@Will24689 Сағат бұрын
Love your videos Zeus love to see your improvement on content throughout the years an hope you continue! Have a good one 🙂
@OfentseRamano 3 сағат бұрын
I wonder what's in the white bottle.😅😂
@dercyrez27 6 сағат бұрын
I love it so the stupid Idiots that hold 2000 of Cases lose there Money ❤️
@cookiejumper9367 8 сағат бұрын
Whouldt it just be easyere to get a job?
@COREYNEIL 9 сағат бұрын
They take away "X" amount away from cs2 players but it's not stealing? Wanna explain that one? It's totally stealing through automation(cheating). They are essentially taking money out of the pockets of cs2 players. Kinda wild how you can't see that or connect the two. Contradiction to say they take away 600,000 in profit for cs2 players but they're not taking it from cs2 players. Where are they taking it from then? This is a ZERO SUM game... They also make the game unplayable for casual players. I've gone weeks getting auto-kicked from bot farms and then you're banned from reconnecting to that server. I have like 20 videos of me trying to play CS2 over a week or two. Everytime bot farm joins within a minute or two and this is in NA.
@TDMHeyzeus 8 сағат бұрын
Stealing implies CS players got it first, and then had it taken away from them. You can disagree, and I'm not saying your wrong, but I view it slightly differently (at least you understand the concept though, if you look at the comments a lot of people were completely confused about how this works).
@jamesrosley8275 11 сағат бұрын
Simply remove crate drops completely and valve will always have a pool of 5 crates to choose from on sale for a few cents which, like the keys, are not tradeable.
@drScorp1on 12 сағат бұрын
7:35 can't get behind that logic there. It's not that the farmers are "stealing" cases, unless you're viewing it from a "they're occupying a server that a player could use" perspective, which I think is still wrong since servers are launched dynamically in the cloud on demand. Cue times could be longer though.
@drScorp1on 12 сағат бұрын
Putting it the other way around, farmers (even though I don't like them) are effectively lowering the skin prices. Bad for investors, good for Jimmy that only wants a play skin for cheap.
@nafikos6450 15 сағат бұрын
Can someone tell me the name of the song at 10:46
@jasonmoreno4236 16 сағат бұрын
dude take after making this video, we'll understand we want you to get your bag.
@LaciBB 18 сағат бұрын
U see? i would carry on ... nut u have been paid by alll the many,.... so no safe and i am leaving... u piece of voice of a kid :D
@UNATCOHanka 19 сағат бұрын
So....just as it always was?
@nasaten 22 сағат бұрын
The comparison you made with the bots taking cases away from players is simply not true. The bits don’t reduce the case output for every other player whatsoever. If anything it’s making cases cheaper for the average player. I think you intentionally misdirected the viewer to protect your case investments.
@TDMHeyzeus 14 сағат бұрын
No-one who doesn't have brain damage would invest in actively dropping cases, and if you don't understand the economics 101 concepts in this video then you're not in a position to give a critique. But then again, you seem to think that people invest in actively dropping cases so you've already outed yourself as a clueless idiot.
@nasaten 14 сағат бұрын
@@TDMHeyzeus explain to me how bots farming cases results in less cases for the players. Also you’re right that accusation was dumb I doubt you would be invested in actively dropping cases that’s my bad.
@I_am_Just_Unlucky Күн бұрын
botters are ok as long as cheaters are still a problem honestly
@I_am_Just_Unlucky Күн бұрын
i wish cs2 would cost 20€ in a month... most people interrested in the game already got it, all banned people have to pay again. would at least make valve money even tho nothing will change
@gadeoli Күн бұрын
This don't fix nothing and make the game more restricted
@victorfnss8707 Күн бұрын
@otsosippala Күн бұрын
finally market coming down, pls do not invest anything
@D3nn1s Күн бұрын
They want the clean version and then have a massive scratch from stattrack on it lmao
@Taffelio Күн бұрын
@un7ucky Күн бұрын
Valve could 3x the amount of case drops. the players need to buy keys, people would be more willing to open if they are 4 cents over a dollar.
@q2w5z Күн бұрын
first time eh? -tf2 player
@_NotImportant Күн бұрын
There is one really easy and simple solution Valve could do. Remove all those skins and cases and just give us back Counter-Strike. All those skinmoneys and farmers will go away and the game will be fun again.
@PotentialEnder Күн бұрын
Man that makes me want to start a bot farm. lol. that's some decent money.
@Goomey Күн бұрын
Just don't give non prime accounts drops???? Literally free-est fix
@cigdan8250 9 сағат бұрын
They don't
@Venox4x Күн бұрын
because its so hard to detect these bots... same performance like ther anti-cheat but hey steam still earns money from all this s"§W%
@kobe1395 Күн бұрын
Keep diminishing the supply!!!!!
@benjaminkofeod2696 Күн бұрын
No, its not 600k to players instead. If those bots werent there, the cases just wouldnt have been dropped.
@Cr1S.... Күн бұрын
just put a captcha when you're getting the reward
@DarthQueener Күн бұрын
Bots=cheating. Case farming and using fake accounts for automation is against TOS. The intention of the bot creator is irrelevant.
@depp1899 Күн бұрын
I play DM a lot and in every Lobby, i have at least one Bot. They are totally ruining the game. Bots move by themselves, have auto aim and target you through walls. Fuck the case prices and let them farm but keep them out of my games. In my opinion, Valve should just put the Cases into the ingame market. Just make drops unprofitable.
@denusklausen3685 Күн бұрын
One person shouldn't be allowed to own more than a couple of home properties, neither should companies, and a company or person shouldn't have 60k+ accounts ruining the economy of CS2. Getting a rare case drop should be rewarding for the player who gets it.
@cristiuup2101 Күн бұрын
Just add a captcha before you can get your weekly drops ;)
@Che-Luigi Күн бұрын
Look at valves other games (tf2) bots are always a problem.
@utc_3 Күн бұрын
@RalfG999 Күн бұрын
Actually botting could be considered direct stealing because the Cases of casuals would be worth more due to 10% of the supply being removed
@MrGaZZaDaG Күн бұрын
Gaben doesnt care, case just create free money for him when they are sold and opened... its a money printing business,
@manfish6183 Күн бұрын
Well another point for how bot farmers would ruin cs2 is that they’d drive the price of cases down because of the sheer amount they earn ruining the potential payout for actual players
@NuBat9 Күн бұрын
7:43 i can't stand your math here. Thats misleading. 600.000 - it's exactly an extra cases, players only lose the difference in the price of the cases.
@maXXik1337 Күн бұрын
I am surprised how lot of people marginalizing this. Yes, actual cheating is more urgent problem, but this should also not be taken lightly. It has multiple negative consequences for all CS2 players. I am glad that valve is actively fighting against all of this. It's not an easy task for sure, so i am doing my best to stay patient. That said, it seems like long way to go.
@xilef_ow Күн бұрын
Casefarmers make cases cheaper
@Hellfire0204 Күн бұрын
Bots deflate the market, obviously, and supply cheaters with throw away accounts if they can’t farm.
@ThienHuuNha83 Күн бұрын
@ARISTO_Music Күн бұрын
i have 2 insane solutions : 1. drop cases only to people with certain amount of gameplay hours (5k+) and update it as years goes by. 2. KYC. you cant fake 60k ID cards and identities , no KYC? no drops for you. (KYC should include real face photo , ID , passport , and driving license or else. also if they want it to work they have to check manualy and use AI to actualy make sure none of them are copied so people cant just upload the same ID over and over again) easy as that.
@ugislayer6793 Күн бұрын
Isnt it good that people drive case prices down
@raxxed Күн бұрын
cs2 has a bigger problem than cheaters: they removed classic deathmatch and only left us with ffa
@moltaseriksson3019 Күн бұрын
8:07 nice falchion
@Sphyxx Күн бұрын
Thats just hilarious
@fpsfun7954 Күн бұрын
just add captcha before connecting to server xD
@hayesj89 Күн бұрын
Everyone just stop buying cases and only open ones you are dropped = problem solved.. Stop making it profitable so it's not worth doing... the market is just littlerally pixels.. Seems to me people are more worried about the system so it don't affect their profit..
@beanontoast3472 Күн бұрын
w video
@n3gi_ Күн бұрын
Valve should introduce new rules like you can only get drops if you play competitively. If these bot farmers try farming in competitive with automated bots, those dumb bots will get kicked in no time.
@TabbuEme 7 сағат бұрын
Lots of people play casual gamemodes though, so it would suck for them.
@trofchik9488 38 минут бұрын
Queue as 5-stack. AFAIK in CSGO there were methods to put 10 of your accounts into the same game of comp.