Artist John Akomfrah on migration
@rizwanafaheem7666 2 күн бұрын
@paulkaiser8834 3 күн бұрын
Terrible. The inauthenticity reeks.
@TrustyIOM 5 күн бұрын
i've seen high schoolers make better looking art
@anaemiczombie 6 күн бұрын
@davidmagalhaes2182 11 күн бұрын
Roger should have played more bad guys. He was always great.
@mjjames2442 13 күн бұрын
Just the coolest guy and ever the work is astonishing
@yvonnemaiden4640 13 күн бұрын
Beautiful work…🤍🤍🤍
@ohsomarvalus4712 14 күн бұрын
@audioeins 16 күн бұрын
PS- and that is to say nothing of the experience of in my very personal opinion, having a world renown 'influential' associate of the staedelschule, while i was a 'student / student employee' there for 4 years, while doing everything i could to manage a painful permanent physical condition and non negotiable much needed ongoing physical disciplined physical therapy, minimal carefully independently paced lifestyle, etc, feel it was their place to 'diagnose' (as a completely unqualified uncertified untrained practitioner) a psychological condition including 'autism' and 'clinical depression' and 'bipolar disorder', and 'suggest' prescribed medication, as well as intervene in the personal marital relationship, family, and other personal matters of an adult 42 year old (that obviously would effect whether or not i was available to work as an 'employee or apprentice', while he himself undergoing what was in my personal opinion, a very serious chemical / alcohol dependency crisis (much of the reason why i declined working for any associates studios for any reason), while what seemed or to be or in my personal opinion a serious mental / physical state that might have very well benefitted from serious psychological / medical treatment, while lying to even oneself, as well as 'loved ones' about binges, unhinged consecutive day intoxication, etc. all of which in my personal opinion was knowingly covered up, enabled, ignored, or protected by the 'netzwerk' that seemingly in my opinion loves the unraveling of their artists as part of the entertainment sh*t show circus, nor to say nothing of the what was VERY MUCH IN MY PERSONAL OPINION, a princess nazi kraut joy division psycho trauma style narcissistic abuse, temptation, manipulation to try to influence, control, obstruct, my life in any such irresponsible / non committed / unaccountable way as personal, professional, academic, or otherwise. that, for sure and without question, has me feeling a personal opinion of absolute knowing, especially in a leveraged circumstance of being a visa dependent student / graduate / person in a foreign country where i did not even speak the language fluently.
@audioeins 16 күн бұрын
My name is Alan B Richmond Jr (formerly Brock-Richmond) as a former student of the staedelschule who was there at the same time as anna was there, let me just say that i honestly could not care less and the only reason why i am even writing this comment is because this post appeared on my youtube stream, and i find the whole anne imhof situation almost laughable, if not sad. laughable, because in my personal opinion its the same old german deliberately awkward kippenberger style self absorbed post modernism that the germans are seemingly notorious for, especially post world war 2, and sad because it is my personal opinion that the schizophrenic psychotic characterization that the 'art world' loves from its 'darlings', as well as the in my personal opinion completely unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, excessive alcohol, intoxicants, etc, as well as simply the sort of public disorientation of its artists, is something that the art world expects, if not creates / manifests, so that the 'normal' mild mannered 'responsible' regular job holding public can vicariously live the craziness via exhibitions and 'works' from such artists. i do not wish anne ill will, but it is my first person experience of 4 years in frankfurt germany at the staedelschule, and all its 'associates', that the environment is not one of health, fitness, wellness, care, nor stability, which is exactly why i chose NOT to work in a studio of a schule 'associate', even if it in my personal opinion meant ruthless vindictive backlashing, discontinued support from the 'netzwerk', and a ticket back to the USA (where since 2014 or so, i have strangely been harassed, stalked, assaulted, violated in nearly every aspect of personal life and 'privacy', etc, often times with the schule or its associates or professors or the artwork associated with my studies there, are directly mentioned or referenced, including during aforementioned stress, abuse, harassment, etc. also, it is my personal opinion that the lifestyle and its associated aspects, ages people prematurely, physically, mentally, spiritually, and even creatively, until many, unless invested in so heavily that they can basically do no wrong nor fall very far, because the investors would not allow for such financial losses and detriment to their 'stocks'. Otherwise,in my personal opinion, the unhinged unraveling of ones life in the public eye is part of the sh*t show circus and entertainment. one very telling indicator for me was when i first arrived at the staedelschule with a severe medical condition and preceded by years of costly, painful, arduous, disciplined, continues procedures, treatments, therapy, and careful routines, was the amount of smokers at the staedelschule, and i even laughed with 'friends and family' while complaining / noting that in class or during critiques, which included well known professors ashing accidentally but careless onto students paperworks from their lit cigarettes, was the obvious blatant mimicry of many students pulling out their cigarettes and lighting them as soon as the professor did, with 'marching band' type cadence, and without missing a beat. it was hilarious to me, until i finally started lighting cloves oe cigarettes as well because the sour stench and taste of unavoidable clouds of second hand smoke was unbearable compared to the first person taste (especially clove Indonesian cigarettes, which helped 'mask' the smell somewhat, and smell of joining the poisoning act. anyway, thats all my opinion, which means nothing because i am OUT of the loop and netzwerk, and as the second oldest student there at the time of study 'and the continuous work, research, inquiry, and development that was in my opinion 'influencing' if not blatantly copied by or stolen by various associates there, i was obviously way too old to even be considered for anything beyond assistant or influential association / involvement, partially compensated if and when not leveraged and coerced, to any myriad number of schule associates / affiliates of any kind and at any level, somewhat how a whore is expected to service whomever the pimp / john / client, wants serviced, in my very personal opinion :)
@FunkFight1 19 күн бұрын
I wanna hear from Henry now. Does he have a last name? What does she actually give him- besides the ones that are pictures that she found, like the mannequin ones, the spaghettios, and the Alex Katz one from found adverts? In those cases (all of them?), for her to then say the only influence Henry had on the art was choosing the material it was painted on is dishonest. I DO like her statement at the end that we are artists and we can do whatever the fuck we want. That's true and yes there is an art to deciding what is to be painted- like a DJ, but lets also be confident enough to not claim we're doing more than we are.
@milyaa4944 20 күн бұрын
🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 Thank you!
@MSArtist01 24 күн бұрын
Thank you. Inspiring work.
@edwardferry8247 Ай бұрын
The Sacklers look like angels compared to the pandemic engineers
@drobbi Ай бұрын
"our cover star"? Artforum?
@the_gold_canopy Ай бұрын
Saw sis for the first time in a Peaches video. Huge fan. You go girl. 🚬😎🍸
@albertoballocca Ай бұрын
Thank you!! Thank you for exist!!! These words are the heaviest and more truthful heard in the last 31 years. I'm 31 yo by the way.
@inxyblue Ай бұрын
@paulwoodford1984 Ай бұрын
Seems like she still smokes. she has the smokers voice only chain smokers have
@kikeheebchinkjigaboo6631 Ай бұрын
Boring and boring
@gryphonrue Ай бұрын
Great ending, good reminder, thanks Jamian.
@dislikebutton1718 Ай бұрын
Rich kids make good art.
@user-lm7fz3yj5s 2 ай бұрын
@freemeliberty 2 ай бұрын
I already want to know what happens next.
@tomothyfoolery5334 2 ай бұрын
The editing is weird(not good) in this interview.. This interview bugs me… in a good way. Thinking a lot about creation, what makes the artist the artist, should art have soul or purpose etc…… either way i find her incredibly annoying, and Henry incredibly talented
@anonniftian2630 2 ай бұрын
This lady looks like she’s playing a character and guy interviewing her is just as fake
@vanessagumdrop9913 2 ай бұрын
I mean shouldn’t this be Henry’s show he’s the real artist.
@Monochromatic77 2 ай бұрын
This is terrible. It’s like fodder for people who already make fun of modern art. Who buys this garbage? Shes like a Jersey Shore Rauschenberg…
@YOUU-TOUBERR 2 ай бұрын
What a horrible duo
@danrazART 2 ай бұрын
This is the best example of the corruption and hypocrisy of the art world. I have no issue with ordering Chinese food or art from China as long as the real artist is mentioned. She sounds like a bully in school and has narcissistic tendencies. A hole for the money laundering system to dump their trash. And we have people complaining about ai art.
@perditachavez 2 ай бұрын
so the green character in the painting which is the cover of artforum, is stolen from a great artist called Henri Galeron and his picture book titled "Comment chasser un monstre ?"
@paulwoodford1984 Ай бұрын
She has assistants that paint for her as well.
@TheKunstlich 2 ай бұрын
Greatest april fools joke ever! 🤙
@ulyssesishere 2 ай бұрын
i am appalled that she outsourced her paintings… i hope this is not the standard or becoming the standard
@gibberishboner8776 Ай бұрын
and her reason about outsourcing the actual painting from CHINA is "why the fuck not?" and this is her solution for the gallery's supply and demand. What the heck??
@franciskippendorf4903 2 ай бұрын
Is this Artforum or a SNL sketch?
@scum1979 2 ай бұрын
@cedarraine7829 2 ай бұрын
Looks like a random AI mash up
@missinglink9973 2 ай бұрын
she must smoke a lot her voice is trashed. She couldnt ever paint these as good as her man in china .BS if you ask me
@wyndhamfineart1478 2 ай бұрын
If someone in china makes your work, it's not your work.
@Luigibandoni 2 ай бұрын
what a powerhouse this woman
@athorninmyflesh 2 ай бұрын
Good discussion, wish there was more. public vs private persona is a fascinating topic as well as outsourcing painting.
@GuillaumeTouillet 2 ай бұрын
Can we please aknowledge the great service some dragqueens deliver to our world today in 2024, here we have miz cracker, 4 years ago, able to recolt the testimony of John Giorno, some days ago I went to a drag show in Nantes (France), some drag can stand up for all of us, recolt testimonies, make up a real confrontation to raise awarness, concerning problematic politics, problematic narrations in public debates. Recently in france, we have two women, who call themselves ''feminists'' by building their speach on the hate of transgender people, calling their fight for a normal life a ''ideology'', bringing back the same narratives about gay people being perverts, and so on ... the world need more than ever artists, dragqueens, poets ... we need more recognition
@mattreid2463 3 ай бұрын
I watched Wavelength in class and when I went away and wasn't sure if I liked it, and then I just kept thinking about it on the way home. Now I've chosen to write about it, and I really think it's fascinating.
@presterjohn1697 3 ай бұрын
this is so badass
@jopjop5533 3 ай бұрын
It's like a mad dream you might have....brilliant...
@asn5079 3 ай бұрын
Pretty naive and predictable with very awkward amateur deepfakes. OK, like all that kind of movies themselves. But thx for ur effort!
@davidstewart4825 4 ай бұрын
wish the lip sync was better but a brilliant effort..ty..hope to see more ...
@oliverdenker8267 4 ай бұрын
@cragkeeper2655 4 ай бұрын
Needs work
@ArchieAndy27 4 ай бұрын
This is utterly bizarre, I can't look away! Morbidly curious to see the whole film, to see how Lazenby and Dalton turn out. Love how Sir Roger is the consummate gentleman, he has the best line - "it's my reality and unfortunately, you're just living in it" - if only that were true, but how do we know for sure 😅
@miktemk 4 ай бұрын
I would watch a whole 2h film of Roger Moore outclassing everyone else... wait!!! there are 7 actual films with exactly that! :)