Video Response to @ivanmike1968
RPG Social Contract Example (4D)
Fear City REDUX part 2
5 ай бұрын
What's in store for 2024?
8 ай бұрын
Two changes for a better session
Some thoughts on maps in RPGs.
@michaelconnor1542 3 күн бұрын
I highly recommend you check out the Hero System and their supers setting Champions. Though I cannot recommend the current 6th edition. 5th and earlier are all great mechanically, and while character creation can get crunchy. Once characters are made and you are playing it runs smooth. Hero games still has a store selling pdf and printing most of their older content.
@TheYuanti 3 күн бұрын
Great episode gentlemen!
@Tablerunner 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@richardgrzela1381 8 күн бұрын
Well said. I completely agree. I've been playing the game since the 80's. HU is a stand alone game that allows for innovation of thoughts. You have a great grasp of the game and concepts within.
@Tablerunner 8 күн бұрын
Thanks! That's very kind of you to say.
@flamezombie1 8 күн бұрын
16:30 Would “it’s obvious that…” work here? Obvious implies that anyone could pick it out.
@flamezombie1 8 күн бұрын
Also excellent video, great thoughts as my players delve into the mind warping Abyss in Pathfinder
@Tablerunner 8 күн бұрын
I suppose that it could. "Obvious" as part of the description to indicate familiarity.
@Tablerunner 8 күн бұрын
​@@flamezombie1Thanks for watching!
@flamezombie1 8 күн бұрын
@@TablerunnerNo problem, thanks for the work listening. I am guilty of using flowery language, holy crap it is hard to not use terms I’d use in my swordfighting class haha. I described a dry sump the other day too and that was a mistake.
@nothing3376 8 күн бұрын
Cool video. But I struggle with the too light of rules in a GAME. Starfinder and its type of game, is clearly meant to be a game. Theres a certain aspect of challenge that is supposed to exist. That’s impossible to replicate with a free flow system. Why can’t I just put a force field in the opponents mouth and choke them to death? How do I level up if I have such perfect control over an ability?
@Tablerunner 8 күн бұрын
We brainstorm the limits together before the character is introduced. Those limits become the strict and consistent rules within the fictional world. The use of a force field to block an airway (or an artery), was discussed within the game context. We just don't break into such discussions while the game is in session. Before we start, or after we call the game for the evening, we will discuss such matters and how to handle them within the rules of the system. Those discussions didn't come up as much with Starfinder as they do with Heroes Unlimited. But it works for us, and my players are enthusiastic about the game.
@nothing3376 7 күн бұрын
@@Tablerunner of course if it’s fun it’s fun! And if it works it works! I just really want to enjoy this style of game but it has never clicked. What happens if you just come up with something mid session? Like a player has the ability to control iron, and then they have the idea of moving large chunks of dirt around because of the natural iron in the earth. Does the dm just kinda decide mid moment that is okay? Or does everyone kinda vote? How do you decide damage of “ice blast vs I shoot an ice blast but I spawn the ice from within his mouth” If you all sit around and plan for what is and isn’t allowed, aren’t you essentially just creating custom “moves” like in Starfinder? Again I’m not trying to be negative or rain on your parade. I am coming from a place where I want to learn to understand this style of play. I’ve tried, and it always feels like just kinda making stuff up. As the dm I feel like I have to constantly make calls, and a more codified game would do that for me.
@Tablerunner 7 күн бұрын
@@nothing3376 I make a ruling on the fly using my best judgement and the rules as I understand them. This ruling is communicated either with a description of the effect or with a call for a skill check vs a DC set by me. Then a description depending on whether or not the attempt was a success or failure is given by either the player or GM based on who describes failures or successes as decided in the social contract of the game. We will talk about it afterwards and most of the time we are satisfied with the ruling on the fly. Since such rulings occur during novel (new and innovative) actions, I don't consider it simply adding new buttons to the arcade controller. While I will note the ruling for the sake of consistency, the new application of a power seldom becomes a default strategy. Most encounters vary significantly enough that the same "combo" would be less than ideal. But again, we are focused on staying in character the entire game rather than optimizing a character build. So character motivation and how the character would react within the fiction world is our shared objective. In a super hero game, the morality of the characters is front and centre. My players decided to roleplay their characters as cautious that their powers could be too deadly and risk tipping the character over into villain territory.
@kdolo1887 9 күн бұрын
There is a lot of unnecessary crunch in the the Palladium system, but one of the things I really liked was tracking whether you dodge or your armor gets hit. Damage against armor, especially concerning medieval roleplaying games, was always compelling to me and makes blacksmithing, leatherworking and tailoring suddenly important when your armor takes damage and might potentially break. This gets crunchy, but also provides opportunity for character interaction and roleplay in a way that D&D kind of handwaves.
@Tablerunner 9 күн бұрын
I completely agree regarding armour. Having to worry about the viability of the armour as it gets damaged feels right to me and my players like it as well.
@miksmeistergeneral 9 күн бұрын
Sounds like there's enough trust at your table that a system like this can work very well. I prefer rules light systems and games where some rules are squishy enough that they may require some interpretation or limitation. And that's where I think genre can help guide the judgment of the players and the GM. Does applying the rule feel (in this particular case) enough like a comic book? If so, I'd say you're on the right track. I do wonder, though, if players who are too steeped in a 5e mindset (where there's probably a definitive answer to just about every 'what happens when...' situation) might find such a loose game system unsatisfying and/or unpredictable.
@Tablerunner 9 күн бұрын
I agree. Players who are trained to push buttons on the character sheet will struggle to know what to do. I'm concerned that many in the mainstream of this niche hobby fall into that camp. They use the character sheet as a console controller rather than the launch pad. Trust is absolutely essential.
@miksmeistergeneral 9 күн бұрын
​@@TablerunnerI like the character sheet as console controller comparison. It's a perfect description of videogames (where you can do only what the developers allow) vs. rpgs (where you can do anything the GM and players agree to).
@Tablerunner 9 күн бұрын
@@miksmeistergeneral Exactly.
@stochasticagency 9 күн бұрын
THe audio is coming through just fine.
@Tablerunner 9 күн бұрын
Thanks. I can't tell as easily on my end. I finished the book that you generously gave me. Very interesting.
@stochasticagency 9 күн бұрын
@@Tablerunner Ya, sometimes you don't know until the upload, but as it stands now, it's good. I'm glad you had the time to finish it. I hope you find something in there to help you in your journey. Maybe we could chat in the future to talk about how far things have come along for you.
@Tablerunner 9 күн бұрын
@stochasticagency I would like that.
@LawDawg3777 10 күн бұрын
Really warms my heart to see more people showing love to Palladium! Thanks for this video, I really enjoyed it!
@Tablerunner 9 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching and commenting!
@thethan302 10 күн бұрын
One of my brand new players is playing a cleric. Having never played a TTRPG; he wants to call upon the power of Bahamut for all sorts of reasons. The party came upon an evil cleric praying at an altar. He started to out-cleric the evil cleric and prayed loudly to his god (sort of like countersong) and tried to overwhelm him with the holy power granted to him by his god. Another time he called upon his god to convict and compel and ultimately convert a group of bandits. He rolled extremely well and managed to convert like 3 of the bandits. There are no mechanics for these, so I am having to make it all up. But it’s worth the ad-hoc rulings because for starters he’s actually playing a cleric as something other than a heal-bot. Two he’s not being tied down to what the rules says he can or can’t do. He just declares he’s going to do it and I have to come up with something. Since we’re playing D&D 3.5 asking for an opposed roll or choosing a DC isn’t all that hard. I sort of feel that the more we engage with the rules of a game system; the more we allow ourselves to be constrained by them. I think that’s tragic; the rules should gives us the tools to be creative and innovative in our own games; not so constraining that we are left with only the “best” option; all else being inferior. It’s refreshing to see someone “just go” and play; without worrying about what the rules say.
@Tablerunner 9 күн бұрын
I completely agree. Those elements you've had to make up on the fly will likely be the moments that are the most memorable! Thanks for the comment.
@Yekrep 10 күн бұрын
While I agree that innovative actions are much more interesting and dynamic than prescribed ones, I worry that you end up opening a can of worms if there is any kind of magic system, which are already prone to problems. Drawing inspiration from Avatar, consider how busted magic would be if every wind/air spell could be used to suffocate someone or rupture their lungs, every water spell could freeze a person's blood or give them a stroke, etc. The only solution I can think of is for the rules to have explicit limitations, costs, and weaknesses to the magic / superpowers
@Tablerunner 10 күн бұрын
I seem to recall that later seasons of Avatar (which are lousy), had an air bender suffocate a lady by evacuating all the air around her head. This is why we brainstorm uses of each power as a group to determine the limits of each power before the character is introduced into the game. Since I only play with mature adults, most of the time the player himself with suggest limitations to give the character some limitations. Makes for better material with which to roleplay the character.
@Yekrep 10 күн бұрын
@Tablerunner you remember correctly. We see a limited number of air benders in the show, and most are pacifist, so it's not clear how many had access to that technique. But I think we can assume that since only 2 very advanced airbenders ever used it, the suffocation technique was probably very advanced. Just to be clear, I don't take issue with magic being strong, only that we should be careful not to turn mundane magic into reality altering stuff. Ya know?
@Tablerunner 10 күн бұрын
@@Yekrep You bet. I get you.
@polyrobotics1 10 күн бұрын
For Mechano Link, with relationship to Computer Hacking, Must pass all three skills, when hacking a system.
@Tablerunner 10 күн бұрын
Exact wording is "the character can merge and communicate with any computer system regardless of preventive programs, codes or defenses." We interpret that to be no hack is required. Reprogramming would be a skill check. Of course you can interpret it as you will.
@johandejong2292 11 күн бұрын
I only ever got the same book as you have, the 2022 update of the Mongoose 2nd edition. And I got that quite recently. "Lifepath character creation" and "easy to play, difficult to master" were selling points to me, and I understand the lifepath system all too well. I envisioned myself as a teacher first, when that failed as a computer tech second. Yet I ended up in prison. Fortunately, on the right side of the doors, with the keys in my hand, still working there after 24 years and enjoying myself, but still. When I looked at my own 'lifepath' you might understand I laughed, and somehow I got to a place where I am getting close to having worked for a quarter of a century. Interestingly, Star Trek Adventures I can't say I have played this game much, yet. The amount of sessions we had was 1. Of character creation. For the fun of it while we were waiting for something to arrive. However, I do intend to play a couple of one-offs to get the hang of the system, expecting the hype to be true up to a certain point. If we like it, I may start the hunt for the Companion and The High Guard, which seem to be quite valuable extra resources for this game. The High Guard for everything about ships, and the Companion for all manner of rules variants and extras. Stuff like Luck and Sanity stats, for example. The latter seeming interesting for a Sci-Fi horror setting. And I heard that the alien species splatbooks are of quite a high standard too, with regards to their content.
@Tablerunner 11 күн бұрын
I hope that you enjoy it when you start playing it in earnest. The lifepath system does feel very believable. As others have commented, it creates believable characters with varied stories rather than "builds." Thanks for the comment!
@Skyharpy123 11 күн бұрын
Good video. A lot of RR are coming up with creative ways for advancement. I use one that's based on your wealth status. My players really like it.
@Tablerunner 11 күн бұрын
@TheJDough1 11 күн бұрын
Great review!! Thank you. This was a genuine review instead of someone selling me on a game that seems like they’ve never played, and then telling me why a different version is better. Thank you so much
@Tablerunner 11 күн бұрын
Thanks for your comment!
@richardgrzela1381 12 күн бұрын
Great commentary on the video! If you need a back up player, for sure keep me in mind.
@Tablerunner 12 күн бұрын
Of course! Thanks for the comment!
@FiLtheThriL 13 күн бұрын
Wow you're smart!
@Tablerunner 13 күн бұрын
I have a great co-host!
@brentcaldwell7485 17 күн бұрын
Interesting! Thx. Would you consider sharing the chatgpt prompts you used?
@Tablerunner 17 күн бұрын
Thanks for the comment. I wish I could remember the prompts I used. Something about a plot synopsis with interesting and varied characters who have secrets and unknown connections with each other.
@screenmonkey 18 күн бұрын
Having players use to Class based games (cough D&D cough), and taking away any sense of choice is a huge culture shock. But here is the thing, you do start as a "level 1" character in traveller after you pick your Race and select your Edu DM+3 skills to start , with all your hopes and dreams, then you play your first adventure wich is going through the life path, ala what have you been up to since you were a hopeful young thing and life battered the tar out of.
@Tablerunner 18 күн бұрын
I hope more people in the hobby (especially the D&D crowd), experience games that are less class based.
@EteraRPG 19 күн бұрын
I brain farted when I said digital, what I meant is 'fingerprints' or any other bio residue.
@Tablerunner 19 күн бұрын
I interpreted it as looking for WiFi signals into the ultraviolet range, but fingerprints makes more sense. I have a lot of admiration for you guys playing in a second language!
@PebbleSucker 20 күн бұрын
Interesting discussion, the idea the player must 'become' the character. Must be 'immersed' in the world. Not accounting for the idea the player may know things and still 'play' the character. The assumption a player will automatically use information available to the player the character wouldn't have. That they can't put themselves in the role of the character. And are inherently dishonest in the purpose of the game, and in how they play their character.
@fullmetalstate 23 күн бұрын
Fun video Chris! I had this book eons ago and remember enjoying flipping through it. I’ve been looking through supers game forever now trying to find the right balance for what I envision for the table.
@Tablerunner 23 күн бұрын
Thank you sir! My in person group is enjoying this game for how over the top the powers are.
@PebbleSucker 24 күн бұрын
You're enthusiasm and smile for this is infectious. I was smiling watching you, and I'm smiling typing this.
@stevenlussier9061 24 күн бұрын
Thanks you guys do a great job. I listen to a lot of live play and yours is very high-quality. Thank you for sharing.
@Tablerunner 24 күн бұрын
That's very kind of you to say. Thanks for watching!
@stevenlussier9061 25 күн бұрын
Have you released the live play game of easy D6?
@Tablerunner 25 күн бұрын
We have two different games posted. The first one is kzbin.infouzLQ2Tk12_M?si=JGqgOwM2dL19BfT4
@Tablerunner 25 күн бұрын
The second one is much better in my opinion and can be found here: kzbin.info9MhDGvKYNFQ?si=1REKebeofck_yToX
@thomassnider9360 26 күн бұрын
Just bought this myself as one of my two game groups mentioned enjoying it in the past so I had to go see what all the hype was. Just got it a couple days ago and as a gm I can already see ways I can 'use' the career system to create a game motif. Think something like, on the last pass through, make all the players take the prisoner career and just like that you've set yourself up for a 'Far Scape' type of game of players always on the run after escaping. But so far, from what I'm reading, I do like the character creation system more than either DnD or Pathfinder, because it feels a bit more 'real' and with the game it is trying for 'real people put in extra ordinary situations' which I think can potentially create the best stories.
@Tablerunner 26 күн бұрын
Having everyone create their characters with the system while at the table together is a great way to create interesting connections between characters. Thanks for the comment.
@DanielMcGillis-f3w 27 күн бұрын
The thing I love the most about Traveller is that it has no baggage. Star Wars has the force and the battle of good vs evil. Aliens have corporations and xenomorphs. With Traveller you can do literally anything. You can be space truckers who do side gigs to try and get the scratch to pay the mortgage, you can be mercenaries fighting in the endless interstellar conflicts, or you can be explorers on the edge of charted space literally exploring new worlds, you can be space pirates plying the trade lanes looking for an easy score, you can be spies involved in either interstellar conflicts or internal imperial conflicts, space smugglers with lots of shady characters and lots of dirty deals where every name is an alias in case somebody squeals. The possibilities are as endless as space itself. And the lifepath system prevents people from optimizing skills. You end up with a smattering of skills some of, which you may never end up using as intended, and some critical skills that you may have to learn along the way. And every new world you visit is a new environment, culture, and experience. You could be sitting in a dive bar on a tech 3 world where everybody around you thinks that ball and shot rifles are pretty badass, then three weeks later sitting in a floating castle with people who use plasma generator rifles and powered armor. And lastly, I love the moral ambiguity of the game. No alignments, no force dice. Your morality is what you make of it. Sometimes you do good things for bad reasons, and sometimes you do bad things for a greater good. Sometimes you steal a bunch of nerve gas from some people and inadvertently start a strategic nuclear exchange. I have played RPGs for 40 years, started playing AD&D when I was 12 years old. This is my favorite system by far.
@Tablerunner 25 күн бұрын
I agree. It feels more like a blank slate. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts!
@daffyduck76 28 күн бұрын
My house rule for terms are the first term is 4 years and each one after that is 1 year.
@Tablerunner 28 күн бұрын
Interesting. I had not considered adjusting term length.
@richardgrzela1381 29 күн бұрын
This was very well done! Love what you did here. Great table team and great way to engage the audience!
@Tablerunner 29 күн бұрын
Hey, that's very nice of you to say! Thanks for watching and leaving a comment. I hope to have some more super hero games in the future (as well as a diverse range of other genres and systems).
@FiLtheThriL 29 күн бұрын
I'm glad we discussed your metal dong in session 0. One of the few things we kept in.
@Tablerunner 29 күн бұрын
I've got layers of complexity, like a fried onion appetizer from Applebee's.
@fredericjaquet3729 Ай бұрын
😂 I think that the "pink monstrosity" thing is a constant among people owning this book. Regarding some rules you may like or not, view Traveller as a tookbox from which you pick the tools you like. Companion is, IMO, a must-have. I haven't mastered a play at the moment, but I intend to let my players automatically qualify for the first career they choose in order to mitigate the frustration of not rolling what they want.
@Tablerunner 29 күн бұрын
Glad to hear that I'm not alone regarding the pink monstrosity! Thanks for watching.
@walterw9829 Ай бұрын
A magic user character was meant to be. I like your house rule of rerolling the ones.
@Tablerunner Ай бұрын
Hahaha! It certainly was meant to be. Thanks for watching.
@FiLtheThriL Ай бұрын
Yellow Lightning!
@Tablerunner Ай бұрын
Hero of the people. A streak of yellow who we love to see.
@walterw9829 Ай бұрын
Seems like the sonic flight benefit of vision should have been radar/sonar instead of vision and dark vision. Thanks for the character creation. I want to run this for my group.
@Tablerunner Ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment and I hope that it goes well for your group. I think that it is a system which works best when players and GM alike think of creative ways to. Do unexpected things with the powers they have. Could be immensely frustrating if either GM or players get upset with "over powered" uses of their super powers. Just embrace such events as part of the appeal.
@richardgrzela1381 Ай бұрын
My favorite old school system. I have been running it with the same group for seven years now. Hey I am always open to join a game if you need players or heck, if you want to join an on-line game, reach out and I'll squeeze you into our digital table. Great video.
@Tablerunner Ай бұрын
Thanks for watching! I'm not entirely satisfied with this video and may give it another shot.
@richardgrzela1381 Ай бұрын
@@Tablerunner If you do - Keep me in mind - I have a fast and dirty way to make a hero that is a little less intensive. I build the character backwards!
@rttakezo2000 Ай бұрын
LBB's for the win
@Tablerunner Ай бұрын
My apologies, what does the abbreviation LBB mean?
@rlbink2498 Ай бұрын
Little Black Books. The Traveller OG Rulebooks from 70s and 80s.
@Tablerunner Ай бұрын
Thanks for decoding that for me.
@winterhamilton1882 Ай бұрын
Great review of a classic. Abstraction is needed. This was the first game I ran as a GM. Before we moved into other Paladium products. I still wonder to this day if we ever had by the book combat? I think we did.
@Tablerunner Ай бұрын
We are reasonably close to by the book for combat, but I think that Super Hero games start to shine when abstraction is embraced. For example, the hero with weight manipulation starts getting creative with the use of their power and things get crazy. Those experiences are memorable and the real attraction of this game to me. Thanks for watching my video!
@miksmeistergeneral Ай бұрын
Just started a mini-campaign with my group using the old TSR Marvel game. It also feels a bit 80s in its mechanics, but overall I think it's a pretty smooth system. Good to hear some other hero games getting a bit of love. ;)
@Tablerunner Ай бұрын
The system feels unrefined, but I agree that it is a stretch to claim that these older games are unplayable. I think my players were skeptical at first, but they are more into it with each game session we have. After this Tuesday one player said that he enjoys the retro feel of the game.
@jonmacbuff2268 Ай бұрын
Good stuff, Crispy! I’m in “final refinement” of a TTRPG I’ve been designing for twelve years and this content is helping a lot. Thanks!
@Tablerunner Ай бұрын
Hey, that sounds like a significant accomplishment. Congrats! Thanks for watching.
@rochedl Ай бұрын
I agree with you on what you say is wrong with this game in particular, and with games of this time in general. What I loved about the game was the potential for over-the-top fun. What I did back when this first came out was, I took the powers from this game and combine it with TSR's Marvel superheroes. As for character creation, most of the RPGs of this time suffered from over complicated rules. The worst example of this was GDW's Twilight 2000 1st ed. I have likened the character creation system of this to doing taxes. The game was a blast once you got past the creation stage, and this was also one of the deadliest games I have ever played. with Twilight 2000, you do not want to get into a firefight.
@Tablerunner Ай бұрын
"Over-the-top" is an excellent description for this game, and perhaps a lot of the appeal! Thanks for watching.
@rochedl Ай бұрын
I have played almost all of the versions of Traveller, to me the Mongoose is the best for Ease of play, I started with classic Traveller back in the later 80's, and then there was Mega Traveller, which suffered from what was common of most games of the late 80's to mid 90's, overly detailed. Then there was Traveller The New Era, this took place after a massive computer virus destroyed the Galactic Imperium, Vampire starships can make for interesting encounters, a Vampire starship is a ship that has killed its crew and fly's around looking to infest other ships and kill the other ships crew. After New Era there was GURPS Traveller, if you like GURPS then this one would be fun, I looked into this one, but GURPS has a habit of wanting you to have ten plus books to play lol. Then there was Marc Miller's Traveller, this one suffered a short life due to so many errors in the book that it was unplayable Next was Traveller5, this did not last long due to overpriced books. People heard that the main book was 5000 pages and close to $400 dollars ( I may be wrong on price and page count) and did not sale many Then was 1st edition of Mongoose Traveller, Mongoose wanted to go back to classic traveler and modernize it, it had ALOT wrong with it, but 2nd Edition fixed a lot.
@Tablerunner Ай бұрын
Thanks for the rundown! I made the mistake of asking a forum somewhere which Traveller I should try. It started an argument that likely continues to this day. So I went on the recommendation of a few people that I trust and chose Mongoose 2e. I like how the game is completely playable with just the core book.
@panchromatic242 Ай бұрын
I've been nostalgic for this game since the late 80s when I first encountered it. My group for whatever reason just nerded out over all the calculations. If you go into it with the right mindset, like you said, roleplaying the total bustedness of the chars can be really fun and challenging. I also really love that you can set the tier of your adventure by giving people maximum point spend. Is this Daredevil and Frank Castle? Is it Batman? Is it Spider Man, on and on. And the whole system of advantages and disads makes for some insanely cool RP-driven powers you might not think of otherwise. So much cool stuff.
@Tablerunner Ай бұрын
We had our weekly game last night. Talked about the game afterwards and players are committed to leaning into a cinematic style of roleplay. One even said that he likes the retro feel of this older game! I'm encouraging players to think of creative uses for their powers.
@panchromatic242 Ай бұрын
@@Tablerunner absolutely. you have to pull the melodrama and wackiness from your whole chest to get full value out of this game. think big, think bombastic and wild. commit to the bit and feel the fun :D
@FiLtheThriL Ай бұрын
What if it was Heroes Unlimited but in Total Party Skills? Should we just be playing it straight Palladium Crispy!?
@Tablerunner Ай бұрын
I'm very excited to see how the game works in TPS. I think it could be a real winner.
@LawDawg3777 Ай бұрын
More Palladium Books! More Heroes Unlimited! Palladium Books gets so little attention and it is a shame. Like you did initially, many people have heard or assume the mechanic is clunky and un-runnable. This is simply not the case. The mechanic is pretty solid for its era and still holds up today. Once you get into the groove, one will find that it runs smoothly and quickly as long as everyone involved has a good understanding of what their characters are capable of. Usually when you find yourself spending a lot of time looking things up it is because someone doesn't have a clear understanding of what the character is capable of. It's like handing a magic-user to the brand new player and expecting him to know what all his spells do.
@Tablerunner Ай бұрын
Getting into the groove takes less effort than I was expecting. The issue at my table is that I'm the only one with the books. If my players had a deeper system understanding many of the issues would go away. Part of the reason I'm introducing Palladium games to them is to learn how to better introduce a system that gets a bad rep from being too difficult to learn. (To be clear, I don't think it deserves this reputation.) Thanks for watching!
@bryanstephens4800 Ай бұрын
As far as experience is concerned to improve characters I use a system inspired by Seth Skorkowski. (Spelling) Where I give characters one experience point heard venture and any skill they successfully rolled an 8 plus on or higher without the expenditure of lock they get to make A1D6 −1 roll on. If they roll higher than their existing skill or they roll a 5 they get to add 1 experience point to that skill. At the end of each adventure all experience points must be spent towards skills.
@Tablerunner Ай бұрын
I like that. Thanks for telling me about it.
@bryanstephens4800 Ай бұрын
Moongoose art has often seen hit or miss. Sometimes it is fantastic.
@Tablerunner Ай бұрын
I really like the vacc suits and weapons. Vehicles? Not my favourite. I get that a lot comes down to personal preference.
@SlyBlueDemon Ай бұрын
I absolutely love some more palladium talk! The games are fun. I do think they get more hate than they deserve on the internet and that drives people away from the system but it's not as bad as people will talk about.
@Tablerunner Ай бұрын
I completely agree.
@NefariousKoel Ай бұрын
Regarding making a choice you really want to succeed in the Lifepath system, I have a suggestion. Use the following option from the similar lifepath system in Mutant Chronicles 3e. Give each character a small & specific number of guaranteed success rolls in character creation. Just two or maybe three automatic successes they can spend on any roll they want. It is a small step and easy to implement. This way you can still get most of the lifepath backstory & brain-stirring surprises but have more control over a few specifics you really want.
@Tablerunner Ай бұрын
I like your suggestion.
@JustinThorLPs Ай бұрын
Yeah, create the character. Those videos can be fun. Actually, maybe live stream it.
@Tablerunner Ай бұрын
Will do!
@JohnCarneyAu Ай бұрын
Great review. I recently played Traveller for the first time. The table didn’t work out for me, but I did like the system.