This Golf Video will Change Your LIFE!
Hit 200 Yard 7 Irons!
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Learn Ben Hogan's Power Shift!
ReCreating Ben Hogan's Golf Swing
3 ай бұрын
@williamtaylor5193 53 минут бұрын
Slightly laid-off at the top, and working left through impact, like Hogan. Perfection.
@thomassteeley9734 2 сағат бұрын
Christo are you playing 770s or 790s?
@TheGoodGadfly 3 сағат бұрын
He lowers his center of gravity.
@costo34ify 4 сағат бұрын
What’s shallow ing?
@leogoku13 5 сағат бұрын
Isnt this the swing that messed up his back or something?
@jkdjose 6 сағат бұрын
I find that with this swing I can't keep my left arm straight? Any ideas?
@down-n-outinNC 15 сағат бұрын
Bc he is effin Tiger Woods
@andyclement40 15 сағат бұрын
Yeah, you have exactly 1 centre of gravity.
@hughmob3211 16 сағат бұрын
he didnt need to becuase his body was so anatomically perfect , he didnt need to
@Ericksonbellgolf 18 сағат бұрын
silly comment maybe but you could place your ball behind the last divot rather than in front. It uses less grass and the fat shot is more obvious. You are building forgiveness into your range practice as each ball is kind of teed up.
@sharptyler988 18 сағат бұрын
Those look like Utah mountains 👀
@supersoniq3506 20 сағат бұрын
Exactly right. I never bought into that crap.
@hughreilly2023 Күн бұрын
I teach golf and people trying shallow the club has made me a bunch of money. At least once a month someone will come in who has lost a bunch of handicap points because they are trying to shallow. I just teach them a proper wrist hinge and release and boom…insta-cure. It’s all wordplay. Soft sounds better than hard. Warm sounds better than cold. Shallow sounds better then steep. The shallowing craze is a great study in human behavior psychology. How quickly people will follow a trend with no thought invested of their own.
@listentoty 10 сағат бұрын
If you teach golf then you should know a shallower downswing is helpful/necessary for some shots, and a steeper attack is necessary for others.
@johnmoorer9634 Күн бұрын
Sweet, effortless swing!
@valedwards373 Күн бұрын
All the players in that era looped that way. My mentor Gardner Dickinson who won 7 times and worked for Hogan really looped but stayed a little closed at impact and hooked everything
@joenewbould2314 Күн бұрын
He’s going up and down on the same plane, he’s not very shallow or he not over the top. This is probably why he can move the ball both ways easy
@lukejackson1933 Күн бұрын
Absolutely he is shallowing. Watch his head from the top. It gets lower and his shaft does indeed shallow. It's a short iron so he's pretty upright in his plane. He clearly squats and shallows the plane coming down.
@theswingmechanic Күн бұрын
You can’t really be telling people to come over the top. Tigers swing has gotten nothing but worse for the last two decades. Why would you use him as an example. This is insane.
@nelsonjames1272 Күн бұрын
No glove.
@kcnielsen3735 Күн бұрын
I was one a few years back that said how much more natural and more powerful and smooth it fells
@SalvationIsEasy-op2qs Күн бұрын
Single plan slight shallow...
@hobbs2005 Күн бұрын
Does he have custom sized clubs? Looks like standard size has him squatting a bit too much
@stevedriscoll2539 Күн бұрын
I bet Mr. Hogan would compliment: "You better be that good with how much you practice" Just ribbin' you a bit Christo
@christopherwatson4814 Күн бұрын
fix your divot chump
@bjohnson515 Күн бұрын
BTW, Hogan was born in 1912...August 13. Thus he was 47 in the 1960 US Open.
@bjohnson515 Күн бұрын
undeniable Dont forget to flare out that lead foot. When I saw the title of this video I thought you were going to discuss the left eye dominant head turn to start the takeaway which Jack and Ben and Sam all did... Add this to the drop back trail foot and the flared out lead foot and maybe the magic will happen
@gerrymcintosh4477 Күн бұрын
Steve Elk., has a wealth of information and the wise should listen up. 👍💝🤷‍♂️
@ghay2239 2 күн бұрын
Small dudes swing.
@Thegolfingoldman 2 күн бұрын
Ah those were the days … players seeking reward for doing it right not forgiveness for doing it wrong … oh well, that’s progress 😉
@magnuskonow-f6y 2 күн бұрын
Yes this set up is very useful for older players ; don’t forget to be square /open with your shoulders
@magnuskonow-f6y 2 күн бұрын
No doubt that my friend Tom Weiskopf had the greatest swing in the business. No one, I repeat , could emulate Ben Hogan’s swing. It was way to complicated (check Malaska ).
@MiracleSwingExperience 2 күн бұрын
Weiskopf had an amazing swing!!! You guys were friends?
@johnclark3697 2 күн бұрын
Hogan was great But , Nicklaus Trevino,Weiskopf,Miller,FurykDaly etc,etc didn't subscribe to this stuff. Not criticising,your vidd are great,it's merely that there's more than 1 way to skina. a cat.
@blubberbooty 2 күн бұрын
Damn! I wish you would coach me! I'm 64, ready to retire, and I'm taking up Golf.
@djamani9013 2 күн бұрын
Do you move ball position or keep it middle of stance
@MiracleSwingExperience 2 күн бұрын
I gradually move the ball forward from wedge (middle) to driver (front foot).
@beaujenks3849 2 күн бұрын
He is shallowing, its just not a looping move you see newer players do to shallow.
@michaelrowe6220 18 сағат бұрын
Disagree. His hand path is the exact same back and through.
@paulfarmer7393 2 күн бұрын
This is one of the key secrets to Hogan's swing, that is the downswing is initiated first by a slight lateral transfer of the weight to the lead side ( almost like you are pushing your backside back towards the target first) then turning your hips first then your shoulders through impact, the sequencing of this is one of Hogan's secret sauces in my opinion. So slight weight transfer first then turn through impact. This helps on so many levels and turns the golf swing if done correctly into a slinging motion and totally eliminates the tendency to come at the ball from over the top and cut across the ball through impact if your shoulders and hips are too open at impact. Why this works very well is for a couple of key reasons. While Hogan's swing has so many good rotational aspects to it it also recognizes the golf swing is not pure rotation by also tilting in the right sequence . Titling is akin to a pendulum motion , opposite to pure pivot or rotation around the body. You are hitting a ball off the ground not throwing a discuss or shot point through mid air or hitting a baseball where your moving something well above the ground hence you need some up and down motion that is also straight ie like a pendulum. Hence a well constructed golf swing is a blend of these forces , it is not one or the other. Those who say I want a pure rotational swing have no clue on biomechanics and are not grasping the very obvious fact that the ball is on the ground and you need to lift it into the air. When you coil back on the backswing the weight is transferred to the trail side and importantly your lead knee bends in while your trail knee straightens, but your shoulders and hips are actually turning slightly down and not just around your body but down and around your tilted spine. So by the end of your backswing both your lead shoulder and hip are under or below your trail hip and shoulder. You have swung back but you have also tilted down. Note the sequence but, weight transfer first, pushing your lead hip and shoulder down then out along the target line like a pendulum. Keep everything connected in the takeaway and moving as one but as our arms cant disconnect from our body you must then lift them at some point and rotate around the body with your hips and shoulders which adds the depth to your swing along with the width you have set up from pushing back and down on the takeaway. Go back to the 50's and there is a video of Hogan on TV showing this very simple premise on the basic idea of what you are trying to accomplish in the golf swing. So simple how he showed it but it is the essence of a good full swing. Having moving back and down with your trail side in the backswing you now have to start reversing everything you have done in the backswing on the downswing. This is why that bump forward at the start is so key. It gets the weight going back forward first seemlessly at the outset and by doing so leads to the back hip which is higher than the lead hip naturally coming down and under the front hip. The tilt on the backswing now needs to work the other way on the downswing. Hogan was all about balance, by moving the weight first you get a really stable footing back on your lead leg then. That front lead leg then becomes the gatepost against which you drive or turnaround on the downswing just as your back leg played that role in the backswing. At this point one should realize why the legs are so important in the swing , they provide the key anchors and power sources to rotate and tilt against in both backswing and downswing. Again its weight transfer and rotation and tilt in the right sequence, its not one thing purely like rotation , so people who say I just want a rotational swing are nuts. The other key thing that bump provides is lateral space and setting up the "slinging" style motion . By bumping forward first with the lower body your creating a slight lateral stretch in the arms because your lower body is now going forward while your arms are basically come to zero speed as the backswing completes. This transition encourages the hands then to start falling naturally into the slot behind you. In a sense they end up, timing wise so far behind your lower body which is now moving forward and turning that its almost impossible to to hit from over the top and cut across the ball. This also promotes the natural much talked about and over hyped in my view shallowing of the club. This happens naturally from these dynamics , people who try and do it are consciously are again trying to build a golf swing by analysing outcomes not inputs. With your hands tending to naturally drop then from this weight transfer forward first , the rotation of the hip turn first then shoulder turn ( exact reverse of the backswing just as Hogan described in his book on fundamentals) against a solid front leg now acting as the fulcrum of the swing, frees up the arms to just drive at the ball with arms and hands. Their job in a sense is to catch the arms and shoulders which are ahead and one can quickly get the feeling or sensation that your hips and shoulders are slinging your arms and hands through impact . This slinging motion powers up your arms and hands through momentum then they can also add to that power independently by hitting at the ball as hard as you can just as Hogan also described. Your big muscles have done the work to create the momentum and space for your arms and hands to just let it rip in the final phase of the downswing. The other point is people often talk about Hogan saying he "ran at the ball" with his trail leg. He did and this was key but you cant do that effectively unless you start with that bump forward first . Why ? Because at the end of the backswing the majority of your weight is over on the trail side , your back leg isnt in a position to do any sort of "running" because it is effectively acting like the fulcrum of your swing bearing most of your weight plus the back hip is above your front at the end of the downswing which means you are not in an optional position to start driving your back leg or hip through. For that you need the front leg planted and secure. That bump forward and weight shift first gets the weight off that back leg and then allows it to start moving or "running". That's why it has to be first before attempting to turn with your lower body and run at the ball. Sorry for long winded essay but my point was to show that small bump forward is absolutely essential in setting up the correct sequence in the downswing. It starts unwinding the tilt of the hips created on the backswing, gets the weight importantly moving back over onto the front side to allow you to drive against the front leg as you turn through impact and that movement forward with the lower body first thereby also sets up a natural dropping of the hands down into the slot and a lagging effect that allows the hands and arms to be powered up by turning of the hips and shoulders. I am well into my 50's, started replaying golf about 6 months ago. I played off a low handicap when i was younger but gave up in frustration as I got a level then simply couldn't improve anymore. When I came back to golf this time I said I wanted to learn like I was restarting again and I came to Hogan's fundamentals . When i first learnt to play I taught myself from reading Nicklaus Golf My way. Hogans ideas are much more rotational and that you are swinging around the body. This is a better way to swing in my view. If you read instruction from Nicklaus and others on the modern swing you get into this idea of lifting the arms up and over the head using more vertical forces than rotational forces. I think Hogan's ideas ultimately lead to more consistency in ball striking . I am now hitting the ball better than I did when I played when I was younger by using Hogan's ideas. Hogan really was a genius and having studied his swing deeply over last 6 months I am very confident part of that genius was how he sequenced his lateral weight shift.
@j.p.montpellier3834 2 күн бұрын
Hoganest ! 💯👍🇨🇦
@johnclark3697 2 күн бұрын
Spot on. Now they all talk about getting it in front of themselves.. why are people trying to re invent the wheel?
@listentoty 10 сағат бұрын
Tiger has had 5+ different swing coaches since this video was taken. Maybe he was trying to reinvent the wheel, or maybe we have learned new things about the golf swing.
@AndyGreen-r1b 2 күн бұрын
Hey Christo Great video and instruction again thank you... Can I ask why are you falling off some of the shots you hit in the video? Andy UK
@douglasrobertson6315 3 күн бұрын
I'm mad at myself for taking so long to finally feel what you have been showing us
@MiracleSwingExperience 2 күн бұрын
It's a tough puzzle to assemble because we all have different pieces!
@douglasrobertson6315 3 күн бұрын
I watch your videos all the time since you have been on u tube but I was at the driving range and I finally felt what you have been showing everyone I gained 25 yards easy with my driver and at least 15 to 20 yards with my irons I measured my distance on a outlet of holes and hit the ball 250 instead of 220 or less
@MiracleSwingExperience 2 күн бұрын
This is wonderful news, Douglas! Keep up the great work.
@arizonaboy59 3 күн бұрын
Wow it worked! This is so easy on my back and talk about compression. Now I get it. Best video demo of miracle swing. Note: I played tennis in college and I had a great serve. My setup for the serve is the same as your setup for golf. I can hit golf balls like I serve tennis balls - hard!
@MiracleSwingExperience 2 күн бұрын
Now that's the leverage I'm talking about!
@swingping 3 күн бұрын
Christo, I'm a believer! I couldn't play at all last year due to a shoulder injury, so this spring when I could start to hit balls again my old swing was working. I gave the OTT move a go and it is so much easier and my swing has never been better. I'm striking the center of all my irons consistently and and picked up around 10-15 yards throughout the bag. My wife was a sports psychologist at the military academy in NY and worked with the golf team, so she's seen some elite level swings. She watched the video of one of my range sessions and said my swing is really good. I know she's a little biased, but she's also brutally honest. So that's good enough for me coupled with the results I'm seeing. Thank you!!
@alfredadrianjr.4702 3 күн бұрын
I played with Jerry a couple of times at the Univ. of Alabama. The guy was amazing. He was #1 there and I was a walk on who qualified. Pate could hit the ball with a 3 wd using his left arm only off the deck about 210-220. It was ridiculous. Coach had us all doing that one armed drill. Maybe that's what ruined his shoulder? Who knows. I also suffered a rotator cuff injury years later.
@mrsmartypants_1 3 күн бұрын
You are a very good analyzer of the golf swing. Interestingly even Lee Trevino has switched to a closed stance for many shots for exactly the reasons you point out. Lee isn’t exactly in good shape today to put it mildly but next to Hogan I found him to be the most knowledgable tour player concerning the dynamics of the golf swing back in the day. (Lee Trevino had an extremely open stance throughout his tour career).
@MiracleSwingExperience 2 күн бұрын
That's a great point about Trevino. We all get older!
@erniepyles 3 күн бұрын
Next time post a video that actually has a point
@mikeparker5781 3 күн бұрын
He is wearing my Auntie Margaret’s sun specs . I noticed
@oneshot3216 3 күн бұрын
Looking comfortable. Although I see some face tension. You gotta work on that.
@richdiana3663 3 күн бұрын
I was the 73rd like here. Over par as usual.
@MiracleSwingExperience 2 күн бұрын
We're all on a unique journey!
@TheJRZAble 3 күн бұрын
Miguel Ángel Jiménez is another one that swings over the top.
@MiracleSwingExperience 3 күн бұрын
He’s a great ball striker!