Embrace the Unknown: The Power of Letting Go
Beyond the Illusion
19 сағат бұрын
@Ussrt 20 сағат бұрын
I 'm Lucky guy to find this channe .
@RachidSaide-kx1ir Күн бұрын
أنا رسول الله المسيح عيسى بن مريم تحياتي لكم والسلام 🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓
@Quehuongbinhphuoc 2 күн бұрын
Hello 👍♥️
@positivevibes-v6b Күн бұрын
Hello 😊
@JulieMize-k5y 3 күн бұрын
This content always offers practical takeaways.
@PritiSingh-pl6vu 5 күн бұрын
Sir app pe kyc ka option nahi de raha hai
@trevordickson8617 7 күн бұрын
Yes. Yes. Yes. Of course humanity is too selfish to save itself. We are distracted by trivialities & keep fiddling while Rome burns. We could do with a few billion less humans furiously breeding us all into extinction.
@j.pfeiffer8068 7 күн бұрын
its amazing how man thinks he is bigger than god and nature. when climate changes of course man is responsible. when the moon rises it was his work of art. hybris its what it is called , as for you climate change is porn. socialist porn, that you get off , on. you wont get me, you lunatics. climate does what it wants. food shortages are indeed man made....by regulating and humiliating small farmers by bureaucracy and taxes and prohibitions
@TaliaMellifera 7 күн бұрын
what action are we supposed to do? Wealth eats the world. We could surely buy less.
@TaliaMellifera 7 күн бұрын
it's heartbreaking. and I think we've lost control, it went too quick for our busy homeless minds. and I think the rich will always hope they can save themselves with their money.
@NoufAbdulmajeed-p1h 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for digging into this curious and highly interesting subject. To recognize a space or a person and to feel that they are familiar and known to us.. even if for a fraction of a second.. is I believe initiated inside the right half of the brain.. I believe that this part of the brain was with the earlier human race much in connection with the spiritual side or meaning of existence.. hence connected to the unknown.. the fate.. God s will etc.. so the feeling of deja vu is like a spark sent from the right brain because this part must have had earlier knowledge prior to the actual time of the occurence of an event some connection with it and that this event is meant to exist some day and after some time.. and so when the event takes place.. eventually a person gets this deja vu feeling for a fragment of a second... The brain right half is much in connection with the fate of a person and what events this person may face in future times during his or her existence... Well I wish I was able to clarify my point.. I hope it was useful.
@technatezin 8 күн бұрын
Is humanity too selfish to save itself? YES!
@PrabhjotSingh-uy7ij 8 күн бұрын
great video but background music was too loud at some points of video
@TomZanetic 8 күн бұрын
Individual selfishness is inherent, but can be overcome collectively ie we all are in it together so let's overcome selfishness for the better, in this case survival. In theory anyway. Unless there's an alternative model, leaders are needed to get us all on the same page. That's where the theory falls apart. Most leaders of all substantial organisations ( government, corporate, religious etc) are THE most selfish people. Always have been. Unless we find a new model where the least selfish people drive change, we are screwed. How is that possible? Malcom Gladwell might be on the right path, plus a psychopathy test to weed out those we currently elect/embrace/endure as leaders. More right brained dominant people, as McGilchrist espouses might "enlighten" and drive us out of this quagmire.
@User-Youtube955 10 күн бұрын
@briangain9836 10 күн бұрын
Talk to China , India , Bangladesh, etc . The charts plainly show the progress the U.S. has made and continues to make is fairly clear .,
@chain8847 8 күн бұрын
The progress the U. S has made is to move manufacturing to the three countries you mentioned.
@briangain9836 8 күн бұрын
@@chain8847 Those countries don’t have to pollute to the extent they are ..
@chain8847 8 күн бұрын
@@briangain9836 they have to keep the price of their goods low for their western masters. So no labour laws protecting the workers. Shit wages. And no environmental protection.
@speak4mc 10 күн бұрын
As someone who works closely with youth and professionals in Motivational Interviewing, I see firsthand how the empathy deficit is affecting relationships and communities. Empathy isn't just a nice-to-have-it’s a powerful tool for change. I talk about the impact of empathy in my C.A.P.E. approach (Cognitive Empathy, Adaptability, Purpose, and Enthusiasm) on my channel.
@positivevibes-v6b 9 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your insights! It's incredible to hear how you’re using empathy as a tool for positive change through your C.A.P.E. approach. I completely agree-empathy is more than just a nice quality; it's a vital skill that can transform relationships and communities. It’s great to see professionals like you leading the way in fostering deeper understanding and connection. I’d love to learn more about your work and how your approach is making an impact.
@phapdn1236 7 күн бұрын
@Ominousheat 10 күн бұрын
It's not humanity. It's capitalist commercialists desperate to avoid ridding the world of their fossil fuel cash cow. And the US are at the heart of the false narrative that we will end up in the stone age if we make an instant transition. They simply can't do what is right for nothing more than their love of cold cash. And then we hear this bs that it's the whole of humanity that is the problem. That is epic gaslighting.
@jaybadgett6063 10 күн бұрын
Turn down your background music!!!
@FernandoO-n6e 11 күн бұрын
If you're asking, then you know the answer.
@globalwarming382 11 күн бұрын
Dont worry puny humans. Your god will save you 🤣. We cant even save our children from mass killings bcuz to many stupid ppl love their guns more then they love their kids.
@blueness-ue5ic 11 күн бұрын
the music a bit too loud. Mabey lower it down?
@adambohm4367 11 күн бұрын
Now all we have to do is convince black rock,blackstone..........etc hahahahahah
@johnharrison2511 11 күн бұрын
Usually they say "by the end of this century", so that being 75 years away we should be ok. Put it this way. If it was that serious, USA wouldn't be causing and sponsoring all these wars and genocide with 35 trillion in debt By the end of the century we will have tamed Nature, paid off debts, gotten rid of all the people we don't like, and be living in the promised Heaven on Earth, in peace and harmony with probably 100 billion people, eating good food and doing thought travel which means extinct species won't matter because ee have such good VR in our cubicles. *sarcasm*😂😂😂😂😂
@noorjehankhan2347 11 күн бұрын
Climatic changes did not happen over night,nor are changes strangers to planet Earth,destruction of all kinds wiping out whole civilizations. Religions ,are a way of life,the immutable laws of the universe holds power of life and death to all species. If we can create wars,kill,hate,destroy life on large scales,competitions over religions,humans created on Earth,not realizing the planet we occupy,not provided by any human been. The Spirit of the universe,no fool to us,our behaviour ,our good or demise ,we are responsible . Greed,power,slaughter of human/animals,over population,poverty,destruction of habitat of animals. Universe do not use humans to control it's laws it's been for billions of years,or ,whoever were on planet Earth before.
@SohidulAlam-yu8nh 11 күн бұрын
@gene4094 12 күн бұрын
The lack of empathy for our existence is astounding.
@globalwarming382 11 күн бұрын
Its humans stupidity that is astounding.
@anthonyS84235 12 күн бұрын
The problem is not just human selfish tendency, the problem is a few rotten apples spreads propaganda… a flaw in Homo sapiens that natural selection and random mutations did not address. The earth does not care about the Homo sapiens species. It surface a huge collision that creat the moon. The only thing that will destroy the earth is when the sun becomes a red giant in a few billion years. The Homo sapiens is just a blink of an eye. We can try to fight lies and propaganda but the probability of success is barely above 50%. The 1000s of religions the Homo sapiens invented is actually counter productive and if anything fuel the propaganda… another flaw of the Homo sapiens race who is doomed to a premature extension :-)
@MarkYoung-l8f 12 күн бұрын
Every Planet with Biological Life will at sometime devolve a species that actually changes that Planets Atmospheric Composition. On Earth we are Actually seeing the 2nd and 3rd Atmospheric Change since the "Great Oxygenation". We Humans are Changing the "Carbon Cycle". And there is a "Sulphur Cycle" change going on at the same time. Humans can tolerate a certain amount of Carbon and Nitrous Oxides until Hypoxia kills the Human. Humans do not survive in any circumstance in a "Sulphurous Atmosphere". Humans will keep Hunting Gathering, Trading and having their Tribal Conflicts. So Humans will do little to nothing about these growing threats. This effects all "Tribes" on Earth and all other Animals.
@Imaginette 12 күн бұрын
I love to be part of the action, but lately I seek solitude and silence more and more. It is giving me space to process, work, even breathe peace. Thank you for your work, I appreciate it and you - do you agree?
@positivevibes-v6b 12 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for your kind words! It means a lot to hear that the content is resonating with you. Solitude and silence truly are powerful tools for growth, clarity, and inner peace. Creating space to breathe, reflect, and process is so important in a world that often pulls us in so many directions. I’m glad to hear that you’re finding your own moments of peace and that my work is helping you on that journey. Remember, taking time for yourself to recharge and gain perspective is not just a retreat-it’s a step forward. Stay connected, and feel free to share more about your experiences. I appreciate you being a part of this community and look forward to growing together! Peace, Positive Vibes
@UpendraPrasadMandal-p7x 12 күн бұрын
आप ज्योतिष की बात करते हैं, लेकिन आपने तथ्यात्मक कच्चा चिट्ठा खोलकर रख दी है। भाजपा शासित राज्यों के नेताओं और आमजन ध्यान से सुनना चाहिए और गुणना चाहिए।
@rupakkumar1245 12 күн бұрын
Hello ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@beaverman011 12 күн бұрын
The problem in 1 word, "Overpopulation". The more people the earth is forced to support puts a strain on all natural resources. Oil is used to support all these resources that people depend on and in turn burning of fossil fuels will eventually kill us all. Nothing will change until the body count begins and our leaders are forced to be leaders and start making changes to save mankind but by then it will be too late. We will eventually go the same way as the dinosaurs.
@johnvoelker4345 12 күн бұрын
both global warming and higher levels of CO₂ would benefit the biosphere the Earth is too cold and CO₂ is a nutrient
@drawnbydragons354 11 күн бұрын
Lots of c02 on Venus. It's 464 C most of the heat is from runaway greenhouse effect.
@globalwarming382 11 күн бұрын
JFC you're stupid!
@monumentlandscapeservicesl6464 12 күн бұрын
The planet will recover from our parasitic tenure in time, but WE are fucked.
@richrogers2157 13 күн бұрын
Sad to say we are an evolving ape species,not nearly as advanced as we pretend.
@Ominousheat 10 күн бұрын
Speak for yourself. Everyone else knows what the right thing to do is. But people like you shield the real villains in this tale with your bs trope about underevolved humans.
@cassandraknight8804 9 күн бұрын
@@OminousheatI think it’s in the term, WE. It could have been they or even I. NO WE ARE NOT.
@raystephens9550 13 күн бұрын
Yes is the answer to that question, due to a problem best expressed by George Carlin. "People are too fat and too stupored and far too comfortable for their own good." Civilisation as we know it (also from Carlin) is glued together by bullshit like the catch phrases "lucky country" ; "land of the free" ; "all men are equal" ; "justice for everyone is equal under the law" "love one another as you love yourself" and "whatever you do to the least of your brethren [other species] you do unto me" all great ideals in words, but complete bullshit in action. Fairy tales for children who when they become adults have had all their dreams turned to crud.
@loveisaburningstar 13 күн бұрын
It’s Overshoot, not climate change that’s taking us out. The Natural Math of “30 wolves and 5 deer”. 9 Billion wannabe mericans on a planet of dissipating resources.
@jamesruscheinski8602 13 күн бұрын
shift focus from human sovereignty to God free will sovereignty for divine central authority unity to handle climate change
@rob.maramé 11 күн бұрын
Who is this god person?
@Ominousheat 10 күн бұрын
@@rob.maramé I think they live in Idaho.🤪
@TennesseeJed 13 күн бұрын
@Muddslinger0415 13 күн бұрын
We are completely fucked extinction is here for us humans because of our sheep like nature. We let just a very small number of humans direct all of us capitalism must end we can not let greed of a few kill us all
@يمنان 13 күн бұрын
We were you beep
@يمنان 13 күн бұрын
l'll spend hony moon in Eygpt after wedding but l need alot of money for my trip ,and place to palce need money how can me to pay for that beep .
@Quehuongbinhphuoc 14 күн бұрын
Hello 👏♥️
@jaybhavani8416 14 күн бұрын
🧘 Only and Only Spiritual Science and Spiritual Philosophy Towards the Truth , For the Truth is the solution for all types of problems . We expect discussion on above subject . * We expect discussion on this subject with Anand Rangnathan J Sai Deepak Sangam Talks * Also the following literature will be usefull for guidance ... Pandit Gopi Krishna ( Literature published in America ) Yogi Arvind Chinmay Mission : * 🙏
@AhmadAli-of2io 18 сағат бұрын
@jaybhavani8416 10 сағат бұрын
@@AhmadAli-of2io Also useful 🌜🧕 Quranwala Ex Muslim Sahil Sameer 👻
@Maxrodon 15 күн бұрын
I read two incredible books and did my own personal assessment to arrive at the conclusion that "Freewill" is rather the "illusion of choice" and that everything around us including thought, is deterministic. I frame Freewill rather as the ability to be self aware and to have a decision making process (thought engine) that is "unique" to each of us, however, we have far less control over how that thought engine is created and how it works, all our thoguhts are rather just the output of that thought engine. To elaborate further, there is strong evidence that shows our brains are developed based on our genetics from the point of our conception (which we had no control over) and by our experiences in our enviroment (which we have no "real" control over). So twins seperated at birth and brought up in different enviroments, in the majority of cases ended up with the same career and lifestyle choices despite enviroment changes. And all the enviroment would have done is amplified those inert traits they already had. So we all have a unique playbook, each of our own thought engines use, which is formalated by things we do not control. So input combination "X" into our brain for conditions "Y" would produce response "Z". We do not control X or Y hence we are a slave to response Z and that thought process between assessing the various X combinations against Y combinations is our unique playbook that we can never "freely" change, it's built by inert things. This input+Condtions+output relationship is how we predict lots of things such as what happens if we drop a ball, or how we predict the weather or simulate lots of things. If the computation power was strong enough and we knew all the input variables our brains use, you can simulate all thoughts and decisions someone would make if we knew their playbook. This means that each unique combination of input for a fixed set of conditions would always produce the "exact" same result, there is nothing random about it. And that's just with thought everything in the universe is a result of a previous event caused by a previous event and so on, in a never ending domino from the birth on the universe. You were always going to be born, you were always going to read this message and things that are yet to come are always going to happen due to the cause and effect relationship meaning everything is deterministic.
@positivevibes-v6b 15 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing such an insightful perspective! It's always refreshing to see someone engage deeply with complex ideas like free will and determinism. Your thoughts really add to the conversation!
@Maxrodon 15 күн бұрын
@@positivevibes-v6b thanks what is your own personal take on the topic?
@positivevibes-v6b 15 күн бұрын
I really appreciate the question. Free will and determinism are both fascinating and complex ideas. On one hand, determinism suggests that our actions and choices are influenced by a web of factors like our upbringing, environment, and biology, which might make it seem like our paths are predetermined. On the other hand, free will highlights our sense of personal agency and the belief that we can make independent choices. Personally, I find both perspectives valuable. I see how our environment and experiences shape us, which aligns with the deterministic view. At the same time, I think we all feel a sense of making choices and steering our own lives, which resonates with the idea of free will. I find Compatibilism more interesting, the view that free will and determinism are not mutually exclusive and can coexist. That, even if our actions are determined by factors such as our environment or genetics, we can still be considered free if we act according to our desires and intentions without external coercion. In other words, determinism can coexist with a version of free will where freedom is defined as the ability to act in accordance with one's internal motivations. I’m really interested in hearing your thoughts on this. It’s such a rich discussion, and I believe there’s a lot to learn from considering both sides of the argument.
@Maxrodon 14 күн бұрын
@@positivevibes-v6b Thanks for sharing your take on it, and have to be honest that I'm new to the concept of Compatibilism so thanks for sharing that with and glad I've learnt something new already. I want to start of by indicating anything I say is just based on what I currently know and understand. So I will never think my ideas are an undisputed fact, or that my views are suprior to anyone. I'm happy to learn new things, to be wrong and to revise/evolve my ideas through discussion like this. Where I think Compabilism works, is if we are defining "freewill" as the ability of an individual to make their own independent choice in the event there was more than one choice to make, and with evidence they could have freely changed their mind. As an example if I offered you Tea, you can choose to accept it or decline it, that is your own unqiue decision. Or if you won the lottery, there is a myraid of decisions you can make on how to spend all that money, which are unique to you and based on your choice. On the flipside, if you are hot and sweat, the act of sweating is involuntary and freewill plays no part. Where I think Compatibilism doesn't work, is "what" drives those unique decisions you are making and if you are in really in control or rather just constantly reacting to what is around you. As an example, if I wanted to travel from A to B and used Google Maps, it will consider a vast array of datapoints and "if" conditions to derive the output/decision. And Google Maps never had a say on what "A" and "B" were, as they were input into Google maps, and the data points such as traffic, roadworks etc are derived from things not within Google Maps control, it would mean that while the output of Googlemaps will be unique to all the input you gave it, GoogleMaps is not "free" it's only reacting to information and it's decision will always be the same unless the input (not googlemaps) changed. So oversimplifying this point, we can agree that GoogleMaps is just a mathematical formula that depends on data inputs which it doesn't control. This formula analogy is no different to each of our brains and how it works. So if our "formula" is unique to each of us but is a defined forumla, it would mean the output is predictable and if it's predictable, it raises the question on if it's truly "free" as "free" should mean that it's not predictable, that it's truly random and there is no traceable logic/science behind any decision we make. So I would ask then, does a comuputer have "freewill" (Not self awareness) and does ChatGPT have Freewill (not self awareness) and how is that different to us? Just curious about your take on that.
@Censeo 16 күн бұрын
My beef is with modern philosophical resistance to the compatibalists that are truly doing the work to get a grasp of this question. They define free will not only as an impossibility, but through sophistry make people think they desire this kind of free will as well. Whenever there is a big decision to make we usually say that we need time to think. What we mean by that is that reflection, reason and intelligence should enslave the inevitable choice. We can't decide how rational and intelligent we are, but who would not want these two qualities to determine what we do rather than freedom from them to gain true free will which has been defined into oblivion of possible existence? No one wants the free will that philosophers define as a square circle.
@positivevibes-v6b 16 күн бұрын
Great points! You've touched on an interesting critique of how free will is often framed in modern philosophy. It’s true-if we view free will as an 'impossible' concept, we might be chasing something more abstract than practical. I like your take on preferring rationality and intelligence to guide our choices over a ‘pure’ form of free will that seems unattainable. Do you think there’s a balance between determinism and the freedom to act with reason? Would love to hear more thoughts on how we can reconcile these views!
@Censeo 16 күн бұрын
@@positivevibes-v6b For me it is to first realise that we don't want our choises to be based on nothing and be made for no reason, which would be free choises in a way cause they are not even dictated by what we want. The more determined the world is, the more reasons we have to do anything, cause we know better in such a world what action imply what happens in the future. If someone says that eliminates free will cause our will was molded in the past. To them I say I didn't have a will before I had a will. I don't want a free will in accordance to the criteria that is layed out by those who don't understand the compatibalist view. And nobody else does really either. Analysis of free will can come after that nonsense, like comparing the freedom of actions between Elon Musk and some rando in jail. Comparing the freedom of an actor stumble as scripted vs a rando who stumbles.
@Censeo 16 күн бұрын
@@positivevibes-v6b if you admit that Elon Musk is more free than a murderer in jail, you will ultimately conclude that the analysis of them two has to do with the scope of their choises. If one of them is more free, then one of them also has more free will.
@TaoufikElAsri 18 күн бұрын
@cynthiaskido 19 күн бұрын
Wow, Interesting
@zakiayamlahi1987 19 күн бұрын
Translation please
@positivevibes-v6b 19 күн бұрын
Sure! What would you like translated? Just let me know the details!
@jaws392 20 күн бұрын
This video makes me love hate speech even more. Hate speech is not real. Only weak people believe in hate speech.
@positivevibes-v6b 19 күн бұрын
It's interesting to see different perspectives on such a complex topic. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
@jaws392 19 күн бұрын
@@positivevibes-v6bNo seriously! What is hate speech? My hate speech may not be the same as your hate speech.