CLIMB out of LOW ELO by using NOCTURNE
@jansentrichas8635 2 сағат бұрын
In lower elo its always best to pick a champ that matches your team. I used to vi 1trick but ever since ive added 3 more champs im climbing. With the help of Sinerias fundamentals of course.
@shindigfreak5277 3 сағат бұрын
I want Lillia
@Azuciea 3 сағат бұрын
my own personal experience climbing on an account I leveled myself to 30 then hit ranked all the way up to plat only to fall back down to silver due to int feeding team mates, every role can carry, even enchanter support as long as one of your team mates do not int.
@himurakenshin8054 5 сағат бұрын
''i am bronze because of my team mates'' OMEGALUL
@LiigaEditz Сағат бұрын
or the best ''every game enemy team has smurf'' XD
@gunproduction9995 5 сағат бұрын
So, in low elo, most people want to force dragons early, and frequently. When is a good time to start looking for dragons? Nashor's tooth?
@witcherpie 5 сағат бұрын
why is dutch bellular teaching us how to jungle in league
@pc2555 13 сағат бұрын
For those who are in iron, bronze or even silver and feel like they can't climb up you just go up and down I can offer this advice to possibly free you from this 'teams are bad' mindset. I've played the game for 12 years with large gaps in playing ranked so I've played all over the ranks (below diamond). I've at times for years been heavily involved in ranked, watching LCS and analyzing the game and other times where I only played casually and not even touch ranked for years. Haven't been in bronze much at all but when I was placed there I quickly climbed to silver. Think about your losses if you understand the game. Instead of blaming teammates who messed up or fell behind reflect about how the game went from early-late and ask yourself a couple questions. If the game was even or I was ahead, did I do enough to carry? Or if your team was behind 'was I one of the reasons we fell behind?' Try to identify the main reasons for the loss (I emphasize NOT WHO MADE the GAME LOSING PLAY I'm talking all mistakes throughout the whole game). Also, if you were late in the draft, did I pick a champion that synergized with our team comp? Its not as important as decision-making in-game however if you're last pick top and your team has jinx, soraka, master yi and zed, locking in yasuo instead of a tank and/or ap champ like rumble or malphite lowers your chance of winning the game right at the start because that comp is unbalanced and makes teamfights or late game in general difficult to win. If you take an honest look at your role in the lost game if you just went even and had an average impact on a close game you can't really complain at a loss even if one of your teammates made the game losing play. If you were the only one who got an early lead, did you snowball or throw away your lead needlessly? You should've been able to do more to bring your team into a winning position hence deserving to climb. And if you lost early game solo, made poor calls or plays that resulted in you or teammates dying or falling behind you definitely can't blame teammates for the loss. A common victim mentality are laners complaining that they are getting camped. Yes it is a mechanic of the game that can keep 1 player down; however if you know you're getting camped after the 2nd gank you can adapt your playstyle, play safe under turret and stop dying or at least make them dive for it. If you learn to play dives well you can even get kills on the enemy team which really puts them behind. If you feed the enemy jungler 4-5 kills from ganks and the enemy team snowballs off that, its mostly your fault. Its very hard for your jungler to keep up pressure when you're dying so often to the enemy jungler. It basically means the enemy team has to be as bad at surviving ganks as you are and they have to get 5 gank kills to compensate which doesn't often happen. I play a lot of jungle and I've had games where my team died to 3 ganks before even my first clear was done and the enemy jungler starts 2/0/1. It puts your jungler in a very bad position and its hard to take any ganks or objectives proactively after that since the other jungler and 1-2 lanes are ahead now. Remember, if you died to that many ganks early, you can't put all the blame on your jungler later in the game for being 'gapped' or out pressured, I see this all the time. If your team fed the enemy jungler by dying to practically every gank they tried in the early game its mostly your laners' fault, do not blame the jungler.
@myrkshideouts6020 13 сағат бұрын
why phantomdancer why not collector third item with hail of blades u oneshot those squishys faster ?
@KirbyBirb 15 сағат бұрын
12:20 Donald Truck, maybe Dagobert Duck or Donald Trump? In english he'd be called Scrooge McDuck I think
@thecoonps 16 сағат бұрын
Nice guide bro can you do a video about your keyboard and mouse settings ?
@Auroche 18 сағат бұрын
Any chance of a Rengar video?
@malakaisavieti9381 21 сағат бұрын
Dont create another video, ur videos are baiting everyone and gives no real concept into climbing cheers
@kaktus7409 21 сағат бұрын
If you did some Shyvana guide that'd be awesome <3
@granitewilli Күн бұрын
Thank you Sinerias! Keep up the positive attitude! I'm only Bronze elo, but I keep the positive attitude, because I enjoy the game and life. While I might only be Bronze in league, I have been blessed with good work that I love and a beautiful family that is amazing. May you also experience all the beauties this life has to offer. Keep the great content coming!
@clixpsy8709 Күн бұрын
I beg you use ekko soon
@olemole3490 Күн бұрын
Why is he using his Q while attacking the tower?
@dremantis9389 Күн бұрын
Genuine question. Highest i ever hit was Gold at one point, and I stopped playing ranked a while ago. What do you do in the lower ELOs when you're relatively consistently winning lane, but almost every other lane is losing? For instance, last game I played I was doing pretty fine. Something like 2/1 with 70 cs at like 9 minutes. Top lane died 2 or 3 times before I ever even did my first clear. Bot lane died twice before 4 minutes. Top ended the game like 1/10 with an absurdly low cs value and no complete item, and bot ended like 6/12. I can generate an advantage, but I can't consistently generate enough of an advantage to combat an early fed carry. What do? Edit for clarity: 90% of the like 12 kills the top and bot had were solo, no jungler.
@exoticavocado Күн бұрын
khazix please
@dimitargeorgiev6539 Күн бұрын
"One has more talent... Other have more finances"... Me... I got 4 Diana skins from rolling so now I have to learn how to play Diana haha!
@noribinios5873 Күн бұрын
In a usual game 9:10 bear is pushing like no tommorrow. He gets ganged by brand and flames. 10:30 sylas ky in tower you dont get assist, he dies. Flames you 11:00 your bot dies, both of them. They flame you. 12:30 you try take voidgrubs and you are getting ganged by fed top and middlane. You die. At the same time brand gets free dragon My point is that you can teach in a game where you win 3-2. How about 4-0?
@JohanLucain Күн бұрын
If i win a game in Masters it probably means I belong there.
@TheHonestClimb Күн бұрын
I love the words at the end there. U are an inspiration and I am ready to put in the work! 💪💪
@malakaisavieti9381 Күн бұрын
Nah yeah this is bullshit, ive been plahin this champ for 12 years and im still silver so ur concept is click bait👎👎👎
@kayetan2487 Күн бұрын
maybe the champ isnt the problem?
@MRV2302 Күн бұрын
Hey, thanks for your videos and coaching. However, I would like to offer some constructive criticism, as I think you are currently publishing a lot of videos in which you play in lower Elo. I'm affected by smurfs myself from time to time (in my or my opponent's team) and it just ruins the game. How about if you guide someone who really belongs in this Elo and they do exactly what you tell or advise him to do. Then we could also see directly what your coaching/input brings. Keep on going!
@thehochmaster2 8 сағат бұрын
I would love to see a video like this actually
@h3r0shy64 Күн бұрын
you said drake is not the wincondition here... i think thats what is lacking in my games... i always play for drakes when they are free to take... so you dont play for drake cause your team gets hard outscaled anyway and it takes to long to get soul right? meanwhile playing for 1 strenght of diana (fast at taking down turrets) would you also do that with champs like jarvan/viego?
@Ferrivia Күн бұрын
the only lane i can actually climb on is adc in the piss low rank im in, and i don't rly find it fun that much and every time i play my fav champ, i get punished for having fun and actually trying and even doing well and even when i get autofilled jg, and actually metagame i still lose bcuz even tho im 8/1 kha, i can't do shit against kayn who got fed into oblivion
@Backzter1609 Күн бұрын
I would be nice to see you play Lee Sin! Even though he doesnt suit your heavy farming playstyle
@aedrianangeloseno4067 Күн бұрын
do reksai please
@pabspabs Күн бұрын
ppl usually flame others just to feel better themselves and find a scapegoat for their own mistakes. so do you recomend muting all? or just mute individuals if they ping too much or flame?
@sinerias1229 Күн бұрын
Mute individuals. Try to filter posituve information imo
@otoanskye Күн бұрын
Why do you start fiendish codex over blasting wand?
@GodFuryNA 2 күн бұрын
GodFury checking in
@psychederik 2 күн бұрын
small chicken bug
@hata6290 2 күн бұрын
I love you sinestro ❤
@iReza9 2 күн бұрын
The Best LOL teacher
@thomasbreton9674 2 күн бұрын
Warwick next please!! ❤
@KnotSavage 2 күн бұрын
60% of games one of my laners dies before my first clear lmao. in gold even. thats just why i dont play ranked anymore, aint worth it man. either your teams inting or enemy team is that low. 50% not unreasonable. obviously you climb at 50%. and getting plat is easy but its not good for your mental to go through that lmao. lemme pull back the curtain for the bronze players rq too, dont feel like you need to climb to feel more self confidence, plat players are just as fucking terrible as bronze players. youre not missing much theres no pressure
@AARon-mg5lm 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for this video and most of all the end.
@mysticflow467 2 күн бұрын
32:03 lmaoo the reveal
@RPGOasis 2 күн бұрын
can you show me how to punish perma ganking junglers im in high silver low gold and enemy jg doesnt care about camp and just perma ganks and i do my best to counter jg and take objective and gank if its a free kill but my team get behind bc of him and i cant carry them + alot of games one lane just lose without even getting ganked and after that enemy jg perma gank and get back to game + noc and shyv and lillia are 53% winrate and i dont play any of them or champs that counter them
@OmenGoldhelm 2 күн бұрын
That final message was beautiful
@OmenGoldhelm 2 күн бұрын
@JoeySch 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for this video! Ive been trying to climb out of iron with Diana. Please do more videos with Diana if you can. Thanks!!!
@sashastronghold5775 2 күн бұрын
Absolutely love the content love the energy love the mindset! Favorite league content creator for me <3
@flaxie3208 2 күн бұрын
could you maybe do a viego game
@sorrowone6107 2 күн бұрын
thanks very helpfulll
@voidner 2 күн бұрын
It's crazy that leblanc blames you for dying when you left for the scuttle
@esiarpze7908 2 күн бұрын
loving your content bro, it’s helping me a lot!
@tomludlow1 2 күн бұрын
edit out his extended inhales
@mzpls 2 күн бұрын
best league content creator
@2fliege 2 күн бұрын
wrong i lost lp with 55% win rate last split and this because of negative lg gains. e.g minus 4 lp with 57% win rate sona minus 59 lp with 52% win rate leona.