Marvel Defenders of The Status Quo
Boys Don't Cry (Except When They Do)
The Tragedy of Droids in Star Wars
Abduction As Romance
5 жыл бұрын
The Humanity of Movies from the 1980s
Stalking for Love
6 жыл бұрын
The Case Against The Jedi Order
Wall-E as Sociological Storytelling
@timmy6890 3 сағат бұрын
3 years later still a good video
@a-ramenartist9734 10 сағат бұрын
I find inexperienced men a little sexy, but I've never seen that trope being nearly as predatory
@arsenlinn7011 10 сағат бұрын
In the 21 century many ethnoses still practice bride kidnapping, literally.
@rafayhaya7727 10 сағат бұрын
My favourite peeping tom moment is in JoJo's Bizarre adventure; Battle Tendency. The scene where Joseph Joestar peeks on his female master. Ironically, it has a severe effect on joeseph as he finds out later in the story that its his mothet that he was peeping on.
@greyfox4838 11 сағат бұрын
Incredible video, but I wish you explored the structural causes for these insecurities rather than chalk it up to "ugh men, am I right?" You mention how male inexperience is played for laugh, and I think it's that same social pressure that leads to heaps of men thinking they aren't adequate enough for women who are their equal. This is obviously bullshit, but we do live in a society where large gap relationships (where the man is older) is glorified and romanticized a lot, by both men and women.
@PopCultureDetective 7 сағат бұрын
It’s a good idea for another video essay. The topic would require much more time to do it justice.
@Alexanderthegreat159 12 сағат бұрын
13:15 What it is, is we are all equivalent in the level of crying we can do. Man or woman. The problem is men are policed on their crying where women are not.
@kolboi7097 15 сағат бұрын
I've definitely found this idea to prevalent in anime even nowadays and, on top of it having some troubling connotations, it's just simply not interesting as a viewer to watch the character's relationship anyway when played like this. Oh, this milquetoast male main character has encountered this female character and was mildly nice to them? This female character is now enraptured by them and will not make any other romantic connections with anyone else, even if they do eventually encounter other male characters who are mildly nice.
@eileenzhan9328 16 сағат бұрын
I feel like the movies or media you showed as examples of female centric media failing under the patriarchy were bad examples. I think that because, like you said earlier, those stories are seen as 'women' stories, the writers failed to make them 'human' stories. The movies and media are very feminist and have 'strong female characters', but the characters have little personality, likeability or character growth. It's the lazy writing in the writing room that's centered in patriarchy, not the audience reaction to it.
@MorganeThev 19 сағат бұрын
I'v discovered recently Indian movies as I'm French and my boyfriend is Indian and I've been surprise when I watched Bollywood movie because it' like the super production of India with the superstars and maybe the most mainstream film industry in India and in it it happens often to see mens crying even if they are the main character pictured as strong, attractive and even sometimes as a sexe symbol. And not with the single tears I mean really crying sometimes multiple times in a movie and not only when someone dies, sometimes over normal stuff like being rejected by the woman you love or having an argument with you family or seeing your parents again after years. I don't see that in western cinema. And my boyfriend is completely okay with crying when he is sad. I don't know if it's linked with the movies he watched growing up but I do think cultural reprensation have an impact on how men cope with their feelings
@Snowtrooper5845 23 сағат бұрын
A lot of people don't realize that empire/first order stormtrooper are fighting for good. They are fighting for order, justice and security.
@J4MJ4M5 Күн бұрын
"the audience is meant to see L3s activism as amusingly absurd and overly dramatic" I'm glad u brought this up. This isn't just true for L3, this is how activism is perceived by most people in the world anyway. We're just a bunch of clowns flailing around with pointless anger in the eyes of the masses. But history will always vindicate us. Stay angry my friends.
@derek96720 Күн бұрын
"Men don't want to be close to people who are shedding tears because that close proximity to vulnerabilty undermines their own sense of masculinity." Or . . OR . . stay with me here . . . no one gives two craps about men who cry in our society. Men are taught (nay SHOWN) from a young age that if you cry, women won't be attracted to you and men won't respect you. So why would men want to be in situations where someone is crying their eyes out? Also the idea that women do all thE emotional labor in a relationship is laughable, considering that women at usually the only ones who actually cry on a regular basis, while the man has to be the emotional support pillar for her. But then the second he starts crying and being filled with doubt or frustration, all the sudden it's too much for her.
@moffatvt Күн бұрын
It’s amazing how he disapproves his own argument. One point at a time.
@00Platypus00 15 сағат бұрын
For example...?
@Trid3nt861 Күн бұрын
Feminists in first world: "The Patriarchy is evil and im a perpetual victim for some reason" Feminists under communism: "Well.... im in gulag for opening my big mouth. government said I wasn't useful anymore, called me a nuisance" Feminists under Sharia law: "Can't leave the house, have to watch what I say and I cannot offend my husband or else I get punished."
@00Platypus00 15 сағат бұрын
Nice simplistic drivel
@e-note Күн бұрын
I think there's at least some misunderstanding of jokes here: they are mostly funny because of nerds trying to replicate tgings they are not competent in, not that "they are not masculine enough and that's bad". These jokes make pretty opposite statement: that not being yourself will just make you look funny, don't try to replicate, just do what you really want and can do. Also the dynamic of nerdy friends in the show is pretty realistic. In my social cirle we make exactly the same jokes and our female nerd friends enjoy and encourage this behaviour too. I am a Raj of the group by the way as I am pretty femboyish and these jokes don't bother me one bit, because jokes are not truth, my friends can joke about how gay I act or behave all they want, it doesn't change reality. The whole point of these jokes are that we know how it really is, so stating the complete opposite is funny😹
@friendlylion1356 Күн бұрын
So do We live in a patriarchy
@BigPlatinumDragon Күн бұрын
Amazing video, thank you, while I have always been a huge Han Solo fan, and love the ship Millennium Falcon I never watched "Solo" because it is a Disney movie and I have despised everything "Disney Star Wars" since watching "The Force Awakens". However after watching this video I know that L3-37 would have easily been my second favorite character from the SW franchise and would have cried hard upon her physical destruction. and from now on I will always consider all my Millennium Falcon ships I own as L3-Millennium Falcon. I also hope that someday in either film, show or book, that her subconscious will be transferred from the Millennium Falcon into a blank fully articulate droid once again.
@annacsillatakacs5048 Күн бұрын
I love this video! This trope actually also appears in literature, for example in Les Miserables, or in The Phantom of the Opera (I mean Raoul, not the Phantom, since the latter isn’t supposed to be a romantic lead).
@xiv3l Күн бұрын
this trope pisses me off so much. its literally just for people who dont want to admit theyre pedos and u cant tell me otherwise.
@beethovensfidelio 15 сағат бұрын
In the case of “The Fifth Element”, you could definitely make a case for it since the film’s writer and director Luc Besson previously married and impregnated a 16-year-old French girl named Maïwenn Le Besco when he was 34 years old. Maïwenn coincidentally plays Diva Plavalaguna in “The Fifth Element”. And that’s not getting into how Luc Besson briefly married the film’s star Milla Jovovich when she was 22 and he was 38. Nor does it get into the multiple sexual misconduct accusations against Luc!
@beethovensfidelio 15 сағат бұрын
However, all the other ones are reaching because depiction is not the same as endorsement. It’s ok to have “problematic” fantasies as long as you act on them in real life and force them on to other people. By that logic, Martin Scorsese is a violent man because almost all of his movies have characters getting assaulted or murdered in grisly ways.
@RichardB-nc8ru Күн бұрын
It's a good assessment in parts(re the global heating analogy), although the narrator/video creator still buys into the idea that just by changing our energy source, everything will be ok?!?! He doesn't mention the widespread ecosystem destruction we are still party to, regardless of which energy source we use, or that the root cause of our problems is that runaway consumption and capitalism is fuelled by the blatant lie that we can grow the economy exponentially and forever(based upon a finite set of resources) just like most of the new greens/environmentalists believe. People would rather switch energy sources than: -grow more of their own food -pay more for metal products that last a hundred years instead of plastic ones that last 6 months and degrade into billions of pieces of microplastic that pollute the land, oceans, and our own bodies -compost their food scraps -take care of their own human waste -preserve wild places instead of making money out of new subdivisions and housing -plant billions of trees -forego a new car/throttle back the lucrative car manufacturing industry in exchange for efficient high speed rail/electric bus transport. -live a more physical, less convenient rural life instead of a convenient but resource intensive city one. He also doesn’t mention or take into account the systemic problem caused by large militaries which are critical for defence and offence of capitalist nations in a resource scarce world(resources which capitalist economies rely upon to fuel heavy industry and manufacturing as well as access to trade routes), and have no other means of providing(barring e-fuels which are potentially decades away). There is also no mention of the fact that almost all conventional agriculture(which feeds city based populations) is extremely hydrocarbon reliant(for diesel to power agricultural machinery needed for food production, and in the production of fertilisers and pesticides) None of this is surprising really. Most commentators and the civil populace are deluded in the extreme. Convenience and laziness trumps common sense or making hard decisions.
@xxviixxvii5585 Күн бұрын
I feel like the son of Lundy Bancroft made this.
@xxviixxvii5585 Күн бұрын
The first key for healing is recognizing that all of us are objects.
@ArturoSaturno Күн бұрын
I love everything you do. It has helped me a lot in my own search to confront toxic masculinity, guilt, violence and disconnection with my feelings. I'll become a patreon, since I can't find any other way to thank you (besides recommending your videos, of course).
@timarooq2278 2 күн бұрын
Is there a movie with a female protagonist that isn't about her gendered experience? Because it seems nearly impossible to see a story through the female perspective without it including some form of discrimination. I'd genuinely like to know.
@swagcat420 2 күн бұрын
this has to be my favorite video on your channel
@OdinsSage 2 күн бұрын
I love this movie. I've tucked it away as a Disney favourite along with treasure plant
@zaggedout 2 күн бұрын
The fortnite 1984 clip really sums it up doesn't it lmao
@rudysmith1445 2 күн бұрын
This has got to be one of my favourite videos ever put on this platform. You've inspired me to not only look deeper into the tragedy of droids in star wars and fight against it wiith my characters as a writer, but ALSO to look more deeply into these sorts of tales in other media as well. Videos like this are truly, in my opinion, why KZbin exists. Thank you immeasurably for what you do.
@sunshinevg2640 2 күн бұрын
You introduced me to the will to change ages ago and it was a vital read for me that I recommend for everyone
@AddingAUsername 2 күн бұрын
So during the whole video you talk about the "patriarchy" while ignoring that men are biologically more dominant and controlling which lead to men being in both of the extremes of society? You don't even give anything conclusive on how to fix this so called "patriarchy". You just said men should support women? What does that even mean? You guys never ever actually propose a solution and the only "solutions" that you have just discriminate against men to artificially elevate women which literally leads to the same problem that you were complaining about at the start (media with women in it being different than normal media). At the end you talk about how this supposed "patriarchy" can be dismantled and that it is not a natural way of operations while ignoring that literally every single successful society ever has been "patriarchal" under you definitions. Which is funny because you don't even propose any kind of alternatives to the systems in place....
@00Platypus00 15 сағат бұрын
The idea of a "successful society" hugely depends on the criteria... Proposing the dismantling of patriarchy does not require proposing something to replace it.
@EyePatchGuy88 12 сағат бұрын
@@00Platypus00 If you want to demand that something as important as a society be destroyed, then you need to offer something up to replace it, otherwise it becomes the law of the jungle, which I can guarantee you that leftist video essayists will be one of the first on the block. Honestly, I'd prefer it.
@Theyungcity23 2 күн бұрын
Yeah why are we settling Catan? Who was there first? Who deforested these plains?
@Mooskym 2 күн бұрын
The Barbie Movie is very conflicting to me. I would have considered it a perfect movie, if it weren't just a giant commercial for plastic dolls.
@alfonsstekebrugge8049 2 күн бұрын
Should have used the video essay as a primer to help explain that patriarchy theory is veryflawed using the Barbie Movie as it overtly makes that exact point and instead makes the point that men are almost never valued for just being who they are, but for what they can do. Feminism is dead if they do not develop a theory of society that actually includes the experiences of men. It looks nothing like patriarchy.
@MazingerDestro 2 күн бұрын
Since when "liking women" is sexist?
@Sre171 2 күн бұрын
No one said that, can you give a time stamp?
@ludvigholst4767 Күн бұрын
When did they say that exactly?
@iamcyno 2 күн бұрын
I absolutly hate the phrase "crying like a little girl" it upsets me in so many ways
@newforestpixie5297 2 күн бұрын
This is a great presentation. God knows how many folk would benefit from watching your explanation of what looks to be a brilliant film. 😁👍❤️🐢
@longarmsgiraffe0955 3 күн бұрын
idk, isn't "douchbag" a derogatory term for someone that controls women too much? Idk it might not be as defined as "whipped" but there are a lot of derogatory terms people call men that treat women as "lesser."
@nathanlawson313 3 күн бұрын
Waymond is just an emotionally mature dude (Like Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting), that's RARELY seen in movies. But happens all the time in the real world.
@milkamoussse 3 күн бұрын
Its disgusting how many people on the comments justify it. Go to therapy.
@aleksandrsholokhov2241 3 күн бұрын
I've followed your channel for years now. Thank you so much for your deep videos.
@MrsAlexisAgnew2019 3 күн бұрын
Many feminists like myself felt like the film didn’t go far enough. Many chauvinists felt like it went *too* far. But as usual, the truth is somewhere in between: it was only ever meant to be a primer on patriarchy, not a full-length exposé. My ilk have been screaming from the rooftops “Patriarchies hurt men too!” but no one ever listened. Then along comes a movie like “Barbie” that just scratches the surface and suddenly, everyone’s a Ph.D in social systems and gender violence.
@EyePatchGuy88 12 сағат бұрын
I don't need letters behind my name to validate whether or not I have told the truth.
@xerlon8111 3 күн бұрын
Just be alone and miserable and don't have a satus. You can cry all day😂
@f10odogherty 3 күн бұрын
@tonyelectionfraud669 3 күн бұрын
@TwistyTrav 3 күн бұрын
Yeah.... its abundantly clear the author of this video did NOT watch The Clone Wars/Rebels TV series in its entirety. There are multiple scenes where droid slavery is discussed. Specifically, the scene where the Death Watch droids rebel against their sadistically abusive masters, after essentially being used for target practice.
@PopCultureDetective 3 күн бұрын
Um there is a scene from that episode in THIS video.
@TwistyTrav 3 күн бұрын
Anakin's entire personality when it comes to the mistreatment of droids is shaped by his childhood & the hatred he has for slavery - since we used to be one himself on Tatooine. Its the primary reason why R2-D2 is always his loyal friend, never his slave. Its also why Anakin refuses to allow R2's mind to be wiped the entire Clone Wars. This choice has turned R2 into a liability on some missions, because he carries sensitive data about the Republic, should he ever be captured.
@erikzherrllo6960 3 күн бұрын
I think that’s why Fleabag abandons us at the end of season 2, like “nah bro you can’t look anymore” or “not this” when she is doing it with The hot Priest. Like she is conscious that film is voyeuristic always.
@EvstersYT 3 күн бұрын
Imagine a parody of this where they do to kiss the alien "woman" and he dies cuz shes poisonous