@ben9948 Күн бұрын
You are a fantastic interviewer!
@josakura 8 күн бұрын
I've loved Liza since I found out about Conan 11 yrs ago! Thanks for having her in the show!
@fuckoffgoogle6513 8 күн бұрын
13:48 the host mentions Lisa Kudrow and Liza was not thrilled with that! 😂
@ben9948 9 күн бұрын
Hello Jay & Liza
@JayKogen 9 күн бұрын
Hello Ben
@Bokkasio 10 күн бұрын
Thanks for your job i like so much this podcast.
@JayKogen 9 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@WarriorAngel 10 күн бұрын
She is stunning and so well spoken. Conan you lucky son of a bitch!
@riversideor7895 13 күн бұрын
Enjoyed listening in on your small talk,, aren't most people leaving not leaving the business; but just going else where to get work ?
@JayKogen 13 күн бұрын
Some people are changing careers. Others are retiring. Others are hanging in and waiting.
@decodr-ring 16 күн бұрын
“Reflection” has sum 107 in ordinal cipher and 53 in reduction cipher. “Matt Perry” has sum 107 in reverse ordinal cipher and 53 in reduction cipher. The title of this video is a near miss in gematria.
@HeatherMHume 17 күн бұрын
Is this the same jacket he wore on Hot Ones? What did the dry cleaning bill look like?
@riversideor7895 21 күн бұрын
Jay , you said you were happy with your "slow and steady" growth, , that's fine and comfortable, as long as it continues; you will eventually be where you are headed,, so you have 'drive' , as much as you think you need at the moment,, , Buck Rodgers once said " Remember - where ever you go - there you are ... " : )
@DontBeAlonewithJayKogen 21 күн бұрын
Dont get me wrong. I'm not against instant success!!!
@YodatheHobbit 25 күн бұрын
Comment or suggestion: Remove the piano elevator jazz music which no one likes. It reminds people of being on hold on the phone, promotes anxiety and anger. Your voice would be more pleasant and soothing without it. Make the audio transistions and podcast title audio shorter. People don't like hearing a title for more than 10 seconds. Also make your intro a LOT LOT LOT LOT shorter.
@DontBeAlonewithJayKogen 25 күн бұрын
Shorter is better. I think the cheesy music is funny. I also get tons of people telling me they LOVE IT. go figure. But shorter is better.
@peter.wrobell 28 күн бұрын
It's almost as if Lisa also has a bachelor's degree in psychology.. 🤔
@JayKogen 28 күн бұрын
I think she has a biology/chemistry degree but yeah
@tsipher 29 күн бұрын
Harris wasn't voted by the people to represent the Democrat ticket, she was selected by the DNC. There was no debates on Democrat nominations, there was no discussion on who to pick, they immediately went for Harris. That's not listening to the people, that's selecting someone on a short notice.
@steventaylor4740 Ай бұрын
No.... this sounds way off.
@JayKogen 28 күн бұрын
We shall see.
@derrick9653 Ай бұрын
Nope...just nope.
@JayKogen 28 күн бұрын
Just nope in terms of what?
@shawns574 Ай бұрын
Sorry dawg, thats a miss. Had the DNC came down with Bernie Sanders or even Michelle Obama, then i might, MIGHT think they could beat Trump legitimately. No, they chose Kamala Harris, and they didn't even bother to put it to a vote for American Democrats to choose. I dont think many people on the left like Harris either, given her history as a DA. We the Republicans actually got to vote. I dont like Trump as a person, most of us dont. But we've decided we know what a Trump Presidency looks like, and that he's the best person for a job. Its ultimately a hiring decision. I like Ramaswamy, and I'd probably vote for him in the 2028 primaries if given the chance. But we need to put Trump into office this election.
@JayKogen 28 күн бұрын
If someone can't perform and there's no time for a primary the party has a mechanism to choose a new candidate. Joe chose Kamala to replace him.. No one else stepped up to challenge her including Bernie or Michelle Delegates agreed by a wide margin. If Trump suddenly couldn't run, the GOP would use it's bylaws to find a replacement too without primaries. Just the way it goes. Kamala wasn't ever my candidate but I support her now.
@peter.wrobell Ай бұрын
Great Kubrick insight from Phil as well as the tv writers processes.
@JayKogen 28 күн бұрын
Yes! I loved that moment.
@riversideor7895 Ай бұрын
Hi; I liked your guests answer explaining how that when he questioned his faith and then discovered an answer and it made his faith stronger,, my faith became stronger by seeing God in my daily life, my understanding increased by studying the word of God,, the king james version was translated from Greek and you can still buy the Greek version today and do word studies, seeing where the translation is off or where the Greek word has more meaning, such as 'full' - where as the Greek word may mean full to the top or full to overflowing,, one of my favorites is ' faith without works is dead' the Greek word translated to faith - means your connection to God, the Greek word translated to 'dead' in the king james, actually means 'idle' - it is not dead , it is just not producing,,, another neat one - 'give me this day my daily bread' the Greek word translated bread - actually means 'work' - "give me this day my daily work" , you read something that does not seem to fit - do a word study.....
@riversideor7895 Ай бұрын
Of course this pertains to the new testament.. did you know that the blood of the baby comes from the father,, the son of God had perfect blood - thus a perfect sacrifice
@riversideor7895 Ай бұрын
My brother in law had blood cancer, they killed his bone marrow and then transplanted his daughters into him, he lives and gained her immunities ! The blood of Christ making us pure - not hard for me to believe
@peter.wrobell Ай бұрын
Love the self-tape as well, Richard.. ❤️ 🎞 🎬
@YodatheHobbit Ай бұрын
Lincoln: "Fuck you, I'm on Season 4 of Game of Thrones!" Oh Lincoln, we never knew the real you.
@YodatheHobbit Ай бұрын
That mic cord looks like it's being a bit overstretched.
@HollyRats Ай бұрын
"All things are beautiful Mother All trees, all towers beautiful That tower beautiful, Mother See...a perfect tree Pretty isn't beautiful, Mother Pretty is what changes What the eye arranges Is what is beautiful" - Sunday In The Park With George This is what came to mind when the discussion turned to finding the beauty and looking at things from a neutral point of view before photographing the things.
@catherinesmith9820 Ай бұрын
Jay, I fell out of my chair laughing when you looked in the camera at 22:48 and said, "What is wrong with you people?" 🤣
@JayKogen Ай бұрын
What more can I ever ask for? That's amazing.
@riversideor7895 Ай бұрын
One of your best visits,, I'm glad she decided to right her ship and have the best encore ,, Very relatable discusion that makes me interested in her audio book,, how did people know she was coming on and write you questions beforehand ?
@riversideor7895 Ай бұрын
Why did I think it was one of the best ? Even though you kept it light; she was really expressing a deeper and serious perspective
@DontBeAlonewithJayKogen Ай бұрын
I ask people on twitter @JayKogen and sometimes Threads about questions for upcoming guests.
@badad0166 Ай бұрын
Tech opinion: The bumpers/title cards are almost too good for a podcast. However, I think Top title aside, they all come off a bit long and draggy as the harmonies linger. I would suggest they tighten up by at least a second and maybe end with more of a button. As is, the whole thing bogs down a bit. Maybe one can be stupid long for comedy, but top title aside, I feel they can be tightened. Jay, you have a great "Wallace Shawn" sounding voice and should spend more time behind the mic. If you don't do cartoon voice you should.
@DontBeAlonewithJayKogen Ай бұрын
Noted! Thanks for the thoughts
@HollyRats Ай бұрын
I'm so sorry to hear that you've been feeling bad, Jay. But I'm glad that you're getting help. I hope you feel emotionally better soon.
@ben9948 Ай бұрын
I AM the internet
@DontBeAlonewithJayKogen Ай бұрын
I AM the Dixie cup and string
@ben9948 Ай бұрын
WOMP! ​@@DontBeAlonewithJayKogen
@MetroPCSPhoneUnboxxer Ай бұрын
@buddapatow1633 Ай бұрын
Dewey Cox is one of the greatest films ever!
@buddapatow1633 Ай бұрын
@DontBeAlonewithJayKogen Ай бұрын
Thanks friend
@sharkulashairstylist5505 Ай бұрын
I'm socially conservative, and fiscally liberal. Keep it in your pants and everything's free now.
@SkaterDrummer678 Ай бұрын
@MattGroening , I have two copies of the first newspaper/comic strip book you ever made which are both signed numbered and addressed to your parents & brother. These are extremely old comic books and I just was wondering if you happened to have a copy for yourself from that time and what your thoughts on the old Life In Hell books and what does your personal artwork collection looks like from that time? Also, please ask Matt if he remembers an old friend Joanne Stimpson?
@HollyRats Ай бұрын
The title, "Singer/Songwriter, Charlie Kogen, Explains Why Jay's A Terrible Dad" kinda brought tears to my eyes, because I know what a "terrible dad" is, and it's not applicable here. Not at all.
@DontBeAlonewithJayKogen Ай бұрын
The title wasn't meant to diminish anyone else's pain. I appreciate the compliment within the comment. But I also want to acknowledge that everyone has their own trauma. Everyone has been hurt by their parents. And most of our parents tried their best. But we are all flawed. I just wanted to give Charlie room to express his feelings.
@Bobbydawriter Ай бұрын
Loved this episode, Jay.
@DontBeAlonewithJayKogen Ай бұрын
Thanks bobby I did too
@riversideor7895 Ай бұрын
Just watched the last fifteen minutes I hadn't gotten too yet, he is lucky and must be pretty special for Bob Newhart to request him for the Don Rinkles story. Then he started talking his moment of joy and discovering nature... made me remember his earlier comment about being bad at sports when he was a kid and staying inside watching classic shows... that makes me believe his real m9ment of joy has something to do with the business, all the time, and not a fleeting experience with a tree and bird,, now I live in the countryside and enjoy the exercise I get taking care of the landscape, and I like trees and birds, for instance the family of quail that roam around the place,, then again I recently cut down a nice tree that was next to my deck because the birds would sit in it and shit on my patio furniture : )
@riversideor7895 Ай бұрын
I have videos , you can see what I'm talking about !
@riversideor7895 Ай бұрын
I watched yours ! Jay......
@lacombland7378 Ай бұрын
The little engine that kept chugging along 👍
@riversideor7895 Ай бұрын
Your correct sir, after what , one year, he's established quite a "treasure trove" of podcasts 👋
@JayKogen Ай бұрын
@@riversideor7895 I'm trying.
@DanielMazz Ай бұрын
@MetroPCSPhoneUnboxxer Ай бұрын
First. Great podcast.
@JayKogen Ай бұрын
First! Thanks!
@w.l.davisjr.1 Ай бұрын
Two of my favorite peeps... great discussion.
@JayKogen Ай бұрын
You've got a good heart... now!
@DanielMazz Ай бұрын
😂 the intro great interview
@peter.wrobell Ай бұрын
I was lucky enough to check out Mathew Perrys live taping of "The Odd Couple".. while observing his body language... it's like he was born for the career he chose... although Tennis was also right there..
@lisaludwigcampbell Ай бұрын
Great show. Billy, glad you're fighting the good fight. Jay, great seeing you be you. It's COMma-leh, like ,+la. Have a great weekend!
@JayKogen Ай бұрын
Lisa! Good to know your you're there. I will get the name right!
@sharkulashairstylist5505 Ай бұрын
Ive eaten alien like et right? Yeah its ok
@sharkulashairstylist5505 Ай бұрын
Adam Sandler sucks... I guess if baby talk is a comedy form... otherwise No
@siggeek503 Ай бұрын
Please have John Swartzwelder on.
@JayKogen Ай бұрын
I'll ask but he won't do it.
@GlowInTheDork Ай бұрын
That Davey Crockett joke is an all-timer, I think about it all the time.
@JayKogen Ай бұрын
Thanks! Do people under 30 know who Davey Crocket was and that he wore a coon skin cap?
@sharkulashairstylist5505 Ай бұрын
Standing for something is more than nothing... stand up and grow some balls
@DontBeAlonewithJayKogen Ай бұрын
I agree. Stranding for something has value. Balls are of value too.
@sharkulashairstylist5505 Ай бұрын
Really? Dont ask the 4th of july shooter if his work was good... just sayin buddy
@DontBeAlonewithJayKogen Ай бұрын
I honestly feel like you are trying to communicate something authentic to me, but I'm getting lost in metaphor. What's the plain spoken version of what you are saying. Just want to understand. Good bad or whatever. I want to understand.
@sharkulashairstylist5505 Ай бұрын
I have feelings too... nazis r not freedom... nazim is not freedom... get used to being called nazi if you r on the side of nazis
@DontBeAlonewithJayKogen Ай бұрын
Honestly don't understand what you mean...
@NoFatVampires Ай бұрын
Very easy to argue against conservatives if you straw men them as scared rubes with different brains. This research has been debunked