 8 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for pointing that out! I’ll keep that in mind next time I play against HBE.
@cesarbeltranlarred3686 9 ай бұрын
Low of energy or full of it, I love your batreps. Keep them comming! I just saw the deployment by now. As a long time full darkhide DL player, the way you interpreted the rules is wrong for your own demise. You only have to keep 18 inches to scouting units OUTSIDE your deployment zone. Meaning, you can actually deploy succubies 1 inch to his scouting scraplings! What is more, you would have been able to even charge if doing so. These rules are not commonly used since most lists just deploy their scouts outside their deployment zone. However, it is worth knowing them and even preparing the reference in the rulebook when playing full scout lists as many opponents may be confused at first. But yeah its a ton of fun deployong your courtesan 19 inches away from something and just say I charge turn 1! Thank you for your BR, cheers from Spain!
@gaminginthekiez 9 ай бұрын
Thank you and thank you! So if I'm understanding you correctly, as long as I "pick" the option to scout fully within my deployment zone (because I have to with DH anyway), I get the benefit of counting as "using normal deployment rules," disregarding the 2nd option about having to stay 18" away from an enemy unit, no? This is super helpful feedback and I think I just fell in love with Dark Hide even harder than before haha! Cheers and happy holidays!
@charlessadlerii6205 9 ай бұрын
I like your matrix deep dive! Thanks for the battle report! It was great to play you guys! And yes, the Hunting Spears were on fire!
@gaminginthekiez 9 ай бұрын
Thank you good sir and all the best to you in your tabletop endeavors! Hope to see y’all again when the Baltimore crew finds itself in the Midwest region for another event! Cheers and happy holidays
@redmondbarry6492 10 ай бұрын
Nice report.
@gaminginthekiez 10 ай бұрын
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!
@niklaseriksson9518 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for the great battle rep!
@gaminginthekiez 10 ай бұрын
My pleasure! Thanks for watching!
@nicohermans1029 10 ай бұрын
Digistive vomit would have triggered agaisnt the prince. When u draw a combat, it counts as both sides are winning^^ i learned it with gluttony warriors :D love those bat reps! Army looks great too
@gaminginthekiez 10 ай бұрын
Nice! Thanks for the insight 🙌
@robertkjellander8738 10 ай бұрын
Recently found your channel but I like it and subscribed! Just go with your gut regarding the channel name, can't imagine people will care about that in the long run it's the content that matters. But I'm on the verge of converting one of my channels to a wargaming channel so I can give you my thoughts if that helps. I'm gonna look for something that's related to a model or army that I love, I won't care if it's original or not as long as I like it and it fits fantasy. And if I come up with something longer I'll atleast try to find some part of the name people can call it when talking about the channel, so for example Chihammer Fantasy Battles is long and complicated but people just say "Chihammer". But I'll still make it original enough that the youtube url is available, as well as facebook page and twitter in case I someday want to expand there.
@gaminginthekiez 10 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for the subscription and the input in regards to switching the channel name. Looking like I'll just keep the name for now but we shall see. Best of luck with creating your channel and please send the info my way once it is up and running!
@robertkjellander8738 10 ай бұрын
@@gaminginthekiez You're welcome! Yeah it's not a decision you need to rush, better to be sure because a second name change might be confusing:). Sure I will, thanks for the interest:)
@robertkjellander8738 11 ай бұрын
I enjoyed it, thanks for sharing!