@chaosvolt 4 күн бұрын
Funny enough, some players have described the final fight with SA-X to be a bit of a letdown compared to previous encounters, generally due to skill ceiling. Your first run through the final showdown is every bit as tense as evading SA-X has been all this time, but if one plays through multiple times you start to notice how much more margin for error you have in a big arena compared to being hounded down narrow corridors. With the earlier SA-X chases, while there are certainly many videos showing how skilled players can break SA-X's AI in half, for most players the challenge of surviving the scripted SA-X chases levels off more gradually across repeat playthroughs compared to the final fight. Some could also note how the second phase becoming vastly more predictable and less threatening. As with the final fight with the omega metroid, this makes sense as a final catharsis as the fight turns in Samus' favor, plus thematically it's an excellent callback to the X parasite that started this entire mess (look at its appearance and attack pattern, and you'll realize it's a monstrous chimera of Samus' armor with the hornoad mimic that infected Samus in the intro). But I can see some players being disappointed in how it doesn't actually blend any of the previous attacks that made SA-X so deadly with its new form. Plus some would probably also argue that the final phase of the game would've been better if you had only a final cathartic stomp of SA-X OR a final cathartic stomp of an omega metroid, not both in quick succession. Interesting overview of the game, in any case!
@mae2759 5 күн бұрын
Best advice I got was to beat Ridley first. That makes the game much easier.
@soda_arcade 6 күн бұрын
i had ZombiU as a kid, it was great! but i was SO bad at it lol
@limerplaz8208 7 күн бұрын
13:06 I agree this part is absolute bullsh*t.
@ThatBritishGuyonyourstreet 8 күн бұрын
3:01 the one on the right is obviously the remake, it looks so much more modern
@bigdeagle1331 9 күн бұрын
Zero mission
@Siinory 9 күн бұрын
Zero Mission is my favorite Metroid game ever (and I'm playing the whole series in chronological order as of now, currently in Prime 2). It's meant to be replayed, there's so many items you can genuinely skip, toutes and secrets to use. When I replayed it for the series (outside of randomizers), it only took me 1h08 with over 50% of the items collected. The stealth section is a treat with its own secret paths to use and imo the saves are just here to take a breather and replenish health if you got hit too much, I barely use any. Overall great video and presentation, 4.5/5
@damsen978 10 күн бұрын
No, it's not a horror game. It's an action adventure platformer with horror elements to it, but not enough to make it an actual horror game. As a very coward person to the genre, not even as a child i was scared of Fusion, only perturbed at most. Fusion is not a horror game.
@rezracer6986 10 күн бұрын
The crazy thing I love about Super Metroid is that both it’s JP release and my literal birth were on the same day in 1994. Because of that, Super is one of the games I’m fascinated to watch gameplay of, yet I am intimidated heavily by it while playing.
@sgtmarky 11 күн бұрын
My second video, and that's much better audio. Congrats
@sgtmarky 11 күн бұрын
Please, don't take this bad... This is the very first video I'm watching of yours... Almost perfect, just need to work the audio levels a bit more, sometimes the effects are a liitle too loud and make your voice difficult to understand,,, But, you got my subscribe with the first video, that's impressive
@angelvillegas9604 11 күн бұрын
They are scary
@deanwalker2513 12 күн бұрын
You're the only other one who I think would rate Fusion that high. What I loved most about Dread was the fluidity with which Samus moves. Almost adds a free running element to the game so you don't have to stop and morphball through. Especially when you know how to use the shinespark properly. I expect this fluidity in future 2.5-D games.
@radfordra 13 күн бұрын
Seeing the SA-X for the first time when this game first came out scared the shit out of me.
@Therealnugget69 15 күн бұрын
I Disagree
@markusdied5569 15 күн бұрын
i think you lost the plot of your video, or atleast a title swap is in order. not much of an analysis on what makes the enemies scary, more of an observation on HOW the enemies are scary great video quality regardless, looking forward to more
@bryank5070 15 күн бұрын
@Waffles.. 15 күн бұрын
Cool channel, bad takes 😂
@LukerYT 15 күн бұрын
I will take it 😂
@NoNeedForRandomNumbers 16 күн бұрын
U didn‘t get why there was no enemy in the last sections of the game, it‘s bc the metroids are so dangerous that they killed em all Honestly u feel like a more extreme Josh Wallen
@LukerYT 15 күн бұрын
I did get why lol, it's just frustrating as a design standpoint that got remedied in the remake And how dare you, they're my arch nemesis
@NoNeedForRandomNumbers 15 күн бұрын
@@LukerYT He shouldn‘t be, he should be another point of view or, even better, a collab
@LukerYT 15 күн бұрын
I appreciate it, but also, I have no idea who Josh Wallen is, and equally I cannot find him online lmao
@NoNeedForRandomNumbers 15 күн бұрын
@@LukerYT Search for The Geek Critique
@jebaena91 16 күн бұрын
What I think made the EMMI not scary was the fact that they where in clear script zones, if they where more like “random” encounters like SA-X, or made them truly random to appear zone by zone, probably they where more scary. Also, the fade to black truly kills the mood, they could probably add some true death screens there, they don’t need to be bloody or gore focused, but to show a really nasty take down,Samus get sting, the suit start to fail, like in the old Metroid games, and the body is been seen dragged for a bit, or carried, enough to make you fear what could happen next to samus.
@MineCrapSteve 15 күн бұрын
Even just an abrupt cut to black, a second of nothing onscreen, then the Game Over screen fading into view would've been more effective if they didn't want to go overkill.
@jebaena91 11 күн бұрын
@@MineCrapSteve yeah! Or imagine each EMMI having two unique take downs themed with the skill that is taking from you, so you can feel a bit of the fear that normal enemies feel when you kill them with that set of skills, so the speed boots EMMI could just rush you and tackle you, putting you in a different struggle animation than the normal two, where he creeps over Samus while she is just trying to stand up again.
@NoNeedForRandomNumbers 16 күн бұрын
Damn this guy‘s opinions are controVERsial!
@nicoloenricorimoldi7425 17 күн бұрын
I think that the problem with the game's atmosphere (besides the lack of music) is how action-focused the entire experience is. It feels like Samus going on a rampage through ZDR, something that's reinforced by her animations, the linearity of the game and even its plot. One thing that is delates the EMMI's threat is the presence of checkpoints before every EMMI segment. I understand that they're necessary, given that they can kill you in one hit, but it really feels like you stand to lose nothing by not being cautious, since you barely lose any progress if you die.
@johhue 18 күн бұрын
Click Bait
@LukerYT 17 күн бұрын
Noodle from Gorillaz please do not accuse me of clickbait in the future thank you
@theakiwar9118 18 күн бұрын
You can evade the EMMI by using the flash shift and not relying on the phantom cloak If you get the gravity suit early you can use it against the purple ones water sections Similarly the grapple beam is the best strategy underwater
@JediMB 18 күн бұрын
Metroid Repetitive Frustration wouldn't be as catchy a title, but would capture the core of the E.M.M.I. encounters better.
@MegumiMary 18 күн бұрын
I love this series and Other M holds a soft spot in my heart and I want to see you eventually discuss it in 9 years *subscribe* Spoilers ahead for other M if you care: . . . . . I was just saying on Twitter today about how a remake of Other M should add a mode where you can mannually switch on your upgrages after the boss fight where you get missles so you can do 100% item completion and Phantoon in the main game and not post game BUT you also get an alternate ending post credits scene where the video footage from Samus's helmet is used against her in a GF tribunal saying that her use of her tools without proper assesment put would be survivors at risk and she is therefore blacklisted from ever working with the GF as a bounty hunter ever again. Then follow this up with a voice over of Samus saying "If only I had headed Adam's words and followed orders then maybe I would have been the bounty Hunter assigned to the XR388 recon assignment with BSL. I don't know why but I never did shake this feeling like I alone could have stopped the X Uprising that destroyed the Galactic Federation and life as we knew it... if only I had followed orders on the bottle ship."
@LukerYT 18 күн бұрын
@LukerYT Metroid Dread isn't divisive you big dumb bitch who would seriously even think that and not fact check it
@Hoshionifumo 18 күн бұрын
I made a video with horrible audio that predicted a lot of what would happen. i recall people hating on it cause i was skeptical. but when samus returns retconned the series with "not phazon" , and knew how other M cannibalised plot twists from future games i knew to be skeptical. my issue is samus is the undisputed top dog. all through and to fusion. in super the federation could only get to kraids door before needing to call samus. in fusion she bests all there top secret super weapons. and "betrays them" but then gets a job from them and meanaced by little Ipod looking robots? if they had such powerful machines why they need her at all? also not being able to get lost is bad i dont like all the visually obvious glowing hint cues.
@theakiwar9118 18 күн бұрын
@@HoshionifumoSamus Returns just introduced Aeion as a reason on why the Chozo went to SR388 in the first place and why they stayed there despite the X, instead of blowing up the planet. The reason why the Metroids were invented was the chozo to safely continue traversing and excavating Aeion from SR388 while being protected from X predation The EMMI are a recent invention. The federation had trouble developing chozo tech and tech that is immune to it. You can see their progress throughout the prime games up to other m, where a mere plasma rifle had to recharge a long while By fusion they were able to easily replicate Samus‘ tech and data and sent it to her. In fusion they insinuated that they had methods of capturing an SA-X or a sample of it. Basically they were able to copy and. withstand Samus‘ weaponsystems by fusion. Dread is a natural evolution to the narrative of it However as raven beak showed in a flashback, the emmi are still not immune to chozo might or weaponry, just ro Samus‘ weaker version of them. Samus never had beef with the federation as a whole. That was one of many translation errors in Fusion. It was only a small faction that wanted to weaponize the X, and the japanese version strictly says that that is illegal and that samus will go to court against that small group. She is on good terms with the whole federation. However because the federation had technology that in theory surpases samus, they of course send the emmi to do the job, learning from their past mistakes not to send manned troups
@BlastMagicianYGO 18 күн бұрын
​@@Hoshionifumo"Yes, yes, you're very smart. Shut up." -Princess Bride
@AkaiAzul 3 күн бұрын
@@Hoshionifumo I hope we get a decent explanation for it later. We know the Federation has been hella sketchy.
@MelchVagquest 18 күн бұрын
Why aren't more people talking about the lackluster death screens?! 🙌🏼
@tateduffy4077 18 күн бұрын
I feel like the Emmi’s instill panic while the Sa-x instills dread
@Te3b0 17 күн бұрын
i replayed fusion recently and I actually got pretty jumpscared by the SA-X when you fall right in front of it during morph ball toward the end and have to seriously outrun/outmaneuver it. The buildup throughout the whole game with Adam saying "If you see it, RUN", all leading to that moment affected me way more than any of the EMMI's.
@nutzeeer 18 күн бұрын
6:10 i like the detail of the double click for the super missle when the door is destroyed
@MegumiMary 18 күн бұрын
15:36 "effective pet" blasphamy So regardless of whether or not it feeds into the "Samus is Trans" headcanon: the Baby Metroid Imprinting on Samus was supposed to be the closest Samus ever felt like to being an actual mother. Samus didn't loose a pet. She lost the closest thing to a child she will ever have.
@WarlockX4 19 күн бұрын
The EMMI robots were more annoying than frightening. At first they were intimidating but than they just got bothersome as the game went on.
@angelvillegas9604 11 күн бұрын
@@WarlockX4 skill issue
@metmyfriendsshow6623 19 күн бұрын
Super Mario bros u just needs better levels in my opinion, that’s why super Luigi u is much more fun
@twynb 19 күн бұрын
i'll have to say i disagree with one of your criticisms (and one thing you like): - i never really had the "have to stop and go" thing about EMMIs outside of my first playthrough, i pretty much just ran through them and barely even use the phantom cloak if i don't have to for a door. it's a neat thrill, but also can make the emmis seem pretty weak, they definitely could be better at chasing you down. - i don't feel like the "invisible hand guiding you to where you need to go" was pulled off that elegantly. a lot of the time, it is just "hey look, a teleportal or elevator that conveniently goes right where i need to go! i didn't need to spend even a second thinking about it!" i'll say dread is probably my favourite just for how snappy and right the controls feel. i wish we'd get a fusion or super remake with these controls - super in particular is my least replayed metroid game just because the controls aren't as intuitive as dread's.
@Arsio12 19 күн бұрын
How is Dread divisive? It's one of the most beloved, on most people's top 3 Metroid game. Only time I see divisive comments is if it's better than Super or Prime
@Dionaea_floridensis 19 күн бұрын
UKIP mentioned in 2024 that needed a jumpscare warning
@djinnspalace2119 19 күн бұрын
too many jokes break the pace of the vid man
@RadicalCapitol 19 күн бұрын
Ima be honest man, it's not fun listening to a video where it's 75% complaining, then giving the game an A tier. 🫤 Also, not really related, but personally I really like the story in this game. It ties up loose ends, which is nice. Anyway, good video! Just too much negative, even tho it's placed in your A tier. At least, in my opinion. Edit: Also, you are 100% right about the fade to Game Over screen! Just wanted to mention that, lol.
@decas5505 19 күн бұрын
Luker rememebered the password!!
@seemo5789 19 күн бұрын
They should've taken the fade-out from the EMMI death screens and put it on the actual ending scene of the planet exploding
@theakiwar9118 18 күн бұрын
The planet exploding death does have an alternate game over screen
@MineCrapSteve 15 күн бұрын
@ClutchAssy 19 күн бұрын
He is back and he is mad!!! Love the video mate!
@that_on3_human524 19 күн бұрын
I think where this game excels is its combat and boss encounters rather than stealth. Also like another commenter said, this game is generally beloved unlike Samus Returns. Another good video!
@KeeganJ 19 күн бұрын
Thank god you got another editor
@LukerYT 19 күн бұрын
Was able to negotiate a good rate with them 🙏🙏
@PJ-TheThreeCharacterName 19 күн бұрын
I think Chandelier Bong is a pretty cool guy. Eh falls out new vegas and doesn't afraid of emmithing
@LukerYT 19 күн бұрын
My reply got shadow banned this is literally 1984 under Keir Starmer
@agConvoy 19 күн бұрын
Dad returned with a tit load of milk 🤤
@LukerYT 19 күн бұрын
I’m going to do something drastic due to the fight or flight from reading this
@user-gt7te4xp5j 19 күн бұрын
Eyyyy, the mans back
@flophawk 19 күн бұрын
imo its just that it peaked with the yellow one "ooh this one has ice ooh this one sees through walls" alright yea but is it rapidly approaching your location at mach fuck with the intent to Kill
@EvdogMusic 19 күн бұрын
@@flophawk one speedy boi
@camwing 19 күн бұрын
@LukerYT 19 күн бұрын
haha I was worried I'd be seen as mad at that point, but glad I'm not the only one - starting my Metroid Dread Game Over Screen Hate Club on bluesky as we speak also I'm pinning this if anyone disagrees they get blocked immediately
@Phillylove100 19 күн бұрын
It’s a shame you didn’t include AM2R in this series.
@LukerYT 19 күн бұрын
maybe one day I'll come to it - I think it's tremendous, but I don't think there's much I can add to the conversation regarding the game. Incidentally, I think Nintendo's attitude to it + other games fans create is a more interesting through-line
@angelvillegas9604 11 күн бұрын
Fake games don't count