@alicesmith2901 9 күн бұрын
I learned a great deal from this short video. It was professionally done and very informative.
@tonycrayford3893 18 күн бұрын
Equity is pushing the less qualified up over the qualified. *Unity is strengh and diverity is weakness.
@mariesiclait973 20 күн бұрын
Amazing video. Thank you for this simple, but effective explanation of this topic. “Diversity is being invited to the party, Inclusion is being invited to dance, and Equity is being able to pick out the music and help plan the event in the first place” 🫶
@morris246 Ай бұрын
We got this crap at my job so to me it means don’t hire black people find a reason to hire someone else that a-line with the nonsense
@AndrewJames-tu6rt Ай бұрын
Great explanation. Unfortunately, most companies just focus on race, gender, and sexual orientation and ignore all the other types of diversities.
@davidsherrod6498 2 ай бұрын
DEI takes away from main objective of success. DEI objectives doesn’t equate to success but to some kind of imaginary social justice that has grown from Marxism and the birth of socialism.
@hannarose9557 2 ай бұрын
It’s sound DEI makes the world goes round instead of being at a stand still.
@mrheem 2 ай бұрын
Lawsuits incoming!
@alexsundberg5152 2 ай бұрын
We are doomed
@theplasmacollider6431 5 ай бұрын
DEI is racist leftist garbage. I hope people that push this filth get sued into oblivion.
@dappdaddy33 5 ай бұрын
….good video very informative 💯✔️🌹…
@WardDorrity 5 ай бұрын
When I was hiring, I practiced the only affirmative action that matters: I hired based on character and competence. Anything else is wrong and ultimately destructive. DEI = Didn't Earn It.
@ElParacletoPodcast 5 ай бұрын
This is all illegal, and against God, this is your religion, keep it in your company, but you cannot force this on other people. You want equality, read the Bible.
@ElParacletoPodcast 5 ай бұрын
Contrary to “popular” belief, racism is good, let people be themselves,do your own thing, let them learn their own lesson, stop trying to stop it, you will not succeed, you will create more division and hate.
@ElParacletoPodcast 5 ай бұрын
Government is not your friend, it is your worst nightmare, can you say masta!
@purplepassion9700 5 ай бұрын
HI! I have some questions regarding a DEI Statement I would like to make. Could you evaluate if the following is a sensible direction to go in? 'As a inhabitant of Earth I would like to express incredible gratitude to be able to have this experience as a conscious being. We all get to experience this amazing thing we call life on this fantastic spaceship we call earth, where we can interact with al sorts of other beings and humans, who while having different experiences through differernt viepoints, are all connected as human beings having a human experience. In all humans I see the same life and the same consciousness. We're all on the same ride, and while we ocasionally forget that that's what it is, luckily there are experiences which make us remember, such as an awesome sunset, the singing of birds, the smile of a random person on the bus, you know what I'm talking about :). In any given moment we can make a choice: do we choose fear or do we choose love? Fear sees differences, Love sees none. Hate drives people apart, Love brings them together. My activities in DEI are to remind people of how strong love is, and how it overcomes all perceived differences. We all share the same world, and life is like magic. This very moment is full in it's being; it contains all that there is. If you look for something beyond what is Here and Now, you will seek forever, because THIS IS IT. NOW is all there is, and it's awesome!.' So what do you say? Is it any good?
@WardDorrity 5 ай бұрын
I didn't see a thing that really matters: character and competence.
@aqueenarender 6 ай бұрын
this was really good. Thanks for explaining this thoroughly.
@juansotelo3996 6 ай бұрын
I'm from South America, call me crazy but this seems like racism and segregation with extra steps 😔🙏
@vedapearson8625 7 ай бұрын
@matthewcairns2493 8 ай бұрын
Pure racism, the hypocrisy of these people is disgusting, how many people have died due to lack of healthcare from this pointless stupid thing? It does not matter on the colour of someone's skin, it is about how good they can do the job!!! Work from home? lol talk about collapsing your own economy out of pure brainwashed idiocracy!! Pure laziness, while BP, media, and Just eat are making record profits making people Ill!! The home is the most dangerous place to be, thanks for the lockdowns and inflation!!
@matthewcairns2493 8 ай бұрын
It is discrimination and not hiring people based on skills, but by the colour of their skin...that is RACISM! how dumb!!
@safetythirdified 9 ай бұрын
You have a fake job, and all of this talk of "look at me equality" is pathetic.
@Keys2SOAR 9 ай бұрын
I love this video and the final part on EQUITY is what I am facing right now. It’s not the POC it’s the reduction in BLACK peoples ACCESS TO EQUITY. In our social landscape, anti blackness prevails, it is a problem that the BIPOC initiative did not answer unfortunately. It’s another failed, shortsighted attempt at addressing the intentional attacks on the upward momentum of the descendants of stolen AFRIKANS. DEI isn’t actively addressing that beyond creating another career path similar to social workers & teachers that black women jumped on swiftly & leveraged themselves. To see an organization that has its black people in the “help”, section & its black men in the “brawn”, section but none in leadership or the expert scholarship areas this is a direct result of implicitly bias ruling decision making. The POC conversation is where the DIVERSITY piece comes in allowing yt passing “Hispanics”, Latinos to gain leadership positions because of their proximity privilege & their hunger to gain access to this inequitable system that historically is based on the oppression of black people. It’s a serious pickle to get the right balance when DEI still does not recognize the HUMANITY in Black people. It is entirely, a subterfuge in my opinion. My DEI ambassador on the job sent be back to the place/person that has done the harm. Because of course it’s my job to mammie the growth of this ignorant person further perpetuates harm on me. I’m leaving the job further encroaching on my quality of life because this level of ignorance is “systemic “, within the organization. DEI is a safe haven for Yt people to be comforted but for no tangible out to be had by black peoples. POC & LGBTQI++ is getting plenty of support on the blacks of the anti-blackness situation of America but offer no alliance to black peoples because they are actually competing (self interest) in the same slots black peoples are/had been vying for.
@SuperAH1985 8 ай бұрын
I appreciate this comment. I've been seeing this, too, but am only able to come at it from a white woman lens, as in, some people think I'm "speaking for" or "virtue signaling" whenever I try to point out the specific distinction of anti-Blackness within certain orgs I've been involved in. I don't think I'm off base, your comment reminds me that this is a nationwide issue directly impacting people. It's true for the area I live (Pacific Northwest) because I also see it happen to friends and acquaintances through various jobs, schools, organizations, etc. Meanwhile, the palatable groups that, as you mention, can still be put into white or white-adjacent categories tend to gain better and more upward mobility. I also appreciate that you made a point of the "help" and "brawn" categories, because ironically, I've been part of a school board "investigation" into the irrational firing of a Black man who worked in the alternative education department as, quite literally, the brawn among more disturbed, disruptive, and behavioral students... And yes, Black women are hired as the "shoulder" for my fellow white people to cry on about their disingenuous disinterest in learning to do better. I'd say, I'm sorry for my race because it no longer feels like "they didn't know any better" and has turned more into willful ignorance. I also suppose it doesn't help if one of the most touted books about white privilege was written by a white woman who essentially writes in her book that if us white people mess up, not to worry, our caring BIPoC community will definitely forgive us...which is yet again a reminder from a white person to white people that we shouldn't be held accountable for causing harm to someone else, especially Black and Indigenous people who our race has collectively been harming for centuries. I'm glad that deeper conversations are being had and that more people are understanding that this is a marathon and not a sprint, but some people are forgetting that even with a marathon, shoving people out of the way is still poor sportsmanship.
@cing9545 10 ай бұрын
What happens when you address it with the person and the person is cheeky and immature and rude enough to say, no I won't change my behaviour. Shockingly this has happened to me twice. Not coworkers, classmates. So what's your advice? I talked to the studies headmaster. The problem to confront is we have fear; fear that the someone being confronted and the actual perpetrator will try to make us look bad for addressing it - if they initially do not want to own their own issues. But in reality we have to be patient and brave about that, have a "winner's outlook", keep addressing the issue and not abandon at their first comment. I think I would say, "if someone treated your daughter/son/brother/sister, etc the way you are treating me right now, how would you feel? Because you must now that what goes around comes around".
@amandarecoveryjones8216 10 ай бұрын
This is a beautiful video but unfortunately most of it doesn't work. HR always has favorites, they don't take your problems seriously, etc. I WISH this woman was my manager or HR person.
@21kiwi24 11 ай бұрын
What are the downsides of DEI on the workplace? Corporations and companies understand the unique benefits of DEI training and initiatives, its really a winning strategy and not something to be avoided. It may be the single best tool to decimate organized labor and the union movement, reduce employee negotiating leverage and put the power dynamic back in control of management and the employer. A more ethnically and gender diverse workplace statistically according to Dept of Labor are less likely to unionize and collectively bargain. As employees are more likely to identify themselves primarily as their ethnic, racial, gender, sexual identity, they are at the same time less likely to identify commonality with other employees and as homogeneous with common interests to organize for. Employees that see themselves through one of these identity lenses is also more likely to engage in individual contract negotiations, with their own unique values taking precedence when entering into contract negotiations, rather than those of the entire workforce, or peers within the same trade streams within the company. This could look like as something simple as seeing more value or utility in the workplace when management negotiates or makes individual accommodations around an employees religious or ethnic holidays, or the provision of a prayer room rather than individual or collective contract negotiations relating to more universally relevant matters to employees such as the addition or expansion to health or dental benefits, access to more paid leave in general, overtime rates, specialist or trade role rates and of course general pay rates. These more universal provisions can often be significant expenses for the workplace, and any industrial action during negotiations for them can be greatly disruptive. In a DEI friendly workplace; group targeted morale, establishing a climate of good will between management and a select identity group, and significant workplace loyalty can be generated. Using DEI principles and framework, management could provide well considered, tailored and surgically selective workplace accommodations to specific identity groups, or even individual employees in smaller companies who have uniquely diverse requirements. For some workplace examples, to target accommodations for those uniquely diverse identity groups, consider onsite cafeteria options that accommodate their dietary requirements on site. Depending on the size of workplace, these are often separate private providers under contract, and additions to existing menu offerings can come with significant financial implications, or have food preparation requirements (halal, kosher, vegetarian) that when instituted are disruptive to the subcontractors existing day to day operation. To mitigate these, previous offerings could be removed, merely substituting them rather than adding and additionally funding 'new' items on the menu, with the indirect DEI cultural improvement of also exposing the other employees (not being targeted with this accommodation) to new and culturally rich food options. This is one of the benefits of DEI workplace initiatives and a diverse employee base as it provides exposure to people that are different than you and requiring you to learn (language, customs, norms, etiquette) and an opportunity to expand their boundaries beyond their comfort zone. The transition period for cafeteria providers to adapt to these new preparation requirements could even present the opportunity to reassess the contract to existing providers altogether, opening up the opportunity to bring aboard a more appropriate provider more consistent with DEI principles in general. Weighing the value gained by DEI initiatives gained is important, and must be weighed against the costs of the cafeteria example above, and with similar targeted accommodations to select identity groups such as a dedicated prayer room from an existing office/administrative or storage conversion, as well as the less infrastructure intensive accommodations such as targeted additional paid leave days to observe religious or ethic holidays for identified identity groups or individuals. Naturally, the smaller and the more distinct the identity group or individual is will reduce the financial impact of these accommodations being made by management. So how is the value of the initiatives realized with which to assess against the financial investment? This will change workplace to workplace, but the staff being accommodated for with the initiative will now more likely associate the interests of management as intertwined with having their interests at heart, and are less likely to personally associate with accommodations requested universal to all staff. They may also feel what they have gained will be at jeopardy if either industrial action is taken by the entire workforce, or that if management is obligated and collective negotiations were to occur, their uniquely tailored accommodations may be used by both sides on the bargaining table to save costs, try establish precedent (in the case of additional paid leave). Although never to be implicitly stated by management, even the perception that this may occur is a powerful incentive for those more diverse employees to avoid union membership in the first place, speak up against efforts to build a consensus for universal demands and also may feel improved loyalty and gratitude to management resulting in them feeling empowered to inform management early about any plans for industrial action or disruption because of established trust. Normal HR structures and processes also encounter changes in a DEI friendly workplace. Not directly as part DEI HR functions, but as an outcome of a less homogeneous workplace, Dept of Labor research shows that rates of staff complaints against other employees is also greater. There is also a general trend of increased complaints against management and the employer/company itself. At face value this can appear negative, however it firstly demonstrates that normal HR functions and procedures are being engaged and utilized, where research has shown in dysfunctional workplaces few official channels are utilized in the first instance, and secondly in a more elastic employment market staff can be more likely to terminate and leave without even engaging in HR disputes resolution or the complaints process. In-elasticity in the employment market however means employees are less likely to depart other than a last resort, or not at all depending on their financial situation. They are also more likely to use and exhaust all in house HR processes as a means of resolution. A less homogeneous workplace by race, ethnicity, religion , sexual orientation and more so in this case, gender, is a workplace that also has higher rates of inter staff, and intra team complaints and HR mediation occurring. Firstly, when the focus of complaints is between staff often over non role and work related matters (interpersonal interactions, bullying, etc) it indicates the focus of negative perception is less likely to be directed toward management and the company. This less homogeneous and less cohesive workforce is also statistically the least capable of becoming organized labor, be that establishing a on site union in the traditional sense, or in the less traditional sense just reach agreement on universal employment issues they want addressed as a group. The more this cohesion can be avoided without it becoming a dysfunctional workplace the lower the likelihood of management being confronted by any statistically relevant number of employees over conditions or contractual matters. DEI and lower rates of homogeneity allow for reduced cohesion, but without the higher risks of a homogeneous but non cohesive workplace that is dysfunctional.
@21kiwi24 11 ай бұрын
Lastly, regular DEI awareness training places majority groups in a self policing environment, and raises self awareness around the use of language and acceptable behaviors. Many may feel they're "walking on eggshells" in an effort to avoid offending their peers on cultural, racial, gender, sexual orientation, religious or ethnic matters. This has shown favorably that many who have felt traditionally empowered to take lead roles in voicing workplace issues, are hesitant too, for fear of not considering the DEI specific concerns of their peers and potentially minimizing the issues they may be encountering as a minority. Also being aware that they are not a member of a minority group , if they became vocal over matters and wished to speak on behalf of everyone, they have deemed what should and what is not important for everyone, and also they may not be qualified to speak for everyone because of implicit bias, and are likely lacking the understanding of a POC perspective, and the and historic injustices they may be minimizing. Regular awareness training can be successful in establishing that level of cultural understanding. Finally, a workplace that demonstrates they take DEI seriously, and its not a token or compliance effort takes matters relating to DEI seriously. In relation to any disciplinary matter involving DEI or discrimination, sexism, bigotry etc, a zero tolerance approach should be widely understood as to be expected. Generating this environment can successfully encourage staff to be less disruptive, or non compliant across all areas of work, not just in relation to DEI. In countries and states with traditionally strong employment protections and with onerous dismissal thresholds, requiring extended written warning, performance notices, stand down periods after disciplinary action, rules against constructive dismissal, significant financial obligations to companies to provide redundancy and resettlement or retraining prior to dismissal etc , these same places often have excellent protections for minorities and exceptional mechanisms to address hate speech and discrimination. Maintaining a constant record of interactions, attendance or non attendance of DEI initiatives, demeanor at staff awareness training and avoiding exposure to expanding their boundaries will often provide a wide selection of grounds for instant dismissal. These grounds often contain minimal rights to appeal and right of reply, and come with reduced probability of wanting to escalate to employment court, higher courts or even mediation as it comes with significant reputational risk of the dismissed employee being publicly perceived as a bully, racist, sexist or guilty of a hate crime that if unsuccessful could result in criminal charges and difficult future employment industry wide.
@hellogoodbye4061 11 ай бұрын
Hey, I'll save you some time from watching this video - Don't hire straight white men. There ya go.
@icanrelate Жыл бұрын
I've worked at many places & HR & leadership are generally unhelpful. I've had a handful of cool helpful supervisors in terms of development, but with shitty coworkers, never. HR never. Being confrontational has actually made me look bad which is confusing considering there are assholes who get ignored and even promoted.
@amandarecoveryjones8216 10 ай бұрын
@Milehiangel Жыл бұрын
Professional and respectful advice! Thank you for sharing!
@parler8698 Жыл бұрын
I love your videos.
@last1out Жыл бұрын
Seems like a whole lot of propaganda to me.
@byrdmaniacsg2776 Жыл бұрын
Remember Mao’s cultural revolution? It’s happening again in the West and here it is.
@lindagostinger8755 Жыл бұрын
Great advice!! Thanks
@criptard Жыл бұрын
Need an excuse for failing. A fact we all fail it's rarely someone else's fault. Get up and do better
@robertcalamusso1603 Жыл бұрын
If mgt doesn’t help call you local EEOC office.
@SongofaBeach2012 Жыл бұрын
Only 2% of complaints reported to the EEOC result in penalties against the company and investigations take on average 10 months. Not really worth it imo
@phoebe2234 Жыл бұрын
Very helpful thanks, I'm definitely going to use your tips. New subscriber
@erainabrien1587 Жыл бұрын
Irregardless is not a real word😂😂excellent content
@HRDecodedPro Жыл бұрын
@HRDecodedPro Жыл бұрын
Hahah. Friend told me the same thing. Got proof that it is though. But appreciate you actually listening to words in the video. 🙏🏾
@ms.shunte8323 Жыл бұрын
It seems like T mobile cal center issues
@thomasjones4570 Жыл бұрын
DEI is a cancer. As a black man nothing angers me more than progressives racism masked as DEI. I am me, I am not black men and as DOCTOR MARTIN LUTHER KING dreamed, I will be judged by the content of my character and not the color of my skin...nor the genitals between my legs. I am not a group to be used to place a check in some box so some liberal can feel good about themselves for hiring a black man. DEI cannot die fast enough and I wonder how many more companies have to be destroyed before this nonsense is tossed into the trash where it belongs. While some companies have woken up, not nearly enough have and boy will I cheer at the unemployment offices watching these DEI hires fail to find work because no one is going to touch them anymore, they are too poisoned to work with anyone and will always cry victim and disrupt the workplace.
@rayotberg4089 Жыл бұрын
DEI is like communism, sounds good on paper, but it makes everyone equally miserable and resentful.
@spankymack7778 Жыл бұрын
I am more than a bit concerned about the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion storm troopers doing damage to our organizations and society. I don't care for their positions, questions, surveys, and judgements, they're disrespectful insulting self absorbed self righteous incapable dangers to themselves and others. If a man is good enough for the job, he should get it. When I have competent transgender or female plumbers, landscapers, and electricians show up for jobs, then I'll believe the DEI side have a point. Before that time we are damaging our organizations with idiotic decisions designed to pry away the highest paying jobs from the most competent people who have worked hardest for them. Women do not have the physical strength men do and are getting men hurt at alarming rates making up for their weak DEI nonsense on the job site, pulling the dead weight of the incompetent, weak, and clueless. The absurdity of HR storm trooper women who've never done the job telling men how the job should be done is fatally flawed and dangerous; you need to come to your damn senses. Until then, I'm glad Desantis banned DEI agendas from Florida Universities. You took a well meaning idea and fouled it all up, and now you have a fight you can't win, and are going to hurt one hell of a lot of people.
@Rafoolin Жыл бұрын
You’ve been so helpful! Thank you for filming this :-)
@grundlecheese6675 Жыл бұрын
Who cares
@gvue4396 Жыл бұрын
HR always gets a bad reputation even though it's the companies decision. Employees sometimes don't understand that we're are just the messager sometimes
@michaelhurley545 Жыл бұрын
It should be the most qualified person for the job not about skin color. DEI seems like another version of affirmative action.
@kimberlylucas2453 4 ай бұрын
That is the issue she was passed over a position she was qualified for. This is why DE&I is needed in the workplace.
@Media-oh8xc 3 ай бұрын
That’s what it’s based on. Where do people get the idea that Equality and diversity is about giving unqualified people the job, it’s not. For a long time qualified minorities were not getting the job, but unqualified people whose faces fit got the job and climbed up the ladder quickly.
@Media-oh8xc 3 ай бұрын
@@kimberlylucas2453it is needed in the workplace, to make it a fairer playing field. If there wasn’t an issue it would not be put into place. The people fighting against it are upset because they have to work harder for that position and now they’re playing victim.
@onlythemessenger280 Ай бұрын
So colleges shouldn’t accept diverse students ?So only white students should attain the knowledge to obtain a higher salary job…. Hmmm.. seems like you wanna keep the racial hierarchy prevalent.
@maverich8 Ай бұрын
@@Media-oh8xcthank you thank you
@demidion1527 Жыл бұрын
As an college Admissions Advisor I attend DEI trainings regularly. I have learned more in this eleven-minute video than I have in the hundreds of hours of trainings in my career. I have shared this video with my bosses and all my co-workers. Thank you so so much for making this! 🥰🥰🥰
@hellogoodbye4061 11 ай бұрын
DEI hates straight white men with an unbridled passion akin to no other....there you go, looks like you didn't need to attend all those "training" (read - brainwashing) sessions.
@l27tester Жыл бұрын
What horse crap
@chris81680 Жыл бұрын
Diversity equity inclusion stands for, didn’t earn it
@jeffwashington429 Жыл бұрын
Are you implying that all the Corp execs, board members, and managers hired over the years who were not part of a historically unrepresented class all earned their positions? DEI is about selecting the top candidate regardless of their perceived differences. In some cases, their differences may be the trait that makes them more effective in many workplaces. I don't care to change your opinion. I believe that diversity and differences of opinion makes the world and organizations better.
@codymegehee299 7 ай бұрын
@@jeffwashington429 The entire executive class is a nepotistic group of 1% parasites, and that group will never have to worry about DEI. They'll just hire a token minority, maybe a friends relative, and be done. It is solely applied to the workers, and it only gives protections or supports people who are not straight white males, to please people like you that think that all white people are a monolith, and thus harming any of them harms that 1%. There is never an instance of DEI looking at a company with an all POC or female group or board and saying there needs to be some diversity. It only applies to white men. Try and deny it. Show me. I'll become a believer.
@maverich8 Ай бұрын
@@jeffwashington429thank you for saying that
@emmapomare5331 Жыл бұрын
As someone of colour in one of the biggest corporate companies in my country you have raised some really great points. I attended a company seminar last week that highlighted the need for people of colour to be in the top positions. I kid you not my eyes glazed over and immediately I switched off. I’ve sat in many meetings where diversification sounds great in theory but never quite eventuates into anything.
@thomasjones4570 Жыл бұрын
Someone of colour, that identifies as a group can bring nothing of value to a company that must service individuals. That you gave up your personal identity only makes me angrier at progressives that continue to enslave my people.
@theplasmacollider6431 5 ай бұрын
Based on the color of their skin? What ever happened to merit?
@jamirchowdhury1432 Жыл бұрын
Excellent video.