chingwa chamazuva ose
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kudya kwamazuva ese
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kudya kwanhasi kwatenderwa naIshe
One Church | Evanglist Chrispen
Takaberekwa zve munaShe Jesu Kristu
Vose vachaponeswa nekutenda
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kutonga kwaka rurama
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Old Testament vs New Testament
The dwelling place of God
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@martinmunyuku70 Күн бұрын
IShoko raMwari
@misheckndlovu1692 Күн бұрын
True Word of God. Amen
@ReubenMatienga-dh9nm Күн бұрын
Pedza verse hama yank
@ReubenMatienga-dh9nm Күн бұрын
Pane pawarashika hama
@Thabo_Modisakeng 22 күн бұрын
This guy watches Chiwenga videos 24 hrs a day.
@mrseriously9762 29 күн бұрын
Amen and amen
@rphlgombakomba Ай бұрын
Chokwadi hacho machurch are different different which is which manje apa kkkk hupatsu hupatsu . Church ngeimwe Ya Jesus Kristu
@shingiswayichikepe4145 Ай бұрын
@BetwellChivumba Ай бұрын
Shoko rinoponesa mweya iri
@Muza-01 2 ай бұрын
Ndinotenda zvokwadi iyi
@memorymakundanyika1461 2 ай бұрын
Iri ndiro shoko rakristu jesu razvokwadi Amen
@mugoveimbayago5537 2 ай бұрын
To separate yourself is to come out of any synagogue you are going to eg Roman Catholic or Methodist and come to the body of Christ that is to be baptized into the church. It is not to dissociate yourself from people physically.
@AtriceMercyZulu 2 ай бұрын
Amen, tinotenda neshoko razvokwadi muvhangeri
@rphlgombakomba 2 ай бұрын
Amen Amen Amen
@rphlgombakomba 2 ай бұрын
Powerful Word
@itaimugwenhi 3 ай бұрын
Chokwadi ichi chinorwadza vazhinji but zviripachena hazvo kuzviramba dzingoriwo nharo zvadzo
@user-up4dj3kz4g 3 ай бұрын
Pane vhangeri remu road rekudeedza vanhu kuimba yamwari kana vauya mozovapa certain teachings. Izvi hazvitendeutsi vanhu. It’s a teaching for an already saved congregation
@FunnyAtom-hf7og 4 ай бұрын
Amen ,munhu wa Mwari batai shoko ,shoko renyu ndere zvokwadi
@mobilitymasara2423 5 ай бұрын
Amen Mweya wangu watenda
@Hamainyoka 5 ай бұрын
@Gloria-s4v 5 ай бұрын
He is developing a cult
@MunyaradziKavhu-zw8cu 6 ай бұрын
@EnniahJaya 6 ай бұрын
Yaaah vanhu roorai sure Ngoni...Isaiah..Shawn.....😊😊😊
@tavongagamunorwa6140 6 ай бұрын
Amen ... .ndarinzwa shoko iri
@mitchellematanda3649 6 ай бұрын
Saka musanyepera vanhu baba imi
@mitchellematanda3649 6 ай бұрын
Ko Poul akanga aripo here paka bhabhatidzwa Ishe Jesu kana iye Peter akanga asipo Endrew ndiye chete aivepo
@tapiwanashebanditi5984 7 ай бұрын
When i listen to this man, i see a man full of zeal , He is also a testimony that all other ministers like the evangelist he claims to be, need an apostle in their ministry because he is just plagerising what Apostle TF always preached from as far as 2015/2016 just to deceive those that do not listen to Apostle’s messages, ingauya kuJRM tidzidze , its very evident that you listen to apostle
@aspinassengwe9743 2 ай бұрын
Yes he listens to Apostle TF😂😂😂 ngangotendeuka kwete kuda kunyeperanyepera ....There is no an evengelist without an apostolic assignment
@stonemuk 7 ай бұрын
45mins 😮
@aaronndlara8402 8 ай бұрын
SHOKO razvokwadi kurambana chivi uyu kuroora mukadzi wepiri ruchiva
@rosemhindurwa4982 8 ай бұрын
Chokwadi chakazara
@TheSojourner_Sydney 9 ай бұрын
Paul akatorasa chiJewish when he was made an apostle. There is nothing Jewish About the apostleship of Paul to Gentiles.
@stelladzviti 10 ай бұрын
Muripi mufundisi isayi mharidzo
@EnniahJaya 6 ай бұрын
Harare paDenmark on Sunday....then Monday to Friday Kuna first street pagomba
@stelladzviti 10 ай бұрын
Where's new ones
@stelladzviti 11 ай бұрын
Tinodavo new summons please
@ngwenyabuthoe001 11 ай бұрын
U evangelist Chambwera u tshumayela iqiniso
@anesuzimondi9364 11 ай бұрын
@tatendacostantinenyikadzin7741 11 ай бұрын
I would need to meet this man, Mwari deno vatibatsira: murume arikuminanisa magwaro uyu🤗
@ludehndorff4thchannel305 11 ай бұрын
@stonemuk Жыл бұрын
KJV Isaiah 8:20 20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
@chiefmagocha3346 Жыл бұрын
Great word the truth shall set us free Thank you muvhangeri
@martinmunyuku70 Жыл бұрын
IShoko raMwari
@chiefmagocha3346 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Church in Zimbabwe the truth shall set us all free
@ashrafghanem9415 Жыл бұрын
I would like to share some verses of the Quran in which God describes Himself. For clarification, Allah is the Arabic name of the one and only god, the Creator. It is also the name of God in Aramaic, the language of Jesus pbuh, and it is with this name that Jesus addressed God. Quran (2:255) “Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the All-Sustaining. Neither slumber overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them; while they grasp nothing of His knowledge, except what He wills. His Kursiyy (Chair) encompasses the Heavens and the Earth, and their preservation does not tire Him. He is the All-High, the Supreme. (2:256) Let there be no compulsion in religion, for the truth stands out clearly from falsehood, so whoever renounces false gods and believes in Allah has certainly grasped the firmest, unfailing handhold. And Allah is The All-Hearing, All-Knowing”. (2:257) Allah is the Ultimate Guardian of those who have attained faith; He brings them out of the darkness(es) into the light, while those who have denied-their guardians are the false masters; they bring them out of the light into the darkness(es) . Those are the fellows of the Fire; therein they abide. Chapter 112 of the Quran In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. Say: “He is Allah, the One and Only; Allah the Besought by all, needing none. He begot no one nor was He begotten, and never has there been to Him anyone equivalent.” Quran (2:186) “And when My servants ask you, concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided. Chapter 19 (Mary) 88-98 88 And they say, "The Most Merciful has begotten a son." 89 You have certainly made an outrageous claim, 90 The heavens almost rupture therefrom and the earth split open and the mountains collapse in devastation 91 That they attribute to the Most Merciful a son. 92 And it is not appropriate for the Most Merciful to beget a son. 93 Everyone who is in the Heavens and the Earth will come to The All-Merciful as a servant; 94 He has enumerated them and counted them precisely. 95 Each of them is coming to Him on Resurrection Day individually. 96 As for those who believe and do good, the Most Compassionate will ˹certainly˺ bless them with ˹genuine˺ love. 97 So indeed, We have made it (the Quran) easy in your tongue, that you may give glad tidings to the ones who were mindful (of God) and warn with it a hostile people. 98 And how many a generation have We annihilated before them? Can you feel a single one of them or hear from them the slightest whisper? And Quran (17:110-111) “Say, "Call upon Allah or call upon the Most Merciful [ar-Raḥmān]. Whichever [name] you call - to Him belong the best names." And do not recite [too] loudly in your prayer or [too] quietly but seek between that an [intermediate] way. And say, "Praise to Allah, who has not taken a son and has had no partner in [His] dominion and has no [need of a] protector out of weakness; and glorify Him with [great] glorification."”
@chiefmagocha3346 Жыл бұрын
Sure thing kushaya mukana riri kunditokonyonya nanhas the truth shall set us free thank you muVhangeri
@stanleykudakwashesamakande7028 Жыл бұрын
Uyu murume mutumwa wamwari wechokwad
@laizahmadamombe5646 Жыл бұрын
Shoko mhenyu❤
@chiefmagocha3346 Жыл бұрын
Powerful word May you continue giving us and teach us the truth I have been following your sermons hopping to see the church and be baptized in the true chrch of God
@takuchikovo8565 Жыл бұрын
@takuchikovo8565 Жыл бұрын
Powerful truth shall remain in it's state praise be to the living God in heaven
@martinmunyuku70 Жыл бұрын
IShoko raMwari