It's Okay To Love Anime Sisters!
@a1racer441 21 сағат бұрын
Ghislaine like everything is fine I'm ok, tail wags vigorously, by the way how is Eris. hopefully we get some more of her this book.
@lamoor2 21 сағат бұрын
just a weak ending
@m1k3droid 21 сағат бұрын
"How do I prove I'm Sylphy's husband? You want me to show you a pair of her panties?"
@nathanielstacy4488 21 сағат бұрын
There is also the whole sspect that To prevent the China Anolog from invading the England analog they're just sending supplies to say Istambule & Turkey.
@Twiska 21 сағат бұрын
It's curse because she can't communicate.
@cybersoul2809 22 сағат бұрын
Zenith’s power literally makes her behave like a ragdoll How is it beneficial in any way, shape or form? It’s a curse
@maverick9708 22 сағат бұрын
the blursed child 💀💀
@mageius 23 сағат бұрын
As a follow-up, forgetting the lore about a few people, lol. (I won't say what, though.)
@mageius 23 сағат бұрын
I am so looking forward to the next few chapters and books.
@Ballard258 23 сағат бұрын
44:07 i guess court fool is the same as "clown" in japanese, makes sence.
@JesusGomez-jw7ih Күн бұрын
I love your videos, I look forward to them every Monday on the way home from work. It makes the hour drive so much better! Thank you sir!
@anikami2019 Күн бұрын
This is a magnificent video. The main lesson we all must learn sooner or later is anime will never be fully accepted by mainstream audiences. Japanese anime/manga/LNs are weird. Just how we love them Because they're weird they'll never be accepted. And we have to accept that.
@youuii1 Күн бұрын
i think Chandle is supposed to be Sandor...
@jawarafrazer8530 Күн бұрын
Andrew, keep notice of the black haired knight sandor. He's a very, very important individual. I won't spoil much but here's a clue to who he is: (NG K 2nd)
@kmdreacts Күн бұрын
So you just woke up and decided to be a b*tch
@doodlegame8704 21 сағат бұрын
bro, that’s such a blatant spoiler! Delete that
@thelightburns2852 Күн бұрын
Id consider zenith condition as a curse since it gives her a physical vice along with her boon. If she was able to talk then yes a blessing.
@josephnapolitano5864 Күн бұрын
Nothing can stop the donut maker!
@theetherealretep Күн бұрын
173rd like !!! Lets go !!!!
@ericbunker6242 Күн бұрын
Horrors! Luke x Rudy? Shame on you Andrew!
@Ricardo_Rick Күн бұрын
Sorry but as much as Komari is great, Kaju is still best girl XD
@7deadlypins Күн бұрын
If you were born in Jurassic park, you d be known as a Yaptor
@mickzero Күн бұрын
I love his takes
@simarticon8883 Күн бұрын
I just asked chatgpt which of his wifes Rudeus loves the most. Here is the answer: Rudeus Greyrat loves all three of his wives deeply, but his feelings for each of them are unique based on their individual relationships. 1. Sylphiette: Rudeus' love for Sylphiette is very tender and affectionate, stemming from their childhood friendship. She's the one who comforts and supports him during one of the most difficult times in his life, which strengthens their emotional bond. 2. Roxy Migurdia: Roxy holds a special place in Rudeus' heart as his first mentor. He deeply respects and admires her for being his teacher and guide. His love for her grows over time, starting from admiration and evolving into a strong romantic attachment. 3. Eris Boreas Greyrat: Rudeus’ relationship with Eris is filled with intensity and passion. Despite a rocky start, his love for Eris becomes fiery and deeply passionate after they reconcile, representing a more primal and emotional connection. It's hard to say definitively whom he loves "the most" because his love for each of them is different, but equally profound in its own way. However, his relationship with Sylphiette is often depicted as the most emotionally stable and nurturing, which may give her a slight edge in terms of emotional closeness. Even chatgpt says Sylphie is best girl :)
@Zydonix Күн бұрын
I hope we get more ghislaine in this arc.
@bubba84624es Күн бұрын
Lol omins
@97bdul Күн бұрын
I want to write something similar to MT
@buckaroobonsi555 Күн бұрын
I never forget a face but I am terrible with names as well!
@Delvernacc Күн бұрын
Lest gooo, happy MM!!! ❤❤❤
@GHJ_AS Күн бұрын
Any chapter with Roxy in it is automatically 10/10.
@Soundwave119 Күн бұрын
Whoot another Mushoku Monday is coming. It will be interesting to see how Rudy helps Grandoff in making sure Pax Jr is safe. 😊
@rollzmoist5061 Күн бұрын
@OrstedCultist Күн бұрын
@ericbunker6242 Күн бұрын
@christopherhamilton5783 Күн бұрын
Best part of every Monday thanks so much
@ferdinandpurczeld234 Күн бұрын
tbc 1:16:24
@Swiftbeaster Күн бұрын
9:13 hahah yeah yall do that lol
@paulbishop251 Күн бұрын
While I will give A-1 Pictures kudos, as they have been crushing it with the sakuga of this series (and they only delayed Nier once this season, which is a relief considering their workload), one scene is a striking failure. Where Nukumizu is walking with his sister starting at 9: 58, it's very obvious they are looping the footage of their legs walking. Kaju's skirt even flows in the exact same way at least three times. I know that it's nit-picking, but it caught my eye and I wanted to point it out.
@TBoneTony Күн бұрын
When I talk about Book Vs Hollywood Film in regards to adaptations, I think I should bring up one of my earliest experiences with classic isekai stories before I knew what isekai was. The 1980s Anime that was adapted into the west as The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. I saw that cartoon early in the mornings as a kid back when I was in my early childhood, some parts were scary and messed up but I still enjoyed it because the show captivated me with the characters and I wanted to know how these characters survived to the end in their adventures. (plus the messed up parts built my resilience to the Darker parts of Animation at the time when they didn't hold back on the darker parts of humanity but still tame enough for kids TV in the 1980s) Then I saw the 1930s Hollywood adaptation of the Wizard of Oz, most consider it as a classic film but I saw parts of the Hollywood film that skipped really important parts that the 1980s Anime/Cartoon had and I can only assume it had really messed up parts in the book that were considered too dark to adapt in the 1930s Hollywood adaptation. Like the part where the flying monkeys killed both the Scarecrow and the Tinman, leaving only the Cowardly Lion as the sole survivor to save Dorthey from the Wicked Witch. At least that is what I can remember from it as I was 4 years old at the time and some parts of my memory may have been different to what was shown. So yeah, that is my own exposure to a Cartoon adaptation that was way different from the Hollywood movie adaptation and I found out later that the Cartoon delved into the first 3 or 4 books of Wizard of Oz while the Hollywood movie only adapted from the 1st Book of the series.
@TBoneTony Күн бұрын
28:40 Cut and Paste from other Isekai series. Oh yeah, Roxy is a Cut and Paste of Megumin, I think after she goes back to see her parents in the Demon Continent she is gonna hate them so much she will cast Explosion onto them.
@TBoneTony Күн бұрын
When it come to these anime reviewers who don't understand the medium, I just feel that it's their fault. The reviewer is most likely coming from a mindset that he/she/it wants to have a completed story and never bothered to look at other classic stories of their time that were adapted into film during Hollywood's 30s to 50s era. Most film adaptations of books such as Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland, only adapted the first book and left it off at a point where the story felt complete without even bothering to adapt the other books. Welcome to film adaptation 101, you only have 2 to 3 hours to adapt a story and most likely the film will never have a sequel unless if it is super popular that the stories continue in further adaptations long after the original film, if any at all. With a series, there is a chance to expand on a story but still it comes with the same limitations when it comes to adapting long stories that have so much put into it, the opposite of the extreme is the Shonen Battle anime that often adapts from the Manga that is being written at the same time but the situation is that the manga needs to go ahead so the Anime doesn't catch up to it where it starts to make its own story creating plot holes further down the track. With a adaptation of a light novel, especially one that has already been completed in Japan, at least they know how long the story is planned to go and they adapt the first few volumes of the story into the anime and test the water to see if fans enjoy it. I think any anime reviewer of a light novel series needs to keep that in mind that they aren't gonna get a complete story from a single season of anime mostly because this is how the industry works. Also I feel that most anime reviewers operate like Hollywood Film reviewers, they don't fully understand that when reviewing entertainment that is adapted from a book, you can't expect to get the entire story in the film adaptation and this is so important for the film reviewer to consider when writing a review before critiquing it.
@doodlegame8704 Күн бұрын
No no no, but you don’t understand! He doesn’t get repeatedly tortured like Subaru and doesn’t become a goody two shoes shonen protagonist that always fights for justice, so therefore he is the exact same character from start to finish. Also, he isn’t hot enough or sadistic like Gojo or Toji to be above moral judgement.
@sweetyboy8187 Күн бұрын
This episode is not only an episode for Komari, but for Nukumizu too. Until this point, Nukumizu's character and actions has been perfect third person character for the story but now he's also stepping out of his own set of rules and personally getting involved with the girls now.
@markbogdan2 Күн бұрын
Can't wait for Danmachi to return.. I'm on a rewatch run just now in anticipation of the new season. Hope they won't wipe all the character building from season 4 erased and focus solely on Freya's shenanigans
@Anime_aneki Күн бұрын
Wtf lmao 😂
@copkillcop12 Күн бұрын
her story is a sad one and I truly feel bad for her because she is a victim both physically and mentally and she never got to enjoy the life with not worrying about trying to repay people and redeem herself
@m1k3droid Күн бұрын
i love your mangodsplaining series, I've been dealing with an idiot on facebook named Nessa in the MT group who is convinced MT is the absolute worst and Rudy is evil af.
@yjpar8841 Күн бұрын
"MT is just a power fantasy with a side of pedo. If you want a good fantasy isekai, go watch Slime". I am 99% sure that this person is trolling us.
@ronmanvici8371 Күн бұрын
22:50 Season 2 Confirm??????
@dreamslayer5314 Күн бұрын
I like your take. Convincing people who are turned off the show because of the MC being a pervert, yet ironically love harem anime, is an uphill battle and I applaud your efforts but think it will be fruitless.
@traveler9179 Күн бұрын
You should try some Chinese Animes like 1. Soul Land 2. Immortality Im a huge fan of Chinese Animes so far.
@TBoneTony Күн бұрын
For those who think Mushoku Tensei is a power fantasy, they clearly don't have any experience with classic fiction. Alice in Wonderland as well as Wizard of Oz have moments when the main character/characters face despair on multiple occasions and yet they have to work hard at finding what they have got in order to overcome the challenge they are faced with regardless of what it is. If Mushoku Tensei was a Power Fantasy, then Konosuba is just a cakewalk for Kazuma and Re:Zero is a light fluffy adventure for Subaru.
@OrstedCultist Күн бұрын
@alexthekiddo10 Күн бұрын
Okay, this person seriously said there's no mature characters in Yu Yu Hakusho, MHA, Black Clover, and Hunter x Hunter. That's just not right. I've read/watched these and I think it does have some mature characters in it. Like, I won't say they're like Perfect Blue or something, but it's still has some mature themes in it, and even if a series doesn't, that shouldn't be a knock on it's quality.
@JoseLopez-gi9sf Күн бұрын
Yu Yu Hakusho had a mother dealing with the death of her only child. My Hero is all about how the have nots have been excluded from society. Hunter x Hunter takes 30 episodes to get into but after that it is a Rollercoaster of mature themes. Having you crying after every arch. Black Clover is silly fun for the most part but even they have deeper characters. And he calls them all basic story. What?! What shows is this guy watching. I want to see the unique things they have watched. Black Clover I will agree is basic because it copies so many other stories but it still makes it entertaining. It is Harry Potter with Soul Eater.
@alexthekiddo10 Күн бұрын
@@JoseLopez-gi9sf Yeah, Black Clover is basic but it's fun and I'm very invested in it. Idk about the copy other stories thing, I know people accuse it of copying Naruto, but I find a lot of those claims very surface level.
@aeirie-ii1993 Күн бұрын
Even one piece, the most goofiest/cartoonist shounen we have still contain mature theme in it
@Abyss3223 Күн бұрын
"go watch reincarnated in a meeting room" What an awful comparision to tell people to go watch.