Making That Serum Bass Pig Growl
How To Install Xfer Serum Presets
How To Flume.
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@kentower 2 күн бұрын
no idea how you get from the initial sound to that glorious sounding song, mate.
@kentower 10 күн бұрын
may I ask why you have two compressors and are both set to sidechain and if yes - why?
@craigdwillia 11 күн бұрын
Love the idea. Does it work with Pro Tools? I installed it, but can’t find it within PT. I assume it’s used as an insert on the master channel, but I don’t see it.
@underpassmusic3305 13 күн бұрын
not showing the whole loop is criminal
@priyanshusheshkar4921 14 күн бұрын
Good...but not for production And yes i know if they were that good you won't be sharing this but still 😐
@priyanshusheshkar4921 14 күн бұрын
Somehow they sound good and weird at the same time?
@frownclown 15 күн бұрын
what's your producer name man?
@frownclown 16 күн бұрын
damn you are quickkkk in ableton. inspiring me to get my workflow speed up haha
@frownclown 16 күн бұрын
"anyways, im moving to finland!" lmfaooooooo
@wildfiremusic_ 16 күн бұрын
man i miss these tutorials so much 😢
@4567pussydestroyer 27 күн бұрын
How can i download it? The link takes me to all your products and dont know what is it
@Ballslapnificent 28 күн бұрын
Genius idea 💡
@wodacash 29 күн бұрын
this is so sick!
@FvdedVF Ай бұрын
What happened to the other guy?
@prodNieva Ай бұрын
@Tape_Radio_Cassette_Recorder Ай бұрын
Quickly give the Bass density . Try to put a chain of two plug-ins with these settings on any Bass or track : - OTT (XFer Records) - 13% Depth / 343 Time / In Gain 0.0 db / Out Gain 2.4 db / H 3.7 - M 3.7 - L 3.7 / Upward 19% / Downward 90% - Fruity Blood Overdrive (the default setting is standard), sometimes you can turn the knob PRE AMP .
@Sage-zs9qy Ай бұрын
actually I think VR's kicks and snares aren't unusually distorted or dirty. I'd say they're tight and well-placed in the mix and the snare def has a strong fundamental but imo the heaviness comes from sample choices that hit just the right frequencies
@hectorviolin Ай бұрын
You talk too much
@hijackal2804 Ай бұрын
what is this preset called in the youtube presets download?
@guybertt Ай бұрын
not tryna hate but these are all awful
@jijijijijijijijijijijijijijij Ай бұрын
Neddie on RPS??
@titorus_music Ай бұрын
am crying why it's sounds so good
@titorus_music Ай бұрын
Спасибо дядя 🤸‍♂️🌹
@forfree4794 2 ай бұрын
How to made Chordal Masking in FL studio ?? HELP
@JimJuno 2 ай бұрын
When you have this monotone filling in a track to warm things up, do you sidechain that to a kick?
@miguel5652 2 ай бұрын
@Imnotbink 2 ай бұрын
Hell nah
@TXO429 2 ай бұрын
Are we stuck in th 2015s. I mean you should bring something new, something that we never heard before. It's frustrating to see that in almost 10 years the sound design level is still the same sh*t...
@ap3xls329 2 ай бұрын
you made your account 10 years ago and you haven’t uploaded a single one of your songs?
@sebastianvasquez8464 2 ай бұрын
Great tutorial. The next one could be a Marauda or zomboy bass??
@RocketPoweredSound 2 ай бұрын
If you go through our old serum tutorials we have a few tutorials. Any specific instrumentation you want from Marauda or Zomboy?
@AmeMatthewBarker 2 ай бұрын
how the fuck are you so fuckin quicky with the keyboard. i thought i was quick but you're the best. Explain me how
@RocketPoweredSound 2 ай бұрын
Practise :)
@audijoseph2371 2 ай бұрын
I can only imagine you on blow
@RocketPoweredSound 2 ай бұрын
@cloudneverclear 2 ай бұрын
ur so corny i love it
@Max0850 2 ай бұрын
make some techno saw presets for vital pls man
@RocketPoweredSound 2 ай бұрын
It's coming. We're making a hard techno pack
@Max0850 2 ай бұрын
@ 🔥
@Jca56 3 ай бұрын
That section on arrangement was exactly what I've been looking for. So many tutorials teach you how to make cool sounds but then not what to do with them after.
@perryviller 3 ай бұрын
useful, as usual
@FIWl1262num2 3 ай бұрын
classic but cool
@Paloris 3 ай бұрын
Amazing work Canvas 🩵
@victorfunnyman 3 ай бұрын
13:49 you can just press on the delta button (on the bottom) within soothe2 to do the difference, actually! You don't need to make a parallel inverted chain manually!
@yaboicanvas 3 ай бұрын
ooh of course! I didn't think to use that, good tip thanks!
@victorfunnyman 3 ай бұрын
@@yaboicanvas yeah it's harder to make a parallel chain on FL Studio (or at least more cumbersome) so this was a lifesaver
@taunado 3 ай бұрын
Rad. I think you can get that peak whistle sound by adding a bitcrush effect and changing it's rate.
@Frankie_G_ 3 ай бұрын
Y'all have a tutorial on that intro growl? Thanks
@haphaz7ard 3 ай бұрын
Hi! Thanks for the shoutout! Loving these techniques so sick!
@NeuKatalYst 3 ай бұрын
Ayo, it's Canvas! Neu says hi!
@yaboicanvas 3 ай бұрын
Here are the Serum formulas used in the video! Thanks again to Evr! and SilverySky for letting us show these off: Minor Sounding Formula: q < 8 || q == 8 || q == 12 || q == 14 || q == 16 || q == 19 || q == 24 || q == 28 || q == 32 || q == 19*2 || q == 24*2 || q == 28*2 || q == 32*2 || q > 32*2 ? in : 0 + z*0 Major Sounding Formula: q < 8 || q == 8 || q == 12 || q == 14 || q == 16 || q == 20 || q == 24 || q == 28 || q == 32 || q == 20*2 || q == 24*2 || q == 28*2 || q == 32*2 || q > 32*2 ? in : 0 + z*0
@haphaz7ard 3 ай бұрын
Sick yeah this is the same sort of thing I did I'll put the one I used in my twitter video here too: z=(q==5 || q==7 || q==10 || q==11 || q==13 || q==14 || q==15 || q==17 || q==20 || q==21 || q==22 || q==23 || q==25 || q==26 || q==27 || q==28 || q==29 || q==30 || q==31 || q==33 || q==34 || q==35 || q==37 || q==39 || q==40 || q==41 || q==42 || q==44 || q==45 || q==46 || q==47 || q==49 || q==50 || q==51 || q==52 || q==53 || q==54 || q==55 || q==56 || q==58 || q==59 || q==60 || q==61 || q==62 || q==63 || q==65 || q==66 || q==67 || q==68 || q==69 || q==70 || q==71 || q==73 || q==74 || q==75 || q==77 || q==78 || q==79 || q==80 || q==81 || q==82 || q==83 || q==84)?0.05:in
@victorfunnyman 3 ай бұрын
can you explain how you made these formulas?
@victorfunnyman 3 ай бұрын
@@haphaz7ard can you explain aswell how you did this? that enumeration looks really long man
@Everither 3 ай бұрын
@@victorfunnyman Hi! Serum formulas can get pretty complicated indeed! It's a bit difficult to fully summarise in one comment, so I recommend checking out the formula parser section in Serum's user manual :) I will try my best to explain the rough logic behind this particular formula: This formula uses the control flow structure, which takes the form: [condition] ? [true action] : [false action] If [condition] is satisfied, then [true action] will be taken. If [condition] is not satisfied, then [false action] will be taken. In this case, [condition] is 'q < 8 || q == 8 || … || q > 32*2', where q represents the frequency bin. [true action] is 'in', and [false action] is '0'. (Due to how Serum's parser works, '+ z*0' is attached at the end to ensure all frames of the wavetable are processed. This is just a quirk with how Serum interprets formulas and doesn't have any logical implications here.) In plain English, this is what the formula is doing: IF the frequency bin is less than 8, or equal to these particular values, or larger than 32*2, THEN leave them as is, ELSE set them to 0. In essence, it is identical to the subtract spectra method Canvas demonstrated earlier, where unwanted frequencies are carved out in the mid range. I left out a lot of details here, but I hope this helps! Feel free to ask more quetions if you are still confused :D
@victorfunnyman 3 ай бұрын
Oh don't worry, I've looked at the manual before! I've even made a few formulas in the past, I could share some actually! For instance, making a "saw-angle" which is basically a triangle but instead of being only odd harmonics, it's all harmonics, you just need to input: "1/q" it sounds pretty soft but also very warm, I use it a lot of softer synths, for both bass and chords! Then from there, I made one such that it sounds like a saw being filtered with a small resonance, but as a clean wavetable! As follows: "1/(e^(-4*z)*q)" the idea is similar but instead using z (the frame number) in order to dictate per the frame how high it is. I used an exponential just because else the modulation seemed to be logarithmic. Then here come two formulas which make for great squishy basses! (basically, if a saw wave was taken through disperser, but instead here as an explicit formula for infinite resolution!) "sin(e^(-x+pi*z+0))" the idea is basically to use sin() on a decreasing exponential so more zero-crossings happen at the start compared to the end (although you could do it with increasing and instead get more on the left, the importance is that it's lopsided and siney!) Although you may spot an issue with the previous when you input it, because as you sweep through the wavetable, it changes most partials of phase (since it's sweeping through the graph!) so I used a different method to keep it mostly in phase. It mostly involed making the middle a zero-crossing and keeping it as is. "sin(3^(-x/2+4*z-0.5)*x)" it's really just multiplying the inside by x. using 3 is just arbitrary, and that -0.5 bias is so that you can choose to have less or more sineyness at the end of your wavetable Yeah
@HumanVsRobot 3 ай бұрын
Interesting tutorial. I really love what you’re doing with these basses. I may give a try.
@sanctussordes489 3 ай бұрын
First like and then watch ♥️
@turtlefeet7722 3 ай бұрын
sounds brutal..
@LuxLucidOfficial 3 ай бұрын
The reese has no saw wave.... therefore 🙄
@AnikiMUSIC1 3 ай бұрын
what the actual f is this working speed goddayum
@theplasticeyes 3 ай бұрын
I always try to do everything like you do it but the sound ends up completely different
@RocketPoweredSound 3 ай бұрын
Just download it from our free downloads vault
@seventhnoise 3 ай бұрын
The sound design is absolutely insane !!!! thanks for your videos
@RocketPoweredSound 3 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoy it!