Cultural Memory in the Hebrew Bible
Kurt Lewy: een bewogen leven
2 жыл бұрын
@EsthervanDijk-y3b Ай бұрын
Jouthe rendier
@EsthervanDijk-y3b Ай бұрын
Niet meer doen lieve gtmroetjes van simone kleinsma diewertje esther van dijk pia diewertje blok
@sroevukasroevuka Ай бұрын
Very informative. I lost family in a camp in croatia. There crime was being communist jews.
@astrogumbo 3 ай бұрын
04:32 How should we apply Mendelsohn's Jacobite connects before jumping into "dat rabbit hole?" How should the average pleb in 2024 RECKON THE SECULAR JEW?
@astrogumbo 3 ай бұрын
@astrogumbo 3 ай бұрын
didnt realize Javier Bardem was yall peeps:) haha excited to listen to you guys open up Sincerely from Louisiana
@artangel4172 4 ай бұрын
Brilliant, thanks! I think Modigliani and Jeanne Hebuterne amazing!
@michaelzank8483 5 ай бұрын
Very helpful and informative. Thank you!
@jfournerat1274 6 ай бұрын
Here is a fun fact about Chil Rajchman. One of his children later had a daughter of his own named Camila Rajchman who later became a famous singer, songwriter, and television personality.
@ln8601 8 ай бұрын
Heel belangrijk, vooral nu. Bedankt!
@werneroschwald1965 9 ай бұрын
Don't forget the Gaza concentration camp one of the worst with 6 million Palestinian children killed comrade Jew... .
@dominicdraven7683 9 ай бұрын
Promo-SM 😃
@jonahtwhale1779 11 ай бұрын
Remember the Germans decided to burn the bodies after finding the mass graves of poles murdered by the Soviets. The abuses on both sides showed why this conflict was so murderous to the innocent victims caught in the middle!
@eyalguz6303 Жыл бұрын
I can't believe she managed to keep a straight face going through the Suka and the animal wall exchange. I couldn't not laugh hearing this.
@nz7921 Жыл бұрын
@baynebogdanov939 Жыл бұрын
They seem to have done away with a lot of the docs on the Holocaust & have all these seminar type videos now. Interesting
@jfournerat1274 Жыл бұрын
Actually there were about 6 survivors of Belzec though you were still correct that the Nazis were mostly successful in wiping out any traces and witnesses of Belzec. You were still correct that only 60 Jewish people survived both Sobibor and Treblinka. You were correct in that 500.000 Jewish people were killed in Belzec although many people estimate that as many as 600.000 people were killed in Belzec. Also you were correct in that 900.000 Jewish people were killed in Treblinka. Actually around 250.000 Jewish people were killed in Sobibor as well. You also forgot to mention the 300.000 Jewish people who were shot by the Einsgruptin during Operation Reinhard. This means that in total between 1.9 million and as many as 2 million Jewish people were killed during Operation Reinhard with only 126 Jewish people surviving it. Also the bulk of Operation Reinhard was carried out over 100 days in 3 months from August to October 1942 where between 1.4 million and 1.5 million Jewish people were killed with 434.000 or more Jewish people being killed in Belzec, 700.000 Jewish people being killed in Treblinka, and 100.000 Jewish people being killed in Sobibor and 300.000 Jewish people being shot and killed by the Einsgruptin. The only other fastest genocide in recent history is in 1994 during the Rawandan genocide in which between 800.000 and 1.1 million Tutsi people were killed by Hutus in over 100 days.
@menzeldagmar Жыл бұрын
Great! Thanks!!!
@simonpub1413 Жыл бұрын
Dont you people talk about anything other than the Death Camps? Everyone wonders if you are all a bunch of weeping misers.
@kariminalo979 Жыл бұрын
Oy vey shut it down
@TheRonentyt Жыл бұрын
Excellent presentation 👍
@pietvancraeynest2022 Жыл бұрын
What a whiner ! It will never be enough. The holocaust industry in overdrive. They want every German to be branded at birth. They will not settle for anything less ! Holocaust is one of the blackest pages in human history. Pursued objective historical research is of course always welcome, also for plenty of other black pages in human history, like the Bombenkrieg or the famines in the Ukraine, or the role of the muslims and indigenous tribes in the slave trade from Africa to the English colonies in North America.
@globescape4771 Жыл бұрын
The nazis were following mainstream science of their day. And the speaker is ridiculing anyone who questions modern scientism.
@globescape4771 Жыл бұрын
The speaker fails to mention eugenics was progressive science which the Nazis followed.
@rnp497 Жыл бұрын
He makes a point that is often missed. It was who the Nazi's called a Jew not what religion you practice or not as the case may be.
@jfournerat1274 Жыл бұрын
You are correct. Many of the people targeted during the Holocaust weren’t Jewish and identified as Christians such as Catholics or Protestants but had Jewish ancestors. In the book Maus written by Art Spigelman once his father Vladek saw a person at Auschwitz who the Nazis considered Jewish but denied that he was Jewish and insisted that he was a fellow German just like them and told them that he had medals from the Kaiser and that his own son was fighting in the army but the Nazis inorged him and beat him and laughed. Vladek didn’t know if he was German or Jewish or both but there were many Germans who were wrongly imprisoned at Auschwitz. Maybe for all we know that German person may not have been Jewish but had Jewish ancestry which is why the Nazis persecuted him and sent him to Auschwitz.
@jasonwiley798 Жыл бұрын
Everybody at Auschwitz was wrongly imprisoned.
@jonahtwhale1779 9 ай бұрын
The Nazis were motivated by genetics not religion. They cared who your ancestors were, not which temple you attended. During European history the Jewish community was very often separate from the surrounding majority communities. This separation is a major cause of the conflict. A normal human them and us thing.
@AR333 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a big fan of Hayes but she loses me when she enters into the postmodernist claptrap. The fact that particularities and exceptional cases occur is not a heretofore unknown thing, this is a long-recognized issue in jurisprudence within a variety of traditions. That doesn't entail that the response should be a 'anything goes' mentality of play, "dismantling knowledge/certainty" and the like. Moreover modern philosophy has drawn a line between is/ought claims, so when we speak of epistemic certainty we can't just jump from talking about gravity to talking about practical application of law. So to use the word "truth" inter-changeably here between reality claims and ethical claims just muddies the water.
@jbunstoppable5074 2 жыл бұрын
The word "truth" and point of the video is to point out incongruity. I think your confusion is that you missed the concept of humor 😏
@jsaus21 2 жыл бұрын
33.44 : en 200 doden tot gevolg? Zal 200.000 moeten zijn...
@Hope-qi4bf 2 жыл бұрын
We must remember the past. Things are lining up for another Holocaust. Human life has no value any longer. May God have mercy on our souls.
@jonahtwhale1779 11 ай бұрын
There have been many similar events since the The Gulag system continued for decades in Russia and is still active in North Korea today. The Red Guards in China and modern camp system share some abusive traits with theor fellow National Socialists. The Khmer Rouge in Cambodia's killing fields. The Rwandan Genocide. All these since the Nuremberg Trials.
@Hope-qi4bf 11 ай бұрын
@@jonahtwhale1779 Yes-Sadly ALL of these atrocities will continue until The Great Tribulation-WHEN God Shows His Wrath on this evil world,when the earth is destroyed (The Book Of Revelation)
@jimjackson4256 6 ай бұрын
What does god have to do with anything?
@Hope-qi4bf 6 ай бұрын
@@jimjackson4256 God is Everything. He created the earth. He created mankind. All our rules for life are written in the Bible. I pray you find God. GOD IS EVERYTHING ❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️
@geoffreydonaldson2984 2 жыл бұрын
Your work is very important. Thank you.
@davidpage322 2 жыл бұрын
Stone, brick, metal, barbed wire. These things don’t disappear. See the excavations of Rome, Egypt, and other ancient worlds. There’s simply no way Germans could have made these materials completely disappear minus the use of a nuclear bomb which would pulverize everything to nothing. If these camps existed and killed 2 million people, there is evidence there and planting a million trees wouldn’t cover it up completely!!!
@albertkirtlandjr6735 2 жыл бұрын
Yes this was very informative and very important. As he mentioned places like Auschwitz and the German concentration camps get a lot of publicity. I think it’s critically important to remember these sites, too. Thank you
@Schlipperschlopper Жыл бұрын
There is also a story that turns out to be quite probable since there are witnesses who cannot be denied: as if there were Judge Jackson at the Nuremberg Trial, Wilhelm Wulff, Himmler's astrologer, Dr. Felix Kersten, Himmler's doctor, Werner Grothmann, Himmler's adjutant and also the head of the Peenemünde rocket testing facility, Dr. Walter Dornberger....everyone reports unanimously that probably 20,000 prisoners were vaporized with a small test atomic bomb in a special camp towards the end of October 1944/beginning of November 1944. This is said to be either in the Pustynia Bledowska (the so-called desert of Poland, the former main test site for dropped bombs in the Reich) or in NOWA DEBA, the former southern air force training area near the Belarusian border near Blizna.
@Mike-jw4xh 2 жыл бұрын
Very informative. Could anyone provide a link to read the ss guard testimony from treblinka trial dusseldorf, 1964-65? Kurt Franz got life sentence, but what about the others? What did witness testify about daily operation in camp, or at train station treblinka village?
@Styx8314 Жыл бұрын
And Kurt Franz got out and did an interview as well. The KZbin channel Holocaust Documents has it
@jonahtwhale1779 11 ай бұрын
There are Polish archeological studies online that have investigated the remaining mass graves.
@chriswick7987 9 ай бұрын
Miete and Mentz also got life sentences, the 2 that worked the Lazaret. Suchomel got 6 years, he was in charge of the Gold Juden. His secretly recorded interview with Lanzman is on KZbin
@mikebennett3812 2 жыл бұрын
A wonderful presentation of a terrible subject - Bless you for your on-going work.
@TheGuGuSssS 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this
@ginzamavista4632 2 жыл бұрын
Bonsoir chère Madame, je suis facinée par ce livre, le dernier des Camondo. J'ai pris le Thalys le lendemain de ma fin de lecture du livre pour visiter l'hotel du Parc Monceau. Fascinant au delà des mots. Depuis lors je me passionne pour l'Aristocratie juive du 19ème siecle. Depuis lors, j'ai visité les villas Ephrussi, Kerylos. Merci à Pierre Assouline et à vous pour ce dialogue. Bien cordialement, Pascale🙏🏽
@littleandre4957 2 жыл бұрын
By the way, the Irish who were first 100% Celts' ancestors before they became pagans were all Qaraites;
@littleandre4957 2 жыл бұрын
Rabbinicism is not Judaism (from Mount Sinai),.. they're not our rivals, we're THEIR rivals. Just because some broke away from rabbinicism to Qaraism doesn't mean that's where it started. There are still many after that and still today who broke away from rabbinicism and converted to Qaraite Judaism.
@littleandre4957 2 жыл бұрын
"A new power is rising.."
@fredericksommer4416 2 жыл бұрын
too German for me
@jacksonnobre3744 3 жыл бұрын
Simplesmente sensacional . Fantastic ! I am a Modigliani enthusiast and a fan of the noble Jewish culture. I got a gift from watching this brilliant performance. a hug from Brazil. #modigliani_nobre
@mongolianqwerty123 3 жыл бұрын
The final powerpoint slide about Jewish jesters prompts an - unasked for - christian evaluation of such ideas from me. The rhetorical power of the rabbis lies in repeated quibbling over semantics prompting creative elaboration and more critique in a looping spiral, accumulating layers of dialectical sediment. This winding distraction of detail is an endless rabbit hole that essentially spins the world into being, or the pattern maps on to physical manifestation very neatly, at least. It generates material. It is a decidedly terrestrial religion then, whereas Christ is extra-terrestrial in origin. The idea is that he is able to transcend the bureaucracy and the paperwork and the systems and ultimately the Authority of the world construct. He is the correction to the infinite feedback loops of discourse and technology. As controversial as it is, this is why Christ says what he does to the pharisees in John 8:42-47. The early christians sensed that the divine creator was preoccupied to distraction with the maintaining existence, and therefore a misleading god who could not see the forest for the trees. This is mirrored in the hemispheres of the brain and explained by the story of The Master & His Emissary. The devil is in the details, as they say. The large print giveth and the small print taketh away. I would prefer not to have this comment taken as a condemnation of Jahweh or disapproval of the jewish tradition. Life IS an Infinite Jest, and we endlessly entertain ourselves with destabilising hallucinogenic media for chills and laughs and understand ourselves and each other through the looking glass, darkly. We participate and perpetuate. Such is life, and it is a wild and repetitive ride. The god of this world is engaged in becoming through play and movement and fear and joy in the making up of things, and in making them work. A Christian considers the possibility of this process culminating in the generation of the Antichrist or "other" christ, and elects to be in the world but not of it. Please respond or counter however you like, I am not completely fixed in this position, the excellent lecture got me thinking about things and here we are.
@daviddecalmer654 3 жыл бұрын
In other words, they “ the nazi Germans” had lost their minds
@Nana-fy2gu 3 жыл бұрын
I am not jewish, I had never studied Caballah, I do not speak German, I am Brazilian, I read his books, in a Portuguese translations and you know what? Those are the best books I ever read in my life! He is by far the best author I stumbled upon in my whole life!
@tomflendodo7297 3 жыл бұрын
@normanstratford9329 3 жыл бұрын
The state persuades the person/ doctor to act by informed consent and the meaning of Jews as disease becomes a fixed evil . Money is a power recognized by society as an acceptable persuasion, however eugenics is also part of a logical argument, though often by the person or people engaged in organisation and control. Informed consent is often missing and forgotten. The Nazi government was cruel and also this included numbers that are now numbers. The science can lead to bio-weapons and yet it is the control of the population that becomes the essence of culling the many. It is evil and what is called degenerative can be mainstream once society supports the downtrodden constructs. Nature can also be cruel, but this is where medicine may help for living well and without side effects that injury many with experimental vaccine, which really is not a true vaccine (mRNA) and can lead to death.
@tomflendodo7297 3 жыл бұрын
@1motke 3 жыл бұрын
Ik ben Max de oudste zoon van Motke Weinberger,en nu ben ik bereid te vertellen van. de ( echte Motke )ik zal dat door myn zoon Nico,laten vertellen dat niemand weet over myn vader Motke.
@nicotakeda 3 жыл бұрын
hii,ik ben nico weinberger mr motke kleinzoon en ben zo gellukig dat rosijn dit boek heeft geschreven ,ik ken het hotel zeer goed ,leevde daar 11 jaren en in een woord bedankt ,ik heb geen woorden
@instituteofjewishstudiesun636 3 жыл бұрын
Hartelijk dank voor uw mooie reactie
@nicotakeda 3 жыл бұрын
@@instituteofjewishstudiesun636 dit is ons verleden
@robyherskowicz172 3 жыл бұрын
Historical context:
@amaniahmed8253 5 жыл бұрын
Is that Barbara there? 😊😊😊