Look again at the Daniel. 60 tdo and 7, but weak prophecy. And you will see how it has happened 3 times in history. The? First. Incident was the beginning of the building of the walls around Jerusalem in the days of Solomon. In 1020 B c Leading to 62 weeks lafor the cutting off. Of the anointed, you do judian. King in 586BC. The second incident began with the building of the walls around Jerusalem in 452BC by NE HEM I.A.H . Final incident incident in. 1533 BC with the beginning of the building of the walls around Jerusalem by khalif. So Lem A. N. Leading to 62 weeks later. With the 6 day war in 1967. And and 7 wecomplete in itself. In 2016. With the piercing through in the side are the anointed Cherub in the second heavens. Leading us now from 2016. On the day of the blowing of trumpets. For the beginning of the Daniel 70th week prophecy. But what is it? Where there are more than 170th week prophecy now happening. With the first week midpoint, resulting in The cutting off of the sacrifice and the offering. Add passover the war in the springtime of 2020. Yes, Daniel's 70th week Is now in effect. And will continuerepeating itself Untilcompletion time.