@alandavies1725 3 күн бұрын
Interesting theory with at least one drawback. For your theory to work all recipients of coded messages would have to have identical sized dodecahedrons. From what I have read, no two of the found dodecahedrons are even closely matched in size or hole sizes. Have any metal casters tried to cast a dodecahedron? I have done a few small pieces of lost wax casting and would balk at trying to cast something so intricate.
@Matt.Geevan 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for your comment, Alan ! Yes - you are correct, the Dodecahedrons have been found in different sizes because, for example, one has been found from 159 AD and another on has been found from say, 259 AD. That is, the two have been found from different series that were made 100 years apart from each other, so we are getting two different 'snapshots' in the historical timeline Yes - metal casters have made dodecahedrons - kzbin.info/www/bejne/gaG3dXuPh92eoqM
@Peter-lm3ic 3 күн бұрын
Its use is more mundane! It has a similarity to the jig used in French Knitting. The dodecahedron used for the production of the woven gold wire Roman necklace. The holes for reducing the diameter of the woven gold wire necklace. This is fully explained on another website.
@Matt.Geevan 3 күн бұрын
If that is what you think it for Peter - that's fine.
@Martin_Daniel 4 күн бұрын
Well, this would certainly explain why the device was never cited in written sources nor depicted in art... Fact remain that the dodecahedrons found are different in size...
@Matt.Geevan 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for your reply, Martin ! Yes - your are correct, the Dodecahedrons have been found in different sizes because, for example, one has been found from 159 AD and another on has been found from say, 259 AD. That is, both have been found from different series that were made 100 years apart from one another, so we are getting two different 'snapshots' in the historical timeline
@user-ef2px4xb8d 6 күн бұрын
@Matt.Geevan 3 күн бұрын
Thank you !
@associatedblacksheepandmisfits 8 күн бұрын
More discs need found. Sounds legit to me.
@Matt.Geevan 8 күн бұрын
Many thanks for your reply !
@associatedblacksheepandmisfits 8 күн бұрын
@@Matt.Geevan as soon as you started explaining, it was a light bulb moment, totally makes sense, also the intrinsic knowledge would have been kept secret as a matter of course. I have always wanted to correlate the dodecahedrons with where they're found and that would surely have shown links via hole sizes in time, most likely between persons of local and national importance ,and/or military 🤔 just how secretive we are as a species is wild, only just heard recently that the poles had been working on the enigma machine since the early 30s ! Standing on the shoulders of giants! I doff my hat to you sir.
@Matt.Geevan 8 күн бұрын
@@associatedblacksheepandmisfits Thanks for your reply which is very interesting. Yes - the Polish Bureau were well ahead of the Brits at this early time in the war. You are 'spot on' about why the knowledge was kept secret ! Please note that I refer to the holes in The Vindolanda Disk as 'pilot holes' as I believe that once all the five pilot holes and the central hole had been bored, then the holes were opened up to their final required sizes. This method reduces the 'stress' placed on the disk material. Cheers Matt
@MackWilliams-oz2cz 10 күн бұрын
Bletchley Park, before there was Bletchley Park!
@Matt.Geevan 10 күн бұрын
Absolutely Mack ! if you're interested in that connection to it, then please take a look at my Roman Enigma Machine video ! kzbin.info/www/bejne/eqTCopVjbJtgg80 Cheers Matt
@MackWilliams-oz2cz 9 күн бұрын
@@Matt.Geevan Thanks! I will!
@Matt.Geevan 9 күн бұрын
@@MackWilliams-oz2cz Cheers !
@lesfarkas50 12 күн бұрын
I've been following along. In terms of finding additional items that would validate the theory, I would suggest looking at collections of dices, games, and toys. I'm thinking of the game Tabula Lusoria. I would think if a disc was discovered, it would have been easily categorized as the Ancient Roman top known as the Teetotum. I agree with @DataBeingCollected that Roman Brooches et al. are an interesting area to look in. The one thing that bothers me is the locations that these items were found. None were found in modern Day Italy or outside of the Roman Empire. If you could find something on the Eastern European connection.... That would probably the most illuminating..... I very much look forward to more updates. I've read up on Roman Dodecahedrons for a while now. I think your ideas are the closest to the true purpose of anything I've read.
@baystgrp 13 күн бұрын
This is a very compelling argument. The only problem is the lack of a single Roman code wheel used in the application as a cipher mechanism as demonstrated. That the dodecahedrons have been discovered in various places is a fact. The lack of a single Roman code wheel is also a fact. Until code wheels are discovered, I will believe the artifact was used as has been demonstrated in other videos, as a device to create gold linked chain.
@Matt.Geevan 13 күн бұрын
Thanks very much for your reply. What I actually discovered was a Roman codewheel, which was broken while it was being made, which was discarded, so we could find it later. Here is my argument for this:- kzbin.info/www/bejne/rWmaemCph6yners You don't need a Roman Dodecahedron to make a gold chain. You only need a wooden stick to make a gold chain:- kzbin.info/www/bejne/eaHbf3uAfcRgbbs everyone can own a wooden stick
@trevsims2656 13 күн бұрын
Had any high felutin' archaeologists interested yet. Would have thought they'd be bustin'for an exclusive. Give Mr De-Dunckin' a match to light the powder keg beneath their comfortable bots.
@Matt.Geevan 13 күн бұрын
Thanks very much for your comments, Trev ! I am presently in discussion with the British Museum and the The Roman Army Museum, so will let you know if anything develops. I'm not really sure that anyone with any real archaeological knowledge about them would want to risk damaging their reputation by becoming associated with my theory, but I would love to be proved wrong ! Cheers Matt
@associatedblacksheepandmisfits 8 күн бұрын
@@Matt.Geevan anyone with any real archaeological knowledge would be avid to test it out,being seekers of truth, need some message tablets and disks .. what's the betting that evidence is already in storage, unknown item, from past digs or collectors in old boxes or draws? the ephemeral tablets , if wood could easily be concealed or disposed of it makes a good message medium I guess. I would be interested in reading personal accounts by local commanders (military) of the period if any survive , there should be written evidence of ciphers and their usage somewhere??
@trevsims2656 8 күн бұрын
Good luck sir.. Be interesting to see how things develop.
@Matt.Geevan 8 күн бұрын
@trevsims2656 Thanks Trev ! I will be delighted to show you my next video in about 3 weeks time, with even more compelling evidence that I have just discovered ! This may explain the current map of the Roman Dodecaherons finds in the North Western Empire and why none have been found around the Mediterranean - keep you posted ! Cheers Matt
@mikecopinger7180 14 күн бұрын
how do you know which point is the starting point?
@Matt.Geevan 14 күн бұрын
Thanks Mike ! As you may have seen, there are the 23 letters of the Classical Latin Alphabet and 2 nulls. The second null, the diamond with the dot in the middle is the one that helps to conceal double letters. The first null, is the star. There is a star on the Plaintext Wheel and a star on the Codewheel. The two disks are 'engaged' on the Dodecahedron. The two stars are lined up on both codewheeels and that's the starting point. It's that simple. Cheers Matt
@cristianx9581 14 күн бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/kKGzdmZ-ls-IhZo hier you will find the answer about your question abaut roman scutum - The only surviving complete Roman shield
@StefansView 15 күн бұрын
I am following you along your remarkable path of solving this secret. My remark to the wooden disk: Your convincing validation relies completely on the wood shrinking and expanding in the right places. With the wood changing so much over time how can you be sure all of the holes kept their exact positions?
@Matt.Geevan 15 күн бұрын
Hi Stefan - thanks very much for your interest in this mysterious puzzle. That's a really good question ! The honest answer is I don't know yet ! Presently, I am trying to gain the interest of someone who knows much more about ancient wood than I do (which is next to nothing at all ! ) All we know is that presently, the holes do line up with our geometry template. Surprisingly, the only thing I can think of presently is an analogy to a currant bun ! Maybe small distortions to external surface of the bun (shrinkage and expansion of the wood close to the periphery of the disk) does not have a major impact to the positions of the currants buried inside the bun (the holes) The other model to consider is, if you heat up the edge of a disk of metal that has holes in it, the metal expands noticeably but it has little impact on the holes closer to the centre of the disk. Cheers Matt
@WC21UKProductionsLtd 15 күн бұрын
Hats off to you once again, Matt. Only a scientist or an engineer would think like that - I'm neither - so your geometrical analysis of the half circular disk provides further compelling evidence for me. January 2025 seems like a long way off and I look forward to seeing if the reverse side provides anything further.
@Matt.Geevan 15 күн бұрын
Thanks very much for your interest and encouragement ! Yes - there does seem to be something esoterical going on here that presently, I cannot quite fathom. Using my 'x-ray vision' I am intrigued to see if there are any telling marks on the other side of the Vindolanda Disk, so we will just have to wait and see ! Cheers Matt
@awatt 15 күн бұрын
Yes i am entertained
@Matt.Geevan 15 күн бұрын
Thanks very much for your comment !
@stevec7923 15 күн бұрын
Compelling demonstration! A couple of possible objections: 1. for this system to be used among a network of a Legion's forts, each fort would need a matching encryption set. I'm not sure any two dodecahedrons are found with matching hole diameters. 2. Why should all the holes be circular? It would be a bit quicker and easier if holes were, say, square, triangular, round, pentagonal, etc. 3. A set of flat plates would be much easier to manufacture than this challenging 3D structure.
@Matt.Geevan 15 күн бұрын
Many thanks for you reply,Steve ! I don't know if you have managed to watch my original video on the subject:- kzbin.info/www/bejne/rHOnmKB7aMljl9k You will see that for the system to work, the holes need to be round to allow the codewheel to keep in register with the plaintext wheel. Each Fort in a communication group would need matching Dodecahedrons as you so rightly pointed out, but not neccessarily a complete set of matching codewheels - only the codewheels that they were intended to possess by their Communication Group's Leader, whoever that was. For example, one Fort could possess the same codewheels as the three adjacent forts had, and the local cavalry groups to the east and west for example, but maybe not the cavalry group to the south, for example. The issue of the codewheels shaped the battlegroup's lines of communication, on a 'need to know' basis. As you will see from the original video, you will see that when the Dodecahedron is used to decode a message, the Dodecahedron is placed onto the Wax seal in the correct position, and its the OPPOSITE hole of the Dodecachedron that is used to proceed with the decoding process, so the 3 dimensional shapes geometry is a crucial part of the coding systems function. Cheers Matt
@stevec7923 15 күн бұрын
​@@Matt.Geevan Yes, I see that circular holes do make sense now. I do think we should expect a bit more uniformity of hole dimensions. At a minimum, I'd expect pairs to be manufactured with matching hole size. But in use, pairs would be geographically separated, so perhaps not finding matching pairs would be expected. Regardless, brilliant thinking here!
@Matt.Geevan 15 күн бұрын
@@stevec7923 Thanks very much for your interest in my theory. Yes - matching pairs or sets of Dodecahedrons were made 'centrally' then distributed as required by the communication network.
@DataBeingCollected 15 күн бұрын
I’ve got a few interesting things to share, I am sure you’ve already looked into some of it already. I like your theory a lot, but I am still agnostic to it being the actual answer. I am rooting for you though. With that said, I think this is the most logical of the theories currently presented, and it is a promising speculation based on the evidence you have provided so far. Now on to the interesting speculative stuff I want to share! 1. Neolithic Polyhedra carved stone balls: These are mostly found in Scotland. Many were said to be made of “Greenstone” (more on this later). Just like the Roman Dodecahedron, their purpose is unknown, (some claim possible oracular use) and both objects represent evidence about knowledge of Platonic solids. They might have nothing to do with dodecahedron, but it is an interesting connection with the Platonic solids and especially the location where these have been found. 2. Roman Circular/Disc/Umbonate/Plate Brooches and Fibula: Some very interesting designs that might be consistent with dodecahedron. A lot of the designs of these brooches seem like a 2D stylized profile of a Dodecahedron in some ways. One flaw with this however is the preference for a hexagonal pattern for the brooches most like the Dodecahedron. With that said, pentagonal pattern disc brooches similar to the dodecahedron do exist. One fanciful thought I had while looking at some of the designs, what if a disc fibula could be a secret code wheel? I think unlikely as a code wheel, as many of these have been found, and I don’t recall any with letters. The 3rd century AD Værløse Fibula had elder futhark written on it. Still worth looking into. 3. the Pentagram itself: A lot of stuff here, quite a deep rabbit hole. I think there are two areas worth while. A. The mathematical side of things like you’ve already focused on, but especially with the Platonic Solids and the Pythagoreans. This here is also your direct Euclid connection. This is also your Carved Stone Balls connection. B. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight might shed some clues in the context of “greenstone”. Sir Gawain has the pentagram as his coat of arms and he is connected to the story of the Green Knight. In German, you also have the Drudenfuss, or elf’s foot, which is also the pentagram. I am not an etymology expert, but Drude, or an elf/alp/nocturnal spirit, it gives me “Druid” vibes. (Which could tie it back to the stone balls again.) I do think that the Pythagoreans and their mastery of mathematics, and specifically the platonic solids should not be underestimated with this. I think the probability is high that the Pythagoreans, (even if not directly involved with the dodecahedron), would have been a major influence from the mathematical side of things. Whoever invented these very likely had knowledge of the Pythagoreans.
@Matt.Geevan 14 күн бұрын
Thanks very much for your encouraging reply ! Yes I think you are right that whoever invented the Roman Dodecahedron would have had knowledge of Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans.
@paulmicelli5819 15 күн бұрын
Knowledge must be pursued thru discussion of opposing views, Great video!
@Matt.Geevan 15 күн бұрын
Yes, absolutely - Thank You Paul !
@spankflaps1365 15 күн бұрын
Parallels to “Raiders of the lost Ark”, when the baddies only have one side of the staff head-piece. (Fun fact - the Map Room oculus scene is copied from the Roman Pantheon, which illuminates the doorway on Rome’s birthday.)
@erniecamhan 15 күн бұрын
Your on the right track..persist
@Matt.Geevan 15 күн бұрын
your comments are much appreciated, Ernie !
@bauzaque 15 күн бұрын
@Matt.Geevan 15 күн бұрын
Thanks very much - you can see my evidence at :- kzbin.info/www/bejne/rWmaemCph6yners also there is a brand new video being premiered tonight at 20:00 hrs UK time which supports the evidence ! Cheers Matt
@richardallday7387 18 күн бұрын
Like the theory. Questions - The Angle between the 2 holes (to origin) is 6-8 degrees larger than a dod would support. The Distance between the pins is larger than (all or, if not, almost all of) the largest dods found. Also, one hole is missing on this wafer. A woodworker screw-up can be attached to all of these things, I understand. A persisting question is why was the dod disbanded and why was it only found in these areas (sea travel safety does not hold water). Also, can you imagine the number of these dods that would have to be produced to have communication between forts (not to mention that no 2 identical ones have ever been found). You have Tribunes, Legates, Prefects, etc. These things would have been found everywhere… Finally, the Army would not need this item for coded communication. It's just too much, with too many in the know; with hundreds of these code wheels everywhere. The theory is great, but I’m still in the camp of that it’s the original 'Swiss Army' multi-tool created by Gallic blacksmiths (ordered by Negotiatores/Roman arms merchants for trade w/ Roman Auxiliary troop arms officers) for measurement/procurement/(and sometimes) maintenance of Auxiliary troop, polearm weapon shafts.
@Matt.Geevan 17 күн бұрын
Thanks for your reply, Richard. I am not quite sure that you are correct about the angles between the two holes, as you will plainly see in my next video coming out this week, where there is a geometrical proof. Because the wood has distorted somewhat after being in the ground for so long, I have discovered that no-one can make assumptions about the centre of the circle, so no-one can say what the angle between the two holes is until you see the geometric proof. Yes one hole is missing from the wafer - this pilot hole had not been bored yet by the maker because the wafer broke whilst boring the other two.
@richardallday7387 16 күн бұрын
​@@Matt.Geevan Interesting. I measured 77-78 degrees with an on-line protractor overlay (as opposed to the 72 degree needed). I had no problem finding the center of the circle as the curve at the edge of the center hole is evident. Also, only 1-2+ dods have vertices/knobs that far apart that would fit those holes (Fishguard, maybe Carmarthen, etc.). Just seems too big to be the only 'wafer' found with knob holes that would be at the very top range of dod sizes. I suppose in my theory, the reason for the dod not being used past the 3rd-4th century as weapon production changed from local to mass production with more uniformity of auxiliary troops arms, across garrisons (due to coinage debasement/inflation) and the local merchants were no longer supplying varying-spec arms (including polearms) across garrisons. (I may have missed it, but) How do you explain in your theory, why this supposed cipher device/key was abandoned?
@Matt.Geevan 16 күн бұрын
Hi Richard, thanks very much for your interest in my idea. To be honest, I haven't given that aspect of the theory much consideration, but after the Roman Military adopted, and then adapted the cipher system to meet their needs, I think that the cipher system was primarily used by either Centurions, Communications Officers or members of the Speculatores, who were as you may know, were a sort of Long Range Secret Intelligence Officer Group or spy network. I think that after the Fall of Rome in about 476 AD, these groups were either disbanded, or were forced 'underground' and only saw action or activity in dwindling numbers. As you perhaps saw in my latest video, the angle between the two pilot holes is 72 degrees kzbin.info/www/bejne/i2LEnpyif8uZl7c
@patrickpaganini 19 күн бұрын
I find this very compelling, but at the end of the day it's a very expensive gadget that merely tells someone else "use wheel 11". It provides no other useful function that couldn't be done in another way. Surely the message could start with "XI" as in your example the wax imprint is doing the same thing. Even without that info the recipient could guess anyway meaning this gadget was entirely redundant to the encoding or decoding process.
@Matt.Geevan 17 күн бұрын
Thanks for your reply, Patrick. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on the subject. I don't think that the message could start with XI as it would be in code, which would possibly be decoded as ZL for instance. What do you think it was used for?
@patrickpaganini 16 күн бұрын
@@Matt.Geevan sorry I'm not trying to be rude. Your video is fantastic. I'm merely speculating upon a hypothesis.
@Matt.Geevan 16 күн бұрын
That's great, Patrick ! No problem at all, that is what my channel is all about. Cheers Matt
@patrickpaganini 16 күн бұрын
@@Matt.Geevan Who knows, but your video is the best I've seen on YT in my life, so well done.
@patrickpaganini 16 күн бұрын
Remember Enigma had plain text at the beginning.
@ben-jam-in6941 20 күн бұрын
That sir is one heck of an impressive feat. It is without doubt a very realistic reason for the dodecahedrons and I really think you have cracked it. To me it is just too much of a coincidence that all these steps line up so perfectly for it not to have been their purpose. Congratulations
@Matt.Geevan 17 күн бұрын
Thanks very much for your very kind comments , Ben ! here is some evidence from the same time in history to support it :- kzbin.info/www/bejne/rWmaemCph6yners Cheers Matt
@pictureel5863 20 күн бұрын
A very ingenious explanation. I like the extra encryption added by turning after each successive word. All you need to prove the hypothesis is any surviving wooden code wheel or even a written message that approximates a coded sentence. Great work. Congrats!
@Matt.Geevan 20 күн бұрын
Thanks very much for your reply - here is the codewheel evidence you require :- kzbin.info/www/bejne/rWmaemCph6yners Cheers Matt
@JasonJason210 21 күн бұрын
Good theory. It would be great if we could find evidence of those wheels.
@Matt.Geevan 21 күн бұрын
Hi Jason, here is the evidence you require:- kzbin.info/www/bejne/rWmaemCph6yners Cheers Matt
@jandroblanco6789 24 күн бұрын
My name is Alejandro Tadeo, Spanish. Translation by Google Translator. Since June 4th I have posted another unpublished theory on KZbin: It is a game with coins, coins are put in the largest hole, among them, silver or gold coins, the loading mouth is covered and the player throws it on a table protected on the sides with planks, before the player has to pay for the throws. The coins that come out are kept by the player and his interest is to get the gold or silver coin, which can only come out through the largest hole, through the rest of the holes bronze coins will come out. I have practically verified everything and explained it in my video DODECAEDRO ROMANO: SE ACABÓ EL MISTERIO. Also, about the Roman icosahedron I make a hypothesis about what was its use: it was a game with gold nuggets. I have not read any hypothesis for the icosahedron on the whole internet, except for error or ignorance on my part. The main hypothesis I start from is the necessary similarity of use of the dodeca and the icosa and as fundamental evidence I make, are the wear planes of the knobs that can be seen in most of the dodecas and I add that the missing broken knobs/balls are due to the breakage due to the efforts when throwing them on the sides of the table. Everything is well explained (including the wear planes of the knobs) in my video: DODECAEDRO ROMANO: SE ACABÓ EL MISTERIO. PARTE II, ​​dated 19th of this month of August. I also propose in the video, and in a comment of mine, that the interior of the Bonn icosa be analyzed with spectrometry, to look for gold molecules, as long as it has not been cleaned inside and the green verdigris or dirt allowed it. The same could be done with the dodecas, more easily because the mouths are larger. I repeat, I have everything well explained in my videos. (You can set the video to English subtitles via the video settings.) 285 years of mystery is a long time. Thank you for your attention and greetings from Spain. kzbin.info/www/bejne/fJuZdJR9qN2niLMsi=uiSihDjP5Vxkid7m
@thefeelingbelief3904 24 күн бұрын
There are mysterious carved stone ball shaped artifacts found in the North of England, Ireland and mostly Scotland. They have numerous bosses and defy explanation. Would be great to hear your analysis of those also.
@Matt.Geevan 24 күн бұрын
Thanks very much for your reply - my theory is based on the facts we know about the Roman Dodecahedron already, plus the evidence that I have obtained so far :- kzbin.info/www/bejne/rWmaemCph6yners What are your thoughts about my theory ?
@thefeelingbelief3904 24 күн бұрын
​@Matt.Geevan Thanks for swift reply. I think you present the best answer to the purpose of the item thus far. Up till now my intuition was wondering if it was to do with water, or plumbing, or a turnable tool on chariot axles or something medical surgical. I am fascinated by your understanding of it. And I like your narration. You have natural pauses in your telling and this is easier to process.
@Matt.Geevan 23 күн бұрын
@@thefeelingbelief3904 many thanks for your kind comments, please see the evidence to support this theory :- kzbin.info/www/bejne/rWmaemCph6yners
@JohnH-mo5mb 25 күн бұрын
Excellent. That is what is called a theory unsupported by facts. How about facts for a change? 1. They are precision made. Their sides are the same, and, which is very tedious to achieve, all five little balls sit evenly on the table, touching the surface, no matter how you put them down. That serves no practical purpose, except one: Showing the craftsmanship of the creator. 2. They are not standardized, having different hole sizes, and different sizes overall. That speaks against a specific standard use. 3. They have no wear signs, neither in the holes, nor on the little balls outside. There go a bunch of theories out the window, including the one in the video. 4. In conclusion, precisely made objects that have no evidence for being used for anything practical, of different sizes. The standout answer is that they show off the craftsmanship of metalworkers. Similar to a masterpiece required by modern metal workers before they receive their certificate. Like all other cultural traditions, this has a certain geographical distribution, explaining their range.
@Matt.Geevan 25 күн бұрын
Thanks for your reply, John ! - here is the evidence :- kzbin.info/www/bejne/rWmaemCph6yners
@meinolf153 Ай бұрын
They put a candle in there and had a container that protects the candle from the wind, a lantern. Maybe there was glass in front of the holes, because the Romans already had glass. It should be remembered that wax was found in some of these devices.
@Matt.Geevan Ай бұрын
yes wax was found in some of the Dodecahedrons, but could have anybody afforded to buy a bronze cast candlestick?
@meinolf153 Ай бұрын
​@@Matt.Geevan Why not? It could have just been an expensive decorative table light/lantern with a candle inside. The holes covered with glass. The grooves around the holes could have been used to attach the glass by smearing some glue into the grooves. The ancient Romans did have glass and glue (tar, beewax).
@jonviol Ай бұрын
Matt, In addition to my previous comments its worth also to mention the Bronze sculpture art of Dhokra in Kondagaon Southern India . Here lost wax techniques are used to make highly detailed decorative sculptures with thin wall construction in one pour. It would be a fascinating 'research' trip to travel there with your resin dodecahedron and employ them to make one ,from scratch , using yours as a pattern only to measure and copy . It could be filmed stage by stage and astonishing 'entertaining' video content obtained . The Roman dodecahedron has a sort of Eastern 'feel' to its design and its well recorded that historical trade from Japan through China India 'Persia' and western Europe influenced just about everything from cloth/textile making to fine art and sculpture. Still can't get my head around the balls being hollow. Just why unless of course your coding hypothesis is wrong and there is another military application. You lateral thinkers get working !!!
@Matt.Geevan 25 күн бұрын
Hi Jonathan - thanks very much for your idea which is great ! Yes - I was really surprised when I found that the balls were hollow !
@piratessalyx7871 Ай бұрын
Baloney…all ready proven a knitting tool for gloves….why would you find these scattered everywhere in the dirt if it was so secret….nice try!
@Matt.Geevan Ай бұрын
Thanks for your reply - but how is it proven that it was a knitting tool for gloves - where are the Roman Woollen Gloves ???
@Rainbow_Oracle Ай бұрын
Saying Paulo (with a vowel u, not a consonant v) would have been correct for classical times, and is still correct in most modern romance languages such as Spanish and Italian. In classical times the "v" sound (voiced labiodental fricative) hadn't been developed yet. So the pronunciation here was grating unrealistic. PaVlo sounds extremely Slavic and not Latin at all. Straight V was the default shape for the Roman U (close back rounded vowel), being easier to carve. Round U is a modernism. Pronouncing a VLF for the letter v is used most liberally in French, and it feels equally common between Portuguese, Italian, and Romanian. Spain is the region with the most variety, having all three pronunciations of the letter "v". 1) Most Iberian languages betacize the "v" into a "b" (voiced bilabial plosive) sound. 2) As mentioned earlier Portuguese has the VLF "modern v" pronunciation. 3) Some rare regional dialects in the remote regions of Spain still retain the vocalic "u" pronunciation, which is quite pleasant and surprising, but it's not common at all.
@Matt.Geevan Ай бұрын
Thanks very much for your detailed reply ! I just simply made a name up to illustrate the coding system.
@jonviol Ай бұрын
Matt, an informative technical up load well worth watching--'How was it made? Bronze sculpture. By the V & A museum. This video contains all the wealth of technical complexity and craft workshop practice which the Roman dodecahedron makers must have used. After seeing all this anyone with a continued notion that they are a jig or form to make gloves might wish to reconsider . And the Romans had no portable heat sources such as compressed oxygen, propane or acetylene. Just how did the Romans make heat and control it . Did they have coke ? I know they developed leather bellowed air pumps to force air through coals and raise heat for forging but to control it for investment casting is out there . Is there a research paper?
@Matt.Geevan Ай бұрын
Hi Jonathan - thanks I will watch the V & A upload which looks very interesting ! Presently, I am considering the complexities and effort of putting together a research paper, and looking at the best options for achieving this. Cheers Matt
@jonviol Ай бұрын
@@Matt.Geevan Wow, watch out! A 'research paper' as distinct from a simple dissertation is a huge challenge in time energy money and language with so many hurdles to deal with . Only facts can be presented those need supporting with cross referencing every available paper so your opinions are eliminated and replaced with 'valued judgments' accordingly. You have two comment here which enquire that the code wheels might function without the dodecahedron so disproving your hypothesis' entirely . These would need to be discussed, with relevant facts ,all cross referenced to show academic justification etc. It will 'do your head in '! Plus you will need a proof reader, independent of the subject matter ,to guarantee it is a research paper and not just a diatribe of onesided opinion . You will need to show what tools were available at the time and how those workshops used them to prove the complexity of manufacture and overt constraints would restrict this objects final application and who used it . A research paper is just that -not an essay on what you think now. Might be worth contacting Andrew Parkin ,Curator of small finds at TWMusems who is in contact with PhD students in Newcastle dealing with this topic already at that level Jonathan
@Matt.Geevan 25 күн бұрын
@@jonviol Wow ! thanks very much for your information, Jonathan - very insightful !
@Matt.Geevan 22 күн бұрын
Thanks Jonathan - the V & A museum video was great. Cheers !
@donerskine7935 Ай бұрын
I've given your hypothesis more consideration, and it simply doesn't stack up. IF the Romans used rotating wheels to encipher messages (for which there are no examples, no references in the historical record and no substantive evidence) they could simply do this with a flat plate or wheel inscribed with the alphabet, plus a set of encryption wheels. At a stretch, they could even do this with a set of slide-rule-like bars, no wheels needed. The set of wheels would not need different-sized plug holes at all. The wheels could be numbered, and all that would be needed is to indicate on a message which wheel was used to encipher,. Your elaborate wax impression system to indicate the dodecahedron and thus wheel adds extra nothing to security. The elaborate, expensive, complex, cumbersome dodecahedron would not be needed at all. So what you are proposing is an un-evidenced cypher system. which would not need a dodecahedron at all, and proposing it as proof of the function of the dodecahedron. Furthermore, even IF a dodecahedron was used, an intercepted message could easily be deciphered by someone without a dodecahedron, as long as they had access to the wheels. The dodecahedron adds no extra security above the what the wheels would provide. Finding the 'right' wheel from a limited set for deciphering would be trivial. As for your suggestion that a wheel might be rotated, say, every word, only one stud on the flat plate would be needed, plus any number of holes in the encryption wheel. The five-fold rotation system you propose would in fact limit the number of encryption patterns for each wheel to five, whereas a freely rotating wheel would allow far more cypher combinations. A nice hypothesis, but it does not stand up to close scrutiny.
@Matt.Geevan 24 күн бұрын
Thanks for your reply - what do you think that it used for?
@donerskine7935 24 күн бұрын
@@Matt.Geevan The most plausible idea to my mind is for making rope, but I haven't seen any explanation that is 100% convincing. It seems an elaborate and expensive device, for whatever use it had. I understand that one has been found with names or signs of he zodiac on each face, suggesting an astronomical/astrological use, but I don't know any details. I remain sceptical.
@jonviol Ай бұрын
Matt, you've clearly filled your mind with this object ,and, I feel would benefit by watching the many 'investment casting' videos on KZbin . Try to imagine exactly the same process filmed now and eliminate electric heating, gas blowlamps and silicon mould materials. Its amazing stuff . Plus we have files ,saws and steel tools . Jonathan
@Matt.Geevan 23 күн бұрын
Thanks Jonathan - the ones I've watched are really interesting, and show the great skill and experience of the practitioners. It is really hard to imagine how the ancient Craftsmen managed to achieve their results without modern temperature control, gas and electric heating and without alumina based casting mediums etc. Wow !
@uvodee Ай бұрын
I do not understand that in this era, when the solution has been brought to us by a sweet lady one year ago, has to be repeated by others… it was resolved, now let a professional technical writer make it into s small free digital booklet and get it over and done. It truly baffles me that people posting here that this is the first time they see how it really works… it’s been posted on YT a year ago!
@Matt.Geevan Ай бұрын
it baffles me that people think that the sweet lady has the correct solution. A bronze Dodecahedron would have cost far more than the house that a lady knitting Roman Woollen Gloves lived in . How do you know for sure that it has been resolved ? Other people have other ideas.
@uvodee Ай бұрын
@@Matt.Geevan it’s a sweet lady that discovered it, the device was used by military, very few are found in Italy, most are found in military encampments and they may have been costly but 100rds have been found so far….also, it was for gold threading more than just gloves…. Necklaces and parts of armor were its main purpose. Ockham’s razor is perfectly suitable for this solution
@IchGlaubEsHacktWohl Ай бұрын
The problem is that most Dodecas dont have the same or any standardised holes measures - they vary very much. So this sadly wont work. Great videos though.
@Matt.Geevan Ай бұрын
Thanks for your reply ! The problem is that not all the Dodecahedrons have been found, just a small proportion of them.
@IchGlaubEsHacktWohl Ай бұрын
​@@Matt.Geevan Actually I just red a paper of an Austrian guy called Michael Guggenberger. He did a very thorough analyses by time/location etc. and also plotted a graph for the distribution of the diameters of >60 objects. No recognizable pattern sadly.
@donerskine7935 Ай бұрын
Incidentally, you fail to mention that wax seals were used by, and pre-date the Romans, so the practice of making wax impressions on communications was already established, adding credence to your theory, although your suggested purpose for a wax impression is somewhat different.
@Matt.Geevan Ай бұрын
Yes of course wax seals were used by the Romans - My idea to use the wax impression to communicate which side of the Dodecahedron to use in decoding the message also explains why some have been found with traces of wax attached to them.
@donerskine7935 Ай бұрын
Centurion Septimus Publicus here. I am delighted that you find my bronze spaghetti measure so interesting. More seriously, your theory is interesting and well argued, although the video is rather slow. Problems include the archaeological absence of any of the other artifacts you show as part of the encyphering process, (apart from your proposed unfinished cipher wheel you show in another video) and the unlikelihood that a huge dodecahedron would be needed, or desirable, considering some of those found are very large. A small, discreet device would be more secure, and I can't envision a huge dodecahedron being used to make a huge wax impression on a huge tablet that would surely be better conveyed on smaller tablets without attracting great attention. Overall, applying Occam's razor, I lean towards a tool for making chains and rope, but your well thought-out hypothesis is worthy of serious consideration. But here's a challenge for you - there are also icosahedrons of a similar design, without the large holes - can you explain these?
@Matt.Geevan Ай бұрын
Well you just lean towards a tool for making chains and rope. In the mean time, here is the evidence for my theory :- kzbin.info/www/bejne/rWmaemCph6yners
@TheMuskokaman Ай бұрын
I've seen a video on KZbin showing how they were possibly used for weaving gold chain from wire. It seemed more plausible to be honest. Especially when they demonstrated it using copper wire in the video. Explains why the opposing holes are slightly smaller in diameter as well. It's possible it's an early form of extrusion/loom tech. likely used by those working in precious metals to create fancy braided chain which may explain why so many have been found adjacent buried treasure.
@Matt.Geevan Ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment - I say that everyone is entitled to their own opinion on the subject. Anyone can weave a gold chain by using a stick :- kzbin.info/www/bejne/eaHbf3uAfcRgbbs Everyone can have a stick
@PaulCook67 Ай бұрын
I believe it's a game piece of some sort. Think about humans with nothing to do in the evenings. Look at it through that lens.
@Matt.Geevan Ай бұрын
Hi Paul - That's fair enough - everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
@redalert2834 Ай бұрын
The first thing you need to know is that these objects are not of human origin. Had you actually solved this riddle you would already know that. A solid grounding in science, a fair bit of aptitude in mathematics and considerable problem-solving ability is required to fathom these things.
@Matt.Geevan Ай бұрын
okay then, we'll leave that to you !
@OldSloGuy Ай бұрын
The different sized holes could be a method of selecting the code wheels involved. based on pivot pen size. The pentagon shape when combined with a hexagon provides a vernier permutation of 30 choices which accommodates the alphabet and special symbols like punctuation. Since the bronze dodecahedron offers 12 faces selected by hole diameter, it further increases the permutations. We also know that the dodecahedron is a platonic solid. While the cube would have 4 nubs and 6 sides, an inferior number of permutations would result. It is also possible that auxiliary sticks would have been inserted through other faces to provide a true code machine. Additionally, the dodecahedrons are not all the same size, so if they were in sets, the permutations of message formats become quite large. Code breaking is then a serious endeavor. The scratches along the edges of the dodecahedron are part of the key. Rather than a code wheel, the dodecahedron could be an authenticator. Rather than true decodeing, simply send a bunch of conflicting messages and the authenticator will reveal the right one. A message that takes a long time to decode is useless in battle. The courier would have a bunch of messages and if captured would confuse the enemy.with a which one is it problem. .
@Matt.Geevan Ай бұрын
Thanks for your reply ! Yes - you are correct, a cube would be no good - only six options. Yes, you are right, the dodecahedron can be different sizes and are manufactured in sets for specific Communication Groups. Nice Work ! Cheers Matt
@readMEinkbooks Ай бұрын
The Dodecahedron is a knitting spool for knitting fingers for gloves.
@Matt.Geevan Ай бұрын
how do you know that for sure ? where are the knitted Roman Gloves ???
@readMEinkbooks Ай бұрын
@@Matt.Geevan Look up a video called 'Solved? The Roman Dodecahedron' posted by Amy Gaines. Or 'How to knit a glove finger with a model of Roman Dodecahedron' posted by ChertineP. There's also French Knitting which uses a wooden cotton reel with four nails in one end. Which is basically the same as one section of a Roman dodecahedron. My grandfather used to make these for his grandkids as stocking fillers, complete with a skein of wool.
@Matt.Geevan Ай бұрын
@@readMEinkbooks Thanks very much, but I've seen all these videos when I was investigating the Dodecahedron. If a wooden cotton reel and 4 nails does the job, then why would you possibly go to the time and cost of producing a bronze Dodecahedron ? What is the purpose of the different size rings around some of the holes? Where are the Roman Woollen Gloves? You can make knitted chains with a wooden stick:- kzbin.info/www/bejne/eaHbf3uAfcRgbbs Everyone can have a wooden stick.
@donerskine7935 Ай бұрын
Amy Gaines' video compellingly explains and demonstrates the use of a dodecahedron to make woven chains, ropes, and this could include glove fingers, and much more. It explains the role of the holes, balls, and why the holes are different sizes. Far more versatile than a 'cotton reel and 4 nails', and it would have been a useful everyday tool. However I am open to other suggestions and commend anyone who puts time and effort into an alternate theory.
@readMEinkbooks Ай бұрын
@@Matt.Geevan The bronze one is valuable because it is less likely to be damaged. Important when you're on campaign in the far reaches of the empire. It has different size holes so that gloves can be made for people with all width of fingers. Gloves are not a one-size fits all item. Cotton reels for use in the home seem to have been invented in the mid-19th century. Before then, cotton thread for sewing was sold in hanks or skeins and was wound on to a winder or into a ball before use. So Romans wouldn't have had them. Gloves and chains are two different things. It's rare to find clothing, especially natural fibre clothing of such antiquity. Doesn't mean it never existed. Gloves are a logical piece of clothing especially if you live or are fighting in cold climates.
@ttapk Ай бұрын
why do you need a cypher against illiterate tribes?
@Matt.Geevan Ай бұрын
Thanks for your reply ! The Romans were very careful not to underestimate their enemy. A determined enemy would have found someone who could read Roman.
@whisped8145 Ай бұрын
18:25 Thank you for your effort, and the length you go to. I do believe your hypothesis has merit, and this might be a good lead. However, we would need to find more, best more developed of these pieces, possible the other half of this one. Consider that, according to your hypothesis we are dealing with an element of military secrecy. That would mean that faulty products would be destroyed to begin with. Thus this disk being split in half can be part of that destruction before it goes onto the heap for further obfuscation. The split does go along the grain, so I would guess it was actively destroyed, and did not accidentally break in the process. Why? See your diagram at 18:30. The southern hole (past 6 o'clock) is not aligned properly, it would not fit onto the item, and if you would correct the whole, it would wobble. When the artisan noticed this, he might have decided to discard the piece instead of continuing work; which as well explains the lack of the western hole (at 9 o'clock). I think it's a good lead, and I am glad such pieces have been preserved. I hope more can be found. Other sites were dodecahedra were found and had the appropriate conditions could yield more examples. Sometimes the puzzle pieces are already there, but we failed to identify them as such, and as such had no clue that we could put them together. I am across such things in my hobby-studies of mythology, that make me laugh at times. Most people study one thing in particular very deeply, while I jump across the globe scratching many surfaces. One thing I noticed in that is that the Hindu Mythology about the Asura is extremely congruent with the history and practices of the Assyrians practices of war and conquest - and are even pronounced the same in their original languages. History of one place seems to have become the mythological stories of another. Which then begs the question about how many myths that might be the case. We simplify, we anthropomorphize, we deify (something the Romans still practiced, and not even Augustus could ward himself against as they simply did it against his will posthumously. After all, his humbleness was such that he could have only been a god and him rejecting deification was just more proof in the eyes of those who wanted to deify him. Kind of a Life of Brian moment in Roman History ;)) But I digress. Watching to the end: A stencil could be stolen. If your idea has merit, there would be no stencils. Making 5 holes is more challenging but far from impossible to require such tools. Do you think you could do a video that runs through the decoding of 1-3 actual vindolanda tablets with your method? - It might be dry, but... so is the sand we dig in quite often.
@Matt.Geevan Ай бұрын
Thanks very much for your considered comments ! My idea is not meant to decode the Vindolanda tablets. If you would like to see how my proposed theory works, please watch :- kzbin.info/www/bejne/rHOnmKB7aMljl9k
@Brian_1597_of_Nazareth Ай бұрын
Now you would need support from at least one important (museum) achiologist, that enforces the search for more existing evidence. I'm sure there is plenty, as soon as the context is seen - given you are right. If you look at it with the approach of Popper, your theory is now hardened a lot in the direction of proof. We come to the point where others have to falsify you!
@Matt.Geevan 14 күн бұрын
Thanks very much for your kind comments and encouragement, Brian !
@johnnynephrite6147 Ай бұрын
What the hell did I just skipped through in 35 seconds?
@Matt.Geevan Ай бұрын
I don't know what you were able to learn in 35 seconds !
@od1452 Ай бұрын
You may be correct.. A couple points of interest... I know many have been found but I don't know their size. I have seen a few years ago but I don't know of any study of their details. There would have to be at least 2 with the exact size, one for sender, one for recipient .. if not there would be no benefit to having a " key" . But logically we would expect that each face would be different in size so the decoder would find the correct size for the correct code wheel. Are the faces different ? It doesn't look to me that they are easy to manufacture , especially as they have beads instead of pegs. ... so making exact duplicates would be difficult ( I've made bronze sculptures ... but recasting has size problems and these beads would not be made from a simple mold and attaching them after casting seems unlikely to me .) but if you could find 2 duplicates in two different locations,... that would lend support to the idea. I doubt the "key" would be sent with a messenger. It is important to realize that it has to be a key which seems to me to be unnecessary as a substitution code would be normal operating procedure for the army and so they would not need a physical key . it would be in their heads or a letter combination would indicate the code to select to decipher....An alternate theory is they are connected to a religion like the one you mention. . Thanks for sharing your ideas. It is interesting.
@lawrieyoutube4375 Ай бұрын
Perhaps religious codes for the initiated. The 'keys' being from other religious artefacts or even details passed through memorised chant.
@Matt.Geevan Ай бұрын
Thanks very much for your reply ! Just to say in my proposed encryption method, there is no key required, which is one of the advantages of the system.
@rogerkulpnik Ай бұрын
5 holes? A tool to knit gloves?
@lawrieyoutube4375 Ай бұрын
The dodec actually has twelve holes. I've watched videos on the knitting idea only to see that it works very badly. No one in their right mind would consider using the ill-made so-called 'gloves' that emerge from the process.
@Matt.Geevan Ай бұрын
Thanks for your reply, Lawrie. Also the cast bronze Dodecahedron could not possibly be afforded to be bought by someone knitting gloves !