No Regerts
12 сағат бұрын
Authentic Humanity
21 сағат бұрын
Good Trades In Life
Күн бұрын
Build The Bridge
14 күн бұрын
The Led Life
14 күн бұрын
Rest Over Miracles
21 күн бұрын
The Seeker
21 күн бұрын
Emotions of Heaven
28 күн бұрын
Talk About Listening
Ай бұрын
Ай бұрын
Gold Digging
Ай бұрын
The Energy of Change
Ай бұрын
Olympic Trails
Ай бұрын
Look At This
Ай бұрын
Leap of Faith
Ай бұрын
Go Up Come Down
Ай бұрын
Laugh At It
2 ай бұрын
Cosmic Family
2 ай бұрын
Butterfly Effect
2 ай бұрын
2 ай бұрын
Your Filter Determines Your Belief
Frequency and Focus
2 ай бұрын
2 ай бұрын
Casey Witters: The 100X
2 ай бұрын
Revelation Revamped
3 ай бұрын
Journey of Faith with Amy Melrose
Tourism with Purpose
3 ай бұрын
Mystic Monday Hope
3 ай бұрын
@WalkinginDivineHealth Күн бұрын
Oooh, there's a lot of good food for thought in this episode! As usual. I would not give up a finger or anything in exchange for a language download. The main reason is that I wouldn't want to miss the part of the process of learning something new. If I bypass the learning phase I lose out on the experiences and benefits of the journey in the learning! I think that this is a good segue into the fact that learning about Yahweh isn't just the destination, its the process through relationship. Some may know more about Yah in some regards and some others in other ways. I have learned a lot about Him through my non-believing believers, both in friendships and reading books that resonate with some aspect of truth about Yah's character and the realities of His Kingdom Realm. Yesterday I was surmising in my mind what Chris Blackeby's teachings have meant to me. What came to me was that a lot of organized religion have lost their child-like approach to faith and Chris' teachings bring that back. Like you two mentioned here, Yeshua pretty much spelled it out when He said, "Unless you become like children, you can never enter into the Kingdom of Heaven." What does it mean to be like a child? I think it is something like, we aren't afraid to approach our Father, sit in His lap, look up into His face and learn from Him. This is what the Kingdom of Heaven is all about and it doesn't take our physical death to get there! It does take being born again....born into the sense of the spirit or spiritual rebirth. Its the transformation from the mind being in the driver's seat, to the spirit being in the driver's seat. The mind looks for someone to tell them what to do, how to think, what to see. The spirit searches all things and then knows how to respond. For example; religious leaders will tell you to worship Jesus or Mary or Angels, but if you are in relationship with Yeshua He would tell you to worship Yahweh and Yahweh alone. That concept cannot be discerned by the mind as well as it can by the spirit through union (in relationship). The mind is set up to operate through our physical senses and we can relate to God in the flesh (Jesus). What the mind cannot relate to is the invisible realm of where the Father actually resides. One thing that can really stand in our way of maturing into a full on 24/7 life flowing through spirit being is the concept of always needing to be right. This is just another way a judgmental spirit comes into play. If we see that Yahweh is big enough to reach those who don't have it all "right", including ourselves, this opens the door to love flowing through us. We can be explorers and observers in this realm. We no longer see ourselves as the answer, we just are the answer because His Life, His Love, His Truth, flows through us without being hindered by a judgmental attitude or fear of anything. Back to the losing a digit in exchange for a language: I think I am also a little squeamish about the thought since I recently suffered a fractured wrist. I have a new appreciation for all of my body parts working as intended and without pain! Thank you two for offering up this space for people like me who love to ponder things deeper than surface level. I appreciate you Kimb and Josh. Blessings!!!
@WalkinginDivineHealth 4 күн бұрын
Did you mean to call the episode "No Regerts"? Maybe a typo or maybe there is a hidden meaning, like no "regurgitation"? Lol Anyway, love this topic. Love Kimb's answer. Love Josh's answer. I have a story to tell: Something happened to me three months ago. I was in deep grief after learning of the untimely loss of my very close friend, Kay. She and her husband had built their house next to mine on Whidbey Island, but a couple of years later they sold and moved to build next to their extended family in Arizona. Kay and I were so close. Regularly she would come over with a notepad and ask me to tell her everything the Lord had shown me. She would eat up all these revelations that most people would not be able to handle if I told them! We would go to the pool in the summer and float around and talk about the Lord. Kay was always there when I needed a friend in the flesh. The night before Kay passed she and I were texting. She needed advice about a water system. A recent test revealed coliform in their well. Besides that, everything seemed normal and fine. The next morning, I received a text from her number and thought it was going to be more about the water, but it was her husband who was distraught over her sudden, unexpected passing. I agreed to pray for her resurrection, but later the Lord told me not to. As always, I needed to spend some time walking and talking to Yah out in nature. With a heavy, grief filled hear, tI put my dog, Sophie, in the car and set off for the woods. Suddenly, a lone cloud hovering to the south got my attention. When I zoomed in on it, it appeared as the face of my friend, Kay. I noticed that the cloud represented her dazzling smile perfectly. Then I realized that it was positioned directly over the beach that I had told her if ever we lost communication, we could meet there in the spirit! I whipped the car around and drove that way. As I focused in on the cloud, I sensed Kay's heart speaking to my heart. She was expressing how free she was and how full of Joy she was. At first I couldn't wrap my mind around what was happening, but finally I told her through my heart that I was happy for her and loved her. I agreed to let her go. I haven't had this same experience since then. I felt like it was a one time deal, but I do still sense Kay's presence at times. I get the sense that she has chosen to be in the cloud of witnesses assigned to my life. I am not exactly sure how that works, but the sense I have is that they are advocates on our behalf. As far as I am aware, Kay is one of the few of mine that I knew in this realm. I am happy that you are enjoying your puppy, Josh! Dogs do make some of the best companions in this realm. I often think that they act toward us exactly like I think Our Father wants us to act toward Him! Blessings on you both!
@shannonwilley5246 5 күн бұрын
very nice guys....
@stubinski268 6 күн бұрын
I’m crying like a baby at 40:00 😂. I listen to Eve on youtube every now and again 🎉😢
@martymoseley4454 8 күн бұрын
I love Chris & his teachings! So mind-blowing. Facts vs truth and living from love - so many changes I’m working on as a result. Thanks for having him on your show!
@henriwize5719 8 күн бұрын
How do we bring this movement to Africa's most populous nation Nigeria
@WalkinginDivineHealth 9 күн бұрын
I have missed your last couple of conversations due to a bunch of things happening, including my wrist getting fractured! I am learning to slow down. I have been on a fast paced regimen, trying to finish the requirements for a Bachelor's in Theology. Its something Yah told me to do, but I can often put the cart before the horse! Anyway, I wanted to chime in here, because I can relate, as usual, to everything both of you are pointing out. One thing Yah had to show me was my own attitudes, prejudices, and biases and how they get in the way of love. Love is so powerful, I have no business hindering it! One day Holy Spirit told me to drive around and bless everyone and everything that I see. I thought that would be easy, but soon found out how hard it was. I would see something I didn't like, such as fast food trash on the side of the road and think there is no way I would "bless" that! Holy Spirit would gently remind me of the exercise and when I would genuinely bless that thing. Immediately I would experience a release in my soul! It was as if I was setting that thing, or sometimes that person, free to be experienced as neither good or bad, favorable or unfavorable. It really opened up my eyes and my heart to go through that little exercise. Since then, I do my best to remember what power there is in blessing others. We were given the power to forgive sins! That's pretty incredible! I think that is the sword to wield, not the sword of judgment and scorn. The earth can transform through a collective lens of love.
@cherylwilliams4738 6 күн бұрын
Can you help me find your last video about load-sharing? It blessed my life so much. And then you had one video where you talked about the definition of self-control. Do you still have these videos available?
@liveabovethesun 11 күн бұрын
Keep Overcoming Companions...Lionhearted Above The Sun...
@jeromewilliam4350 14 күн бұрын
Hi guys. I am from Soutth Africa. Found you guys on KZbin when I wanted to listen to Nancy Cohen. What are your views on XRP?
@marketmystics 12 күн бұрын
Hey Jerome! Would be happy to chat about it. Want to hop onto our Discord server and hit us with this question there?
@WalkinginDivineHealth 18 күн бұрын
I like Josh's point about where we derive our identity from, what our source is really defines whether or not we are operating from rest. I think that entering into God's Rest is a realm, His highest reality. It is Christ. And this is a process that does take some action on our part. That action is believing in God's Word...believing in the fact that everything was set forth in the beginning and has already been accomplished and in the fact that God is good and that His intent for us is good. It is all on Him. It is His Faith that we are given. It is His Works that formed the worlds. It is His Rest we enter into. The code for unlocking the innermost realm of God's Reality (His Rest) is believing His Word. To truly believe, we need to be able to approach Him in awe and wonder through relationship. Belief doesn't take root without those ingredients. And we need Him to sift out the wrong ingredients. And it is His good pleasure to do so. We do well if we set about the single task of tilling the soil of our heart. We do this by allowing His light to expose where we have hardened places or have given into anxieties or where we have become distracted by seeking after man's approval or material things. Then we surrender those areas to Him. He is the one who completes the work in us, but we still have to allow Him to by surrendering and undergoing the often painful process of exposures and removals. Like Kimb said, we do still learn and grow through all those times where we thought we were doing the right thing, but it was just striving to do good things. He uses those times. He is the author and finisher or our faith. Its just this little thing called our "will" that tends to get in the way and seemingly slow the process of us entering in. But really, does it slow the process, or do we need those times as a way of exposing our hearts so that we can continue to be pruned by Him? I think that is it. Until we are perfectly like Him, we are growing into His likeness, we are growing into royalty. We are already there in His eyes, but we just don't know it yet so we aren't manifesting it perfectly. Its good that you are bringing up this idea of manifesting from our own will. I think it is what is keeping believers out of rest because it takes effort to get yourself all worked up on a thing in order to see it happen! The picture that I have of what manifesting God''s Will from a position of His rest is that it is more about disposition than mirroring actions. If we are residing from the realm of Kingdom rest, we will naturally do things and say things that bring correction to earth's issues. I thnk we will no longer have any feeling of separateness in what we are doing. When we are residing from the throne 24/7, we will basically be manifest Christ on eart we will naturally do what Yahweh would do because we are actually "like Him". I am so glad you are still doing this! The "new thoughts" are so healthy for us! Blessings!
@WalkinginDivineHealth 21 күн бұрын
I had an epiphany this morning. "Rest IS the miracle." Miracles demonstrate Kingdom Reality. When we are at rest-In Christ, everything from His realm flows through us to reach this realm. We are the gates. Nothing good can come through the gates if we are not connected to Yah. And we connect directly through love. Love is like the antenna that tunes into Yah's channel. When Jesus said He only did what He saw the Father doing, this was a mimicry of the Father's disposition, not works. This originated through complete union, through love. We were created to live this way too and therefore bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. Our bodies are the physical portals to bring Yahweh's spiritual reality to the earthly realm. People are drawn into the Kingdom of God by what they see. When troubles come our way and we do not give into our fears and anxieties, this is miraculous to the view of the world. They see Christ in us, because we are at rest (aka in full union with Yah). That continual state of rest IS the miracle. This is how we overcome. We demonstrate the WORD of God by being in a constant state of rest IN Him, no matter what is happening in this realm. We cannot fake this! The fruit of the Spirit is the testimony of where we are residing. Love, Joy, and Peace permeate our entire being when we enter into full union. The age of trying to talk people into believing is over. This is why so many have fallen away and Christianity can appear hypocritical. We can act "godly" from the outside, but by not being fully in union with Trinity, we are denying the power of Yah. To live in signs and wonders we must mature into beings that are always seated at the right hand of the Father, in Christ, in rest.
@WalkinginDivineHealth 21 күн бұрын
Love this topic! Love Chris Blackeby too! Please have him backaby! LOL As He is Ministries is where you can find the series he put out recently. There is so much I could say on the topic of rest, but one thing I think I have mentioned before is that when I start to feel like I am striving for something, I will deliberately pull back and just enter into contemplative worship mode. This is hard because there are things the Lord has told me to do that I haven't done yet because I am waiting to do it from love and not striving! Part of my journey has been just learning to tune into the spirit in the moment and being willing and able to obey the Lord when it doesn't make sense. Your investing story, Kimb, really confirmed something in my spirit along those lines! It is hard when things don't make sense to the people around us. I found that in practicing the presence of God that my prayer life has changed from asking God for things to this sort of just having this constant conversation in my heart and having things come up that I would like to see happen. There is this knowing that He is glad to give me what I ask for and will, even if it takes some time. I don't ask again. I just know that it will come about and it does. I have seen miracles in asking for healing for other people who don't really know Yahweh and have no idea I am asking on their behalf! Its exciting and fun because it is like our little secret! I have been in this space where I live my life sort of open ended, yet intentional. Its nice to be able to share this journey with you here. I don't regularly spend my time listening to a lot of people, but this channel, and Chris Blackeby's teachings are an exception to that. Thank you, Josh and Kimb!
@allenzaruba852 22 күн бұрын
Fiorella🎉 I am wired like that. A futurist for God❤
@allenzaruba852 22 күн бұрын
Im a visual artist and writer
@ramunaskavaliauskas2533 22 күн бұрын
Very good topic and very very relevant, thanks fir sharing.
@marketmystics 22 күн бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@rambrozak 23 күн бұрын
Wow, wow, WOW
@rambrozak 23 күн бұрын
I Love how Fiorella is sharing and breaking it down ( unpacking ) seriously transforming our paradigm , THANKYOU FIORELLA & GUYS Awesome way of partnering with Holy Spirit to build the Kingdom ❤
@WalkinginDivineHealth 25 күн бұрын
Another great, yet difficult topic! Good to have you back, Josh and Kimb! To me being a Christian Mystic is accepting that Yahweh's infinite reality exists beyond the visible/knowable while seeking Him there. I think we often believe that as we grow in our faith that we naturally come to know more, but it is really as if the more we become aware of the reality of the Kingdom of God, the more we realize we don't know. I believe that the process of growing in faith is about surrendering to the cutting away of all the things we think we do know along with the attitudes, beliefs and rituals built around those presumptions. Instead of wanting answers, we are happy pressing into the One who knows all, just for the sake of closeness. We no longer need anything because our reality has been simplified- everything we need is already given to us and we joyfully rest in that. I think we often have this notion that growing in faith is like growing in the natural realm, we think it is a process of getting bigger. In Kingdom Reality, the process is about getting smaller. To me we are here to learn how to love and that requires a circumcision of the heart- a painful removal of the surface layers that keep us desensitized from our oneness with Yahweh. If we focus on our relationship with Yah and being satisfied in the knowing that He is real and that He affectionately rewards the faith of those who passionately seek Him, we naturally grow in our faith (aka get smaller). After all, it is His faith that we are given to begin with! Its interesting what you two are talking about regarding the importance of the "people along the way". I think that is a very good point. Being grateful for the former things, while open to the new is probably a foundational principle for growth. Its as if Mystics approach the spiritual realm in the same way as scientists approach the physical realm: observations built upon observations of a previous generation. I actually had a notion come across my spirit this morning when in contemplation of how to pray for an elder who is currently hospitalized and in decline. It was as if the Lord told me not to pray for them to heal, but to accept that some are ready to end their part of the relay race and pass the baton. I saw a picture of this person being accepted into Yah's Kingdom without them sensing any regret for not having lasted longer in this realm. I had the notion that we actually do decide how long we stay in the race. That is kind of a hard pill to swallow, having lost close family members years "before their time". There is definitely need for honor of those of the past, yet a willingness to move forward. This discussion makes me think about Isaiah 43: "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!"
@kimyeah 22 күн бұрын
I love this so much! Thank you for sharing ❤
@WalkinginDivineHealth 21 күн бұрын
@@kimyeah ❤
@WalkinginDivineHealth Ай бұрын
I have a basket in my closet for "lightly worn clothes". Lol! This isn't an answer to your question directly, but it relates to energy: I have been reviewing how mitochondrial function is tuned to sunlight. I too believe the body is amazing technology, Kimb! It turns out we can actually use sunlight for energy, a type of photosynthesis, like plants do. The blue light from other technology can interfere with not only photosynthesis, but all of our biological processes due to interference with circadian rhythm- which is responsible for regulating all of our hormonal outputs. How this relates to the question is that the balance of rest and activity is highly influenced by light. Natural, full spectrum sunlight serves not only to help us manufacture the D hormone, it powers up our full potential for generating energy and then later serves to regulate hormones such as melatonin. Our bodies need certain wavelengths of infrared in order to function properly. I believe light has a greater effect on our biology than even food does. My opinion on food is that getting focused on eliminating a macro nutrient (such as carbs) and hyper focused on consuming another will eventually cause nutritional imbalances. I was thinking about how we have moved into a culture that spends the majority of time indoors. It used to be that people were outside and moving a lot more. Now we go to a gym (inside) to get exercise. Past cultures were either hunting and gathering or involved in agriculture or fishing or some kind of occupation that had to do with providing daily needs for their families and communities. They spent a lot of time outside and a lot of time moving and a lot of time interacting face to face with their core relationships. Jesus had to walk everywhere and then He ministered to people outside and then he often climbed a mountain at night to rest and pray. We are so inundated with constant activity and chatter in our daily lives and it is all while sitting with a roof over our heads! I like what Josh was talking about regarding increasing capacity for boredom. We need to have the down time to dig for gold or even just to reflect on what we are thankful for. I think this was something built into cultures of long ago and it is something that scripture tells us Yahweh wants us to do...."Be still and know I am God." I think we have to go after balance like striving to enter into rest. Thanks again for another great conversation!
@TheCravenIsReal Ай бұрын
If people were to read more than they used to would they not use the word "like" so much?
@WalkinginDivineHealth Ай бұрын
I listened to this again, because I love your thought processes and this another great topic! I was reminded how the Lord showed me some time ago like what Kimb is talking about, "a body in motion stays in motion" and how this applies to us spiritually as well as physically. Actually, I have come to realize that everything in the physical is also a mirror of the spiritual, in a symbolic way. But the thing the Lord showed me regarding a body in motion was a picture of going across monkey bars. To do the whole length, you need to have a certain rhythm (and strength of course), one has to let go with one hand, moving it forward and then be ready to let go with the hand that was still on the last bar and keep going. If you keep momentum it can help propel you forward, but if you stop and just hang there, your arms will get tired and you will "drop off". There is a certain rhythm that is "just right" for everyone, depending on their strength, their body weight and there respiratory fitness. If you go too fast you can wear yourself out if you haven't trained for that. If you go too slow, you can wear yourself out too because the muscles in the arm that lets go actually gets a break and for a split second. Not enough breaks and you might start hanging there thinking that you are resting, but your muscles will get more tired and this is when you cannot muster the strength to let go and move an arm to the next bar. Maybe the key here spiritually is knowing what direction you are headed and the right rhythm of letting go to move onto the next phase?
@WalkinginDivineHealth Ай бұрын
Hmmm, so as I was listening to this I had the notion that everything Kimb was saying is exactly the kind of personal dialogue going on in my head for the past few weeks! I love change, usually, but I have had a fair share of very extreme changes that did not feel good at the time and put me into shock. Therefore, how I respond to change can vary. Sometimes it is better for me to not know in advance because I tend to start focusing on the future more than being in the moment. Other times, it is better when I can plan ahead so that I can slowly "turn the ship" while not changing its direction so abruptly that it rolls over. I realized yesterday it was time to re-draw my boundaries so that the things I am using my time, resources, and talents on are lined up properly with the trajectory the Lord has me on, as far as I know for now! There is a balance between staying fluid and in rest while accomplishing things. The Lord is ever patient and gracious and never a task master. I feel like we can always choose to move ahead or just stay where we are and either way we are loved just the same. I do want to engage in the fullness of what the Lord has for me. I realized recently that there was some leftover grief I needed to let go of that was holding me back. I also saw that I needed to kind of tune out all the voices that contradict what the Lord is showing me directly and rely more on the discernment He has given me. There seems to be such a pull to conform, even in the Mystic movement now. I love the beautiful, poetic words Josh uses to describe how we move through life. I know the Spirit of God is always moving and I want to be moving in that flow. Thank you, again, for your open and heartfelt conversations. Much to ponder while resting IN HIM.😍 I am thankful for you two!
@ramunaskavaliauskas2533 Ай бұрын
@ramunaskavaliauskas2533 Ай бұрын
Thanks fir being yourself
@WalkinginDivineHealth Ай бұрын
Love that; "Check yourself before you wreck yourself"! I think that the spirit of God is always moving forward and we are learning how to move forward with them. Getting into offense causes us to stop moving forward as it keeps us locked onto a moment (which is soon becoming the past). We cannot be locked into the past and moving forward at the same time. Sometimes we need those testings so that we can see by our reactions where our heart is at and release those stuck areas to the Lord. If we do get stuck in offense we are encountering a serious roadblock. We are going to have to deal with people who do not act like we would like them to. Because we know that, I have learned that we can forgive them in advance! Its really quite simple, apply grace to every situation and person. Or if you cannot help yourself in your reactions, then learn to disengage. I have a dog, Sophie. She is half German Shepherd and does not like other dogs at all! She used to lunge and snarl at every dog she encountered on our walks. I would lay on top of her when she did that, to bring her down to their level. She didn't like this, so now she has taught herself to ignore other dogs. She literally will turn her head and her body away from them quite intentionally. It works as long as they don't get in her face! LOL When kids draw on the walls, we know they are acting their age and we can choose to love them where they are at while insisting that they learn to stay within certain boundaries. When worldly people engaged in worldly activities act worldly we can choose to love them where they are at and maybe lovingly state the need for certain boundaries. In the case of the opening ceremonies of the Olympics though, is it really the purview of Christians to evaluate? Are we offended by the worldly people acting worldly because we think God is offended or should be? Is the depiction of the last supper a sacred cow for us? These are questions we might be asking ourselves as individuals and as a body if we want to see what is going on in our hearts so that the Lord can deal with those areas and we can grow in love. Things really do feel amped up as far as potentially controversial situations being constantly thrown out at us. It feels like we are in rapid-fire combat with the barrage of media access to situations and views and opinions of others. All that stuff is just surface level though. They are distractions from what we could be focused on. We would do ourselves a real service if we took the time that we were scrolling through a "feed" and used it to enter the secret place and feed on that realm instead! Or if we cannot control our reactions maybe do like Sophie has learned to do, and just "ignore". 😄 Recently Yeshua reminded me that we have been given the power and authority to forgive. We have a job to do and that is covering sins! Its not our work though, its what He paid for and we are in process of dolling it out. It is like we are seated in a restaurant with heaven's endless supply of currency and every time someone comes in and orders something, we cover the check.
@WalkinginDivineHealth Ай бұрын
These kinds of conversations are the reason that I choose to tune into this channel! I love how Josh is talking about what we focus on is what we can see! So true! I am super selective about what I engage in. I am not concerned about being influenced by what I hear and see, its just that time is limited in this realm and I prefer to spend it in a way that reinforces my awareness of living from God's throne room in unity with Christ, than anything else. It really only matters what exists in Yahweh's eternal kingdom! That is where truth resides. Anything I think I can comprehend in this earthly realm is going to be at best, dimly lit. I am a lot more interested in how God sees and for me that perspective comes from communion with Holy Spirit. A couple of years ago I was having an interceding conversation with Holy Spirit regarding someone who was having a hard time processing some trauma. Out of the blue I heard, "Trauma is a lie." I experienced trauma just hearing that! LOL! When I asked for clarification on this I got, "Does trauma exist in My Kingdom?' I said, "no." Then Yah said, anything that is not of My Kingdom is a twisted perception of reality!" And then in a flash I saw a situation in my own life that would be considered a traumatic event through a different lens and something in my soul just "got it". I can't pretend that I really understand that completely, but I just know that I can't let anything shake me from living in union with Christ, in any moment. I do feel like we are surrounded by a bunch of drama attempting to draw our emotions in so that we focus on problems and controversy instead of the higher truth and true reality. Yet what I see is that Yah is allowing things to heat up in this day so that the junk that needs to be skimmed off gets removed. Mainly anything that is opposed to the reality of Christ and our union in Him. It is so easy to be drawn in emotionally to take "sides" and therefore be part of the divide. If we keep our eyes fixed on higher truth and reside there, we can be part of what is taking place in the spiritual realm- the restoration of all things! Which includes knitting us together in love!
@cherylwilliams4738 Ай бұрын
What about human suffering? Shouldn't we be aware of this and be moved by compassion to help bring relief?
@WalkinginDivineHealth Ай бұрын
I like that point, Josh, "we are free to make decisions at any point in time." So true! I think we think there is a right and wrong way to do things and maybe there really isn't. I went through a time where the Lord instructed me to walk on trails and pray in the spirit, then He would speak through me and I would see things happen by what I said, but my mind wasn't involved in it. Some of it was like classic spiritual warfare, but it was often just a single word, like "flourish" and I would see the result of that pretty quickly. Like one day only 10 cows in a field and the next week they all had babies, appearing to double. Then, this turned into feeling some kind of internal spiritual pressure, so I would go to a couple of spots in my house or outside and just soak in God's presence, but not say anything. Then I would feel released to get up and I would know that there was some kind of spiritual breakthrough. Nowadays I am sent to places just to be "present" or sometimes I am to speak certain things that Holy Spirit prompts me to speak in the moment. I don't know in advance what/who/when or where, and often I don't even know later. Sometimes it is difficult because I don't want to go, but I still do it joyfully and almost always there is some kind of blessing that I receive in that process. As far as what I can understand right now is that there is not a "right way" to do spiritual battle, except that it should be from intimacy, not effort.. I see that all these phases aren't as much levels as they are exercises in our spiritual sensitivity training.....practicing agility along with Holy Spirit. I asked the Lord about this because sometimes I miss the former phase I was in and like to know if I should still be going back to these things. The answer I got recently is that, "the answer is yes and the answer is no." That seems confusing, but I got this picture of something like a Pentakis Dodechedron and it was rotating and changing direction. I had the sense that it represented an aspect of truth of a matter in that there are multiple sides and shapes within that we can only see one part at a time, but He sees all sides at once. I think this is a representation of God's ways being much more complex than we can conceptualize. What He is calling us to do today might change completely in a moment or it might stay the same for a while or it might morph into something else entirely different, but it doesn't matter what that thing we are into right now is, it just matters that we are ready and willing to do something else or not, depending on how Holy Spirit is moving. PS. I listened to part of the interview with Henry and he's a real gem! He has a great forthright demeanor and confident casual composure, and a great voice too! I didn't listen to the whole thing because it was too long! LOL
@WalkinginDivineHealth Ай бұрын
Another awesome conversation! One thing that came to mind that Yeshua was pointing out to me recently is that we are the branches that need to be individually connected firmly to Him, the Vine. He wants us all to be one in unity, but often people emphasize their intimacy with other believers and they are missing their intimacy with Him. I think once we are firmly grafted into the Vine, then we can enjoy our fellowship with the other branches, knowing that our unity stems from our intimacy with Him. This might explain why some people leave the church scene and then feel free to connect back later. Once we have our identity solely in Him, we aren't threatened by our differences, we just see where we are like Him and we joyfully embrace that in each other!
@marketmystics Ай бұрын
@WalkinginDivineHealth 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for covering this topic. I have had the same experience as Kimb regarding asking the Lord for a yes or no answer and His reply being something like, "its not that cut and dried and if you needed to know I would have revealed it to you." What I am finding is that in the Mystic movement there is a propensity, like any other religious movement, to try and establish some types of dogma. Dogma divides. I was praying about this recently regarding the "hell exists or not" topic and what dropped in my spirit was "covalent bonds". This is where atoms share electrons to complete the 8 needed to form a bond. So, what I am getting from the Lord is that instead of focusing on the answer to a dogmatic question, we should be focusing on sharing our energy in a way that bonds us together. I would caution people away from vilifying another party and just assuming that they hate you and want you to go to hell because they don't agree with you about hell. I have no idea whether the hell as we have been taught truly exists or not. It is not my business at this time to know this. I do believe each individual can choose separation at some point, but the Lord would make it very difficult for them to separate, like any loving parent would. I also understand a loving parent warns you about the dangers of separation with statements like, "stay close to me. hold my hand. don't talk to strangers. etc." But this is just my understanding and I do know that He is often above my comprehension! That said, I know that Our God is big enough not only to keep people from eternal separation, but also big enough to reach people through us who believe no matter what we believe about that. I think we should keep our focus on deepening our bond with Yahweh and use that energy to bond people in the body together. Love does hard things and sometimes the hard thing is to set aside our strong opinions for the sake of another. If there is a hell, I sure hope no one goes there, including Hitler! Our Father doesn't want anyone to go there and I love Him, so I love them!
@marketmystics 2 ай бұрын
I love your heart in all you shared! Thank you for always being so willing to share your journey with us as much as we’re sharing ours with you. It’s so edifying spurs us all on. ❤️
@WalkinginDivineHealth Ай бұрын
@@marketmystics Thank you for saying this! You are both such an encouragement to me!
@WalkinginDivineHealth 2 ай бұрын
That was a "fun" conversation. Today I forced myself to take a day off by taking my car in for service and then shopping through town on foot, going to my favorite Thai restaurant and walking barefoot on the beach. When I say forced, I intentionally left home! Its a thing when you are self-employed and also schooling online, you can always find things at home that "need to get done". It was weird to just take a day and do nothing. Although I didn't just do nothing, because I had some great conversations with the Lord and with other people and even some wildlife! LOL Along the lines of the current political situation(s). It is really revealing the heart of people when they talk badly about a president or a candidate or any person in office. It kind of surprises me how disrespectful people can act and think that is ok. What ever happened to "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all?!" I have been part of a few political campaigns and one of the hardest parts in managing candidates is to keep them from being stuck on vilifying their opponent. I've stepped back from politics in the last year due to some of the attitudes that were so disheartening. One of my former colleagues asked me if I had watched the presidential debate, I told him I was not interested so he sent me a link to Dana Carvey's version instead. Highly recommend it if you need a good laugh!
@SeedsofLifeMinistry 2 ай бұрын
God created us for His delight to live in oneness with Him that we too become as He is, Love! ❤
@WalkinginDivineHealth 2 ай бұрын
It is mind blowing to try to grasp the concept for the reason behind creation! What occurs to me is that God, being love, and light, and life itself, is going to create out of the nature of who He is. And then what He creates is love and love creates. I think it is a big cosmic dance of expansion.
@thelivingmarkable 2 ай бұрын
Why Yahweh created: to share in the love between himself and the son and the spirit. To create a vast array of life from lower things to higher things that even share in his god essence. Where we got hung up is the crucial stage of experiencing consciousness without being the source of goodness ourselves (we see his glory/virtue and marvel but then look to ourselves and find a lack). That lack is our misperception because it doesn’t exist and isn’t his intent yet we see that rather than hold the hand of Jesus and drink his presence. If we drink deeply then our hearts are fully reconciled and see and feel all that is true from the fathers heart! Make sense? Haha I hope so.
@thelivingmarkable 2 ай бұрын
Wow you guys it’s really interesting timing that I stumbled across this video today of all days! Last night Jesus was talking to me about how we wind up seeing the father in inaccurate ways and it has more to do with us misunderstanding his virtue (it kind of blasts us in the face to realize how good he is and that feels judgmental, yet it’s our own viewing of our inadequacy) and then feeling his goodness (realizing we’re loved and accepted and his desire is to serve us). Because of course we know that he always stays the same and loving on full power, just like how the sun is blazing all the time yet we spin and spin and only see the light of day during the day and think it’s gone away from us when it’s not pointing directly at us. Haha we’re silly! The father loved from the beginning! He loved the son (Jesus, the word as described in the gospel of John) and the spirit danced with them from the beginning with them! So his love has always been sing and there has been an object of that affection since before time (you mentioned it a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound). Whether we are loved or not loved is a result of fear and insecurity on our part and he’s inside us telling us he loves loves loves!!! That includes whatever icky things we see or feel about ourselves. I think the highest thing is for us to drink deeply of his love! Not even to BE love but to drink and drink and to stop thinking about there bring anything else besides love! I hope that makes sense and thank you for sharing such raw and beautiful intentions from his heart (in you).
@marketmystics 2 ай бұрын
So powerful. Thank you for sharing.
@ramunaskavaliauskas2533 2 ай бұрын
You can't work out love , like you mentioned it's a fruit of the spirit
@kimberlyanndeangelo7584 2 ай бұрын
One can come from love, respond with love and still experience many who do not respect that. Encountering Christ can bring us so deeply to see there is no "toxic" person, only many wounds and misguided identities, and those of us who come to see this and understand this are called to respond with love, and love does not label as negative or toxic, but rather sees who we all are behind the programs and wounds.
@ramunaskavaliauskas2533 2 ай бұрын
@rebeccaberkes555 2 ай бұрын
Bingo! ❤ self-help vs Faith 🦋
@WalkinginDivineHealth 2 ай бұрын
I think that you are both eluding to the importance of staying out of dogma, which is a good overarching rule! The thing is that we really don't know if there is that line that we can cross as the point of no return. I do think there is that point where God cannot intervene, because of free will, but I do think He still orchestrates. He works things into our future. We may have to go through things that are not comfortable and take the long road, but I do believe ALL things are possible with Yahweh!
@WalkinginDivineHealth 2 ай бұрын
I think I need to go back and find your videos that talk more about your journey! It seems very interesting and I can relate to so much of what you say here. I do think that there are times and seasons for growth and there are different plans for each one of us so sometimes what seems like a "phase" for one person is the place that God wants someone to stay in for another. Sometimes our path is marked out by our circumstances. For example, I spent many years of my childhood alone and then in the recent years my journey has been just me and God as I cannot find believing believers within my geographic location. I do still associate with other believers, but they do not believe like I do! I have asked the Lord if I need to move and He always reminds me of my childhood years and how He mentored me in that time. He has also shown me how He created community as a beautiful thing and He loves it, but it isn't always necessary for everyone or in every season, like Enoch. Sometimes He has a different relationship with us because of His intention for our lives. I think the key is to get to a place of intimacy so that we can hear what His intention is for us individually and then He gives us the opportunity to make a decision to partner with that. There is usually some cost to it. I know for me, "doing it alone" has been pretty difficult at times because I cannot depend on another human to call me out on things and so I have to be more aware of God's Spirit moving. I still minister to the people in my life and share this and that now and then, but often I met with resistance and sometimes even mockery, so that is another hard aspect of "doing it alone". I know this could still change at any moment and this is another reason to remain sensitive to the movement of Holy Spirit and be somewhat flexible. Its easy to get stuck in patterns and its also easy to think we are being led by Holy Spirit when it is just our "idea". Its like learning to dance with Yahweh. Son's in training must learn how to zig when the Spirit zigs and zag when the Spirit zags!
@TimGriess 2 ай бұрын
If you don't believe you are perfect, you don't believe Christ is within, God is within, the anointing with within, the Kingdom is within. You are NOT a human being, you are a divine being. Shift. Go listen to Mike Popovich.
@marketmystics 2 ай бұрын
Thank you. You should check out the interview we did with Mike. He is great!
@TimGriess 2 ай бұрын
Wells its pretty much clear that Bitcoin was created by the US Govt, NSA as a digital currency test coin. BTC = Beta Test Coin. The elites had to know how a digital currency would act, behave, evolve over the years so they could use the data to develop XRP. XRP = the new worldwide financial highway. That saying, I do believe BTC will have multiple flash crashes to zero as the elites bring in the new financial system and eventually go over $1M per coin in coming years. XRP, XLM, XDC, HBAR, ETN, FLR, SHX, PLI, LUNC, SHIB, SHI, INUINU.
@jrs7223 2 ай бұрын
Such a beautiful podcast! Thank you so much.
@WalkinginDivineHealth 2 ай бұрын
It is all about perspective! I often say "reality is what you perceive of it". And its true. I think what can really help us is to realize that our perceptions can easily change, when we want them to. Like how we frame a personal tragedy could be instead of "this happened TO me"- "this happened FOR me". That can be hard pill to swallow when we cannot see any silver lining in the tragedy, but this is where faith comes in. It makes it true when we believe its true and then we will perceive it. There seems to be a tendency within all humans to never want to be wrong so we end up fiercely defending our old perspective instead of questioning and seeking truth and moving beyond the old paradigms. We have to be able to flex in order to grasp the TRUE reality. We need a few firm beliefs that do not flex as well. For example; I believe God is everywhere, in everything and in everybody. This is something fundamental that I would not flex on. It takes believing that way to see Him in everything and everyone. If I do not look for Him, I will not find Him. Jesus told us that God's kingdom is at hand. He knew most people were so focused on what they could perceive with their natural senses that they were totally missing that God was (and still is) right here, right now- in them! The religious system typically is continually pointing people to some form of practice that will somehow gain them access to God, but they never really get there. It helped me once I realized this. I was then able to begin the process of unlearning everything I thought I knew based on what I was taught by religion and re-learning direct from Yahweh. Its funny how now and then my mind is still blown about something I thought I understood yet it turns out it was totally backwards! Then I have to go through the process of unraveling all the other presuppositions that were based on that faulty belief! Those are the things I must be able to flex on. We must enter through the narrow gate. I think that gate is a tiny sliver of the light of reality within each one of us and we must pull on that thread to even begin the journey of experiencing eternal life. I just took some time to re-watch the Chosen since Josh brought it up recently. I do love how well the script and the acting shows some of the conflict that Jesus must have endured. The whole show is profoundly thought provoking and makes some provocative conjectures that are probably pretty right on target with reality! Oh and thanks Josh and Kimb, for being awesome!
@WalkinginDivineHealth 2 ай бұрын
Happy Birthday, Josh! I sure look forward to all of your great conversations with Kimb. You both are great at interviewing and being open and heartfelt. Thank you for faithfully producing these videos. My experience with frequency healing is that it really is a thing and it can be produced from within us. It really comes down to are we resonating to either love or fear. When Kimb talks about pressing into the pain, that is an example of love. It is telling that body part that it is worthy of being heard. I somewhat understand this from a scientific perspective in that every cell in our body communicates with all the other cells through frequency. It is these frequencies that produce chemical messengers that then tell different glands and organs to produce specific hormones, peptides, enzymes, and neurotransmitters. When we are in fear (wanting to avoid pain) we change our resonance to a state of sympathetic signaling, commonly known as fight or flight. We are responding to our environment and being subject to our five senses. This produces chemicals in our body that would be needed if we were in an emergency situation. When we are in a frequency of "love", love for our body, love for the situations and people around us, love for where we are headed, it puts us in a state of "rest and digest". We are just experiencing what is going on in and around us, but we are not being affected by it in the way that what is going on isn't dictating our contentment. We are all different so what frequency is our "rest" set is going to vary. This is why I believe praying in the spirit is such a wonderful gift. Our prayer language is like a "frequency reset key" that will immediately put us into the "rest and digest". It was after I took the advice of Holy Spirit who told me to keep praying in the spirit that I began to heal from all kinds of bizarre symptoms that no practitioner could get to the bottom of in 2018. Once I could get out of bed I was prompted to spend hours a day gently walking while praying in the spirit. I also had to avoid other frequencies, like my cell phone needed to be off while driving or while near my body. I switched out of wi-fi to ethernet and avoided bitter conversations. This combination was the way I came into healing. Praying in the spirit was the key that reset my heavenly frequency. Finally I had entered back into rest and could "digest" all of the traumatic things that had come my way.
@magdelinemoupo9271 2 ай бұрын
Wow, amazing, amazing amazing deep truth. Nancy is ever revealing deep and amazing kingdom realities. We are truly blessed to have such godly generals ushering us into kingdom maturity through such hidden biblical teachings. Thank you for sharing ❤❤❤
@WalkinginDivineHealth 2 ай бұрын
Another great weighty topic! Its probably Kilos! LOL While I was listening I was thinking about how when we have little children present us with a drawing or some form of their artwork we look at it and say it is "perfect". Why? Because we see their "he-art". We could see in the natural realm and think that all this is just a bunch of squiggly lines on a page, but we instead want to hear them explain to us what they created. We want to join them in the vision and that is what we see "with them". Someone else might come along who doesn't know this child and only sees a messy drawing. I believe its the same thing when our Father sees everything we do or don't do. He just joins us in our perspective, in our efforts. He takes us where we are at and delights in the moment WITH us. He isn't standing on the outside judging from His own high standard. We are not separate. I become fragmented when I give in and agree with that niggling inner accuser that constantly points its bony finger and lays out a laundry list of everywhere I have fallen short. When I sense that fragmentation, I know I need to get back to that protected place of Oneness with the Father. I have to listen for His footsteps in the garden and then boldly approach Him and ask Him to help me see right again. Often He will softly point out how I got off kilter when I started complaining about something or maybe I had made some sort of judgment about someone in my heart. In one second I can be back in that awesome sense of oneness when I just allow His light to show where I got off track and repent. Sometimes I am not ready to see it yet and I wrestle much longer than I should! I am not always sure why it can take me so long, but thankfully Yahweh is always patient!
@WalkinginDivineHealth 2 ай бұрын
I want to also thank you, Josh and Kimb for your consistency. Its clear to me that the Lord is using your platform to gather those who are like minded IN HIM. I have been listening to Casey's teachings since you had Amy on last week. The first one that caught my attention was "The Frequency of Yahweh". I was blown away by how much what Casey was saying resonated with what the Lord has shown me! I sent that message to a friend and they listened to it 3xs and came back and said that Casey sounds like me! LOL! What I am seeing is not only a shift, but an acceleration. Last week a dear and close friend of mine passed on unexpectedly. Her husband asked me to pray for a miracle resurrection, which I was glad to do because I wanted her back! But as I prayed I heard the Lord gently say, "She is home now." Then lovingly He showed me how she was enjoying her freedom and that His plan for her life was complete and that now it was time for those of us still here to get real about His reality! I believe what Casey talks about is true. We are here to bring in the beginning of the new age. It begins with truly believing that what we see here is not reality. Jesus the Christ IS the true reality and everything has already been accomplished. We are here to sort of bring all the loose ends of the alternate realities under the feet of Christ. As long as we are focusing on the world, we will manifest the world. We will manifest death. Which is the last loose end to bring under submission to Jesus and Yahweh. I see all of this coming together with those who are truly living through and IN HIM. ... even though I cannot explain it and I don't understand all the workings of it, I believe we are on the precipice of the restoration of all things. We must learn to live by the Spirit Wind and be ready to pivot in the moment and not be distracted by the trauma and drama around us.
@marketmystics 2 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed that talk from Casey as well. Learning to walk in the frequency of Yahweh is so important! Thank you for listening and checking out their church.
@marketmystics 2 ай бұрын
Out now! Casey Witters: The 100X
@GraceTruth. 3 ай бұрын
Mike's name for his ministry is very fitting, the truth he speaks brings true freedom for the soul and being. just to be.