Rachel Roberts on the work of HRI
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
SimStar es SIMPstar.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 2 күн бұрын
Andrade, the HomeoSimp. 😂
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 2 күн бұрын
Also QuackSimp and PseudoscienceSimp 🙀.
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
@user-pg3iq5ro5k No te queda 😮‍💨, no te sale. Seguramente nunca fuiste el alma de las fiestas.
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k SIMPStar o ToothLenny queda tan bien. Pero también puede ser QuackStar. 😂
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 2 күн бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradeit fits. You are just sour about it. 😢
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
El trol SimStar VT ha entrado en modo desesperación que ha tenido que mentir descaradamente varias veces. Esto es muy interesante. 😮
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 2 күн бұрын
Uh huh, says Jesus, who lies and astroturfs through multiple accounts, half a dozen already located and confessed to.
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k ¿Y cuáles son esas "múltiples cuentas"? 🤔 Porque ni has dado pruebas ni dicho cuales son, solo confundes cuentas con avatares. Anda, dime cuales son mis supuestad multicuentas en KZbin. Porque en tu caso sí hay pruebas de que usas varias aquí. ¿Cuando vas a demostrar que la directora de la facultad de medicina de la UNAm dijo lo que te inventaste?
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 2 күн бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradeTabbygraycat, Blackcat, Lollypop, Liquid, Purr Cheeze.
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k 😂 Pero ya te he explicado que Tabbygraycat es mi avatar que tenía en Twitter, comentar bajo ese Nick en el blog de Ernst no es una cuenta. 😂 BlackCat es mi cuenta en un blog no en KZbin. 😂 Y los demás son tus delirios. 😮
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ahora por favor, dile, ¿en dónde están mis "multicuentas" en KZbin? 🤔
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 2 күн бұрын
IPN: Homeopathy is just sugar and water. Only a placebo. It's not effective in treating anything. The director of the National School of Medicine and Homeopathy of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Rodolfo Luna, explained that homeopathy is not an option for the treatment of any disease, homeopathy is water with sugar, it is in any case a placebo.
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
😂 ¿Eso de dónde lo sacaste? el directo de la UNAM no ha dicho nada de eso, charlatán. 😂
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
😂👆 La dirección de la facultad de medicina de la UNAM ni siquiera es hombre, es mujer y se llama .Ana Carolina Sepúlveda Vildósola. Vaya, vaya, estás delirando tanto y tan desesperado que ni siquiera eres capaz de buscar un poco. Necesitas inventar un montón de tonterías. 😂
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
🤔 Pero qué curioso, dices que "el" director de la UNAM dijo eso pero no hay fuente. Y no la hay porque en primera no es hombre, sino una mujer. Y no ha dicho nada sobre la homeopatía. Luego causalmente habías dicho que Rodolfo Luna dijo lo mismo, 🤔. Todo muy sospechoso porque Luna no es de la UNAM sino del IPN. 😮 A qué grado de delirio y mitomania has llegado que buscas a toda costa ver si encuentras ejemplos usando la falacia de autoridad. Te ves tan triste haciendo eso.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 2 күн бұрын
Rodolfo Luna, was director during Covid. Edited because you are confused.
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k 😂 ¿Rodolfo Luna? Pero de qué hablas. Luna fue director en 2019 de UNA escuela de medicina en el IPN. El IPN no es la UNAM. Eres demasiado 🤡
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
Hay un trol que se hace llamar VT o SimStar que piensa que la falscia de autoridad es un argumento valido, piensa que el valor P en estadística es lo mismo que la magnitud del efecfo, piensa que la antropología social es lo mismo que el posmodernismo, cree que estudiar ingeniera biomédica es "técnico de mantenimiento" y no sabe wue se ve biología, fisiologia y bioquímica, y cree que los únicos esfudios validos son los de "alto factor de impacto". El hombre es un anciano que a su edad sigue abriendo muchas cuentas se daba like a sus comentarios. 😮
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 2 күн бұрын
VT? That's a new one. 😂 How many dozen total accounts do you have again? How old am I now? Google Translate literally said you got a "Diploma in medical equipment maintenance" from UNAM.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 2 күн бұрын
And Google Translate described the degree as "Knowledge of the main routines, safety and regulations for use and tools to identify the solution to the maintenance problems of medical equipment". I didn't make up anything. 😂
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 2 күн бұрын
And I neither brought up effect size nor "magnitude of the effect". I know what it is and almost no Homeopath understands either of those, and you sound like you only heard of effect size recently. You are the one trying to learn statistics from some free online course, from what I can tell. I encourage it, it's better than nothing, but you have a long way to go.
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k No he dicho "vermont" sino VT. Claro que tengo ese diplomado, y ahí se ve también fisiología. ¿Cuál es el problema? Oh, ya veo, ignoras la disciplina. 😂
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k 😂 Vaya, vaya, tu fuente es Google Translate, eso explica mucho.
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
Edzard Ernst cofirma reiteradamente que hay algunos rnsayos de alfa calidad JADAD = 5. Pero no le gustan porque son "pocos". Shang et al demuestran que los ensayos de homeopatía tuvieron mejor caliad y menos asimetria que los de alopatia. Pero excluyen 8 endayos de alta calidad para su análisis final, ya que habrkan tenido no 8 (3 favorables) sino 16, dando un total de 13 ensayos a favor y 3 en contra. 😮 Ioannidis et al confirman que homeopatia es mayor que el efecto placebo pero no le gusta eso y dice que es "ruido". El informe Australiano excluye ensayos de alta calidad solo porque están en otro idioma distinto al inglés. De 1 800 se quedan con 176 y de ahí con 5, y de todos modos ni es a favor ni en contra. Gartlehner et al demuestran que los ensayos de homeopatía aunque en general tienen outcome bias, este sesgo es menor en proporción a los de alopátia y hay mejoras en los ensayos de homeopatía. Pero el trol de guardia SimStar dice que la Homeopatía es "placebo", aun cuando desde su propia trinchera han estado confirmando que hay ensayos de alta calidad a favor.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 2 күн бұрын
So says some guy who recently got a diploma in medical equipment maintenance and did not train in biology, medicine, statistics or actually anything relevant. His only listable publication in a non quack journal is a letter to the editor, complaining about a paper saying Homeopathy has no evidence, and likely only published for diversity of thought reasons. 🙄 He is totally sure that a very senior professor who is probably cited for his medical research analysis more than maintenance guy's entire university combined, doesn't know how to analyze research, but maintenance guy does with his unrelated "education". I love Internet. Every clown 🤡 has a platform. So much comedy 😂. Every NPC feels like they're the center of the universe 😂.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 2 күн бұрын
Nobel Laureate Venkatraman: “They (homoeopaths) take arsenic compounds and dilute it to such an extent that just a molecule is left. It will not make any effect on you. Your tap water has more arsenic. No one in chemistry believes in homoeopathy. It works because of placebo effect.” That's not some strawman random guy on KZbin that OP used to argue with all the time.
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 🫢Oh, el señor trol que solo sabe abrir multicuentas se enoja y le molesta que los demás estudien. Pero me encanta responder a tus tonterías: 1. La ingeniera biomédica lidia con la medicina y se debe tener conocimiento de biología, bioquímica, anatomía y fisiologia. Pero eres un pobrecillo ignorante. De todos modos en Enero comenzaré a estudiar una carrera en ciencias biológicas aplicadas. Así que estaré bastante ocupado. Deberías estar contento. 2. No tontín, no es una carta al editor, son dos. Deberías de revisar bien. 3. No 🤡, no he publicado en "quack Journals", mu primera publicación es del 2013 y fue en una revista que no es de homeopatía. Las otras una es una revista de medicina naturista que edita una facultad de medicina en España. Y la otra es de una universidad (IPN) y se indexa por el motor de la UNAM y editores de revistas biomédicas. Pero eres demasiado charlatán para entenderlo.
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Oh, el 🤡 trol no ha podido refutar nada de mis estudios. Recuerda que el último estudio de este año no es una revista, es una amplia investigación que fue presentada ante una de las mejores universidades en su área en toda América Latina. Tú por el contrario no has podido hacer nada parecido porque solo eres un charlatán que no tienes más que insultar, denigrar y usar ataques xenófobicos o racistas con difamaciones.
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k Oh, otra vez el pobrecillo trol usando la falacia de autoridad de un Nobel que inventa que toda la Homeopatía se "diluye hasta no quedar nada". Y luego me hablas de los "brazaletes homeopáticos" y de los casos de la FDA con bajas potencias. Tú solo te contradices. 😂
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 4 күн бұрын
A promise of cure, a claim so grand Homeopathy's remedies, a misleading hand False hope to those in need, a desperate plight Cancer patients suffer, in endless night N of 1 studies, flawed and so bright A single anecdote, masquerading as fact in sight No scientific rigor, no peer review to stand A house of cards, built on shifting sand Lives lost, opportunities missed, and time runs dry As patients seek solace, in unproven sigh A lesson to learn, in the pursuit of what's true To rely on evidence, and see these claims anew Let science guide us, with its rigorous might To protect and serve, in the dark of night For in the pursuit of health, we must be so bold To demand the evidence, and let the facts unfold.
@jesusaguilarandrade 4 күн бұрын
😂 Pero si andabas diciendo que los ensayos N of 1 eran un "invento de los homeopatas". Y ahora te inventas que no pasan por una revisión por pares. 😂
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 7 күн бұрын
Quick question Mr. Jesus Andrade. I went to Ernst blog after a long time. Looks like you were previously calling yourself Lollypop and Liquid. And after that of course, Purr Cheeze on KZbin. Could you make a convenient list of all your alter egos? 🧐 Its very confusing for your audience. 😮‍💨 I mean if I look at all his Homeopathy article comments, I could list them all, but that is exhausting 😴. And it's looks like after Ernst kicked you out, you changed your name to Tabbygreycat. Oh, and your other alias is Blackcat.
@jesusaguilarandrade 5 күн бұрын
Uy, el señor "investigador". 😂
@jesusaguilarandrade 5 күн бұрын
👆😂 El avatar de Tabbygraycat lo tengo desde 2020. Y el de BlackCat desde 2022. Dios, escribes cada cosa sin sentido. Y sí, Ernst me baneó porque no pudo refutarme, pero después volví a escribir en su blog, sus baneos son demasiado débiles. 😂
@jesusaguilarandrade 5 күн бұрын
Claro, claro, pobre Purr le acusabas de ser de la India, luego de Brasil, luego de ser Dana Ullman. 😂 Y todo porque te dejó muy mal. Ya ni te responde y sigues obsesionado. Qué vida tan triste tienes tratando de doxxear a los que te refutan, pero lloras cuando te descubrn que eres SimStar y posiblemente Lenny, uno de los Minions de Edzard Ernst. No sorprende, para nada, en el pasado me han tocado muchos sujetos como tú que tratan de doxxear. Das pena.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 4 күн бұрын
I am still waiting for the rest of the long list of your other trolling aliases. 😮‍💨 You don't understand what doxxing is. I am not trying to find who you are. Why would I? Everything relevant to the topic was posted publicly by you online. Why would I want to know more? I can't even be bothered to read anything you write in your faux papers. 🥱 I'd bet you wish people doxx you. Trolls 🧌 love attention. 😂
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 4 күн бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradedid you tell Ernst who you really are? There is no other way to try to get him to read your 1500 pages.
@crazyworldofwow. 9 күн бұрын
How homoeopathy works???
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 3 күн бұрын
By just waiting for the body to take care of it and claiming victory.
@thomothomo1078 9 күн бұрын
An extremely thorough overview and investigation into the effectiveness of homeopathy was carried out by Australian government medical and scientific authorities.Their conclusion was that there is zero evidence that it works as anything above placebo effect. www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=www.nhmrc.gov.au/sites/default/files/images/nhmrc-statement-on-homeopathy.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwituYDO7b2KAxX2cmwGHXK_BEUQFnoECCoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2hURrI-t5-8-fxShZrad6B
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
Outdated Review. 😮
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 2 күн бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandrade yes, Homeopaths hate that study and have been attacking it helplessly since.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 2 күн бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradeyou forgot to accuse OP that it's my other account.
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Pero eres SimStar, ¿por qué usas multicuentas? ¿no te da vergüenza darte incluso like con esas cuentas? 🤡
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k Oh, claro, detectar errores y anomalías es "odiarlo". Claro, también que Kelso haya dicho que no te da la razón debe ser por "odio". 😂
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 10 күн бұрын
All of Faedo's "publications" are in super dubious journals 😂. Typical Homeopathy Pseudoscience. 🙄
@jesusaguilarandrade 4 күн бұрын
Pero tú ni has publicado nada en ninguna revista, ni siquiera tienes formación científica. 😂
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 3 күн бұрын
​​@@jesusaguilarandrade🤫, we are talking about Faedo here. I am not the one silly enough to do Homeopathy on plants or with bracelets 😂😂😂.
@jesusaguilarandrade 3 күн бұрын
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Oh, siempre atacando a las personas y nunca dando argumentos de nada porque no tienes nada que aportar.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 3 күн бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradeso what did you contribute to biomedical engineering?
@jesusaguilarandrade 3 күн бұрын
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Qué curioso, ante habías dicho que yo era un "técnico de mantenimiento" y ahora preguntas por la ingeniería biomédica. Yo estoy esperando sobre tus contribuciones a la ciencia y siempre guardas silencio ante eso. ¿Qué sucede, no hay ninguna contribución tuya hacia la odontología? 🤔
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 10 күн бұрын
Homeopathic agronomist: Planty, planty, how do you feel with this root rot? Tell me everything for half an hour. I will consult my proving book to find a match. 😂😂😂
@jesusaguilarandrade 4 күн бұрын
Oh, el trol de nuevo que no sabe nada de agro homeopatía y cree que a las plantas se les "interroga" como si fueran humanos. Pobrecillo, nunca tienes argumentos.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 3 күн бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandrade LOL, I know they don't because you can't, in which case it isn't Homeopathy, just like you complained that Homeopathy bracelets aren't. Somehow you have no issues with the definition here 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.
@jesusaguilarandrade 3 күн бұрын
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Pero entonces estamos de acuerdo que tus delirios sobre supuestos "brazaletes homeopáticos" son eso y nada más, igual que los comentarios en la página de Ars Technica. 😹
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 3 күн бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradeso why are bracelets not Homeopathy but agro Homeopathy is still Homeopathy? How can you call it a remedy without proving and patient interview? Very hypocritical 😂.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 3 күн бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradelooks like the only valid requirement is if people can be scammed on scale. Bracelet scamming is not scalable, so not Homeopathy. But Agro Homeopathy can scam on scale, so valid.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 10 күн бұрын
Placebos for farmers 😂😂😂😂😂. Homeopathy exploring new grift markets. 😂😂
@jesusaguilarandrade 4 күн бұрын
¿Y las pruebas de que son "placebos"? ¿dónde están? ¿en los hilos de X? 😂
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 3 күн бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandrade Jesus Andrade, multi account Homeopathy Astroturfing expert of: Shifting the Burden. 😂
@jesusaguilarandrade 3 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k¿Cuáles cuentas? Solo has mencionado un montón de delirios pero ya se sabe que eres SimStar el trol. ¿Qué sucede, no puedes refutar mi estudio de casi 1 500 páginas? 😮
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 12 күн бұрын
Scientists actually call it a null field. That means they agree its so stupid it should be regarded as the reference standard of fake science. Sigurdson, Matthew K., Kristin L. Sainani, and John PA Ioannidis. "Homeopathy can offer empirical insights on treatment effects in a null field." Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 155 (2023): 64-72.
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
😂 ¿Los científicos? Hombre, con ese umbral te cargas las estatinas y la psicología conductual como "campo nulo". 😂
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 2 күн бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradesounds good to me.
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k Oh, ¿entonces estás diciendo que lo hace Lillienfield Scott es "pseudociencia"? 😂
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 20 сағат бұрын
​​@@jesusaguilarandradethere is a difference between fields with bad research like psychology and only pseudoscience like Homeopathy 😂. Man, you keep a list of every person who ever said anything against your homeo religion. 🫢. I never even heard of him. FYI, I have never seen a single talk from CSI ever. You see, no one in science thinks of Homeopathy as a science, not just a bunch of CSI guys and a few philosophers, as you imagine.
@jesusaguilarandrade 19 сағат бұрын
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Los demarcaQuacks no cuentan. 😮‍💨
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 18 күн бұрын
The solution to reducing antibiotic use is to prescribe them less, not promoting scam placebos like Homeopathy using fake research.
@jesusaguilarandrade 4 күн бұрын
¿Y las pruebas de que son "scam placebos"? 😂
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 19 күн бұрын
Homeopathy's claims are a drop in the sea, A diluted truth, that's hard to see. They're brewing up remedies, with a flawed design, A recipe for disaster, or so it would seem in my mind. Their law of similars is a stretch, a bit of a strain, Like cures like, but the evidence is in vain. It's a fluid concept, always on the move, But when it comes to proof, they're always in the groove. They're watering down the facts, with a thirty-C claim, But Avogadro's limit is the real aim. Their potencies are a numbers game, But the only thing they're curing is their own fame. It's a placebo effect, a clever ruse, Patients are feeling better, but it's just a clever excuse. The regulators are asleep, or so it would seem, While homeopathy's pseudoscience is the real scheme. They're milking the system, with taxpayer's gold, Funding studies that are flawed, from the start to the fold. It's a homeopathic hoax, a drop of deceit, Leaving patients high and dry, with a diluted treat
@jesusaguilarandrade 5 күн бұрын
😂 Y sigues sin aportar pruebas ni argumentos, solo das opiniones o tonterías ya refutadas desde hace 10 años o más.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 4 күн бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradewonderful display of: Shifting the Burden tactic.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 4 күн бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandrade I bet Shifting the Burden is a core skill taught in HRI's Astroturfing for Homeopathy course 😂.
@jesusaguilarandrade 4 күн бұрын
@user-pg3iq5ro5k ¿Cuál curso? 🤔 Estás chiflado.
@jesusaguilarandrade 4 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k 😂 No 🤡, simplemente no quieres leer las fuentes porque no te gusta si son a favor de la Homeopatía. Si es una revista de homeopatía dices que no las lees porque las consideras "basura". Pero no dices nada de que Ernst publicaba en ese tipo de revistas (y fue parte del panel editorial de Homeopathy hasta que lo despidieron por difamador). Si no son revistas de homeopatía tampoco las lees porque te pones a atacar con difamaciones e insultos a los autores o eres un racista y xenofobico que sales a decir, o simplemente te dedicas a apelar a la falacia de autoridad. Eres un mezquino, ruin y psicópata.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 24 күн бұрын
Valuable contribution of Homeopathy as noted by Stanford. Its a good benchmark for idiot science, says Stanford 😂. Sigurdson, Matthew K., Kristin L. Sainani, and John PA Ioannidis. "Homeopathy can offer empirical insights on treatment effects in a null field." Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 155 (2023): 64-72.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 24 күн бұрын
This is precisely what Ernst and Randi mean by death of Homeopathy. Now it's dead body is being dissected for science. 😂
@jesusaguilarandrade 24 күн бұрын
😂 Acabas de mencionar un estudio que demuestra que la Homeopatía supera al efecto placebo, pero los autores niegan sus propios datos con base a que creen que "debe ser producto de un sesgo". 😂
@jesusaguilarandrade 24 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k En mi estudio de casi 1 500 páginas de hecho cité a Ernst, Randi y mencioné el estudio de Ioannidis et al. Lo cómico es que el mismo Ioannidis tiene otro estudio con Walach en el cual mencionan que apenas un 10% de tratamientos médicos tienen sustento con base a las Cochrane de alta calidad. 😹
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 24 күн бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandrade That means modern medicine also needs to dump a lot of junk treatments. That doesn't mean anything in Homeopathy works.
@jesusaguilarandrade 24 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k Esto significa que Ioannidis, un autor bastante mencionado casualmente por Lenny, ha demostrado que la Homeopatía supera al efecto placebo. 😉
@jesusaguilarandrade 25 күн бұрын
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Es un trol multicuentas, racista y xenófobo el cual anteriormente se hacía llamar "SimStar". Este sujeto lo único que hace es descalificar, usar la falacia de autoridad según le convenga y hasta usa fuentes contradictorias entre sí. Este trol también es parte de los minions del blog de Edzard Ernst. Y es uu fanático sin ninguna calificación científica en nada.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 25 күн бұрын
Mr. Jesus Andrade argued for the last several years using multiple accounts about Homeopathy. When I identified him as Purr Cheeze, he starts lumping me with every other person he ever argued with online. 😂 He wrote a 1500 page manifesto defending homeopathy. I am not so obsessed. 😂 He is not even a Homeopath, just some random maintenance tech from Mexico. He needs therapy. 😢
@jesusaguilarandrade 25 күн бұрын
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 👆😹 Ay, ahora resulta que también eres un experto en salud mental. Qué pena, te dejaron muy traumado en tu otra cuenta que ahora ves en todos lados a "Purr". 😂 Lo más penoso es que de mi estudio de casi 1 500 páginas ni de cerca podrías refutarlo, viendo las maromas mentales que te avientas en cada comentario. En menos tiempo que "Purr" te pude exponer.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 25 күн бұрын
Mr. Jesus, the maintenance man, fantasizes himself duelling with Edzard Ernst, a famed professor. Mr. Jesus Andrade is a modern day Don Quixote, Edzard Ernst is the sorcerer who he will never actually meet, and I am just the windmill that gets attacked. 🙄
@jesusaguilarandrade 25 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k Pero ya tuve un intercambio con Edzard Ernst y me baneó de su blog. 😂 Por lo menos Edzard sabe lo que es la falacia de autoridad y admite, a regañadientes, que hay estudios de alta calidad en homeopatía. Qué pena por ti.
@jesusaguilarandrade 25 күн бұрын
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Qué pena, hay ya cada vez más estudios sobre el tema. Muy vergonzoso para los activistas "escépticos".
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
Tony, can you please study the "probiotic effects" of the Shipwreck remedy? Its a totally legit Homeopathic medicine 😂.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
Tony's next paper: Shipwreck remedy is a potent Barnacle Growth Factor 😂😂😂😂😂😂.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
@@user-pg3iq5ro5k ¿Y por qué haría eso? ¿También los "brazaletes homeopáticos"? ¿en dónde queda lo de Venkatraman? 🤡
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandrade Homeopathy: Study suggests dangerous drug interactions between shipwreck remedy and cannon ball remedy 😮.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
@@user-pg3iq5ro5k Hombre, se nota que no tienes nada qué hacer, mejor leer esto: 'The parents reported that the child intermittently wore a handmade “homeopathic magnetic hematite healing bracelet” that they had purchased from an artisan at a local fair (Figure). The bracelet was described as “homeopathic,” but homeopathic products are, by definition, regulated drugs and so nondrug items, such as bracelets, cannot be homeopathic.'
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
​​​​@@jesusaguilarandrademaybe in Mexico. In US, it's sugar and alcohol. So it's regulated as something nobody needs to bother if it works. They just make sure it's not poisoning people. Homeopathic remedies are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act). They are subject to registration, labeling, and manufacturing standards, but do not require clinical trials or proof of efficacy. The FDA exempts homeopathic remedies from certain requirements, such as laboratory confirmation of active ingredients and evidence of efficacy.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
Wow, Homeopathy is sure touchy when someone brings up alternative Homeopathy like Positive Homeopathy, Electro Homeopathy, Homeopathic pendants and bracelets. But I thought Homeopaths love Shifting the Burden to, if it isn't refuted, it might be true logic. No one refuted any of this. There are alternative "medicine" standards even Homeopathy quacks get upset about 😂.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
Lo que pasa es que a charlatanes como usted les molesta haber quedado en ridículo al creer que hay "brazaletes homeopáticos". Y de tus propias fuentes fue fácil desmentirte. 😂
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
​​@@jesusaguilarandradeCharlatan? I don't sell anything 😂. Especially not Homeopathic bracelets. 😂
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandrade As reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a 9-month-old baby contracted acute lead poisoning because she was given what was referred to as a “homeopathic magnetic hematite healing bracelet” by her parents after they purchased it at a local market in Manchester, Connecticut. Proponents of alternative therapies - which are definitely not medicines in any shape of form - have sometimes brought up magnetic materials as examples of objects that have healing properties. This is as legitimate as saying that rubbing a cat on your forehead has healing properties. This bracelet was one of those fallacious things. It was reportedly given to the child to wear as a teething aid, and she was known to chew on it regularly. The problem with this is that this rust-rich bracelet also appeared to contain plenty of lead, which is quite dangerous to ingest. Levels exceeding 5 micrograms per deciliter of blood - basically, a very small amount - are considered to be abnormal. The toddler had more than eight times that amount.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k Venkatraman: "se diluye hasta que no queda nada". CDC: "hay brazaletes homeopáticos". 😂
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandrade Homeopaths: Here, dilute this ship wreck. It totally checks out in "provings" 😂
@happierabroad Ай бұрын
If it works on plants and animals, then it's not placebo. Very simple.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 18 күн бұрын
It doesn't. Those are just trash papers to fool silly users 😂.
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k ¿Y dónde está tu evaluación de que son articulos "basura"? 🤔
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 20 сағат бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradesimple, take the journal name, ask any 5 professors in the field if they heard of it. If 4 say, never heard of it, it's a junk journal. In this case, ask any veterinary medicine professors.
@jesusaguilarandrade 19 сағат бұрын
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 🫢 Así que piensas que el mundo real es como en Twitter.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 5 сағат бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradeyou still think in terms of vitalism 😂. Some education you guys are getting 😂.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
10 years of pretend research and pretend results 😂. So far not a single Homeopathy concept or remedy has been scientifically proven. 😅 This is obviously no exception.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
¿Y ya encontraste los "brazaletes homeopatícos"? 😹
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandrade yes, CDC did 😂.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandrade they can do 10 years of research on CDC's Homeopathic bracelets and report "advances" 😂.
@jesusaguilarandrade 25 күн бұрын
@@user-pg3iq5ro5k El mismo CDC que te contradice en un erratum. 🤡
@jesusaguilarandrade 25 күн бұрын
@@user-pg3iq5ro5k El CDC que dice que se equivocaron. 😹
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
"Cutting edge" and "research" are oxymorons in Homeopathy. 😂
@jesusaguilarandrade 4 күн бұрын
¿Y por qué te enojas? 😂
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
For Homeopathy, N of 1 implies justifying anecdotes as evidence. Homeopathy isn't personalized medicine, it is personalized fantasy.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
@@user-pg3iq5ro5k N1 es un diseño de ensayo que se usa también en alopátia, y en especial para casos de enfermedades raras y con poca prevalencia. Pero como eres un trol que ignoras las cosas, no se puede esperar más.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandrade what Allopathy? Allopathy is only a delusion of Homeopathy.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k Claro, debe ser cierto porque lo dice un trol sin estudios, que se abre multicuentas para hostigar y que además cree que los diseños de los ensayos N of 1 solo se usan en homeopatía.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 12 күн бұрын
​​@@jesusaguilarandrade that's not what I say Mr. Troll previously known as Purr Cheeze. It's what anyone who knows science says. Science does not call medicine Allopathy. It's Homeopaths and other fake doctors who promote it as a "pathy" to make their own scam look legit.
@jesusaguilarandrade 4 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k 😂 Pero si el mismo Instituto Nacional del Cáncer en los USA habla de alopátia, hasta Shang et al en su meta análisis lo hicieron. Te traumas mucho por un adjetivo que ya está demasiado insertado en la sociedad y crees que con tus quejas sin sentido de la noche a la mañana dejara de decirse o usarse. Ridículo.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
Hey Tony, I got an actual study idea for you. Do a survey to find out what percentage of homeopathy users know what 200C actually is. Do you think you can handle that?
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
Ya, quieres hacer el reto del Center for Inquiry de que si a un usuario de la homeopatía le "explicas" que es una 200CH con números, debería supuestamente "dejar de usarla". Es un truco viejo de manipulación que se desvanece en cuanto al usuario le explicas que hay estudios científicos. Por eso los charlatanes del CFI siempre eluden mencionar los estudios. Suerte para la próxima.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandrade I just said almost no Homeopathy users know how ridiculous it is. Most people also think that if it's in a pharmacy, it's FDA approved. The manipulative part is lying that scientific studies support Homeopathy, when all such studies are in fact unscientific trash.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5kNo tiene que ver si está aprobado por la FDA con si los que la usan saben qué es una CH. ¿Y dónde está la prueba de que todos los científicos que apoyan la Homeopatía "son basura"? Anda, pasa la referencia. ¿Acaso no existe más que en tu imaginación?
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradescience in those marketing papers exists only in your imagination.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
@user-pg3iq5ro5k No sabía que los artículos revisados por pares son "artículos de márketing". Quizá en tu imaginación lo son.
@juwelmd4811 Ай бұрын
Well ❤
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
Where are you going? Round and round in circles. 220 years. Zero factual data produced so far.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
@@user-pg3iq5ro5k ¿Y tus fuentes?
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradeexactly. No source for anything verified from homeopathy. Name one that FDA considers a fact.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
@@user-pg3iq5ro5k ¿Y dónde está la referencia de la FDA "refutando" a la Homeopatía?
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandrade Read what I wrote again. Nothing in Homeopathy is considered a medicine by FDA. FDA refuting Homeopathy would be like FDA refuting pixie dust.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
@user-pg3iq5ro5k La FDA solo tiene jurisdicción en USA. En Europa es considerada un medicamento, te guste o no. En México como Colombia, Chile, Cuba y Brasil también. ¿En dónde queda la FDA ahí?
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
Cool pose Antonio, on the thumbnail. You look just like a TV scientist. Terrible science, but cool pose, very sharp looking.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
¿Y cuándo piensas compartir tus asombrosos artículos publicados en revistas científicas por pares? ¿por qué evades todo esto?
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradeAmazing articles have already been written by real scientists, and they show that homeopathy is just a placebo. Antonio is not one of them. But don't tell him yet. He needs to feel good for a few more years.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k Vaya, vaya, ¿y cuáles son esos "sorprendentes artículos" de los que hablas? A ver, pero no valen hilos de Twitter, blog de tus ídolos. Necesito las fuentes en revistas por pares. Anda, te espero.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandrade I only gave you peer reviewed articles. I never gave you blogs or twitter threads. I can't settle all your internet issues here.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k Pero te estoy preguntando: ¿qué artículos sobre el tema has publicado? ¿qué formación académica tienes y dónde se puede consultar? ¿cuálds son los "sorprendentes artículos que demuestran que no funciona"? Anda, haz el intento.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
Summary: 100% nonsense that has 0% chance of being replicated by any credible scientists. Only presentable to homeopaths who clap if they hear latin words.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
¿Y quién es un "científico creíble"? ¿Edzard Ernst? No me hagas reír.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradeWow, you really are the official PR monitor for this channel. No comment escapes you. Good job. I recommend Mr. Jesus Andrade for a raise.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradelike most of them in top ranked universities of the world, minus a few wacky ones here and there. I don't know why you are fixated on that one guy. No trauma dumping please.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k Oye, trol, si no inventas que soy tal o cuál, ahora también inventas que supuestamente soy de "relaciones públicas" de esta página. Te ves ridículo.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
@@user-pg3iq5ro5k ¿Y tus artículos publicados en revistas científicas?
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
Oh I get it, he is Mexican Chikramane to fool Latin Americans. 😂
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
Hola, "SimStar", ¿cuántas multicuentas llevas haciendo para difamar, acosar y hostigar, eh?
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandrade What a weird thing to say Purr Cheeze. I should be asking that question.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
@@jesusaguilarandrade I never harassed anyone like your enemies who you claim bothered you at home. I talk science and call out fake science that exploits the innocent. I am not a manipulative post modern hack.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
@user-pg3iq5ro5k No lo sé, he visto que con tu cuenta de SimStar asegurabas que el/la tal Purr era de India o Brasil. Parece que no te pones de acuerdo.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k He visto tus comentarios en varios sitios y solo te dedicas al insulto, la descalificación y a repetir un conjunto de declaraciones de algunas entidades gubernamentales o académicas, sin mencionar lo que dicen las que te contradicen.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
Wanna bet that Oceanographers quietly laughed at this study and promptly ignored it? 😂
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
Pues tú dirás, en Google Scholar sus estudios aparecen citados varias veces. Así que lo de que fue "ignorando" sólo es una afirmación tuya sin base alguna.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
​​@@jesusaguilarandradeand which of those citations are in respectable and well known journals? It's not much if a bunch of homeopaths and a Spanish thesis cite you, as was your case.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Es super llamativo que no argumentas ni refutas nada, solo te limitas a la descalificación, el insulto vulgar y menoscabar trabajos que ni siquiera lees.
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Qué raro, hace unas semanas estabas seguro de que mis artículos no existían, luego cambiaste a que supuestamente nadie me había citado. Y ahora me sales con que "solo lo hacen homeópatas y tesis en españa". Es muy curioso cómo cada que te refutan, estiras tus tonterías al grado de que jamás te retractas.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandrade I never said a vulgar word. I spoke the truth, which hurts and you consider that vulgar.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
Summary: Mazon does not know how to do science. 😂 Mexican Benveniste. Only this time, nobody cares except desperate homeopaths. 😂
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
Su trabajo se encuentra publicado en varias revistas científicas, en español o inglés, por pares. Mientras que de tu parte las publicaciones son 0.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
@jesusaguilarandrade strange. Both Indian and Mexican Homeopathy promoters abruptly forget English when talking to me. 🤷
@jesusaguilarandrade Ай бұрын
@user-pg3iq5ro5k No vale la pena hablar ingles con un trol, tu redacción es muy mala.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
@@jesusaguilarandrade every teacher at a university has "publications". Whether they are worth anything is a different matter. 5 million papers per year. Not even 1% of those are useful.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
Exactly 0% of homeopathy defense papers are valid science. But that's difficult for people who never studied science properly to grasp.
@j.villar6782 3 ай бұрын
Obcology is Nulti billion dolar business that kills the patience. Any integrative approach is rejected, rediculized, persecuted for the Pharma Nafia that promite those destructive treatments. Chimio therapy is a Crime, Radiation is also a crime abd Amputation is an agressive conduct also. Cancer call hundreds of patient every year but Cabcer treatment kills millions. Why would the police work hand in hand with the Criminals to soip the crime?. Homeopathic as any other integrativa Medio cine should be offer to Cancer patientce as an Option, not as band aid. Homeopathy could not be firman that stinguish the Fire caused by Oncology, that up today , after more than 50 years is still the secobd cause of Desth in the workd. Cancer ua not our enemy is modern Oncology.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k Ай бұрын
Can't spell but thinks he knows cancer better 😂.
@jesusaguilarandrade 21 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k No es peor que con tu creencia de que la homeopatía son "brazaletes homeopatícos". 🤡
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 12 күн бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradeit's no funnier than Ship Wreck remedy in Homeopathy. 😂
@jesusaguilarandrade 4 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k Pero ese remedio no se valida en ninguna Farmacopea oficial. Así que otra vez perdiste, charlatán.
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 4 күн бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradeno homeo quack remedy is validated in any official pharmacopoeia 😂😂😂. Only in quack pharmacopoeias of Homeopathy 😂.
@franciscosaavedra5848 4 ай бұрын
La homeopatía ha sido muy criticada, pero las críticas más frecuentes proceden de personas que no tienen la menor idea de lo que es; y su juicio se basa en la ingenuidad. Con el nuevo enfoque de la homeopatía basado en la evidencia, gracias al descubrimiento de la memoria del agua por el Dr. Gerald H. Pollack de la Universidad de Washington en Seattle, por fin los homeópatas pueden explicar con pruebas el mecanismo de acción de sus medicamentos y por qué utilizan dosis infinitesimales. kzbin.info/www/bejne/q3baip-cmtCCf7s
@moritzulrich2168 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for the presentation!
@Gokulkan. 5 ай бұрын
@shadowfiend3911 5 ай бұрын
Allopathy is trying to eliminate homeopathy because its stealing there money think about that homeopathy can cure many diseases that are buisness in allopathy such as eczema psoriasis asthma etc
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 12 күн бұрын
Let me guess, you are from India and Homeopaths and Astrologers have totally fooled you 😂.
@Theaurumproject 5 ай бұрын
Excellent work
@Cap6432 6 ай бұрын
Yo this simstar guys whole life is being a critic to the homeopathy. Keep trying and crying nigga
@nishatnowrin6761 6 ай бұрын
Amazing ❤❤❤
@bishwanathacharjee1272 7 ай бұрын
@joalexsg9741 7 ай бұрын
I've seen the blessing it has been in my life in my own body but thank you so much for this most valuable video! Shared, giving the due thumbs-up for sure!!
@RoadrunnerCoyote 7 ай бұрын
Must be homeopathic researchers 😂😂
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 18 күн бұрын
The usual suspects 😂.
@shadowfiend3911 7 ай бұрын
Its not placebo it is advance science
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 12 күн бұрын
It's called pseudoscience. Advance.... LOL 😂.
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 күн бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k ¿Y la prueba de que es una "pseudociencia"? ,🤔
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 20 сағат бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradebecause there is no proof it's a science 🙄. Like Astrology.
@jesusaguilarandrade 19 сағат бұрын
​@@user-pg3iq5ro5k Los negacionistas de la homeopatía y Wikiquacks con multicuentas como SimStar VT no cuentan. 😮‍💨
@user-pg3iq5ro5k 58 минут бұрын
​@@jesusaguilarandradetell me of some trustworthy source who did count. 😮
@autoazure 8 ай бұрын
Quackary Central!
@Gustav0079884hfkfg 9 ай бұрын
This 2019 systematic review evaluated several technologies that identified the energy of homeopathic medicines beyond Avogadro's limit: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31290681/ Results: The 134 publications analyzed reported on a total of 203 experiments (Fig. 1). The majority of experiments (72% - 147 experiments) reported findings in line with the notion that homeopathic preparations are different from the controls used (Table 1), (A total of 192 different substances were investigated). In other words, science identified the spiritual energy of medicines, as Hannehman taught. The great geniuses of humanity are only recognized after a long time. Now science needs to discover the human spirit!
@Gustav0079884hfkfg 7 ай бұрын
The link is ok, you even read and copied it. Anyway, the name of the systematic review is: "Physicochemical Investigations of Homeopathic Preparations: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis-Part 2". You forgot to copy the full text: "The most promising techniques used so far are nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation, optical spectroscopy, and electrical impedance measurements. In these three areas, several sets of replicated high-quality experiments provide evidence for specific physicochemical properties of homeopathic preparations." In other words: they identified the subtle energy of homeopathic medicines. Again: "The 134 publications analyzed reported on a total of 203 experiments (Fig. 1). The majority of experiments (72%) reported findings in line with the notion that homeopathic preparations are different from the controls used (Table 1). "
@jesusaguilarandrade 2 ай бұрын
Bueno, en realidad no detectaron "energía espiritual" sino cambios estructurales en el disolvente. Esto no se debe a energías místicas, sino a energía física. La cuestión que hace falta es desvelar la magnitud de esas señales.
@padmashreehomeoclinic2885 9 ай бұрын
It really works...