The Banned Documentary of Jordan Peterson 2025
@remyheart27 14 минут бұрын
I think he is a joke and a great reference for people who dont know shit
@ACitizen1984 30 минут бұрын
These comments are hilarious. I clicked on this out of curiosity, I stayed for the comedy. Do you clowns actually find anything this person says substantive? His vocabulary is fine, he’s coherent, but is that really the low bar to clear? Nothing he says holds up as valid analysis under even a few seconds of consideration. I both pity and envy you if you’re reading this and actually gained something from this charlatan. It must be nice being so one dimensional, such little capacity to feel deeply and think properly. Also, 1:12:25 in what essay did Orwell say this? You’re misrepresenting 1984 if that’s your only source for this thought. I know the chapter you’re referencing and you sound close but are subtlety incorrect
@Alice-c1v8n 31 минут бұрын
@hartyewh1 58 минут бұрын
Who cares about a documentary as old as this when he's essentially Alex Jones now😅
@philipheise1957 Сағат бұрын
@nickneachtain Сағат бұрын
Jordan Peterson is yesterdays news
@endtimessupportgroup5685 2 сағат бұрын
I saw this on tubi
@juergenernst1320 4 сағат бұрын
Say what you want, he's winning and the haters are on the wrong side of history. I say that as a convert.
@badbill6492 4 сағат бұрын
that makes sense?
@KonjikiKonjiki 4 сағат бұрын
Hearing his wife speak about their courtship and marriage, sounded to me like he browbeat her into holding his attitudes. He acts like him and his wife are the only people who thought they'd had prophetic dreams; it's actually pretty normal in people with specific neurological conditions. wtf, jp?
@belabiro3658 5 сағат бұрын
Who spotted Jerry Seinfeld at 6:05?
@SuperCollectorClark 5 сағат бұрын
@CinematicFilmFather 5 сағат бұрын
@SuperCollectorClark 3 сағат бұрын
@@CinematicFilmFatherMy comment somehow got commented here for your EF35 1.4L short.
@CinematicFilmFather 3 сағат бұрын
Oh.. was there anything you were wondering about?
@almaosmeni-olaveson1444 5 сағат бұрын
When Tammy says that he would have them talk for three days on unpacking everything that was generational as well I see my self in that so deeply and so constantly but I might be wrong but it is harder for the wife to be in the shoes of Jordan Peterson in the marriage and the husband is not as willing to listen as a woman is in this case Tammy. For all the women that read this would you share here if you find this to be the case or not? Please let me know.
@KEVOOGLE 5 сағат бұрын
Jordan Person is a dumb person's idea of a smart person. He has been discredited professionally and academically. But I'm happy that he helped a lot of white men make there beds and get a job. His antisemitic dog whistles are a tragedy. As is the rest of his bullshit. He is the gateway drug to racism, sexism, and fascism. But to morons with limited educations he seems like a genius and a savior. Make your fucking beds!
@sabrinafelber 5 сағат бұрын
Beautiful,peaceful, stunning.
@CinematicFilmFather 5 сағат бұрын
Thanks for this! Glad you like it🙂
@PrimalBlue-l6o 6 сағат бұрын
Peterson must be Satanic. He preaches to be your best self, to uplift others however you can, to strive for honesty and personal growth, the be mindfully submissive to the greater "good", to take responsibility for your actions and how they impact the bigger picture.....all terrible traits......apparently.
@soupistasty5 6 сағат бұрын
"Jordan Perterson tells a great story, but where does it end?" 1:24:18 Ah, that's the question - where, indeed? I'm afraid that it ends in his untimely, unnatural death. Jordan is a revolutionary. And if history tells us anything about revolutionary figures, it's that they don't last long. It's not something that I wish for... ... but it is something that I believe. I hope that I'm not a prophet - Time, will tell.
@PrimalBlue-l6o 6 сағат бұрын
Try harder you fool. Tired 3 times and failed??? The inclusive left, we embrace all views unless they don't agree with ours!!!!!!!!! Have the idiots heard of Schrodinger's Cat?
@michaelthorsen6208 7 сағат бұрын
Dr. Peterson saved the lives of countless white men by giving them hope and empowerment, and that's why he was silenced. As an academic, he recognized the rhetoric of this silent genocide against white men land he did the right thing - he fought for equality and justice
@RandyTemple-bs 7 сағат бұрын
JP the crybaby.......need a diaper change baby?
@anovosedlik 8 сағат бұрын
I don't think this man is 'well' (of course, very few people are). However, he's so insular. He's off in his own neurotic world. My ex was like him: hyper-insecure AND somehow narcissistic. That's very different from being self-aware. He's in a child-like state.
@cravetvadim2175 9 сағат бұрын
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the tremendous work you have done throughout your career for our society. May the Lord’s blessing with his grace and love for people pour out abundantly upon you to bring as much light as possible into our lives!
@kristysturgill8761 9 сағат бұрын
Lol when is he going to condemn trump for cutting federal aid if teachers call a student by the "wrong" pronoun or name not on the birth certificate? And potentially bring criminal charges. The boogie man Peterson cried about is the monster he created.
@Johnconno 10 сағат бұрын
Banned? I watched this years ago. Naughty.
@Jsmithyy 10 сағат бұрын
1:07:46 The trapezius muscles are a pair of flat, triangular muscles that run from the upper back of the neck down to the lower thoracic vertebrae. They help stabilize the scapula and move the neck. Explanation The trapezius muscles are the most superficial back muscles. They originate from the skull and spinal column. The trapezius muscles attach to the scapula, clavicle, and external occipital protuberance. The trapezius muscles have upper, middle, and lower fibers. The upper fibers elevate and rotate the scapula, and extend the neck. The middle fibers retract the scapula. The lower fibers depress the scapula and rotate it upward. The trapezius muscles can be affected by whiplash injuries.
@Jsmithyy 10 сағат бұрын
1:07:10 According to the World Health Organization, around 73% of the global population, which equates to roughly 6 billion people, can currently drink water from their tap as it is considered "safely managed" meaning it's readily available, on premises, and free from contamination; however, this still leaves around 2 billion people without access to safely managed drinking water.
@LJolie-jz8go 10 сағат бұрын
Fantastic, Dr. Peterson
@Cleantopiallc 11 сағат бұрын
Agreed. Call me what you want, but, I’ll say whatever gender is displayed. A man in full makeup is still xy chromosomes. 100 years from now no one will exhume a body and be able to see anything except xy or xx. If you are gender reassigned, then society wouldn’t question (or care, frankly) what your pronoun is. The girl trying to put blame of her suicidal thoughts and attempts over ONE word (he or she) means she was suicidal before that and means she is struggling in her head, we’re not to blame. Grow up
@JenNagleInk 11 сағат бұрын
All the issues are torn apart and disected without prejidice except for the ideology of belief as if the rules do not apply to belief. This is cognative disdonace. The teacher needs to go back to school. Hus followers will indeed use the same cognative dissonance to ignore ignorance. He us so good for so many young men yet he could be so much more if he had not stopped asking bigger questions then himself. His arrogance caught up to him before his greatness and he will be written about as one of the greatest misguided minds. He is duel munded and does not know himself.the fruits of his tree is conflict. He daid it himself. His mind is notbat rest reguatdless of his goid advice. Anyone can read and spit out what they have read. He stands on the shoulders of great men. When people can not clearly define and understand that belief is absence of proof, they can separate the faith aggrements they make about daily life. When they cant mundfully separate faith from reality is reality will start to blend. Jung tells us that we then call it fate. Ive heard Jordan quote thys from jung yet he does not fully afapt this. Jorday does not have a genius mind that is so far above the adverage intelegence could understand. This is a charasmatic man who talks about the things he reads and people think its great because they dont want to spend the time reading. Add a great memory and you make a good shiw. Things are going to fsll apart quickly now though because his chasismatic mind for debate is leaving him and the cracks are already xhowing such as with the alex O'Conner interview. Dont get me wrong i used to love jordan. I was one of his biggest fans. But then i started to see where his rules didnt sppply toball aslects of his thinking and he list all credibility.
@Eightfinger 11 сағат бұрын
I find it so funny that when they want to portray some of his quotes as "problematic", and then SHOW his quotes... That most sane people would not even see them as problematic. Like, even the rather controversial quote about feminism and Islam... Is only a question. NOT a statement. Now, some individuals use questions very strategically, in a manipulative manner - but having seen so much from peterson, to him... it truly is just a REAL question that demands to be asked, discussed, and answered. It does NOT say he is sure about that, or believes that, but only that he has reason to ask that question, because the answer seems unclear. And that was one of the "worst" things he ever said. Actually, Petersons struggle often reminds me why I myself have been depressed all my life. Because as an Autistic person, I have often asked questions. Questions people may find offensive. But damn, they are only questions. I would always have been open for discussion and answers! Instead, I often got beaten, punched, one time even nearly murdered. And it took so, so much effort to not be radicalized by that maliciousness and hate I experienced. Peterson was the very first person ever that I could truly relate to in terms of dedication to truth, and being treated unfairly for it. I never entered a room with a conviction. It was always questions. And they nearly killed me for it. The tolerant left. Despite me being visible handicapped. They only tolerate the "weak" as long as they can utilize them as shields.
@cbel888 11 сағат бұрын
@JenNagleInk 11 сағат бұрын
We are witnessing christian Nationalism in the works. The law as we once knew it is converting over to shaming. It cant happen any other way because belief is absence of proof and has no standing in a court sustem of fairness by reasonable proof beyond doubt. Faith deals directly with doubt but calls it fate when things dont turn out as predicted. Both systems oppose each other and can not be reconciled. Not even the basic rules of engagement can't be met because one stands on impericsl evidence and the other illusion.
@sharonwickens6921 12 сағат бұрын
I like if you can be bothered It's free to view easily h On every street in e very city every town if you can be bothered to love or care Free view Look or not We all are gifted that choice realise or not Love and respect people Sxx bravo Juliett
@gaildonley8990 12 сағат бұрын
He is the courageous voice of sanity and common sense.
@theoriginalshankster 13 сағат бұрын
Dear world. We are sooo sooo sorry. Signed, Canada.
@michaelthorsen6208 7 сағат бұрын
I can't believe you people silenced the greatest mind and pedagogue since Jung and Joseph Campbell
@FreelanceFrames 13 сағат бұрын
Could you please make video photoshoot from r5c
@sweetlikechocothai 13 сағат бұрын
Horrible guy.
@talesofcanterbury42 13 сағат бұрын
Levi Strauss wrote a bout Bricolage. Peterson’s obsesive collection of Stalinist art is illuminating.. The film was never banned.
@bigbanana82 13 сағат бұрын
As provocative and true like the title of the video...
@TINA-k8f 13 сағат бұрын
It does not matter how you identify yourself. Gender is gender, but it is absolutely rude to call any human being an it, they, them, 1 person is not a them, or a they. You cannot change English grammar because you feel a certain way, or have identity issues.
@TINA-k8f 14 сағат бұрын
Thank God for Dr.Peterson.
@nicholasmartin297 14 сағат бұрын
If it’s “banned” how am I able to watch it on KZbin? I hate those click bait descriptions.
@michaelthorsen6208 7 сағат бұрын
He's banned in leftist countries, like Sweden
@janicek456 14 сағат бұрын
I suspect that Jordan will receive an apology from Canada, some day in the future. He is not perfect but what he started speaking out against, was a correct thing to do. If we can't discuss opposing ideas, someone will push their ideas onto the other. That he is crusty today, is a result of having hounds nipping at his heals for a decade. Anyone would be. It also appears that he didn't seek his notoriety but that it settled on him. Great documentary!
@BaasShapShap 15 сағат бұрын
man's a jerk
@spashia7028 15 сағат бұрын
I'm really surprised he said he thought he was gonna have a funeral like kennedy's. That is stuff that would fuel his opponents dissmissal of him being wierd, cause it does sound narcisisstic. But I guess he was right, many people will become very distraught when he dies.
@stupidsucks 15 сағат бұрын
JP is a clown. He has done more harm than good with his intolerance and bigotry couched in intellectualism. Fools will be fooled.
@annetteannette3808 15 сағат бұрын
I love YOUR MESSAGE, you have a beautiful Family. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BALANCE POSTURE, the extreme left and the extreme right are struggling to sway and woo THE PEOPLE that are struggling and juggling their lives to stay afloat mentally.It SEEMS TO ME that people and closed minded and choose to feel attacked instead of analyzing what you present. I have seen the decline and division and chaos as a direct road toward a Totalitarian system. I guess it is true that we as a collective mindlessly continually repeat our past history. HERE WE GO AGAIN, HEADING TOWARDS ANOTHER EXTINCTION. I have really enjoy all the informations you have presented and with this documentary. Bless all of you for standing up and speaking up, this brings healing and hope.
@NoreenHennig 15 сағат бұрын
Who banned it? The guys 💯 bonkers but I see him everywhere!
@LIONHEART1690 15 сағат бұрын
@Petter_GM 16 сағат бұрын
I love this documentary. Thank you Dr. Peterson for being a light for us all