Patients And Faith
9 жыл бұрын
Jesus Will Free Them
9 жыл бұрын
Paul and the Faithfulness of God
Speaking of God in a Confused World
Mormonism - What's The Difference?
Challenge of The Cults for Missions
11 жыл бұрын
Persecuted Christians
11 жыл бұрын
The Adventist Challenge
11 жыл бұрын
Dare to Dream God's Dream
11 жыл бұрын
Love is ... - Love Series Part Three
Love Hopes - Love Series Part One
Nostradamus Exposed
11 жыл бұрын
Millennial Madness Part Two
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Millennial Madness Part One
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Portrait of CFAR Hungary
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Resurrection Debate Part Two
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Resurrection Debate Part One
11 жыл бұрын
Atheism vs. Theism Debate
11 жыл бұрын
Understanding Islam Part Two
11 жыл бұрын
Understanding Islam Part One
11 жыл бұрын
@reneresurreccion2443 3 күн бұрын
There are people destined by God to be saved and be truly blessed - they are those who believe in Jesus and follow his teachings. There are also people destined to rebel against God and his word, to reject God's prophets and teachers, to follow the spirit of Satan, and as a consequence be damned to hell - these are those who reject God's word, and are full of envy of the blessings of those who are blessed; they include the producer of this Youngman films and their selected interviewees in this film. They die of envy at the success of Dr. Bill Gothard; they are deceived by Mammon so they sue righteous people to obtain illicit money. They will be cast to the outer darkness where their worms never die, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
@jimisnotunique 22 күн бұрын
Gothard's false teaching reveals how weak the Evangelical church was back then. Lots of pastors fell for it, who should have known better.
@type1dmama299 25 күн бұрын
Is ALERT part of this?
@davidbrown-hf3ti Ай бұрын
My family wasn’t into this, but many folks in my church. One thing I thought I observed, was that I rarely saw any of the adherents give a big, free belly laugh. They’d smile or chuckle, but both usually seemed nervous or painful.
@les72107 Ай бұрын
Yea, I had a catholic pastor tell me to not bother with the Old Testament books just skip right to the back. The Old Testament is just too confusing. I disagreed politely saying if you want to know the ending you only get there from knowing the beginning. 🙏 it’s very sad . I guess that’s why I left religion. 🙏🙌🙏
@leodionne948 2 ай бұрын
Most of our old senior good Preacher are passing away.,and we don’t realize it.
@melissamorton1282 3 ай бұрын
Please, don't do your children a disservice and teach them from this stuff! Kids need to be taught by professional teachers, not what a preacher with misogynist views recommends.
@debsquires847 3 ай бұрын
There’s no way this was a cult lmaol
@debsquires847 3 ай бұрын
Nobodies family gets messed up from these teachings ..maybe these people were already messed up..
@mathmotivation 3 ай бұрын
The sad result is some that come out of this system of hyper-legalism then go the other direction, rejecting all biblical standards, attacking any Christians that adhere to biblical standards, and instead embrace the godlessness of the current culture. There is a happy medium for Christians. Some public charter schools will allow for curriculum choice while still providing opportunities for more open socialization. And for those that can afford, Christian schools are also an alternative. The sad reality is that many public schools are not a good choice.
@thecultchronicles 3 ай бұрын
I think you’re speaking of a very small group of individuals who swing that far a viciously. Most of us who have left this control and conditioning are interested in healing ourselves from the pain we suffered. Most don’t really worry about religion as they once did because it is the source of the abuse and pain. We don’t shout “all christians are bad”. What I can say is I plead that all christians do no harm to others and listen to abuse victims who speak up. THAT should be the bigger concern.
@mikezieg80 4 ай бұрын
1pet1:8 whom having not seen you love though now you do not see Him yet believing.
@annjoyce579 4 ай бұрын
Saul-- the mass murderer of christians-- became Paul; Diocletian-- the mass murderer of christians-- became a Christian, wed 12 year rome prisoner syria queen zenobia ptolemy-epiphanes his 2nd wife, Diocletian resigned as dictator, retired to Croatia and their daughter 1 of 3 wrote historic apology on behalf of her Dad. Prophet Muhammad should be greatly honoured for His spiritual journey the same.
@annjoyce579 4 ай бұрын
Some muslim men years ago asked me what happens to Islam? I replied to Continue worshipping The One God and acknowledge Jesus Christ as prophet Muhammad concluded-- and NO longer seek death of the Jewish people. Seek peace-- despite corrupt Netanyahu.
@annjoyce579 4 ай бұрын
Mhammed writings are his diary thoughts and his writings continued to record his.....spiritual progresson...and his final papers were found, miraculously as foretold, hidden stuck within books in the archive in mecca. Found, read aloud by large groups of Muslim clerics, copies handwritten by those clerics the final words He wrote, His conclusion, " Jesus Christ is everything He said He was." Don't condemn prophet Muhammad for His diary recorded His spiritual journey. One God, yes.
@redsmanu 4 ай бұрын
One note, at the end, it was stated that Cain married his sister. That is false. Cain did not marry his sister. That is not biblical and is a false conjecture without any biblical evidence. The fact is that Cain married a person created in Gen. 1, from outside of the Garden creation, which is outlined in Gen. 2., and that is why the two chapters are so different.
@christinedoe8192 5 ай бұрын
@nadiaasainova680 5 ай бұрын
What I can’t understand why this guy was never in jail that’s what really is scary! we talk about prince Aandrew being a perv to one girl and this guy was doing it for years to so many girls !!! Makes me so sick 🤢
@katskull101 5 ай бұрын
March 20, 6 bc
@bacaworld7095 5 ай бұрын
Why is it so hard for people to just read the Bible for themselves and have a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ! ❤ it’s really not that hard… if you read the Bible ONLY for the first few years and pray the Holy Spirit will quickly show you this is garbage!
@carolynwhite9975 6 ай бұрын
IMO, it appears when a religious leader teaches and indoctrinates hyper-purity, hyper-modesty especially for the women, it is that leader that is the pervert .
@TheKensei777 6 ай бұрын
bible neverrrr said earth is a ball. round means circular.
@soundlycreative 7 ай бұрын
32:28 yes! ❤❤❤❤
@KevinThompsonKreative 7 ай бұрын
It wasn’t that bad for many of us. There is good and bad in it.
@thecultchronicles 3 ай бұрын
But do you even care to understand why the bad is necessary to shed light on?? There are hazard warnings on things that have caused harm. Proceed with caution. I’m glad you’ve had a good experience but it doesn’t mean it’s ok to diminish those who had a really bad time and were abused and denied a solid start at life.
@KevinThompsonKreative 3 ай бұрын
Having my own experience and opinion does not diminish someone else’s different experience or opinion. Without being entitled to your own opinion is partly how Gothard tried to gain control.
@bonerthompson6359 7 ай бұрын
Well that was a huge waste of time watching this. Just because people accuse you of something does not mean for a FACT that it is TRUE. The METOO nonsense was around this time and it demeans actual victims of sexual assault. No one the crybabies in this video complained of sexual assault and they are just wimps, and that fat lady with the bad hair said the she never believed he can do such a thing, then was brainwashed to believe it because of the accusations. People are vary sheepish. I have no dog in this fight either way just came across this documentary randomly and holy shit it was boring. I am actually survivor of childhood sexual molestation and i know how horrific it is. I am also not naive, false accusations of aforementioned acts can be just as damaging, and as this documentary shows that people will believe whatever crap they are told if it is presented in a nice package.
@thecultchronicles 3 ай бұрын
Wow. I think your out burst is a huge tragic call out for help and care. Attacking how people look and what they feel safe and ok about sharing is really cruel. You wouldn’t want someone to deny your truth, why are you so willing to do it with others. Abuse doesn’t have to always be sexual to have a deeply harmful impact on someone’s developmental mind. I hope you are able to find your own value on this earth and compassion for others.
@VelcroKittie 7 ай бұрын
Take a look at new House Speaker Mike Johnson alongside what his wife is involved in, and you will see the impact Bill Gothard has had generations later. And to think every Republican voted for Johnson and considered him a perfectly reasonable and suitable candidate for the job. It's actually beyond the realms of insanity how these people are even in leadership.
@VelcroKittie 7 ай бұрын
Michelle Duggar appears to have a glazed façade going on. I'm sure qualified psychologists and psychiatrists a lot smarter than me could give a very interesting rundown on her situation. I certainly don't believe it, that's for sure. I believe she is a product of some severe brainwashing, and I'm going to hazard a guess she endured some pretty harsh trauma before diving headfirst into the cult. I just get the impression from her that she's sort of 'gliding by' in a sedated life of magical unicorns, marshmallow forests and fluffy white houses made of cotton candy. Like it just cannot be real. I seem to recall somebody mentioning something about it in another documentary where they commented that she wasn't always this way. Even how she stares at Jim Bob as he speaks is deeply unsettling as if she's stuck in the mind of a 7 year old listening to an old person tell a fascinating story. Like...does she stare at him this way when he's reading the grocery shopping list? You look at this documentary and you get a reasonably good idea as to how Maga Republicans came to exist.
@meomy29 7 ай бұрын
Pretty creepy thing when someone says they and their group have the answer to all of their problems. They're making themselves to be God.
@joephillips7057 7 ай бұрын
I wasn't raised in this mess per se, but I was certainly influenced very heavily by it. Allow me to explain. I attended a Christian day school in the suburbs of Atlanta back in the early to mid 80's. By the beginning of sophomore year, IBYC (as it was known in those days) teaching was incorporated into our Bible curriculum. Plus, in the church that sponsored our school, an Assistant Pastor was hired who had worked for Gothard. And for that very reason. Many kids were pulled out of the Christian school so that they could be homeschooled under the ATI curriculum. At first, I didn't think anything strange about any of this. The people who were teaching and advocating this were ones whom I really trusted and respected. As time went on, I started sensing that something was amiss or 'off' for lack of a better word. The more that I was around this teaching, the less I found myself liking it. You couldn't criticize it because it seemed to pervade every aspect of the church and the school. To do so would have brought accusations of rebellion and what not. I began to hear rumors of kids being abused as well as other things that were questionable. Years later, I would ultimately see just how destructive this teaching was and is. It influenced me in ways that it took me years to overcome. This video is eye opening! Thank you for making it!!
@billkeon880 8 ай бұрын
Religion is about obedience. Don’t think, obey. It’s about superstition, magical thinking, delusion. There ain’t no god daddy Santa Claus living in the clouds and no guy in a red suit with a pitchfork running around. You religious people watch too many movies, read one book and are completely gullible.
@VelcroKittie 7 ай бұрын
Religion has most certainly led people to do the daftest of things. It has been deeply destructive in life. I do know some people however who have gotten a lot out of it. Those people tend not to be extreme mind you. Religion is total carnage and a really bad idea for certain types of people to engage in. I think it's ok to live in wonderment of the mystical elements of life we do not understand, but we must be ok with not understanding everything. A bit of humility and the ability to say 'I do not know.' These religious nuts hate admitting they do not know, which is why they go out of their way to make sure everybody knows they allegedly have all the answers. They always end up being total hypocrites.
@billkeon880 7 ай бұрын
@@VelcroKittie Carl Sagan couldn’t have said it better. Many you tubers out there interviewing deconverted people and their numbers are snowballing so there’s hope
@emenem6131 8 ай бұрын
Talking about Gaza and here in Oct 7 2023 Hamas attacks Israel with “unconventional” means…..hundreds dead and injured. Israel has to be able to defend itself and there’s always ignorant people disgusted that Israel would dare to strike back???? Where in this whole world does that play out? Where bombs are dropped in “peace” time and the attacked doesn’t have the right to defend itself? C’mon whether you believe in the Almighty God of Scripture or not you have to scratch your head and deal with the hatred of so many against a small persecuted nation of peoples. Over a tiny area of ground. The young people men and women in their youth have to be warriors because they are such a small nation they don’t have millions for soldier surplus. To be able to fight the criminals breaking down their door over what? Political unrest? No over hatred for a nationality……hatred alone. A spiritual and religious induced hatred. And just like countless times before some will give their lives trying to defend their home but God will not allow them to be wiped out. It’s truly mind blowing even if you leave out religion (which I find it odd it’s ok all over the world to worship a tree if you so choose but it doesn’t result in the kind of persecution we are dealing with here) leave that out and you can’t even begin to make sense of ALL EYES ON ISREAL. Make a list like so many have of all the bad things ever done by a Jew that would cause thousands of years of pure hatred…..wad it up and throw it in the trash because there’s total wickedness going on at all times around the world by all nations that would warrant some hatred but instead 15-20 years and passions cool down. Battles die down and slowly end….but the hatred for the Jews and a few other small groups just never ends. Why? Make it make sense to the smartest people in the world because they can’t tell you either. But the Bible tells the tale.
@vessietaylor 8 ай бұрын
Dave Hunt is awesome. He just educated me on things ive had so many questions about that no pastor will speak with clarity. Thank you so much for putting up this video. In truth, this was an aswered prayer. 😊
@user-dr7bx3uo6z 9 ай бұрын
I'd like to see his (Bill Gothard) head on the belt for a buzz saw! Sin is within the human can't "protect" anyone from their own heart! These teachings are the basis of the Seven Mountains doctrine held by some churches today.
@jonathanburns7746 10 ай бұрын
i was in the first florida department of correction iblp and journey to the heart program. normal recidivism was 8 out of 10 and i think after the courses and seminars it was 2 out of 10. it definitely helped me in my walk .
@MaribelMaldonado-yy6dx 10 ай бұрын
Some perverts never go to jail but the real god will get them
@MaribelMaldonado-yy6dx 10 ай бұрын
I was not raise in a cult but I met a man at my job who was so religious god this and god that I was with h for 20!years his name was John Rosa who now lives in Florida I had a child by him that was nothing he all of a sudden quit his job and took his family to Florida his daughter told his wife I had a child by him that is not nothing when she hot twelve she went to see her so called religious dad and that is where the night mare began etc we no longer speak and the rest is history don't believe those people god is in your heart
@joesielskisr4911 11 ай бұрын
Remnant church I belong for,10 years
@joesielskisr4911 11 ай бұрын
I believe a 😢lot of churches follow him O belong
@DanHintz 11 ай бұрын
religion=mental illness
@thelastpersonalive 11 ай бұрын
Just watched shiny happy people and I was looking for more info on IBLP and damn someone needs to do something about them.
@debsquires847 11 ай бұрын
I really loved the seminar but did he really ask u if ur a
@thecultchronicles 3 ай бұрын
Yes, he really did. To many girls including myself.
@johnmanier9047 11 ай бұрын
My siblings and I were homeschooled back in the early 90s. We circulated with a lot of other families that were into ATI but our family wasn’t affiliated with it. So the other families never got too close with us. My dad wasn’t anti-religious but definitely defiant about submitting to a religious leader. He thought it was a bunch of garbage
@hnybee113 11 ай бұрын
SORRY. Did those creators reach out to you?
@hnybee113 11 ай бұрын
@1ApologeticResponse did any of the creators of the new Amazon doc on the Duggers and this maniacs teachings?? BRILLIANT AND INFORMATIVE WORK. Your work should be featured alongside that documentary.
@susannekloster4883 11 ай бұрын
I was in the Church of Jesus Christ if latter days saints for 34 years. My believe in God and in Jesus Christ slowly changed, and it was more Joseph Smith, than Jesus Christ. I got brainwashed.. I always felt not good enough. Till I started questioned the teachings more and more. Now I stay close to my own heard and mind and to Jesus Christ who is Truth and Love to me. I suffer from complex ptsd.. This cult programs destroys people. My heart is broken for all, who is involved in any kind of cult❤️
@Eagle-bm6sr 11 ай бұрын
I was born into and grew up in the Adventist cult. I say cult because it left me with the same scars as these people in the movie. I'm free now.
@pbg9208 11 ай бұрын
there is no god stop being imbecile idiots
@PLEBEJones 11 ай бұрын
My mom raised us in believing this man, my older brother killed my father and left mother in a coma and vegetative state. I am forever broken.
@thecultchronicles 3 ай бұрын
I am so deeply sorry. I am heartbroken for you. How horrific. I hope you are able to consider seeing a complex trauma informed therapist. It helped save me after the abuses I endured through IBLP and ATI. ❤
@hannah4peace 11 ай бұрын
Have you all watched happy shiny people?
@buckiemohawk3643 11 ай бұрын
The problem is that submission doesnt lead to happiness. The Bible doesnt say that. If it did most mainstream churches would do it. Yet, the biggest issue is all the legalism. In fact, you will see more abuse in quiverfilled homes because it causes the children to lash out.
@artkyger3425 11 ай бұрын
IBLP and IBYC were / are in NO WAY a cult ... Bill Gothard and his teachings have helped me tremendously in all the years of my life. And I will not believe one word of even one accusation against him. And don't reply that he admitted any of it because he didn't. He will be exonerated and the lies of his false accusers will be exposed in due time.
@thecultchronicles 3 ай бұрын
I’m sad to hear you lack capacity to take well rounded views on the things around you. It’s incredibly closed minded. People have been harmed and you don’t care. The scripture doesn’t endorse that behavior so I’m not actually sure the seminars helped you either.
@artkyger3425 3 ай бұрын
False accusations. Not "views around" me. Truth is all that matters. Feelings don t matter near as much as truth and justice. The person harmed is Bill Gothard and Jesus Christ is harmed. So it is really YOU that don't care now isn't it? @@thecultchronicles