Thank you for digging into this curious and highly interesting subject. To recognize a space or a person and to feel that they are familiar and known to us.. even if for a fraction of a second.. is I believe initiated inside the right half of the brain.. I believe that this part of the brain was with the earlier human race much in connection with the spiritual side or meaning of existence.. hence connected to the unknown.. the fate.. God s will etc.. so the feeling of deja vu is like a spark sent from the right brain because this part must have had earlier knowledge prior to the actual time of the occurence of an event some connection with it and that this event is meant to exist some day and after some time.. and so when the event takes place.. eventually a person gets this deja vu feeling for a fragment of a second... The brain right half is much in connection with the fate of a person and what events this person may face in future times during his or her existence... Well I wish I was able to clarify my point.. I hope it was useful.