when phd's got you dying .-.
@BAREBRAIN 3 күн бұрын
Wow what a help you are appreciate it. One of the best most helpful and informative vids ive ever seen
@KazaiChan 19 күн бұрын
I love all the anime references btw.
@eRiC-hn8kp 25 күн бұрын
@pierre-lucchartier7714 Ай бұрын
What printing services did you use? I want to print my transcript too 😢
@C00ltronix Ай бұрын
Just a note, HSK 1 (the old version) has 150 characters, that's correct. But you build about 4-500 words with this characters. A learner need to know the words. Otherwise you can't read. OK, you CAN read a HSK 1 text perfectly, but you will not understand what you read. On top, I find it easier to work out words rather than individual characters. Flashcards are OK, but graded readers are really the best way. And if you do not have the audio to any book - have the text OCR by google lens, then put it online, like on an online notepad, and have browser read it to you. Edge has a Read Aloud function (and you can control the speed, and record it with Audacity or similar).
@jag2267 Ай бұрын
9:17 I originally tried doing the same too lol, I can use Pleco's flashcard feature to make like the same amount of cards in a few minutes that I could in like half an hour manually on Anki
@EiwaGreen-kc2wu Ай бұрын
App is not working from all of the phones at home... Nothing is working... Crying.
@tifah_zw Ай бұрын
What is this video about?
@irisgilbert1525 Ай бұрын
I love this soooo much 谢谢你❤❤❤
@youytubey 2 ай бұрын
I do mandarin blueprint and it's hands down the most effective and efficient method
@dutchmaster4715 2 ай бұрын
Hey Bianca! I loved your Chinese learning content, will you be doing more of that in the future?
@manu_bdl9333 2 ай бұрын
Your research sounds really interesting! Have you already published about the results you skimmed over here?
@jdeebz303 2 ай бұрын
I just signed up for the Mandarin Blueprint. I will be doing an intense 6 months of acquisition at a minimum of 6 hours a day. I will break the sessions up an not just use the blueprint. I will use graded reading and immersion as much as possible too. I am thinking of filming my progress and seeing what is truly possible if you go almost full time study. I know my motivations and I will have to keep reminding myself of them, but I think its possible. Im not expecting fluency by any stretch, but I think I could take it quite far.
@hectorpg1181 2 ай бұрын
In the earlier stages, I find it more beneficial to use apps like Duolingo and Super Chinese rather than textbooks. This preference stems from the interactive nature of these apps, which offers a level of engagement that textbooks often lack. With language learning apps, you can receive feedback on your pronunciation, practice listening skills, and engage in compelling interactive drills. These features make your learning experience more productive and enjoyable compared to textbooks and traditional methods
@Leo-io4bq 2 ай бұрын
high respects to your work, wow. And big thanks!
@nguyenthanhthu443 3 ай бұрын
Really like your voice
@rahmadhani4549 3 ай бұрын
nice video. Can I use a CV like this to apply to Columbia University for postgraduate studies? or is it a different thing.
@navpreetkaurs 4 ай бұрын
Hi bianca! The video was amazing 🫶🏻 I'm a Master's student pursuing microbiology and want to pursue my PhD from an ivy league. Any suggestions please? I can't find any videos related to that. Most of the videos on the internet are by physics or astrophysics students
@philipprice4515 4 ай бұрын
@tuboplover 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for this deck! I have a little issue though, the default setting is that it adds cards in the order of when they were added so now I only get all the „listening“ cards and not the others…
@OscarHernandez-ul5go 4 ай бұрын
I loved your video. 😊🙌🏻♥️
@tennisguru6739 4 ай бұрын
Your Chinese is very good.
@tennisguru6739 4 ай бұрын
You are pretty and your Chinese is very good. Subscribed your channel.
@Camslaw- 4 ай бұрын
@fayebourie7700 4 ай бұрын
I was invited for an interview for a PhD neuro program (yay!!) Im wondering if you were asked any super oddball questions during the interview that took you off guard?? Also, any super technical questions about the stats of your research and method development? Im great at preparing thoughtful answers but worried I’ll draw a blank in the moment when I’m asked a random question! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
@bianca.phdinprogress 4 ай бұрын
Congrats on the interview!! So this is going to be very professor specific. Some will focus on skillset, while others will focus on broader concepts. Some will be fine with your well rehearsed answers, while others will ask you questions that push you to the boundaries of your knowledge so that you critically think about the science. Their intention is getting you to say "I don't know, but based on xyz, I think this is a reasonable experiment/hypothesis". Intellectual and personal maturity is shown when you are extremely confident in your work (because you're exceptional at what you do) but are also aware of the boundaries of your knowledge. It's okay to not know things, but you need to be an expert in the research that you have personally conducted. Now onto specific questions. In some interviews, I was asked about my rationale for choosing one technique verses another. In another I was asked why I developed this construct in this way, and if you changed the experiment, what would you expect as the outcome? They may ask you questions about work from other big name professors in your field and if you've considered doing xyz experiment that seems to dovetail your personal research. You'll need to know the specifics of what you did, why you did it that way, and what other big names in the field are doing that could inform current and future project directions. Some professors had my CV pulled up and asked very specific questions about every bullet point. Other interviewers didn't ask anything about techniques and mostly discussed their own research. Since I have an industry background, I was also asked a lot of questions about how I adapted biological experiments into high-throughput assays, and why that matters to academics (lol). I was also asked why I'm going back to grad school when I'm probably making a ton of money in industry (also lol). If you're an older applicant, you may be asked that question as well: why go back to grad school when you probably already have an established career at this point. But the most oddball question I've received was: if you had unlimited resources, what research question would you ask and how would you go about answering it. This question seems easy, but in fact is extraordinarily challenging since a cookie cutter answer will show that you don't know your field very well. A great answer will show that you can think about a critical question in, not only your field, but also how it impacts adjacent fields, and what old school or novel technology will specifically address that gap in the field. It should be a wild and wacky idea that has a high likelihood of failing, but the scientific rationale is solid as a rock, because it shows that you're going beyond the boundaries of known science, which is really hard. You're being creative and adapting what you know in an unconventional way, which is low key required for science that changes entire fields. It also shows that you're not afraid of failing. And in your interview, if you can't think of a good answer in the moment but something comes up to you as your chat continues, circle back to that initial question that stumped you. It's so much better to say, "so I was actually thinking about your question a bit more, and I think my earlier answer wasn't the most thoughtful. Here's what I would actually do (insert an answer that shows that you've critically thought about the scientific question)" then to just leave it at a subpar answer. The most important thing, however, is to show you're interviewers that you're critically thinking, and adapting as they ask further questions, not reading a rehearsed speech. Let me know if you have any followup questions!! good luck!!!
@fayebourie7700 4 ай бұрын
@@bianca.phdinprogress wow thank you so much for the thorough response! I have a few co authored publications and while I was heavily involved in data collection and analysis, I’m not sure that I can speak to exactly the rationale behind why the methods that were chosen, were chosen. So I’m wondering what the best way to approach answering a question like that would be, since I obviously want to demonstrate that I was intellectually engaged in the projects in some capacity, rather than just following instructions per se
@Muslim_Lady 4 ай бұрын
Your video is really helpful, thank you.
@samheartnet 4 ай бұрын
As a video editor and a Mandarin learner, this was an amazing video full of useful information. I really love the way your videos are edited, even your recent ones are amazing. Learning Mandarin is also a great choice because this language is becoming more and more universal. Keep up the good work, 谢谢
@bennigan_and_again 4 ай бұрын
Hey Bianca! I know this is a couple years old but I'm learning Chinese at university right now and this is a huge, huge help, 谢谢 ! :D
@JShamaal 4 ай бұрын
"and what not?" native English speakers don't use this expression.
@wrigleyextra11 5 ай бұрын
The animations really take the edge off such a harrowing, intense, process explanation. This needs to be the standard for such explanations tbh.
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
Aww thank you so much for the kind comment! Prepping for grad school was such a rough and anxiety inducing process for me, so I’m doing what I can to not only be as informative as possible, but hopefully reduce whatever anxiety I can! Thank you for watching ☺️
@BilalQureshi6784 5 ай бұрын
thank you for all the helpful vids!
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
So glad that it’s helpful!! ☺️ thank you for watching and commenting!!!
@leonardoigarashi9627 5 ай бұрын
Do you still log in on that Instagram account (Bianca Learns)?
@nro337 5 ай бұрын
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
Thank you!!!
@tony4012 5 ай бұрын
i’m applying next cycle so thank you for this 😭
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
So happy that it’s helpful!! Hopefully you stick around for my new videos! I’ll be posting one this weekend about how to interview effectively and another one next week discussing the competitiveness of PhD programs!
@doomera5911 5 ай бұрын
love the anime references
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
heh thanks for watching :))
@luigidorigatti4588 5 ай бұрын
This video does not only apply to phd and academia. This video contains good advice for life in general
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
aww thanks for the lovely comment!! glad the video was useful :)
@annap1871 5 ай бұрын
Hi, I'm so happy you're back :) PhD path can be nervewracking... however, it's such a good feeling when you have this title. It opens a lot of possibilities. Learn Chinese, please. :D
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
hehe I’ll still be learning!! Just taking it more slowly! Was thinking about making a Chinese progress video every other month just to keep that going! thank you for always watching and commenting such lovely things :))
@annap1871 5 ай бұрын
@@bianca.phdinprogress If you don't mind, I would have some advice. I know from experience that you only think of finishing and getting a title now. However, in my opinion, the most essential thing if you want to stay in academia is to keep in mind that you need the following project proposal after your PhD.
@captchagod64 5 ай бұрын
I've been learning vietnamese on and off for 18 months. I looked at my anki stats, and apparently i only know 250 words. That's probably not totally accurate because i don't put every word i learn into anki, but its still a little discouraging. I think my goal is to get to 1000 words in 2024. I also do a lot of immersion, but its hard to find anything comprehensible at my level, so i think learning more words will make my immersion more effective. Once i get to a decent level, i might go for chinese next! Good luck to all language learners!
@DivineBre 5 ай бұрын
How do you make / find the animations in your video? Do you input them via final cut? Or can you make a video on how you edit
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
I use luma fusion to edit and make all the animations myself on procreate!! I have some screen cap videos of me making the animations if you think that would be interesting to show!! Luma fusion is nice because it's cheap and a one time cost. It does get a little glitchy at the end of a video with the amount of editing I do, but it's not the worst. My editing style isn't super complicated, just requires a lot of text, zooms, and animations! For the static animations, I just use a reference photo (mostly memes) and draw the outline multiple times (it gives the appearance of it moving). For the dynamic animations (aka eyes bulging or arms moving), I look at a reference photo and draw the outline of 3 key frames (going from point A to point B to point C). Usually the reference is point B. So if I were doing an eye bulging animation, point A would be a super tiny eye, point B is similar to the reference, and point C is the eye getting cartoonishly big. That's the boundary of the animation. Then I just make the intermediate outlines and you have a fairly smooth animation! Usually each dynamic animation is around 10-12 frames. But if you notice, I'm choosing to make only 2 or 3 parts of the drawing move. I'm not an animator by training, so everything is self taught, which limits how detailed my animations can be!! thanks for watching!!
@DivineBre 5 ай бұрын
@@bianca.phdinprogress wow thats so cool!!!! I didn't realize you had to create them all yourself. Thanks for the detailed instructions I'll definitely look into it because your animations really add to your videos. And if you do have any screen captures of your process of creating them that would be super interesting to show
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
@DivineBre I’ve actually decided to upload sped up versions of some of the animations as shorts!! Unfortunately I didn’t screen record some of the earlier ones 🫠 but I’ll record new ones I make! I have to condense 2+hours of drawing into 1 min for shorts though, so maybe I’ll upload a slower version if that’s something you think could be interesting!! Thank you for the comment and the idea for animation behind the scenes! :)
@wrigleyextra11 5 ай бұрын
This is such a clear and simple break down of this entire process.
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
aww thank you for the kind comment!!! if it was helpful, please share it with anyone else that you think could benefit from watching :)
@justin_park_98 5 ай бұрын
ahhh~ one piece ❤❤
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
<3 <3 I'm so excited for the egghead arc hehe :)
@justin_park_98 5 ай бұрын
@@bianca.phdinprogress i really needa catch up T.T but at least that's what i got these next 8 months for... BrAiN rOt AnD lAnGuAgE gRiNd. anndd.... possible youtube channel :o
@onewhoisanonymous 5 ай бұрын
I started following your channel because I was in the middle of studying for my HSK 4 Mandarin Exam. Several years later, out of whim I applied for a PhD program. After talking to the board and the school, they want me to pursue a doctorate in English language with an emphasis in linguistics. I don’t have a linguistics background and writing my SOP was so stressful. Linguistics is my hobby and I have only done some academic research helping other language professionals. So the stress is high.
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
wow, that's crazy!! how did your applications go?? a PhD in linguistics sounds so interesting but super challenging!
@user-ky9qn4pg3w 5 ай бұрын
i don't even have masters, just recently started my second undergrad (this time in stem), yet i'm weirdly seem to be drawn to these type of topics even though i don't have any ambition in doing grad... incidentally just a couple of days ago i watched acollierastro's "First generation graduate students" video which i just couldn't stop watching. I guess there's just something enticing about listening to people smarter than me lol.
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
I wouldn't say I'm smarter than you! my post doc told me that the ppl that complete their PhDs aren't necessarily intelligent, they're just too stubborn to quit HAHA. thank you for watching!!
@waterywanderer620 5 ай бұрын
Are you still learning mandarin and are you going to update on this channel?
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
thank you for the comment!! I made a community post if you want to read in more detail, but I'll be mostly posting graduate school content now. I have very little time to study mandarin while doing my PhD, so it felt pretty disingenuous to continue to post language learning videos. if you're interested in this new type of content, then stay tuned for new videos! if you're not interested in this type of content, then thank you so much for watching my language learning videos!! really appreciate it :))
@sauerkraut4353 5 ай бұрын
​@@bianca.phdinprogress Will you be leaving up your old Website biancalearns, Please don't take it down or your old videos on Mandarin.
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
Yep!! I’ll be leaving everything up!! So no need to worry about that :) thanks for watching and utilizing those resources!! c:
@sauerkraut4353 5 ай бұрын
@@bianca.phdinprogress Thanks very much, Do you still have Patreon?
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
I stopped it awhile ago because I wasn't making consistent videos anymore. It felt wrong to have patreon members supporting me if I didn't have great content coming out regularly. I'm going to post regularly from now on though, so I'm thinking about bringing back a patreon, or maybe a buy me a coffee instead (there's more options than patreon), if I keep it up for a solid 2-3 months and people are interested!
@hangyuI 5 ай бұрын
I'd love to see a critique of your first draft as someone else applying for grad programs!! Don't think of it as embarrassing yourself but rather just giving others knowledge on what to do, and you're super humble for being so forthcoming with your problems
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
aww many thanks for watching and for the kind comment!! I'll just double check with my PI that I'm allowed to post my finalized grant on KZbin hahaha let me know if you have any other video ideas that you would find useful while you're applying for graduate programs!!
@hangyuI 5 ай бұрын
@@bianca.phdinprogress if you have any experience with peers within your program maybe you could make a video on how to like effectively maximize group effort because that's what I'm worried about😅 I tend to be super outspoken and type-A or completely meek and helpless and finding a common medium between the two would be helpful
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
that's a great idea!! my cohort is 16 ppl so soft socials skills are really important, but most STEM majors are severely lacking in that department HAHA.
@rodrigocalixto470 5 ай бұрын
thanks for your video! i'm really glad i find this now. i followed you because of the language learning related content but i also happen to be pursuing neuroscience as an undergrad (seems to be a common thing?) and your experience and tips really help makes this journey less... tricky. and uncertain. would love to see your critique of your first draft!!:)
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
So glad to hear that!!! Let me know if you have any other suggestions for video ideas!!
@luigidorigatti4588 5 ай бұрын
I have a friend that is going to graduate soon for his master in biotechnology os something like that lol He wants to get his PhD as well so I'll be watching your videos to get an insight into his life and maybe be able to understand better what he's going through, I know it's not easy. My chinese has gotten so much better also thanks to you ❤️
@bianca.phdinprogress 5 ай бұрын
thats so awesome to hear!! I'll definitely do some videos in my lab and showing some of the everyday struggles of PhD life, alongside the videos explaining what the hell is going on in academia l o l o l. so happy to hear that your chinese is progressing and so thankful that you'll be sticking around for this change :))