I like that point, Josh, "we are free to make decisions at any point in time." So true! I think we think there is a right and wrong way to do things and maybe there really isn't. I went through a time where the Lord instructed me to walk on trails and pray in the spirit, then He would speak through me and I would see things happen by what I said, but my mind wasn't involved in it. Some of it was like classic spiritual warfare, but it was often just a single word, like "flourish" and I would see the result of that pretty quickly. Like one day only 10 cows in a field and the next week they all had babies, appearing to double. Then, this turned into feeling some kind of internal spiritual pressure, so I would go to a couple of spots in my house or outside and just soak in God's presence, but not say anything. Then I would feel released to get up and I would know that there was some kind of spiritual breakthrough. Nowadays I am sent to places just to be "present" or sometimes I am to speak certain things that Holy Spirit prompts me to speak in the moment. I don't know in advance what/who/when or where, and often I don't even know later. Sometimes it is difficult because I don't want to go, but I still do it joyfully and almost always there is some kind of blessing that I receive in that process. As far as what I can understand right now is that there is not a "right way" to do spiritual battle, except that it should be from intimacy, not effort.. I see that all these phases aren't as much levels as they are exercises in our spiritual sensitivity training.....practicing agility along with Holy Spirit. I asked the Lord about this because sometimes I miss the former phase I was in and like to know if I should still be going back to these things. The answer I got recently is that, "the answer is yes and the answer is no." That seems confusing, but I got this picture of something like a Pentakis Dodechedron and it was rotating and changing direction. I had the sense that it represented an aspect of truth of a matter in that there are multiple sides and shapes within that we can only see one part at a time, but He sees all sides at once. I think this is a representation of God's ways being much more complex than we can conceptualize. What He is calling us to do today might change completely in a moment or it might stay the same for a while or it might morph into something else entirely different, but it doesn't matter what that thing we are into right now is, it just matters that we are ready and willing to do something else or not, depending on how Holy Spirit is moving. PS. I listened to part of the interview with Henry and he's a real gem! He has a great forthright demeanor and confident casual composure, and a great voice too! I didn't listen to the whole thing because it was too long! LOL