@Lucentile 8 минут бұрын
I just want my Astro stun back for four man stuff.
@sushioishii8950 9 минут бұрын
OMG... Viper was so fine and different. While the story is a complete disaster and they are probably not going to do anything to fix 7.1 MSQ at this point.
@TruthSeeker777 11 минут бұрын
FFs . Leave Viper alone. The Job is EASY. It's perfect. Stop making changes that dont matter just cause a minor few find it "hard". Sigh i dont know why im ranting here instead of twitter...
@espereidolon6476 16 минут бұрын
Instead of using coins they could just go use their phone or pc and subscribe using the mog station. That is very much an option
@jonny1494 19 минут бұрын
we have beenn spoiled rotten by the devs
@Jon_the_Wizard 30 минут бұрын
Yeah, I don't get what people are getting at with Viper. I've played it, it feels fine.
@AgentRedShirt 35 минут бұрын
Translation.. Everyones whining about actually having to play a job for once. So were going to make viper easy mode a month in. Theyve already ruined just about every other class to make things feel too much like the same thing as it is. Viper was the one thing that felt nice and fun for a change.. but NOPE! People like to moan too much.
@CRiSiS_iNFiNiTE 40 минут бұрын
coming out same time as elden ring is actually great cuz if you need a break from dying brutally for hours you can go to the fuckin beach man
@kitten9138 Сағат бұрын
I feel for the healers as well, but to that end..I had a healer in a dungeon last night that give healers in general a bad name. I was tanking on a warrior and our Sage didn't bother to use Kardia. Now..did I NEED it? No..but if healers are going to be upset about not feeling useful or needed, then they also need to MAKE themselves useful and needed. Her excuse for not using it was, "You're not dead yet are you?" Look..I get it, you're a healer and want to feel useful to a party and your tank doesn't exactly need a lot of healing..but if you're going to queue for a dungeon as a healer..then do your damned job. Kardia is literally a cast it and forget it spell..hell, she could of put it on one of the dps..but instead just didn't want to out of spite. Honestly, while yes I get that healers are wanting to feel useful in dungeons..this healer strike is getting a bit out of hand and yall need to just do your job or don't play healer.
@realityveil6151 45 минут бұрын
i agree with the sage. Can't effect change without being a nuisance
@MekareP 30 минут бұрын
Ok. At first I was with you until I thought about it. If it's not needed, what's your problem with them not using it? Did you die? Were there issues that arose? I mean what was the effect? You didn't make that clear other than Healer didn't do the thing I think they should. I don't use the bell or wings often as WHM ..why? Cause I don't need to. That's it. If a tank said I should use them for no reason? That's just being bossy.
@kitten9138 22 минут бұрын
@@MekareP That's not the point..not doing your job as a healer at all just to be a pain isn't getting a point across. As I said, they could of put the spell on a DPS..but they just didn't want to do anything and would of rather gotten a free carry through the dungeon. What she did is griefing..not making a point.
@cutejustice Сағат бұрын
If the devs want to make changes please take another look at the healers and leave vipers alone! Viper needs a little time for people to understand and there’s so many outlets for them to learn (POTD, trash mobs, etc..)
@thoriphes2007 Сағат бұрын
This would be a good video to utilize chapters feature in YT. Thanks for covering the announcement!
@brandohernandez9991 Сағат бұрын
You think Mnk got hit hard, once they release Viper. I don’t see a lot of mnk in my server
@rickmel09 Сағат бұрын
"fun detected"
@amediocremenace Сағат бұрын
Meanwhile, I'm over here hoping they add the walking cast bars to pve eventually because i want positioning to matter playing ranged, and i want them to add positionals back to more melee buttons again. Who the heck is playing this game?! I wish the jobs were easy to pick up and difficult to master. Keep you more engaged with the game. I feel like there should be levels to it. Learning your job having a learning curve, and then learning the fights. Gives the game more depth.
@Sephirothll Сағат бұрын
I'm just going to leave this Reddit comment: "A_Jonjitsu: I'm gonna get downvoted for this post but I gotta say. For a game that's been out for over 10 years where Yoshi-P has clearly favored the casual audience. You're telling me that after 10 years~ that Viper had to be adjusted because it was too busy!? After 10 years, we can't throw in directionals in the job. Y'all can't just press True North? You know what's very satisfying? When something finally clicks. It may be hard in the beginning but the euphoria you get when you've finally understand something is one of the best feelings. I hope Viper continues to be a busy job because we need more complicated jobs"
@brandohernandez9991 Сағат бұрын
Level them up hotcakes fresh from the oven, once they get cold everyone going back to there main. Picto is so broken
@NeoDMC Сағат бұрын
For real, I didn't think it was that bad, until I looked at dmg logs. Then I saw Picto where you'd usually see BLM and I was like holy shit. I'd put Picto ahead of SMN/RDM sure, but for them to be edging out some of the Melee DPS is insane.
@20marzboy Сағат бұрын
Yeah as a black mage I have pulled aggro a few times in dungeons when I get my spell speed going very fast which I was confused on happening until I saw this statement
@BorgWolf359 Сағат бұрын
Viper is the easiest job I have ever played! I have played them all so far except Pictomancer! I am doing that after I finish leveling up Viper! Viper is quick & very easy to use!
@Misckelskyisch Сағат бұрын
this is going to ruin the tour
@DarthStuticus Сағат бұрын
looking at threat in alliance raids.. Viper is not easy.. I often see them at the bottom of threat. I'm usually top as picto but sometimes a good viper will beat me so i know they CAN do good damage, but the Job makes 0 sense to me and i feel its like this for many others. You can't get good at viper by Feel like you can as almost any other job. you push buttons and do damage, but you dont just push buttons and do GOOD damage.
@henrycameron8248 Сағат бұрын
On the comment about picto having to paint, I'm actually wondering when in the world I'm supposed to paint mid-fight. Yeah, I know I can paint during downtime and between pulls, but I have no idea if cycling my GCDs is all I'm supposed to do after I use all my motifs and I can still hit the boss
@crowevil4658 Сағат бұрын
That’s why I haven’t picked it up yet. It intimidates me. One thing Zepla mentioned in her media tour video was that the damage output is crazy, so while painting seems like a waste of time, its output is commensurate to the cast times. As far as jobs, some people feel Picto is slightly overturned, but it is a higher output job right now. All speculation on my part because I haven’t touched it. But my guess is always be pressing buttons. Don’t stand there and you’ll be too dog if you know your basic rotation on it. Idk. Lol
@rickmel09 Сағат бұрын
you're supposed to paint before the muses come off cooldown (and outside of buff windows)
@rickmel09 37 минут бұрын
@@crowevil4658 of course motifs are going to be a DPS gain, otherwise no one would ever use them using the living motif as an example, 2 casts will give you 2 living muses that are worth 1100 potency each, and a mog of ages that's 1300 all added, you get 3500 potency for 8 seconds worth of GCDs, which is around 430 potency per second for reference: thunder in magenta and comet in black are 880 potency over 3,3 seconds - which is 266/second
@hayalmatnu9919 2 минут бұрын
I was able to find lots of moments during ex1, I feel like encounters in DT accommodate picto's gameplay
@zeng58 Сағат бұрын
i have to agree please keep the viper the way it is i have to open up i will saying this straight i have adhd and love viper. please yoshi p keep it the way it is i beg i beg!! i don't know why they are complaining if the directions gets remove how about this remove it for all melee then. i don't get this idiocy from the players
@leojboby Сағат бұрын
Tanks needing to pay attention to having and maintaining, sounds like a challenge tanks SHOULD have (and that dps should account for) instead of the braindead enmity holding mechanics that have haunted FFXIV forever. How about giving some tools to tanks to manage aggro, change how different tanks handle aggro to differentiate between them. NO? nvm i guess our aoe is again going to generate 100000000x aggro again, and we can ignore the mechanic altogther. As long as we have other stuff to do, i guess it doesnt quite matter.
@crowevil4658 Сағат бұрын
I know casual tanks that have said, “I don’t have provoke on my hotbar.” Like what!?
@rickmel09 Сағат бұрын
@@crowevil4658 there's no AOE provoke though
@rickmel09 Сағат бұрын
there's no challenge to it, it's just a matter of gear an overgeared DPS not being allowed to attack because they got an undergeared tank in roullette is terrible design
@MekareP 37 минут бұрын
I agree with you. I've noticed the aggro change but we adjusted and it's fine. I think they should leave it as is.
@georgesmirnov6600 Сағат бұрын
I think Viper is easy, once you learn how to read its gauge. I'd say it may be the most confusing part. Even then I personally don't experience it. Other than that - I hope they don't change anything significant. This feedback is insane
@happyellowl7973 Сағат бұрын
yea yoship plays black mage he fucked it up, black mage pros knows what i'am talking about
@Jinxyoutoheaven Сағат бұрын
Going to be honest I do not like directionals though that’s why I only play mages
@BlackjackSP 2 сағат бұрын
Honestly after diving into VPR and not maining melee, it's really not that bad lol, you just have to actually do bare minimum learning your job
@25xxfrostxx 2 сағат бұрын
I hate the viper positionals. People keep misrepresenting (deliberately) saying that they're "slowing down" the job. They never said that. If a melee job is only "good" with true north off CD, it's not a good job. Besides, there's no way the devs don''t have more data than we do. They don't get a movement speed increase so having to re-position every 3 hits will kill over all output since in order to get all of the hits in their proper place. Plus, if you have to worry about looking at your button to see red or green you aren't paying attention elsewhere. People are attacking anyone who doesn't love their shiny new toy with the "If it's too hard play something else" blah blah. I don't think it's hard. It's flat line brain dead. I think it feels bad to play in several ways.
@Sephirothll 2 сағат бұрын
For fuck sake, know what you're talking about first. Viper is perfectly fine even if you don't do the positionals, because they are only a minimal potency increase. If you don't want to, don't do it. And, it's not like there's no other jobs easier for you to play with. Viper almost play itself, remove it's positional and you will fall asleep!
@25xxfrostxx Сағат бұрын
@@Sephirothll Found one! This is one of the ones I was talking about in my last paragraph. "Just don't do the positionals" is a stupid answer. No other way to say it. If they're "perfectly fine" without them then it shouldn't matter if they aren't there and if they are and you aren't doing them, you aren't playing your job correctly.
@crowevil4658 Сағат бұрын
@@Sephirothll there isn’t a hard penalty to missing your directional requirements, only not hitting the next proc. As for data, FFlogs has Viper at its lowest output aligned to mid-range for half the DPS available (for now). So theoretically, even if you only hit 1/3 of your directional requirements, then your output will likely be higher than most other jobs at average performance. I only bring up FFlogs for one reason, output. I’ve said this countless times before - output only ever matters for DPS checks. If a team collectively clears DPS checks, then it doesn’t matter what color your team’s parse or individual parse is. The colors come with practice and familiarity with the content. And a majority of this content, the checks are only relevant to Savage and above (or Ex on min iLv). It’s too early to rely on any data and the devs shouldn’t take action just yet. Players need to deal with Viper as is for another month or two, at least until a few weeks into the first tier of savage to see how community sentiment changes and how the job plays against the most difficult content available. This adjustment is reactionary and risks an over correction. This outcry lends itself to why WHM no longer has Cleric Stance, and why the game can mostly function without healers on casual content, resulting in a “strike.” Large groups of players raise concerns about difficulty when often they can just spend a few minutes with a striking dummy to understand their inputs, resulting in overly-accessible game play. It’s a balancing act, sure, but AST is all but ruined now, BLM is in a weird ass spot, and now the most fun aspect of Viper is in jeopardy. We really need to be careful with how we as a community provides feedback because the current state of the game is a result of the feedback over the last several years - coming soon, dps strike, look forward to it.
@lmpoknya Сағат бұрын
If repositioning every 3 gcds is bad for out put, then every melee has this problem. Monk, Ninja and Sam has positionals on their 3rd combo step. Reaper is moving back and forth with gibbet and gallows. Drg is arguably the best by your definition but man Drg is pretty damn busy atm. GRANTED, back to viper, I find it a pain to reposition while hitting all the "continuations". Could be my keybind issue. But you shouldnt be ignoring positionals. The low potency increase is moreso just less punishing if you miss it due to unfortunate boss turning.
@Sephirothll Сағат бұрын
@@25xxfrostxx Jobs aren't only about damage. If they where literaly everyone would just play the highest dps and every other one would be left on the dust. No, Viper is not perfectly fine without positionals, where did I say that? Positionals are there to be a reward for those who get to do them, NOT AS A REQUIREMENT FOR THE JOB TO BE PERFECTLY FINE. Don't like positionals, don't do them, they are not meant for the likes of you.
@tarvox14 2 сағат бұрын
Ive moved to Viper from Monk because I like how fast it is, and it feels so satisfying to move around to max potency by hitting those positional just right... The only times i bother using true north is when theres crap on the ground that prevents me from going there...
@JayShifu 2 сағат бұрын
I agree with changes. I felt like all streamers said it was easy but when I play viper I feel like there’s so many combos and different buttons that highlight at the same time that idk what to click. As Viper, I feel myself looking at hotbar more than other classes. Add that on top of positional and it’s a bit annoying to play.
@Wh1t3W0lf159 58 минут бұрын
It's generally a bit confusing at first, especially if you just stare at your hot bar full of new similar sounding abilities at lvl80. But if you go through them, one at a time, from the start and piece things together, you see it come together. The easiness most creators are most likely describing is how, once you have things set up, you see how the viper gauge and buttons lighting up basically guide you through the weaving 1-2 combo. If you go through it slowly then you see most of the skills just come in pairs of two, you either go left or right, most of the time it doesn't matter which way you go, but if it does then just press the only one that's highlighted. It's simple but does take some focus to get going and to hit the fast positionals, but I think that's what sets it apart from other classes. Some people find the hyper charge window on MCH annoying or even impossible to play due to high latency, but that's the job. I hate the rng abilities on BRD and DNC, but I would be upset if they changed that for players like me, cause I'm just not going to play the job and I know others enjoy those classes that way.
@geovanegustavo4320 47 минут бұрын
Play another job
@abe9090 2 сағат бұрын
For a new player, the viper may be too tough. That may be whats he is referring too. Im currently leveling a BLM so I havent had a chance to see viper playstyle yet.
@crowevil4658 Сағат бұрын
@@abe9090 I can’t full sympathize or empathize with this. Wouldn’t new players be playing ARR or HW? If they used a story skip, then, you know, that’s by their own design. Wouldn’t it? If you mean, “new player” as in one that finished MSQ up to Dawntrail naturally within the last year, then okay, a little more understanding. Although, I’d hope that they’d have at least picked up a melee dps at some point in their journey. Having not touched a DRG or MNK for example could make for a bad time on VPR, but, again, the job spoon feeds players with procs.
@rickmel09 Сағат бұрын
a new player wouldn't be at level 80 though the only problem i have with viper is that the OGCDs are very clunky with mid-high ping
@yamchayaku 2 сағат бұрын
I just got the viper and I'm trying to figure it out. Seems like I have to do a lot of reading, especially because I hear there's a ton of timers and positionals in this job. I feel like I'm playing starcraft with the Machinist. Seems like Viper is the Melee version of it, lol
@CadeMan101 2 сағат бұрын
Do the first Viper quest, the game teaches you. That and watch a guide
@Komajju 2 сағат бұрын
It’s easy once you discover the skills are all duplications of one another but with different positional requirements. Everything else is spoon fed to you.
@crowevil4658 Сағат бұрын
@@yamchayaku the timers and gauges are mostly irrelevant. The job procs your next hit based on those timers, so you rarely have to check them. When you get your burst, you do need to check that all your timers are up, but the end timers are so far out, that if you input immediately after applying the last, you are usually good to go. Other than that, hitting your directional requirements for maximum output, which won’t kill your performance if you miss a few. I hardly think there is a player that consistently misses all of them. If they are, it’s intentional or they haven’t given any real effort to understand the job. Literally, if you refuse to move from rear for example, then you’ll hit 50% of the reqs. Lol
@crowevil4658 2 сағат бұрын
I love Viper as is, but I tunnel so much. It’s not difficult, it’s distracting. I don’t even have time to be bothered reading the on screen prompts.
@ENGRtube 2 сағат бұрын
This is me as well! I have Viper level 98 currently and have a comfortable enough rotation layed out but I feel like im look at my hotbars so much im barely paying attention to anything else lol super fun DPS though hope they don't change to much
@crowevil4658 Сағат бұрын
@@ENGRtube I feel like the community is overreacting too early. I’m sure with practice, I’ll get it. I’ve been tanking all content for two expansions. It’s a learning curve for sure, but this is exactly it. I have no concerns, if anything, give me one more True North Charge if only for the bosses that spin themselves around on their own and frequently.
@pteronura6739 9 минут бұрын
that’s honestly a skill issue
@lenorevanalstine1219 2 сағат бұрын
dungeons seems to be idiotically easy most of the time or insanely technical and difficult with pretty much nothing in between
@wreckingvi2265 3 сағат бұрын
man, Cunning Hares make me laugh so hard. they are so hilarious.
@bagofseat 3 сағат бұрын
I'm glad this video exists because the first Pictomancer mission is an actual nightmare scenario for me. The game asking you to combine Pom and Wing motif got me so confused and frustrated that I quit the mission twice and shut the game off. The next sentence mentions the skill you need to use but as someone who has never played Pictomancer before there's no discernable way to understand their talking about using a skill in the sentence. They need to reword or rework this training mission because I thought I just learned the class before jumping in and then when the game starts telling you to do things not possible like combining Pom and Wing, it just left me completely confused and uninterested.
@koalaninja2981 3 сағат бұрын
I'm just saying even dps could solo mythic dungeons in dragonflight so it's not that bad a t least
@AlucardNoir 4 сағат бұрын
I thought she was Ukrainian not dwarfish.
@jonny1494 5 сағат бұрын
why is granny so grumpy?
@mahjuganeikeronai234 15 сағат бұрын
what is the game on and called
@sammicoporsammicopor 16 сағат бұрын
You can make pineapple juice in ff14, thats kind of like the tuliyollal punch.
@hailburngw2824 16 сағат бұрын
funny how i see this as now im trying to resub after taking a break for a few months and now i cant. I JUST WANNA PLAY!
@crashzone6600 16 сағат бұрын
Now that I'm finished with the dawntrail MSQ, I'm hoping i can say farewell to Wuk Lamat.
@katherinemerkel3505 2 сағат бұрын
@OWA777 16 сағат бұрын
i hate the new gap closers on gunbreaker :( lots of other good changes tho
@1UPCherry 16 сағат бұрын
Calm down grandma, you don't wanna keel over :O
@caynidar6295 17 сағат бұрын
Greg's done all kinds of themed drinks, sponsored and unsponsored. DnD, Game of Thrones, Zelda, Fallout, Cyberpunk and many, many more! I don't even drink and I watch his channel very regularly! He also has episodes where he specifically makes nonalcoholic drinks, as well as ones where he does both an alcoholic and nonalcoholic version of the same drink.
@silvernode 17 сағат бұрын
I always knew about console needing another sub for online play but never thought about it much when people would ask me which device I recommend getting the game on. I suppose I should start telling people to play on PC if they can because it's cheaper.
@elig1703 18 сағат бұрын
He does make drinks that are horrible, usually as a challenge . . . it's pretty funny
@bBen16493 19 сағат бұрын
Healer thing I s just woke cry babies literally what half the ff player base is sensitive targeted minorities ,, and begin ,,
@TheOdinsLance 21 сағат бұрын
I don't drink, but I sub to this guy because the drinks he makes look delicious.
@elig1703 18 сағат бұрын
I don't know if he has a side channel or if it's just occasionally, but he makes non-alcoholic drinks sometimes.