@HyperPikachu 6 күн бұрын
Hi there! My dog is also recovering from her IVDD surgery and we have been doing physio at the hospital, but were encouraged to do more standing exercises at home. She's a small dog (shih tzu) and I've been struggling to find a roller that is appropriate to her size. I was wondering if by chance do you know where you bought your peanut roller? I'm thinking it might be the right size for my dog and would love to get something similar! Thank you in advance and thank you for sharing Roxy's journey!
@misshwood1 8 күн бұрын
thank you i am going to try this
@sabinahavkins5933 11 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@chrissabanosh4746 12 күн бұрын
Can I do these exercises on my 4-year-old french bulldog without having surgery? Sadly, i can't afford the surgery costs of $12,000.
@voyager2701 22 күн бұрын
Can you tell me how many times a day should I practice this?
@David-fj5lz 27 күн бұрын
Injury to the front knee😊
@imnickim 27 күн бұрын
this is great info
@joelmamoser7661 27 күн бұрын
So, it takes some months to fully recover? 😢
@joelmamoser7661 27 күн бұрын
Hi! How long the dog needed in totally to fully recover?
@SouthernSister82105 29 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for this video. My almost 13 year old golden retriever cocker spaniel mix just got diagnosed with osteoarthritis. Trying everything to help her pain and regain some stability.
@UttRConcrete Ай бұрын
Time for a new doggo
@Infj4321 14 күн бұрын
Time to learn how to leave a humane comment
@headlesschicken99 Ай бұрын
Just back from the hospital with my dog. No rehabilitation mentioned - we were sent home with some medication and recommended rest..
@Kissupun 11 күн бұрын
Same here but no progress 😢
@Kissupun 11 күн бұрын
I think physio is must
@headlesschicken99 10 күн бұрын
Luckily, he's up on his legs and is doing fine. However, the vet's approach "let's see if he gets worse, then you can come back" doesn't sit well with us..
@headlesschicken99 10 күн бұрын
@@Kissupun How old is yours? Scan can tell if it's an injury or sth that's progressive. Our dog is just under 2 and as he was better on the morning, the hospital talked us out of the scan as with/without it they wouldn't do surgery. They would only operate if during consultation the pet is paralyzed and that will be immediately after a scan (both of which are likely to wipe his 10k cover).. Our dog's back legs were totally out of action from the afternoon through the night and the emergency vet that monitored him was quite concerned that the drugs can work OR things can really go from bad to worst. He booked us for a scan and potential surgery. But by the time we drive to the specialist hospital, our dog was looking better. So the new consultant rushed us out of her office after 15min (£400?!) with the suggestion to do nothing
@engelaswart544 Ай бұрын
My Yorkie did have difficulty in walking awhile ago because of arthritis. My Vet start him on Adequan injections. In a week he was back to walking normally. I keep up with the now once a month injection. He's back to his old self again. Living in a humid area i was diagnosed with osteoarthritis, too. Starting on Adequan and my pain is fading away. Zero side effects.
@Whyirama Ай бұрын
I learned that collars are very bad for hips and arthritis issues misalignment !!!!!! Stem cells and Prolozone works miracles also laser work our 21 year old dog is doing so well now , ( weight ) he looks overweight
@paskalvdklooster9005 Ай бұрын
Hi, Is it possible for cats aswell? I have a kitten who have the same issue. It started when he was almost 6 weeks ago. My vat told me there are 2 options: wait for maybe some recovery or let him sleep the rest of his life.... but i didnt give him up. Now he is 10 weeks, he can kind of walk again. He treid to run but he falls... he can eat drink and use the toilet again. It was a hard time for him, and for me as owner. Clean him everyday feed him, and the most hard thing see him strugling... I am from the netherland and i cant find anything about this dutch. Is therr any option to mail you for some information or tips?
@jennynovoa8586 Ай бұрын
Omg ❤
@oshkotosh2341 Ай бұрын
Fuck the background music
@erini7998 Ай бұрын
This is super helpful. My dog is only 2 and she was recently diagnosed with stage 2 osteoarthritis in both elbows and wrists, but it’s worse on her right side. Are push ups okay for her wrists as well?
@ryanm1586 Ай бұрын
I’m in this situation for the first time. And it has really saddened me for her quality of life. I’m going to try and do the messages more and work on range of motion. I’m looking for a physical therapist for her. Thank you so much for giving me some education and hope. I feel like I’ve been really lost about what to do.
@rogere5585 2 ай бұрын
Intervertebral disc disease
@mikahundin 2 ай бұрын
Based on the transcript, the speaker, who is a veterinary professional, performs several treatments and assessments on Nugget, a dog suffering from severe multi-joint arthritis. Here's a breakdown of what she does: 1. **Assessment:** She starts by assessing Nugget's whole body. This includes a neurological exam to check his reflexes, assessing the range of motion in all the joints of his hind limbs, and evaluating his muscle mass and tone. 2. **Palpation:** She palpates Nugget's spinal muscles to check for soreness. In the video, she notes that the spinal muscles are twitching a lot when she palpates them, indicating soreness. 3. **Massage:** She massages different parts of Nugget's body. This includes the tricep muscle group, the front of the chest to release the pectoral muscles, and up the scapula to the tips of the shoulder blades. She also massages the large muscle groups in the hind limbs, starting with the teals and lumbar epaxials, then working on the hamstrings, back to the gluteals, and finally releasing the quads and hip flexors. 4. **Spinal Adjustments:** She performs spinal adjustments in Nugget's thoracic spine to help maintain flexibility. This is done to help manage Nugget's arthritis and allow him more freedom of movement throughout his whole body. 5. **Lumbar Spine Release:** She focuses on the lumbar spine release to help Nugget during position changes such as sitting and getting up from lying down. 6. **Dorsal, Ventral, and Rotation Mobilizations:** She performs a variety of these mobilizations which have been really important in managing Nugget's arthritis. 7. **Home Exercise Program:** Although this is not something she does to Nugget directly, she guides Nugget's owners in implementing a home exercise program. This program includes raised poles for maintaining range of motion, lateral work for shoulder strength, weight transfers, and flexibility through the ribcage and thoracic spine.
@mikahundin 2 ай бұрын
1. **Introduction to Nugget's case** - The speaker, a veterinary professional, introduces Nugget, a dog suffering from severe multi-joint arthritis, a condition that affects the dog's quality of life and movement. (Source: Veterinary professional) 2. **Previous management attempts** - Nugget's parents had tried the usual veterinary approach, which involved monthly injections and natural supplements, but they were still struggling to manage his condition, especially in colder weather. (Source: Veterinary professional) 3. **Multi-system approach** - The speaker's center uses a multi-system approach, combining manual therapy, dry needling, and home exercises, which has significantly improved Nugget's condition. (Source: Veterinary professional) 4. **Improvement in Nugget's condition** - According to Nugget's owners, he has improved significantly and is now living successfully with his arthritis. His walking ability has improved, and he is more independent around his home. (Source: Veterinary professional) 5. **Areas affected by osteoarthritis** - Nugget's elbows, hips, and knees have been badly affected by osteoarthritis, causing stiffness and a painful limp. This has made walking and getting up from a lying position difficult, especially as he ages. (Source: Veterinary professional) 6. **Assessment before treatment** - Before commencing any treatment, the speaker assesses Nugget's whole body, including a neurological exam, assessing the range of motion in all joints, and evaluating muscle mass and tone. (Source: Veterinary professional) 7. **Importance of maintaining rear leg strength** - It's crucial to keep Nugget's rear leg strong to enable him to move independently. (Source: Veterinary professional) 8. **Massage techniques** - The speaker demonstrates massage techniques for the tricep muscle group, around the ribs, the front of the chest to release the pectoral muscles, and up the scapula to the tips of the shoulder blades. (Source: Veterinary professional) 9. **Spinal adjustments** - The speaker performs spinal adjustments in Nugget's thoracic spine to help maintain flexibility. (Source: Veterinary professional) 10. **Releasing large muscle groups** - Due to Nugget's hip and knee osteoarthritis, it's important to release the large muscle groups in the hind limbs, starting with the teals and lumbar epaxials, then working on the hamstrings, back to the gluteals, and finally releasing the quads and hip flexors. (Source: Veterinary professional) 11. **Focus on lumbar spine** - The lumbar spine release has been crucial in helping Nugget during position changes such as sitting and getting up from lying down. (Source: Veterinary professional) 12. **Home exercise program** - Nugget's owners have been diligent in implementing a home exercise program, which includes raised poles for maintaining range of motion, lateral work for shoulder strength, weight transfers, and flexibility through the ribcage and thoracic spine. (Source: Veterinary professional) 13. **Multimodal approach** - Nugget's case is an excellent example of how a multimodal approach to arthritis can lead to great outcomes. (Source: Veterinary professional)
@smokeysdad8627 2 ай бұрын
Listen. There’s a new medication for dogs arthritis that’s a miracle. My 15 year old is running again. It’s called something like Liberal or something close to that
@gigii2727 2 ай бұрын
My son Boji is diagnosed with grade II. (left leg). He’s a pomeranian. (3.5kg.) These exercises would be effective for him or are they insufficient for grade II? Thank you in advance! 💖
@donaldo5879 2 ай бұрын
My little 5 yr old Japanese spitz has just being diagnosed with this he's lost all bowl control & urinal & his 2 back legs have been left paralyzed....that was 2 weeks ago since then we've been doing cage rest in a cot so it's easier to lift him in & out to keep his spine straight & sensory physiotherapy with him taking him out for a very few short minutes on a double harness every few days to see if he can toilet for himself,but still no passing of urine or bowls ...but he did start walking with his left back legs but dragging & knuckling his right that was yesterday but today his both back legs were dragging 😞,is this normal on route to recovery to go backwards sometimes? As he was using the left leg really well yesterday , any help would be deeply appreciated x
@fridalagunasmoreno 3 ай бұрын
How soon after surgery can these exercises be done? My dog had his surgery to relieve the pressure about a week ago and I see no movement on his hind legs. I don’t know if we should be doing these exercises in between, we have a follow up appointment with the surgeon this weekend. I would to know if I should be doing. The surgeon who performed the surgery told me that it just depends on my dog and how he feels. I don’t want to push him into something he is not comfortable with.
@kalaivanimathialagan 3 ай бұрын
My fur baby Chini suddenly couldn't walk due to nerve blockage.Sir/mam. Please pray for my fur baby chini for speed recovery🙏🙏🙏
@Gemini_cls-jb8sm 3 ай бұрын
My deer head chihuahua Moby can not sit tight - he leaves his left hind leg out to the side. Are these moves correct for this stage of luxation? 4:07 thank you 🐶❤
@Valarie834 3 ай бұрын
Our sweet baby have these symptoms. Emergency vet said he does have deep root pain.Hoping we can get her into mri tomorrow.
@pixkypix7071 3 ай бұрын
Where can I find a place that does this in my area? My poor baby needs it 😢
@user-ud9rc6gb9x 3 ай бұрын
I just subscribed you are very helpful.
@user-ud9rc6gb9x 3 ай бұрын
Can a heating pad work
@tmcooper2013 3 ай бұрын
How often do you do these exercises?
@wokevroz 4 ай бұрын
I have a English bulldog who has this exact condition but he cannot control when he goes to the restroom so stretching him causes him to go instantly. If there anyway I can help him out with this?
@aninaforanimals8347 4 ай бұрын
Great video > but could you please turn the music down/remove it? 🙏
@user-fh4qg2bv7v 4 ай бұрын
Can you help us.we r from india.i have a Labrador with same situation
@phunboom 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for making this video. Mi dog (she's 12) was diagnosed with artrithis. Your video is so helpful. I'm really trying to do my best for her. 😢
@callikeating3618 2 ай бұрын
Mine is 12 too and also struggling with hip arthritis 😢. I’m so sorry your dog has it too! I hope we can find relief for them 🥺♥️
@IamJohnnyFan 3 күн бұрын
Mine is 10 and he too has arthritis. He yelps as he walks and it hurts to hear him like that.
@sincerelyunique9859 4 ай бұрын
Oh man, my dog needs every bit of this. Lexi’s doing really good then out of no where’s she’s doing really bad, and then amazing again. But nothing happens in between and that scares me.
@koreapt3590 4 ай бұрын
02:00 it helps!
@louiskalble8421 5 ай бұрын
My dog (adopted last year at 5 years old) has a big twitch whenever I feel over his mid back spinal area, I would like to relieve her of that pain, is there any massage or exercise to help?
@fucdalaw1 5 ай бұрын
He’s just like my old boy smelling them treats good, dogs naturally do not want medicine, not from the taste from how they feel. My old boy goes under the table if he thinks he’s getting medicine 🤦‍♂️
@xxTaroKid 5 ай бұрын
What happens if my dog has an exaggerated withdrawal reflex ?
@gabrielemiller8006 5 ай бұрын
diluted DMSO can help with pain
@kamillatoth4234 5 ай бұрын
What Should i do is ma dög cannot sit straight?
@andikasz.1470 5 ай бұрын
My dog only 8 month and his both leg have patella 😢😢 Doktor said he dont operating yet because he is jung and very small chi..1.5kg only and very tiny. We are doing exercises but my therapist said thats bit good if he sit...she said only work with stand .I mean when we working with my dog dont let him to sit..she said like that he have more cartilaginous..is true ?
@susananery4260 5 ай бұрын
OmG!!! Exactly what we need, my 4y old Yorkshire has the same problem. I’ll start that exercises immediately. We’re in Maryland- USA. Thank you so much for all you guys are doing ❤
@susananery4260 5 ай бұрын
This video and you guys are amazing!!! Thank you so much for all that information 🙏🏻🙌🏻 my Yorkshire has problems in his left knee . He is lipping. I’ll do some exercises with him at home . Thanks again.
@yukirozu1162 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this video, my dog has recently been diagnoses with 3 on her left side and 2 on her right, is it possible for her to recover without surgery on her left side?
@josephtein3835 6 ай бұрын
I would expect that diet would be included in this "multimodal" approach. Is Nugget eating a healthy diet or is he getting a highly processed inflammatory doggie junk-food regimen? This is a crucial factor.
@user-yd2vx4hu1i 6 ай бұрын
My dog has the same issue but, he has zero senses in his legs and tail and he could not even pee with his control, please help me with this