@stephengoodwin2754 10 күн бұрын
What abour sosr ive been stiched up
@Andrew-tx9jy 21 күн бұрын
The reason the warehouse staff are mainly male is because these involve heavy lifting, therefore harder work therefore they ought to get more money. What should now happen is that warehouse staff should get to work half their time on the tills if they want and the till staff should have to fill in half their time in the warehouse. If that happens (which it won't because the till staff will bitch despite being paid the same) then just watch the drop off in work in the warehouse...
@Nurse_Ella Ай бұрын
In my case, due to my mental disability and continued mentally tutored by my employer, my mental disability is getting worst. I ask not to give me night shifts until I recovered. Taking my medication at night I am new to medication. with physical symptoms of dizziness, confusion. And suicide attempts. But my employer fail to do so. It’s been a fight inorder for me to keep myself safe. The trauma that I been through. The damage in my brain is not easy. Due to negligence of duty of care. Whenever they see me upset, they ask me if I take my medication, they did not think about there action. They blame it on me. The gaslight was so deep. So traumatic. And I ask them to refer me to occupational health. But it takes a fight and a matter of follow up.
@seanthesheep8 2 ай бұрын
Do these Laws Extend into UK Military? for instance without a doubt i am doing the same job as others in the same building with the same job title but they are a higher rank and higher paid.
@jamesroyce1845 2 ай бұрын
I think it's only right to understand that any 'legal' process will be heavily weighted in favour or those with the most money to spend. Individuals are not supposed to get involved in this closed club but rather are expected to sit down and be quiet while the game plays out - much like tennis at Wimbledon. From the outset, legalese puts up barriers to understanding and you have to understand that any legal process, no matter how 'informal' is a game.
@PropertyWestYorkshire-gs3jb 3 ай бұрын
so sorry if you are dealing only with employment discriminations...
@juanlyon3368 3 ай бұрын
make a SAR regarding myself to my ex employer in terms emails communication happened between 2 different colleagues about me? Thanks
@openbabel 3 ай бұрын
This is not clear at all. First question is who decides what is reasonable ? The only persons who decide are the registered disabled person, their personal consultant, a high court judge...it is not the employer. Reasonable adjustments do not apply to funder mental human rights. A person who is registered legally blind or impaired would only expect to be employed on tasks which would be in a binary manner suitable for a blind person....at all times it is the blind person who decides. Airline travel..a severely disabled adult may tell an airline prior to travel their requirements for travel.These will probably be a bulkhead,, seat near to the galley, toilet and exit at an appropriate scheduled time. Airlines will be discriminating if they sell these disabled seats to non-disabled persons for commercial gain. In which cases airlines will be discriminating as you cannot contract out of disability in law. Alternative travel arrangements and costs will fall on the airline for such action.
@paulaunger3061 4 ай бұрын
Thanks, this answered a number of questions for me.
@viuvenitlalumina 4 ай бұрын
if you accept out of employment disability discrimination ...show me a number where I may call
@TheRazvancristian 4 ай бұрын
Hello.i been redundant from my factory last friday 19-04-2024...factory gived me a notice one month before,and told me about that and told me i should get 2760£ ,after 9 years in the factory,but 1-2 years i been witha gency...my question is,that redundancy money need to get them from my work?or i need to apply something online to get that money...?as i finished work friday,they dont called me on office,to tell me something,nomeone told me something about my situation....what to i know to do?
@krxtalent8853 5 ай бұрын
Employees have rights to be treated with dignity and respect at work and not to have their safety, health or welfare put at risk through bullying by the employer, by other employees or other persons. They have a right to complain to the employer if bullied and not to be victimised for so doing.
@josephshortt3171 5 ай бұрын
So it matters not if your employer stole from you abused you he's still entitled to lie about you. Really !!!!
@paulaunger3061 4 ай бұрын
If he lies about you and you can prove it caused you material damage, you can sue for defamation of character. But it wouldn't be an employment tribunal case - that would be civil court I think.
@josephshortt3171 4 ай бұрын
@@paulaunger3061 Unlawful Deduction of Wages and breach of personal data is an employment tribunal case. Defamation of character is civil court action and normally persuede by employers who don't like the truth.
@paulaunger3061 4 ай бұрын
@@josephshortt3171... yes I know...?
@memmott 6 ай бұрын
I grew up a few doors away from Nick. He was always a lovely person, and super clever. I remember being on holiday in the Dordogne and we met up with Nick and his parents for the day. He was celebrating getting 9 As in his GCSEs and translating jokes into French (which is an achievevement in itself as his mum was a French teacher). I'm so proud that he became a QC, I often namecheck him to people I know who are in the legal profession. I've not seen him for a long time, but I'm sure he's still the same person I knew years ago - as in you could not meet a nicer, more grounded individual. If anyone from Tibby Butts was going to go far, it was Nick. Bonkers clever, treated me like a brother, great personality and just an all round good egg. I'd love to meet up for a pint one day!
@PrincePrince-bt9iv 6 ай бұрын
I wish you was on TikTok, KZbin is bit outdated. love your videos!
@koggism 8 ай бұрын
My mother has a diagnosed disability by her GP and the council have refused to provided her with shower facilities on the grounds of her disibility - dementia. Because she does not have capacity she can never have any alterations to her home that require capacity. How crazy is that?
@thechitterchatterclub 8 ай бұрын
Thank you Michael for giving us all your time and expertise
@user-ph6nc5ug2l 10 ай бұрын
I claimed on line before joining union what do I do
@RockG.o.d 11 ай бұрын
Try living with sciatica and other back problems through repetitive work. They say when ever you have pain to let them know, but doing that will lead you out the door quickly.
@camellia8625 11 ай бұрын
What is a PCP?
@prash_t 2 ай бұрын
4:30:00 and 9:00:00
@davidgleeson9225 Жыл бұрын
I'm on it thanks for the Does he have power over... Or work with vulnerable.. Crime In fact I have created a new bento scale because of the crime involved Reply for details Cheers
@joannesmith9353 Жыл бұрын
Im student nurse victimised for being dyslexic. The university , the union and the ombudsman have showed bias against me. What do I next when facts are being ignored.
@Carnabwth Жыл бұрын
Interesting video. Is one able to record a fellow worker who's behaving unreasonably towards you?
@saffylooloo Жыл бұрын
I have recently given up a full week to work an agreed 2 days (16hrs) instead of retiring. If i work over the 16hrs in the week, am i entitled to overtime rates at time + half or do i need to complete 37.5 hrs before getting the overtime rate ?
@Carol.Allison Жыл бұрын
I'm going through all this now because of a medical condition
@AB-ys4tm Жыл бұрын
@99sillysausages Жыл бұрын
Under TUPE does the same terms and conditions mean you stay under agenda for change?
@naimac2744 Жыл бұрын
Every disabled should learn about the law regarding disability whether in work or not. Really, it should be offered to them even in school as it is so important. Disability rights can be infringed out of the employment context as well. Understanding the law is different from knowing your rights. Communicating your disability is not always a straightforward thing to do.
@leafmebee 9 ай бұрын
Thank you.
@AlissaSss23 Жыл бұрын
Great video, Matt. I hope this doesn't seem rude, but you come across as a decent, sweet person. And you have a comforting voice.
@leek487 Жыл бұрын
Ive been employed for 20 years and I've been ill with my disability for 10 years I've not ask for the world.... I've had constant bullying by my employer and people I work with.... I put a grievance in about my supervisor bullying me and breaking my gdpr by disclosing thing from my meeting, then she took my reasonable adjustment away that I had in place to help with the work I was given that I had in place and told I was to be treated the same as everyone as away of getting at me... In short now I accused of bullying even thow it was my supervisor the CCTV showing this was deleted before my appeal was delt with and given a final written warning and now I'm suspended with without pay as the supervisors friend has now accused me of bullying. Ive got proof that this is fabricated as it's just to get me out on my disability but they can't so they have done this to me to get me out.... But no one wants to help me.... Theres a lot more to this and I have proof of it all in notes and statements I have prove this.... I'm covered by the disability at work act and the equality act and I guess it will end up me loosing my job and ending up in a tribunal but I suffer depression and anxiety and now being watched by a mental health crisis team as I've had enough and my job was all I had that made me feel better about myself.... Employers shouldn't be able to just do what they like to people but they do,my attendance is excellent I do my job yes with a little help and hours to suit my needs but they just always try to take this from me... It's not my fault I'm ill but it feels it is and it's made life very hard... I'm currently on the sick with suicidal stress over the way I've been treated and accused of and haven't been payed for 8 weeks and they wonder why I'm contaplating suicide....
@FortunateMbambo-if4lp Жыл бұрын
Nice one
@dannorth9032 Жыл бұрын
How far back do prospective employers go back when referencing an employee’s previous employment?
@AlissaSss23 Жыл бұрын
Matt, I am so excited to have discovered your chsnnel and so grateful to you for all the hard work you put into helping people fight for their rights and get the right outcome ❤
@AlissaSss23 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this amazing video, it really helps
@ghostghost7067 Жыл бұрын
this guy has such a nice clear accent
@wastenotwantnotArt Жыл бұрын
Do bonuses come out of the profits of a business (Ltd) and therefore reduce the amount available for paying dividends to shareholders?
@keepinformed Жыл бұрын
Hi I'm being discriminated against by the DWP because I'm asking for reasonable adjustment under the equality act to allow me to record an appointment due to my health and now have banned me from most jobcentres in uk claiming im a threat when all I'm doing is trying to gather evidence of them refusing my appointment. Please help
@RockG.o.d 11 ай бұрын
Job centre are at the best useless, at the worse, don’t care. Made me apply for my current job I couldn’t do to the company satisfaction because of a pack problem. It’s warehouse work where I’m doing repetitive backing and moving items up to 15kg which causes my back to eventually seize up. There are other jobs, it’s not because the stuff is heavy, it’s because it’s heavy and repetitive which triggers my sciatica and other back issues. There are other easier jobs, and they only say there isn’t anything else available, (unless you are a favourite).
@richmcnab8925 Жыл бұрын
I may be seeing this incorrectly. Are you saying for example, an employee, previously warned for unsafe behaviour, completely ignores safety rules putting themselves or others at risk. If they are dismissed then it's automatically an unfair dismissal? Or are you only speaking of those dismissed for raising safety concerns?
@pettali5007 Жыл бұрын
Forget it. leave. Almost impossible to prove. Companies do not care.
@youngrichie Жыл бұрын
Matt is a great professional.
@paulbanfield2972 Жыл бұрын
What could you do if your employer continues to reject your holiday requests?
@cfdProptrader Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@kc-qs8qg Жыл бұрын
what if am employer ignores a grievance request??
@BJ0BHAX Жыл бұрын
My boss told me if I put a grievance in against him and its found not guilty, then I get removed from my job.
@simonh6371 Жыл бұрын
No idea if this is legal or not but it sounds very sketchy. Why don't you just call ACAS? They know.
@Heligany Жыл бұрын
7:39 Im a bit confused by the "criticism of HR" thing as you only have three months to bring these cases so you dont really have time to work out if HR is deliberately being useless or if they are being useless by accident
@AMIRCAT100 Жыл бұрын
So based on your video it looks like my employer might be right. The law is where the mess is. I have no right to be paid the same as my colleagues unless I use the equal pay act but the grounds need to be based on sex, race or disability. So yeah if I was a female I would have grounds to demand equal pay as we are doing the exact same job. Despite being seconded as their boss they still get hundreds of pounds a month more than me. What an absolute joke!
@broccolihighkicks3857 Жыл бұрын
Hi is this the same if suspended during probation?
@DrGingerHamster Жыл бұрын
Good thing in the US, there is an army of lawyers sitting at desks in Washington just WAITING for pay discrimination claims to arrive. They aren't very busy. Odd that, with an entire Federal Government to enforce equal pay, there are barely 100 cases of pay discrimination, found to be valid, filed in the United States each year. One wonders why all these oppressed women getting paid so much less for the same work aren't filing complaints...hmmmm.... Makes ya wonder.
@rw2266 Жыл бұрын
Very clear, thanks