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@Asigedge 5 минут бұрын
When you tell me to your house and then charge me a $345 cleaning fee, you can kiss my foot. We started using hotels again.
@angelicfurry301 3 сағат бұрын
My parents didn’t do shit for me my entire life they won’t leave shit for me when they go
@PerryPerfectPerson 3 сағат бұрын
Cleaning feees for spaces that clearly aren’t clean. Is the issue. Pictures taking photos of everything but not mentioning the issues is the issue. Unrealistic rules like no smoking outside….. HOW THE FUCK CAN I NOT SMOKE MY VAPE OUTSIDE!
@PricklyPineapplesProductions 3 сағат бұрын
Government caused climate change.
@LawTzuTao 4 сағат бұрын
I should see someone. 😒
@nathanpetrich7309 4 сағат бұрын
My mother and her siblings contested my grandmother's Will just so they could have the option of disowning us. Even if lawyers and hospitals don't take everything beforehand, my mother has said to my face she'd rather blow it on traveling the world while I suffer to pay for groceries.
@seththomas9105 4 сағат бұрын
Gen-X sez: What is this "Inheritance" that you speak of? Our Silent parents either had thier life savings sucked up by a nursing home or the health care industry. Most also never invested in stocks or IRA's. They were raised at a time when simple savings accounts or CD's at a bank could at least keep up with inflation. The artificial low interest rates starting in the 1990's did more to tank the US economy than is given credit. Oh, and if a spouse just isn't "happy" anymore and wants to leave, you get to buy a house all over again in your mid-50's. Happy daze!
@ronswansonsdog2833 4 сағат бұрын
0:22 Ok, minus the pandemic this list describes Gen X just as much, if not more, considering we became the first sandwich generation (caring for aging boomer parents and millennial kids).
@Derekzparty 4 сағат бұрын
I assumed they made KZbin videos and vastly inflated the costs for writing off on taxes
@anniealexander9616 6 сағат бұрын
I'm just the opposite. I struggle to spend money. I often justify small purchases by cutting back on food or turning off the AC.
@danthegreat7590 7 сағат бұрын
Why I won't inherit anything don't care about inheriting anything if it comes my way oh well but you can't really expect life to hand you out everything on a silver platter
@refineme 7 сағат бұрын
Elderly care, memory care, etc. is getting all of it. All of our elders had medical issues and strokes…. so, we had to sell their houses to pay for cost of memory care, all other retirement assets, then finally once all of it was depleted, then medical assistance kicked in. My late father in law was a bit smarter and deeded their farmland about 15 years before he passes to my wife to keep it in the family, otherwise we probably would have lost it all as well in his final year in order to pay for his care.
@gouravchoudhury7580 7 сағат бұрын
Depends on Buy a car for purpose of utility or Status Symbol !!? That defines it as Asset or Liability
@potts995 11 сағат бұрын
One thing I wish you’d discussed is why modern stan culture centers around female pop artists so much in particular. There are certainly some male pop artists who have stan followings but nowhere near the level as say Taylor Swift or Beyoncé. Though historically there could have been argued to have been stan cultures around male artists, namely Elvis and the Beatles.
@pgppe9488 11 сағат бұрын
Being poor is a mindset because anyone can change their mindset by making different decisions. Get a skill you can sell on the open market, educate yourself, then create a budget, save and invest and learn the difference between a need and a want. Also, learn how money works and don’t be a victim.
@0hermitworm 13 сағат бұрын
Actually, it sounds like the most important thing we can do is go after healthcare costs and rich people hoarding money by avoiding taxes (as in vote for people that will do this). But, yeah, talk to your boomer parents too.
@davidmehling4310 14 сағат бұрын
Already seeing it with my mom. Her health declined seriously enough a year ago she needed full time care, first assisted living, then a nursing home. Her 401k , gone, proceeds from the house my brother and I grew up in, gone about next March.
@autumngrace8541 15 сағат бұрын
I have a problem with wage slavery and the delusion that we were born to suffer over paper.
@rebalstar9470 16 сағат бұрын
@rebalstar9470 16 сағат бұрын
@KuhEssen 16 сағат бұрын
Oh great another simp guy with his unfunny wife who try to make people laugh by pretending the wife is smart and the husband is dumb.
@BicycleFunk 16 сағат бұрын
I don't want to inherit anything. I want 100% inheritance tax.
@Fanotesemara 18 сағат бұрын
It’s wrong to look at cars from only savings perspective. I do really enjoy my Tacoma and 4Runner.
@Sebastian-fy3hu 19 сағат бұрын
At this point, what isn't considered a disorder? This is just irresponsibility but ok
@wisteriiiiaa 19 сағат бұрын
I guess most everyone has a money disorder
@KevinGriffin-b2s 20 сағат бұрын
It is alarming that people are so poorly versed in finance that they think this is worse than 2008. Then i rememer a lot of people are too younge to remember that inflaion in the 1970s was far worse.
@garydeforve5055 20 сағат бұрын
What about the money disorder where a person hoards billions and engages in all manner deceit and trickery to hoard even more totally extraneous wealth while forcing billions into poverty and general unpleasantness?
@mudbrick6083 20 сағат бұрын
Is this demoralization propaganda?
@Forever_Endeavor 21 сағат бұрын
I was with someone whose parents were all about using her credit and pointlessly driving her into debt buying the most useless crap. They both earned decent wages, but their credit was shot bc of overspending so they shuffled her into the fold. It was a major point of contention.
@DavidB.Fischer 21 сағат бұрын
I spend a lot myself
@HURLEY7130 21 сағат бұрын
What about a money disorder where a person is overly frugal, well beyond necessary, and despite having great income and savings banked up and growing, they feel uncomfortable with spending it, to the point where they buy only what's necessary and only extremely rarely spend it on wants rather than needs.
@got_rats 22 сағат бұрын
I mean, I refuse to look at my account balance because I don't wanna be depressed about how much I'll have left after I pay off my credit cards. My credit limit doesn't exceed my salary. That I make sure of.
@eacomedy 22 сағат бұрын
"In ways that are recurring and self-destructive" NO BUT WHY ARE YOU IN MY HEAD AND MAKING VIDEOS ABOUT IT
@PreacherDan 22 сағат бұрын
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is yet another reason why we need to pay attention when we go to the voting booth.
@TomHeloise 23 сағат бұрын
5497 Jillian Loop
@goingtobe2003 23 сағат бұрын
I know someone with financial dependency 😢
@ironsteal Күн бұрын
money hoarders
@StjepanJug-q9y Күн бұрын
Still not switching to bikes any time soon
@12th_C Күн бұрын
Not filing your taxes isn’t a disorder. It’s the duty of people who disagree with the government.
@danwilson9530 Күн бұрын
So… what does one do to get help? lol Thanks for a completely pointless clip.
@aaron.harrell Күн бұрын
An assumption in this video is that your insurance will actually work the way you expect it to when you need it and that your insurer will not come up with a bunch of reasons to deny your claims. Nothing beats paying huge amounts of money for insurance premiums, then having your insurance fail when you need it!
@tyesham2864 Күн бұрын
The answer is yes
@Hulk-mc7bp Күн бұрын
I don’t have “Money disorder” …I’m just broke!! 🤷🏼‍♂️😔
@chaffejcarraway Күн бұрын
This video really hits home for me. Earlier this year my father passed away and we thought there was going to be something to split between my siblings and I but without my father my mom had to go to a nursing home because the care she needed. Now we are all afraid to touch any of the inheritance that was set aside for us because of how expensive Mom's care is. They're exactly right about the $9,000 nursing home care. I've seen over 14,000...
@lukers9819 Күн бұрын
Is there a financial disorder for someone who feels a NEED to make as much money as humanly possible? Not so they can spend it, but just so that they will always financial security no matter what storms may come in life? And he does donate to good causes quite a bit. I have a friend like this and it concerns me how much he thinks about making money. I mean he has literally explained to me that no amount of money that he could make will ever be enough to make him feel comfortable.
@ManpreetHarrideo Күн бұрын
@jimm6810 Күн бұрын
If the majority of the parents' money is in an IRA, the IRS will take a huge slice.
@tw8464 Күн бұрын
Thanks for bringing attention to this. A lot of people have these common money disorders. The disorders aren't exactly rooted in money itself. Goes back to childhood usually and much more involved. People suffering from these disorders do need professional psychological help. Edit: I have to say, unfortunately, too many businesses and corporations have made their entire "business" about exacerbating and exploiting these disorders. Take the negative anxiety producing "advertising" common in "beauty" industry. There are many other examples.
@RERTOxCRAFT Күн бұрын
Wealthy for me is 40k or over minimum wage
@AntonKoba Күн бұрын
I was like did you remove that tattoo and cut the hair? But then whoops, THAT was the future video