pov: you are a badass assassin.
i came to take your life
Жыл бұрын
the line between crime and justice
Nothing's fair in love and war
you're a solo fighter
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I'll go into the dark to find you
If i burn it all will it all end?
Your fate is written in blood
Last one standing
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It's time for the hero to pay...
@mightyflumph5329 2 сағат бұрын
Please just leave. Theres no need for this. Just let me die of age.
@gottarunstormboi Күн бұрын
"The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose."
@NeedHelpCat Күн бұрын
How can I express myself? The moment you saw me, you attacked just because I'm big and strong
@Arab_Doge 2 күн бұрын
@itszii_ 2 күн бұрын
never thought doing a homework would be so epic
@GeaninaPopa-oo1py 2 күн бұрын
It would have been great if the uploader typed the names of bands and names of the songs.
@AM-iv8ku 3 күн бұрын
I understand now............. That Heaven needs sea Monsters in her Oceans to sink ships To keep the pride of Angels in check As it was pride that changed Angels into Devils As the pride of Angels is sunk by Monsters, let Angels be filled with humility As it is humility that makes Men as Angels
@firecrakcer001 3 күн бұрын
I believe I can fly has no right to go that hard. It shounds like the theme that plays as someone's finally broken through a barrier. They finally reached the next level. They're giving one final, desperate push back against something impossible. It's the theme that plays when someone's about to die and it could be anyone and you are on the edge of your seat to see what happens.
@DuCKhAcKERWK04 5 күн бұрын
You call me the devil but dont forget i became this because of betrayal from the one you praise so who truly is the monster here dr frankenstein or his monster.
@ytrtea1089 5 күн бұрын
You fight, why? to defend yourself from me? I did NOTHING TO YOU IS MY MERE EXISTANCE SO DISGUSTING? AM I DISGRACEFUL? ALL I WANTED WAS TO LIVE, WHO DID I HURT? I had my reasons for things, as I'm sure you have yours But the difference between you and I is that I seek to understand yours, and when I am forced to fight, I DO NOT EXPLOIT THOSE REASONS NOT ONCE HAVE I TAKEN HOSTAGES, NOT ONCE HAVE A DESTROYED YOUR HOME yet you have done all these things I never wanted to be the 'villain' nor the 'great evil' or the 'bad guy' All I wanted to be was human, am I undeserving of that? Why? Go ahead, make yourself happy, knowing you have made others hate and fear you, while all I have done is help those in need
@Somber_01 5 күн бұрын
May I turn this into a playlist?
@YThiroshi 6 күн бұрын
" There was once a man killed, his flesh destroyed, soul tarnished, mind corrupted by the very world he believed.. it had lied but so did he.. I never died. "
@ratuadilFF 6 күн бұрын
Ooh,, begitu ya, aku pertimbangkan nanti ya, Lembaran kasusku terlalu banyak
@nanniatheneko4524 6 күн бұрын
A monster? Is that what you call me? Everything would suggest this to be the opposite. But you are human. Humans see something trying to survive or something only capable of rational thought as monsters only Because they are irrational themselves which leads humans to believe Monsters to be irrational. But here I am talking to you about being truthful, rational, clear, and calm. Yet you get angry, upset, tell falsehoods, and attack Becuase I tell you the truth. Yes, I am a monster. Because I am a human who is no longer irrational. One who has seen the world for what it is and what it could be. And tells to you the truth of the world. You are being played by those who sent you here. But you won't allow yourself to see that. So what are you waiting for? Strike me down. My words are buried in the hearts of millions and will rise once more but they won't be seen as evil or unjust. I was made this way. Stabbed in the back, betrayed, nearly killed, died. I've seen the Infinite Void too. A place so dark you are alone with your thoughts.... It's eternity in there....
@keyztroke 8 күн бұрын
"Limbo, Lust, all gone... With Gluttony soon to follow. Your kind know nothing but hunger; purged all life on the upper layers, and yet they remain unsatiated... As do you. You've taken everything from me, machine. And now all that remains is PERFECT HATRED."
@leviakasuna2806 8 күн бұрын
Sung Jinwoo as the background lets you know this shit is serious 💯🔥🙏🏽💪🏽
@Grandglass 8 күн бұрын
“I became a villain to unite under a common goal, even if it means I sacrifice my image, my life, this is my purpose, it is…. My goal” *His eyes turn white and in a black explosion the world is at peace* Only for the cycle to begin again.
@JhadeSagrav 8 күн бұрын
35:13 from a meme: _And i find it kinda bussin'_ _I find it kinda cap_ _The dreams in which i'm dying_ _Are the ones that kinda slap._
@leightonrud66 8 күн бұрын
I cannot help how I was born, I didn't choose this life! It chose me. Forced upon me, a struggle just to even exist. From how people used me, hurt me, abandoned me, like i was nothing. When all I wanted was companions, people who I could call friend. Someone to love and lean on when I was in pain... but no. I was denied. molded into what is known as a "monster" The villain of their story - from the pain in my heart.
@Kot_Religijny 8 күн бұрын
23:50 its Nails from into the dead 2
@Greed_of_Hermes 9 күн бұрын
My dumbass thought it was Glitchy Red from that title 💀
@terryhempel9017 9 күн бұрын
All forget in all should know your dreams are just fractured pieces of it but yet but people go insane from looking at what they've already seen those that only see the future when they sleep all the ones that have seen its entirety and they are the ones that are called the lunatics the ones that are calm enough to help it
@terryhempel9017 9 күн бұрын
"oh how proudly you present the title of a hero I have seen what has happened to the heroes before you they have been punished for saving the world they were forced into they never left they never got a happy ending the reason I know ? I was the hero before you forced into killing my villain and upon his time left he told me that I am just repeating the Injustice as you are so be Stronger than the rest of us stop this Injustice and kill the gods I beg of the save the rest that will come after you by killing the gods and saving us from this cycle of pain the demons have never died the slimes have never fallen they just kept getting killed killed and killed every monster is an immortal that is the punishment from the gods that we have been bestowed but the heroes in the villains souls are stuck to the one that killed them so even the ones that were born after creation of time have been stuck watching this hell every hero can feel when a monster is killed in brought back Here's some advice before I go The only way to kill a God is with weapon that was created from the insanity of the gods The ballable..." As the villain slumps down dead Ask all the hero can think about themselves is "what have I done"
@bob_the_brick 9 күн бұрын
"Sometimes the greatest villains are those who were once the greatest heroes, their fall from grace is what makes them broken."
@garypeters1281 9 күн бұрын
i am alive and i always survive
@bruhed1117 9 күн бұрын
Major berserk vibes in that cover art
@juubi249 9 күн бұрын
"Spare me your pretences. I am but a man, forced to assume this appearance against my will, and since that day you have sought to have me under *your* control. I have played along, doing as you ask despite knowing I could have so easily said no, and you would have been powerless to make me say otherwise. Now here I stand, having *earned* this power, and yet you label me a monster and a threat to humanity solely because it is not yours. And that's what it all comes down to, isn't it? Power. You crave the power to control the masses, to keep them in line and content while you rule over them all from behind the scenes, and you're scared that someone as strong as I could come along and rip away the veneer, expose you for what you are. I would have been content to leave well enough alone, had you not threatened me, threatened my loved ones, just after we saved you all. Now, I am *done* playing nice. You want me to be a monster? Fine. Just remember that you asked for it when you lay on the floor, torn into several pieces, or when you hang in the air choking on your organs, or are drowning in your own blood as I tear you and your false system apart piece by piece."
@TVOverlord_F_Alastor 10 күн бұрын
Hahaha! *Blood drips from the gold armored villain as a spear is plunged in his shoulder pinning him to the throne* you truly are blind arent you hero? You call me a monster for sacrificing a few for my empire, yet how many friends of yours did you drag to their deaths to defeat me? They wanted to live, gain wives and sire families, yet you convinced them to come on this journey to stop me. Why? For your pride. I am not above killing, but i would never betray those i love. *Villain rips the spear out of their chest and throws it on the ground and chuckles as he dies on his throne* Goodbye old friend
@glendabreaux940 10 күн бұрын
"No villan is truly a villain, unless they turn people into Anime Girls" -me, a Marco x Polo shipper
@TheKsh 11 күн бұрын
"When the world is sinking, it creates villain so that the villain creates a hero to save the world" The hate is born in need for love that can not be achieved only displayed afar from grasp
@TheKsh 11 күн бұрын
"I was called a villain because your people didn't need my help but those who needed me weren't needed by you"
@Zer0cip 13 күн бұрын
*The ceiling cracks and crumbles, sounds of machinery and electricity rumble the air and in the middle of it all, a person on their knees wearing a torn lab coat sits, utterly and single handedly defeated yet another time. Another loss to this unjust world, their head darts upwards staring down the one responsible with a Gaze of pure anger and defeat* "Curse you Perry The Platypus!"
@KL-zg7lu 14 күн бұрын
I'm not a roadhouse and not single. Please stop trying to find out information.
@user-xv2jv9fq3h 14 күн бұрын
Аниме не пугают забавляют не больше!🤔Вот кто кто так есть один и насмешит до коликов и напугает до ☠️ 🦁
@Asura_productions 14 күн бұрын
I cried
@eaglewatch1239 14 күн бұрын
"I have no goodness left ! It was taken from me stolen, now there is only darkness" -Aatrox
@whamrslamr5372 14 күн бұрын
"Just because they call you a Hero, doesnt mean you are one" The chains that held Him rattled, and he spoke again. "Did you know? They call you a Villain where Im from" A dull silver coin flipped into the air, its descent soon after landing it in a bloodied hand. With a grimace of pain, the Revernt turned, the coin in his palm grasped tightly as he closed his fist. "Is that so?" Gold eyes stared at the chained King. "Yeah" Silence hung in the air for a moment "I see" His body turned to face the King, his gold stared into grey. "Ha, can you imagine that? A Hero, a Villain, a Saviour, a Killer. All at the same time!" The chains rattled again as the King laughed, it was not a nice laugh. The Revernt looked out across the ruins, the corpses, the fires. "Yes..." He whispered. "I think I can" --- In War, there are no Winners. Just survivors.
@Da_baby_monster 15 күн бұрын
Anime-gg3oo nah, the quote goes like this… “A hero would sacrifice you to the world. A villain would sacrifice the world for you. Jesus sacrificed himself not only for you, but for humanity.”
@Zai7227 15 күн бұрын
Is soo good , wow
@user-si3nz6hb4u 15 күн бұрын
hero is the one who was seen first
@Cosmic_Evergreen 15 күн бұрын
Nuh uh
@rexnm9894 15 күн бұрын
Man wanna be Asian frfr
@user-wv9jo9yx5o 15 күн бұрын
The person you think of as a villain will never be the same. Especially if you come into his/her life playing hero.
@josephramos2927 16 күн бұрын
"we lost everything we built to watch others succeed, but take that away from us, take what we fought so hard to build, what we fought so hard to make and we will show who we truly are, we aren't heroes, we are villains who know the right choice is the best choice, but we aren't scared to do the dirty work if we have to"
@name-pz7uy 16 күн бұрын
I needed this thank you
@user-xv2jv9fq3h 16 күн бұрын
Вас слышно за много км если вы в чате ерунду несëте.🤗
@OneBrainCellDog 16 күн бұрын
“There are no heros or villains, theres just..people” *from a deku tik tok edit*
@THEsquirrelgirl2011 17 күн бұрын
What is the point in foing anything in life if it all just ends. Where does life actually start and end. How are happy people happy and we dont know theyre screaming in pain inside. Why do people acomplish things if it just goes in a book and no one remembers it.
@THEsquirrelgirl2011 17 күн бұрын
What's the point In living if it all fades to black and you never see light again.
@chickengodgus 17 күн бұрын
everyone glorifies a villain until its someone like griffith
@vasyapupok38 17 күн бұрын
блин если честно я устал(надеюсь переводчик меня нормально переведет)почему каждый может написать что <<песни для того ,чтоб я вышел один против армии ,сделают тебя сильнее ,включат godmode ,а я максимум могу под это почистить картошки,название не соответствует музыке если тебе нужна нормальная музыка для такого описания то напиши в комменты>>