Stevonnie in Steven Universe Future!
@Cremebrulee9650 Күн бұрын
@cherezabotterman9433 Күн бұрын
What if it was a fusion that got corupted, What if there was a fith unknown diomond.
@onlyyeashhehhe 2 күн бұрын
@happylove9502 2 күн бұрын
I’m so sorry, you’re story Makes me realize how lucky I am to have you good father
@perelinojrdelacruz8138 2 күн бұрын
Bro didnt even get close to the roloes of the dimands
@BigWelt 3 күн бұрын
I would agree with you about the slowness of the suffocating technique. However, but in a fight if he just starts the process it will take the fight out of someone immediately. If you start losing the air in your lungs that is what you will then be worried about.
@thatblueday8946 5 күн бұрын
When's the new episode
@neva_createss 5 күн бұрын
I think PD was in the wrong, but I also think that she didn’t know anything but it. She went through all the abuse and stuff from the diamonds, so when she was in the situation with spinel, she did what she only knew.
@TryniaMerin 6 күн бұрын
Queen bees
@dessyboon6637 6 күн бұрын
I grew up in a family cult. To say the least the abuse was wild and constant and I wish I had somewhere else to go to escape it. I can’t escape it even now as an adult. I always related in the sense that the culture of the gems was so cult-like and the specific sentiment of the “we’re the only valid life forms and everyone and everything else are only good for resources for us” mirrored the way my father liked to talk about us.
@thesarcasticrat4182 6 күн бұрын
So I think that there’s definitely a sapphire, a peridot and a pearl in that mix. You can see it on the shapes of the gems and the colors. There’s blue, green, pink and a blue-ish purple. The upper gem on her forehead looks like a peridots +the green color. Then there’s the gem under in the shape of a sapphires gem, that’s where the blue color comes in +Flourite has gloves and usually clasp her hands tougher, much like a sapphire would do. And then theres’s the round gem on her chest, that’s probably a pearl (maybe that’s where the blue-ish purple comes from?) And maybe there’s a rose quartz in there too? Because of the pink in her gems? Some kind of quartz
@syedtariq5003 7 күн бұрын
Humanity First, good job queen
@mistiman6916 7 күн бұрын
You used a real life nose
@lancer434 7 күн бұрын
I can relate, kind of. My dad got into a really bad relationship after my mom. For a while, she entirely took my dad away from me. I can’t say I’m anything but glad that she’s dead, but I also feel horrible for being glad about that
@user-bf1nu1gm4u 7 күн бұрын
Rose quartz actually be pink diamond. This 6yr old video.
@tylersmith9465 7 күн бұрын
I guess aangs love for his nation and son blindsided his love for his older kids boomy and kya
@CarlosMiral-wm9jw 8 күн бұрын
Bro ....why ....why do you have to make .... simple.... content.....into a more ..... complicated.....and complex once
@eternallylearning2811 8 күн бұрын
The thing is I would have thought the point of this video would have been obvious with the whole ant/bee colony motiv and the colour of the liquid in the gem injectors Also ant/bees don't likely have the same concepts of faternity that we do
@Manicthecreator 9 күн бұрын
Pink was abused so much that she herself inherited those toxic traits makeing her a good and bad person but everyone has a good and bad side pink is just a great example of abused person
@starchildofthesun 9 күн бұрын
As someone who went through literal YEARS of heart ache, trauma, and pain- both physical and emotional- I love lapis' line. I relate to it, almost anytime I heard what someone else is going through I relate to it and can understand the grief and pain caused by that event. Because I've been there, but at the same time, pain does not excuse hurt others. Her line wasn't her being an apathetic bada-s, it was her showing she knew what it felt like, but also her telling blue diamond that she shouldn't be using her pain to hurt others
@starchildofthesun 9 күн бұрын
I respect your opinions on these designs, but the one complaint I have is when you mentioned the hole in Amethyst's shirt and the problem was that she is female. Rebecca Sugar said the gems- while yes they use she/her pronouns- are technically non-binary entities and do not have a gender. I'd argue they are demi-girls or transwomen, so a gem having an exposing top is far from impropriate...
@starchildofthesun 9 күн бұрын
You freaking called it!
@Lun4r.L1br4 10 күн бұрын
That line from Blue in the flash back, the fact that it rings and echos- “Why are you always doing this?” …I’ve had nightmares with that same motif, hearing my mother’s voice echo “why do you always do these things” spoken in such a similar way. I haven’t had this nightmare for a few years now, but the emotional impact it left, it always lingers in there. It’s gotten easier to cope with, but seeing that scene when the last episodes air just felt way too real.
@Killerwale-hk4wy 10 күн бұрын
There is in fact one person in existence that could handle Amon, Mako hit the man with lightning, if it weren't for pretty thiccc plot armor, that's a lethal blow. Every bending type has a technique that is kind of overpowered. The only reason we didn't see Lavabending as more powerfull is because it's a ton more graphic that bloodbending. There is very few that could effectively block a lavebender. Combustion man almost killed the entirety of team avatar TWICE, if it weren't for Toph or Zuko blocking him. Combustion benders are physically very powerfull, extremely good firebenders and that third eye of theirs is the most destructive of any attack. If you get more technical they should also be some insane lightning benders since the way combustion and lightning bending works is technically the same (only combustion bending has longer range and is more lethal) Then airbenders. Airbenders have arguably the most dangerous ability, Vacuums. We see them only once in the series with Zaheer, an amateur airbender. It was possibly used by Gyatso in his final stand, but we do know for a fact that Yangchen used it to render some firebenders completely useless (no air = no fire) and then explode their eardrums and making their lungs collapse. When you get theoretical, every bending type would be insanely strong (like, why don't earthbenders just make you sink in the ground more often), or don't metalbenders make massive clouds of death they can send at insane speed. But the examples I gave were all examples that were confirmed to be used in the series/books.
@user-eq4zc5ki7v 11 күн бұрын
Safire’s Pearl was probably shattered…..
@ricksanch3z681 12 күн бұрын
10 % pinks story 90% his trauma i know its rrough and all, but if you are going to trauma dump please put it in the tittle
@starchildofthesun 12 күн бұрын
"I firmly believe she is NOT the pink pearl that belonged to Pink Diamond" Wow! That aged well...
@starchildofthesun 12 күн бұрын
I'm so sorry this happened to you, my father was also very abusive so I know the pain of never knowing why I was hurt or what I did to anger him, only learn much later in life that the man I loved as my father, wasn't deserving of that love. I've heard the phrase and I feel it hard: "All children deserve parents, but not all parents deserve children"
@thesortinghathouses8413 14 күн бұрын
I want to know more about florate and the other off colors
@thesortinghathouses8413 14 күн бұрын
I do not think she is a villain
@yung_blastoid757 15 күн бұрын
Airbenders could literally suck the oxygen from your body
@phonecia6628 16 күн бұрын
air bending imo is the best element. extremely underrated and has tons of potential
@_datacorrupted-3750 16 күн бұрын
It's simple really. The show is absolutely garbage. The animation is rushed and has ZERO love put into it. The dialogue is just as bad. Again, it seems like no love and/or passion was put into this. The story is all over the place, and even if it wasn't, it's also BORING. I guarantee you, the only people who would enjoy this. Are people with boring bankrupt lives, who wouldn't recognize creativity if they tried. If people had higher standards, these studios would not put out this kind of trash.
@casbert3000 16 күн бұрын
well relationship with my dad was rocky like we get along sometimes we fought sometimes i question if he ever cared about me, i wish i could have said i'm Sorry he died as of last month
@TeddySychay 18 күн бұрын
Man shut yo soul stealing mouth up that’s like 3 people that can do that
@lliNoxill 20 күн бұрын
Spinel is just like me and finding out Rose abandoned someone made me angry but then I saw how people reacted and hated rose for the totally wrong reasons and then turn their backs and loved the diamonds, made me feel like I couldn’t be angry at what she did anymore. What she did was wrong but we can’t just act like the diamonds weren’t fascist dictators. Stopping the cycle of generational trauma is hard, so obviously pink as rose won’t be perfect she’ll always still have home world and their beliefs in her no matter what. We can’t just crucify her for not being perfect at being a hero. She never wanted to be the hero she just wanted to BE SOMETHING bec she clearly felt as if she was nothing as a diamond. Aswell as getting mad at her for leaving Steven alone to fix her problems when obviously she didn’t have him for that purpose? People bubble her down to be this evil character and it just irks me! I might not like her but I will defend her for who she was and not for who people thought she was
@sokunthyvong4695 20 күн бұрын
Skywynne in the thumbnail looked like princess daisy 😯
@sokunthyvong4695 20 күн бұрын
Maybe because of her colors 🤔
@TastyFishTacos 20 күн бұрын
After korra bending seems to be more about controlling the energy within the elements. Add energy to water it becomes steam, take it away and it becomes ice. Same for lavabending, add energy to earth and it turns to lava
@ThatOneZaidyThatExists 21 күн бұрын
Keep in mind we saw how powerful Peridot actually is when it comes to levitating metal. If you've played "save the light" (it is canon) You`ve got to seen how heavy the metal stuff she could levitate.
@user-wy9xu4ff5g 22 күн бұрын
Ozai must've been the most skilled and dangerous Bender in the History of the Franchise besides the bloodbenders, Korra lost to Unalaq while she still had her connection to her past lives, she never actually defeated Kuvira in combat, Kuvira just surrended and the only reason Korra was in the Avatar state against Zaheer was due to the poison. I'm sorry, but the ridiculous fight against Unavaatu doesn't prove anything because again, without Jinora's help she would lose and the whole fight doesn't show Korra's excellency over bending, Ozai was the strongest Firebender in the world, Korra would not win this fight, Aang would not win this fight if it wasn't for the Avatar State.
@AbbeyDowns 22 күн бұрын
There could be a possibility that the center gem on her chest could be a pearl. It's a flat circle so i could be. I have no idea tho
@AinsleyTheBard 22 күн бұрын
I'd be comfortable being used by blue diamond 👀
@VVeremoose 23 күн бұрын
I venture that the Avatar cycle would have broken if Aang had died. There would have been no fourth nation and the balance would have been destroyed forever
@cvzanikos1 24 күн бұрын
Amazing show!!!! Best depiction of Greek Mythology!!!!
@marielle3929 25 күн бұрын
I love the Netflix Avatar.
@thalmoragent9344 25 күн бұрын
I dunno, they should've showed more discrimination against Non-Benders in my opinion. It all fell flat when you realize so much of Korra's world no longer requires bending to work/function nearly as much.
@leafy5634 25 күн бұрын
We all saw how jasper was with Steven when she found out he was a diamond. She was obsessed with the idea of being controlled of course she came crawling back to lapis
@GamerMage2k-kl4iq 25 күн бұрын
Didn't Blue Diamond literally mention how their attack was supposed to Wipe out all Gems instead of causing corruption? That means they made that attack with the original intention of destroying the Crystal Gems remaining on earth while the homeworld gems evacuated. The attack not working the way it was intended to was most likely due to either the lack of Pink diamond....or Pink using her Rose Quartz Shieid as Rose to defend herself, Garnet, and Pearl from the original attack, and it caused the attack to be changed somehow.
@Sumbigsmartword 27 күн бұрын
Damn. You summed up EXACTLY why I love pink diamond.
@starsk1ttles 27 күн бұрын
i like rewatching old rose quartz pink diamond theories :3 its cute