BJJ White Belts Suck at Drilling
@Topperro187 Күн бұрын
I hate the fact that I might quit. I’ve been at it for 3 months but I just don’t have time anymore
@VinceMoran-en5sv 2 күн бұрын
I'm not getting better at 56 and being a purple belt. That's fine.
@AIAffiliator88 4 күн бұрын
Idk leveling up my belt still didn't really do anything to benefit my life overall. I just don't wanna be around broke bjj people who only care about competitions, I'm at a different stage of life.
@BenWeeks-ca 10 күн бұрын
I remember a higher belt wanted to do reps with me and he got mad because I asked a safety question and was slightly confused about which person's knee would get wrecked if one partner's foot was out of position. The guy just wanted to use me and had no patience to explain. Patience is supposed to be a trait martial arts teaches.
@jackdaniels2127 14 күн бұрын
Not for quick returns?
@eltonblack9421 21 күн бұрын
Judo and BJJ are not different arts. There is no BJJ technique that doesn't originate in Judo. BJJ is just a expression of Judo which emphasizes ground fighting. People tend to train in accordance with their sport body rule sets. This doesn't mean that there are 2 arts. Freestyle Judo or Kosen Judo has a rule set akin to BJJ tournaments and allows for extensive newaza. My advice for people that emphasize both ground and standing is to keep an eye on the rule sets of the competition you take part in. Developing a game that works across rule sets would be useful for example don't neglect sacrifice throws or techniques that attack the legs. Become good at transitioning from standing to ground attacks. Learn both fast aggressive submissions (clock choke) and submissions with a slower setup. Avoid standing techniques that don't allow transition to newaza or that expose the back (makikomi techniques). (Judo Brown Belt& BJJ Blue Belt)
@cjanquart 23 күн бұрын
52, injuries, 2-3x/week at best due to my work schedule. Wondering what the perspective is from coaches/business owners would be with the loss of students and revenue.
@seaeagle758 25 күн бұрын
ive seen social cliqueiness in a very nasty way when a few members created a whatsapp group in which they spoke about other gym members in a very insulting way (not me, but it disgusted me when i heard about it). but, personally, i can live with that, as its ignorable. ive also encountered some rather unpleasant people, but i can ignore that too. BUT, the thing that wasn’t mentioned in this video is for me the absolute number one red flag and is not ignorable which is INJURY RATE. if the gym is dangerous, think carefully about why and question whether you should be there.
@brianrahuba6919 26 күн бұрын
I can't get into this art . I tried over and over again . I'm not training for tournaments. I don't care about making points by crossing guards and submission. I like kickboxing . Dutch style or Mauy Thai . Starting to see, I want to say it's Sandra ? Chinese Kickboxing with some kind of Judo mix . Really, I like all the arts, but like most, I have older injuries that limit my old backside. Old ACL injury hurts in BJJ . too much on my kness . Plus, it's too targeted towards competitions for me and kind of stuff that really won't benefit me .
@alexchuprin8786 28 күн бұрын
Did my first tournament recently, only had 3 matches because I only signed up for No-gi. Was definitely nervous going in, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. You do get tired quicker but once you adjust it's not so bad. I was stronger than the guys in the same weight class and won 2/3 matches. Even got a medal. Felt really good after and walked away with only a swollen lip. My arms didn't really get super tired, but I did try to just control on top instead of trying to be fancy for the first time. Did try to be more aggressive and that did get me taken down once, but otherwise I got 2 takedowns and an ezekiel choke. Definitely want to do more now
@denverwingchun9852 21 күн бұрын
Keep with it! Great job
@russream3732 29 күн бұрын
Doing first comp in Oct as White Belt. There is a video playing in my head of how I will look, and then there is the actual video of how I will look 😂. Trying to improve everyday.
@greekpimp77 Ай бұрын
I think to cover BOTH aspects, do BOTH JJ and BJJ. Then you covered all the aspects of jiu-jitsu.
@greekpimp77 Ай бұрын
There are over 300 videos on the internet WHERE BJJ wins in a street fight. I seen BJJ lose ONLY 1 time on video in a street fight. My point???? All of the moves of most of the moves that were done we're basically SPORT BJJ. Close the distance - take down- then take the back = REAR NAKED CHOKE.
@greekpimp77 Ай бұрын
I agree with a lot of The Gracie's have said, I believe in rolling with strikes. BUT I am NOT sold on the gun and knife defense. If there is NO GJJ schools near WHERE You live then just do MMA class with sport BJJ.
@greekpimp77 Ай бұрын
Gracie schools have the worst quality of GIs!! Wash them 1 time and they shrink!! And VERY expensive.
@MorrisandApril Ай бұрын
Thank you this is exactly what I was looking for… the differences. I am glad you have expereince in both.
@joedaddy8044 Ай бұрын
Solid video 👍🏻 thank you
@Blukoi1 Ай бұрын
I faced a lot of adversity and set backs at blue belt, it was rough. I was there for 3 years. Didn’t think I’d make it to purple belt, but I did and once I did it kind of felt like a weight had lifted off me.
@benjamindelfs2718 Ай бұрын
I’m 7 months in, 2 stripes and trying to retain information from each class and use it on colour belts. I have success against other white belts, and some blue belts but still haven’t bridged that gap.
@mariog4095 Ай бұрын
At purple belt, you are the college kid/early 20s of the Jiu Jitsu world. To the brown and black belts, you’re an adult who gets to participate in all the adult things, but there’s little to no expectations cause you’re still young and figuring it all out. To the white and blue belts, you’re their cool older sibling who they all look up to and want to emulate.
@ChristopherCarpenter Ай бұрын
Well said, I have never heard that analogy but I love it
@strongwiseandfree Ай бұрын
I'm just starting to use trickery and set things up a few moves ahead of time at 4 stripes on my white belt..
@dbuck1964 Ай бұрын
The problem with everything that you’re discussing is it leads to a mentality of avoiding deep repetition of fundamental basics. It’s pointless to try to think strategically and outsmart others as a beginner when you’re still at the stage where you’re learning your moves.
@MitchMacLeod-mr5pw Ай бұрын
Happy to be a white belt with four stripes. No pressure, just train and have fun. I leave the pursuit of belts to others .
@ChristopherCarpenter Ай бұрын
The 4 stripe white belt days are low key some of the best and most under appreciated times in jiujitsu
@MitchMacLeod-mr5pw Ай бұрын
@@ChristopherCarpenter I expect I will be here a while.
@JVoorhees1 Ай бұрын
Surprised I'm now just seeing your videos. Lotta good advice
@ChristopherCarpenter Ай бұрын
Thank you I really appreciate your comment! When I first started I thought no one would ever watch any of my videos but it was nice to get some of my thoughts out there when the people around me were sick of me talking about jiujitsu all the time 😂
@ChadLubinski Ай бұрын
Needed this. Good stuff man
@dma67111 Ай бұрын
If you’re trash at grappling, you ain’t getting no blue belt. Might as well forget about pursuing a belt and just get good
@Jiu-JitsuJourney257 2 ай бұрын
I’m a 4 stripe purple belt. Train 3 days a week. Help coach kids, and at tournaments. And I have kids and a job. Holding it down pretty well. I seem to be the exception. lol
@blind_warriorr 2 ай бұрын
I was a purple belt for 8 years before I got my brown belt. It’s a great belt to be at. I did feel some pressure when I got it but not nearly as much pressure as when I got my brown belt.
@craigory972 2 ай бұрын
I just started my 6th month ha, and still going strong! I watch this every few months to renew my want for the blue belt and all the magic powers that come with it!
@ChristopherCarpenter 2 ай бұрын
I’m so glad to hear that!! I hope your journey is long and profoundly transformative.
@alvaroprats908 2 ай бұрын
Nice video, very helpful
@mattreynolds5122 2 ай бұрын
Wait what)? There are gyms who charge u for promotions 😂😂wtf
@ChristopherCarpenter 2 ай бұрын
Yes, the Gracie barra franchise is notorious for doing just that, however I’m sure there are some more gyms that participate in this practice. The justification for it would be that they give you a promotion of some sort at an event outside of regular class hours like a testing or seminar type event that may be a few hours long or what not. they often say that say it’s outside of regular a class they can justify the cost as it is something not included in your membership, but in reality it’s a big racket.
@mattreynolds5122 Ай бұрын
@@ChristopherCarpenter I’m a Gracie but I’m under Pedro sauer they def don’t do that for us 😂 that would be shitty I didn’t know that was a thing
@jacobalexander1889 2 ай бұрын
I think the only reason a Reasonable professor or coach wouldn't let you is if you are RIPPING them. If you take it slow and easy then there shouldn't be any problems.
@arnonabuurs7297 2 ай бұрын
that goes for every move, no excuse...
@cgb5235 2 ай бұрын
extremely good tips
@davidvincent3959 2 ай бұрын
I’m a declared BJJ purple belt hobbyist. I competed regularly at white and blue several times each belt. I no longer have any interest in competing. I just enjoy training, the community and the health/ mental benefits.
@ZervNugzHD 2 ай бұрын
Same here man. 30yo purple belt. Spent the last 2 years recovering from a back injury from a comp. Finally back to training hard and in the best shape of my life but I don’t know if I want to compete again.
@TridentLion 2 ай бұрын
Just got my blue belt last week! Took 23 months. Training 3-5 days a week. 5 competitions. 7-2 record. Consistency with a focus on skill acquisition is all it takes.
@ChristopherCarpenter 2 ай бұрын
@cjanquart 2 ай бұрын
The krav maga school I attend use to have the mentality that "ground is bad, we get off the ground and either disengage or continue striking" but the reality is that a lot of fights end up on the ground so that's the new philosophy. Our instructor believes that since you tap as soon as it hurts, you mitigate a lot of injuries. Coach also stresses that coming to class once a week is probably a waste of time. The kicker is at 52 with correspondingly lower flexibility and overweight (fluffy but not a fat slob) certainly doesn't make it easier. Sure, I can try to "survivie" and just counter but eventually I'll get outmaneuvered and fatigued..then choked/locked. Let's do five minutes rounds...and then the downward spiral of being gassed, then my technique suffers and I get choked/locked faster. Then the frustration factor sets in because trying to get into guard or another position doesn't accomplish anything because I'll get overmanuevered (again) then choked/locked (again)...or I'll try to do an escape and end up getting choked/locked even worse. Most of the instruction is sparring and not a ton of "this is how you do an arm bar from this position" teaching, which is the main reason why I don't feel like I'm learning anything. Getting choked/locked and not seeing how I got choked/locked and lacking the skill, ability and conditioning to do anything...frankly sucks. Also sucking means I'm probably not challenging my opponent, so other than rolling with slower 260 pound guy there's probably little benefit on their end, other than to practice technique on a non-compliant partner. Pretty huge learning curve for a combat skill because some of the techniques have several step that need to be correct or you'll lose the position, get off balance, then subsequently choked/locked by your opponent. Time factor is a thing; not a parent but working a job with schedule that changes weekly make is challenging to attend classes. Only been doing this for a month and pretty much accepted that I'll just be sore/achy all the time. Not a rant, just my experience.
@awcitrus2768 2 ай бұрын
More like money for me 😭
@alphabromega859 2 ай бұрын
I went 4-6 times a week for about 14 months. With an already high baseline for fitness, so i mostly just had to learn the technical skills. In that time I literally won one single individual roll one year later. ONE. My time spent compared to the output I could put out was so horrible I could do literally any other thing in the world and get a better outcome.
@ChristopherCarpenter 2 ай бұрын
That is definitely not the normal experience. I would love to hear more about the gym training atmosphere and how practice was conducted, it may shed some light on why you had the experience you did.
@cjanquart 2 ай бұрын
Agreed; for the time invested that's a really poor outcome, unless you're constantly rolling with advanced people.
@_jamesmoss 2 ай бұрын
3 stripe white belt here - I started with 1 hour session a week initially for a month and increased to two sessions a week for around 3-4 months. I found my jiu jitsu significantly improved due to 2x the amount of time on the mats. Now I currently attend 3 1 hour sessions a week (1 no gi - 2 gi) and me and a friend re practice everything we learned that week and do a huge 3-5 hour block of just exploring the position with potential possibilities for connecting techniques together. An analogy I came up with was every session you go to, you obtain 1 single piece to the huge puzzle of jiu jitsu. Firstly you start with the corners (basics) then after time you start realising that some pieces connect and the picture of jiu jitsu begins to form. My main point here is, I have learned jiu jitsu to be a life long commitment (for me at least). As long as you attend at-least 1 session a week to learn techniques from GB1 program for example and you practice them for 2 hours on the weekend with some, your jiu jitsu will most likely improve over time which is great! Love the channel mate keep posting because I genuinely enjoy watching your videos :)!
@ChristopherCarpenter 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment, I love hearing about people’s journey in the sport! Sounds like you found a good rhythm to keep you going and improving. I appreciate your perspective on BJJ being a lifelong journey because that’s exactly how I see it as well. Of course some people only train BJJ for a short while, but as the years have gone on for me it has just cemented into my life as something I always do and it has been so interesting to see my relationship with the sport evolve/change.
@cjanquart 2 ай бұрын
Yep boils down to time/ my case just a newb than is just in survival mode and trying not to get injured.
@benjamindelfs2718 2 ай бұрын
For me it’s hard to get in more than 3 times a week. We have a 3 year old and class finishes just when bedtime and bath time happens. So I can do 2-3 classes a week plus an open mat. I’m still learning as much as the ones who train 4 days a week, but I also have to do some study on the side and really go to class and open mat with a game plan. I’m also 35 and done other stuff like judo when I was younger. Current 2 stripe white belt, and honestly it will take me a few years to see Colour. My main goal is just to stay active and consistent
@ChristopherCarpenter 2 ай бұрын
Sounds to me like you are on a great path! 2-3 is definitely enough especially with your mindset, I have no doubt you will Be able to reach your goals in BJJ.
@stuartclubb4302 2 ай бұрын
Appreciate you taking the time to address the comment. Candid and honest perspectives. Hopefully new and current people get something out of it.
@benjamindelfs2718 2 ай бұрын
Never heard of paying for stripes. I got two in one night on promotion night. Training now 8 months.
@ChristopherCarpenter 2 ай бұрын
Heck yeah! Congratulations on your progress. Also the paying for stripes is gross and lame in my opinion and it was a factor into why I wanted to leave the gym (it was a Gracie Barra).
@keithbazemore2044 2 ай бұрын
I just started as a 44-year-old. Great video. You’re a natural teacher, keep it up.
@ChristopherCarpenter 2 ай бұрын
Thank you ver much for your kind comment! I’m glad to hear you are getting into the art of grappling. I hope your journey is fulfilling and rewarding.
@jaimepardo 2 ай бұрын
I’m approaching 3 years. 2 yrs were consistent this last year I’ve had bb blues & just had a break of 3.5 months. Just started back now & what’s been great is that people have been genuinely pleased to see me come back & have told me so. Very heart warming. I feel very comfortable and bedded in as a bb now. Still some things I haven’t yet got my head around that confuse me. My plan is to be very consistent again & see where I am in another year. Hopefully I will have gotten over some humps. The next promotion will come when I’m ready & my coach says so. Right now I don’t feel ready. Honestly I’ve no idea what a purple belt is other than technically they’re noticeably better than me.
@ChristopherCarpenter 2 ай бұрын
I feel so happy to hear people welcoming you back. Truly amazing to hear about the community you are helping to build. I hope that you can find your grove and stay consistent until purple and beyond.
@jaimepardo 2 ай бұрын
I’m approaching 3 years. 2 yrs were consistent this last year I’ve had bb blues & just had a break of 3.5 months. Just started back now & what’s been great is that people have been genuinely pleased to see me come back & have told me so. Very heart warming. I feel very comfortable and bedded in as a bb now. Still some things I haven’t yet got my head around that confuse me. My plan is to be very consistent again & see where I am in another year. Hopefully I will have gotten over some humps. The next promotion will come when I’m ready & my coach says so. Right now I don’t feel ready. Honestly I’ve no idea what a purple belt is other than technically they’re noticeably better than me.
@user-uc9fx4ru7p 3 ай бұрын
Worried about going to 1st tournament. Didn’t sign up yet . Well over 40. Over 200. Worried go to heavy weight division and fail bad against bugger dude.
@stuartclubb4302 2 ай бұрын
Failure is OK. The real issue is risk of injury if you are badly mismatched.
@ChristopherCarpenter 2 ай бұрын
The good news for you is that most beginner tournaments are all fun and no injuries so long as you tap you get put in a submission hold. The biggest thing to look out for is being too nervous and gassing out/going too hard. This happens to most people and is sorta part of the experience with first time competitions. Win or lose though almost everyone I know who has done it is glad to have competed and learned something from the process.
@HungarianWarHorse 3 ай бұрын
Did bjj for 4 years and playing guard just gets old, submissions are pretty nieche thing in a real fight and at blue belt you should be able to choke any rando with no training so going further youre just training to fight other bjj guys and god damn is bjj borring to watch so i cant even enjoy watching tournaments. Its a fine art but i have more fun with striking, judo and weapons
@HungarianWarHorse 2 ай бұрын
@gyrated fight me then
@HungarianWarHorse 2 ай бұрын
@gyrated i didnt say jiu jitsu match, i said fight
@HungarianWarHorse 2 ай бұрын
@@gyrate98 obvious troll, gtfo scrub. Fight me or ggs
@HungarianWarHorse 2 ай бұрын
​@@gyrate98fight me or ggs
@HungarianWarHorse 2 ай бұрын
@@gyrate98 yo mamma's
@HungarianWarHorse 3 ай бұрын
bjj just gets borring, its just submissions every class
@presde34 3 ай бұрын
4 months in currently dealing with this. Tthings were brutal for the first two months but by the third month a few things started to click and i was doing well and gaining confidence. However i realized i got too confident and yesterday was a humbling experience. Yesterday i ended up tapping to guy who was training for only a couple weeks and i had no one to blame but myself. I got sloppy and kept leaving my foot exposd for an ankle lock, the one submission he actually knew what to do. Now i want to go back and drill more because i needed to get humbled.
@ChristopherCarpenter 3 ай бұрын
That definitely happens to the best of us with ankle locks. Glad to hear things are starting to click for you. If you keep up the consistency before you know it I bet you will have a real breakthrough!
@presde34 3 ай бұрын
@@ChristopherCarpenter I appreciate your kind words. I am just going to keep going at it and continue to improve on what I already know
@MoneyBuysDrug 3 ай бұрын
My gym only does bjj twice a week because they also do other martial arts and it’s a small town gym