The HRE Path NOBODY Does in EU4!
@canavarkatili6157 Күн бұрын
Your tall Eu4 videos are so incredible.Keep the good work bro 🤌🏻
@davidweller483 Күн бұрын
Ahhh... Lithuania. My old mistress. Have you ever considered forgoing +1 diplo privelage, getting the cossaks privelage, selling estates and then completing the first mission that gets you claims on the Pontic? That way you can immediately declare war on Crimea on Dec. 11th provided they have no strong allies. And on top of that you're flush with cash for conquest.
@BaguetteSolider Күн бұрын
As a HOI4 player I don’t have a clue what you are talking about.
@balintmolnar5153 2 күн бұрын
So this is Wakanda i mean Mali?
@potato6860 3 күн бұрын
Kurwa lucas, to AI tłumaczy? Bo jak hindus brzmisz xD
@ionutbadea7915 3 күн бұрын
I actually saw the title, didn't click the video but decided to start my own Lit playthrough to see what gives. The Ottomans now know how it feels like to be abused as a child.
@certoipus 4 күн бұрын
do you have the game with all DLCs?
@lookasetbella 4 күн бұрын
@tmsupreme7763 4 күн бұрын
Like half of my playthroughs Korea is in control of japan
@lookasetbella 4 күн бұрын
Yes, this is usually the case on normal difficulty. on VH Korea usually conquers Japan because it is stronger and scales better.
@fikou_ 5 күн бұрын
fun fact, you can give away the northwest province (for example, by 100%ing ryukyu and giving it to them) bordering ming and then stop the tributary status to ally them
@hellenicpride9145 5 күн бұрын
Do it
@Feanor95 6 күн бұрын
France, England and Poland are not very good for first game. This countries have too many anusual events on start and are some overhelming. War of the roses for england, war with england and many vassals for france, Nobles uprisings, PU''s, vassals, marches for Poland (and very hard income for Poland, their trading nodes sucks)
@lookasetbella 5 күн бұрын
Looking at it this way, unfortunately each country has some special mechanics.
@VX-45 6 күн бұрын
Lookas, o to mój drugi run, tym razem z wolnym handlem: mój stan na 18 stycznia 1940 roku to 270 posiadanych fabryk, a łącznie mam 284. W tym 128 militarnych, 16 stoczni i 138 cywilnych plus 12 cywilnych z handlu oraz 2 cywilki od poddanych. Pytanie czy można uzyskać lepszy wynik? Może 300 byłoby osiągalne. Coś zmienili chyba też w warunkach odnośnie Jugosławii, bo wcześniej łatwiej można anektować z celu Na pewno Anschluss wcześniej w 36 roku. Łatwo wbić w połowie 37 pełną mobilizację przez wojnę obronną z Japonią, po prostu szybko się sprzymierzasz z Chinami plus oddają Ci prowincję potrzebną do dwóch achivmentów (By Beer Alone, Weltpolitik). I potem używać pp na obligacje i na stabilność. Wysyłając też 48 dywizji i całe lotnictwa łatwo w rok można ich pokonać na kontynencie - zyskujesz około 3/4 doktryny lotniczej i lądowej i to bez robienia celi jednak odpowiednio musisz wymieniać doradców. A propo blitzkriegu, doktryna pod zmechy jest lepsza niż prawa pod czołgi. Ciekawe czy dało by się spadochroniarzami w 39 zająć całą Japonię Szkoda jednak, że drzewko gospodarcze jest osobno od polityczno-podbojowego. Ja bym uzależnił wybór MEFO czy wolny rynek od tego czy gracz idzie w szybki historyczny podbój czy jednak woli dłuższą, bardziej dyplomatyczną grę
@Dendrass 6 күн бұрын
What happened to the polish channel? Wanted to watch some older videos and couldn't find them nor the channel itself
@lookasetbella 6 күн бұрын
I don't know, it exists and I'm still adding content to it. You'd have to tell me what materials you're talking about. Every now and then I set my personal old LP series.
@Dendrass 6 күн бұрын
​@@lookasetbella the videos and channel itself work now, probably some yt issue but the link to it from this channel the one in info still doesn't
@VX-45 7 күн бұрын
11:20 - udało mi się mieć więcej fabryk od Ciebie na wekslach Masz dokładnie 234 fabryk (102 mil, 126 civ, 10 sh), bo 6 jest z handlu i liczba ich może być zmienna (surowcowo bogate kraje mogą mieć ich więcej z handlu plus zwiększając swoją siłę handlową). Twoja data to 27 stycznia 1940 Mój stan: na dzień 13 grudnia 1939 roku na MEFO to dokładnie 240 fabryk (138 mil, 92 civ, 10 sh). Plus 2 cywilki z handlu to daje lacznie 242. W marcu czy kwietniu 36 gospodarka wojenna, a na początku 38 wrzucona pełna mobilizacja plus potem kilka razy wzięte dodatkowo bony wojenne (-20% consumer goods), ale przez cały czas mam 100% stabilności co daje dodatkowy procentowy minus do consumer goods. Niestety dla celów porównawczych wstrzymałem się z podbojami o rok więc zadłużenie MEFO to jakieś 95% consumer goods na ten moment. Dodatkowo, Anschluss to połowa 37 roku, potem Czechosłowacja. Gdyby udało sie z Jugosławią to miałbym kilka fabryk więcej. Gdybym nie rozwijał agencji wywiadu to może zyskałbym kolejne 2 lub 3 fabryki
@lookasetbella 7 күн бұрын
So you played much better than the Kałach or ISP Because for now I was comparing myself with these YTbers.
@VX-45 6 күн бұрын
@@lookasetbella jak już to wolę oglądać Zajonca, a z anglojęzycznych youtuberów jest kilka bardziej ciekawych graczy niż ISP
@lookasetbella 5 күн бұрын
@@VX-45 to poleć jakichś :D ja jestem noob w hoi
@triplesharigan 7 күн бұрын
with only 4k -5k hours this video good to help you get started as a beginner and experience the game without getting overwhelmed. Save to say you probably want to expand your knowledge if the game is for you watching dedicated video's. Like trade ships are MASSIVE for trade income, trade buildings however are in single player kinda useless. If you control 100% of the pie, it really doesn't matter if thats 100 or 9000 trade power, rather the trade value is what you want. If you play as England/GB don't pick trade ideas take maritime instead and build a light ship fleet as it is the better trade idea for England. Like I see soo many KZbinrs do this wrong its painfull.
@lookasetbella 7 күн бұрын
Thanks! However, I have to VERY strongly disagree with you about trading. Ships are strong, but only from the mid-game, when you have the appropriate bonuses and quantity. Saying that buildings are usless, especially in early when you NEVER control 100% of the trade, is a very big mistake. Buildings are the fastest and cheapest way to start to increase your share of trade. Markantelism can help too. Moreover, it is better to send ships to places where you cannot build buildings, especially at the start. Buildings for trade are useless when it comes to conquering the world. But also at some point, then you can delete them and put something in their place.
@Feanor95 6 күн бұрын
Yup, you need to send ships to colonial regions to steal wealth from around the world + you need merchants to steer it to english channel. Maritime + trade. You will have 10x more gold than you can use so its useless, but funny :P
@Ancient_Hoplite 7 күн бұрын
Who needs horses??? *Angry glorious winged hussar noises.
@-hms34 8 күн бұрын
Polska Gurom!
@Ke1nfa 8 күн бұрын
As someone with 1.464 hours at the game u played well as a noob at the game
@ratisgood4448 8 күн бұрын
ratte Calvary only
@flobbingdonkey 9 күн бұрын
Im doing an Aztec run at the moment as well. My strategy is slightly different though. I conquered everything except provinces on the north and east coast so that the Spanish would attack someone else and not me. Which they duly did. Once they cored the province colonialism spread fast. Which enabled me to then reform my religion without fighting the Spanish. Now i have more troops than them and am in the process of wiping them out at almost tech parity. I also didnt take any techs apart from diplo 2 and military 5. I used all my points to dev my provinces. As you take most techs from the Spanish when you reform. My plan is to take all of california and rio grande. And then go conquer something in europe. Idea wise im thinking defensive, quantity, expansion will be good picks.
@robertsiems3808 10 күн бұрын
Lurkas 450
@robertsiems3808 10 күн бұрын
Awww, you'd expect something more from the nukes😔 Some negative modifiers feel kinda boring
@lookasetbella 10 күн бұрын
One of my viewers on the Polish channel wrote to me that only the larger bombs destroy armies and reduce them to 10%.
@clone3_7 10 күн бұрын
6:39 Hundred Days War!!! Not Hundred Years war! The game actually got it well!
@lookasetbella 10 күн бұрын
Yes, I know, but I found it so funny that I read it wrong the first time and didn't correct the mistake :)
@MrKhamul93 10 күн бұрын
yeah as new player the non mefo path is the better one, but you say a lot of wrong things about mefo :D Mefo/the later exonomy of war does not end with a war you certainly dont start mil only with the 4 year plan, you go full cui untill start 38 In die End if you End ww2 befor you atack the SU you have the ressources nessesary to archive autarki and you have the stronger version of your eco path, just with the risk that you shoot yourself if you fall behind Funds modifier should be the Progress of your MIO. More funds more progress based on producing stuff with them
@lookasetbella 10 күн бұрын
I don't fully agree that I was wrong here. With war, MEFOs change to something else. I don't remember the shortcut. That it's basically the same thing is another matter. The fact that MEFOs are weak is my opinion based on 6 games where I played up to 39.5 with both methods. Each time the alternative was stronger. Moreover, other people commented on this topic on the HOI4 creators' Discord and everyone confirmed my impressions. But I'm not an expert, so if I can do something differently, I count on help.
@MrKhamul93 10 күн бұрын
@@lookasetbella it gets replaced with "conomy of war" and when you have beaten the allied forced you have enought ressources to gain fiull autarkie. IMO this is better than the conservativ way for facist Germany because you archive, if i see the rewards right, you get a better "wirtschaftsawunder" for less foki. I saw bittersteel use it and it worked insanly good. But as i already pointed out for less expirienced people than bittersteel the convervativ path is probably the best, simply because it aint gona choke you to death if you fuck up
@carltonleboss 10 күн бұрын
Lucas 35000
@rosta_rio 10 күн бұрын
@lookasetbella 10 күн бұрын
AVE! Let me know how you like the episode! What would you like to see next?
@westinryms 10 күн бұрын
Не понял не слова но прикольно .
@Миша-з1щ 11 күн бұрын
I don’t see the Capture of the Ming Emperor and The Capture of Beijing events, what could be the problem?
@lookasetbella 10 күн бұрын
I think it's in DLC now. But I don't know which one.
@KerbalRocketry 11 күн бұрын
the audio peaking is very annoying :/
@sabaurushadze1639 12 күн бұрын
polska gurom kurwa))
@BlackHawk2b 12 күн бұрын
Davout at 5 5 5 and not 6 6 6 is giga cringe. Vive l'Empereur !
@emperorzhangzhongchang5672 13 күн бұрын
Can we get the achievements if at the end we returned to byzantium
@lookasetbella 10 күн бұрын
nope, I'm talking about it at the very beginning
@UXWJ 13 күн бұрын
So lemme get this striaght, step 1 buy dlcs and thats it
@Falco411 14 күн бұрын
Excellent video 👍 but if Napoléon achieve One Hundred Years like that he would be the greatest war leader of History 😂
@lucasdafsilva 14 күн бұрын
polska gurom!
@jayst 15 күн бұрын
I’m so damn confused. I gotta watch on .75 speed
@MrLuchenkov 15 күн бұрын
@whitejohn8335 15 күн бұрын
Polskaa gurooommm love from Poland <3
@fritoz 15 күн бұрын
@ForestTrees244 15 күн бұрын
VIVE LA FRANCE!!! 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷
@userspiemeus83029 16 күн бұрын
Sir could you continue
@toddhoward1892 16 күн бұрын
@lookasetbella 10 күн бұрын
@GamerGabe-k3e 16 күн бұрын
Goated video
@GamerGabe-k3e 16 күн бұрын
Even more excited to get the game now tbh
@hoi-polloi1863 16 күн бұрын
In re retreats... I've found that if you stick a battle out to the bitter end, you take vicious casualties as morale collapses, especially as the enemy breaks through and butchers your artillery. It's way, way better to retreat while you still have a little morale left.
@TheInsider-gh3jd 16 күн бұрын
I am napoleon 368.13
@joaquinmaioli6026 16 күн бұрын
Portugal capital is in Brazil because, after Napoleon’s invasion of Spain, the Portuguese king exiled to Rio de Janeiro and ruled Portugal from there for some years
@dzzykzzy8683 16 күн бұрын
Polska Gurom?
@Podzhagitel 17 күн бұрын
польска гуром