first i want to say you have alot of material on your website and youtube. i been following for some time now, i appreciate sharing in this platform. There are many things i agree with others im not sure of yet like the calendar. My question is: Do you have a end time event outline?
@richardmeehan62803 ай бұрын
True representation of Elohim's earthly thrown.
@ceesno99553 ай бұрын
Reading is great. You should read more.❤
@ceesno99553 ай бұрын
Does it matter that the 144000 are virgins in all the ways for example No grapes,vinegar, sex,and staying steadfast in the faith?
@haroldschmidtke5173 ай бұрын
Look again at the Daniel. 60 tdo and 7, but weak prophecy. And you will see how it has happened 3 times in history. The? First. Incident was the beginning of the building of the walls around Jerusalem in the days of Solomon. In 1020 B c Leading to 62 weeks lafor the cutting off. Of the anointed, you do judian. King in 586BC. The second incident began with the building of the walls around Jerusalem in 452BC by NE HEM I.A.H . Final incident incident in. 1533 BC with the beginning of the building of the walls around Jerusalem by khalif. So Lem A. N. Leading to 62 weeks later. With the 6 day war in 1967. And and 7 wecomplete in itself. In 2016. With the piercing through in the side are the anointed Cherub in the second heavens. Leading us now from 2016. On the day of the blowing of trumpets. For the beginning of the Daniel 70th week prophecy. But what is it? Where there are more than 170th week prophecy now happening. With the first week midpoint, resulting in The cutting off of the sacrifice and the offering. Add passover the war in the springtime of 2020. Yes, Daniel's 70th week Is now in effect. And will continuerepeating itself Untilcompletion time.
@DanieBoshoff-e4v4 ай бұрын
100 per sent Rom 10 vers 10
@DanieBoshoff-e4v4 ай бұрын
Thank Jasua
@DanieBoshoff-e4v4 ай бұрын
@DanieBoshoff-e4v4 ай бұрын
Heb 9 vers 11❤❤❤
@DanieBoshoff-e4v4 ай бұрын
HEB 9 vers 11 Thank jou❤❤❤
@rosendocaballerog64094 ай бұрын
Saludos y bendiciones
@bigtobacco10987 ай бұрын
For 200 years 😮
@java17087 ай бұрын
I'm wondering if you know anything about jubilee period (7 days/7x7=49 days/49 years, 70 weeks, 7 years....)
@odetteboily35827 ай бұрын
Please check: Look at the content in: in the Library for more info on the Biblical Calendar. Blessings
@java17087 ай бұрын
@@odetteboily3582 thank you very much dear
@archangel_metatron7 ай бұрын
Why do you guess? Jesus will return after Jerusalem gets nuked by the abomination which causes desolation Matthew 24 Jesus return is the first resurrection. The rest of the Dead are brought back 1000 years later.
@Wayne_Wilson7 ай бұрын
Do Seventh-day Adventists really believe that people who attend church on Sundays are actually *worshipping the sun?*
@vainehosking81507 ай бұрын
Awesome preaching and thank you for sharing
@vainehosking81508 ай бұрын
@vainehosking81508 ай бұрын
Thank you so much 😊
@vainehosking81508 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing 😊 and God bless
@vainehosking81508 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing
@Fireball_Tim_888 ай бұрын
An hundred and fourty and four thousand. Are we sure we got that right as 144000...I mean 140+4000 is 4140. Or do I have my reading skills to work on?
@LaurelBaum-x6x7 ай бұрын
Reading skills...kjv
@bigtobacco10987 ай бұрын
@@LaurelBaum-x6xkjv adds words
@swhitham8 ай бұрын
Why is there a thirteenth month? Where is this in scripture? Thank you for you videos, I am a new subscriber.
@odetteboily35827 ай бұрын These pdf and video explain briefly the Intercalation of the 13th Month which is a natural phenomena and can be calculated with the cycle of the moon. A year of 13th month is called an 'embolismic year' in Astronomy. For more studies on the Biblical Calendar, please visit: Blessings
@user-galations_2-20-KJV8 ай бұрын
Well done for using the KJV. God was manifest in the flesh. No clearer passage to declare Jesus is God in the flesh. ❤
@elvelodelasombra2.0648 ай бұрын
Jesus is God, obviously, but Jesus is NOT the Father. Christ himself throughout his entire message insisted that the One who sent him was Greater than Him. And in fact He NEVER claimed to be the Father. The Word of God clearly differentiates throughout all of Scripture the figures of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. None of them are the same person and yet they are all part of the same God. But to receive that understanding you need to study.
@user-galations_2-20-KJV8 ай бұрын
@@elvelodelasombra2.064 💯
@user-galations_2-20-KJV8 ай бұрын
@Awimjch try to make copies of any Bible and redistribute and see what happens, they all have copyrights that prohibit you except one, the KJV = mankind institution own those Bibles whereas the KJV is not bound = no copyright 2 Tim 2:9 "Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound." Since you like modern translations, the Ladocean church period has hundreds of translations covering the apostasy. Compare to the Philadelphia church that had the KJV and Jesus said "thou hast kept my word" Revelation 3:8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. I was only complimenting you on 1 Tim 3:16 where the KJV declares the deity of Christ. I spoke nothing of the other translations, but it sounds like that hit a sore spot.
@TheWhyIsThatSo7 ай бұрын
@@user-galations_2-20-KJV .....The man "Jesus" was just that......a man "born of woman" ( Galatians 4:4 ) He had a sin nature like every other man and needed "salvation from death" ( Hebrews 5:7 ) He needed to be "tempted by the devil"......the "devil" is the "carnal mind" of man . It was the "WORD" of the Father "IN" him, that made him "the Christ (Messiah/Anointed One) "......John 1:1-14 If the man Jesus was anything more than a man.....then ALL that he did for us means absolutely NOTHING . So it does not matter what "translation" you use if you don't have "understanding" .
@user-galations_2-20-KJV7 ай бұрын
@Warriorofchrist34 he has an agenda, I'd ignor him.
This is so NOT FROM GOD. YOU WERE NEVER instructed by God to calculate stars, and planets to determine the day of the Rapture. Delete this video, this is Satanic.
@VinceGuthrie8 ай бұрын
Joel 2-3, Groom and Bride come out of their chambers and the outpouring begins in NISAN. Proverbs 26:24 He who Hates, Disguises it with his Lips, And lays up deceit within his heart. 1JOHN 5;16 SIN Unto Death is not walking in love with one another or we have quenched the Holy Spirit, thus no oil. 1JOHN 4 God is Love, and we must have love for one another or we have no relationship with Christ. Amos 9:12 All the Gentiles who are called by my Name, shall do this thing. Hebrew Germatria; VINCENT EUGENE GUTHRIE EQUALS JESUS CHRIST, SON OF GOD I saw Angel's dressing me up in Fine White linen Garment with a Gold Round Buckle for my Sash around my waist. I saw myself coming out of a cave with a bedroll over my shoulders, and the LORD said, get ready to dance. PS.108:10-11 Who will take me to the Thick of the Fight, the road that leads to Edom/Mankind? JEREMIAH 7 Establishes the order of 37-HOLINESS in the Sanctuaries that's been defiled for years by those people with extremely wicked hearts, reasons for Isaiah 22. Shalom Proverbs 26:24 He who Hates, Disguises it with his Lips, And lays up deceit within his heart. 124 TIMES it reminds us to FEAR OF THE LORD, yet half of the CHURCH has doubled down On Their own INEQUITY, abortionist, and become double minded with Zero Fear of the LORD, Goodbye my Dear friend PRUDENCE! I am a Seer, Tribe of Simeon
@wong47288 ай бұрын
Thank you Lady Odette Boily, had to bookmark your website. It has dawned on me for about 11 months now that something was wrong with calendation and started my investigation. As you said in one of your video (on another YT channel) not verbatim, studies like these and decision that needs to be taken when the truth hits home can make the mind a little shaky (not your word the gist of your argument or what I perceived.) Thanks for the website and the videos. Something is happening and several persons in the country I am from are recognizing it, Lord seems to be operating out of the way we think He should be operating. But something is happening.
@Phantommo18 ай бұрын
What a timely find! God is so good! He is in the business of polishing His people individually after the similitude of a palace ( Psalm 144:11-15)! Praise God for your ministry! So far so good!
@AhabaYHU10 ай бұрын
Commandment 1: I Am YaHUaH your ALUAH, who brought you out of the land of Mtsrayim, out of the house of slavery, you shall have no other Alahiym before my face! Please google "Strongs H3470" YshaYaHU google strongs Hebrew H3063 judah = YaHUDaH strongs Hebrew H3064 Jewish= YaHUDiY strongs Hebrew H2148 Strongs Hebrew H3414 strongs Hebrew H3083 strongs hebrew H452 Strongs Hebrew H4993 Strongs Hebrew H4322 His Name is YaHUaH Tsabauth Qadesh One of Yishr'al Alahym of the Shamym (heavens) and Earth! You are all being mislead. The abomination that lays waste was set up on 7-22-20 In Mainland China (first dose) 7-22-20 + 1,290 = 2-2-24 7-22-20 + 1,335 = 3-18-24 this is the last day of the Zadok Priestly calendar. (dead sea scrolls and Book of Hanuk aka Enoch 3-19-24 Equinox (named after hanuk/Enoch) Mathushelach was 187 years old when he brought forth lemek (187 days between Spring-Fall Equinox) 3-20-24 day This is Day 1 of month one Abiyb of the new year. On the tenth day of the month select a Lamb 1 3-21-24 day 2 3-22-24 day 3 3-23-24 day 4 3-24-24 day 5 3-25-24 day 6 3-26-24 day 7 3-27-24 day 8 3-28-24 day 9 3-29-24 day 10 Lamb 3-30-24 day 11 3-31-24 day 12 4-1-24 day 13 4-2-24 day 14 At sundown Pasach (Pass Over) seal one book Hazun (revelations) ch 6 4-3-24 day 15 Matsuth "unleavened bread" for 7 days (Venus/Neptune conjunction) seal two 4-4-24 day 16 "Matsuth day 2 (Venus/Neptune/Saturn/Mars conjunction) seal 3 4-5-24 Day 17 Matsuth day 3. seal 4 4-6-24 day 18 Matsuth day 4 (Shabath) rest no seal 4-7-24 day 19 Matsuth day 5. seal 5 4-8-24 day 20 Matsuth day 6 (Solar eclipse) seal 6 4-9-24 day 21 Matsuth day 7 YshaYaHU (Isaiah) 9:14 And YHUH cuts off head and tail from Yishr’al, palm branch and reed in one day. 15 Elder and highly respected, he is the head; the prophet who teaches falsehood, he is the tail. 16For the leaders of this people lead them astray and those who are guided by them are swallowed up. Just because you live in America doesn't mean you introduce yourself differently in Russia, Australia, or Canada. If you are Bob here, that's your name everywhere lol. No matter if you're 10, 30, 50, 0r 110, still Bob! Who gave anyone the authority to change the Name of the Most High? And don't tell yourself it's a translation, Nouns are translated, Not proper nouns, this is elementary level grammar. Mc Donalds in America is McDonalds in Japan. Different letters same sound aka transliteration (you only learn this if you take a foreign language) Husha 4:6 My people perish for a lack of knowledge! The Mashyach H4899 (christ is pagan) His Name is explained in MaththYaHU (matthew) 1:21 she will bring forth a Son and you shall call His Name YaHUSHA for He will save His people from their sins. His Name means to save. But who saves YshaYaHU (Isaiah) 43:11 I Am YaHUaH and besides Me there is no deliverance! YshaYaHU 42:8 I Am YaHUaH that is My Name YshaYaHU 52:6 My people shall know My Name YaHUchanan (John) 5:43 I have come in My Fathers Name and you do not receive Me, If another comes in his own name him, you would receive YaHU-SHA Salvation is of YaHUaH Strongs Hebrew H3467, H3468, H3470, H1954, H1955, H477 The H477 AlYsha (My Al (Aluah) is salvation (god) is pagan Repent and call on The Mighty Name of YaHUaH, for His compassion is great, slow to wrath and swift to forgive. He takes no pleasure in the death of the wrong, so turn back to YaHUaH and live. For why should you perish? Shalom
@john414810 ай бұрын
America is so wicked right now. If Jonah were to walk into any city in the US he would get jailed and tortured in secret for speaking out.
@amandaanguish679710 ай бұрын
So he sent his son, made of a woman? Meaning his son was In a woman's body! She knows who she is too!
@NoSundayLawComing10 ай бұрын
*ADVENTISTS ARE PROJECTING* Regarding a supposed coming Sunday law, could it be that Adventists are actually imagining others doing what they do in regards to "worship"? SDAs believe that non-Adventists are wanting everyone to worship God only on Sundays, and will one day seek to legislate a universal law binding upon all others with threat of death. As we all know, Adventists want everyone to worship on the 7th-day Sabbath. They believe that not doing so is actually worthy of eternal condemnation via the Mark of the Beast. In this respect, it is the Seventh-day Adventists who have concocted their own unique idea that Sunday keepers are worthy death for not practicing exactly like they do. It is NOT other Christians who think this way towards the Adventist. No Christian wants to force Sabbatarians to worship like they do, and thus have no interest in mandating a universal Sunday law. This is a myth. It is the Adventists who are projecting their own bigotry onto others, imagining other Christians to be just as hateful as the Adventists are toward those who don't keep the Sabbath. Per their own narrative, Adventists will one day have a universal Sabbath law implemented upon the whole earth where all the bad guys who don't keep the Sabbath are eliminated. Is this not the very notion that they imagine others will one day do to unto them?
@odetteboily35827 ай бұрын
If they speak not according to His Word, there is no light in them. If they do, there is light in them. Know History: The First Sunday Law happened 1700 years ago, enacted by the Roman Pagan Government with the support of the Bishop of Rome in 321 AD and enforced in 325 AD. The Roman Catholic Church has been announcing the celebration of this past event since 2014: they have been planning to celebrate 1700 years (2025 - 325AD = 1700) of their Sunday-keeping sign of authority since 2014. They are also planning to get a fixed date for Easter -- the same attempt they did in 1582 by changing the Julian Calendar into the Gregorian calendar in order to fix Easter but their astronomers failed. It would not surprise us if the RCC attempts to change the Gregorian calendar in order to get their fixed Easter in the next year or so and combine with the legal power of the USA, impose a Sunday Law once more, whether under the garb of a Green Sabbath or else, in order to ascertain their Church and State power as they did in 325 AD. The RCC is planning 2 major pilgrimages of millions of pilgrims, in Rome and Nicea. If that happens, your conclusion of being a myth will be of no value...... Let us wait and see! Make sure to follow the upcoming meeting September 22, 23 2024 at the UN headquarters in New York city where the UN is expecting to increase their power to enact laws and enforce them through the USA legislative power. The pope has been invited for that important event! Blessings
@NoSundayLawComing7 ай бұрын
@@odetteboily3582 The Seventh-day Adventists are always stirring the pot in hopes of the Sunday law popping out of it. When JFK was elected president all of the SDAs were in a panic stating that this Catholic president was going to bring about the Sunday law. You can go back in time here on KZbin and see all of the predictions that SDAs have made of the last 15-20 years about the Sunday law. All of them are dead wrong. Remember back to 2001 when all the SDA Sunday law hoopla when 9/11 happened? No Sunday law fell from the sky. Surely you remember all these failed expectations? Since the late 1800s, Seventh-day Adventists have seen the arrival of this universal Sunday law in every crisis. Each time, they suppose that this "crisis" will be the one that finally brings in Sunday legislation. For well over a century, any world crisis-whether it be the COVID pandemic, or climate change, or the world trade center bombing-is seen as the trigger mechanism that convinces lawmakers to abandon all reason and bow down to the papacy and institute a National Sunday Law. However, each time, the crisis fades and the National Sunday Law conspiracy never materializes. Then, they start looking for the next crisis. I have personally witnessed this pattern for decades. These people live in a constant state of paranoia. Mark my word, there will be no Sunday law in 2025 or in 2030. In fact there will NEVER be a Sunday law. Why can I say this? Because the notion of the Sunday law is not found in Bible prophecy. There is not a single word in Scripture about "the first day of the week being forced upon anyone at anytime, let alone as an "end time test" for all of humanity. To make a Biblical case for the Sunday law you MUST have the Bible actually say something along these lines otherwise you make up any scenario, including a mandated "Friday Law". If we are still alive in 2031, lets make sure to come back here and have a conversation discussing why these false predictions did not come true by the year prior. All your calculations are just like what the Millerites did back in the 1830s and 40s. They were wrong and were rightfully mocked for telling others that if they didn't believe in the October 22, 1844 date they were doomed. Date setting is forbidden by the Bible. *_"It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority"_* (Acts 1:7). Please quit trying, or you will continue to embarrass yourself and your denomination with every failed attempt.
@SundayKeeper7 ай бұрын
@@NoSundayLawComing Well said! 👍
@jasonbutt719910 ай бұрын
There's also a 3rd coming
@Monkee777910 ай бұрын
Beautiful singing, thank you!
@BC-hb5fl10 ай бұрын
what about Matthew 24:29? "But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun shall be darkened, and the moon not give her light, and the STARS shall fall from heaven..."?
@JasonMomoa99910 ай бұрын
KZbin is not God. God and I have our secret and nobody know it
@timd.189510 ай бұрын
How on earth does this benefit anyone? History is filled with people who have some “secret” understanding of the second coming. This is just modern day Gnosticism 🫠
@navarda4life10 ай бұрын
IMMANUEL God is with us and Isaiah 7:14&Revelation 22:17 who is keeping this prophesy❤ 👀 amen.
@nagameel732410 ай бұрын
Isaiah 7:14 is about hezekiah
@sirsdsullivan10 ай бұрын
Is there a link to your conference, and perhaps an online streaming of it?
@odetteboily358210 ай бұрын
Thank you for your inquiry. You can find the study of the Mazzaroth - 3 Volumes in PDF format which can be printed or saved or in Video. -- the website is: for more studies. Let us know if you have any questions or comments. Blessings!
@sirsdsullivan10 ай бұрын
Thank for for that@@odetteboily3582
@Lianaisbomb10 ай бұрын
I already knew most of this so far. I think revelation 13 was a constellation that happen in 2017. I was in Arizona then and i saw it all they say there was also an “eclipse” that week in spring.
@odetteboily358210 ай бұрын
Here is the link if you want to read the Mazzaroth - 3 Volumes study or in video: Blessings!
@AndreRosario-zm8pf Жыл бұрын
🌎🙏🙏🙏✝️ Thank God for the kingdom. Isaiah 9:6. Thank God I will always honor my marriage and family. Isaiah 54 Ephesians 5. Hebrews 12:2
@SiennasMm2game Жыл бұрын
I love it 🥰 ❤
@rtoguidver3651 Жыл бұрын
Romans 14:4-8 “Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.” “One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.” “He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.” “For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.” “For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's.”
@andrewreed4216 Жыл бұрын
The current Roman calendar does NOT lign up with the Jewish Sabbath day. They had a lunar-solar calendar. Also jesus is the Sabbath, meaning to follow him.
@sandyazbill257 Жыл бұрын
The 4th commandment tells us to keep the 7th day holy. God bless